Disabled parking sign before or after. Increased penalties

It took many years to eliminate the loopholes in the laws that allowed anyone who had the impudence to stand in “disabled” places. There are no loopholes left, but difficulties have arisen for conscientious drivers. Let's look into the details, which ones.

The essence of the reform

In February 2016, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 23 of January 21, 2016 “On Amendments to the Rules” was officially published and came into force traffic Russian Federation" This document radically changed the parking procedure for disabled people and persons transporting disabled people. From now on, they must have on their vehicle not only a special sign, but also a document confirming their disability.

As it was before

Until recently in regulatory documents there were certain omissions that allowed unscrupulous drivers to enjoy benefits that were not intended for them. The traffic rules, in particular, stated that if there is a sign 8.17, the effect of sign 6.4 “Parking (parking space)” applies only to motorized wheelchairs and cars with the identification sign “Disabled” installed. In other words, by installing such a sign, the driver could park in places intended for disabled people. Regardless of whether the driver is disabled or not!

Without the “Disabled Person” sign, the right to preferential parking did not arise, although such a sign was not mandatory for traffic. In the “Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles...” it was said that, at the request of the driver, the identification sign “Disabled” can be installed on the vehicle “in the form of a yellow square with a side of 150 mm and an image of the symbol of road sign 8.17 in black - in front and behind motor vehicles vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II, transporting such disabled people or disabled children.”

There is no mention in this text that the installation of a “Disabled Person” sign is only permitted for disabled drivers. This sign could be installed on any car in which “disabled people are transported” - systematically or occasionally. And there was not a word about a disability certificate.

At the same time, anyone who stopped in a parking lot intended for the disabled could be punished by a traffic police inspector, regardless of whether the driver had a certificate of disability or not. Although here is a paradox: according to the law, the inspector did not even have the right to demand this certificate from the driver.

The list of required documents that the driver must have with him (clause 2.1.1 of the traffic rules) did not include such a certificate. Until 2011, the fine for parking in a disabled person’s space was only 200 rubles. It is clear that such an amount could not stop the scammers, so the list of documents was expanded to include a certificate of disability, and the administrative penalty was increased significantly.

New parking rules for disabled people

So, now, according to clause 2.1 of the traffic rules, the driver of a motor vehicle is obliged to carry with him and, at the request of police officers, hand over to them for verification a document confirming the fact of disability, in the case of driving a vehicle on which the identification sign “Disabled” is installed.

That is, you can take advantage of additional “benefits” when parking a car and driving under signs 3.2 “No movement” and 3.3 “Motor vehicles are prohibited” from February 2016 only if the “Disabled” identification sign is installed on the car.

If the car is used by several drivers, and not all of them are disabled, you need to purchase a quick-release identification badge, for example, on suction cups. And do not forget that in accordance with the traffic rules, benefits apply only to disabled people of groups I and II, as well as to any group when transporting disabled children.

Of course, a physically healthy but dishonest driver can still easily purchase a “Disabled” sign and install it on his car. But he will no longer be able to calmly stop in disabled parking lots. At least in theory. The traffic police inspector has the right to demand that the driver present a certificate of disability, not necessarily his own. If there is one, then the driver is not issued a fine.

What about in practice?

True, questions have arisen, the answers to which can only be given by law enforcement practice. If a disabled person is actually being transported by car, can the driver leave the car in the parking lot marked with sign 6.4 with sign 8.17. It looks like there are options here. After all, even if the driver rightfully occupies a parking space for the disabled, he now must always have an identification card or medical certificate with him, since the “Disabled Person” warning sign pasted on the glass is not proof of the right to park.

They brought, say, a disabled person to a clinic, where he may have to show the doctors his ID or certificate. If the driver remains in the car, then he does not have a document confirming the right to park. Therefore, it is better to leave the car and return to the wheel only with a disabled person. What if a disabled person does not need a certificate, for example, in a shopping center? Does he have the right to hand over the document to the driver? And won’t the inspector have any doubts that the car is actually carrying a disabled person, and not just his papers?

