Life after cervical cancer: what recommendations you need to follow. Life after cervical cancer

Doctors identify several prognostic factors that affect survival rates for cervical cancer:

  • stage of the disease;
  • state lymph nodes;
  • depth and volume of the tumor.

Determining Factorstaging of the disease, then – the condition of the lymph nodes.

After radical hysterectomy in stages I and IIA, five-year survival statistics show the following figures:

  • 88 – 99% for lymph nodes unaffected by tumor;
  • 50 – 74% in the presence of metastases in the pelvic lymph nodes.

I would like to consult a gynecologist

Survival rates are lower if the pathology affects the paraortic lymph nodes. The prognosis also depends on the number of affected lymph nodes.

The five-year survival rate of patients with one affected lymph node is 62%, with two - 36%, with three or four - about 20%, and with 5 or more it is 0%.

Stage forecast

Properly selected treatment for cervical cancer greatly increases the patient’s chances of normal life after surgery. The five-year survival rate ranges from 5 to 85% depending on the stage of the disease. Over the past 10 years, the life expectancy of patients with stages I and II of cancer has increased significantly, while the indicators for stage III have not changed.

Within 3 years after the first treatment, 70–75% of patients experience a recurrence of the disease. Then the frequency of renewals drops by more later is 10 – 15%. Most often, renewals begin in the vagina (40–45%), pelvic lymph nodes (25–30%) and distant organs (25–30%).

In 25% of cases, pelvic radiation therapy helps get rid of relapses. If the tumor regenerates metastatically, the effect of treatment is small - about 10%.

Life after illness

Cervical cancer and its treatment certainly have a negative impact on the quality of life of patients. The consequences can be observed for many years after treatment procedures.

A study was conducted in which 120 women took part after surgery with and without subsequent (adjuvant) cancer treatment. None of them had relapses after surgery for 7 years. These were mainly patients with early stages of cancer.

Another study involved 98 women who had undergone surgery 5 to 15 years ago. All observed symptoms of intoxication, pain in the pelvic area, sexual, intestinal disorders, urinary incontinence.

Reproductive function

Treatment of cervical cancer leads to disruption/decay of ovarian function. However, about 40% of patients are women under 45 years of age. Many of them want to have children in the future, so the question of saving reproductive function extremely important.

With a radical hysterectomy, the ovaries are generally not removed, but after the operation there is a possibility of their function fading due to impaired blood supply. Radiation therapy clearly leads to disruption of ovulation due to high doses. Problems with ovulation can lead to infertility, early menopause, and sexual dysfunction.

Before starting treatment, it is important to consult with your doctor and indicate your desire to maintain reproductive function. The doctor determines the possibility of performing organ-preserving surgery. In case of radiation therapy, the doctor may move the ovaries to reduce the radiation dose to them.

In early menopause after treatment for cervical cancer, replacement therapy is indicated. hormone therapy. The drugs help cope with unwanted symptoms such as vaginal dryness, pain during intimacy.

Hysterectomy and radiation often lead to changes in the structure of the vagina, its length, and tissue elasticity, which affects the quality of sexual life. After a series of studies, doctors identified the following patterns in sexual disorders:

  • patients who underwent radiation after surgery had worse life outcomes than those who did not undergo subsequent treatment;
  • Patients treated for cervical cancer without subsequent adjuvant treatment had the same quality of life scores as healthy women.
  • the most common complication is weak release vaginal secretion;
  • in achieving orgasm special problems was not identified;
  • Most experience pain within 3 months after surgery. After radiation therapy, pain may appear for up to two years after treatment.

Problems of a sexual nature in this context are treated with vaginal lubricants, moisturizers, and estrogens.

Ovarian cancer and uterine cancer are the leading cancers in women in terms of incidence and are often the cause of mortality in middle age. In most cases, the malignant tumor is localized in the tissues of the cervix, thereby worsening the overall prognosis.

An unfavorable factor is late detection of the disease: stage 4 cervical cancer leaves virtually no chance of long life and bearing offspring. In the case of a casuistic cure, life after cervical cancer is always frightening with the possibility of relapse (within five years it happens in 80% of cases).

An ovarian tumor is a neoplasm that grows from cells of the uterine mucosa in the area of ​​transition of the cervix to the vagina. In 85% of cases, cancer tends to rapid growth and the absence of symptoms in the early stages. The consequences of slowness in making a diagnosis are fraught with unfavorable outcomes.

Causes of cervical and ovarian cancer:

  • unhealthy habits (which, however, can be prevented);
  • reception oral contraceptives(the consequences of taking them are fraught not only with cancer, but also with thrombosis);
  • disorderly sex life(can also be attributed to the first item on the list);
  • availability in HPV in the body oncogenic risk (it is not always possible to determine its presence even with a high-quality examination);
  • infection with genital herpes, etc. (which is quite difficult to cure due to constant relapses).

