Apricot nuts benefits. Apricot kernels

Fruit waste – this is the definition most often given to apricot kernels, the benefits and harms of which are not taken into account. Many people don’t even realize how widely used apricot kernels are in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. What's special about apricot kernels and what's the best way to use them?

Read also the article: delicious recipe apricot jam in slices.

Composition of apricot kernels

The seeds contain:

  • vitamins (B17, PP);
  • minerals(iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium);
  • hydrocyanic acid;
  • 0 g protein, 27.7 g fat, 56.3 g carbohydrates (per 100 g kernels).

Speaking about the benefits and harms of apricot kernels, one cannot fail to mention the oil made from them. Moreover, the kernels of some varieties contain up to 70% edible oil. This product, in turn, is rich in:

  • fatty acids (linoleic, palmitic, oleic);
  • phospholipids;
  • vitamins (A, C, B, F);
  • tocopherols.

The calorie content of apricot kernels is 440 kcal per 100 g of product. Therefore, they are often recommended to athletes to consolidate mass.

Apricot kernels: beneficial properties and contraindications

The presence of vitamin B17 turns apricot kernels into natural “killers” of cancer cells. This vitamin contains cyanide, which helps destroy cancer cells.

The more bitter the seed, the more vitamin B17 it contains.

It is important to know both the beneficial properties and contraindications of apricot kernels. In particular, apricot kernels contain hydrocyanic acid, which becomes poisonous in large quantities. Strong bitterness indicates a high concentration of organic poison. The reason for the bitter taste of amygdalin is a source of hydrocyanic acid. Therefore, uncontrolled consumption of apricot kernels can cause poisoning. The problem can be caused by taking 20-40 g of the product.

The damage to the kernels is minimized if they are pre-boiled or dried in the oven. Under the influence of high temperature, harmful components will be destroyed.

Old apricot cores can be dangerous. The fact is that the cyanide content increases over time. Therefore, taking them is not recommended.

Apricot kernels are contraindicated for:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • liver diseases;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • pregnancy.

Signs of poisoning usually appear within 5 hours after taking the product. A wide range of symptoms can indicate poisoning. First of all, these are: lethargy, headache, nausea and stomach cramps. In severe cases, convulsions, fainting, or acute heart failure may occur.

Application of apricot kernels

Apricot kernel oil is the basis of many medicines. The bones themselves are considered natural “chemotherapy.” But it is important to know how to take apricot kernels for cancer. Cyanide, which is contained in the kernels, in small doses destroys cancer cells, but healthy cells begin to suffer from large amounts.

You can consume no more than a few kernels per day. It is best to supplement their intake with your favorite fruits.

Apricot kernels brewed as tea are used for cardiovascular diseases. They are also useful for bronchitis and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The high calorie content of apricot kernels allows us to recommend them as a food supplement for heavy physical activity.

Apricot oil is widely used in cosmetology. The substances contained in it have a beneficial effect on the skin, slowing down the process of its withering and improving the condition of nails and hair.

Is it possible to eat apricot pits? The answer, of course, is yes. Moreover, apricot kernels are often used by confectioners to make glaze, caramel, sweets, yoghurts, creams, ice cream, waffles and various pastries. The kernels of some apricot varieties are used as a substitute for almonds.

The harm and benefits of apricot kernels are closely related to the health status of a particular person. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor before using this product.

Vitamin B17 in apricot kernels - video

Many of us do not consider apricot kernels as nutritious or useful product, so they are thrown away like garbage. Their kernels are a soft, nut-like mass with a rich composition and extensive health effects. Peeled apricot kernels have been used by various peoples for many centuries as medicinal and food raw materials. So, are apricot kernels good and bad?

Apricot kernels: benefit or harm?

Apricot kernels have wide prospects in various fields of application. In cooking, they can be added to confectionery products, consumed separately from other products, or made into jam. IN medicinal purposes kernels are used in the preparation of decoctions, ointments, creams, lotions and infusions. There are also known methods for their use in cosmetology. In addition, valuable oil with a pleasant taste and promising properties for medicine or cosmetology is obtained from apricot kernels.

Composition and physical properties

Apricot kernels contain a large amount of fatty acids, compounds of several minerals, organic acids and a number of both non-essential and essential amino acids.

The presence of various fatty acids determines the energy value of the product. Organic acids and minerals provide positive influence to work internal organs and metabolism.

Nutritional value and mineral content (per 100 g):

  • calorie content - 520 kcal;
  • fats - 45.4 g;
  • proteins - 25 g;
  • carbohydrates - 2.8 g;
  • ash substances - 2.6 g;
  • water - 5.4 g;
  • magnesium - 196 mg;
  • potassium - 802 mg;
  • phosphorus - 461 mg;
  • sodium - 90 mg;
  • calcium - 93 mg;
  • iron - 7 mg.

About 29% of the composition is occupied by oleic acid, which is one of the basic sources of energy and also supports the absorption of other lipids. Approximately 11% of the composition is linoleic acid. She's playing important role in maintaining healthy level cholesterol, heart function, has antioxidant qualities.

What are the benefits of apricot kernels for the body?

The apricot kernel, as well as other nuts, is, first of all, a rich energy product, which contains a lot of proteins and fats. Moreover, fats are absorbed by the human body efficiently, since they are contained in the lungs. liquid form- oil. It contains the already mentioned oleination, linoleic, as well as linolenic, stearic, myristic and palmitic acids, which have a strong antioxidant effect. Unrefined oil also retains ascorbic acid, B vitamins, tocopherols, and provitamin A.

Apricot kernels: benefits and harm to the body

The product also contains significant proportions of phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Enriching the diet with these elements helps the functioning of the brain, heart, kidneys, nervous and endocrine systems. High iron content suggests positive effect in the form of normalization of hemoglobin levels, strengthening circulatory system. The complex of mineral substances, in addition, has a disinfecting effect at the level of tissues and cells.

Scientific studies of the composition of the nucleoli report the presence of vitamin B17 in their composition, characterized by a high proportion of cyanide. It is believed that this potentially toxic substance in moderate doses destroys cancer cells and does not harm healthy ones.

These kernels taste bitter, but not so bitter that they are impossible to eat. Consumption is not only not prohibited, but also useful. Regarding how many apricot kernels you can eat at a time or during the day, you should answer individually. For example, it is better not to give children more than 1-2 pieces to avoid rejection by the body. Adults can eat a little more, but you shouldn’t get too carried away.

When asked if pregnant women can have apricot kernels, doctors say that direct contraindication no, however, due to the specific composition and large quantities of some active ingredients, it’s not worth the risk - it’s better to limit yourself to a “children’s” portion of up to 1-2 pieces per day.

Another question that interests many is whether it is possible to eat apricot kernels from compote. Theoretically, after such processing, the concentration of potentially dangerous components in the kernels is reduced. However, this does not mean that you can forget about safety. A limit of a maximum of 8-10 seeds per day will be a good limit to avoid problems with well-being.