This is perhaps an almost insoluble problem. The driver brought the disabled person to the station, parked in the parking lot for the disabled and went to accompany him to help him board the train. Upon his return, the inspector asks him to present his documents, but the disabled person has already left by train. If the “Disabled” sign is installed on the car, the driver faces punishment, since he does not have documents confirming his disability. And if the sign is removed, the car can be towed. Therefore, you will have to take care of a second accompanying person or, after disembarking the disabled person, remove the sign and move the car to a general parking lot.

Many people ask whether in such a situation it is possible to have a notarized copy of disability documents with them. But the lawyers just shake their heads sadly. Unfortunately, according to traffic rules, police officers need to submit for verification “a document confirming the fact of the establishment of disability,” and not a copy of it. After all, you can make many copies, even notarized ones, but you can only transport a disabled person in one car.

Thus, we have to state:

The driver can hang up the “Disabled Person” sign and enjoy benefits only if the disabled person is nearby and agrees to give the driver a document confirming the disability.

People with disabilities, but without obvious signs disability, we must keep in mind that traffic police inspectors will now ask them to confirm their status. If you don’t have any documents with you, then after imposing an administrative penalty, it is pointless to prove your special rights in court. To have the right to park, you must have the certificate with you.

It is also unclear why sign 6.4, together with plate 8.17, applies only to motorized strollers and cars. If the driver is a disabled person of groups I and II or transports disabled people on a motorcycle or, say, an ATV, then he has no right to enjoy privileges.

What is the penalty for a fake certificate?

What to do with those who purchased fake certificates or certificates of disability? Such “fake” pieces of paper can still be bought in the underground passage or at the station. Most likely, the inspector will not “punch” your documents through the database. But if he has doubts and wants to check the authenticity of the submitted certificates, then the driver faces not only an administrative fine.

The fine itself, not for lack of documents, but for illegally installing a “Disabled” sign and for driving a vehicle with such a sign, amounts to 5,000 rubles for citizens. But a more serious punishment for the use of knowingly forged documents is provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - a large fine or even arrest for up to six months.

Frequent cases in private parking lots

Unfortunately, real disabled people also have problems. Thus, in non-state parking lots, spaces for disabled people are provided for by the law “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.” The capital also has Moscow Law No. 3 of January 17, 2001 “On ensuring unimpeded access for people with disabilities to social, transport and engineering infrastructure facilities of the city of Moscow” (as amended on November 21, 2007).

It says, in particular: “In parking lots and in places where vehicles are parked, regardless of the form of ownership of the parking lots, up to 10 percent of the spaces (but not less than one space) most convenient for entry and exit should be allocated for parking special vehicles disabled people. Parking areas are equipped with special signs. Disabled people, as well as persons transporting them, in cases where disabled people have contraindications for driving vehicles, use parking spaces for special vehicles free of charge.”

However, there are complaints that when entering a shopping center, the driver is asked to take a parking card, and when leaving, it turns out that the electronic machine cannot recognize disability documents, and the security guards do not even know that disabled people have the right to free parking...

Features of metropolitan life

There are features when using parking spaces, intended for parking vehicles of disabled people, in paid parking zones, which are organized in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In Moscow, for example, you additionally need to obtain a preferential parking permit for a disabled person (see Help). It is issued at the MFC (multifunctional centers) or on the website of the Moscow Public Services portal. In this case, the data of the disabled person’s car is entered into the parking register.

Payment for parking in Moscow is controlled by mobile photo and video recording systems that run along city parking lots. They can check online whether the data about a car parked in a space for disabled people is entered into the Parking Register as a car for a disabled person. If not, a fine will be generated automatically.

Parking permits for a disabled person give the right to free 24-hour parking in places marked with sign 8.17 “Disabled”, as well as marking 1.24.3. In all other parking spaces, parking is carried out on general principles(for a fee).

Our information

Parking permits for a disabled person can be issued for a car:

  • owned by a disabled person/legal representative of a disabled child;
  • previously issued in accordance with medical indications free of charge for the free use of organs social protection;
  • owned by other persons transporting disabled people, with the exception of vehicles used to provide paid services for the transportation of passengers, if the disabled person has contraindications to driving.

To obtain a Parking Permit you must submit:

  • statement;
  • passport (birth certificate for disabled children under 14 years of age);
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance of the applicant (SNILS).

