What happens if you drink four liters of water every day? Getting rid of dark circles under the eyes

“When I agreed to drink 4 liters of water daily for a month, I expected positive result: skin condition will improve, there will be more energy, etc. And received some privileges. But so far I have achieved the result, it has been a long and exhausting journey that I could have ever imagined. So, what happened to me when I started drinking about 4 liters of water a day?

Day 1: Beginning

I don't usually drink that much liquid (except maybe beer on Fridays) and have no idea how many cups are in 4 liters. Therefore, I decided that the best way to strictly adhere to the dosage was to carry two 2 liter bottles with me all day. This way out of the situation was more difficult than I expected. From early morning until late at night, I focus entirely on drinking water so that I can drink the required amount of water throughout the day.

Day 5: I pee every 20 minutes

I like to drink water. The body is 60% water, but none normal person does not drink 4 liters of water a day. You should definitely try this! I drink when I'm absolutely not thirsty and don't feel any different. I just constantly feel full - and eat less. Plus, I pee every 20 minutes. My coworkers probably think I have a drug problem because I barely leave the closet.

Day 10: Have I become... more beautiful?

Something happens, especially in the first half of the day. Usually in the morning I need to drink a cup of coffee to start the “internal engine”, but I woke up refreshed, and with more energy than usual. Maybe it's a placebo effect, but my hair is shinier than ever. Also, because I carry 4 liters of water with me at all times, my arms have become stronger.

Day 15: I am a ball of energy

I definitely have more energy. For sure. I hardly drink coffee. When I run in the evenings, I feel faster. My sleep was on schedule. One more thing: I get really thirsty after drinking something other than drinking water. My body has adjusted to the new super hydrated diet and I feel better than ever.

Day 20: People say I'm happier

I don't know. Is this possible?

Day 25: I become a better person

I still write a lot. And the urine is always clear, like alpine water. A friend says my skin is smoother and brighter, and I definitely feel like I have more energy. I no longer force myself to drink, it has become a part of my life and me.

Day 30: Freedom and Clarification

This is the last day of my test. I urinate a lot and am constantly thirsty. I feel like my grandfather, but unlike him, I am cheerful and full of energy. I think 4 liters of water a day is too much, but I realize that I haven’t been drinking enough all this time.”

What happens to our body in such heat? How can I help him? We asked the famous doctor Anatoly Volkov, the creator of Doctor Volkov’s Clinic, to tell Novaya readers about this. - So you called the body a “factory”. Bad....

What happens to our body in such heat? How can I help him? We asked the famous doctor Anatoly Volkov, the creator of Doctor Volkov’s Clinic, to tell Novaya readers about this.

So you called the body a “factory”. Bad. We'll have to continue this image further and talk about wastewater treatment plants...And in order to exist normally in the heat, main recommendation- drink.

- What to drink?

Water. Dahl's word “drink” refers only to clean water. This is the norm of the language. We eat the rest. Even tea is already food.

- Yes, the tongue does not deceive: “Have some tea.” Should I drink sparkling water or not?

Carbonated water is not water. It is carbonated water. We should try to drink water that is more or less natural, and not manufactured in a factory. The water that is produced “according to the drawings” (mineralized) cannot be drunk at all. This is not water, but unsuccessful copies.

Dehydration is always a blood overload. She is overloaded with protein - there is nothing else. Therefore, two restrictions should always work in hot weather: more water, less protein foods. Actually, the body itself strives for this: you don’t want to drink more and eat less meat or fish.

The greatest thirst is in the morning. The entire second half of the night is the time of active work of the liver and kidneys. They dramatically dehydrate the bloodstream. This is why blood pressure rises in hypertensive patients in the morning, and sugar in diabetics. This is dehydration. Therefore, in the morning, before any meal, a liter of water should just enter you with a whistle!

- Liter?!

Easily! Worth a try. You will feel the effect of a half-liter cup of coffee. And before the night there should also be a decent portion of water: in a dream it happens active work sewerage, it must be provided. So for the night - another liter.

- Liter?