Experts say that the risk of intoxication is high when consuming more than 40 grams of the product. It can be expressed in headache, difficulty breathing, convulsions, general weakness and drowsiness, fainting, nausea and stomach pain. If you have such symptoms, you need to drink the adsorbent substance you have on hand and go to the doctor (or call an ambulance).

Medicinal properties

In modern medical theory there is no detailed medicinal characteristics apricot kernel. Chemical and pharmaceutical production works with the oil of this product, which has a more understandable composition and predictable action. The nuclei themselves are mainly studied by folk medical practice:

  • decoctions and tinctures of apricot kernels are used against respiratory diseases;
  • when consuming the oil and pulp of the seeds, the condition of the cardiovascular system improves;
  • moderate consumption of oil stabilizes intestinal function, relieving constipation and alleviating hemorrhoids;
  • soft and light texture protects the walls digestive organs from aggressive effects, which is useful for ulcers and gastritis;
  • It is believed that when consumed in various dosage forms, apricot kernels have preventive and healing effect against oncology;
  • practically experience shows that eating a small amount of raw kernels helps in the fight against helminths;
  • Traditional medicine suggests brewing the seeds as tea to prevent bronchitis, dysbacteriosis, vitamin deficiency, nephritis, flatulence and whooping cough.

In folk medicine

In unconventional medical practice Treatment with apricot kernels implies, first of all, anti-cancer therapy. Among many peoples who grow or collect the fruits of this tree, it is believed that the nucleoli have an inhibitory effect on the tumor. This assumption is even supported by some scientists, although the world medical community has not yet officially spoken out on this matter.

Beneficial properties of apricot kernels

Experts assume the effectiveness of the product based on data on the presence of amygdalin. Also known as vitamin B17, this plant-derived substance is considered one of the most effective means in oncology. It is used in chemotherapy, and in dosage form it is sold under the name Laetrile. The destructive effect on cancer cells is provided by the action of cyanide. Its content in the nucleoli is moderate, and therefore does not cause poisoning when eaten in small volumes.

Traditional recipes for use:

  • When coughing, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp. per day until then to soften and speed up the removal of sputum. Use until relief occurs.
  • When raw kernels are consumed in an amount of no more than 10 pieces per day, an anthelmintic effect is achieved.
  • To rub the feet with wrapping, use a tincture of 0.5 liters of vodka and a glass of kernels. Infusion time - 3 weeks.
  • Traditional medicine suggests taking a spoonful of ashes from the shell of the nucleoli burnt in a frying pan every day on an empty stomach to cleanse the blood and strengthen blood vessels.
  • To improve overall well-being, gain strength, boost immunity and improve health, it is recommended to drink apricot milk. It is prepared by infusing 200 g of seeds in 600 ml of water at room temperature and then blending with a blender (it is better to replace the water after infusion).

In addition, eating kernels in moderation is considered beneficial for anemia, liver cirrhosis, digestive disorders, and kidney diseases.

Apricot kernels in cosmetology

Apricot pulp has extensive beneficial properties for women, expressed in both nutritional and medicinal components. In the case of seeds, the greatest value for the fair half of humanity is the oil squeezed from the kernels. The high content of healthy fatty acids helps maintain elasticity, healthy appearance and good immunity of the skin of the hands, face and whole body. The product also provides positive impact on hair and nails. You can learn about the proportions and with what ingredients apricot kernel oil is used for the face, nails or hair in a separate article about the beneficial properties of apricot oil.

Due to the fact that raw materials are rarely at hand, the seeds themselves are not often used in cosmetics. Example industrial applications is a cleansing scrub with apricot kernels from the Clean Line brand. The product has been on the market for several years, has many fans and continues to receive positive reviews.

Apricot kernel oil

This product is a translucent oily liquid with a slightly viscous structure, which is obtained by cold, hot pressing or extraction from apricot fruit kernels. In an unrefined form, the oil retains fatty acids, phenolic substances, and minor inclusions of minerals and vitamins. When cold pressing the raw materials, only 30-40% of the total volume of the product is obtained. The resulting oil is the most valuable in terms of useful components. Further processing involves hot pressing and extraction using solvents, but the final product has poorer consumer qualities.

Apricot kernel oil

Apricot kernel oil is pale yellow or colorless. The aroma, depending on the plant variety, place of growth and processing technology, may have apricot, vanilla and nutty notes.

Apricot kernel oil is used in the cosmetics industry and in cooking.

Apricot kernels: benefits and harms: in cooking

On the question of whether apricot kernels are eaten, many decided in childhood, when they enthusiastically separated their hard shell and ate the softer kernels. This type of use is acceptable, the main thing is not to abuse it. The daily limit for children is 25 grams of the product, and for adults - 50 grams.

Today, both in home and industrial cooking, apricot kernels are used to produce products added to confectionery, baked goods, cookies, sweet desserts, ice cream, etc. Apricot oil is rarely used in salad dressings.

At home, the seeds are often ground and added to preserves, compotes, jams and other dishes.

Urbech with apricot kernels

Urbech made from apricot kernels is one of the variants of the original Dagestan dish, which is prepared by grinding nuts and seeds of different plants (the hard peel is first removed and only the soft kernels are processed). Despite high content fat in the nucleoli, add honey and butter to make the taste more delicate and bright. Due to the fact that the chosen cooking method keeps all the beneficial substances intact, urbech made from apricot kernels has the following beneficial properties:

  • normalizes metabolism;
  • strengthens blood vessels and makes the work of the heart more uniform (removes moments of wear and tear);
  • neutralizes the harmful effects of stress on internal organs and systems;
  • fills with energy and vigor;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • makes the gastrointestinal tract more efficient and harmonious;
  • helps in the treatment of osteoporosis, arthritis and other joint diseases;
  • supports the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and viral infections.

The popularity of urbech in Dagestan cuisine is one of the beneficial factors contributing to high life expectancy. Despite the many physical work, mountaineers maintain clarity of mind, good spirits and energy. This is an excellent product for men who are engaged in heavy physical labor.

Contraindications to the use of urbech: intolerance to the ingredients, difficulty in the gastrointestinal tract.

Apricots for jam and pits - together or apart?

As to whether it is possible to add apricot kernels to jam, it is difficult to speak unambiguously. Firstly, it depends on personal preference. Secondly, even if you decide to add them to a treat, you need to know when to stop. It is worth remembering that the kernels contain a certain amount of potent substances, a high concentration of which can turn benefit into harm. It’s easy to stay within reason - if the number of seeds matches the number of fruits, nothing bad will happen. Jam with seeds is no different in taste from seedless jam. Naturally, before adding to total weight The seeds need to be removed from the hard outer shell, leaving only the soft inner nucleoli. Apricot jam with pits is recommended to be eaten within the first year after rolling.

Dona shurak

Dona shurak is a delicacy widespread in Uzbekistan, salted apricot kernels. Uzbeks claim that neither peanuts nor any other nuts can be compared with this delicacy. First, the bones, still in a hard shell, are boiled in salted hot water, and then fried for 20 minutes in ash or hot sand. According to some recipes, the kernels are then sprinkled with chalk for application. white plaque. The process of eating is reminiscent of eating oysters - first (along the crack made before scalding) the nut must be cracked, and only then the salted kernel must be extracted.

