Andropause in men: symptoms and proper treatment. Andropause (menopause in men): causes, symptoms and treatment

Doctors have established that male menopause exists, and it has a name - andropause. This process cannot be called a typical analogue of female menopause - in men it occurs easily and in most cases goes unnoticed. However, in some cases, andropause can cause some discomfort and darken life.

Symptoms of this period are observed in men aged 45-50 years. The main reason for andropause is a decrease in testosterone levels in the body and the decline of sexual function. It should be noted that the more active a man’s sexual life was in his youth, the harder the decrease in hormonal activity will “hit” him – primarily psychologically. On the contrary, low libido ensures a serene old age.

How does andropause manifest?

Pronounced symptoms and noticeable psychological disorders, as already mentioned, are a rare occurrence for male menopause. However, symptoms of andropause in men still occur, otherwise how would medicine know about it? The characteristic manifestations of this specific period in the life of representatives of the strong half of humanity are the following signs:

  • erectile disfunction
  • Ejaculation problems
  • Changes in blood pressure, dizziness, feeling of lack of air
  • Feelings of heat – so-called “hot flashes”
  • Weakening of muscle strength
  • Weight gain, visceral obesity
  • Increased irritability, fatigue, depression, decreased performance
  • Insomnia
  • Deterioration of memory and attention
  • Headache
  • Severe hair loss on the body

If you are at a “critical” age and notice some of the listed symptoms, then it is likely that this unpleasant phenomenon has overtaken you. It is necessary to consult an andrologist. It would not hurt to visit this specialist for men over 50 years of age, even if they have no complaints - this will soften the manifestations of andropause or delay its onset as far as possible.

However, the decline of the body, unfortunately, is inevitable, and it is impossible to cure andropause, because it is not a disease, but a natural physiological process. But we are quite capable of reducing the intensity of its course and saving a man from the characteristic symptoms listed above.

How is andropause treated?

Although this is not an entirely correct formulation, because, as we have already written, menopause cannot be treated in the literal sense of the word. Treatment of andropause in men is carried out by taking a short course of male sex hormones - testosterone, methyltestosterone, sustanon. Replacement therapy is also prescribed - testosterone levels are raised using injections in order to increase reproductive function and maintain fading sexual power (1 injection every 2-3 weeks).

Experts recommend as an auxiliary therapy infusion of hawthorn (1 tablespoon of flowers per 1 glass of boiling water, drink 2 times a day before meals, 0.5 cups), decoctions of chamomile, currants, nettles, ginger powder with honey, mummy with honey or carrot juice .

Such measures help restore the concentration of the main male hormone to its normal level.

  1. To maintain active mental activity - read, solve crossword puzzles and provide other useful load for the brain
  2. To maintain good physical shape - move as much as possible, walk up the stairs, ride a bike, fight physical inactivity
  3. Monitor your diet - give up simple carbohydrates (confectionery, sweet fruits, honey, pasta, baked goods - to avoid rapid weight gain), limit salt and processed foods (sausages, sausage, canned food), add a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables to your diet
  4. Load up on tomatoes – these vegetables are rich in healthy antioxidants

Andropause in men is an age-related process that accompanies the general aging of the body. You need to be mentally prepared for this, lead a healthy and active lifestyle, eat right, give up bad habits - and then you can be sure that this phenomenon will bypass you ten times.

Interestingly, not only women experience menopause. It turns out that men can also suffer from a menopausal syndrome called andropause.


So, andropause is a condition in which age-related hormonal transformations occur in men. From birth to approximately 25 years of age, androgens in the blood of men increase. It is by the concentration of androgenic hormones that one can understand the degree of sexual constitution - whether it is strong or weak, or is in the average range.

From about the age of 30, testosterone levels begin to fall by 1-2% annually. If a 25-year-old guy has the amount of androgens at the lower limit, then by the age of 40-45 he begins to have a pronounced androgen deficiency. If testosterone levels were initially high, then andropause may not begin even after 60 years.

Why is it developing?

