British kitten 2 months old. British fold kittens: care and nutrition, the best way to feed a British cat

It is important for lovers of beautiful representatives of the cat family to know about the rules of caring for them and the characteristics of their development. This question is very acute for those who want to become owners of a British breed kitten. Therefore, we will find out what kind of British kitten is at 3 months and what are the rules for caring for it.

General characteristics of the breed

Representatives of this breed have a number of characteristic features. However, the main thing worth noting about them is the obligatory short coat. At the moment, breeders have not bred a single kitten with long hair. By nature, cats are very independent and independent., they will not be very bored in the absence of the owner. In addition, according to some sources, the British are descendants of the Cheshire cat.

Some external features

All representatives of the breed, regardless of their color, place of residence and characteristics of care, have a number of appearance characteristics. Using them, you can determine the kitten’s species:

  • Round head, wide cheekbones and short neck;
  • Short and straight nose, small and low-set rounded ears;
  • Big eyes;
  • Grounded, massive body;
  • Short, but quite thick paws;
  • Thick, medium-sized tail;
  • Short but very thick coat.

3 month old British babies © shutterstock

Character of British cats

British kittens become practically independent from their owner from an early age. They can stay alone for a long time and not get bored. One should not expect excessive affection and tenderness from animals; they have a rather cold temperament. However, oddly enough, this does not mean that they do not love their owners and are not attached to them. The British will always accompany them because they want to be nearby.

Cats will not break out of your hands or resist, but will calmly withstand all attacks of tenderness from their owners.

Indicators of a British kitten at 3 months

At the age of three months, indicators are quite important. They reflect the proper care of the animal, the appropriate diet of the British kitten and the state of health at 3 months. At the same time, there is a slight error taking into account heredity and place of residence. Sometimes a member of a breed may have a certain genetic disorder Therefore, when calculating development norms, it is advisable to take into account the development of both parents. The environment (ecologically polluted) can dull the development of a kitten.

British weight at this age

When calculating the normal weight of a kitten at 3 months and relating it to the average, it is important to take into account previous indicators. First, it will give a broader picture of the animal's growth suitability. Secondly, if there is a deviation, this will make it possible to understand what moment became the turning point and where to look for problems.

British kitten aged 3 months © shutterstock

Here are approximate numbers of how much a kitten should weigh by week up to three months of age and, accordingly, at 3 months (in grams):

  • 8 weeks (2 months): Cat - 1000-1700, cat - 450-900;
  • 9 weeks: Cat - 1150-1900, cat - 500-1050;
  • 10 weeks: Cat - 1250-2100, cat - 550-1200;
  • 11 weeks: Cat - 1350-2300, cat - 750-1350;
  • 12 weeks: (3 months): Cat - 1500-2500, cat - 1000-1500.

Proper nutrition for a British kitten

In the process of animal development, three months is important, because the correct formation of the body and proper growth and development depend on this. Unfortunately, not all owners of a British cat know that the diet of a purebred feline at 3 months should be very balanced and contain all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

Type of food and its features

A very important question is what to feed a British kitten for 3 months - ready-made food or natural food. When choosing the first option, you need to know that one manufacturer must be maintained throughout the development of the kitten, since each food has its own specific set of nutritional values ​​and ingredients. If such a set changes, the British body may not yet be formed and refuse to accept the new food. If you choose natural food, it is worth noting that it is important to know the nuances of what you can and cannot give to your pet.

In addition, if you have chosen the option of buying a kitten in a nursery, then you need to inquire what method of feeding was chosen there for your animal.

Because it is advisable to continue to use the same dry food, but certain preferences may have already developed towards using a natural product.

Dry food at 3 months

This method is convenient in that the owner can independently calculate in detail the amount of product needed for consumption. In addition, it is convenient to use on the road and saves a lot of time. Wherein, it is important to know that all food is divided into wet and dry. It is the first category that is suitable for feeding British kittens at 3 months, since they consist of 80% water and are therefore better digestible. They are safer and do not injure the British esophagus and stomach.

When changing food to an analogue for an animal aged 3 months, an allergic reaction may occur. This is why you should give preference to one manufacturer and simply vary between tastes.

Natural product

The advantage of this choice is the wide variety of products that are suitable for a 3 month old kitten. But the big disadvantage is that they cannot be given the food that was prepared for people. After all, it contains salt and spices, which greatly injure the British body. Every day the animal’s diet should definitely be dominated by fish and meat, which can sometimes be replaced with seafood. Such products will provide him with protein.

Also indispensable for balanced growth is calcium, which is contained in milk, sour cream and cottage cheese.

For more variety, you can use cereals and vegetables. But you need to remember about the ban on potatoes - starch is practically not absorbed by the young body of a British kitten at 3 months.