Diagnostics and cost of examination

Early diagnosis of cervical and ovarian cancer determines the success of treatment and prognosis. To identify the risk of developing the disease or assess precancerous conditions, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist once a year, with the opportunity to get tested. We will present to you in the form of a list how to identify cervical and ovarian cancer, as well as influence the causes. necessary examinations and approximate prices:

  1. Inspection using mirrors (700-1500 rubles, depending on the level of equipment of the clinic.
  2. A smear from the mucous membrane of an organ for the presence of HPV of high oncogenic risk (400-1200 rubles, in the process the stage of the present conditional pathology is revealed).
  3. Colposcopy (1400-3000 rubles, is it possible without it? No way! The most necessary procedure).
  4. Biopsy if the process is suspected of being malignant (2500-5000 rubles, allows you to immediately determine the degree and stage of the pathology, if any).
  5. Analysis for cervical cancer: Papanicolaou screening test, or smear for oncocytology (400-1000 rubles). It is performed on all women who consult a doctor. However, you can refuse this procedure. What to do is not recommended, because of the possibility of missing the process of the formation of a neoplasm.

Cancer stages and survival prognosis

Average life expectancy rates vary widely depending on the stage and grade at which cervical or ovarian cancer is detected, as well as its cause. The prognosis for a 5-year remission is determined by the type of tumor, the degree of its invasiveness, the presence of distant metastases, the woman’s age and the type of treatment performed. Therefore, the prognosis is vague, although it can be approximately determined during a face-to-face examination of the patient.

The consequences of cervical and ovarian cancer may be completely absent only if it is adequate therapy at the earliest stages. However, life after cervical cancer is always dangerous with relapses.

According to the clinical and cytological picture, they are distinguished next stages and grades of cervical and ovarian cancer:

  1. First. The tumor has not spread beyond the boundaries of the cervix or ovaries. Prognostic survival rate is up to 95%. Oncocytology analysis (hereinafter simply analysis) is carried out every two days.
  2. Second. The neoplasm cells grow into the submucosal tissue (stage 2 cervical cancer, subgroup A), affecting other parts of the uterus, ovaries and vagina (subgroups B, C). Survival rate for 5 years is 65-75% of women. The analysis is carried out every two days.
  3. Third. Tumor metastases are observed in lower third vagina, on the walls of the pelvis and ovaries. Stage 3 cervical cancer, subgroup C, spreads to the lymph nodes of others internal organs. No more than 40% of patients survive for 5 years. Analysis is carried out daily. Tests are also necessary not only for oncocytology, but also general tests body (blood, urine, etc.). In dynamics.
  4. Fourth. Available distant metastases into the intestines, bladder, lymph nodes and ovarian walls. Survival rate - 8-15%. In most cases, recurrence of cervical cancer is observed within a year of treatment. The analysis is carried out several times a day. Necessary constant surveillance for blood parameters in dynamics.

Treatment options for uterine cancer

On the question of how to treat uterine cancer, the decision is made by a council of doctors. The choice of therapy method or combination thereof is determined by the degree of development of the malignant tumor and the rate of its progression, as well as test results.

Precancerous conditions are subjected to laser therapy, cryosurgery, loop electroexcision manipulation, and cryoconization. If a woman does not plan to give birth again, an operation is proposed - a hysterectomy, which is prescribed after numerous (however painless) tests.

Stage 1 of cervical cancer involves excision of a section of the organ. If the tumor has penetrated the lymphatic system, total removal of the uterus and nearby lymph nodes, as well as radiotherapy or brachytherapy, is performed. At this stage, the answer to the patient’s question “can uterine cancer be cured?” most often positive.

How to treat stage 2 cervical cancer is beyond doubt: radical surgery, 1-2 courses of chemotherapy and local irradiation of the pelvic organs. If a woman expects to have children, only the lymph nodes are removed, after which the uterus is treated high doses radiation therapy.

At stages 3 and 4, the question of how to cure cervical cancer is rather about preserving the woman’s life for a longer period of time. After surgery, long courses of radiation and chemotherapy are recommended.

Consequences of cervical cancer - video

They can be either local or general. They can appear both at an early stage, even during treatment, and months or even a year after its completion.

The early stage of the response to therapy is manifested by the following symptoms: nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, a decrease in the number of thrombocytes, leukocytes and lymphocytes in the blood. You can cope with these complications with the help of a gentle diet, high-calorie foods, blood transfusions, and taking vitamins. But if these measures do not produce results, the course of radiation therapy has to be stopped.

Some patients may experience problems in life after cervical radiotherapy due to depression hematopoietic organs. To prevent this problem, you need to take a blood test every 3 months in the first few years, and then do the same procedure at least 2 times a year. If leukopenia or anemia occurs, the analysis may be done more often if indicated.

Inhibition of hematopoietic activity in bone marrow after therapy will require special treatment, which must be systematically correct and comprehensive. Life after cervical cancer then takes place in such general strengthening measures as improving working and rest conditions, increased nutrition, and taking vitamins. The following procedures are also performed:

  • additional transfusion of blood or red blood cells or white blood cells;
  • taking medications that stimulate the appearance of leukocytes;
  • taking medications that improve the reproduction of red blood cells.