Shelf life and storage

Are apricot kernels good or bad?

You can store the nucleoli either in purified form or in a hard shell. Last option It is a priority if long-term storage is planned - natural protection will better preserve the beneficial properties of the product. The seeds must be dried and poured into a glass, wooden or metal container that does not allow air to penetrate. sunlight, dust and pests.

The recommended storage period is no more than 1 year. The fact is that over time, fatty and organic acids in the seeds are oxidized, and the concentration of hydrocyanic acid also increases. An expired product is easily identified by its bitter taste.


Doctors and nutritionists agree that moderate consumption of apricot kernels, in most cases, is not harmful to health. The exception is cases associated with individual intolerance or the presence of problems that complicate the absorption and processing of the product (disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, instability of the endocrine system, etc.).

Doctors strongly advise pregnant girls, as well as those with diabetes, chronic and acute diseases, liver, thyroid gland.

Many people remember from childhood that under no circumstances should they eat apricot kernels, otherwise they may get poisoned! The bitter apricot kernel contains hydrocyanic acid, which can cause serious health damage. Due to an unfounded belief instilled at a young age, we often throw away edible products that bring invaluable health benefits.

Even in ancient China they knew the healing properties of apricot seeds. Bitter nuts were only available to the imperial families. Today you can buy seeds at the market or in stores. But is such a purchase safe?

We suggest you figure out what apricot kernels are. Benefits and harms, what is more?

Is it possible to eat apricot kernels?

Actually, this is one of the main doubts about apricot kernels that needs to be dispelled. Their use is not only acceptable, but necessary! At the same time, so that the bitter seeds do not harm the body, remember the safe daily intake - no more than 20 grams for adults (about 10 pieces), and 10 grams for children (about 5 pieces). It's all about hydrocyanic acid, which is part of the nuclei. Small doses are safe for health, and consumption of more than 40 grams of kernels will lead to serious intoxication.

It is a mistake to assume that preparations with whole apricot kernels are harmful. Temperature treatment neutralizes the effect of hydrocyanic acid, but does not completely eliminate it. You can eat any amount of apricot pulp from jam or compote; with kernels, you should not exceed the norm of 10 pieces.

Apricot kernels description and composition

Apricot kernels - for these you will have to work hard to carefully remove the contents from the dense shell, surrounded by sweet, fleshy pulp. By the way, due to the complexity of the process, Ancient China Only representatives of the imperial families ate whole nucleoli. Externally, the seeds are similar to almonds, but differ significantly in taste, and most importantly, in properties.

Apricot kernels, like most nuts, have their own special taste. But the bitter taste and anti-cancer effect are due to amygdalin, which you will learn about a little later.

How to distinguish almonds from apricot kernels

Due to the external similarity, buyers sometimes fall for the tricks of sellers and purchase apricot kernels for the price of almonds. Main differences:

  • Apricot kernels are smaller in size, both in length and volume;
  • The seeds have a rounded shape; almonds, on the contrary, have a more pronounced sharp tip;
  • The apricot kernel is slightly flattened on the sides. Almonds have a smooth, evenly tapering surface;

The nuts are also similar in taste. There are both varieties of apricots with sweet seeds and bitter almonds - it is better to focus on appearance. The most important difference is not the cost of the products. Overeating almonds will not lead to poisoning, but nucleoli can, and quite severely. Therefore, it is so important to understand what is in front of you: apricot kernels or almonds.

Chemical composition

The composition of the apricot kernel determines its benefits and harms. The seeds contain:

  • Vitamins A, B, PP, C, F;
  • Tocopherols are substances that prevent premature aging processes;
  • Essential oils;
  • Phospholipids that improve liver function;
  • Unsaturated and saturated acids;
  • Essential and non-essential amino acids
  • Natural pigments, including carotene;
  • Microelements: magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium;
  • Vitamin B17 (amygdalin) and apricot kernels in connection with it have earned the title of “natural chemotherapy”. When the vitamin comes into contact with affected cells, cyanide and benzaldehyde are released, as a result of which development is inhibited cancer tumor. A small amount of vitamin B17 for healthy cells safe. B17 gives the seed a bitter taste. The more bitterness, the higher the concentration of the vitamin. It is found in plum, apple, and cherry kernels, bitter almonds, millet and flaxseed.

Calorie content of the product

Apricot kernels have a high calorie content - approximately 440 kcal per 100 grams. The energy value and large amount of fat do not allow the product to be called dietary. But even the fats from seeds are incredibly healthy. About 30% of the composition is allocated to oleic acid, which provides the body with energy and promotes the absorption of other fats. Linoleic acid, occupying about 11%, regulates cholesterol levels and ensures the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and neutralizes the effects of free radicals.

100 grams of apricot seeds contain 45.4g fat, 25g protein, 2.8g carbohydrates, 2.6g ash, 5.4g water.

What are the benefits of apricot kernels?

Healing properties apricot kernels have been discovered for a very long time. For example, in Ancient China, seeds and products based on them were used for treatment. skin diseases and inflammation of the musculoskeletal system.

The beneficial effect of apricot and its seeds was clearly confirmed by the people of the Hunza tribe - famous long-livers. The tribe lives in northern India, in rather harsh climatic conditions. The basis of the Hunza diet is apricot and its seeds, which serve as raw materials for the production of valuable oil. Vegetarianism and the constant presence of apricot kernels in the diet allows people to live more than 120 years!

Today, apricot kernels are used in the production of medicinal and cosmetic preparations, and traditional medicine uses in its healing recipes. Regular consumption of apricot kernels has the following effects on the body: anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antiseptic, antioxidant; immunomodulatory, anthelmintic, regenerating effect

The beneficial properties of the seeds will be fully manifested if they are fresh, keep an eye on the expiration date. The seeds can be consumed lightly roasted, but preferably raw.

For men

For women

Apricot kernels - source healthy fats, responsible for women's health and beauty. Unsaturated fatty acids slow down aging and restore hormonal balance, have an antioxidant effect, normalize hematopoiesis, improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, support nervous system. Oils, vitamins and minerals are found in high concentrations, so it’s difficult to say which organs remain “deprived” positive action seeds

Apricot kernel oil is in demand in the field of cosmetology.