Rules for caring for a 3 month old kitten

Every British dog owner needs to know and control all aspects of caring for their pet. These include:

  • Wool and keeping it looking good;
  • Kitten hygiene at 3 months;
  • Early castration and sterilization.

Grooming at 3 months

An important part of keeping a British kitten looking good at 3 months old is proper handling of its coat. At the same time, you need to take into account some established rules and adapt them to suit your pet. Although representatives of this breed are clean and very neat animals, they need to be bathed when they get dirty or before important exhibitions. At the same time, it is worth giving preference to high-quality, which, unfortunately, are not very cheap, cat shampoos

Keep in mind that caring for a three-month-old British kitten is largely demonstrated by its appearance, and it is the fur that is the first demonstrator.

Therefore, in addition to timely bathing, to maintain the high-quality appearance of a British dog’s coat at 3 months, he needs to be given special vitamins. Such tablets or powders can be found on the shelves at a regular pet store, but it is advisable to consult a veterinarian before purchasing them. Also important purchases will be a comb and hair removal paste, which will be useful during shedding in the future.

Proper kitten hygiene

Caring for a 3-month-old British dog also includes certain hygiene rules, which must be observed for each representative of the breed. In fact, doing them is not so difficult, since kittens at 3 months are very obedient and calm. Already at 3 months, care for an adult cat is almost identical and includes the following features:

  • the purity of the eyes of a British kitten;
  • timely shortening of nails;
  • appropriate ear care at 3 months.

Minor discharge in the corners of the eyes can be easily removed with a cotton swab or a damp cloth. Besides, You can use special lotions, which can be used regularly or for significant discharge. You should consult your veterinarian about their use. The main rule here is the owner’s clean hands while caring for a 3-month-old British kitten.

Experts also advise trimming your cat’s claws every 2 weeks and buying a special scratching post for shortening your cat’s claws yourself. Regular cleaning is also required for your pet's ears at 3 months - about once a month. To do this, gently wipe the ears with a cotton pad moistened with hydrogen peroxide.

Early castration and sterilization of a kitten

In addition to what is needed for a 3-month-old British kitten to look good in the photo, other elements of creating a healthy lifestyle and the development of the animal are also important. Until recently, no one tried to sterilize cats at 3 months. However, now some specialists are choosing this innovative option. Many veterinarians still express concerns about this, and therefore whether or not to perform the procedure on a British kitten at three months is an individual choice.

However, you should know that all vaccinations should be completed 3 weeks before the operation and it is advisable not to feed the animal twelve hours before the operation.

Sterilization mainly occurs under general anesthesia and has several methods of implementation. Castration usually occurs under local anesthesia and secure fixation of the pet.

Postoperative period

There are also several subtleties of postoperative care. For example, you need to make sure that the cat does not try to lick the wound and use special medications recommended by the doctor for quick healing. For cats after the procedure, it is possible to use special food that provides prevention of urolithiasis and limit the consumption of fish products.

British Shorthairs belong to the category of elite pets. Like any purebred individuals, they require increased attention. Due to artificial breeding, the animals' immunity is weakened. In addition to proper care, you should provide them with quality nutrition. What food to feed your British cat, and what age restrictions exist, read on.

The scourge of this variety is excessive weight gain. Therefore, before buying a pet, it is important to decide on the basics of nutrition. Mature cats can be fed industrial food, natural food, or a combination of both. It is preferable to give kittens natural food.

Every day, to maintain a normal weight, moderately overweight Britons need 300 kcal, which is 70 g of dry food.

A properly selected diet should contain the following elements:

  • essential vitamins and minerals;
  • fatty acid;
  • optimal protein level;
  • L-carnitine.

Thanks to its balanced composition, it has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, teeth and cardiovascular system. Deviation from these norms is fraught with negative changes in the physical condition of the animal.

Cats belong to obligate carnivores. Therefore, a pet's diet should be based on protein and a small amount of carbohydrates.

Example of daily intake per 1 kg of weight:

  • 20 g beef meat;
  • 4 g cereal;
  • 10 g soft cheeses;
  • 0.2 g sunflower oil.

Filtered water should be freely available.

Feeding rules

High-quality nutrition contributes to soft and silky skin.

There are no specific restrictions for this variety. The list of dishes approved by veterinarian nutritionists is standard for purebred pets.

List of permitted products:

  • lean meats - turkey, chicken, rabbit and beef;
  • egg yolks;
  • offal - wings, kidneys, heart, lungs and necks;
  • wheat, rice, semolina and oatmeal porridge;
  • boiled sea fish;
  • sprouted oats and wheat;
  • vegetables;
  • fermented milk products - kefir, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt and fermented baked milk.

When feeding, it should be taken into account that the animal may have individual intolerance to certain components.