If you have cancer, it is recommended to eat more vegetables, berries, fruit products, as well as cereals. They contain antioxidants that help cleanse the body of free radicals. Products must also be fresh and of high quality.

Medical research shows that for preventive purposes or for an existing illness, you need to eat up to 5 servings every day plant products. Food should be consumed in fresh without passing heat treatment(the maximum that can be allowed is steaming).

If you have cervical cancer, you should use fatty acids. Include in your diet sunflower oil, as well as fish.

Protein in the body should come from dairy products; meat can also be consumed, but you can do without it by replacing it with fish. If you decide to leave meat in your diet, you should eat it no more than 1-2 times a week, trying to consume low-fat varieties.

Herbal decoctions and tinctures will also be very useful. You can drink green tea, as it also contains antioxidants.

The diet should not contain the following products:

  • Semi-finished products;
  • Fried and fatty foods;
  • Spicy, highly salted, smoked dishes;
  • Cocoa and chocolate;
  • Strong tea;
  • Sweets with cream;
  • Alcohol;
  • Control your sugar and salt intake.


Thanks to constant physical exercise, you can not only improve your physical fitness, but also speed up the process of treatment and recovery after cancer. Research shows that regular exercise improves your mood, good sleep, strengthen the immune system, relieve depression.

For those who have just completed an intensive course of treatment, it is not recommended to immediately begin serious exercise. It is best to start rehabilitation with brisk walking and walks outside. In bad weather, you can exercise on an exercise bike or treadmill. You can increase the load only after consulting your doctor. Optimal mode– brisk walking for 30-40 minutes. 4-5 times/week.

Life after cervical cancer should be active, exercise should be fun, not stressful, so you should not exercise when feeling unwell or fatigue. Adjust the load based on your capabilities.

Majority scientific research demonstrates that thanks to constant exercise, the risk of relapse of the disease becomes much lower, and most body systems become stronger and more resilient.

Intimate life after cervical cancer

For the most part, patients, after a successful course of treatment, undergo rehabilitation fairly quickly and continue to live a full intimate life after cervical cancer. Although there are also many patients who experience serious problems and don't know how to deal with them.

Intimate life after cervical cancer is quite possible. There are various options in which doctors allow patients to continue having sex:

  • If the uterus remains. In this case, after rehabilitation therapy sometimes even the opportunity to become pregnant and give birth to a child returns;
  • If the patient's uterus is removed. Under such conditions, libido will depend on whether the ovaries are not removed - if they are not removed, the ability to have sex can be restored;
  • If all organs are removed. Restore hormonal background and women's sexual health is possible with the help of hormonal procedures and intimate plastic surgery.

In any case, women who are forced to undergo surgery due to cervical cancer should not lose faith in themselves and an optimistic attitude. Returning to a full rhythm of life will depend only on you; you just need to find the desire and strength in yourself to recover.

Rehabilitation period

What life will be like after cervical cancer and a woman’s well-being depends on several factors. This is the method of treatment, the stage at which the disease was diagnosed, and the age of the patient. After completion therapeutic therapy it's important to go through the right one rehabilitation period, consisting of several restorative procedures that can improve performance and improve health. The following methods are distinguished:

Since you will need to lead healthy image life, you will have to forget about bad habits - smoking and alcohol will be unacceptable to you. Even being near smokers can cause a relapse, which can worsen the patient’s condition.

It is also very important to be constantly examined by an oncologist for several years - this way any problems or relapse will be detected in time. Timely detection of the disease will allow surgical treatment without allowing any complications to arise.

Sick leave

During treatment for cervical cancer, a biopsy may be necessary. In this case, a small piece is taken for examination under a high-power microscope. Based on the results of the biopsy, it is established correct diagnosis and the optimal treatment method is selected. The diagnosis made after a biopsy becomes final, the accuracy is no longer in dispute.

When a biopsy is performed outpatient, the woman receives sick leave for 2 days, and if this procedure performed in a hospital, the sheet can be extended up to 10 days.

If carried out abdominal surgery, the patient needs to stay in the hospital for about 2 weeks. The staples from the suture are removed 7 days after the operation, and the speed of wound healing depends only on the woman’s body.

With global removal of all lymph nodes and ligaments in the pelvis, major changes, causing the recovery period to become longer.

Postoperative therapy helps restore water and electrolyte balance and prevent inflammation.

In general, the period of sick leave after surgery to remove the uterus can be 25-45 days.

Let's start with the fact that the average age of women who survive cervical cancer is 60 years. Once diagnosed, life expectancy ranges from one to six years. Most often, the disease occurs after surgical interventions in the field of gynecology, chronic inflammatory processes and the destructive activity of papillomavirus. The disease is extremely serious, ranking third in the ranking of most dangerous tumors female reproductive system:

  1. If cervical cancer is detected on initial stage The five-year survival threshold is 90% of all female patients.
  2. The second stage of progression of a malignant tumor accounts for 60% of survival.
  3. The third level of the disease assumes a survival rate of no more than 35.
  4. On last stage, fourth, the survival rate is ten percent.

