What does star fever mean for artists? Star fever - a psychologist's view

Your successes have made you incredibly important in your own eyes. It’s good that you have high self-esteem, but it’s still better when our successes are assessed not by ourselves, but by other people. It's not your friend's fault that she was less fortunate. Your career and wealthy boyfriend are not a reason to turn away from your loved ones. It sounds sad, but a boyfriend in the capital can leave you, or fire you from your job. Will you then go to that same “ex-girlfriend” for advice and consolation? No matter how high you rise, continue to appreciate your friends. Otherwise, you risk being left completely alone.

The cuckoo praises the rooster

Your star fever began in childhood. Every day your mom told you that you were the most beautiful, and the teacher insisted that there was no one smarter than you in the class. You are used to praise and now you literally demand it from others. It’s good if your expectations coincide with reality, and you continue to be praised by your boss, husband and business partners. Just make sure that the praise is not flattery and be prepared for constructive criticism. There are no ideal people, and you are no exception. Even if you want to think differently.

Moment of glory

Star fever is well known to celebrities - singers, actors and other showbiz figures. But many people don’t need to release albums and sell out stadiums to get sick. It’s enough just to “light up” somewhere once. Did you go to the set of a talk show? Won the regional poetry competition? Yes, this is your small victory. But this is no reason to turn up your nose. First, make people appreciate your talents. Do not succumb to the tempting shine of the spotlight: it often deceives even very high hopes.

Cure for illness

For whatever reason you get star fever, it needs to be treated. Remember that at school you probably teased arrogant people. Why did you become like this when you grew up? No matter how significant your successes are, remain yourself. Continue to value your family and friends, respect the opinions of others and themselves. Don't gloat if you managed to leave your friends far behind. And don’t forget that difficult times happen to everyone, when those who lavished praise yesterday may turn away from you. Truly successful people do not take extra credit for themselves, do not judge others, and help those who need it. Be truly successful!

Darina Kataeva

Have you ever encountered people who have an inflated opinion of themselves and their attractiveness? They are distinguished by an arrogant look, egoism, idealization of their own personality, and a constant demand for attention. Or maybe you also belong to this category of people? Meeting with such people, we have repeatedly stated: “He has star fever or delusions of grandeur.” But what do these concepts mean, what are the similarities and obvious differences between these psychological diseases?

Features of star fever

The desire for fame and popularity has been imposed on us since childhood. We tell children to study, to be better than their classmates, to win competitions and competitions. Parents, without realizing it, inspire the child with wrong thoughts, which negatively affect his behavior and character. This is one of the reasons for the appearance of star fever in humans.

Star sickness is an unhealthy deformation of the personality, the condition of which is expressed in. To manifest such a state it is not at all necessary to be a “star”. Even the most ordinary person is influenced and plunged into his own ego.

Causes of star fever:

excessive attention during education;
sharp attention from others;
arrogance, arrogance and pompousness are the basis of “stardom”;
a sharp improvement in financial situation;
lack of humility;
dizziness from success;
status of a person close to superiors.

Symptoms of star fever:

the desire to emphasize one’s status at every opportunity;
demanding full attention;
tendency to violate established rules;
illusion of self-worth;
unrestrained boasting;
envy of the success of others;
tendency to forget about family and friends.

The consequences of star fever can be catastrophic, so you should take the manifestation of this pattern of behavior extremely seriously. The psychologist and relatives play an important role in the treatment process.

Features of megalomania

Megalomania is a form of psychological illness that the patient usually does not recognize. This condition manifests itself in inflated self-esteem and overestimation of one’s own importance in the lives of other people.

Causes of megalomania:

serious illness: schizophrenia, paranoid disorder, traumatic brain injury or manic-depressive psychosis;
history of syphilis;
drug or alcohol addiction;
childhood psychological trauma;
a consequence of the usual inflated self-esteem.

Symptoms of megalomania:

self-exaltation, complete concentration on one’s own “I”;
emotional instability, rapid mood swings from overly active to sharply passive;
non-acceptance of criticism;
in relation to close people;
depression and suicide attempts.