If the place of residence of a disabled person is not on the territory of the city of Moscow and if he has not previously applied to the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow, then he must present a document certifying the right of the disabled person to a benefit (certificate medical and social examination on the determination of disability or an extract from the examination report of a citizen recognized as disabled).

amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a href=”http://polldaddy.com/poll/9314059/”amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;Have you ever parked on disabled places?amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/aamp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;

According to the traffic rules, there are two signs designed to notify road users that a person with special health conditions is driving or simply in a car:
  1. “Disabled” is a yellow square with a side of 15 cm and a figure of a wheelchair user inside.
  2. "Deaf Driver" - yellow circle 16 cm in diameter, inside which three black dots form a triangle.

The installation of these signs is voluntary. But strictly defined categories of citizens can use them.

Who can stick a “Disabled” sign on the car window?

The persons transporting them, as well as the parents of disabled children, also have the right to do this.

The driver of a car with a “Disabled Person” sign, in addition to his license, vehicle registration certificate and insurance, is required to carry with him “a document confirming the fact of disability” (Resolution of the Russian Government of January 21, 2016).

What specific document is not established by law. But it must indicate the group and cause of disability. Such documents are a pension certificate and a certificate of completion of a medical and social examination (the so-called pink form).

When stopped by a traffic police inspector, a disabled driver or a driver transporting a disabled person must present the original of one of these documents. Copies, even notarized ones, are not accepted.

What privileges does the “Disabled” sign on a car give?

Cars with “Disabled” signs installed on the windshield and rear windows are not subject to a number of prohibitory signs (Section 3 of Appendix 1 of the Traffic Regulations):
  • "Movement Prohibition";
  • “The movement of motor vehicles is prohibited”;
  • "No parking";
  • “Parking is prohibited due to even numbers months";
  • “Parking is prohibited on even days of the month.”

But most importantly, the “Disabled” sign gives the right to use specialized parking spaces.

What is disabled parking?

In parking lots near socially significant facilities, at least 10% of the spaces must be reserved for parking for people with disabilities (Article 15 Federal Law“On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”). That is, near any clinic, cultural center or shopping center There must be at least one dedicated parking space.

The parking space for people with disabilities is indicated by sign 6.4 and plate 8.17, as well as special markings

Only cars with a “Disabled” badge are allowed to occupy these seats.

Why are disabled parking lots always occupied by non-disabled people?

There are two reasons:
  1. The most convenient parking spaces are allocated for drivers and passengers with disabilities.
  2. Parking for disabled people is free.

Previously, parking spaces for the disabled were occupied by all and sundry. A fine of 200 rubles did not frighten anyone. In 2016, the legislation was tightened, and unscrupulous motorists began to carry it in the glove compartment just in case. yellow sign with a wheelchair user. (It is sold absolutely freely and costs mere pennies.) It is unlikely that the inspector will wait for several hours for the driver to check the documents.

But the larger the city and the problem is more acute with parking, the more inventive motorists are. In Moscow, cars with the “Disabled” sign are entered into a separate register, and their owners are issued special parking permits. They give you the right to stand as long as you need, even in paid parking lots. For this reason, car owners buy fake disability certificates.

What threatens those who illegally use the “Disabled” sign and parking lots for people with disabilities?

Violators face fines. The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses has three articles about this:
  1. Article 12.4 on the illegal installation of the “Disabled Person” sign. Fine - 5,000 rubles for individuals, 20,000 rubles for officials and 500,000 rubles for legal entities. Plus the removal of the sign itself.
  2. Article 12.5 on driving a vehicle on which the “Disabled” sign is illegally installed. The fine for the driver is 5,000 rubles. Plus confiscation of the sign.
  3. Part 2 of Article 12.19 on violation of the rules for stopping and parking vehicles in places for disabled people. Fine - 5,000 rubles.

Are disabled people really protected on the road?

Despite large fines, people with disabilities constantly face rudeness from able-bodied motorists, and due to imperfect legislation they find themselves in various unpleasant situations.

The paid and regular parking sign is provided so that the driver can easily identify the area intended for parking vehicles there. Organizing parking spaces helps greatly to optimize the entire road network. Until now, not only for novice drivers, the “Parking Zone” sign raises some questions related to its interpretation in different situations. We will cover all common situations to clarify common mistakes.

