Bolotov health in an unhealthy world. Human health in an unhealthy world

Boris Bolotov, Gleb Pogozhev

Health Pharmacy according to Bolotov

From the editor

Why and for whom was this book written?

Boris Vasilievich Bolotov is the greatest scientist of our time. His research in the fields of chemistry, physics, and biology indicated the vector of development of science in the 21st century. He developed fundamentally new model structure of the atom, created a new generation of chemistry, revolutionized the methods of studying the human body. For his discoveries, Bolotov was awarded the title of People's Academician in 1990. Fundamental scientific research made it possible encyclopedically educated person to lay the theoretical and practical foundations of the medicine of the future, which can help everyone today.

The ideas and discoveries of Boris Vasilyevich quickly burst into our lives. His books are published in huge editions, his name is known to millions of people. It is not surprising that many began to live in accordance with Bolotov’s health laws.

For lately, in addition to the fundamental work “Human Health in unhealthy world“, from the pen of the scientist books have been published in which Boris Vasilyevich examines in detail various aspects of his theory of health. In the book “The Truths of Bolotov. Cancer can be defeated,” there is a serious conversation about treatment oncological diseases. The work “Immortality according to Bolotov” talks about ways to prolong life by rejuvenating the body at the cellular level. “Bolotov’s People’s Clinic” was published, in which Boris Vasilyevich’s developments are considered from the point of view traditional methods treatment. The book “40 Phenomena of Bolotov” is dedicated to the scientist’s new discoveries in the field of medicine. In all these works the theory is given the same great value, as well as practice.

The publication you are holding in your hands is, in fact, Bolotov’s first reference book on medicine. Its appearance is primarily due to the need to fully describe treatment regimens. various diseases in accordance with the methods of Bolotovsk medicine. As a rule, the disease affects many systems and organs, causing concomitant diseases. Bolotov’s medicine allows you to use several treatment regimens at once (or in turn), which will help bring the entire body back to normal. The use of standard schemes allows everyone to choose for themselves optimal method treatment.

The reference book describes in detail Bolotovsky preparations - enzymes, kvass, vinegar infusions, sugar and yeast fermenters, pepsin stimulants, alkalizing teas. The use of these drugs is an integral part of Bolotov’s medicine.

On the pages of the book, the authors answered a number of questions that readers constantly ask: “Is it possible to use several enzymes during treatment? Is it possible to drink “royal vodka” at this time? Why does the enzyme, which is prepared exactly according to the described technology, turn sour and become moldy?” You will find answers to these and other questions in the first part of the book.

In the same part there is a chapter “Everything you need to know about enzymes”, which will help you navigate the diversity of these drugs. Enzymes are selected taking into account which body systems require therapeutic adjustment. The radiation spectrum of the diseased organ is also taken into account (it is determined by its microelement composition) and the subjective sensations of the patient.

The second part of the book contains a description of plants that are used in Bolotov medicine. A similar list was given in previous editions of Boris Vasilyevich’s books, but in this book it is clarified and significantly expanded. In addition, it tells where you can buy this or that plant, how to grow it at home or in your garden.

The third, largest part of the book is entirely devoted to treatment regimens for the most serious illnesses internal organs and systems. The treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, bronchopulmonary, and osteoarticular systems, as well as the treatment of oncological diseases of internal organs: stomach, lungs, liver, kidneys, is considered in detail.

The book will help quickly and accurately navigate everyone who has decided to use the discoveries of Academician Bolotov to gain health. The first part briefly outlines the main postulates of Bolotov’s medicine. Deeper theoretical knowledge, allowing one to explain the actions of Bolotov’s drugs, can be obtained by reading other books of the scientist, for example, the fundamental work “Human Health in an Unhealthy Society.”

This book, along with other publications published in the “Bolotov’s Medicine” series, is intended to become an indispensable aid in the fight against disease, helping to find the most valuable things in life – health and happiness.

Boris Bolotov is a famous modern scientist who has become famous in many branches of science. Most often, his name is associated with a unique system for cleansing the human body of old cells, which, according to his theory, not only allows the body to rejuvenate, but also gives it immortality. He also developed a unique system for combating cancer.