Despite its similarities with humans, the cat’s digestive system has a number of specific features. The animal’s body is unable to perform the following functions:

  • produce the amino acids arginine or taurine, which are found in meat;
  • convert linolenic acid from plant foods into arachidonic acid, contained in animal fat;
  • transform beta carotene into vitamin A.

The above facts indicate that the emphasis in the feline diet should be on feeding meat.

To prevent fatty degeneration, cats need to consume large quantities of protein contained in meat.

Every day you can give beef, chopped with veins and films, or rabbit meat. Veal is not a healthy food for the British because it contains few enzymatic substances. It is preferable to serve chicken boiled, after removing the bones. The frequency of feeding chicken fillet is from 3 to 5 times a week.

Before cooking any type of meat, freeze it in the refrigerator for at least 2 days. This will help kill harmful bacteria. The defrosted product is allowed to be given both raw and boiled.


Representatives of this breed love this type of food. Do not chop the internal organs too finely. This leads to the pet swallowing them without chewing. Heat treatment is required. It is recommended to use chicken or beef liver; pork is prohibited.

If the Briton's coat color is blue, the liver should be excluded from the diet. It leads to an undesirable change in hair color.


Considered an alternative source of protein. Despite the love of cats for this product, there are strict restrictions on the amount of its use.

It is acceptable to feed oceanic or sea fish - pollock, hake, cod. River fish is prohibited.

You need to boil it before serving. In its raw form, it destroys B vitamins in the body. Excessive eating provokes the development of urolithiasis, so you should not give your animal seafood more than once a week.


Only quail or chicken yolks are allowed. You can give it either raw or cooked several times a week. Whole eggs can be used in omelettes prepared without salt.

Prohibited Products

To prolong your pet’s life and prevent obesity and allergic reactions, a number of foods should be excluded.

Spices, sugar and salt are also prohibited.

Feeding spayed and neutered pets

After sterilization, the animal should be placed on a diet. Due to the fact that after castration pets become lazy and inactive, it is necessary to limit the consumption of high-calorie food. Excess weight negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

After surgery, neutered pets are susceptible to developing urolithiasis.

Fish can accumulate mercury. This leads to acute intoxication of the cat's body.

It is advisable to switch the animal to a natural diet based on the consumption of the following products:

  • beef and poultry;
  • cabbage and carrots;
  • offal;
  • soft porridges;
  • fermented milk products.

In addition, you should include in your diet food supplements containing vitamins A, E and group B.

Dry food should be excluded from the diet of males. Long-term use contributes to the formation of kidney stones. In cats, due to the strongly narrowed and curved urinary canal, the risk of developing this disease increases. In addition, a sterile pet does not have a constant outflow of seminal fluid, which leads to the formation of stagnation in the genitourinary system.

Feeding older cats

Once they reach the age of 8, Britons begin to age. The activity of pets decreases and the metabolic rate decreases. Therefore, it is advisable to put animals on a gentle diet that regulates weight.

To organize therapeutic nutrition, you will need the help of a veterinarian. It is advisable not to engage in such developments on your own. It should be borne in mind that elderly animals are susceptible to the development of chronic diseases, so the nutritional plan should take into account the physical condition of the body.

For example, with diabetes, an animal experiences a constant feeling of hunger. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer the pet to fractional low-calorie meals.

Dry food

Low-quality dry food is replete with plant carbohydrates in the form of starch. The stated function of this element is an irreplaceable source of energy. In fact, it is only a cementing material to bind the particles that make up the basis of the granulated feed.

The specifics of dry food production do not allow reducing the percentage of carbohydrate content below the 40% limit. Such a high figure is dangerous for the health of cats, since their liver practically lacks the enzyme responsible for converting carbohydrates into glucose.

And yet there are foods on sale that do not contain plant carbohydrates, or their percentage is reduced to a safe minimum.

Quality products include the following:

  • Eukanuba with lamb and rice;

Among the products listed, Purina has the largest amount of protein in its composition. This is due to the presence of soy in the ingredient list.

Rules for using granulated products:

  1. In addition to choosing a quality brand, it is necessary that the cat enjoys eating the food.
  2. Before choosing any food, you should purchase several different options in economical packages and observe your pet’s reaction.
  3. It is important to make sure that the food is available for sale.
  4. Once a specific variety has been approved, you should not give your cat food from another manufacturer. The digestive system of pets is difficult to adapt to a different type of food.
  5. The best option would be food without plant carbohydrates.
  6. Dry products must be alternated with pouches.

With prolonged feeding exclusively of granulated industrial food, the following complications may occur:

  • fatty liver;
  • dental diseases;
  • pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract.

To keep your pet always healthy, you should choose premium or holistic food.

Drinking regime

The body of representatives of the cat family consists of 70% water. However, cats, especially British cats, have a weakened sense of thirst at the genetic level. Animals do not absorb enough fluid to keep their bodies functioning properly. As a result, they develop stones in the kidneys or bladder.