The consequences of megalomania are very serious. A person is not capable of normal life activities, his behavior is non-standard and quite unexpected for others.

Diagnosis of this disease is carried out by a psychiatrist. He begins the study of the patient with direct contact with him and a sincere conversation, during which the variants of manifestation of megalomania and the general condition of the patient are clarified. Before prescribing treatment, the patient's medical history is examined. Although there is no cure for megalomania, we can begin to address its cause and effect. First, the source of the disease is determined.

The form of megalomania affects the treatment that is prescribed to the patient. In case of aggressive behavior, he is prescribed tranquilizers, and in case of aggressive behavior, he is prescribed antipsychotics. In exceptional cases, treatment at a psychoneurological dispensary is required. People prone to delusions of grandeur should undergo disease prevention in time to avoid serious consequences.

Star fever and delusions of grandeur: what's the difference?

Although some symptoms of star fever and delusions of grandeur are very similar, there are clear differences between the forms of manifestation of these psychological disorders. Mainly these include the cause of the appearance of such a disease. Star fever manifests itself due to improper upbringing and behavior of other people; delusions of grandeur are a consequence of psychological illnesses.

In some cases, star fever is even justified. It is a kind of attack on increased attention from surrounding people. As for megalomania, it is rather a serious illness that requires examination, careful diagnosis by a specialist and good treatment.

Both diseases are similar in their close connection with the psyche and the strong need for recognition in society. In some cases, these concepts are even confused, since a person with such a deformation of the psyche puts the ego itself at the forefront in life.

However, it is important to take this pattern of behavior very seriously. If the initial stage is missed, the disease can become more serious and even incurable. At its first manifestations, it is recommended to consult a psychologist. The greatest role is played by the help of close people and relatives, who immediately notice the problem and begin to eliminate it, despite the strong opposition of the patient.

It is very important with “star” people. If you are a close relative or friend of this person, then you should show understanding and, in some cases, even be lenient with the patient’s behavior. However, it is not recommended to indulge all his whims. Learn to communicate gently and meekly with a person suffering from delusions of grandeur. Particular attention should be paid to it during periods of depression.

26 February 2014, 17:49

Star fever is a special view of the world, the people around you, and yourself, when a person is firmly ruled by the prejudice that he has a recognizable face and that he only needs to snap his fingers for everything to become the way he wants. Star fever is a manifestation of inadequacy.

Signs of star fever

  • The desire to demonstrate and in every possible way emphasize one’s special and privileged status in the group.
  • The tendency to violate accepted norms of behavior and established rules, as well as to demand special treatment.

A person affected by the “star disease” begins to feel, firstly, that he “want” it – it is right and good to eat. Secondly, that if you snap your fingers, something will change.

“Star sickness” can be observed not only in famous and famous people, who are always in the public eye and who receive praise more often than others. Star fever is also common in offices; its symptoms are the same for both top-level managers and ordinary employees. People who are overly ambitious and prone to inflated self-esteem are predisposed to stardom. However, without the influence of external factors, such qualities in themselves are not the basis for the development of a destructive disease. The environment contributes to the development of “star disease”.

The main causes of star fever

  • Personal predisposition (inflated Self-Esteem, hypertrophied Ambitiousness).
  • Unrealization of a person’s ambitions in other areas of life.
  • Violation in the process of receiving “feedback” (overpraised, underestimated).
  • Violation of subordination between manager and subordinate.
  • Excessive concentration of power and authority in one hand.
  • Cultivation of excessive competition (primarily individual rather than team results are assessed).
  • The shortage of qualified personnel in the labor market is an inflated market value of certain categories of specialists.
  • Rapid career growth, with a certain emotional and professional immaturity.

The phrase “star sickness” is familiar to modern people and is most often used with condemnation in relation to famous people. But not everyone knows that this is a psychological term, which means one of the forms of personality disorder, which often has common features with Let’s get acquainted with the causes and symptoms of the phenomenon.