Complications of the disease

Complications of cervical cancer include:

  • bleeding;
  • vaginal-vesical and vaginal-rectal fistulas;
  • purulent parametritis.

Probability of relapse

It is very important to lead a proper healthy life after you get rid of the tumor. The slightest trifle can lead to the disease breaking out again throughout the body after surgery. The first five years after surgery are considered a rehabilitation period, after which the likelihood of relapse decreases significantly.

The main reasons for relapse in cervical cancer are considered to be unprofessional actions of the doctor during surgery or the spread of oncology throughout the body even before treatment.

Symptoms of the disease returning may include:

  • purulent discharge from the vagina;
  • the appearance of ulcers on the genitals (ulcers may appear internally, so you may not see them, but only feel pain when urinating).


Quite popular cases are when, when cervical cancer is detected, not the entire organ is removed, but only the invaded part. This is usually done on young women, so they can afford to become pregnant after two to three years.

One of the consequences of surviving cervical cancer may be a purely psychological aspect; women often feel inferior and for a long time become depressed after surgery.

For women who have survived cancer, proper nutrition, movement, health care and regular medical examinations should become the norm of life and cancer prevention.

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Today doctors offer many ways to treat this dangerous disease, like cervical cancer. This includes surgery, and radiation and chemotherapy: the course is developed individually for each patient depending on the stage of the disease, general condition woman's health, concomitant diseases. However, whatever treatment is prescribed, it will be followed by long and, in some cases, difficult rehabilitation.

Recovery after surgery

As you can read on the website, if a woman has been prescribed a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus, appendages, pelvic lymph nodes and part of the vaginal tube), then the patient may face the following complications:

  1. Pain due to poor healing wounds or adhesions.
  2. Discharge.
  3. Bleeding (should be minor, otherwise seek immediate medical attention).
  4. Difficulty urinating (associated with postoperative inflammation of the bladder).

Usually the sutures are removed after surgery on days 6-7. There are frequent cases of inflammation, in which case doctors prescribe antibiotics.

The main requirement for all those who have been ill oncological diseases patients - regular examinations. It is important to prevent relapse; for this you need to take tests - blood, ultrasound, CT or MRI. At first, it is recommended to visit a doctor every few months, then at least once every six months.

For successful rehabilitation, it is very important that life after cervical cancer returns to normal as quickly as possible. However, it must be kept in mind that some side effects treatment ( chronic fatigue, weakness, fatigue) can persist for a long period of time. This is why a woman needs to limit physical activity and take care of proper rest.

It is advisable to lead a healthy lifestyle. It will include not only special diet(you should exclude fatty, salty, fried foods from your diet, try to eat less red meat and more vegetables and fruits), but also doing a number of physical exercise. It is imperative to give up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), as they can provoke a relapse of the disease.

Important and psychological rehabilitation. It should be noted that the help of loved ones is not always enough: to return the patient peace of mind You may need to see a specialist. There are even support groups for cancer patients: studies show that people who attend such group classes, recovery is faster.



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Life after cervical cancer

Despite the fact that oncological lesion necks - very serious illness, many women are cured of it every year. After completing the difficult and long-term treatment patients strive to return to full and healthy health as soon as possible healthy life. Specialists from one of the American clinics once developed recommendations on recovery issues for women who have suffered from this disease. So, they think that for quick recovery patients need to combine:

  • proper nutrition;
  • physical exercise;
  • maintaining normal weight.

In addition, you should try to maintain peace of mind and give up bad habits forever. Life after cervical cancer should be all about recovery.

A woman’s condition after treatment largely depends on the stage at which the disease was diagnosed and treated. Sometimes surgical intervention is sufficient, and after diagnosing severe malignant lesions, chemotherapy and radiotherapy must be used.

Physical activity

  • compulsory sports with moderate loads. This will help restore vigor and good physical shape. With regular exercise, the respiratory, cardiovascular and immune systems are significantly strengthened, the woman gradually gets rid of bad mood And depressive state, sleep improves (it becomes healthy and calm);
  • after enhanced treatment An abrupt start to sports activities is not recommended. You need to start with a minimal load, for example, walking. It’s great if a woman takes walks in the fresh air every day;
  • in bad weather, you can exercise at home on exercise equipment (ideally a treadmill). They are replaced by walking around the apartment and doing a little warm-up;
  • the load can be added only after the permission of the attending physician;
  • You need to exercise with pleasure and if you feel unwell or tired, reduce the time you do the exercises.


You have to try to daily diet was correct and as balanced as possible. Regular consumption of vegetables and fruits, fish and poultry will help greatly improve your well-being after past illness. Beans, nuts and whole grain cereals are also beneficial. Worth avoiding overuse animal fats. It is advisable to steam and exclude fried foods.