The coverage area of ​​any “Parking” sign, unless there is another limiting sign below, extends up to the nearest intersection. In such cases, there is usually an additional sign regulating the method of placing the vehicle in this area. Stands can be found in this form most often, as they are designed to prevent confusion.

In this case, the car can be placed parallel to the roadway and sidewalk, exclusively in one lane.

Outside a residential area, a parking sign is placed several hundred meters before the beginning of the corresponding area in order to promptly inform the driver about the possibility of parking. The distance to this object is marked by a sign located below.

The parking zone in your pocket is usually marked using 3 signs at once:

  • direct parking sign;
  • a stand limiting its action;
  • method of setting up the vehicle.

Even if there is a pocket, it is not prohibited to leave the car on the territory before and after it from the edge of the roadway. In such places they are used general rules parking, i.e. it is not allowed to park the car in the second row, so as not to complicate exit.

If the bottom 3 signs described above are supplemented by sign 8.17 “Disabled” and it is located in the direction of travel, then stopping in this pocket is possible only for disabled drivers. Sometimes it is installed perpendicular to the direction of movement. In such cases, any driver can leave their car in their pocket without occupying a seat reserved for the disabled.

If there are signs that prohibit parking, parking can only be organized if a corresponding stand is combined with a sign delimiting the coverage area. Thus, for a certain period the ban will not be in force.

The traffic rules do not provide for the situation described above, so many are accustomed to considering this combination a contradiction. However, the limitation of the coverage area is specified in GOST R 52289-2004.

Paid parking: features

Relatively recently, a new road sign “Paid parking” appeared, namely, it was introduced in 2013 as an experiment in Moscow. Such an innovation pursued two goals at once - to supplement the city with parking spaces and provide the treasury with another source of income. Gradually, parking lots began to use this practice in other cities.

In the area intended for stopping cars, in addition to the fact that there is a paid parking sign, there are also special markings. When entering the territory, the car is filmed by 2 cameras, recording the license plates. At this moment, a check will be carried out in the database to determine whether payment has been made, whether the car belongs to a disabled person or another citizen enjoying benefits, and whether it belongs to the category of special transport.

If the parking officers record that the driver did not pay for the service, but left the car in a parking lot with paid parking, then a photo of the violation and a fine for the violation will soon be sent to the address of the place of residence. At the very beginning, before leaving your vehicle in a particular place, you need to make sure that the action established sign“Paid parking” has ended, otherwise there is a high risk of becoming a violator.

So, what does a paid parking sign look like? To indicate parking spaces for which you must pay, use the road sign number 8.8. It is a plate with three circles in succession on a white background, and the numbers “10”, “15”, “20” are written inside. The circles are a stylization of coins, that is, the need to pay for parking.

The designation of any paid parking is a combination of two signs: directly 6.4 “Parking”, as well as 8.8 “ Paid services" Other signs informing about the quantity may also be located nearby. free seats, length of parking, method of parking the vehicle.

A paid parking zone is a limited area where paid parking is possible. It starts exactly from the place where road signs 6.4 and 8.8 are installed. Those parking spaces that do not have this combination of signs cannot be considered paid.

The end of the zone may be indicated immediately below them. In this case, the sign will have a number corresponding to the length of the paid parking and an arrow in the direction of movement. But most often, at the end of the zone where the paid parking sign was in effect, a regular parking stand is installed, but with a line through it. Another way to indicate the end of a parking area is with a 3.27 “No Stopping” sign. It applies regardless of whether it is paid or free.

In some state parking lots, it is also customary to install information stands that display not only signs 6.4 and 8.8, but also inscriptions informing the driver that he is entering or leaving a paid parking space.

