What does it take to get into the city council? How to run for parliament? The procedure for nominating candidates for deputies

Only your determination will help you achieve success in the political field. But if, in essence, desire alone will not help you become a deputy of the State Duma, you need to act! This is where problems sometimes arise: we don’t even know where to go and where to start, what kind of education a future State Duma deputy should receive, what experience should he gain, where to start and how long to go to the goal.

This is what will be discussed in this article: how to become a deputy of the State Duma? The path will not be easy, it cannot be hidden, but as a result you will be able to achieve your goal and become a real deputy who turns people’s lives into a fairy tale (in the best sense of the word), or at least tries to do this with all his might.

How to become a deputy

Deputy, translated from Latin, means “sent”, “envoy”. In fact, this is so, the deputy is a representative person of the citizens, chosen by them, before the Russian authorities. To become a deputy, you must go through elections. Elections of a deputy can be by territorial constituencies or by party candidates.

Some people want to become deputies in order to receive parliamentary immunity. That is why crime is so high in our country to this day. The fact is that a person who truly represents the interests and rights of his voters (ordinary people) before the authorities should become a deputy.

Let's figure out how to become a deputy? To do this, you must be a citizen of the Russian Federation over 21 years old, permanently residing in the country. In this case, you must have the right to participate in elections (i.e. be a legally competent person and not serve a prison sentence). To become a deputy, you must refuse other paid activities (however, there are exceptions: teaching, creative activity and scientific work). Also, in order to become a deputy, you must refuse public service. It is important to note that one person cannot occupy the seat of a State Duma deputy and at the same time be a member of the Federation Council.

In short, here’s how you can become a deputy:

  • familiarize yourself with Russian legislation, and specifically with regional laws and regulations;
  • gather an initiative group of people from one district that could nominate you as a deputy of local government;
  • go through the election procedure (with election campaign, debates and vote counts), receive the results and enter permanent service as a deputy.

How to enter the State Duma to serve

The process of becoming a deputy of the State Duma is not much different from becoming a deputy of local government, the only difference is the scope of the event and the possible result. So, you have passed the first “selection” based on age category, legal capacity, etc. What next? Now you need to join one or another political party and nominate your candidacy for elections to the State Duma. The second option for nominating one’s candidacy is from an electoral bloc. There is also the option of becoming a “self-nominated” deputy, but this is more difficult, because You will have to collect votes yourself or pay a deposit for your candidacy.

So, you need to submit an application about your desire to become a deputy of the State Duma. Next, it is necessary to fulfill all the requirements put forward to all candidates for State Duma deputies. Once you complete this, you will officially become a candidate for parliament. Here comes a difficult stage: voter campaigning before the elections. Of course, it is difficult to convince as many voters as possible that you should become a deputy of the State Duma, but you will have to do it. The campaigning period lasts quite a long time: you can start from the moment you register yourself as a candidate for deputy, but the last day of election campaigning is considered the day before the elections (at this time voters make the final decision in whose favor to vote without your “pressure with promises”). Nothing else depends on you.

The process of elections and vote counting begins. It is necessary to wait for the results to be summed up: the candidate who received the most votes from voters is elected. But we must not forget about exceptions: if there are fewer voters who voted for a candidate for State Duma deputy than voters who voted “Against All,” the elections are held again and the results are annulled. This is how you can become a deputy of the State Duma: good luck in your endeavors!

From childhood we are instilled with the idea that we should finish school, university, that is, get an education, and only then will you be able to achieve something. However, this is far from the case. For example, any person who meets certain conditions can become a deputy (more details below). The most important thing you must do first is decide what you want to offer voters and how you can help them. And also think about the arguments why they should vote for you. This point does not depend in any way on what level these elections are: from the village council to the State Duma.

At the moment, only two ways of nominating a candidate for deputy have been defined (according to Russian legislation):

  1. Independent nomination or nomination from any electoral association.
  2. Be included in the list of possible candidates prepared by the electoral association.


1. In this case, you need to meet a certain age, either simply be over 21 years old, or if you want to be a presidential candidate, then be over 35 years old. If you want to participate in elections held only according to the proportional system, then you will not be able to do this, since self-nomination of candidates for such elections is not provided.