The cat owner must take control of the drinking regime. It should be understood that liquid means water. Sour milk or broths do not have the qualities inherent in this hydrological element.

When feeding dry food, the volume of water consumed should be increased at least 2 times: for 50 g of granules you need from 100 to 150 ml of liquid.

Feeding kittens

Compared to adult cats, the feeding pattern of babies is radically different.

The frequency of feeding pets depends on their age:

  • up to 6 months - 6 times a day;
  • after six months - 2 times.

A bowl of water should always be available.

When to start complementary feeding

The kitten's body draws all the necessary elements from its mother's milk.

Basic feeding rules:

  • the optimal age for switching to complementary feeding is 4 weeks;
  • meal schedule - every 2 hours;
  • every day it is necessary to increase the amount of daily food from 5 to 15 g;
  • it is advisable to start feeding using a pipette;
  • Specially developed industrial formulas for kittens are considered a good option.

Weak pets need to be supported with vitamin cocktails. The approximate composition is 0.5 ml of ascorbic acid, 3.5 ml of 5% glucose and 3.5 ml of saline solution. The solution is injected subcutaneously into the area between the shoulder blades. The recommended single dose is 1 ml. The injection can be given up to 3 times a day. An overdose is fraught with disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Features of feeding up to 1 year

Once the kitten reaches 1 month of age, it can be switched to adult food. By this time, his teeth and digestive system had already become stronger.

  1. From 4 to 8 weeks, the feeding schedule is from 5 to 6 times a day. The diet consists of mixtures and a small amount of finely chopped or blended chicken and beef.
  2. From 2 months switch to 4 meals a day. The size of the meat pieces can be increased.
  3. From 3 months, give finely chopped raw meat. Boiled can be crushed. Gradually introduce the following foods into your diet:
    1. boiled sea fish without bones;
    2. milk;
    3. quail eggs;
    4. low-fat cottage cheese;
    5. kefir.
  4. From 6 months, adhere to a 3-times-a-day diet.
  5. From 8 months - give food 2 times a day.

In the second year of life, the pet is switched to adult food.

Video - How kittens eat in the first week

The benefits and harms of milk

This product contains a large amount of protein, methionine and choline, vitamins and calcium. Despite its usefulness, at a certain age it does more harm than good.

The concentration of lactase in the body of cats begins to decrease as they grow older. This leads to a decrease in the pet’s need for milk and even to its intolerance.

Therefore, fermented milk products are more beneficial for cats. During the process of fermentation with milk, the following transformations occur:

  • the amount of B vitamins increases;
  • microorganisms beneficial to the intestinal microflora accumulate;
  • Lactose, which is harmful to adult pets, is almost completely broken down.

General nutritional recommendations for British cats do not differ from the rules for feeding other pedigree cats. It is necessary to listen to your pet’s body and make timely changes to the diet in case of intolerance to any product.

The British Fold cat is becoming an increasingly popular breed, as this animal is beautiful, calm, and becomes a real decoration of the home. But owners of British cats must know exactly how to properly feed and care for their pet.

With an irresponsible attitude on the part of the owner, the British quickly begin to get sick, causing a lot of problems.

The cat will lose its attractive appearance, shine and thickness of fur, become lethargic or become obese, and these are the most harmless consequences of illiterate care.

The best advice on the topic “British Fold kittens, care and nutrition” is provided by experienced breeders of this breed, as well as veterinarians with sufficient experience in their profession.

You can’t just admire the beauty of the British dog, his elegant and sweet appearance, without being interested in the characteristics of the breed. What to feed a British cat so that he looks luxurious and has excellent health and a great mood?

Nutrition rules

Like other breeds, the British Fold cat can be fed in the form of natural products or in the form of ready-made food.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

But if it is not possible to strictly follow the diet, constantly weigh portions and count calories, it is better to feed British cats high-quality premium or super-premium food. Natural food is food prepared by the owner. But they must be specially selected for the cat’s diet, taking into account the breed, age, weight, and health status.


It is forbidden to give representatives of the British breed leftover food from the human table; you can not only fatten the cat to become overweight, but also create many health problems for it.

Pet food should include many special elements, vitamins, minerals, but salt and spices are excluded from the food.

You need to not only know what British breed cats eat and what foods are allowed, but also cook for them often and give them fresh portions.

You can feed your Britons food specially formulated for them by choosing reputable and safe types.

Different breeds have their own physiological characteristics, and even the same products may not be suitable for all cats. For a British baby, you need to create a diet designed for his age and weight. This diet is followed for at least six months.

Usually kittens from 3 months are brought into the home; up to this age they live with breeders who know very well all the rules of feeding and care. You should not take home an animal up to 3 months old, as it may still need breast milk or require special complementary feeding.

