To prevent the cat's eyes from watering. What to do if a cat has brown liquid flowing from its eye - causes and treatment

Most cat owners have experienced their pet's eyes watering in one or both eyes. For some breed cats, for example, for Persian and Sphynx, this phenomenon is the norm, but in other pets, increased lacrimation may signal the presence of a certain illness.

A cat's eyes are an indicator of its health. A healthy pet's eyes are clear and wide open.

Any uncharacteristic discharge from the cat’s eyes and increased lacrimation should alert the owner, since such symptoms most often indicate a latent course of the disease. So why does a cat start to water in one or both eyes at once? You can learn about the causes of excessive tearing and treatment methods below.

Why do my cat's eyes water when lacrimation is considered normal?

Only a veterinarian can determine the exact cause of excessive lacrimation. But a cat’s eye does not always water because of health problems. Fortunately, in most cases, this phenomenon is a physiological norm and owners do not need to worry about the health of their pet. So, why do your eyes water and when can you get by with hygiene procedures?

Excessive tearing is considered normal when a cat's eyes:

As mentioned above, excessive lacrimation is typical for some breed pets. The following cat breeds have watery eyes:

  • Scottish(short lacrimal duct);
  • Persian(curved tear duct, large eyes and long hair lead to irritation of the cornea);
  • Don sphinxes(turning of the eyelids);
  • British(a genetic trait that manifests itself at an early age).

Hygiene procedures for the eyes, which must be carried out regularly, will help solve the problem of excessive tearing in these cases.

The so-called morning tears, which can be noticed in the morning or after your pet wakes up, are also normal. Minor discharge in the corners of the eyes has a whitish tint, without any signs of an inflammatory process. The secreted tears help get rid of these secretions and, as a rule, the lacrimation goes away immediately after complete cleansing. Hair ingress can also cause your pet's watery eyes.

Excessive lacrimation is considered normal in newborn kittens a week after opening their eyes. Kittens' tears perform a protective function. In this case, the tears should not be viscous, but liquid and transparent.

Why your pet's eyes water: pathological reasons

Any pathological causes of excessive lacrimation should only be addressed after consultation with a veterinarian. It is quite difficult for an inexperienced breeder to independently identify diseases in a pet, the presence of which is indicated by watery eyes.

In addition to intense lacrimation, when examining a cat, the owner should also be alert to the following symptoms:

  • dullness of the eyes;
  • uncharacteristic color of the iris;
  • unusual reaction of the pupil to light or lack thereof;
  • asymmetry of the eyeball or pupils;
  • signs of an inflammatory process (swelling, redness, swelling, discharge of pus, increased body temperature);
  • injury (bruises, bleeding, scratches).

On top of everything else, as a rule, the following problems are added to profuse lacrimation:

The cat squints his eyes and rubs them with his paw. Such a sign may indicate the presence of a foreign object or an allergic reaction in the visual organ.

What to do if your cat has watery eyes: home treatment methods

You can treat a cat at home only after consulting a veterinarian, since it is very difficult to independently determine the exact cause of intense lacrimation in a cat. If the pet behaves calmly and does not show any signs of anxiety, then you can only get by with hygiene procedures. Cleaning and examining your eyes should be done regularly and should begin at an early age. A small kitten cannot take care of its eyes on its own, and to prevent problems from occurring, the owner must clean them himself.

If you suspect that your pet has a disease, then it is better not to do anything on your own, but to immediately take the cat to an appointment with a veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe tests, with the help of which he can determine the exact cause of excessive lacrimation and prescribe competent treatment. Therapy, as a rule, is complex and is selected by a veterinarian individually for each individual case.

Treatment with drugs

Owners do not always have the opportunity to immediately take their cat to a veterinarian. In such cases, you can provide first aid to your pet at home yourself using simple and essentially harmless medications. Solutions with an antiseptic effect will have a good effect, for example, furatsilin (0.2%). You can also use aqueous solutions such as Levomycin, Kanamycin or, which must be dripped into the pet’s eyes, 2-3 drops at least 5 times a day.

To get rid of the problem, you can also use antibiotic-based ointments, which must be applied to the eye area three times a day.