Boris Bolotov: biography

Let's find out in more detail what kind of person this is. Boris Bolotov was born on November 30, 1930 in a small village in the Ulyanovsk region. Received good education first at the Odessa Electrotechnical Institute of Communications, then at Moscow graduate school. Here he was offered to stay and continue working at the department, but Boris Vasilyevich decided to return to his homeland, to the Kiev Academic Institute of Electrodynamics, where he defended his doctoral dissertation.

Such a dizzying rise, unfortunately, ended in a fall. First - demotion, and, finally, the worst thing - arrest, psychiatric hospital and imprisonment.

He was sentenced to 8 years. Within the walls of the cell he developed an installation for and after 7 years he was released early and rehabilitated. A year after his release, he received the title of People's Academician.

Scientific discoveries (accepted and rejected)

The name of Boris Bolotov is associated with many important discoveries, most of which are still not recognized by the scientific world:

  • Significantly expanded the periodic table by discovering a whole series new elements and calculating all their chemical parameters.
  • He invented foam materials that are stronger than anything known to this day. According to Bolotov himself, anything can be built from these materials, from a garage to a rocket launcher.
  • Another invention was paint for coating the bottoms of ships. It is believed to have unique bactericidal properties.
  • In the manufacturing process of some types of medicines, a unique pure sugar, also invented by Boris Bolotov.
  • The installation, which is popular not only in the scientist’s homeland, is also the work of Bolotov.

Rejuvenation of the body

For a long time, Boris Bolotov studied the complex human body. Treatment according to Bolotov is based on beneficial properties certain products. He came to the conclusion that it was right organized meals and eating the foods he advises can lead to rejuvenation of the human body and even to his immortality. To achieve this, you must follow several rules:

  1. Hundreds of cells die in the human body every day. It is necessary that these unnecessary cells are eliminated from the body, and completely new ones take their place. To achieve this, Bolotov strongly recommends putting a pinch of salt under your tongue every time after eating, sucking it and swallowing the resulting salty saliva. In addition, it is advisable to add salt to all vegetables and fruits eaten.
  2. The next step is to remove all toxins from the body. According to Bolotov, good remedy acids will serve here, which in large quantities found in all kinds of pickles.
  3. The human body contains a lot of salts different types. The majority of them are produced independently in one form or another. However, there are also those that remain in the body, causing irreparable harm to human health. These are alkaline acids. To get rid of them, you need to drink tea made from sunflowers, watermelon rinds or pumpkin tails.
  4. Having studied plant and animal cells in the human body, Bolotov came to the conclusion that he could only get sick from the former. This means that it is necessary to oxidize the body. For example, using pickled peas, oats, lentils or beans.
  5. Bolotov’s last principle is that only the person himself should want to fight his aging and sick body. Only in this case can certain positive results be achieved.

Boris Bolotov: cancer treatment

Lately, people have begun to talk more and more often about unique system healing people from cancer. This terrible disease affects everyone indiscriminately, regardless of age, nationality or social status. This suggests that the fight against cancer must continue constantly; it is necessary not to stop and to look for newer methods of combating tumors. This is exactly what the famous Ukrainian scientist is trying to do.

Tactics to fight cancer

According to Bolotov's theory, all diseases in human body provoked by disruptions in the functioning of housing and communal services. This means that the treatment of any disease should begin with restoring its functioning. Boris Vasilievich Bolotov developed and scientifically substantiated a whole “scenario” for the treatment of cancer patients:

  1. Every morning you need to start with procedures with cakes. Vegetable and fruit squeezes have amazing properties - when they enter the human body, they are able to extract even heavy metals and carcinogens, and also collect residual moisture in the stomach. All this has positive impact to restore work gastrointestinal tract. Having discovered an oncological disease, it is necessary to take cabbage squeezes once a day, about 3 tablespoons, for a month.
  2. The following procedure is designed to relieve inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. You need to prepare a simple solution. In a 3-liter jar of water, mix sugar, celandine grass (in gauze) and sour cream (in the proportions of 1 tbsp: 0.5 tbsp: 1 teaspoon). Leave for several days. Take half a glass half an hour before meals.
  3. During meals you need to take 1 tablespoon of “Royal Vodka”. To prepare it, you need to take 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of concentrated hydrochloric and sulfuric acid, 0.5 cups of grape vinegar and 4 tablets of nitroglycerin. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. After eating, drink tea, also prepared according to Boris Bolotov’s recipe. Take 2 teaspoons of a dry plant (raspberry, coltsfoot, linden, chamomile), pour boiling water, leave and drink.
  5. During the day, take a solution prepared from 1 tbsp. spoons of grape vinegar and 0.5 cups of water (instead of water, you can take yogurt, curdled milk or milk).
  6. In the evening before bed, take 0.5 cups of salted cabbage juice.