Intimate questions

Life after cervical cancer can be fulfilling. If a woman still has a vagina, then she is quite capable of having sex. The vagina is often affected by malignant cells on late stages disease, but doctors always try to save at least part of it at the slightest opportunity.

Life after cervical cancer

Ovarian cancer and uterine cancer are the leading cancers in women in terms of incidence and are often the cause of mortality in middle age. In most cases, the malignant tumor is localized in the tissues of the cervix, thereby worsening the overall prognosis.

An unfavorable factor is the late detection of the disease: stage 4 cervical cancer leaves virtually no chance for a long life and bearing offspring. In the case of a casuistic cure, life after cervical cancer is always frightening with the possibility of relapse (within five years it happens in 80% of cases).

An ovarian tumor is a neoplasm that grows from cells of the uterine mucosa in the area of ​​transition of the cervix to the vagina. In 85% of cases, the cancer is squamous cell, tending to grow rapidly and be asymptomatic in the early stages. The consequences of slowness in making a diagnosis are fraught with unfavorable outcomes.

Causes of cervical and ovarian cancer:

  • unhealthy habits (which, however, can be prevented);
  • taking oral contraceptives (the consequences of taking them are fraught not only with cancer, but also with thrombosis);
  • promiscuous sex life (can also be attributed to the first item on the list);
  • the presence of oncogenic risk of HPV in the body (it is not always possible to determine its presence even with a high-quality examination);
  • infection with genital herpes, etc. (which is quite difficult to cure due to constant relapses).

1 Diagnostics and cost of examination

Early diagnosis of cervical and ovarian cancer determines the success of treatment and prognosis. To identify the risk of developing the disease or assess precancerous conditions, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist once a year, with the opportunity to get tested. We will present to you how to determine cervical and ovarian cancer, as well as influence the causes, in the form of a list of necessary examinations and estimated prices:

  1. Inspection using mirrors (RUB, depends on the level of equipment of the clinic.
  2. A smear from the mucous membrane of an organ for the presence of HPV of high oncogenic risk (rub., in the process the stage of the present conditional pathology is revealed).
  3. Colposcopy rub., is it possible without it? No way! The most necessary procedure).
  4. A biopsy in case of suspected malignancy of the processes allows one to immediately determine the degree and stage of the pathology, if any).
  5. Analysis for cervical cancer: Papanicolaou screening test, or smear for oncocytology (RUB). It is performed on all women who consult a doctor. However, you can refuse this procedure. What to do is not recommended, because of the possibility of missing the process of the formation of a neoplasm.

2 Stages of cancer and survival prognosis

Average life expectancy rates vary widely depending on the stage and grade at which cervical or ovarian cancer is detected, as well as its cause. The prognosis for a 5-year remission is determined by the type of tumor, the degree of its invasiveness, the presence of distant metastases, the woman’s age and the type of treatment performed. Therefore, the prognosis is vague, although it can be approximately determined during a face-to-face examination of the patient.

The consequences of cervical and ovarian cancer can be completely absent only with adequate treatment at the earliest stages. However, life after cervical cancer is always dangerous with relapses.

According to the clinical and cytological picture, the following stages and degrees of cervical and ovarian cancer are distinguished:

  1. First. The tumor has not spread beyond the boundaries of the cervix or ovaries. Prognostic survival rate is up to 95%. Oncocytology analysis (hereinafter simply analysis) is carried out every two days.
  2. Second. The neoplasm cells grow into the submucosal tissue (stage 2 cervical cancer, subgroup A), affecting other parts of the uterus, ovaries and vagina (subgroups B, C). Survival rate for 5 years is 65-75% of women. The analysis is carried out every two days.
  3. Third. Tumor metastases are observed in the lower third of the vagina, on the walls of the pelvis and ovaries. Stage 3 cervical cancer, subgroup C, spreads to the lymph nodes of other internal organs. No more than 40% of patients survive for 5 years. Analysis is carried out daily. Tests not only for oncocytology are also necessary, but also general tests of the body (blood, urine, etc.). In dynamics.
  4. Fourth. There are distant metastases to the intestines, bladder, lymph nodes and ovarian walls. Survival%. In most cases, recurrence of cervical cancer is observed within a year of treatment. The analysis is carried out several times a day. Constant monitoring of blood parameters over time is necessary.

2.1 Treatment options for uterine cancer

On the question of how to treat uterine cancer, the decision is made by a council of doctors. The choice of therapy method or combination thereof is determined by the degree of development of the malignant tumor and the rate of its progression, as well as test results.

Precancerous conditions are subjected to laser therapy, cryosurgery, loop electroexcision manipulation, and cryoconization. If a woman does not plan to give birth again, an operation is proposed - a hysterectomy, which is prescribed after numerous (however, painless) tests.

Stage 1 of cervical cancer involves excision of a section of the organ. If the tumor has penetrated the lymphatic system, total removal of the uterus and nearby lymph nodes, as well as radiotherapy or brachytherapy, is performed. At this stage, the answer to the patient’s question “can uterine cancer be cured?” most often positive.