Yes, and if you drink one and a half liters of water a day, you will get exactly what you need for the heat - four liters. Individual norm- from 3.5 to 4 liters.

- Four liters for one person?

For an adult - yes, and if you drink much less, then you will not help the body by slightly increasing your water consumption. There is such a threshold, let’s call it the “thirst threshold.” Everything before it is a liter, one and a half, two, the body is either uncomfortable or not at all. And you can choke on three liters of water, and then abandon the idea of ​​​​increasing your drinking, because you run to the toilet. The fact is that any extra portion of water, as long as there is not enough of it in the body as a whole, it will use it to remove something, to clean something. This is how the body protects itself: the body always has what to remove. So if you pee often, it’s just a lack of water. There is a little more of it, but the body asks: give me more, give me more...

The threshold is precisely between 3.5 and 4 liters. As soon as you jump over him, a distinct thirst appears in the body, he asks for a drink, although it seems like you drank a lot. At the same time, urination stops at every corner and is established, like any normal person - 6-7 times a day. And the urine will stop changing color from bright yellow to colorless. This means that the body is stably hydrated.

- But there are people who simply don’t feel like drinking.

If a person doesn’t drink enough, the body adapts and doesn’t ask to drink anymore. Included some compensation. What to ask for if they don't give it?

- So, you shouldn’t wait for a signal, but just consciously pour up to 4 liters into yourself?

Yes. And one more thing: I have not met a single person who would not confuse the desire to drink with the desire to eat. A person actually wants to drink, but he starts eating.

I don’t feel like eating during the heat of the day. We ate in the morning. We didn’t eat during the day, but in the evening, quite late, we had a hearty dinner. And we were taught: if we eat after 18.00, we get fat. What should I do?

It’s strange, why did you eat in the morning - did you want to? Or: should you eat in the morning, because then you won’t have time at work? This is from the series: “Eat soap - paid!” You can’t eat just because you won’t be able to eat later. Not wartime.

And the story that you can’t eat after 6 p.m. seems to be connected with the fact that canteens were closed at that time in the Soviet Union. If the body wants to eat, it needs to be given. He knows better, he doesn't care at all scientific opinions: “I’m hungry. All. And at least hang yourself.” And there is no need to deceive him: if you give him a piece of apple as a deception, he will add a kilogram to the morning. This is what women often do: they try to eat less at night - and fruit. But after eating, only predators sleep. Then eat meat and go to bed. In the morning the weight will be less than a kilogram. Digesting meat is an energy-consuming activity.

Herbivores eat on the go: they pick leaves and feed all day. During the day we can do this too. IN plant foods there's nothing wrong. With her we get all the energy. Meat does not provide energy. On the contrary, it is spent on its digestion. That's why protein food It's better to eat in the evening.

And in order for the amount of food to be normal, it is important to chew it thoroughly and not suck it up like a vacuum cleaner. If you chew, the body itself will stop you in time: the taste will disappear. The taste of food is both the on and off switch of food. If you swallow without chewing, you can throw in as much as you like.

- And if we eat less in the heat, then we probably don’t get enough vitamins and minerals?

In fact, one tablet of vitamins is enough for 50 people, if not 100. We don’t need that much. It’s unclear what all these daily needs are calculated from. If a vitamin is without context, in splendid isolation, it is like a naked king. There will definitely be a non-specific response to it immune reaction, as with any chemistry.

- It turns out that you don’t have to eat strictly according to the clock. What, you don’t even need to count calories?

What calories? A calorie is the amount of heat required to warm one milliliter of water by one degree. But the body does not burn food. He digests it. It's a different process. When people count calories, they assume that everything they put in their mouth is all there. What's with reverse side there is also a pipe, we don’t notice what comes out there, we don’t count it. This is deception.

They also often scare us with the fact that we wash away with water necessary for the body microelements, for example, potassium and magnesium, which are important for the functioning of the heart muscle.

What, are we pouring water into a clogged pipe? Where do we wash it from? We drink by mouth, not by vein. When there is not enough water, it is bad. And the excess will safely pour into the pot. The body, unlike us, knows exactly what it needs.