How to determine the range of the pointer

The number of free parking spaces is gradually decreasing, which is especially noticeable in big cities, so you need to know how much the signs extend their effect to paid parking and on the free one:

  1. No other territories are within the scope of the sign, including before and after it. Even if you park your vehicle right in front of the stand indicating the beginning of paid parking, you will not have to pay for parking. However, in such cases, you need to make sure that no other traffic rules are violated.
  2. If there are no signs indicating the length of the stand, this means that you can leave your car in the area until the nearest intersection, but no closer than 5 meters before it.
  3. It is prohibited to include in paid parking those parts of the territories that belong to local area. Parking in these areas should be free.
  4. If there is an 8.2.1 “Area of ​​Action” sign under the “P” stand, you need to look at the number shown on it. It is this that indicates the extent of the zone suitable (in meters) for stopping the vehicle.
  5. If a sign prohibiting stopping was installed shortly before the “P” sign, you should definitely pay attention to additional signs and road markings so as not to violate traffic rules.

Using even paid parking does not present any problems at first glance, but in reality there are still a few difficulties. After all, you can always get confused in road signs, sometimes installed erroneously. And in a familiar place, a paid parking sign may suddenly appear, not to mention the fact that special markings are often erased or errors occur during the operation of the parking meter.

There is almost always a marking next to the “Parking for the Disabled” sign. What if there are no symbols? Is it possible to independently determine the coverage area?

In accordance with Article 15 of the Federal Law “Social Protection of Disabled Persons of the Russian Federation,” each parking lot must be allocated 10% of the total area, but not less than 1 space for parking vehicles of persons with limited liability. Other cars should not occupy preferential parking spaces.

What does a “Disabled Parking” sign look like?

To designate places for disabled people, plate 8.17 “Disabled people” is used. Parking spaces marked with this sign are intended for people with disabilities who have 1 or 2 disability groups, as well as for drivers who transport people with disabilities.

If there are markings on the asphalt and there is no sign, then the driver of the vehicle has the right to use the parking lot for his own purposes.

Marking a parking space for the disabled

In most cases, under the sign “Parking for the disabled” there is a special marking that duplicates the road sign. In accordance with paragraph 6.2.28, marking 1.24.3 is used to designate the section of the road and parking spaces, entrances and exits, which are intended for cars driven by disabled people (group 1 or 2) or persons who transport them. In her absence, the driver who occupied preferential seat for parking, will also be fined.

In accordance with paragraph 5.1.3, the effect of the sign applies not only to parking spaces, but also to the side of the road, tram tracks, roadways, pedestrian and bicycle paths, and bicycle paths near which they are installed.

Along with the road sign, plate 8.2.1 - “Area of ​​Action” is often installed. Minimum size a parking space intended for one vehicle must be at least 2.5 m by 6.5 m for cars and 3.0 m by 11.0 m for trucks. The dimensions of the parking space are specified in clause 6.2.3.

In accordance with clause 4.2.4. SP 59.13330 of 2012, markings for car parking for persons with disabilities physical capabilities moving in a wheelchair must be at least 3.6 m by 6.0 m. This is necessary to create safe zone(at least 1.2 m) behind and on the side of the vehicle.

Rules for placing parking spaces for disabled people

The organization of parking spaces for disabled people must be carried out in strict accordance with established rules. If they are violated, the owner of the parking lot will be held administratively liable (Article 5.43 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). The fine for an official varies from 3 to 5 thousand rubles, and for a legal entity - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

If there is a sidewalk near the parking lot, then, in accordance with traffic regulations, mandatory A special ramp must be installed, designed for the exit and lifting of a wheelchair.

  1. The design is made in the form of a special path, which is installed starting from the roadway and ending with the curb that borders the pedestrian area.
  2. The width of the structure should be at least 90 cm, and the color should be bright, usually yellow (to attract attention).
  3. To ensure the proper level of safety, ramps are equipped with fencing posts on which special markings are applied.

Persons covered by the sign

Starting from 2016, only those cars that are equipped with special stickers on the windshield can park in the area under the “Parking for the Disabled” sign. It must be performed in yellow color and have a size of 15 cm.

The driver who drives the vehicle, at the request of the traffic police officers, must present a certificate that confirms the 1st or 2nd group disability of either the owner or the passenger.

Citizens with disability group 3 do not have the right to use specially designated parking spaces.

What to do if the driver has to periodically transport a person with disabilities in his car? In this case, you can purchase not stickers, but special plates that are equipped with suction cups (easily attached and removed).