But if it is not possible to strictly follow the diet, constantly weigh portions and count calories, it is better to feed British cats high-quality premium or super-premium food. Without some experience, it is difficult to provide the baby with sufficient wet food if the cat has already refused to feed her kittens.

After 3 months, you need to feed your British cat at home with the following products:

  • Milk (slightly warmed) and milk porridge (boiled).
  • Cream.
  • Dairy products.
  • Boiled fish (sea).
  • Chicken (boiled), beef (raw is also allowed).
  • Boiled vegetables and fruits.

British babies love to eat ready-made food. But if it is dry, you need to soak it. Both dry food and canned food should be selected very carefully, taking into account the quality and the age at which they are intended.

It is also necessary to observe the proportion of dry and wet food; up to 4 months 10% dry food is allowed, up to 6 months - 20-30%. After six months, the British no longer needs to be given milk.

At this age, a Briton can be given any meat, but it must be lean, if you don’t want him to be fat and sick. The diet must be balanced, with sufficient vitamins. Therefore, vitamins need to be included from 3 months. How many times should you feed a British kitten per day? Up to 6 months, a kitten should eat up to 6 times a day; by 10 months, it switches to eating 4 times a day.

  1. Adults can eat the following foods:
  2. Boiled fish is low-fat.
  3. The meat is lean.
  4. Meat by-products.
  5. Boiled yolk.
  6. Different types of porridge - semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and others.

You can give sprouted wheat and definitely herbs, grown yourself or purchased at a pet store. Adult British boys are fed only 2-3 times a day

. If the portion corresponds to the norm, such feeding is enough to ensure that the animal is provided with the necessary energy. Dry food makes up about 30%, but if the short-haired cat is a show cat, the proportion of dry and wet food can be 1:1.

Special additives to the food can also provide a special shine, thick coat, health and activity of the animal.

But you can only give those that are recommended by veterinarians and breeders.

Among these additives are pharmaceutical brewer's yeast, which is needed for beautiful coat, and vegetable oil, which relieves many intestinal problems.

The oil is given in the amount of half a teaspoon per day (a few drops are enough for kittens). Special vitamins are produced; when choosing them, you need to take into account the animal’s age, gender, and health status.


When consuming vitamins, your pet must be provided with fresh and high-quality water.

  • After castration
  • After castration, some changes occur in the physiology of a pet; this must be taken into account when compiling its diet. Neutered cats especially often encounter diseases of the genitourinary system and obesity.
  • A castrated British cat should consume foods with a minimum content of phosphorus and calcium, since these substances contribute to the appearance of stones.
  • Veterinarians recommend excluding cheese and fish from the list of products for the British menu. It is better to replace it with fermented milk products, good and lean meat. The cat should always have fresh water in sufficient quantity and in a clean bowl (such cats may not go near dirty dishes).

If a cat drinks little after castration, you need to give him more wet food and reduce the amount of dry food. What to do with those pets who eat ready-made food? First of all, they should only eat high quality products from reputable manufacturers. These brands produce special types of food for neutered cats of one breed or another.

This food contains those microelements that are necessary for the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Responsible cat owners need to adhere to this rule. After castration, many cats become less active and quickly gain weight, which can be dangerous for their health. When such a problem occurs, it is necessary to change your usual diet to dietary nutrition. Among ready-made feeds there are options for this situation.

  1. The diet must include meat. Cats are predators, even if their breed is created by man. Without meat, the British body will not develop normally. Only premium or super-premium ready-made food contains meat; you should not expect much from economy food.
  2. Along with meat, porridge, boiled vegetables, and more are prepared.
  3. All products for feeding must be of high quality and fresh.
  4. Egg yolk, fish, poultry - these are the foods that need to be boiled to feed a British cat; in their raw form, they can become a source of worms or some kind of infection.
  5. Meals should be regular and balanced. A cat, even as an adult, should not go hungry due to the fact that the owner is rarely at home.
  6. Attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the dishes, the cat's litter box, and the place where the Briton rests.
  7. It is imperative to ensure that there is clean and fresh water in the bowl, and that it is always clean.
  8. It is recommended to give your Briton food warm, so it will be easily digested.
  9. Ready-made dry food and canned food should be fed according to the manufacturer's standards, which are indicated on the packaging.

What foods are harmful to health?

Proper, balanced nutrition is an effective prevention of many diseases and allows you to maintain the attractive appearance of a representative of the British breed.

  • There are a number of foods that are strictly contraindicated in the British diet.
  • When feeding prepared foods (dry food, canned food), the choice should be made in favor of premium or super-premium products. Budget food will cause many serious health problems; it is not recommended even for simple, outbred animals.
  • River fish contains many small bones; for the British, it is a must to replace it with sea fish.
  • When preparing meat, porridge, and vegetables, do not use salt, sugar, or various spices.
  • Not all vegetables are allowed in the diet of British cats. Potatoes and legumes should not be given.
  • You should also remember that after six months you need to remove milk from the menu.
  • No matter how much you want to pamper your pet, you should not give him, even in minimal quantities, sweets, smoked foods, or spicy foods. Everything that is prepared for people is not suitable for a cat’s table.