Androgen pause develops in men under the influence of quite a variety of factors:

  • First of all, male menopause develops in older patients. They experience changes related to the quality of seed material, libido decreases, and reproductive capabilities gradually disappear.
  • Traumatic injuries or pathologies also have an extremely negative effect on testosterone levels. Surgeries, injuries, advanced sexually transmitted infections with damage to the testicles - all this can also trigger the onset of the androgen pause.
  • Taking medications. Usually, when prescribing certain drugs, the doctor warns patients that there are adverse reactions associated with a decrease in androgenic functions. Sometimes you have to choose between sexual performance or life when it comes to taking androgenotoxic anticancer drugs.

Sometimes the early onset of androgen pause is caused by hereditary predisposition or disruptions in the pituitary-hypothalamic system.

How it manifests itself

The symptoms of andropause are divided into physical and physiological. At first, the man does not notice anything special, but over time he develops sexual problems, which are related to physiological signs. These include decreased libido; a man can go for a long time without sexual intercourse. Patients also note a slow onset of erection, and when it does come, the man feels its weakening.

Sexual intercourse ends prematurely, early ejaculation is observed, while all sexual intercourse is in vain, the partner cannot conceive, because the composition of sperm is pathologically altered. After sexual intercourse, the patient does not experience sexual satisfaction, only fatigue.

As for physical changes, they manifest themselves in different symptoms:

  • There is a noticeable swelling of the prostate, which causes urinary difficulties, discomfort when emptying the bladder, etc.;
  • The figure changes, a stoop and a beer belly appear;
  • The degeneration of muscles into fat, as a result of which a man’s strength decreases and excess weight appears;
  • Frequent painful sensations such as arthralgia or myalgia in the back;
  • Bone tissue loses its former density, which leads to a slight decrease in growth;
  • A man often feels short of breath, it seems to him that there is not enough air;
  • Efficiency drops, the man begins to get tired quickly;
  • His muscle tissues on his face, neck, and shoulders often go numb, which results in quite unpleasant sensations;
  • Hypersweating, frequent dizziness, hot flashes, other changes of a vegetative-vascular nature;
  • Frequent migraines, arrhythmia, pressure drops, etc.

Behavioral, mental and psychological changes may well occur. These include problems with concentration, flexibility of thinking is noticeably reduced, which is manifested in the categorical denial of ideas that contradict one’s own opinion.

A man becomes irritable and nervous, his sleep is disturbed, and he becomes prone to depression and stress.

If a man previously had some kind of hobby, now he loses all interest in it, becomes indifferent and apathetic to everything that happens. The man becomes a very unpleasant person, trying to fit everyone in his household (and not only) into his stereotypes, and he begins to harshly criticize other people. Moreover, the man does not tolerate criticism addressed to him and treats it very inadequately. Of course, the patient cannot experience all the symptomatic manifestations described above, but most of them usually always occur.

Symptoms of andropause in men

How to alleviate symptoms

If in women the menopausal period takes a fairly limited period, then in men these processes take quite a long time. This explains such erasure of symptoms and pathological changes. If a man overloads himself with mental and physical activity, then such employment ensures the consumption of testosterone hormone, which leads to a decrease in libido and sexual activity. If a man is highly sexually active in middle age, then it will be more difficult for him during menopause, and accordingly, proper treatment is necessary.

It has been proven that if a man has an average level of testosterone, then andropause will be much easier for him. Therefore, middle-aged men are recommended to do gymnastics in the morning, engage in self-education, and learn something new. In general, try to burden yourself with something.

Drug therapy

Drug treatment of andropause involves hormonal therapy. Andropause is a natural process that occurs in the life of every man. There are no medications that will help stop the natural aging of a man, but some methods can slow down these processes, and quite significantly.

Depending on the intensity of the androgen pause, after a thorough diagnosis, medications containing testosterone of synthetic origin are prescribed. This hormone can be prescribed in the form of injections or tablets; the specific choice depends on the degree of disturbances in the prostatic tissues. Hormone replacement therapy, in addition to testosterone drugs, involves taking phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors such as Tadalafil, Sildenafil or Vardenafil.

Stimulating hormone therapy is also carried out, aimed at stimulating the body in order to force it to produce its own testosterone. This therapy is prescribed to those patients whose testicular functions are still preserved.

Human chorionic gonadotropin LH is usually prescribed. In addition to activating testosterone production, this drug also helps improve spermatogenesis. It is administered by injection, one injection every 5-10 days.

