The smell repels dogs on the street. How to keep dogs away from the area: methods and tips

When we see aggressive dogs, we walk down the street with caution. They can trample a front garden or lawn, ruin leisure time in the park or a morning jog, and sometimes cause serious injuries. In order not to get hurt or disrupt your plans, it makes sense to learn about how to scare away dogs.

How to scare away aggressive dogs? There are effective methods!

How to scare dogs away?

There are three effective ways to ward off dogs.

  • Special repeller. This contraption can be purchased at a pet store. The principle of operation is this: you press a button, the device produces ultrasound. It is very unpleasant for the animals, and when they hear it, they prefer to hide. Some devices are complemented by a flashlight, which can be used to shine light into the eyes of four-legged danger.
  • Dichlorvos. Even animals do not like this insecticide. Dogs are sensitive to odors, and therefore they will not chase a passerby who emits a nasty chemical aroma.
  • Gas canister. This is a universal remedy against various enemies: both people and animals. The most important thing is to correctly determine the direction of the wind and not blow a stream of acrid smoke into your eyes.

When you encounter aggressive dogs, behave correctly. Don't try to run away and don't turn your back on them. Don't panic: the animal subtly senses human fear. Don't look the dog in the eyes: it will make him want to bite you more. Stay calm, at least outwardly. Move sideways, keeping your eyes on the enemy.

What smell repels dogs?

To get rid of the intrusive company of a homeless or dangerous pet dog, you can use a universal weapon - smells. Many familiar scents can scare away animals.

  • Citrus. Place tangerines, oranges, lemons or their peels in the place from which you want to ward off dogs. Animals have a delicate sense of smell, so there is no need to leave mountains of fruit, a couple of pieces are enough.
  • Pepper. Sprinkle ground or red pepper along the hedge or around the perimeter of the front garden. Dogs will avoid your territory.
  • Alcohol. Soak a couple of rags in it and place them near the flowerbed. Even when they dry, the smell will remain and continue to repel dogs.

Running is a wonderful way to get rid of the blues and an excellent recipe for staying in good physical shape. For many of us, jogging is the best moment to get away from all problems and worries and be alone with ourselves. Unfortunately, sometimes unpleasant episodes happen while jogging. Today we’ll talk about one of the pressing problems, dogs, and how to scare them away.

Why does the dog attack

Everyone knows that a dog is man’s friend, his protector. But like any animal, dogs are unpredictable and in certain situations can behave quite aggressively. Of course, the runner does not always evoke negative emotions in them. But it also happens that the animal may regard the athlete as a threat.
If this is a domestic dog walking with the owner, the dog may suspect that you are chasing the owner with bad intentions. And she will rush to protect him.

If these are stray dogs, the situation is even more complicated. The dog may be aggressive due to hunger, have rabies, or regard your running as fear, an attempt to escape - and this provokes the animal to attack. In addition, each roaming flock has its own territory, and the animals can harshly suppress your attempt to invade their territory. In short, they have plenty of reasons to attack.

Is it possible to avoid aggression?

Most often, dogs attack from behind or from the side, so first of all try to avoid situations in which you may find yourself in the role of a “weak victim”. Sometimes, to repel aggression, it is enough to suppress it with your behavior: to show rage instead of fear. For example, shout loudly, imitating a growl, or pretend that you are picking up a stone or stick from the ground... But, unfortunately, this method does not always work.

Some people recommend carrying a gas canister with you. But this option is not good for everyone. For example, if you do not take into account the direction of the wind, a cloud of gas may cover you. In this case, you will find yourself completely defenseless against the enraged beast.

Therefore, it is much more practical to take care in advance to avoid dog attacks.

Modern means of protection

How to scare dogs away is not the easiest question. On the one hand, you must protect yourself and your life. On the other hand, it is important not to break the law. In addition, there are cases when, after too active protection, the owner of some purebred but ill-mannered dog can also bill for compensation for “damage” for his four-legged pet.

Therefore, in recent years, high-tech means that allow you to scare dogs away from a distance without resorting to physical contact with the animal have become increasingly popular. These are ultrasonic dog repellers.