Cole Saladino/Thrillist

Wil Fulton: It was strange to dedicate my body and soul to one single goal: drink, drink and drink

Cole Saladino/Thrillist

I have to go to the toilet every 20 minutes, but I'm definitely prettier, happier, healthier and more energetic. All thanks to water

“When I agreed to drink a gallon of water (3.8 L - NV) every day for a month, I expected to receive positive results: better skin, more energy and a thicker penis (well, what if?),” writes American journalist Wil Fulton in a column for Thrillist.

Some of this actually worked, however, as the author says, drinking water in such quantities turned out to be much more difficult than he expected. To fulfill the experimental conditions, great effort had to be made. “But I did it. Mainly because the company was literally paying me to do it. And I also wanted to learn something new,” notes the columnist.

Day 1. Started

Fulton notes that he doesn't usually drink that much liquid in a day (except for beer), so he had no idea how many glasses of water fit in a gallon. “So I decided the best thing to do would be to get a big bottle of water and carry it with me everywhere,” the author says.

It was strange to dedicate my body and soul to one single purpose: to drink, drink and drink.

Day 5. I run to the toilet every 20 minutes.

I feel thirsty all the time

“I like to drink water. Honestly. My body (like everyone else's body) is 60% water, but no normal person drinks a gallon of water a day. This is the difficulty. I drink water even when I don’t feel thirsty,” says the journalist. The sensations are the same, except that you never feel hungry, and this makes you eat less.

And you pee every 20 minutes. “Everyone in the office thinks I have a drug problem because I keep running to the toilet,” he says.

Day 10. I became more beautiful

Something is happening, and it is most noticeable in the morning. Usually, Fulton says, he needs a cup of coffee to wake up, but now he wakes up more refreshed and feels more energized. “And that's wonderful. I think I'm feeling better. Although it may just be a placebo effect,” he says.

Day 15. Yes, I’m just a source of energy

There is definitely more energy. The author notes that he practically stopped drinking coffee, although he used to drink 2-3 cups a day. “On my evening runs I feel like I’m moving faster. […] And I also constantly feel thirsty when I don’t drink. The body seems to have adapted to the new regime,” he continues.

Day 20: People say I'm happier

"Don't know. Maybe that's how it is? I rewatched Beetlejuice - maybe this is the reason,” the journalist continues.

Day 25: I'm getting better

You still write a lot. The urine is crystal clear. “My girlfriend says my skin looks better and I definitely have more energy. It sounds strange, but I feel like I just became better", - Fulton says.

The author asked his editor if his performance had improved, to which she replied, “Not noticeably.” “I’ll take this as a solid ‘maybe,’” the columnist writes. - And I had to adopt the bottle, it became a part of me. I have developed calluses on my hand from the handle, and, to be honest, I feel naked when I don’t feel the touch of its cool plastic in my palm.

Day 30. Free

The experiment is finally over. Have to go to the toilet often. You constantly feel thirsty. “I look like my grandfather. But I love my grandfather. And damn, I really feel good. A gallon is probably too much, but I realized that I haven’t been drinking enough water all this time,” the journalist concludes.

People should drink more water, he believes. This makes you feel better, and people around you like you more.

And fertility. Opinions even among doctors are completely opposite. Let's try to figure out how much water you need to drink per day.

Neither people, nor animals, nor plants can live without water. Not every person can live without food for a month, and without water for a maximum of a week (with elevated temperature body and nothing more three days). The total amount of water in human body depending on its weight and age, it ranges from 55 to 78% of body weight, our brain is 80% water, and in a human embryo it is 97% water.

Water has always been treated as some kind of miracle; at all times it has been worshiped, idolized and extolled as a shrine.

However, in lately, thanks to the research of scientists, the availability of theories and practices of other peoples and traditions, water began to be talked about as a panacea. Calls to drink as much water as possible, namely water and not any other liquid, are heard everywhere; there are opinions of drinking water in a volume of 2 - 3 or more liters per day, reaching up to five.