Folk recipes

There are many traditional medicine recipes that also help to minimize the severity of symptoms of ongoing andropause:

  • You can use hawthorn flowers for this. Steam a large spoonful of flowers with a glass of boiling water and take half a glass of this infusion twice a day.
  • It is recommended to eat fresh pumpkin seeds every day without roasting them.
  • Tincture of peony and calendula works well to slow down the onset of menopause. You need to take a large spoonful of chopped plants and pour ½ liter of boiling water over them. Leave for a day, then drink a dessert spoon three times a day.

Traditional recipes effectively help eliminate menopausal symptoms, however, they can only be used after consultation with an andrologist.


The severity of his menopause will depend on the lifestyle a man leads. Patients are advised to devote more time to mental and physical activity. If you live in a building with an elevator, it is better not to use it at all, go up on foot. In the evening, it is recommended to walk for at least 10 minutes.

The diet also deserves attention. It should be based on the principles of PP and be balanced. More fruits and vegetable dishes, seafood, only lean meat - chicken or beef, vegetable oils and nuts must be present in the diet. But you should give up fatty and smoked foods, sausages and pickles, spicy or overly seasoned dishes, fast food and mayonnaise, sweets and legumes.

Male menopause is a rather difficult period, but it does not mean that life is over. The appearance of menopausal symptoms does not in any way prevent full sexual relations suitable for the specific age of the patient.

Don't try to prove to someone that you are still young. Try to be calmer about changes in appearance such as the appearance of baldness and gray hair, decreased erectile function, etc. This is normal at your age, just try to accept the changes that are happening and take more care of your health.
In the video about the causes, manifestations and treatment of andropause in men:

Alexander Myasnikov: It is no secret that men after 50 years of age, and some even much earlier, begin to experience problems with potency. The explanation is simple. The body begins to produce less testosterone, the sex hormone that is responsible for human sexual behavior. To talk more about this problem and how to avoid it or solve it if it appears, we invited Alexander Petrovich Poleev, director of the Scientific Center for Men's Health at the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Medical Academy of Sciences, to the studio.

So, Alexander Petrovich, first question. So why do men stop being men?

Alexander Myasnikov in the program “About the Most Important Thing”

Alexander Paleev: Indeed, testosterone is the most important hormone for men’s health, which is involved in the development of male genital organs, secondary sexual characteristics, regulates spermatogenesis and sexual behavior. In men, it is produced in the testes. Its concentration in the blood is considered normal 11-33 nmol/l. But after 45-50 years, and for many modern men due to an extremely unhealthy lifestyle even earlier, the productivity of the testes begins to decline, and with it the concentration of testosterone in the blood. The androgen pause begins.

Alexander Myasnikov: And at what concentration of testosterone in a man’s blood do problems with potency begin?

Testosterone(from “testicles” and “steroid”) - the main male sex hormone, androgen. Secreted from cholesterol by Leydig cells of the testes and in small quantities by the ovaries in women and the adrenal cortex.

Testosterone is involved in the development of male genital organs and secondary sexual characteristics; regulates spermatogenesis and sexual behavior of men.

Alexander Paleev: Everything, of course, is individual, but on average we can assume that when 8-9 nmol/l There will already be problems. At 5-6 nmol/l Before this, one-time misfires in intimate relationships with women become a regular occurrence for men. Also, with such concentration, we can say that due to failures in the intimate sphere, a man will begin to have psychological problems. Self-doubt will appear, and even fear of intimacy due to possible failure. It is at this level of testosterone that men begin to use various stimulants.

As a man ages, his testes begin to produce less testosterone. From this time on, potency begins to steadily decline, turning into impotence.

Alexander Myasnikov: Viagra, for example?

Alexander Paleev: There are other means that increase potency, Viagra is just more advertised and therefore better known. At a concentration of 2-3 nmol/l we can already talk about impotence. In this case, the same Viagra will no longer help.

Alexander Myasnikov: Alexander Petrovich, did I understand you correctly? In order to maintain potency longer, it is necessary, firstly, to lead a correct lifestyle - watch your weight, don’t smoke, don’t get carried away with alcohol?