Books by Boris Bolotov

For my long life Boris Bolotov also became famous as a writer. He has published a number of books in which he tells readers how to eat properly so as not to get sick. Shares recipes for treating various diseases with those who are already sick.

Currently, Boris Bolotov, whose books and inventions are known all over the world, is alive and well. At 85 years old he has excellent health and continues his literary activity.

Boris Vasilievich Bolotov is the greatest scientist of our time. His research in the fields of chemistry, physics, and biology indicated the vector of development of science in the 21st century. He developed a fundamentally new model of the structure of the atom, created a new generation of chemistry, and revolutionized the methods of studying the human body. For his discoveries, Bolotov was awarded the title of People's Academician in 1990. Fundamental scientific research made it possible for this encyclopedic educated person to lay the theoretical and practical foundations of the medicine of the future, which can help everyone today.

The ideas and discoveries of Boris Vasilyevich quickly burst into our lives. His books are published in huge editions, his name is known to millions of people. It is not surprising that many began to live in accordance with Bolotov’s health laws.

Recently, in addition to the fundamental work “Human Health in an Unhealthy World,” the scientist has published books in which Boris Vasilyevich examines in detail various aspects of his theory of health. In the book “The Truths of Bolotov. Cancer can be defeated,” there is a serious conversation about the treatment of cancer. The work “Immortality according to Bolotov” talks about ways to prolong life by rejuvenating the body at the cellular level. “Bolotov’s Folk Treatment Book” was published, in which Boris Vasilyevich’s developments are considered from the point of view of traditional methods of treatment. The book “40 Phenomena of Bolotov” is dedicated to the scientist’s new discoveries in the field of medicine. In all these works, theory is given as much importance as practice.

The publication you are holding in your hands is, in fact, Bolotov’s first reference book on medicine. Its appearance is primarily due to the need to fully describe treatment regimens for various diseases in accordance with the methods of Bolotovsk medicine. As a rule, the disease affects many systems and organs, causing concomitant diseases. Bolotov’s medicine allows you to use several treatment regimens at once (or in turn), which will help bring the entire body back to normal. The use of standard regimens allows everyone to choose the optimal treatment method for themselves.

The reference book describes in detail Bolotovsky preparations - enzymes, kvass, vinegar infusions, sugar and yeast fermenters, pepsin stimulants, alkalizing teas. The use of these drugs is an integral part of Bolotov’s medicine.

On the pages of the book, the authors answered a number of questions that readers constantly ask: “Is it possible to use several enzymes during treatment? Is it possible to drink “royal vodka” at this time? Why does the enzyme, which is prepared exactly according to the described technology, turn sour and become moldy?” You will find answers to these and other questions in the first part of the book.

In the same part there is a chapter “Everything you need to know about enzymes”, which will help you navigate the diversity of these drugs.

Enzymes are selected taking into account which body systems require therapeutic adjustment. The radiation spectrum of the diseased organ is also taken into account (it is determined by its microelement composition) and the subjective sensations of the patient.

The second part of the book contains a description of plants that are used in Bolotov medicine. A similar list was given in previous editions of Boris Vasilyevich’s books, but in this book it is clarified and significantly expanded. In addition, it tells where you can buy this or that plant, how to grow it at home or in your garden.

The third, largest part of the book is entirely devoted to treatment regimens for the most serious diseases of internal organs and systems. The treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, bronchopulmonary, and osteoarticular systems, as well as the treatment of oncological diseases of internal organs: stomach, lungs, liver, kidneys, is considered in detail.