  • human weight;
  • his physical activity;
  • ambient temperature;
  • caloric intake;
  • individual physiology of each;
  • health status
  • the age of the person.

One call for everyone: drink water and you will be healthy! The notorious 8 glasses, and somewhere around 10 and even 12, do not leave the Internet pages about health.

Where did the call for 2-3 liters of water come from?

  1. For the first time, such recommendations for quantity began to appear with the advent of the theory of vegetarian and even raw food nutrition, from people who adhered to alternative methods nutrition. But there keyword WATER, that is, a call for the predominance of water in the diet, replacing tea, coffee, and compotes with it.
  2. There is an opinion that this standard was invented by drinking water manufacturers in an effort to increase sales.
  3. Another version: nutritionists dealing with the problem of weight loss - losing weight - began to focus on increasing water consumption.

But most likely, all three factors coincided here and the myth about the volume of 2-3 liters of water began to impose itself on everyone.

Let's try to figure out whether the immense consumption of simple, even absolutely pure water is so beneficial and important for everyone. I foresee objections and even anger from H2O supporters! 🙂 But let’s give only arguments scientific facts and my own experience.

What are the benefits of water for the body?

Calls for water absorption emerged during a craze healthy eating, diets and weight loss. It has been established that ordinary raw water accelerates metabolism in the body, thereby enhancing the process of burning calories. The process starts within 10 minutes after drinking water and reaches its peak after half an hour.

Nutritionists advise: 2 glasses of water, drunk before breakfast on an empty stomach, are good for the body. It’s impossible to disagree with this; the morning portion of water actually:

  1. washes the stomach, intestines, cleanses their walls,
  2. removes toxins, improves stool, starts digestion processes;
  3. increases the body's energy.

In between meals, 2 glasses - similar recommendations are given for those who are concerned about slimness. A total volume of 6-8 glasses of water per day is recommended for people who want to lose weight. And beautiful girls, striving to be perfectly slim, drink water all day long, trying to reduce their appetite. This is extremely harmful and even dangerous to health and can even slow down the process of weight loss. After all, it is the excess water accumulated by the body that slows down the process of losing weight. Everyone knows how after a bath, with p ABOUT then water comes out and weight decreases. But we drink water again and it is absorbed by the tissues and the weight returns to old place. That’s why everyone here experiments on themselves.

Why is raw water so beneficial? The fact is that at , its intercellular structure becomes different from cell membrane blood, which slows down its absorption by the body.

In addition, use only boiled water leads to the leaching of salts and minerals from the body. If you drink boiled water, then immediately after it has cooled, it should be still warm, and in no case should it be water that has long cooled down.

How much water should you drink in liters?

Where did the conversation about the volume of water necessary for the body of two to three liters per day come from?

It is known that the daily recommended caloric intake for an average adult is 2000-2200 kilocalories. During scientific research It was revealed that for every thousand kilocalories consumed in food, you need to drink about one liter of liquid to ensure the functioning of all important processes in the body. This is where the call to drink two liters of water came from.

BUT! For some reason it doesn't count the volume of water obtained from coffee, tea, compote, juice, not to mention soup, porridge, salad and even bread, which also contain a decent amount of water. How much is consumed per day? fruits and vegetables? Yes, it is possible that all drinks are perceived by the body as biochemistry - food and are not that pure water, so necessary for our cells. But this is also a liquid, a load on the organs that process and filter water. And this fact cannot be ignored!

But you must agree that even the most purified water gets into the oral cavity during the day after eating food, then gets into the stomach, mixes with food and becomes ..... the same biochemistry that tea suffers from. compote, coffee. So what are we talking about?

There is an opinion that water with food is even absorbed better and faster. Juice, soup, tea, compote enrich the blood with beneficial microelements. And drinking such liquid is easier, more pleasant and maintains water exchange than to push into yourself clean water.

Therefore, if, following the call, you decide to drink the recommended 2-2.5 liters of plain water daily, you need to simultaneously exclude all liquids from glasses from your diet. The rest of the necessary fluid will enter the body with food. Is everyone ready to do this? I don’t think so... and is it necessary?