  • information about your biography;
  • a statement that you agree to run for office;
  • information about your income and assets.

3. Registration (more details below for each type of election).

4. It’s worth holding your own campaign campaign. It could be:

  • advertising in the media;
  • holding public events, such as meetings with potential voters.
  • distribution of election materials.

Nomination from electoral association

Here your actions depend on the level of elections.

If these are elections to the State Duma, then only a political party can nominate you. If you want to take part in the elections to the legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or in the elections of the head of the region, then in addition to the political party itself, their regional branch can also nominate you.

If these are elections at the municipal level, then not only a political party, but also a public association registered at the appropriate level can nominate you. Moreover, you may not even join the electoral association itself.

  • The first thing you must do is hold a meeting of all members of the electoral association. It involves a secret ballot, based on the results of which candidates are determined.
  • Secondly, if you are on the list of candidates, then you need to notify the election commission and personally provide it with certain documents, such as in the case of self-nomination.
  • Third, only after completing the previous points can candidates begin collecting signatures in their support.
  • Fourth, you should conduct a campaign campaign in the form of advertising in the media; public events, such as meeting with potential voters or distributing election materials.

How to become a candidate for the Moscow City Duma

If you want to get into the Moscow City Duma, then you, firstly, must meet the following requirements:

  • must have legal capacity;
  • be a citizen of Russia;
  • be over 21 years of age;
  • you should not have an unexpunged or outstanding criminal record.

Secondly, register before a certain date with the counting commission of some electoral district.

Thirdly, wait for the elections. When the election time comes, voters will choose their candidate (despite the fact that they can only vote at their place of permanent registration), and based on the results of these elections, those who will go to the Moscow City Duma are determined.

How to become a candidate for local government deputies

In order to register as a candidate for local government, you need to collect a total of more than 1% of all voters in the district, classified as mandates in this electoral district.

After you provide this information to the election commission, you will be given a certificate indicating that you have been registered, and you can only be registered in one electoral district.

You can also register in another way, namely by making an election deposit equal to 15% of the maximum amount of expenses of the candidate’s election fund.

After registration, you can conduct your campaign campaign, as described earlier, up to and including election day.

On Election Day, you simply wait for all the voters in your precinct to make their choice, then the election commission counts the votes and publishes the results.

How to become a presidential candidate

Perhaps the task: how to become a presidential candidate is the most difficult. Firstly, there are very strong requirements for those interested:

  • you must be a citizen of Russia;
  • you must live in Russia for more than 10 years;
  • be over 35 years old.

Secondly, you must have your own program of action, which will describe a detailed plan of what you want to accomplish in the place of the president.

Thirdly, if you meet these requirements, then you, starting from a certain period established Central Election Commission, you must contact the same institution (that is, the Central Election Commission) with a corresponding petition.

If you are a member of a political party, it can nominate its candidates at a general meeting from the same date. And only after the Central Election Commission approves your candidacy, you can start your campaign campaign.

If you are nominated independently or from a party that is not in the Duma, then you need to collect signatures of Russian citizens in an amount exceeding 2 million.

Above we talked about what needs to be done and what one should have in order to become a candidate for deputy of local government, the Moscow City Duma and a presidential candidate. We hope that the information will be useful and useful to you!

How to become a deputy? This stupid question arose in my head quite recently. And I, as a man of action, began to look for an answer to it. What came out of this is in the next post of my business blog. Spoiler: he ran for the position of deputy of the regional Duma.

First, a little theory.

Deputy is not a universal title or position. A deputy is a representative of one of the three branches of government in Russia. Namely - legislative. So, just in case, there is also a judicial (for example, the courts) and an executive (for example, the government). The main job of a deputy is to write laws, which then either come into force and we live by them, or not. Work with voters' requests, adopt a budget, write requests. A deputy is an elected position. A deputy is elected for a certain term (4-6 years), a certain territory is assigned to him, he is a member of a certain committee (education, agriculture, etc.).

There are two ways to become a deputy. Win elections in your constituency, or get on the party lists.

There are several levels of deputies.