There is no doubt about how to treat stage 2 cervical cancer: radical surgery, 1-2 courses of chemotherapy and local irradiation of the pelvic organs are performed. If a woman expects to have children, only the lymph nodes are removed, after which the uterus is treated with high doses of radiation therapy.

At stages 3 and 4, the question of how to cure cervical cancer is rather about preserving the woman’s life for a longer period of time. After surgery, long courses of radiation and chemotherapy are recommended.

Consequences of cervical cancer - video

Life after cervical cancer

Despite the fact that in modern conditions traditional medicine achieved unprecedented success in treatment oncological pathology cervix, any woman perceives this diagnosis with fear and doom. However, every woman and her family can make life healthy and fulfilling after cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is considered quite common gynecological pathology, but diagnosing the disease at an early stage and correctly chosen therapy guarantees a five-year survival rate for patients.

A cancer diagnosis forces a woman to set all her priorities, take a fresh look at her condition and focus on the most important thing - staying active and full life. Often this process is carried out with the help of loved ones and relatives, who increase the woman’s emotional and volitional mood and help her follow the doctor’s recommendations aimed at a full recovery.

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A woman’s well-being after successful therapy for this diagnosis depends on the stage at which the disease was diagnosed, which method was chosen as treatment and the age of the patient. An important stage At the end of therapy there is a rehabilitation period, which includes a number of rehabilitation measures to maintain the health and increase the woman’s ability to work.

  • dietary changes, including the use of natural light foods;
  • daily walks;
  • doing regular physical exercise;
  • taking care of your well-being, maintaining optimal weight;
  • regular medical examination;
  • visiting a psychologist (if necessary).

Proper nutrition

The first step is to establish proper nutrition. It involves the use low-fat varieties poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables. It is also necessary to include nuts, dried fruits, cereals, and legumes in the diet.

This will help restore energy and strength after the therapy. It is necessary to completely eliminate red meat, fatty, salty, smoked, and spicy foods.


The consequence of the disease and treatment is often weakness, fatigue, and chronic fatigue. Choosing a suitable set of exercises will necessary measure to eliminate these symptoms.

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Loads should be increased gradually so as not to harm the body.

Medical examination

Regular examination by an oncologist over several years is considered an important measure. This will allow a relapse to be detected in a timely manner, if one occurs, and additional treatment to be carried out in a timely manner.

During the examination, a detailed blood test, PAP smear, CT, ultrasound, and, if necessary, MRI are prescribed.

Treatment methods squamous cell carcinoma cervix are described here.

Taking care of your health

Taking care of your health and well-being means complete failure from bad habits, including smoking, drinking alcohol, spending time in society smoking people. This contributes to the occurrence of relapse, which can worsen the patient’s situation.

Consequences of the disease

Oncological lesions of the cervix often lead to sad consequences. However modern advances medicine can increase the survival rate using modern techniques diagnosis and treatment of this disease.

The use of highly effective chemotherapy drugs, as well as effective techniques treatment allows treating patients with minimal consequences for their health.

The radical method is considered surgical treatment, but on early stages The most effective methods are chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

However, oncological pathologies and courses of chosen therapy in most cases amaze healthy cells. As a result, negative consequences may appear.


As a result of chemotherapy, there is negative impact chemotherapy drugs, since each body reacts to them differently. In most cases they suffer hair follicles, and women often experience alopecia (baldness).

In addition, side effects of this method are disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, which is manifested by nausea and loss of appetite. Activity violations circulatory system often appear frequent bleeding and the appearance of hematomas.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy often takes the last bit of strength from patients, so after full course After intense exposure to radiation, they experience chronic fatigue and weakness. Skin become dry and prone to irritation, so the doctor prescribes special creams and lotions to care for them.

Frequent consequences of radiation therapy are dysfunction of the urinary system, in particular difficulty urinating. The patient experiences unbearable pain, burning, and dryness of the genital organs, which often leads to problems with intimacy.

To eliminate this discomfort, your doctor may prescribe special lubricants (lubricants) or a dilator (dilator).


After a radical hysterectomy, the patient experiences physical suffering. This is manifested by problems with cleansing the intestines or bladder, and the onset of menopause.

Often important role The psychological aspect also plays a role surgical intervention: the woman feels empty, which has a depressing effect on her psyche. And only a visit to a psychologist helps restore her peace of mind.

Probability of relapse

Typically, identifying cancerous tumor at an early stage of the disease in most cases guarantees positive result after the therapy. However, sometimes, against the background of stable remission, a relapse of the disease may occur.

The likelihood of this complication most often increases during the first 3 years after the course of therapy.

The causes of relapse may be:

  • diagnosing the disease at a late stage;
  • ineffectiveness of the chosen treatment tactics;
  • late radical hysterectomy;
  • early metastasis.