The benefits of apricot kernels for diseases

As already mentioned, treatment with apricot kernels has been known for a long time. The product effectively copes with many painful conditions:

  • Milk extracted from apricot kernels promotes coughing and sputum removal, fights whooping cough, bronchitis and many diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Ground and brewed apricot kernels cope with cardiac arrhythmia;
  • Use raw seeds on an empty stomach - excellent remedy to combat helminths.
  • The oil normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates bloating, prevents constipation, normalizes the functioning of the pancreas and gall bladder, and alleviates hemorrhoids;
  • For gastritis and ulcers, the oil carefully envelops and protects inflamed mucous membranes, minimizes pain;
  • The vitamins included in the composition inhibit the effect pathogenic microorganisms, stop dysbiosis;
  • The anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect of apricot kernel oil is especially noticeable in case of kidney disease (in particular, nephritis) and cirrhosis of the liver;
  • The oil fights skin and joint inflammation;
  • The rich vitamin and mineral composition eliminates vitamin deficiency, normalizes hemoglobin levels, improves hematopoiesis, nourishes the heart, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. One of the most delicious and healthy recipes, coping with vitamin deficiency - apricot kernels, ground with lemon and honey. To do this, 20 grams of seeds, lemon and zest are crushed using a blender or meat grinder and mixed with 3-4 tablespoons of honey. It is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of the mixture on an empty stomach.

Of course, in folk medicine apricot kernels are associated with natural remedy from cancer. There are examples in folk medicine where regular consumption of apricot kernels stopped the development of oncology. Official confirmation of the effectiveness of treatment in scientific medicine Not yet.

Application of apricot kernels

Apricot kernels have found many uses, especially in medicine, cosmetology and cooking.

In medicine

Despite the lack of official confirmation of the inhibitory effect of apricot kernels on cancerous tumors, drugs and dietary supplements based on this product are increasingly appearing. Pharmacies sell ground apricot kernels, extracts and oils, vitamin B17. Such funds should be considered as prevention and support in the fight against cancer.

In cosmetology

In the 15th-16th centuries, oil extracted from apricot kernels was worth its weight in gold. Of course, now it can be purchased tens of times cheaper, but this does not reduce its unique and useful effect, especially in the field of cosmetology. Apricot oil is added to shampoos, creams, scrubs, masks and lotions, and used as an independent remedy.

Transparent oil with a subtle nutty aroma nourishes the skin, maintains elasticity, eliminates fine wrinkles and creases in the skin. It promotes accelerated wound healing and minimizes skin inflammation. Despite its fat content and thickness, the oil lays on the skin in a thin, almost imperceptible layer, without interfering with skin breathing. Masks with apricot oil stimulate growth and strengthen weakened hair, making it smooth and silky.

In cooking

Bitter grains have found their place in cooking. To give a delicate apricot-nut flavor, ground seeds are added to baked goods, ice cream, desserts, fermented milk products and sweet salads. And jam with whole kernels is a real work of culinary art.

Oil, on the contrary, has not found extensive use for cooking; it is extremely rarely used for dressing salads.

Apricot kernels can be stored in shells or peeled. Generally, a hard shell extends shelf life. Over time, fat oxidation occurs and the concentration of hydrocyanic acid increases significantly, so it is not recommended to store the product for more than one year. The seeds must be dried, placed in a container with a tight-fitting lid and stored in a kitchen cabinet, protected from direct contact. sun rays.

Contraindications and harm

Paracelsus said: “Everything is poison, nothing is poisonous, and everything is medicine. Only a fraction makes a substance a poison or a medicine.” This wise saying perfectly reflects the invaluable benefits and possible harm from apricot seeds.

Firstly, you should always remember the norm - no more than 40 grams per day. It is not recommended to consume more than 1 kernel per 5 kg of human weight.

Secondly, only fresh seeds with a good shelf life are suitable for food. It is strictly unacceptable to eat old and rancid bones.

Thirdly, it is recommended heat treatment product (frying in a pan or drying in the oven). At temperatures above 40 degrees, amygdalin is destroyed, which means its concentration and the risk of intoxication are reduced.

Failure to follow the recommendations can lead to poisoning, which occurs approximately 5 hours after consuming the product. The person’s activity decreases, severe headache, nausea, stomach cramps and abdominal pain. Breathing becomes intermittent. In severe cases, convulsions, fainting, or acute heart failure may occur.

If you exceed the daily norm, consume a low-quality product, or if the first signs of poisoning appear, immediately call an ambulance, rinse your stomach and drink an adsorbent drug.

Apricot kernels are completely contraindicated for:

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Liver diseases in the acute phase;
  • Disorders of the endocrine system;
  • Unstable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Individual intolerance to the product;
  • Pregnancy

Apricot kernels, like any product, can bring benefits to a person, and also harm. Their use has strict contraindications, and vice versa, there are recommendations for inclusion in the diet. The use of seeds often causes confusion, although, for example, the use of pumpkin or zucchini seeds does not surprise anyone.

Fruit seeds have been used in places where they grow since time immemorial and in many areas - from easy to use for food to the manufacture of medicines and cosmetic products. The kernel of apricot kernels is inherently a biologically active product, with a high level of content of various elements and their compounds that have a direct effect on the processes occurring in the human body.

What's inside the bone?

The chemical composition of the seeds is not only rich and varied, it is unique. It is the richness of the constituent elements that makes it possible to produce from what many arrogantly call waste and throw away oil, medicines, cosmetic products, vitamin supplements, desserts and much more.

The main components for humans present in the core of the bone are digestible acids:

  1. Linoleic.
  2. Oleic.
  3. Palmitic.
  4. Sinilnaya.

Hydrocyanic acid, which is very valuable for the human immune system and metabolic processes in the body, is found in nature only in the seeds of fruits and berries, and apricots are the leaders in this regard, bypassing such sources in terms of content of this element like cherries, sweet cherries and plums.

In addition to important and, most importantly, digestible acids, the composition of apricot kernels is rich in vitamins, of which the most valuable for health:

  • “B17” – natural cyanide;
  • "RR";
  • "B1";

Apricot kernels also contain compounds such as:

  1. Tocopherols.
  2. Phospholipids.

Mineral substances are also present in the composition; among their list, the seeds contain in greater quantities:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium.

If we consider this product from a nutritional point of view, it is a “supplier” of fully digestible carbohydrates and fats. The nutritional value of hundreds of grams of kernels looks like this:

  1. Fats – 35-60%.
  2. Proteins – from 9%.
  3. Carbohydrates – from 56%.

The calorie content of this product is considered one of the highest, which is why paste from kernels is often used to consolidate hair extensions. muscle mass in athletes, in the treatment of bulimia, in removing the body from dystrophic conditions, or for more speedy recovery after serious illnesses.

What's the benefit?

The beneficial properties of apricot kernels for the body are as follows:

Separately, you should pay attention to the main quality of this product, which is unique - the combination active substances from the fruit kernels destroys cancer cells.

This quality of the product lies in the high degree of concentration of cyanide in it - vitamin “B17” in combination with hydrocyanic acid, which in this case acts as a catalyst and conductor for cyanide.

It is no secret to anyone who has encountered oncology treatment that these two components serve as the basis, the active “core” of almost all pharmaceuticals, produced to combat this disease.

Of course, the presence of cyanide and hydrocyanic acid in apricot “waste” does not make the product a medicine. Moreover, in large quantities these substances are deadly poisonous. However, at the early stage of cancer, that is, at the first and at the very beginning of the second, the product completely replaces drugs and successfully destroys pathogenic cells. In this case, no relapses are observed even in the absence of prophylactic treatment.