Deputy lvl 80 - deputy of the State Duma. Only 450 people throughout the country. Deputies of the State Duma pass federal laws by which the whole country lives. This is the major league. Salary 400K per month, staff of assistants, office, car with flashing lights.
Everything is sooooo serious. Ministerial level position. Like the highest nobility in Tsarist Russia. Some say that the “investment” to obtain the mandate of a State Duma deputy averages from 2 to 10 million dollars. There are very few random people among them. Usually, all places are agreed upon in advance and you won’t be able to become a State Duma deputy just like that, “from the street.” I'll give the numbers just for scale. The average constituency of a State Duma deputy is 750,000 people. 150,000 - 200,000 people should come to the polls and vote for a person. That's a lot.

Misselling or how to avoid “bad sales”

The next level is a regional Duma deputy. The same thing, only on the scale of one region. In some regions, deputies receive salaries, in others they do not. On average, the legislative assembly of one region consists of 50-100 deputies. It's different in every region. In some places all people's representatives receive a salary, in others only committee chairmen. These guys solve issues at the regional level. How much money to spend on roads, how much on education, and so on. They receive reports from the governor. They make up local laws. On a regional scale, this is quite a position. The budget for an election campaign ranges from 50,000 rubles to tens of millions. The average constituency is 50,000 people. To win an election you need the support of an average of 10,000 people.

And finally, a deputy of the city assembly. That is, the level of a specific city. More or less serious cases can be resolved in the regional center. And it’s not just the streets that need to be renamed. Dispose of municipal property, for example. Land, real estate. Most often without salary, on a voluntary basis. But some say that the ROI is sometimes higher than in the region. So he’s also quite a deputy. The constituency is usually about 10,000 people. 2000 votes are enough to win. Let me explain. 10K - total people. The turnout will be 35-40%. Those. 4K people will come to throw a ballot into the ballot box. Therefore, 2K will be enough.

Yes. There are also municipal, district, village, etc. deputies. But this is very small. Therefore, we won’t talk about them.

So, when it became clear with the theory, let's move on to practice. I warn you right away, despite the fact that I personally know several State Duma deputies, all discussions are about the level of regional and city deputies. Two main questions:

  1. How to become a deputy?
  2. Why become a deputy?

Yandex will spend $145 million on a new headquarters

I'll start with the second one. I will try to list all the advantages that I know about.

Perhaps all the advantages. Now the cons.

  1. The money was spent, but what next is unclear. In voting, one vote means nothing. Whatever the committee or faction says, that’s how everyone will vote. And you have to go to meetings. At least sometimes.
  2. They lit up the whole city. Voters come up on the street, troll, ask for money, write appeals, spit in the face. Something needs to be done about this.
  3. The elite found out about you. I'm interested in your business. He might try to squeeze it out.
  4. You shouldn't count on career growth. “Now I’ll become a deputy of the regional Duma, and then they’ll call me to Moscow.” No. This is politics. It contains the most dangerous and insidious people who know how to professionally play several hands and choose the most profitable one. No one will “move” you just like that, all places are occupied and scheduled.

#2. What to do if employees steal?

If you have read this far, but the desire to become a deputy has not disappeared (????), I will tell you what to do next.

First, you need to meet someone influential. A current deputy, for example. Or better yet, the leader of the local party branch. Which party, I think, is already clear. But, just in case, there are many parties. If it doesn't work with one, try with the other. In any case, without a successful acquaintance and approval from an influential person, trying to do something yourself, engage in masturbation, self-promotion, collect signatures... There is no point in this. The election commission has a hundred reasons to refuse your registration at any time.

Let's say there is approval from an influential person. Although you can be easily deceived. For example, take money for “the needs of the party”, and at the last moment say: “Brother, I’m sorry, a more influential person than me decided that no. Let's do it in 5 years." And you won't do anything about it. Okay, he's not lying to you. Then there may be two options for the development of events. You will either agree to follow the lists and you will not have to conduct an election campaign. Or you will start a real election campaign and try to win it by getting the most votes in your district.

Of course it’s easier to go through the lists. Seats in them are usually for sale. The average check is from 2 to 10 million. If you haven't been scammed, that's all. You are a deputy.