The book will help quickly and accurately navigate everyone who has decided to use the discoveries of Academician Bolotov to gain health. The first part briefly outlines the main postulates of Bolotov’s medicine. Deeper theoretical knowledge that makes it possible to explain the actions of Bolotov’s drugs can be obtained by reading other books by the scientist, for example, the fundamental work “Human Health in an Unhealthy Society.”

This book, along with other publications published in the “Bolotov’s Medicine” series, is intended to become an indispensable aid in the fight against disease, helping to find the most valuable things in life – health and happiness.


Brief description of the basic principles

Since this book is a reference practical guide to Bolotov’s medicine, it does not involve serious delving into the theory. However, some readers may not be familiar even with the basics of Bolotov’s medicine. Therefore, first we will briefly introduce five fundamental principles, called the “quintessence of health.”

Principle 1. Increasing the number of young cells (body rejuvenation)

To increase the number of young cells, it is necessary to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, which breaks down damaged cells (including cancerous and disease-causing ones) without harming the young healthy cells. To do this, it is necessary to perform therapeutic and health procedures.

1. To stimulate the secretion of gastric juices, eat plants from the Crassulaceae family, which include:

hare cabbage, sorrel, plantain, dill, fennel, trifoli, regular cabbage, nettle, clover, aloe, kalanchoe, agave, seaweed, adonis (starodobka), gray yellowwort, foxglove, strophanthus, lily of the valley, marsh lily, eleutherococcus, golden root , lemongrass, Leuzea safflower, Aralia Manchurian, zamanikha, ginseng.

2. It is necessary to carry out procedures to increase pepsin-like substances in the blood by consuming salt.

3. Used to stimulate gastric juices spicy seasonings and bitterness: pepper, mustard, adjika, horseradish, radish, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, mint. Juices should be drunk with an additive hydrochloric acid or "royal vodka".

"Aqua regia". For 1 liter of water take 1 teaspoon of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids, 0.5 cups of grape vinegar or red grape wine, 4 tablets of nitroglycerin.

Principle 2. Converting waste into salts (cleansing the body)

To rid the body of toxins that make connective tissues fragile, it is necessary to treat the slag with acids. It is necessary to introduce acids into the body that, on the one hand, are safe, and on the other hand, are capable of dissolving toxins, turning them into salts.

Such acids are acetic acids, or enzymes, including ordinary vinegar. Such acids are found in vegetable and fruit pickles. Salts formed when consuming acids are partially excreted in the urine and partially remain in the body. Knowing this, you need to take care of removing insoluble salts. This constitutes the third principle of quintessence.

Principle 3. Removal of salts (alkalinization)

Observations show that alkaline, mineral and fatty salts, such as urates, phosphates, oxalates, as well as urea, usually do not dissolve.

1. To dissolve alkaline salts It is necessary to introduce safe alkalis into the body. Their sources are decoctions.

Knotweed teas dissolve salts well, horsetail, watermelon rinds, pumpkin tails, bearberry, marsh cinquefoil.

2. The juices of some plants are also used to dissolve salts.

Salts can be dissolved by the juices of black radish, parsley roots, horseradish, coltsfoot leaves, chicory, and turnips.

When treating with juices, you must follow a bland diet and avoid eating spicy and salty foods. When the juice runs out, you need to eat the cakes, which by then will have already turned sour. Cake is consumed in 1-3 tbsp. spoons during meals. This treatment helps strengthen the body, especially the lung tissue and cardiovascular system.

3. Salts are also dissolved with the bile of birds: chicken, duck, goose and turkey. Bile is placed in special gelatin capsules, which are commonly used for bitter medicines. Sometimes bile is taken in bread balls.

After alkalizing the body, it must be acidified.

Principle 4. Fight against pathogenic bacteria (oxidation)

One of the main postulates of Bolotov’s medicine says: “A person or animal can only get sick from plant cells.” Since plant cells exist only in an alkaline environment; disease of any organ is possible only when its environment is alkalized. This means that oxidation is the way to fight diseases.

1. Knowing what fermentations are needed for a particular organ, you can effectively influence it. Thus, plants are selected that can improve the health of one or another human organ and restore lost cells. If the body is reliably oxidized, there should be no pathogenic processes. But you also need to be careful not to over-acidify the stomach and not upset the acid-base balance of the body.