Research on the effect of apricot concentrates on cancer formations was carried out both in our country and abroad. Their result was the release of dietary supplements and directly pharmaceutical medications intended to treat the proliferation of cancer cells.

What harm?

The harmful properties of kernels are due to the same compositional elements as their useful qualities. With regard to this product, like no other, the popular saying is true: “there is good in a spoon, but harm in a barrel.”

The harm and benefit of the product lies not only in the presence of cyanide and hydrocyanic acid, but also in its other components. Each element of the bone composition is biologically active and has a significant impact on all vital important processes inside the body. Moreover, like all natural natural products, is characterized by the presence of a cumulative effect.

Accordingly, when using all products prepared from nucleoli, including cosmetic ones, you must adhere to the minimum dosage and strictly follow the recommended instructions for use.

As for directly using the seeds yourself, you should not forget about a few simple rules:

  1. The seeds need to be calcined in the oven or fried, similar to how seeds are processed.
  2. The amount of apricot kernels consumed per day should not exceed 20-40 grams.
  3. You should not eat old kernels that have lain without heat treatment for more than a month.

Roasted bones are less healthy than roasted ones. But if for some reason it is preferable to fry the product rather than heat it in the oven, then it is important to constantly stir and turn the kernels over to ensure even heat treatment.

Is it possible to get poisoned?

Both fresh and dried fruit seeds can cause poisoning by hydrocyanic acid breakdown products and cyanides. This happens due to the consumption of old kernels, unevenly or insufficiently processed, as well as with an excessive amount of product consumed.

The main, always present symptoms of poisoning with this product:

  • sudden general weakness in the muscles;
  • sore throat, feeling that something is blocking your breathing;
  • headache of aching nature, without the presence of spasms;
  • abdominal pain reminiscent of symptoms of overeating, with heaviness and a feeling of bloating;
  • severe flatulence;
  • nausea turning into vomiting;
  • a feeling of fear or panic that occurs “out of the blue.”

The main, outwardly noticeable sign of intoxication is a symptom similar to poisoning when eating grain infected with ergot - a sharp coloring of all mucous membranes in a rich red or scarlet color.

The development of outwardly obvious symptoms is usually observed in the following order:

  1. The color of the mucous membranes changes.
  2. The pulse increases sharply, but after some time the heart rate also decreases sharply.
  3. Breathing becomes intermittent, the victim breathes with noticeable difficulty.
  4. Spontaneous muscle cramps in any part of the body, from the limbs to the face or back.

In severe forms of poisoning, signs characteristic of heart failure are observed and complete respiratory arrest is possible.

How to cope with poisoning?

Intoxication with components contained in fruit kernels is extremely dangerous to health and requires medical attention.

While waiting for the arrival of doctors, first aid actions for the victim are completely typical and do not differ from actions for other types of poisoning:

  • the stomach should be rinsed;
  • take activated carbon.

It is quite curious that the bark of apricot trees is a natural antidote to the substances contained in the kernels of fruits.

You can prepare an antidote like this:

  1. 100 grams of dry crushed bark.
  2. 1 liter of water.
  3. Boil over low heat, covered, for 20-30 minutes.

In case of unexpressed symptoms of poisoning, caused not by the action of cyanide, but by the accumulation of nuclear elements in the body, you can do without hospitalization; it is enough to take the decoction 2-3 times during the first 4-5 hours after the onset of unfavorable sensations.

How to use safely?

In order to get the maximum benefit from this product and not cause harm to yourself, you need to eat the contents of the kernels in strictly limited quantities. Volumes from 20 to 40 grams are considered safe; how much to take per day depends on individual characteristics. It is important to take into account factors such as a person’s weight, age and health status, as well as the purpose of the appointment.

For example, for a healthy adult weighing 80 to 90 kg taking this product occasionally, if available, 30-35 grams per day is sufficient, for a duration of no more than one week.

In case of metabolic disorders and the presence of pathologies associated with this problem - from 20 to 30 grams twice, for 2 weeks.

To fight cancer cells, the dose is determined by the degree of development of the tumor, on average it is from 30 to 40 grams three times a day for a month with a week and a half break.

As for the external use of products from apricot kernels, it is not recommended to use cosmetics containing kernel extract more than twice a week and under the age of 45 years.

Ointments used for joint pain or, if necessary, to normalize the condition of a certain skin area, can be used daily, once, but not longer than a week in a row.

When is it not possible?

Contraindications to the use of all types of products obtained from fruit kernels, including external methods of use, are as follows:

  • diabetes of any type;
  • liver diseases;
  • pathologies and diseases of the adrenal glands;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, its anomalies, including birth defects.

Pregnancy is not an unambiguous and insurmountable contraindication, but women must obtain the preliminary approval and permission of the supervising physician, and the dosage regimen and the maximum possible dosage must be agreed upon with him.

Also important is the storage period and the conditions necessary for it. Kernels should be stored in a dry place, at room temperature, and only when cooked. If all conditions are met, their shelf life reaches up to six months.

How to use in cooking?

In cooking, the contents of the seeds are used in the same way as any spice, that is, in pinches.

The use of spices made from fruit kernels is quite widespread. It is seasoned with:

  1. Ice cream.
  2. Confectionery.
  3. Jams, confitures and preserves.
  4. Compotes.
  5. Jelly, soufflé and other desserts.
  6. Porridges and puddings.
  7. Homemade liqueurs.
  8. Soups.
  9. Sauces.
  10. Meat dishes.
  11. Salads.
  12. Minced fish and much more.

In production, the spice obtained from the contents of apricot “waste” is used in baking waffles, biscuits, making yoghurts, glazes, marzipan and marmalade, sweets and caramel.

Prepare delicious and healthy seasoning not difficult. The peeled kernels should be heated very strongly in the oven, literally dry. After which they need to be ground in a coffee grinder or blender. If the resulting bulk spice turns out to be greasy or wet, the already ground spice should be dried in the oven again.

The seasoning should be stored in the same way as any other - in a tightly closed non-metallic container, without exposing it to changes in temperature and humidity.

Use in cooking is limited only by your own taste; the spice itself is universal and goes with everything. When added to food, it gives dishes a slight almond flavor and a noticeable apricot aroma, but does not have any sweetness or aftertaste.

The invaluable benefits of apricot kernels as medicine was discovered by Chinese healers. They were the first to identify the unique properties of nuclei in the treatment of skin diseases and joint ailments. Soon the whole world learned about the healing effect of the tender kernel, and today, thanks to its excellent composition, many countries use apricot kernels in the medical and cosmetology fields.