Disabled people of groups 1 and 2 have the right not only to use specially designated parking spaces, but also to stop the vehicle at public places and where parking is generally prohibited. Travel is also permitted on those roads where there is a “No Traffic” sign.

Applying for a parking permit

All citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of registration, can obtain permission to use preferential parking spaces. To obtain a parking license, you must follow a certain algorithm.

  1. Contact the MFC (multifunctional center).
  2. Indicate the registration number and deadlines in the register.
  3. Enter the personal data of the disabled person (full name, place of residence, contacts).
  4. Vehicle identification information (model, make, registration number).
  5. Name preferential category and SNILS.
  6. Date of installation and duration of disability.

It takes no more than 10 days to review the package of documents. It is not necessary to appear in person at the MFC; you can send a legal representative or fill out an online application via the Internet.

Eligibility parking permit will apply only to persons who own a car, legal representatives of disabled children and owners of cars issued by social protection authorities according to available medical indications. Persons who own a vehicle and provide transportation services for disabled people will also be able to use the permit.

Responsibility for violation of parking rules

Administrative responsibility extends not only to those involved in allocating seats for disabled people, but also to drivers who ignore traffic rules. Violators are subject to a fine of 5 thousand rubles. In accordance with Art. 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the driver not only pays a fine, but also his vehicle is excluded from the transportation process. With the help of a tow truck, the offender’s car is moved to the nearest specialized parking lot (protected place).

As our legislation requires, people with disabilities are allowed to drive vehicles. In addition, traffic rules clearly regulate and try to simplify the movement of disabled people as much as possible. For example, for the first and second categories, stopping in prohibited areas is allowed road signs places for a short time. However, this can only be done if there is a corresponding sticker on the vehicle’s glass, informing others about who is driving.

Disabled parking spaces

Any public establishment, be it a hospital, a department store or any other socially significant facility, is required to have parking specifically designated for people with disabilities. In addition, such parking lots must be designed in accordance with the mandatory traffic rules and marked with a special sign and red road markings that are easily visible to drivers.

Thus, leaving a vehicle in a parking lot for disabled people is only allowed if you have a special sticker on the windshield and an appropriate document confirming your disability. In this case, the documents must be presented by the driver of this car to the traffic police inspector upon his first request, since the sticker itself does not confirm the presence physical limitations. In addition, many motorists deliberately attach such a sticker to their cars in order to take advantage of the allotted benefits and the possibility of unhindered parking anywhere.
It is also important to understand the fact that any driver, being a person with disabilities, is not required to stick an appropriate sticker on his car, since this nuance is not regulated by law and is a personal decision of each person solely on a voluntary basis.

Potential Violators

When using a disabled person identification plate on your car, there is no need to register the vehicle. Therefore, many irresponsible drivers very often pretend to be people with disabilities and stick a corresponding sticker on the car in order to use this indulgence for personal gain. Some individuals go much further and purchase fake disability certificates in order to park their car in specially equipped places.

Violation and punishment

In order to combat irresponsible drivers, federal legislation underwent significant changes in 2011, according to which persons illegally posing as disabled people can be fined up to 5 thousand rubles. However, in order to understand how justified these additions were, it is necessary to consider this bill in more detail and understand who falls under the category of violators, as well as possible violations which may result in punishment.

According to current rules road traffic, the legislation does not clearly regulate the use of road signs that allow stopping road transport engaged in passenger transportation disabled people, while parking areas for the disabled are marked by special means. According to the law, the use of a “Disabled Persons” sign together with a parking sign allows only those vehicles, on which there is a corresponding sticker.

However, in another legislative act on “Technical means of organizing traffic” clearly stipulates that sharing These road signs are intended to notify all road users that part of the parking lot is reserved for the needs of persons with disabilities. Thus, there is no clear regulation of the fact whether the driver needs to have everything in his hands necessary documents, confirming his disability, or just having a “Disabled” sticker on the glass is enough.

In addition, some spaces reserved for parking for the disabled may be equipped with special road markings in yellow or red, which are clearly visible to drivers even in the dark. However, few drivers know that this marking itself does not have any regulatory force, but can only be used in combination with the previously described signs and is only of a duplicate nature. Therefore, no driver can be held liable or fined when parking in a parking lot equipped with only one marking.



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