2. Blood thinning is the key to health and longevity. Oxidized and thinned blood will relieve many diseases. Blood oxidation is carried out with the help of acids (lactic acid products, whey). To others a powerful tool oxidation are kvass and enzymes.

3. Vitamins also oxidize and thin the blood. In addition, hydrochloric acid and aqua regia are good blood thinners. Vinegar and all kinds of vinegar-containing wines (old barrel wine), fatty acids, as well as fermentation, are excellent means for thinning the blood.

Principle 5. Restoration of weakened organs (tissue regeneration)

It is generally accepted that if part cell tissue If any organ dies, it will not recover. However, this is not true. An integral part of Bolotov’s medicine are methods for regenerating lost tissues of internal organs: liver, heart, kidneys, lungs (a detailed description of them is given in the third part).

Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

Most standard treatment regimens begin with procedures to restore the gastrointestinal tract and duodenal bulb. The fact is that diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are powerful initiators of many other diseases. Therefore, treatment of the disease should begin with the restoration of the gastrointestinal tract by building up its destroyed tissues. Besides, prerequisite is to put the duodenal bulb in order, since its damage leads to radical changes in the gastrointestinal tract - enzymes are thrown from the pancreas and liver into the stomach, which begin to corrode its walls.

Restoration of the gastrointestinal tract

Before eating, you need to take (without chewing!) vegetable cakes of carrots, cabbage, and radishes in the form of balls. However, they should not be chewed so that they do not become saturated with salivary enzymes. The intake of the cakes continues until all discomfort disappears.

How to prepare cakes. Cake is prepared from vegetables or fruits. To do this, they are peeled and the juice is squeezed out using a juicer or meat grinder. As soon as you receive the cakes, you immediately need to roll them into small balls the size of a bean. Store cake balls in the refrigerator for no more than 14 days. The balls are taken 3 times a day, 2 tbsp. spoons, 20 minutes before meals. However, there is no need to chew them.

The juice obtained during the preparation of the cakes is drunk at night, slightly salted. The balls can be taken without any breaks for a long time. If a person suffers from heartburn, then it is better for him to eat carrot cakes.

In the procedure for restoring the gastrointestinal tract, the celandine enzyme in milk whey plays an important role. Use it for 10–15 days. This procedure almost completely restores epithelial tissue both the stomach and intestines.

Celandine enzyme. Ingredients: 3 liters of whey, 1 glass of sugar and 1 glass of dry or fresh celandine herb (it is not advisable to use celandine roots). We place the grass in a gauze bag and, using a sinker (pebble), lower it to the bottom of a 3-liter jar. If the whey overheated during curdling and the milk sticks died, then about 1 teaspoon of sour cream purchased at the market should be added to the whey. Store the enzyme in a warm, dark place. The jar is closed with several layers of gauze.

If bile enters the stomach, nausea and heartburn often occur. You can reduce the penetration of bile into the stomach by reducing the consumption of choleretic products. These include:

vegetable oil, corn porridge, peas, beans, beans, soybeans, lentils, wheat.

Stomach acidity can be normalized by consuming pepsin-stimulating products. These include: cabbage juice, plantain, mustard, pepper, horseradish, spices: parsley, celery, sorrel, dill, fennel, coriander, pepper (garden), nutmeg, St. John's wort, bison, oregano.

Restoration of the duodenal bulb

Before breakfast, take juice from the plant in a volume of 0.5 to 1 glass.

For gastritis with heartburn, juice is prepared from carrots. At high blood pressure– from beets (red), with low blood pressure, loss of strength – from fresh or sauerkraut. At high temperature, cough, salts and stones in bile ducts The juice is prepared from black radish (without peeling it).

Vegetable cakes are taken without chewing, 2-4 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.

The total number of procedures ranges from 10 to 50. To remove inflammatory processes in the stomach and duodenal bulb area, it is necessary to take 0.5 cups of celandine enzyme 1 hour before the procedures.