Alexander Paleev: Yes you are right. A healthy lifestyle is of great importance. But there is another even more important factor - aging of the body.. As studies have shown, in men after 45 years of age, no matter what correct lifestyle he leads, the concentration of testosterone in the blood decreases annually by 2-3% per year. There are, of course, some men who manage to maintain high testosterone levels into old age. But this is a rare exception.

Alexander Myasnikov: That is, in order to be a man after fifty, it is necessary to use means that increase potency?

Alexander Paleev: Yes, you are absolutely right. But the whole question is what to use! Two years ago, I and a group of my students conducted a study and found out that until recently there were no modern means for increasing potency that were safe for health. The same Viagra, as is already widely known, causes serious complications on the heart and liver. But they continue to produce it in huge quantities. After all, these are billions in profits! Still, folk remedies, although less dangerous to health, although the same Spanish fly can be poisoned to death if you overdo it, are equally less effective.

Viagra causes serious complications on the heart and liver

Alexander Myasnikov: Alexander Petrovich, you said until recently. That is, we can understand that a modern drug has appeared that is both effective and safe?

Alexander Paleev: You are right, there is a product that is completely natural and absolutely safe.

Alexander Myasnikov: And what kind of remedy is this and how is it fundamentally different from the generally chemical Viagra?

Alexander Paleev: This product has a natural composition that is collected in hard-to-reach places. The effect of using this drug occurs almost immediately. And that is very valuable. It is cumulative in nature. In other words, your potency will become stronger and stronger every day! And in a month you will be able to completely refuse friendly support of this drug!

It is distinguished from Viagra by two fundamental advantages. First, it consists entirely of natural substances. And as a result, this remedy has no side effects or contraindications. The second fundamental advantage is that its effect on the body is cumulative.

Alexander Myasnikov: That is, with each use its effect will increase?

Alexander Paleev: Not certainly in that way. The drug contains, roughly speaking, two complexes of substances. One is responsible for rapid stimulation, within 5-7 minutes after application. In this it is similar to Viagra. But there is a second complex. It stimulates the testes, and they gradually restore their functions. Therefore, we can say that from the first dose the drug acts as powerfully as Viagra, but in addition to this, it gradually increases the level of testosterone in the body. That is, over time, it will be possible to abandon the drug altogether.

Alexander Myasnikov: Yes, this is indeed very good news for millions of men. But few Russian men can purchase the drug in America...

Natural remedies are always better than chemicals.

Alexander Paleev: Three months ago, under my leadership, certification tests were carried out in our Center. The group included 50 men aged from 45 to 70 years. All of them used the drug once a day. In everyone, without exception, after a month, testosterone levels increased by an average of 3 nmol/l. That is, if the initial level was 3 nmol/l, then in 3 months you can reach an acceptable level on the wave - 9 nmol/l. I will also note. That all subjects, even those 65-70 years old, showed a significant increase in general tone. They became more energetic and cheerful. This is easy to explain. After all, testosterone is not without reason called the main fuel for the male body.

Alexander Myasnikov: What if a man wants sex with a woman?

Alexander Paleev: As I already said, this remedy has a complex of substances responsible for rapid arousal. It is enough to use it 5-7 minutes before sex and the man will have a strong erection for 3-4 hours.

Alexander Myasnikov: And the last question, Alexander Petrovich. Where can I buy this drug?

Alexander Paleev: The drug is approved for sale in Russia without restrictions, and now it can be ordered at official supplier website. This is reliable protection against counterfeiting and a minimum price guarantee.

Clinical studies and expert opinion

Head of the Department of the Research Institute of Urology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Arkady Ivanovich Kudryavtsev.

Due to its aphrodisiac properties, the composition of this remedy was used for both ritual and military purposes. For example, warriors of the Inca Empire during the Tahuantinsuyo period ate large amounts of guarana extract, which was part of the drug, before battle to increase physical strength.

Chemical analysis and effect on potency

The preparation contains an exceptionally high content of guarana extract and L-arginine; it is these components that have stimulating properties and help increase potency. The concentration of these substances is almost 5-7 times higher than in the world famous ginseng!

This remedy stimulates sexual function and helps solve the following male problems:

  • - Increases libido;
  • - Increases the severity of sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • - Increases libido and prolongs potency in men;
  • - Shortens the refractory pause between erections, increases the volume and quality of sperm;
  • - Supports the immune system and adrenal function;
  • - Has a mild anti-inflammatory effect on the prostate gland;
  • - Reduces the likelihood of prostate cancer.