Pedigree cats, including British ones, are animals with weak immunity. Improper care and poor nutrition are factors that can quickly and significantly worsen the health of a pet.

If you don’t have enough time for it or don’t want to follow the recommendations of veterinarians, it is better not to get a kitten and not expose it to danger. Responsibility for a pet should not be an empty word, because we are talking about defenseless creatures.

Selecting the power type

When starting to create a diet, you should think about what food you will feed your British kitten in the future. It depends on many factors and conditions.

If the owner does not have the opportunity to prepare natural food every day, then it is worth choosing industrial feed. This does not mean that natural products will be completely excluded. You can mix these types of food, but not in one go. To digest canned and natural foods, the cat’s stomach secretes various enzymes and acids. Mixing in one bowl can lead to gastrointestinal pathologies. But sometimes you can add another type of food. For example, if it is not possible to replenish stocks of an industrial product, you can give a natural treat for some time. Or with a natural diet, if necessary, you can use high-quality feed for several days. But such exceptions should not be made often: the cat’s liver will not be able to quickly adapt from one type of food to another.

Speaking about changing the type of food, we must not forget about such cases as moving to a new home. For any adult cat, and even more so for a small one, a change of place of residence is stressful. Changing the type of diet is also stressful. If you put one on top of the other, the baby will get sick. Therefore, after moving, it is necessary to give the cat familiar food. If this is just a trip with your hosts, then you need to stock up on the usual products for the first time. If the baby changes family, then inquire about the diet and meal schedule - and in the first days strictly adhere to the advice of the former owners.

General feeding rules

The baby is fed by the mother for up to three weeks, so all attention is paid to her appetite and health. If she ate natural food before pregnancy, then the amount of beef in her diet should be increased: both meat and liver. If the expectant mother ate commercial food, then during pregnancy she must be switched to a special diet: such products are marked “for pregnant cats.” Particular attention should be paid to the calorie content of food, which should not increase. Sometimes it makes sense to reduce your calories a little before giving birth. And be sure to stop giving. These rules must be followed not only before childbirth, but also during the period of feeding newborns, until they stop sucking.

British baby drinks milk

From the age of three weeks, babies require complementary feeding. The principle “the more the better” is not suitable: you need to feed a British kitten in moderation. There are many tables with exact calculations of the number and size of servings. If the animal is healthy, it is easier to use the formula 30-70 g/1 kg for calculations. Accordingly, 50-70 g per day is enough for a baby to eat normally.

Be sure to follow a meal schedule. Firstly, it disciplines the little pet - he will get used to eating only at the allotted hours and will not beg for treats at other times. Secondly, both young and adult animals require fractional feeding. A growing body requires frequent feeding. Up to three months - 5-6 times a day. From six months - 4-5 times. Having reached one year of age - 3-4 times. It is recommended that an adult cat be given food only a couple of times: in the morning and in the evening.

Be sure to maintain the ratio of dry and wet food. Up to two months, all products should be liquid. Later, the percentage of dry food is gradually increased. But it should be remembered that even in the diet of an adult cat, wet food should contain at least 30%, not counting drinking water.

Diet depends on age

In order for the little Briton to develop properly, new food should be gradually introduced into his menu. The most important period is 2-6 months, when organs and systems are quickly formed, the age of active growth. But at this time the baby still does not know how to eat everything, and is not familiar with the taste and smell of many foods.

3 weeks

From the age of three weeks, the first acquaintance with food begins. Before this, it was completely accessible and easily digestible. There was no need to look for it, chew it or lap it up. Therefore, all new foods must be crushed so that the baby learns to eat properly. For a week, a small amount of meat, only finely chopped, is added to the mother's milk every day. The quantity increases gradually. Milk porridges are added to complementary foods, for which only goat's milk should be used. And be sure to follow the “one day, one new treat” rule.

British breed kitten

1 month

At the age of one and a half months, the baby begins to be given cottage cheese - always low-fat and without any additives.

2-3 months

The problem of what to feed a British kitten arises 2 months after birth. At this time, babies gradually refuse mother's milk. It is during this period that it is time for the owner to decide whether his pet will receive natural food, or it is time to start getting acquainted with industrial food. In the first case, it is better not to offer new food - refusing the mother is already an innovation. In the second case, you can add special canned food that is age appropriate to your baby’s menu. Do not use dry food right away.

While the baby is still sucking milk, complementary foods should be given more often and in small portions - up to eight times a day, so that the digestive system adapts to new conditions.