Star fever is characteristic not only of celebrities who amaze the public with their whims and odd behavior, but also of ordinary people who begin to put themselves above others, behave provocatively, lose friends and experience many other problems. There is nothing good about this phenomenon, but a person suffering from such a disorder is unable to do otherwise. Most often, the root cause of personal deformation is success - a promotion up the personnel ladder, a well-appreciated job, a project brought to life. Praise and admiration make one’s head spin, giving a person thoughts about his own uniqueness and genius.

He begins to mistakenly live by a double standard, believing that he, a “star,” is allowed much more than “mere mortals.” This is, in general terms, star fever.

Manifestations and signs

Many people can remember how famous people behaved arrogantly and defiantly. But what are the signs of star fever in psychological science? There are several of them:

  • Unjustifiably inflated self-esteem, exaggeration of one’s own importance and achievements.
  • The belief that other people are “worse.”
  • A painful need to constantly impress others, to be the center of attention.

Deviation is quite dangerous because it leads to personality degradation. At the same time, people can put themselves on an equal footing with some others (who, let’s say, have achieved a similar result); this is what distinguishes the state from delusions of grandeur.


Let's consider the factors that could cause star fever in a person far from show business; they can be divided into internal and external. For convenience, the data is presented in table form.

Various combinations of these factors can lead to this deviation. For example, if a person with high self-esteem achieves unexpected success, it can “turn her head” and lead to the onset of star fever. Then even the immediate environment will be perceived by this person as people unworthy of her attention.


How to recognize a person suffering from this personality deformation? The components of star fever will help, which include:

  • The desire to always be the center of attention.
  • Envy of others' success.
  • Inattention to family and friends, complete concentration on oneself.
  • Contrasting two forms of relationships - towards oneself as a higher person, self-exaltation, and to others, belittling their role.
  • Often such individuals allow themselves to violate the norms accepted in society, because they consider themselves above them.

Also in the specialized literature you can find the term “narcissism”, narcissism, it has much in common with the deviation in question. Such a person not only behaves arrogantly, he is sincerely confident in his superiority and believes that those around him have the same opinion.


What to do if a person gets sick with star fever, can it be cured and how? This is possible, since the personality deformation is still at the initial stage, but the person suffering from it does not understand the problem, and therefore is unlikely to turn to a professional psychologist.

Those close to him can help him dispel illusions by setting a challenging goal, making it clear that not everything has been achieved and there is something to strive for. Only honesty will help the “stars” come down to earth and understand that they are no better than others. If, out of love, you close your eyes to their whims and caprices, then the deviation will only intensify and it will become much more difficult to defeat it.

This deviation can and should be fought, because star fever, while the “patient” seems harmless, can cause the end of his career. Even if you have talent and hard work, bad temper, pride and narcissism can become the reasons that the choice will be made in favor of a less gifted, but more pleasant person to communicate with. Friends and relatives will turn away from a person suffering from narcissism, tired of tolerating his ingratitude and inattention. And he risks being left alone with his own genius and talent.

In psychology, there is such a thing as “narcissism” - an unhealthy manifestation of personality in which other people are considered inferior to themselves. This exaltation is also called “star fever.” People in different fields can suffer from this disorder, for them the most important desire is to be first, they cannot stand any criticism. A disdainful attitude towards others often becomes a big barrier to contact with other people. People suffering from “star fever” cause a negative attitude towards themselves, so there can be no talk of any sincere friendship with them.

“Star sickness” affects not only famous people who bask in the rays of fame and become idols of a large number of people. There are also many such employees in offices at all levels. There are common signs of predisposition to this disorder. This is inflated self-esteem and exorbitant ambitions, but these qualities themselves do not lead to a “star” illness; much depends on the environment.

Narcissists try to protect their hypersensitive selves by idealizing themselves. From others they expect admiration and confirmation of their greatness. They are trying with all their might to confirm their superiority. If by chance their strategy collapses, then people suffering from “star fever” will face depression. Not every desire for success leads to this psychological disorder, so there is nothing reprehensible in the desire to become successful.

Any normal person has a need for development, so new achievements included in the plan of evolution. Self-realization involves the search for knowledge, development abilities, but not the search for fame. Achievements and discoveries are a natural process of professional and personal development. At the same time, there is a neurotic desire to be better than others, a desire for universal admiration and respect.



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