Severe swelling, as a rule, is accompanied by pain, and in such cases it would be advisable to use a solution of novocaine and hydrocortisone. If a foreign object gets into your pet’s eye, it must be removed as quickly as possible. First you need to prepare your pet for this unpleasant procedure and give him an anesthetic injection. Next, you need to use tweezers and a cotton swab, pre-moistened in a solution of sodium chloride (8.5%), to remove the foreign object from the eye, turning the eyelid outward. If you cannot remove the object yourself, then a visit to the veterinarian cannot be avoided. In some of these cases, the cat requires surgery.

Profuse lacrimation caused by an allergic reaction most often goes away on its own if the irritant is identified in a timely manner. Your veterinarian may also prescribe hormonal medications.

Folk remedies and prevention

At home, you can use folk remedies. Will be effective chamomile infusion, which can be prepared in a water bath from flower petals. It is necessary to rinse your pet's eyes with the decoction 2 times a day. Chamomile decoction can be replaced with a light solution of potassium permanganate.

Will help get rid of purulent inflammation decoctions of calendula, sage and St. John's wort. You can make compresses from them and apply them to the eye area several times a day. You can also rinse your pet's visual organs black tea. It is better not to use freshly brewed tea and it is advisable to let it brew and only then use it to make compresses.

For preventive purposes, it is advisable to regularly examine your pet’s eyes for dirt and unusual discharge. You can wipe your eyes and the area around them with cotton swabs previously soaked in herbal infusions.

When is it necessary to visit a veterinarian?

Treating your pet on your own can sometimes lead to an even worsening of the pet's condition. It is not advisable to put off a visit to the veterinarian if:

  • the cat’s eyes begin to water suddenly and the tears continue to flow for more than a day without stopping;
  • lacrimation is accompanied by additional symptoms (lack of appetite, lethargy);
  • in bright light the cat squints;
  • only one eye is watering;
  • tears take on an uncharacteristic shade and become cloudy;
  • after the cat wakes up from sleep, the eyelids stick together due to heavy discharge;
  • lacrimation is caused by a foreign object, which cannot be pulled out on your own.

It is necessary to immediately take your cat to a hospital in the following cases:

  • if the pet’s eyeball is severely injured and its integrity is compromised;
  • there is bleeding;
  • the eyeball falls out;
  • the pet is in a faint or semi-fainting state due to injury to the visual organ or a foreign object entering it;
  • if a foreign object has penetrated deep into the visual organ;
  • lacrimation is accompanied by vomiting, temperature fluctuations and diarrhea.

In this article we will tell you what you need and can do at home if your cat’s eyes begin to water in one or both eyes. Let's look at the causes and concomitant diseases that can cause tearing.

  1. Why do kittens, sphinxes, Scots, and Persians have watery eyes?

Why did my cat's eye start to water?

For various reasons, a cat may have watery eyes in only one eye or both eyes at once.

The eyes of any animal, including cats, react to all kinds of irritants by secreting tear fluid. There can be many reasons for lacrimation, and while some of them are completely harmless, others should be taken seriously.

So, a cat's sleep is accompanied by a slight accumulation of dried liquid in the corners of the eyes and this is of a physiological nature, the consequences of which you do not need to worry about. Upon waking up, the animal will not feel significant discomfort from slightly sour eyes after sleep, and ordinary hygiene measures on the part of the owner can easily eliminate this nuisance.

Diagnose the cause The appearance of tears in cats is possible only as a result of a comprehensive examination, analysis of all clinical symptoms and a full examination.

An important help in this matter is the anamnesis - the cat owner’s story about the change in the animal’s condition, his answers to the veterinarian’s questions and familiarization with the list of vaccinations performed or a statement of their absence.

In some cases, the doctor may take a swab from the cat's eyes and send it to a laboratory to determine the true cause of the disease. For example, for conjunctivitis of various types, different treatment methods are prescribed.

Associated symptoms of watery cat eyes

The reasons that caused this process, as well as the level of complexity of the disease itself, affect the severity of lacrimation:

  • the animal's eyes are slightly swollen, and this is accompanied by slight lacrimation,
  • if the process continues for quite a long time, then hair loss occurs in the eye area and this causes eczema or dermatitis,
  • discharge can change its thickness - from liquid to viscous,
  • the appearance of dried particles in the corners of the eyes,
  • the occurrence of itching, in which the animal rubs the eyes even more and injures them,
  • the conjunctiva turns red and swells,
  • When the disease is advanced, the animal develops a fever, depression and even a fear of light.

Why do kittens' eyes water?

The answer to this question is quite simple: kittens have a rather weak immune system and their body is not able to adequately resist various infectious agents.