Restoration of the gastrointestinal tract is intended not only to eliminate shift disorders in the stomach and duodenal bulb (that is, restore lost tissue), but also to achieve optimal acid-base balance in the body. The latter is only possible if a special preventive diet is followed. Acid-base imbalance is often the result poor nutrition. When the gastrointestinal tract is restored, a one- or two-day adjustment of the diet should be carried out. This cannot be called a diet, since a diet is just a way of preserving the disease until new ailments are acquired. This mode nutrition is used for discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, stomach diseases, as well as when switching to raw foods.

First day

1. Eat 50 g of bread (the most harmless bread is grain bread).

2. After 10 minutes, swallow 3-4 tbsp rolled into balls. spoons of apple (cabbage, carrot) cake. Peel the apples, discard the core and squeeze out 1 cup of juice. The cakes must be as dry as possible so that they absorb gastric juice, dried the stomach walls.

3. 10 minutes after taking the cake, drink cabbage juice with juice onions(180–190 g cabbage juice per 10–20 g onion juice). You can drink the juice in large sips (in one gulp). Lie on the sofa, turn from side to side, raise your legs (in order to achieve complete wetting of the stomach walls with juice).

1. Eat 100 g of grain bread (2 pieces of 50 g each).

2. After 10 minutes, take 3-4 tbsp. spoons of cake (apple, cabbage, carrot).

3. 10 minutes after taking the cake, drink cabbage juice with onion juice (180–190 g of cabbage juice per 10–20 g of onion juice). Lie on the sofa, turn from side to side, raise your legs.

1. Raw egg babble. Eat with a spoon with bread (50 g).

2. After 15 minutes, drink cabbage juice with onion juice (180–190 g of cabbage juice per 10–20 g of onion juice).

Second day

1. 50 g of grain bread (chew vigorously).

2. Raw egg, 100–150 g of cottage cheese (make cottage cheese from sour milk, warmed in water at a temperature of 40 ° C) with a salad of greens: 1 dandelion root, 1 thuja leaf (2–3 cm nail), celandine leaf (up to 5 cm).

3. After 15 minutes - 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of cake (cabbage, carrot, apple) with a slide, compacted.

4. After 15 minutes, drink cabbage juice with onion juice (180–190 g of cabbage juice per 10–20 g of onion juice).

1. 50 g of cottage cheese and salad: dandelion root, 1 thuja leaf, 1 egg (or without it), 1 celandine leaf.

2. Porridge cooked with whey (buckwheat, rice, wheat), thick. The total weight of food should not exceed 0.5 kg. Whey for porridge should be prepared by straining warmed sour milk.

3. After 20 minutes - 3-4 tbsp. spoons of cake (apple, cabbage, carrot).

4. After 20 minutes, drink cabbage juice with onion juice (180–190 g of cabbage juice per 10–20 g of onion juice).

1. 50 g grain bread.

2. 100–150 g of cottage cheese (homemade), salad, egg (or without it), buckwheat porridge (wheat, rice), cooked with whey.

3. After 30 minutes, you need to drink 180–190 g of cabbage juice with 10–20 g of onion juice.

4. After half an hour, preferably an hour, you can drink the serum. It's even better not to drink anything at all. After this, you need to rest for 1–2 months.

Basic procedures and drugs
Body Oxidation

After the gastrointestinal tract is restored, treatment continues by oxidizing the body (blood thinning).

Used for oxidation special drugs: enzymes, kvass, fermentations, vinegar tinctures, “royal vodka”. In addition, the body is fed with acidic foods through the skin (diaphoretic procedures, compresses with enzymes and vinegars are used).

All vegetables, fruits and plants can be fermented. If you properly and rationally ferment vegetables, fruits, plant foliage and seeds, using all enzymes in a wide variety, you can achieve oxidation of all elements of the body and achieve complete immunity to infectious diseases, since they can only develop in an alkaline environment.

Oxidation is carried out within a month. When taking cakes, kvass, salt and aqua regia, oxidation will certainly occur within a month. To know for sure whether the body is oxidized or not, you can use a litmus test called a ph meter.

Test for body oxidation. If paper placed in urine for 1–2 seconds and removed from it turns blue, the body is alkalized. In this case, you need to continue oxidation. If the color of the litmus paper does not change or becomes reddish-orange, the body is oxidized.