How to order?

In Russia at the moment there is only one official supplier of the drug. Payment occurs only after receipt by mail.

Andropause is a complex of processes occurring in the male body, which is a kind of analogue of menopause observed in the fair sex. It cannot be said that menopause in women and men are identical processes, since the aging process in representatives of different sexes proceeds differently. There are many symptoms and characteristic manifestations that are observed in a man aged 45-50 years.

Male menopause occurs less noticeably than female menopause, but still in most cases there are a number of symptoms characteristic of this period.

The andropause period with all its symptoms begins due to a decrease in testosterone levels. It is changes in hormonal levels that are the most important marker of the beginning of the aging process of the body. In most cases, this period in men is relatively painless, but in some men this period is extremely painful and difficult.

How does andropause manifest in men?

The variety of manifestations of the andropause period is associated precisely with the fact that during this period there is a decrease in the production of the hormone testosterone. This hormone is important for the work and vital functions of many organs and tissues. A decrease in testosterone levels leads to a systemic deterioration in health and psychological state.

It is worth noting that this period of the onset of aging occurs differently in all men and with its own set of symptoms. Only in a small percentage of cases, this active period of aging in men occurs with pronounced symptoms and psychological disorders, while in most men it is quite mild, and obvious symptoms appear only occasionally. There are a number of specific symptoms inherent in this period of aging of the male body:

  1. Decreased physical activity.
  2. Gaining excess weight.
  3. Decreased muscle mass.
  4. Memory impairment.
  5. Decreased sexual desire.
  6. Lack of orgasm.
  7. Prostate problems.
  8. Dizziness.
  9. Feeling hot.
  10. Decreased quality of vision.
  11. Hypertension and arrhythmia.
  12. Fatigue and desire to sleep during the daytime.
  13. Erectile dysfunction.
  14. Insomnia.
  15. Alopecia.

In addition to physical symptoms, many note some psychological disorders, including prolonged depression, midlife crisis, increased irritability, loss of interest in the outside world, and much more. Despite the fact that the reasons for the appearance of symptoms in all men lie in changes in hormonal levels, in most cases, a man does not exhibit all of the listed symptoms, but only some of them.

Medications and folk remedies to eliminate the symptoms of andropause

Andropause is a period of changes in the body that marks the beginning of old age. In fact, there are no medical or folk remedies that can stop the aging process, but still some methods of slowing down this process can reduce the intensity of andropause and relieve a man from the symptomatic manifestations of this period.

In order to go through the period of andropause with minimal harm to physical and mental health, you should consult a doctor at the first manifestations of a decrease in testosterone levels for a comprehensive diagnosis. The thing is that it is during this period that the risk of developing tumors and pathological changes in the organs of the reproductive system increases significantly. The most common diseases that appear at this age include prostatitis, prostate adenoma and cancerous tumors in the prostate. In addition, the risk of developing diabetes and other metabolic diseases increases.

Depending on the specific course of andropause, medications containing a synthetic analogue of testosterone may be prescribed.

Testosterone can be prescribed either in tablets or in injection form. In this case, it all depends on what changes are observed in the prostate. In addition, to maintain overall tone, men need to pay attention to their health and proper nutrition. To maintain tone, it is recommended to use vitamin and mineral complexes. Regarding the use of pharmacy vitamins at this age, it is better to consult a doctor who, based on the existing clinical picture, can select the most optimal vitamin and mineral composition for a particular man.

In order to delay the onset of male menopause, you can use hawthorn flowers. To prepare the decoction, take 1 tbsp of flowers per 1 cup of boiling water. The decoction should be consumed 2 times a day before meals, 0.5 cups each. Unroasted pumpkin seeds will help increase testosterone levels. An infusion based on calendula and peony can reduce the general manifestations of andropause. To prepare this product, take 1 tbsp. l herbal ingredients per 0.5 l boiling water. You need to leave it for at least 24 hours. You need to drink this infusion 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.

How to get rid of psychological problems associated with the onset of andropause?