TO characteristic symptoms manifestations of relapse include:

  • decreased vital activity, weakness, nausea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • accumulation of secretions in the cavity of the overgrown cervical canal;
  • the presence of purulent or bloody discharge from the cervical canal;
  • appearance nagging pain in the lower third of the abdomen, lumbosacral region.

Sometimes some or all of the symptoms are absent and the woman learns that the cancer has returned only during the next routine examination. If relapse is recognized early, there is a possibility successful treatment. Otherwise, the outcome may be unfavorable.

Intimate life after cancer

Most women, after successful therapy, quickly go through the rehabilitation period and fully continue intimate life after cervical cancer. But still, for many this remains a serious problem, and they often do not know how to solve it.

  • The woman's uterus is preserved. In some cases, after a course of therapy, the possibility of childbearing becomes possible;
  • A woman's uterus has been removed. In this case, libido depends on the presence of the ovaries: if they are not removed, then sex life can recover;
  • A woman's organs have been removed, including her ovaries. In this case, the woman’s health and normal hormonal levels are achieved through hormonal therapy, as well as intimate plastic surgery.

Video: Life story: “I can have children”


The results of many years of research have shown that the main cause of the development of cervical cancer is HPV - papilloma virus.

Preventive measures and early diagnosis consist of two stages: primary and secondary prevention.

The prognosis for uterine cancer at stage 2 of the disease is described in detail here.

Primary prevention (external) includes a number of actions, including:

  • promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
  • increasing sex education among adolescents;
  • promoting hygiene of sexual relations among adolescents and schoolchildren;
  • advertising and distribution of barrier methods of contraception;
  • introduction of preventive vaccines against cervical cancer;
  • Vaccination against cervical cancer in women over 21 years of age.

Secondary prevention (internal) involves regular cervical screening, the result of which should be timely detection women with cervical disease and referring them for extensive examination with subsequent treatment.

If you approach the problem from a positive point of view, then life after cervical cancer in women can regain its former beauty and fullness of relationships. It is possible to the extent that the woman herself chooses.

  • Evgeniy on Blood test for cancer cells
  • Marina on Treatment of sarcoma in Israel
  • Nadezhda on Acute leukemia
  • Galina on Treatment of lung cancer with folk remedies
  • maxillofacial and plastic surgeon to record Osteoma of the frontal sinus

The information on the site is provided solely for popular informational purposes, does not claim to be reference or medical accuracy, and is not a guide to action.

Do not self-medicate. Consult your healthcare provider.

Life after rshm

and be sure to take medications like alendronate to preserve bone mass.

You can have sex 2-3 months after the end of treatment

THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSULTATION! I have more questions, excuse me if I ask something stupid. I read on the forum that they do chemotherapy for cervical cancer, but they didn’t prescribe anything to me. Tell me, if they prescribe chemotherapy, does it mean it’s a relapse? And here's mine discharge summary in short: from 07/06/09 to 09/10/09 treatment of SOD at t.A-74Gy, at t.B-61.2Gy. DZ: Tsantser zolli uteri 3bSt class gr2. Cytological conclusion squamous non-keratinizing CR. At the first stage, I entered with menstruation, and then it opened bleeding in general The doctor never examined me. When I came to the second stage, the doctor was very surprised that the tumor had subsided very much. And since the stage was assigned to me by a doctor at the clinic and the radiologist had not examined me before, could they have made a mistake with the stage? And please also answer, during my treatment, I also have pain in my back, legs, sometimes lower abdomen, but my doctor does not react to this, says everything is fine. I am of course very happy, but I would like to know if this is a side effect after radiation. Sorry for taking up your time.

Sorry, I clicked in the wrong place and got a double message.

the stage is determined by the doctor at the clinic, and not by the radiologist, so whatever stage was set then is what it is (and never changes).

It’s difficult to comment on pain in the back and stomach on the Internet.

and in general, hormone replacement therapy is NOT contraindicated for you with cervical cancer, and it is also quite affordable

Life expectancy after diagnosis of uterine cancer

When diagnosed with uterine cancer, what is the life expectancy? This is exactly the question asked by any woman who has had this oncology. This is one of the most common ailments in female gynecology. The disease is not classified as hereditary, but is provoked by the appearance of the papilloma virus. Most often, the disease affects middle-aged women, but it is possible that it is diagnosed in the younger generation.

Essence of the disease

Cervical cancer is malignant tumor located in the lower cavity of the organ. It is impossible to name absolute provoking factors that lead to cancer, but, as already mentioned, it is the human papillomavirus (HPV) that is the main provoking factor.

At the same time, it is worth considering that only 5% of women are susceptible to this oncology; they experience a precancerous condition (dysplasia), and after 15 years it turns into cervical cancer. In others, HPV goes away on its own, without causing significant harm to the woman.

The main factors that increase the risk of cancer:

  1. If in female body There are many types of HPV.
  2. Low immunity, which is caused by poor diet and diseases chronic, HIV diseases, a long course of medications that lower the immune system (hormonal, chemotherapy).
  3. Harmful and bad habits, especially smoking.
  4. Early sexual experience (before adulthood).
  5. Early birth, before 16 years of age.
  6. Frequent abortions.
  7. Prolonged vitamin deficiency.
  8. Active sex life with different partners.