In some cases, after oxidation of the body, it is necessary to carry out short-term alkalization. Typically, this procedure is performed when treatment is associated with the removal of insoluble salts (for example, when removing stones and salts from the kidneys or gall bladder). About the need for alkalization depending on specific disease described in detail in the third part of the book. Alkalinization (salt dissolution) is carried out using preparations from bird bile (bile globules), alkalizing teas, and juices.

Usually, treatment begins with oxidation of the body, and when oxidation has exhausted its capabilities, they move on to alkalization (1-2 days), and then again to oxidation. Remember that when alkalized, the blood thickens, and when oxidized by enzymes and kvass, it thins out.

Sometimes during treatment it is necessary to normalize the salt balance of the body in order to achieve a minimum consumption of pepsins and hydrochloric acid in the stomach, as well as bile and trypsins in the stomach. duodenum. This ensures a minimum of energy expenditure for the digestion of animal and plant foods.

To level up salt balance take 1 g of salt 2-3 times a day.

1 g of salt should be placed on the tongue for a few minutes and the salty saliva should be swallowed. The procedure is done immediately after eating, and also an hour after eating.

After this, you need to switch to using salt instead of salt seaweed(at least 4 tablespoons per day).

Humans do not have receptors that distinguish acid from alkali. Sour taste can speak about the presence of acids and the presence of alkalis. Therefore, people cannot independently, based only on their own feelings, distinguish healthy products from harmful ones. A conscious choice is required. Therefore, we will consider in detail all oxidizing drugs and methods involving their use.


Enzymes are a new word in medicine. These are preparations prepared by microbial fermentation. These enzymes can be easily prepared at home. To date, a number of enzymes have been developed that have diuretic, choleretic, trypsogonic, insulinogenic, analgesic, antitumor and other properties.

There are two types of Bolotov enzymes (kvass): whey enzymes and water enzymes.

Whey enzymes

Using this method, kvass is prepared from potent (poisonous) plants (monkshood, sedum, buttercup and others). The fact is that with active microbial fermentation poisonous plants become safe, and their amino acid composition doesn't change.

Take 3 liters of whey, sugar for souring, a glass of dry or fresh grass or other plant materials. We place the grass in a gauze bag and, using a sinker (pebble), lower the grass to the bottom of the jar. After 2 weeks the enzyme will be ready.

Enzymes on water

By following technique prepare enzymes from conditionally poisonous and safe plants.

Take 3 liters of water, 1 glass of sugar, 1 teaspoon of fresh sour cream or 0.5 liter of whey, a glass of dry or fresh grass or other plant materials. Place the grass (plant material) in a gauze bag and, using a sinker (pebble), lower the grass to the bottom of the jar. After 2 weeks the enzyme will be ready.

Katerina/ 10/17/2018 I suffered from gastritis for a long time. A friend advised me to try Bolotov balm; at that time she was drinking it herself. Unexpectedly for myself, I noticed that I felt better. I took a month's course and after 2 years nothing bothers me. For prevention, I repeat the course once a year and that’s enough for me.

Anat Gr/ 07.26.2018 I agree regarding academician. Blokhin and his associates... Despite the colossal injections into cancer center- the results are MINOR...
But B. Bolotov... Orlov (creator of the drug software), Vas. Peter. Karpenko achieved amazing RESULTS - they cured cancer in the last stages...
But KOMARILLA Blokhin defamed the GENIUS in every possible way traditional medicine... and even put her in prison... This happened to the biologist V. Petr. Karpenko

Gataullina Fairuza Nazmetdinovna/ 03/14/2018 Bolotov is a genius! My husband, after a stroke, started treatment according to Bolotov, there are already the first minor changes, but there are more of them after short time than from chemical drugs.

light Rus' - the kingdom of the white gods orekova raisa/ 12/2/2017 The Lord told me about Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov! Bolotov - Apostle of health, miracle worker, sent to Earth by the Heavenly Father to save humanity from diseases and implement latest technologies for the construction of the Russian World in Divine emanations - universal prosperity, in other words, the construction of Paradise on Earth.