British kittens eat

The sooner natural feeding is abandoned, the more varied a British kitten can be fed: at 3 months, new types of complementary foods are possible. However, you still need to feed more often - at least six times a day. By the end of the third month, you can reduce the number of meals to five. At this time, poultry meat (chicken is best), offal, vegetables and fruits, egg yolk, sea fish (boiled and boneless), and fermented milk products are added as complementary foods. For animals whose diet is planned to be based on industrial food, it’s time to gradually add preserves (be sure to pay attention to the recommendations given on the packaging) and softened dry food. You can also use canned children's meat.

5-6 months

At this time, the main emphasis is on reducing the number of feedings per day - up to four times. There should be few new products: for kittens on a natural diet - low-fat cheeses; for babies on industrial food, the dilution of dry products is gradually reduced. This process lasts up to a year and the percentage is brought to 70% of dry food per day.

From six months to 10 months

The number of feedings is reduced to three. Milk is excluded from the diet and rabbit meat is added.

Up to a year

This is the age of adaptation to an adult diet: no more than twice a day, the amount of liquid food is reduced.

A survey about what to feed a British cat should interest the owner from the very beginning. Of course, this breed is distinguished by good health and longevity, but the role of proper nutrition is extremely important.

Basic feeding rules

First of all, it’s worth understanding the basic rules of catering:

  • The most common mistake made by owners is mixing natural and dry food. There is a misconception that adding meat, fish or vegetables to your cat's favorite bag will have a beneficial effect. In reality, this approach can be fraught with problems with the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.
  • Some owners follow the above rule, but sometimes allow exceptions. For example, when choosing mostly natural food, sometimes they treat their pets to purchased food as a reward for something. Such feeding is also extremely undesirable, because different types of food are digested differently.
  • Catshould not remain hungry for more than 2-3 days. This is extremely important to consider when planning to be away from home for a long time.
  • Cats and dogs should have different diets. The fact is that the latter synthesize some amino acids independently. But the heroes of this article cannot do this, so the owner of both animals must take into account. Therefore, you will have to abandon the same nutrition plan.
  • If the cat is fed natural food, you should think about an additional dose of vitamins. Dry food is balanced in advance, but fans of natural food will have to balance it themselves.
  • Whatever type of food is chosen, it must be served warm. Of course, the meal should be stored in the refrigerator, but it should be reheated before serving to your pet.
  • Cat rations should not be given “while the pet is eating,” but based on the following proportions: kittens - 10% of their weight, adults - 5%.

What a British cat shouldn't eat

It is also important to understand what you absolutely cannot feed an animal:

  • Low quality dry food like Whiskas, Friskas, Kitiket. They, of course, are not as expensive as premium products, but such savings will not bring benefits. The composition speaks for itself - horns, hooves, feathers, aromatic additives.
  • Food from the master's table. By the way, this is a common mistake of many owners who lovingly feed furry beggars borscht, cutlets, canned food, and sausages.
  • Although meat is very good to include in the diet, not all types are equally healthy. Thus, fatty varieties are strictly contraindicated. For example, lamb.
  • FeedUnder no circumstances should you eat salty, spicy, smoked or sweet foods! Spices are also not welcome.
  • Vegetables and fruits are recommended for furry pets, but not all. Eggplants, for example, are even recognized by veterinarians as dangerous to cat health. Just like onions, garlic, potatoes, citrus fruits.
  • It is theoretically possible to eat river fish, but in reality there is a high risk of small bones getting into your pet’s body.

About natural food

WhichCan the diet be compiled for those owners who advocate natural nutrition for their pets?

  • Meat is a must! It should account for an average of 65-70% of the diet. Moreover, you only need a fresh, low-fat product. An excellent choice would be chicken, beef, turkey. It is preferable to boil the game, as there is a risk of further infection of the pet with helminths. You can also pre-freeze for about two days. If the raw product has veins, they must be cut into small pieces.
  • Vegetables, fruits, legumes - this is 25-30% of the diet. They are not digested as well as meat, but are useful as a source of vegetable protein.
  • Porridges should make up approximately 5-10% of the menu. It is worth paying attention to buckwheat, oatmeal, and rice. It is advisable to form small meatballs from porridge, chopped meat and vegetables - the cat will eat them with great pleasure. Porridge with milk is also preferred.
  • By-products are quite suitable when it comes to the heart, kidneys, and liver. The British cat loves this food very much! It is recommended to cut it into small strips - this option is the most correct. If the pet is not yet a year old, the stripes should be very small. It has been proven that such strips serve as an excellent prevention of dental plaque.
  • Fermented milk food - surprisingly, a cat may not like milk! In this case, it is worth offering food that is based on milk, but is not milk in its pure form. These are cottage cheese, curdled milk, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk. Low-fat cheese is also healthy, but you should grate it first. Cream and sour cream are also made from milk - you can give no more than a spoonful of them at a time. Even if the cat is an adult.
  • Eggs – you should treat your pet with them at least once a week. Both chicken and quail are allowed. You can boil the egg, or you can serve it raw. However, in any case, it is advisable to remove the protein from the bowl.