Treatment of depression and aggressive behavior is possible with the help of sedatives and changes in lifestyle and outlook. Sedatives are very helpful when treatment of aggressive behavior is required, since constant quarrels in the family will not end well. They, as a rule, push a man to acquire bad habits, including alcohol addiction. If a man experiences only mild depression during the andropause period, then it is better to treat it not with the help of medications, but with the help of changing life guidelines. It is important for a man to feel that his family still needs him and can still do a lot. Active recreation and new hobbies are an excellent treatment for mild blues caused by approaching old age.

Andropause is a series of processes that occur in the male body and are analogous to menopause.
In the stronger and weaker sex, such changes have different symptoms. Male menopause is caused by a decrease in testosterone levels. During this period, there is also a decrease in libido. This process occurs differently for each man, but in most cases it is asymptomatic. Aging of the body in representatives of the stronger sex is observed after 50 years, but it also happens earlier.

Important! The level of side effects of andropause depends on how much androgen and its amount in the blood decreased in youth.

What are the causes of andropause?

A decrease in testosterone levels is normal in older men. Such changes are associated with the aging of the testicles. As a result of this, androgen secretion decreases and an increase in the amount of the hormone DES is observed, which entails a decrease in free testosterone.

Important! As a result of andropause and a decrease in androgen levels, men experience a deterioration in their physical and psychological condition.

The main reasons for early andropause:

  • decrease in the level of Leydig cells inside the testes;
  • decreased sensitivity to a hormone called lutein;
  • decrease in the activity of steroid enzymes;
  • There is an imbalance between the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus.
  • genetic predisposition.

Surgery or untimely treatment of various infectious diseases that affect the testicles can also cause the development of early andropause. Taking medications often causes such changes in the body. Most often, medications that are used to treat malignant tumors or prostatitis have a negative effect.

What are the signs of andropause?

Andropause comes with many symptoms. They manifest themselves to varying degrees in everyone. For men of the strong sexual type, changes in the body are much more complicated.

The following can lead to early andropause:

  • heavy weight;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • increased lipids;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • alcohol, drug addiction.

Important! Male menopause lasts much longer than female menopause. At the initial stage, there are practically no symptoms.

The main signs of andropause:

  • decreased physical strength;
  • overweight;
  • decrease in the amount of muscle mass;
  • memory impairment;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • dizziness;
  • sudden manifestations of fever;
  • deterioration of visual acuity;
  • rapid fatigue is observed;
  • insomnia;
  • erectile dysfunction.

During this period, there may be a lack of orgasm. Psychological disorders and long-term depression often occur. Representatives of the stronger sex cease to be interested in the world around them and their interest in anything disappears.

Features of treatment

In men whose testosterone levels are average, the andropause period will be much easier. Such people should occupy themselves with something useful. It is recommended to go for a run in the morning, read books, and engage in self-development.

Important! It is impossible to stop the natural aging process of the body. There are ways to make it easier.

You can level out the course of andropause with the help of:

  1. Drug therapy. This method involves hormonal therapy. After a full examination, the doctor prescribes drugs that contain synthetic testosterone. This hormone is prescribed in the form of injections or tablets.
  2. Traditional methods. In order to relieve symptoms, you can use an infusion of hawthorn flowers. To prepare such a remedy, you need to brew a tablespoon of dry herb in 200 ml of water. It is recommended to drink the cooled mixture 0.5 cups twice a day.

Also, older men should eat pumpkin seeds daily. It is important that the seeds are raw and not roasted.

In patients in whom the testicles still function, stimulating hormone therapy is prescribed. Its goal is to force the body to produce testosterone on its own.

Prevention of andropause

The severity of menopause depends on how correct a man’s lifestyle is. Patients are recommended to spend more time outdoors and engage in mental and physical activity.

It is also worth paying special attention to your diet. During this period, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables. Don't forget about seafood. Eat only lean meat. It could be turkey or chicken. All dishes are best steamed.

A man's diet must include nuts and vegetable oil. It is strictly forbidden to eat smoked, fried, salted and spicy foods. You should also forget about fast foods and sweets.

Male menopause is a rather difficult period, but it does not in any way mean the end of one’s personal life. With the help of modern medicine, even in old age you can feel like a full and healthy person. Be healthy and be happy!



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