A separate conversation about the vegetables and fruits eaten, containing in excess the most delicious food structured water, beneficial for the body. So cucumbers consist of 95% water, a little less of it in tomatoes, and 90%. There is a lot of water in fruits. To talk about the content in these gifts of nature of an unprecedented amount useful microelements, acids and other the most useful substances, which enter the body only thanks to these products, there is no need.

Therefore, the call for the required volume of plain water for the body to be 2 liters, not to mention three liters, is a myth!

It is enough to drink a couple or three to four glasses a day raw water(everything is individual), plus the liquid contained in fruits, vegetables and all products. If brewed correctly green tea, not with boiling water, but with water brought to a boil and cooled slightly - the benefits of this drink are as great as berry fruit drinks, freshly prepared fruit, berry and vegetable juices, fresh juices, and cocktails.

It’s tasty, healthy, and you don’t have to torture yourself with exhausting “watering holes.” You cannot remove water from coffee, tea, milk, kefir and other drinks from the scale if you drink them.

Excess water in the body

I will surprise many with the message that excess water can cause death. This is exactly how the life of a 28-year-old American woman, the winner of a competition for high-speed water consumption, ended due to excess water in her body. How much water this lady drank is a mystery, but clearly not a little. Two recruits ended their lives in the same way. American army after a grueling workout, they drank several liters of ordinary water at once. In both cases the reason was water intoxication body or the so-called drinking disease.

Water, without having time to be filtered by the kidneys, accumulates in the intercellular fluid and enters in excess into other organs, which swell and cause external edema. The brain, enclosed in the bone box of the skull, is especially affected; its cells swell, which leads to death.

Of course, such cases are rare, but it is important to remember that even healthy body is able to pass through the kidneys only 800-1000 ml of fluid per hour. So, passionate beer lovers who can drink more than one liter of drink should be especially careful. It is better to drink liquid in small portions throughout the day before or after meals.

Drinking a lot of water is harmful

Why is excess water harmful? Like its lack, it is fraught with the following consequences:

  • Excess water overloads the heart;
  • Makes the kidneys work harder;
  • Increases protein breakdown;
  • Increases sweating;
  • Excess water washes out the necessary salts from the body, thereby disrupting the salt balance.
  • Too much water makes digestion difficult, diluting gastric juice, which allows infections and bacteria to easily penetrate into the blood. That’s why it’s so important to take any liquid only half an hour after eating.

Drinking more than 1.5 liters of water is permissible in the following cases:

In other cases, it is good to drink clean water in the morning on an empty stomach, as it arises and in between meals.

For whom is it important to limit water intake?

  • People suffering from high blood pressure, it is important to control the amount you drink;
  • For those with heart or kidney disease, talking about 2 liters of water is generally unacceptable; on the contrary, consumption should be limited.
  • It is especially important for pregnant women to maintain water balance.

As you can see, there are supporters of water without restrictions and those in favor of observing the norm. To drink or not to drink water and in what quantity, first of all, it is important to listen to your body. If you need it, drink water for your health. If you don’t want to, you don’t need to force it into yourself.

It is known that thirst is formed by special hormones in the body; everyone has their own. That is why there are water drinkers and those who are not naturally drawn to water.

No one is surprised that there are moisture-loving and dry-resistant plants. Try to flood a flower and you will see how its roots begin to rot. Of course, a person will not rot from excess water, but will there be any benefit from excess water? That's the question.

Calculation of the required amount of water for the body

for adults up to 50 years old 35-40 ml per 1 kg of body weight,

for people over 50 years old 30-35 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

On average, we get 0.8 -1.2 liters of liquid from drinking water, about a liter from foods we eat, and another 0.4 liters of water is formed independently in the body.

Theory Academician V. Tolkachev, indicates that heavy fluid consumption is characteristic of certain types of people and limiting such people in the amount they drink is dangerous for their health, as well as forcing those who are not physiologically and psychologically predisposed to drink heavily.