About dry food

And what kind of ready-made food do experienced cat owners feed their pets? As mentioned above, the food must be of high quality. We can safely name the following three brands:

  • "Earthborn Holistic" - this dry product contains approximately 44% protein and is quite low in carbohydrates. Consists of eggs, brown rice, rolled oats, flaxseed. Herring, chicken, and turkey flour are available. There are also vegetables and fruits, thanks to which the British favorite receives powerful immune protection. As for vitamins, manufacturers have added vitamins C and E in sufficient quantities. Calcium and phosphorus will perfectly strengthen bones and teeth. The granules are very small - even a small pet can handle them. The absence of gluten and grains will be appreciated by owners of animals with stomach problems.
  • "Go!" - food containing about 32% protein. Chicken meat, rice bran, brown rice, apples, alfalfa, rolled oats and flaxseed oil usually do not cause allergies. But a cat can still experience such trouble, so a preliminary consultation with a veterinarian will not hurt. But the developed formula is suitable for all ages! Including the fact that it contains taurine, which strengthens the heart.
  • "Bosch Sanabelle Grande" - contains a low percentage of carbohydrates and about 31% protein. There are few minerals, which is clearly for the better - urolithiasis is less likely to form. The developers can boast of using mussel meat, which strengthens joints. It even contains yucca extract, which significantly reduces the harshness of fecal odor!

How to feed a British kitten

How to properly feed an animal up to a year old?

  • For the first 3 or even 4 months, milk should be mother's milk if possible. The minerals, proteins and vitamins included in its composition help build the pet’s immunity.
  • You can start feeding your baby from about 2 months. But mother's milk should still make up the bulk of the diet. Complementary feeding, ideally provided 6-8 times a day, is recommended to be made up of the following products - porridge with milk, natural cottage cheese, cream, and a little scraped beef.
  • Starting from 3 months, you can try adding some by-products, vegetables and fruits, yolk, and boiled sea fish.
  • After 4 months, exposure to chicken, regular milk and fermented milk products is allowed. The frequency of meals is reduced to 4-6 times a day.
  • Starting from 6-10 months, the kitten should eat 3 or 4 times a day. It is permissible to diversify its menu with rabbit meat. Some veterinarians recommend focusing more on fermented milk products rather than pure milk.
  • Starting from 10 months, the animal eats twice a day. It is quite possible to draw a parallel between its menu and the diet of an adult feline.

How to feed a pregnant cat

It's time to figure out how experts feed a cat in an interesting situation. By and large, no dramatic changes have been observed, but some nuances should be mentioned:

  • As for beef, it is worth treating the expectant mother with it more often. And this means not only the meat itself, but also the liver and heart.
  • PregnantThe cat should absolutely not eat a lot. The saying that you need to “eat for two” is one of the most dangerous myths. If there is an excess of food, especially high-calorie food, too large fetuses will form in the cat’s womb. As a result, childbirth may become more difficult than with a reasonable approach to diet planning.
  • If the owner pampers his pet with dry food, it is important to take care of minor adjustments to the menu. Preference should be given to special foods for pregnant women. For example, “Royal Canin QUEEN” has earned good fame.

How to properly feed a spayed or neutered animal

Similar to the point above, the diet of these felines is not very different from the feeding principles of ordinary animals. However, owners must take into account one important nuance. Namely, weight control. And permanent.

IMPORTANT: Absolutely all operated animals are prone to gaining extra pounds at lightning speed.

To be sure that the maintenance is carried out correctly, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian. But you can take control yourself, just by reducing the number of calories if your pet is actively growing in width.

For such purposes, developers have come up with special food for sterilized animals. If preference is given to natural foods, you should consider reducing fat in your diet and increasing vegetables. T In any case, you can’t do without vitamins.

How to feed a cat when it is sick

The British, although known for excellent health, have their Achilles heel. Even a few. These are their signature ailments that can be combated with a well-designed diet:

  • If you have urolithiasis, you should consider reducing the composition of minerals. Pets who eat dry food often fall into the mineral risk zone. The food was probably chosen incorrectly. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that there is no such harmful component in the composition. There must be clean, fresh water in the bowl - without this, you can forget about ridding your cat of kidney stones.
  • With hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, it is advisable to take a closer look at the amount of salt absorbed by your pet. The less salt the better for the fluffy core. Previously, there was an opinion that such animals should consume less protein. This point of view can hardly be called correct, since as a result the animal lost a lot of muscle mass. As a result, they lived fewer years than they could have.

The British cat is extremely prone to obesity. We can say that she is the Achilles heel of furry companions. But well-chosen food will help avoid such trouble. Like many others.



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