The lack of timely vaccinations only exacerbates this process. In addition, worms (helminths) in the kitten's intestines can cause the release of tear fluid or even suppuration in the eye area. That is why kitten eye hygiene should become a daily concern for any owner.

A healthy animal's eyes should always be clean. If this is not the case, then you urgently need to vaccinate the kitten and expel the worms from its body.

Why do the Scots, British, Persians and Sphinxes have watery eyes?

Scottish Folds have watery eyes, mainly because the shape of the Scottish Fold's muzzle is very flattened, and this is why they have narrow tear ducts. Scots also sometimes suffer from entropion of the eyelids, and this is also one of the causes of lacrimation.

British cats, like Scottish cats, have a special skull structure and this negatively affects the length of the nasolacrimal ducts.

Persian cats also have weak nasolacrimal ducts.

Sphinxes quite often have their eyelids turned upside down and this causes them to suffer from lacrimation.

Treatment at home (medicines and folk remedies)

Quite often, after determining the reasons for the appearance of tears in a cat, its owners do not have enough time or funds to provide assistance to their pet in a veterinary clinic. In this case, such assistance can be provided to the animal at home. It is generally accepted that any antiseptic solutions are suitable for this. Furacilin is used as a 0.2% agent.

If the cause of conjunctivitis is a bacteria, then the following will be useful:

  • sofradex,
  • chloramphenicol or
  • kanamycin.

Any of these drugs 5 times a day instilled animal 2-3 drops in each eye.

If you have an ointment containing antibiotics (the most popular is tetracycline ointment), it should be applied three times a day.

If there is significant swelling in the eye area, the cat suffers from pain, and here novocaine or hydrocortisone will help.

If the cause of lacrimation is a foreign body in the eye, then anesthesia with an injection is required to remove the foreign object. When the pain subsides a little and the animal calms down, you need to take tweezers, a cotton swab, roll the eyelid outward and try to extract the cause of the lacrimation.

From folk remedies To wash the sore eyes of cats with lacrimation, use a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula or sage. Also, lotions with infused black tea are quite effective.

Measures to prevent tearing

To keep your cat’s eyes healthy and not watery, you can use drops for daily care such as “Diamond Eyes”, “Bars”, etc., all of which can be easily purchased at any pet store.

Also, do not forget to wipe the animal’s eyes with various decoctions of medicinal herbs.

You can wipe your cat's eyes with an infusion of unsweetened tea and a decoction of calendula (but never with an alcohol tincture). Do the procedures 3-4 times a day for 1 week.

Chamomile decoction helps well with inflammatory and infectious processes. Make sure that the tea or infusions are warm, at room temperature.

Make sure that the cat does not get injured during games and walks.

Pets bring joy to the home, but they require constant care and attention. Our beloved pets sometimes get sick and during this period of time they need special attention. If there is a cat in the house, then most of the owners are probably faced with such a problem as tearing eyes.

In this situation, it is better to show the animal to a veterinarian to find out the cause. Why do my cat’s eyes water and what can I do at home to help the animal?

Eye watery eyes

Cats often experience lacrimation and there are reasons for this. Such problems can occur in adult animals and small kittens. You can find out the cause with the help of a veterinarian. He will tell you why your eyes are watery, how to treat them correctly, and what medications are needed to help your pet recover. According to experts, there are many reasons for cat eye discharge. Almost all of them occur due to disease of the eyes or eyeball. There are several reasons:

Watery eyes - main symptoms

Depending on the cause, lacrimation in cats can be expressed differently, be mild or severe. Much depends on the severity of the process. The most common symptoms of watery eyes in cats are:

Depending on the degree of the disease and if left untreated, these symptoms will only increase, causing the animal to experience pain. If lacrimation is persistent and continues, it is better to contact a veterinarian for help. He will examine the pet and be able to determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

Why do my cat's eyes water and how can I help at home?

The secretion of tear fluid in a cat is a protective reaction to certain irritants. They can be internal and external in nature. It is necessary to pay attention to this and solve the problem. If the cat behaves calmly and shows no signs of anxiety in your behavior, then you need to limit yourself to hygiene procedures. They need to be performed regularly, especially when the kitten is still very small. He still cannot take proper care of himself, so he needs help. Herbal products are suitable for this.