Apricot kernels contain:

  • Fats – 45 g
  • Carbohydrates – 25 g
  • Proteins – 3g

The composition of apricot kernels includes many rare substances. Among them:

  • Phospholipids
  • Tocopherols
  • Potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium
  • Saturated and unsaturated acids
  • Vitamins of groups F, C, A, PP, B
  • Amygdalin
  • Squirrels
  • Essential oils
  • Hydrocyanic acid
  • Natural pigments


Harm from apricot kernels

After a detailed study of all the components of the apricot kernel, scientists made unpleasant conclusions. Sweet cores can be consumed without fear, however, it is worth knowing that the very bitter-tasting seeds contain an impressive concentration of organic poisons. The fact is that when the kernels of the seeds enter the body, they release hydrocyanic acid. Its excess in the body is fraught with severe poisoning and deterioration of well-being.

The bitter taste is given by the substance amygdalin, the strongest source of hydrocyanic acid. Although some varieties of apricots do not contain amygdalin. But in any case, it is worth remembering that uncontrolled consumption of cores is dangerous for the body, as it can cause poisoning, but for this you need to take a large number of cores - more than 40 grams.

But the harm of apricot kernels will be reduced to zero if you dry them in the oven or boil them before use. Under the influence high temperatures harmful components of the nuclei will be completely destroyed.

Apricot kernels can be harmful if you consume old seeds that have been in storage for several years. In such kernels the content of cyanide substances increases every year, and they should absolutely not be taken. This chemical substance in small doses it kills cancer cells, but in large concentrations healthy cells of the body already suffer from it.

Apricot kernels are contraindicated if:

  • Chronic or acute diseases liver
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Problems with the thyroid gland
  • Pregnancy

You can feel the harm of apricot kernels if you consume more than 20...40 grams of seeds at one time. Moreover, signs of poisoning can appear in the period from 30 minutes to 5 hours after consumption.

Symptoms of poisoning may include:

  • Lethargy, weakness
  • Stomach pain
  • Severe migraine
  • Stomach cramps and nausea
  • Breathing problems

In acute poisoning, convulsions, fainting, pressure surges, sudden cessation of breathing and acute heart failure are possible.


Apricot kernels: benefits

In small quantities, apricot kernels can be very beneficial for the human body. We can say with confidence that the composition of this product is truly extraordinary, and with proper use of the kernels, you can improve your health and even get rid of some diseases. Many European countries are “weighing” the benefits and harms of this extraordinary product.

The enormous benefits of apricot kernels for the body and the amazing healing effect were revealed in the treatment of:

  • Oncology
  • Bronchitis, whooping cough, various ailments upper respiratory tract
  • Heart diseases

Anyone who has ever tried the core of an apricot kernel remembers that its taste is slightly bitter. It owes this to the substance amygdalin (B17), a glycoside that is found in the seeds of many fruits of the plum genus. Once in the body, it breaks down into hydrocyanic acid and benzaldehyde, substances that are dangerous poisons.

In the environment of healthy cells, they are transformed into carbohydrates and do not harm the body. However, it is these substances that have a detrimental effect on cancer-infected cells, and with regular consumption of apricot kernels it was found complete destruction oncological neoplasms.

Tocopherol has excellent properties, of which there is a “decent” amount in apricot kernels. It prevents the aging of the body and slows down the process of skin aging. A natural acids, such as palmitic, linoleic and oleic, have a beneficial effect on the epidermis and improve the condition of hair and nails.

The cores of apricot kernels are widely used in cooking in the production of yoghurt, caramel, cakes, desserts, and ice cream. Certain types of kernels contain up to 70% fatty oils, have an excellent taste and can replace even expensive almonds in some dishes.

Medicinal properties of apricot kernels

Aromatic oil obtained from apricot kernels is widely used. In medicine it is used for diluting certain medicines, and also as prophylactic with cirrhosis of the liver.

Seed kernel oil has antimutagenic properties, prevents acute heart failure, and restores vascular elasticity. It is used to treat chronic kidney disease, anemia and constipation. Thick healing oil used as medicinal product for stomach ulcers, gastritis, and also as an emollient for inflammatory processes rectum, for hemorrhoids.

Fresh apricot kernel oil has gained popularity as a vitamin and moisturizing additive to facial gels, creams, and shampoos. Thanks to excellent protective properties, gentle oil protects against infections and significantly prolongs the youth of the body.

Calorie content of apricot kernels

Thanks to the impressive amount of fat, aromatic oil is produced from juicy apricot kernels, which is used in cosmetology and medicine. Arouses admiration and nutritional value of this product - 100 g of raw kernels contains 510 calories.

Due to the high caloric content of apricot kernels, it is not recommended for people who are obese or on a diet. Apricot kernels can be taken raw, dried or roasted.

Chefs and cooks love to add the crunchy and slightly sweet grains to gourmet dishes. For example, they add a special piquancy to apricot jam if you add them to the sweet mass during cooking. Miniature seed cores go well with yogurt, fresh oatmeal and cottage cheese. It is also good to take them in combination with honey, jam, or use them as an additional ingredient for salads.

Apricot kernels: beneficial properties and harm

The kernels found in apricot kernels do not have a pronounced taste. It is mainly the oil that is included in their composition that is valued. Although fried kernels are very tasty and filling. Let's try to understand why apricot kernels are useful and what damage they can cause to the human body in large doses.

For some reason, many of us believe that apricot kernels are very toxic and have a detrimental effect on our body. But in many southern countries For example, in Uzbekistan, they are considered a traditional dish. Also a real delicacy is apricot jam with pits.

Useful components of the bone

Nuclei contain many substances. One of them is very rare vitamin B 17 or amygdalin, whose importance in the fight against cancer cells is invaluable. Upon contact with malignant tumor poisons are released - cyanide and benzaldehyde, which are contained in the seeds. Thus, they gradually destroy cancer. For a healthy body, these substances in such small doses are completely safe.

Also, 100 g of seeds contains:

  • fats -45 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4 g;
  • proteins - 25 g;
  • unsaturated fatty acids - 40 mg;
  • saturated fatty acids - 3 g;
  • PP vitamins - 4 mg;
  • macroelements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus) - 12 mg;
  • trace elements (iron) - 7 mg.

The calorie content of apricot kernels is 450 calories (per 100 g), so they are contraindicated for people on diets.

Apricot kernels are eaten raw, fried and dried, in a recommended dose of 20 g at a time. Seeds are used in many industries: food, light, medical.

The benefits of apricot kernels

Apricot kernels are very nutritious and contain a large amount of vegetable oil, so they are perfect for the daily diet of athletes and people trying to gain weight.

The healing properties of apricot seeds were discovered many thousands of years ago. So in ancient China they were used to heal skin and joints. Today, thanks to the development of medicine, the seeds are used for the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics, as well as for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Apricot seeds, brewed as tea, are an excellent remedy for heart arrhythmia. You can also use them to prepare excellent medicine from cardiovascular diseases. It is prepared according to old recipe:

  • 0.5 kg of lemon is crushed in a meat grinder or grater;
  • add 20 chopped apricot kernels;
  • the resulting slurry is poured with 0.5 liters of honey;
  • mix thoroughly and leave for 2-3 days in a cool place;
  • take the medicine morning and evening, 1 tbsp. l.