Iraida/ 10/21/2017 Anyone who considers Bolotov a charlatan is hopelessly stupid. I bet my head that only those doctors who have a cemetery behind them write such things. None normal person, who has known modern medicine, which has been brought to the extreme, will not say a bad word about this brilliant educator. I will forever remember his speech in which he said: “If you went to the doctor, you committed suicide.”

y/ 02/13/2017 People who write that Bolotov is a charlatan are surprising. With the help of his advice, I cured problems with the gastrointestinal tract. I'm sure that everyone who writes nasty things is just lazy ass who just need to give a pill.

Nikolay/ 04/2/2016 In Rus' there lived a brilliant scientist A. Kachugin, who was ahead of his time and created a number of inventions in the military industry and treated stage 4 cancer. The most honest man of his time and an unrecognized genius. The magazine “inventor-rationalizer” wrote about him. The article was called “neutron trace.” But Academician Blokhin made every effort to discredit him, and his name was forgotten in Russia. If anyone wants to read his biography, then There is a short overview of his life on the Internet. At one time they said that such talented people should have monuments made of pure gold erected during their lifetime. The biography of A. Kachugin is in many ways similar to the biography of the genius B. Bolotov. After all, in Russia it is easier to invent than to patent an invention. And let those who discredit the names of the great ones themselves invent something and implement it. The bureaucratic machine in Russia is terrible and while it lives, a lot of good things will be buried.

Antonina/ 02/22/2016 I turned to Bolotov’s teachings, being on the verge. My stomach, pancreas, kidney, etc. were not working. I thoroughly studied what and how it works, made kvass with celandine (it didn’t work right away), took oil cakes, made “aqua regia”, I did everything as written. The gastrointestinal diseases went away. Thank you very much to Boris Vasilyevich, a real genius!

Karen/ 02/08/2016 B.V. Bolotov is simply a miracle. I had oxygen starvation, anemia of the legs, obliterating endarteritis of the lower extremities. But after watching Bolotov’s interview, I prepared Tsar Vodka myself. My health is improving day by day. Thank you Boris Vasilyevich.

Oleg/ November 2, 2015 Bolotov is doing a great job - ridding the Earth of gullible, illiterate idiots. Treat yourself using the Bolotov method and there will be much fewer fools on Earth!))

Petrosyan/ 08/06/2015 Those who write that Boltov is a charlatan are charlatans themselves! Here! :) (c) signature - Boltov.

Larisa/ 08/05/2015 Those who write that Boltov is a charlatan are charlatans themselves! Here! :)

Angelica/ 02/17/2015 Bolotov is a genius, she restored the gastrointestinal tract and will continue to live according to the advice of the academician, thank you very much for your works and books, I advise you to read and work on your health.

Alexander/ 10/11/2014 After meeting him in the summer of 1996, I became firmly convinced that my wife would recover from cancer. We punctually followed all his recommendations. He can really convince and inspire confidence. The disease progressed, the tumor grew, but he continued to assure that everything was going fine. In November 1996, my love left me forever,

Ed/ 01/07/2014 If this book is for researchers... then it is primitive in its justifications... and the description of the conditions for creating a nuclear installation in a colony... is outrageously funny... how can a self-respecting specialist researcher afford this!!!

Sergunya/ 12/7/2013 Bolotov is a charlatan! And whoever believes must first of all treat his head!

Anahata/ 12/3/2013 Bolotov is really a genius, not a charlatan, but not all of his ideas are easy to understand. I also want to say that modern medicine is far from understanding the processes of functioning of the body, molecular and statistical research usually they don’t give anything, but simply complicate a picture that would be completely impossible without them. Against this background, many of Bolotov’s ideas are simple and ingenious! And by the way, acids really help)))

Laura/ 05/28/2013 Please give advice on how to get to Bolotov?

Sasha/ 02/15/2013 I have read the book 5 times and will probably continue to turn to it as a source of wisdom despite some stretches and costs of publication and my unwillingness to accept new philosophy health. There is no better yet!

Paul/ 02/5/2013 Thanks to Bolotov for his work and love for people.

Alexander/ 10/27/2012 It took me a long time to decide to try the procedures, enzymes, balm. I use the balm regularly, alternate enzymes, and salt baths whenever possible. I am 100% sure that those who take this seriously will receive a powerful positive effect. Only be careful in detail and consistently. And let the rest write, write,....
Thank you for having such a person. God bless you, Boris Vasilyevich.



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