Academician Nikolay Amosov in his health system he states that the body needs 2-3 liters of liquid (not necessarily water), the volume must be taken into account taking into account vegetables and fruits, and the professor himself paid special tribute to tea. At the same time, he agreed that each person has his own need for water and encouraged him to listen to his body.

Doctor S. Bubnovsky- doctor medical sciences, a professor who has cured hundreds of patients from joint disease, calls for drinking up to 3 liters of liquid, but this volume includes green tea, natural kvass, fruit juices, vegetables.

Popular cardiologist, Chief physician of the City clinical hospital named after M. E. Zhadkevich, Moscow, host of the TV program “About the Most Important Thing” A. L. Myasnikov shares the same opinion:

“To drink or not to drink?! It’s necessary to spin a seemingly simple topic like this! Here, in essence, simple arithmetic, like the law of conservation of energy: “How much is lost in one place, so much should be added in another place”... You just need to follow your feeling of thirst - this is the best indicator of how much liquid you should drink... Therefore, you need to follow not the advice of “experts”, but trust your thirst. If you don’t spur it on with salt, the body will reach an individual and correct level of water consumption,” the specialist explained.

I have to go to the toilet every 20 minutes, but I'm definitely prettier, happier, healthier and more energetic. All thanks to water.

“When I agreed to drink a gallon of water (3.8 L — NV) every day for a month, I expected to see positive results: better skin, more energy,” writes American journalist Wil Fulton in a column for Thrillist.

Some of this actually worked, however, as the author says, drinking water in such quantities turned out to be much more difficult than he expected. To fulfill the experimental conditions, great effort had to be made. “But I did it. Mainly because the company was literally paying me to do it. “I also wanted to learn something new,” the columnist notes.

Day 1. Started

Fulton notes that he doesn't usually drink that much liquid in a day (except for beer), so he had no idea how many glasses of water fit in a gallon. “So I decided the best thing to do would be to get a big bottle of water and carry it with me everywhere,” the author says.

It was strange to dedicate my body and soul to one single purpose: to drink, drink and drink.

Day 5. I run to the toilet every 20 minutes.

I feel thirsty all the time “I like to drink water. Honestly. My body (like everyone else's body) is 60% water, but no normal person drinks a gallon of water a day. This is the difficulty. I drink water even when I don’t feel thirsty,” says the journalist. The sensations are the same, except that you never feel hungry, and this makes you eat less.

And you pee every 20 minutes. “Everyone in the office thinks I have a drug problem because I keep running to the toilet,” he says.

Day 10. I became more beautiful

Something is happening, and it is most noticeable in the morning. Usually, Fulton says, he needs a cup of coffee to wake up, but now he wakes up more refreshed and feels more energized. “And that's wonderful. I think I'm feeling better. Although this may just be a placebo effect,” he says.

Day 15. Yes, I’m just a source of energy

There is definitely more energy. The author notes that he practically stopped drinking coffee, although he used to drink 2-3 cups a day. “On my evening runs I feel like I’m moving faster. […] And I also constantly feel thirsty when I don’t drink. The body seems to have adapted to the new regime,” he continues.

Day 20: People say I'm happier

"Don't know. Maybe that's how it is? I rewatched Beetlejuice – maybe this is the reason,” the journalist continues.

Day 25: I'm getting better

You still write a lot. The urine is crystal clear. “My girlfriend says my skin looks better and I definitely have more energy. It sounds strange, but I feel like I just became better", - Fulton says.

The author asked his editor if his performance had improved, to which she replied, “Not noticeably.” “I’ll take this as a solid ‘maybe,’” the columnist writes. “And I had to adopt the bottle, it became a part of me.” I have developed calluses on my hand from the handle, and, to be honest, I feel naked when I don’t feel the touch of its cool plastic in my palm.

Day 30. Free

The experiment is finally over. Have to go to the toilet often. You constantly feel thirsty. “I look like my grandfather. But I love my grandfather. And damn, I really feel good. A gallon is probably too much, but I realized that I haven’t been drinking enough water all this time,” the journalist concludes.

People should drink more water, he believes. This makes you feel better, and people around you like you more.

Wil Fulton

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