Almond milk, extracted from apricot seeds, has an antitussive effect and is used in the treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, as well as the kidneys and liver.

Harm from apricot kernels

In doses not exceeding 20 g (approximately 5 kernels) for adults and 10 g for children, apricot kernels are absolutely harmless. But if you exceed the recommended limit, this can lead to poor health (nausea, dizziness). This property is associated with the presence of poison - cyanide, which in small quantities has a detrimental effect on cancer cells, and in large quantities - on healthy ones.

Too bitter seeds are no less harmful, and not only because bad taste, but thanks to the large accumulation of amygdalin. Although there are types of apricots, the tassels of which have a pleasant sweetish taste. In recent years, breeders have been actively developing varieties with minimal amygdalin capacity and maximum kernel size.

Apricot kernels in cosmetology and cooking

Everyone knows how to grow apricots from seeds, but not everyone knows that with their help you can prolong life, preserve youth and prepare delicious and aromatic food.

The longest-livers of the planet, the Indian Khuza tribe, eat exclusively vegetarian food, and one of the main dishes on their menu is apricots with pits. Surprisingly, according to scientists, the Hunza people live for so long (about 120 years) precisely thanks to seeds.

Apricot kernel oil, obtained by cold pressing, is used to prepare various cosmetics (shampoos, balms, masks, etc.). It is also famous for its moisturizing and warming qualities, which is why professional massage therapists use it for health procedures.

Apricot kernels, the benefits and harms of which are certainly important for cooking, as they are added to ice cream, glazes, creams, waffles, desserts and other dishes, have a persistent almond aroma. It adds a touch of sophistication and unusual taste to canning and baking.

Bottom line

Using apricot seeds, the benefits and harms of which have been studied by experts, you will get rid of many diseases, improve your skin and prepare delicious and aromatic delicacies.

Both adults and children love juicy and fragrant apricots. These fruits are eaten in fresh, they make fragrant jam and delicious compotes. Many people, having tasted the fruit, take a hammer and break the seeds. In the middle of the thick peel is a tasty kernel that is eaten. But not everyone knows whether apricot kernels can be eaten, as well as what benefits and harms this product can have. You can eat apricot kernels, as they contain many vitamins and microelements that are necessary for humans. Even doctors believe that with moderate consumption they have a beneficial effect on the body. The main thing here is not to neglect contraindications and know a sense of proportion.

What substances are in the nucleoli?

Apricot seeds have an unusual taste; their benefits for human health were discovered by Chinese healers many years ago. Healing composition kernels are used to treat certain joint diseases and skin diseases. Quite often, apricot kernels are added to cosmetic products - creams, scrubs, masks, shampoos and hair balms.

The nucleoli contain the following substances that are beneficial to humans:

  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • phosphorus, potassium, calcium and iron;
  • special pigments of natural origin, as well as essential oils;
  • complex of vitamins A, B, C and PP;
  • a small amount of hydrocyanic acid.

The apricot kernel is quite nutritious; if you eat a handful of these seeds, you can quite satisfy your hunger. These products are good to take with you on long hikes or to work. Nucleoli contribute to improvement brain activity and tone the whole body well.

Dried apricot kernels taste a little like almonds, so they can be used for confectionery.

The benefits of nucleoli for the body

Nuts from apricot kernels are characterized by unique composition, due to which they can be used to treat certain diseases. During the research it was revealed that if you eat them regularly, your immunity increases and you get sick less often. When consuming a moderate amount of such nuts, positive changes occur in the body:

  • The work of the heart muscle is activated, due to which the heart begins to work better.
  • The development of cancer is prevented.
  • The cells of the body quickly regenerate - this helps to prolong youth.
  • Intestinal function is normalized and the problem of constipation disappears.
  • Perilstatics of the intestinal walls is significantly improved, normal microflora is restored.
  • The immune system is strengthened.

The nucleoli contain tocopherol, which prevents premature aging.

Acids of natural origin also have a beneficial effect on the human body. They have a good effect on the cells of the epidermis, thereby improving the condition of the skin and, as a result, the appearance of a person.

Apricot seeds can be recommended to everyone, subject to precautions. This product should be consumed especially actively in the summer, when the fruits ripen. They are eaten both raw and dried. To prepare an unusual delicacy, just keep the kernels in the oven for about 5 minutes. If necessary, apricot seeds can be added to confectionery or jam. Many housewives cook apricot jam with the addition of kernels, which makes the final product aromatic and very tasty.

What harm can bones cause?

Apricot kernels can be consumed only in moderation, without much fanaticism. The product contains some substances that, if ingested in excess, cause poisoning.

When the apricot kernel enters the stomach, amygdalin begins to be released from it, which, when decomposed, releases hydrocyanic acid. Excessive consumption of nucleoli can cause severe intoxication. The maximum permissible dosage of apricot kernels for humans is 40 grams of product per day. The main thing is that the seeds are not old, as in this case the risk of poisoning increases.

To minimize the risk of poisoning by apricot kernels, you should first dry them for several minutes in the oven.


Apricot seeds can cause harm to health in the following cases:

  • If a person is sick diabetes mellitus any type.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding, if the consumption of the product is excessive.
  • For diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • At chronic diseases liver.
  • If you are prone to allergic reactions.

During pregnancy and lactation, the permitted volume of nucleoli is no more than 20 grams per day. Children younger age They can eat nuts in the same amount if they do not suffer from allergies.

When is poisoning possible?

Intoxication is possible if a person has eaten more than 40 grams of apricot seeds per day
. Signs of poisoning may appear after just a few minutes or several hours after excessive consumption product. The main symptoms of poisoning look like this:

  • severe weakness and drowsiness;
  • cutting pain in the stomach and vomiting;
  • persistent headache radiating to the back of the head;
  • breathing problems;
  • fainting and convulsions.

If the above symptoms appear after eating the seeds, you need to drink the adsorbent in therapeutic dosage and then consult a doctor. In some cases, a person’s condition can be very serious, then an ambulance is urgently called.

The healing properties of nucleoli

The benefits and harms of apricot seeds have not yet been fully studied. Nucleoli can be found in some recipes traditional medicine. They are used in different types and for different needs:

  1. Water tinctures and decoctions are often used to treat prolonged cough or bronchial asthma. Besides this, they are recommended for people who suffer from heart disease.
  2. Apricot kernel oil helps restore vascular elasticity and reduces the risk of heart failure.
  3. The oil helps get rid of constipation, it promotes the gentle removal of toxins and waste from the body.
  4. Apricot kernel oil is successfully used to treat gastritis and ulcers of the digestive organs.
  5. Healing oil helps prevent hemorrhoids.

Such plant raw materials are actively used in cosmetology, and to make scrubs they use not only kernels from the seeds, but also crushed shells.

Is it possible to eat apricot kernels?

Uryuk are specially dried apricots with pits.. This product is consumed independently, used for preparing confectionery and main courses.

Apricot seeds can also be broken with a hammer and the aromatic kernels extracted; they can be eaten in the same quantity as the kernels of fresh apricots.