The diagnosis can be made by analyzing the conjunctival sac washout. The analysis is sent to a laboratory and the origin of the disease is determined there. Based on the results will determine the exact cause and prescribe treatment. It is selected individually. It often happens that cat owners do not have the opportunity to immediately visit a medical facility for procedures. In this case, you can help the cat yourself at home.

It is believed that for this purpose it is necessary to use all solutions with an antiseptic effect. For example, Furacilin is used in the form of a 0.2% solution. If conjunctivitis is bactericidal in nature, then it is necessary to use other aqueous solutions:

  • Levomycytin;
  • Sofradex;
  • Kanamycin.

All these products must be used 2-3 drops in both eyes 5 times a day. If you use antibiotic-based ointments, they should be applied to the eye area 3 times a day. With severe swelling, the animal experiences pain. In this case, it is worth using a solution of hydrocortisone and novocaine.

Often, for various reasons, foreign objects get into the eyes of cats, which cause a lot of unpleasant sensations, and the eyes become watery. Before deleting an item need a painkiller injection so that the animal can more easily endure the procedure. Then, using tweezers and a cotton swab treated in an 8.5% sodium chloride solution, the eyelid is folded outward and the procedure for removing the foreign object is carried out.

If the animal continues to behave restlessly and the speck cannot be removed completely, then you need to contact a veterinarian. The object may have to be removed surgically. Often, watery eyes in cats are due to allergies. It is imperative to identify the irritant and remove it. In such cases, treatment with hormonal drugs is prescribed.

Folk remedies and prevention of lacrimation in cats

For watery eyes in cats, folk remedies are used. You can prepare a decoction with chamomile petals. The eyes are washed with a decoction prepared in a steam bath twice a day. You can also make a light solution of potassium permanganate.

For purulent inflammation, decoctions of sage, calendula and St. John's wort help well. Compresses are made from decoctions and apply to the eye area several times a day. Black tea gives an excellent effect in washing the eyes. It is better not to use freshly brewed tea, the tea must steep and after that you can make compresses.

To avoid eye problems, it is advisable to regularly pay attention to the ocular mucosa. Using cotton swabs soaked in herbal infusions, wash the eyes, eyelids, and the surrounding area.

All these measures cannot be called basic, but only auxiliary, which can slightly alleviate the condition of a sick pet. Products containing antibiotics require special caution. If symptoms of illness are identified and the animal shows anxiety, then it is better to show it to a specialist who can determine the cause of tearing eyes and prescribe treatment.

Sometimes cat owners notice that their pet's eyes begin to water. This is a kind of defensive reaction to certain irritants. They can be both external and internal. Tearfulness refers to the accumulation of tear fluid, which usually dries in the corners of the eyes. This is especially noticeable after sleep. You shouldn’t worry too much about your cat’s watery eyes, but you still need to pay attention to the problem.

Regular hygiene procedures

When assessing a cat's condition, you first need to pay attention to whether excessive tearfulness is causing concern. If the animal behaves calmly and the behavior has not changed, it is enough to carry out hygiene measures regularly.

If the kitten is very small, it does not know how to properly care for itself, so the owner is obliged to help it. You can use special herbal products.

Why are tears flowing?

When a cat's eyes water, there can be completely different reasons. Any disturbance in the functioning of the eye as a whole is accompanied by tearing. The main factors that provoke the problem include:

Unpleasant symptoms

When a cat's eyes are very watery, it is very difficult not to notice. In this case, you should not postpone going to the veterinarian. But the owner should be wary even if he notices even the slightest signs of illness. These include:

  • Swelling in the eye area.
  • Prolonged slight lacrimation, which is accompanied by hair loss in the eye area.
  • When the nature of the discharge constantly changes, the tear can be either thin or thicker.
  • If there is constantly dried discharge in the corners of the eyes, and a brown or reddish channel appears.
  • The cat may rub the eye if itching is present. This traumatizes him even more, so you need to show the animal to a doctor.
  • In particularly advanced cases, fever and photophobia appear, the cat is lethargic and hides all the time in the dark corners of the apartment.

As the inflammatory process increases, symptoms begin to appear more severe. If the tearing persists for a long time, the doctor should prescribe suitable treatment.

How to make a diagnosis?

In the case when a cat’s eyes are watery, you cannot make a diagnosis yourself, since inadequate treatment will harm the pet’s health. History plays an important role, so it is necessary to tell the doctor all the details of the pet’s life, as well as honestly answer the veterinarian’s leading questions.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, analysis of the conjunctival sac may be necessary. It is sent to the laboratory, where the pathogenic origin is determined. Only after the reason why the cat’s eyes are watery is known, treatment can be prescribed.