Conducting an election campaign is more difficult. But I can tell you the basic principles.

The most effective way is personal communication with voters. We bought several pairs of comfortable sneakers - and off we went, to the grandmothers at the entrances. It’s quite a job to communicate with grandmothers, but what can you do? They will curse you, demand money, invite you to tea, beat you with a stick - be patient. Live communication with voters is the most effective way to gain support from the electorate.

Many people want to become a people's deputy of the State Duma. Today, entrepreneurs, executives, even pop stars and athletes are thinking about this - people who seem to have nothing to do with politics. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, especially since becoming a State Duma deputy in our country is not as difficult as some people think.

The pride that fills you with the thought that you will serve such a Great Country as Russia only adds relevance and desire to become a State Duma deputy.

The procedure for becoming a State Duma deputy

According to the law, any Russian citizen at least 21 years old, permanently residing in the country and not prosecuted can become a State Duma deputy. It is curious that higher education is not required to obtain a deputy mandate: a certificate of completion of 9 grades of school is sufficient.

It is also advisable to familiarize yourself with the legislation of the Russian Federation; but... it’s also not necessary. That is, the people whom citizens entrust to create laws are not themselves required to know the law, even the Constitution. By the way, the Constitution of the Russian Federation contains a large number of shortcomings that will soon have to be addressed.

Before becoming a State Duma deputy, you need to become a candidate for deputy. To do this, you need to fill out the appropriate application and collect a certain number of signatures in your support. If the required number of votes has been collected, you can move on to the next stage. The newly minted candidate joins a party, which, in theory, supports its representative by all possible means. You can also act as a self-nominated candidate, but this is much more difficult in terms of labor intensity and financial costs: you will have to organize the entire election campaign yourself. There are also special rules for self-nominated candidates to make it easier to collect votes and register as a deputy.

It is also possible to pay a parliamentary deposit . In this case, the amount paid is returned to the candidate in full if he receives at least 3 percent of the votes in the elections; otherwise, the deposit goes to the budget. This measure is quite reasonable, since it protects against dubious persons who simply want to draw attention to their person; such a false candidate risks his capital.

So, all the necessary procedures have been completed . A candidate for State Duma deputy begins a full-scale election campaign. There are quite a lot of funds for its implementation, and they are designed for the different solvency of the nominee. A standard and inexpensive means is leaflets, they
are used everywhere. The information on the flyers should tell about the candidate's biography and what he plans to do for the country if he wins the election. You can put up leaflets yourself, although it is unlikely that a bird of such high flight will agree to do this “dirty” work itself. You can ask friends or relatives, but the best (albeit more expensive) way is to order the distribution of leaflets from a promotional agency.

If a candidate for State Duma deputy has large funds, then he can, for example, order an advertising billboard.

Each candidate receives standard pages in central newspapers and a certain number of minutes on television. However, if this is not enough for him, he can buy additional bands and airtime.

The election campaign begins three months before the election and ends at midnight before election day. On this day, citizens finally decide for themselves who to vote for, without any information pressure.

Finally, the winning candidate becomes a deputy and begins to perform his duties.

Another important point is that a State Duma deputy is obliged to renounce entrepreneurial activity and other types of paid work. The exception is teaching, scientific and creative activities. After all, the deputy is fully supported by the state and is exempt from taxes. Alas, Russian parliamentarians do not always comply with this law.

Responsibilities of State Duma deputies

A newly appointed State Duma deputy who wins the elections becomes an employee of the Russian parliament for five years. What does his activity amount to? First of all, this is, of course, attending State Duma meetings. Parliament is the place where bills are born and discussed, which can subsequently come into force. In addition, deputies must attend special meetings, participate in various commissions and other similar events.

Next, deputies must hold conversations with members of the government, ask them questions, find out the motives for this or that decision. If a people's representative discovers that a government employee is violating the law, he is obliged to report this to the appropriate authorities.

Another important responsibility is communication with
. The activities of parliament must be open to the people, to whom deputies report on decisions made.