These factors do not always lead to the development of cancer, but the risk is significant.

Risk category

This disease can appear at any age, but is most often diagnosed in women over 35. In those who are diagnosed with it earlier, it will develop slowly, sometimes over 20 years.

If we talk about how cancer develops, it usually occurs without symptoms, but sometimes they manifest themselves.

So, to the most frequent signs can be attributed:

  1. Discharge of blood from the vagina. They can occur after sex or on any normal day. Their pathogenesis is still unknown. Usually they have dark or brown. It usually does not stand out much, most often smearing and insignificant.
  2. Aching and sharp pains in the lower abdomen. More often, this symptom indicates that the cancer has spread to nearby organs.
  3. If the disease has reached the bladder, then the woman goes to the toilet more and more often, blood appears in the urine, and the process of urination itself is painful.
  4. If it has spread to the rectum, then constipation, diarrhea, painful trips to the toilet, and blood in the anus are recorded.

Life expectancy with cancer

This aspect depends on the stage at which the disease was identified and how affected the uterus and adjacent organs are. In general, there are 4 stages, in about 2 years, the disease progresses from zero to the last.

The tumor appears after precancerous condition, the stage lasts from 3 to 20 years. And only after this does cervical cancer occur.

  1. Zero stage (initial). This stage is the easiest and can be easily treated without even requiring surgery. The probability of completely getting rid of the disease is very high. The five-year survival rate is about 80%.
  2. The second, rather complex, stage, which is not always amenable to any intervention. This is associated with the survival rate, which almost reaches 60%.
  3. The third stage, which cannot be done without surgery. A hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus, and may even require the removal of other reproductive organs, such as the ovaries. The survival rate, even with surgery, does not reach 35%. Life after cervical cancer will not return to normal, and absolute recovery will not occur.
  4. If the last, fourth stage of cancer is diagnosed, then the prognosis is minimal, only 8-10%. Even surgical intervention is sometimes powerless.

In general, combining all the data, the average indicator indicating life expectancy is 55%.

Life after cervical cancer

Even after successful removal of the tumor, the disease will occasionally remind itself.

  • Heavy bleeding;
  • Fistulas on bladder or rectum;
  • Purulent inflammation of the uterus.

It is possible that the disease will return. To prevent this, a woman must follow all doctor’s recommendations. It is important to eat right and exercise occasionally, because even the slightest stupidity can provoke cancer. It is important that in the first five years after the operation, you undergo constant checks and examinations; this is the riskiest period; the possibility of relapse is high.

Usually, a relapse occurs due to the incompetence of the doctor. Either mistakes were made during the operation, or metastases that had spread to other organs were not noticed.

If oncology affects the uterus of a young girl who has never given birth, only the damaged part is removed. Thus, after three years, she has a chance to get pregnant and bear a healthy baby.

The most important consequence of cancer is a disruption of psychological peace. Women feel inferior and the risk of falling into depression is quite high.

It is very important to prevent cancer, undergo examinations and monitor your health.

In our article today:

Today, doctors offer many ways to treat such a dangerous disease as cervical cancer. This includes surgery, radiation and chemotherapy: the course is developed individually for each patient depending on the stage of the disease, the woman’s general health, and concomitant diseases. However, whatever treatment is prescribed, it will be followed by long and, in some cases, difficult rehabilitation.

Recovery after surgery

As you can read on the website, if a woman has been prescribed a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus, appendages, pelvic lymph nodes and part of the vaginal tube), the patient may face the following complications:

  1. Pain due to poor wound healing or the appearance of adhesions.
  2. Discharge.
  3. Bleeding (should be minor, otherwise seek immediate medical attention).
  4. Difficulty urinating (associated with postoperative inflammation of the bladder).

Usually the sutures are removed after surgery on days 6-7. There are frequent cases of inflammation, in which case doctors prescribe antibiotics.

The main requirement for all cancer survivors is regular examinations. It is important to prevent relapse; for this you need to take tests - blood, ultrasound, CT or MRI. At first, it is recommended to visit a doctor every few months, then at least once every six months.

For successful rehabilitation, it is very important that life after cervical cancer returns to normal as quickly as possible. However, you need to keep in mind that some side effects of treatment (chronic fatigue, weakness, fatigue) may persist for a long period of time. That is why a woman needs to limit physical activity and take care of proper rest.

It is advisable to lead a healthy lifestyle. It will include not only a special diet (you should exclude fatty, salty, fried foods from your diet, try to eat less red meat and more vegetables and fruits), but also performing a number of physical exercises. It is imperative to give up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), as they can provoke a relapse of the disease.

Psychological rehabilitation is also important. It should be noted that the help of loved ones is not always enough: in order to restore peace of mind to the patient, you may have to contact a specialist. There are even support groups for cancer patients: studies show that people who attend such group sessions recover faster.



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