What medications can be used at home?

The treatment regimen is prescribed in each individual case individually, and only after examination by a veterinarian. But sometimes it is not possible to visit a doctor, so it is worth knowing how to help your pet before visiting the clinic.

For all types of conjunctivitis, washing the eyes with solutions that have an antiseptic effect is recommended. "Furacilin" must be used in the form of a 0.2% solution. If conjunctivitis is bacterial in nature, you need to drip your eyes with aqueous solutions of Levomycitin, Kanamycin or Sofradex. Dose - 2-3 drops in both eyes 5 times a day. Antibiotic-based ointments are applied 3 times a day.

If swelling is observed and it is noticeable that the cat is experiencing pain, it is necessary to administer a solution of hydrocortisone and novocaine.

Sometimes the owner notices that a foreign object has entered the eye. Before removing it, you need to administer painkillers. Then the eyelids are turned outward and the procedure is carried out using tweezers and a cotton swab soaked in a solution of 8.5% sodium chloride.

Sometimes such measures are not enough to get the speck out on your own. If your cat is still feeling anxious, you should seek help from a veterinarian; surgery may be necessary.

Allergic reactions

If a cat has watery eyes due to allergies, it needs treatment with hormonal drugs. But in order to forget about the problem completely, it is necessary to find and remove the irritant.

Tearing in kittens

Very often, the owners of newborn offspring are faced with the fact that at the stage of their discovery. If you notice clear or white discharge, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor, since the kitten’s body is very vulnerable to various infections.

In a kitten, conjunctivitis can only be a symptom of an inflammatory process caused by viruses or bacteria. You should not give your pet medications intended for treating people.

The reasons why a kitten's eyes are watery can also be of a mechanical nature. To prevent your pet from losing its sight, a doctor’s intervention is necessary.

British cats and Scottish folds

Owners of cats of this breed often encounter watery or purulent eyes in their pet. First of all, this may be due to physiological characteristics: the nasolacrimal ducts are slightly shortened.

A more serious cause of your British cat's watery eyes could be worms. To exclude this option, it is necessary to undergo tests. All other factors are no different from those that cause excessive tearing in other breeds.

Scottish kittens attract owners because they do not require any special care. This also applies to inflammation of the mucous membrane. If your Scottish cat's eyes are watery, you need to show her to a doctor who will prescribe medications. Before visiting a doctor, you can use a standard treatment regimen.

Traditional methods of treatment

When the owner notices that the kitten’s eyes are watering, he can treat it using folk methods. Chamomile petals help well. They need to be brewed in a steam bath and the eyes should be washed twice a day. If you don’t have chamomile, you can try a solution of potassium permanganate.

When purulent discharge is observed, it is necessary to prepare decoctions of sage, calendula or St. John's wort. You need to apply compresses several times a day.

Rinsing with black tea has a good effect. Only it must be brewed; it is not advisable to use freshly brewed one.

Prevention of tearing

To avoid problems with your eyes, you need to pay attention to them regularly. After preparing the herbal infusion, you need to wipe your eyelids and surrounding area with cotton swabs.

It is worth understanding that all these measures are not the main treatment. They can only be used as auxiliary methods to alleviate the animal’s condition. Particular care should be taken when handling medications that contain antibiotics. You shouldn’t experiment with your pet’s health, so at the slightest symptoms of illness, it’s better to show your cat to a veterinarian.

Loving and caring owners always look after their pets very carefully. Noticing even a slight deviation in the behavior or well-being of the animal, the owner rushes to help him. When a cat has water in one eye, you need to take this symptom seriously, as it can indicate various disorders in the body.

If the owner notices that the animal begins to “cry,” then it is advisable to seek help from a veterinarian, because only a specialist will be able to accurately determine why the cat’s eye is watering. There are both completely harmless causes of this phenomenon, and pathological conditions indicated by the symptom. The animal may "cry" for physiological reasons:

  1. The cat recently woke up.
  2. Age. A small kitten cannot yet take care of itself on its own, and newborn animals' eyes often water before opening.
  3. Breed characteristics. For certain breeds of cats, lacrimation is normal, this is explained by the structural features of the facial part of the skull. Most often, Persians, British and Scots “cry”.