A member of parliament should not shy away from political activities and simply attend meetings and conferences. And in the huge collective that is the State Duma, it is not so easy to show your activity. The opinion of one may not coincide with the decision of the majority. The temptation to take time off from work is great, especially since monitoring the work of all members of parliament is problematic: there are 450 State Duma deputies. It is much more convenient to observe the parliament in small states such as Iceland: the Althing there has only 68 members. The activities of such a meeting are both more transparent and more coordinated.

The State Duma, strictly speaking, is only one half of the Russian parliament - the lower house. The upper house is the Federation Council. Unofficially, it is called the Senate - by analogy with the same chamber in European parliaments. Despite its status, the Senate is in no way connected with the activities of the State Duma and does not have a significant influence on the life of the country. The work of its members comes down to establishing a state of emergency, approving presidential decrees, changing the country's borders, impeachment procedures (removing the president from power) and some others.

Get elected to the State Duma and serve your people honestly.

In September, elections of municipal deputies will be held in all Moscow districts. The composition of representative bodies of local self-government for the next five years will be determined by voting results. The local budget, the development of the area, the improvement of streets and courtyards, as well as major repairs will depend on the elected members of the city councils of deputies.

The Village has compiled instructions on how to register as a candidate and vote in the election.

Who can be elected

Adult Russians who do not have citizenship of another country, as well as a residence permit or visa allowing permanent stay in another state, can run for municipal elections. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have Moscow registration. A candidate can be registered in any region of Russia, but this will be indicated on the ballot paper. In turn, if you have registration in Moscow, you can be elected in any convenient district without any problems, since the district of registration is not marked on the ballot.

You can go to the polls with minimal resources, but running a high-quality campaign, according to the educational portal of Dmitry Gudkov and Maxim Katz, will cost about 80 thousand rubles. In addition, you will have to spend two to three weeks going door-to-door and communicating with voters in the district or hiring campaigners, which will increase the cost of the campaign.

Preparatory period

Then you need to decide on the district. To do this, you can go to the Territorial Election Commission and ask for a breakdown of districts - the distribution of houses by district. The addresses and coordinates of TECs can be found on the website of the Moscow City Election Commission.

In addition, you need to choose between being nominated by a party or participating in elections as a self-nominated candidate. Nomination from a party that has its own deputy in the current convocation will make it possible not to collect voter signatures, which will simplify registration.

You should also prepare an initial package of documents:

A statement of consent to run for office, in which you can, among other things, indicate your affiliation with a political party;

Passport and (if available) certificate of change of full name;

Diploma of education;

Information about the main place of work or service, and, if available, a certificate stating that the candidate is a deputy;

Information about the amount and sources of income, as well as about the property owned by the candidate.

Registration and collection of signatures

Elections of municipal deputies are called by district municipal assemblies. Once nominated, potential candidates have 30 days to nominate and register (including collecting signatures). It is worth submitting documents as early as possible so that there is time to eliminate any shortcomings if any are discovered.

Those running as self-nominated candidates will have to collect signatures from 0.5% of the number of voters divided by the number of mandates. So, in a district with 30 thousand voters and five mandates, 30 signatures will have to be collected.

After submitting documents, the candidate is given a direction to open an election account, through which money is spent to pay for campaign materials and events, as well as signature sheets. The agreement with the bank and account details must be provided to the TEC.

When collecting signatures, it is very important to follow the rules for drawing up the signature sheet: every formal error - incorrect abbreviation or signature going beyond the field - will be grounds for removing the signature.

Election campaign

After registration, the candidate remains to conduct a campaign. The main ways to find supporters are door-to-door visits, printed materials, online campaigning and organizing meetings with residents. In addition, you can organize special events, such as pickets. At the same time, all election campaigning must be paid for from the candidate’s election account, and printing of campaign materials is possible only in accredited printing houses.

After the elections

If you win, congratulations. Now the time has come to act for the benefit of the area, defending the interests of citizens. Although this is not necessary. Municipal deputyry is more like a volunteer activity than a job. The only duty of a deputy is to receive residents and go to meetings once a month. At the same time, deputies do not receive a salary, except for compensation for transferred powers from the mayor’s office in the amount of about 15 thousand rubles per month. However, deputies can use free public transport.



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