Some housewives specifically buy not dried apricots, but apricots, in order to complement the dish with delicious nuts.

Is it possible to gain weight from apricot kernels?

If you constantly eat apricot kernels, you can gain weight
. This is not surprising, because the energy value of the product is quite high. Just 100 grams of nuts contain 510 kcal, so they are recommended to be eaten in very limited quantities by those people who are overweight or on a diet.

People who, on the contrary, suffer from lack of weight, should eat such a product. It’s good if it is in the diet constantly. Do not forget that such nuts, in addition to nutrients, contain minerals and a complex of vitamins, so they should be consumed by people after long-term illnesses, as well as with constant mental stress.

We can say that the question of whether apricot kernels can be eaten has been settled. They not only can, but also should be eaten, but only in limited quantities. There are very few contraindications to their use, so they need to be included in the diet of not only adults, but also young children. It is better not to eat grains that were left in stocks from last summer, so as not to get poisoned. But it’s not advisable to throw them away; such a product will turn out great. cosmetic product, just chop them up and add them to your favorite cream.

Apricot pulp contains many vitamins that are necessary to maintain immunity. The question of the beneficial properties of apricot kernels and the quantities in which they can be consumed raises a lot of controversy.

In terms of nutritional properties, apricot kernels can only be compared with a nut: 100 grams of kernels will contain about 500 kcal. But they should not be consumed in such quantities; you can eat up to 50 grams of raw kernels per day. After all, they contain amygdalin, this substance, when broken down, releases hydrocyanic acid, that is, cyanide, thanks to this substance the seeds taste bitter.

The concentration of this substance is present to varying degrees in different. This is quite easy to determine. The sweeter the nucleolus, the less substance.

Apricot kernel: beneficial properties and contraindications

Many admirers of this delicacy are interested in “what are the benefits of apricot kernels?” A vitamin such as lethril, that is, vitamin B17, has great benefits; it has a beneficial effect on immune system, is a key component in the development of drugs for cancer patients. Based on this vitamin, the development of Laetrile, a drug that destroys cancer cells, was carried out.

The benefits of this medicine are constantly subject to criticism, but B17 is certainly a useful vitamin, which has been proven more than once through scientific research. Doctors confirm the benefits of apricot kernels and recommend using them as a prophylactic against cancer. The number of seeds taken per day should not exceed 10-12 pieces.

In the presence of cancer, the dose must be increased. It must be taken throughout the day, but not at one time, and the kernels must be chewed thoroughly, you can add a little honey. Start with a small dosage of 3-4 seeds per day, gradually increasing the dose based on the body’s reaction.

Since B17 tends to dissolve in liquid, when taking the seeds you need to drink melt water. For 1 kilogram of weight, 30 milliliters.

Apricot kernels have an analgesic effect, can activate metabolism and slow down the aging process. Scientists conducted observations during which they discovered the small Hunza nation in Pakistan, the people of this nation are distinguished by amazing longevity, and they also completely lack cancer. The fact is that the tribe eats mainly apricot fruits, and they eat the pits every day.

Apricot kernels are rich in vitamin E, which also makes them healing. Vitamin E also helps strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff. Apricot oil contains various masks and shampoos, it is also used in the care of newborns, since it is hypoallergenic. Due to the abundant content of unsaturated fatty acids in the kernels, they are often used for medicinal purposes. The oil can rejuvenate the skin; it is often used as the basis for a healing massage.

Apricot kernels contain fatty acids, they have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, the use of these useful kernels and pulp can have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. In order for the seeds to have a healing effect, they are consumed raw, since heat treatment has a destructive effect on hydrocyanic acid. After treatment, the bones are completely lost harmful qualities, but become useless, of course, with all this they remain very tasty.

Apricots have found their application in culinary arts, jams are made from them, into which apricot kernels are sometimes placed. To preserve their properties, the nucleoli must be preserved without resorting to heating. Preservation occurs by placing the kernels in a pasteurized jar and pouring honey over them.

Some people have discovered a method in which the beneficial properties of apricot kernels are extracted as follows: the kernels are brewed and consumed as tea, in this form they can help cure cardiovascular diseases.

It is worth noting that daily consumption of apricot fruits and kernels helps:

  • avoid cardiovascular diseases;
  • remove cholesterol and heavy metal salts;
  • get rid of swelling;
  • increase hemoglobin levels;
  • improve brain activity;
  • cope with vitamin deficiency;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • regulate the functioning of the intestinal tract, liver and gallbladder;
  • get rid of heartburn;
  • cope with thirst.

Contraindications for use are the following diseases and states:

  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • liver diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

What are the benefits of apricot kernels for people with overweight? Unfortunately, nothing, since they are quite high in calories and are not classified as light products. But in the case when a person strives to gain the missing kilograms, apricot kernels will come in handy. Due to the fact that they contain oil, absorption occurs very quickly.

Many athletes include apricot treats in their daily diet, it provides them with the necessary energy without causing harm.

How many seeds can be consumed per day without causing damage to the body? An adult is allowed to eat up to 50 grams per day. Can a child eat them? Acceptable rate for a young body – 20-25 grams. You should not eat more than the established norm, since the kernel contains amygdalin, which, if consumed in moderation, can have a detrimental effect.

It is also highly not recommended to eat old kernels, since over time the amount of cyanide substances in them increases and can cause serious poisoning. For everyone individual person Such a concept as the benefits and harms of apricot kernels may be unequal, so you should not experiment on your health.

The best solution would be to go to a doctor, who will explain in detail what effect this product has, whether you should take it and in what dosage it can be taken without harm to health.

Storage rules, use of apricot kernels

To experience the full beneficial effect of apricot seeds, you need to choose them correctly. Bones good quality in appearance they are similar to almonds, in shape they should be oblong and even, the color of good seeds is brownish, but, in general, the shades can vary from pale to darker, copper.

They can be stored either peeled or unpeeled. In cases where long-term storage is planned, it is better not to clean the kernels; this will increase their shelf life. Store dried seeds in a jar to protect them from sunlight, dust and pests.

For people who are afraid to eat apricot kernels, this is suitable. This oil is unique in its composition; it contains useful acids such as lionolic, stearic, oleic, magnesium salts, calcium and a complex of vitamins.

Apricot kernels are usually consumed in all kinds of forms, that is, fried, dried and raw. Used in the manufacture of the following products:

  • dairy products;
  • cookie fillings;
  • glaze;
  • caramel;
  • candies.

Some varieties have a fairly large stone, which can fully replace almonds. Most kernels do not have a rich taste, but there are types that are distinguished by sweetness; these types are saturated with oils by 70%.

A discovery in the field of cosmetology - apricot kernels. The oil extracted from them is widely used for making shampoo, ointment, creams, etc. In beauty salons, products containing apricot kernels are used for rejuvenating massage, since this component can positively affect the condition of the skin and also has excellent absorbency.

Apricot oil is used as an additive in the creation of expensive medicinal cosmetics.



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