These reasons do not affect the health of the animal in any way; moreover, they are considered normal and there is no need to go to the veterinarian. But often lacrimation indicates pathological conditions that lead to loss of vision or are symptoms of much more serious diseases:

  1. Inversion of the lower eyelid. This pathology is most often observed in animals of hairless breeds, for example, in Canadian and Don Sphynxes.
  2. Infectious diseases. In this case, lacrimation is a clinical sign of rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and many other viral infections of cats.
  3. Inflammation of the conjunctiva.
  4. The presence of helminths in the animal’s body. In this condition, lacrimation does not become the main symptom, but in combination with other clinical signs it allows the most accurate diagnosis to be made.
  5. Trichiasis. With this pathology, eyelashes grow not outward, but inward, injuring the tear ducts. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate into the inflamed eye, which cause the development of infectious diseases.
  6. Allergy. Redness of the conjunctiva and copious secretion of tear fluid are characteristic signs of increased sensitivity of the animal’s body to any allergen.
  7. Eye burns (chemical or thermal).
  8. Contact with foreign objects or animal fur in the eyes.
  9. Various injuries. Quite often, cats' eyes are injured during fights with other animals or while walking. On the street, a pet can get hurt on a blade of grass or a tree branch.

Any of these conditions should give the owner a reason to contact the clinic. After examining the animal, the doctor will be able to provide assistance and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Symptoms of the condition

To distinguish physiology from pathology, the owner needs to know a number of clinical signs indicating that the pet has health problems. The most characteristic symptoms are:

  1. Lack of appetite in the animal, lethargy and general malaise.
  2. An increase in both general and local temperatures.
  3. Redness, swelling of the eyelids and conjunctiva of one or both eyes.
  4. There may be severe itching in the eyelid area.
  5. Profuse lacrimation.
  6. The presence of purulent exudate (discharge), which dries and subsequently forms crusts around the sore eye.
  7. Hair loss in the eyelid and nose area.

If at least one of these clinical signs is detected in an animal, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. Often, a seemingly minor symptom can indicate serious problems in the body.

First aid and subsequent treatment

Quite often, health problems arise in pets away from home, for example, in the country, where you can’t always find a human doctor, let alone a veterinarian. In such situations, the owner has to decide what to do if a cat’s eye is watery. If the disease is not very serious, then the owner will be able to help the pet. First of all, you need to examine the victim and understand the cause of the ailment. Having eliminated it, you should provide your pet with complete rest.

Having created the necessary conditions for the animal, you can begin treatment. For example, with purulent conjunctivitis, it is often enough to wash the eyes twice a day with decoctions of medicinal herbs (calendula, sage, chamomile, St. John's wort) prepared at home. Also, brewing black tea or a weak solution of potassium permanganate is perfect for these purposes. But you need to be careful with the latter, since potassium permanganate can burn the mucous membrane of the eye, so the solution must be made very weak. All these folk remedies cleanse well and have a mild anti-inflammatory effect.

You need to remember that both eyes need to be treated, even if only one hurts. First, the healthy one is washed, and then the sick one.

Eye drops and ointments, the active ingredient of which is an antibiotic, are well suited for the treatment of inflammation. Such drugs include:

  • Sulfacyl sodium;
  • Levomycetin;
  • Tetracycline eye ointment.

Treatment with one of these drugs should be started immediately after the first symptoms of the disease appear. Ointment and drops are prescribed in both eyes three to four times a day.

If redness of the eyes and watery eyes are caused by an allergic reaction, then it is necessary to stop the animal’s contact with the irritant (refuse new food and return to the old and proven diet, remove all cleaning and detergents, change the cat litter, etc.), then It is necessary to understand the cause of the body’s increased sensitivity and eliminate it. After this, you need to give your pet an antihistamine, for example, Suprastin.

In other cases, it is best not to self-medicate, but to seek help from a veterinarian. The doctor will make the correct diagnosis, provide first aid, prescribe the correct treatment, and, if necessary, perform surgery. You should not be afraid of surgical intervention, as there are pathologies that can only be eliminated with a scalpel, these include trichiasis and entropion. After all the necessary procedures, the owner will receive his pet back safe and sound.

The importance of prevention

As you know, preventing any disease is always easier than treating it. It is necessary to comply with a number of conditions that will further help minimize the risk of eye problems in pets:

If the animal does get sick, then it is better not to guess why one of the cat’s eyes is watering and how to treat it, but to immediately seek help from a specialist who will understand the current situation and will definitely help.



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