There are stationary and personal portable models. Stationary ones, as a rule, are more bulky, but have a greater range. Depending on the model, stationary dog ​​repellers can cover an area from 85 to 200 m2. However, such devices are not entirely suitable for a runner. Firstly, they require a power source. Secondly, dense bushes and other obstacles reduce the effectiveness of the device.

When jogging, it is much more convenient to have a portable personal repeller with you. It will easily fit in your pocket or on your running belt. It runs on a battery and is ready to use at any time - just press a button and point the device towards the dog. The range of portable repellers ranges from 1 to 7 meters - quite enough to prevent an attack.

True, there is one BUT. Such a device will be ineffective if a well-trained fighting dog or an animal with rabies shows aggression towards you. Otherwise, this method of scaring has already proven itself as a safe option for preventing an attack.

The price of a portable device, depending on the manufacturer and model, ranges from $30 to $100. And as practice shows, it is better to spend a small amount once, but for many years to save yourself from the problem of how to scare away dogs and enjoy jogging in peace and quiet.

You may feel quite disappointed when you spot a stray dog ​​relieving itself on your lawn that you have just painstakingly perfected. If you have your own pets, dog marks on your lawn can negatively impact their behavior. Moreover, when one dog makes your lawn his personal toilet, other dogs are likely to be attracted to the smell and follow suit. However, there are a few methods you can try before you give in to the "uninvited guests."


Home Remedies

    Sprinkle baking soda around the entire perimeter of the lawn. Prepare a mixture of water and baking soda. Take one cup of baking soda and mix it with one liter of water. Apply the mixture around the entire perimeter of the lawn, where the dog managed to do his “evil deed.” Repeat at least twice a week.

    Spray vinegar around the entire perimeter of the lawn. Spraying vinegar around the perimeter of the lawn creates an invisible fence of sorts that keeps both dogs and cats away. A stray dog ​​will sniff your lawn and turn away. However, you must repeat this procedure daily until the dogs lose interest in your lawn. Also, spray vinegar where your dog has marked his territory.

    • Vinegar can also work as a natural herbicide, killing a variety of weeds. For this reason, be very careful not to spray it all over your lawn as it can harm the vegetation.
    • Vinegar also neutralizes the smell of dog urine, which is very important if you don't want to smell bad odor or have a pack of dogs attracted to the smell of urine on your lawn.
  1. Change the fertilizer. Many dogs react strongly to the smell of organic substances. Try using a new fertilizer if the old one is attracting dogs to your lawn. Dogs are attracted to the smell of blood, fish and meaty bones. Use plant fertilizers.

    Plant lavender bushes or thorny bushes. Plant plants around the perimeter of your lawn that will emit an unpleasant aroma for dogs, for example, the smell of lavender. Although this plant has a pleasant smell, it is repulsive to dogs. Likewise, you can plant thorny bushes around the perimeter of your lawn, which will act as a natural barrier to keep dogs out of your property.

    Be careful when using other home remedies. Some home remedies, especially cayenne pepper, can be harmful to your dog's health. Likewise, don't use coffee grounds, garlic powder, tobacco, ammonia or detergents to keep dogs away from your lawn.

    Tell your neighbors that your lawn poses a risk to their pet. If you're having trouble making friends and can afford to lie a little, tell your neighbors that you've treated your lawn with a chemical that repels raccoons or skunks, so their dog could be seriously harmed if it wanders onto your lawn.

    • However, for some reasons this is not the best solution. Firstly, this may cause a negative reaction from neighbors. Secondly, if you lie, you will not be able to later seek help from legal authorities if necessary.
  2. Find a common language with your neighbors. If you know whose dog periodically comes onto your lawn, try to establish contact with its owners. Don't make the conversation formal; Invite the dog owner to dinner or offer to drink something together. Instead of blaming him, suggest that perhaps your neighbor is not aware of the situation. Let him know about this. If the owner promises to change the situation, move the conversation to another topic. If you continue to complain, you are unlikely to achieve the results you want.

    Tell your neighbors. Look for a regulation stating that a dog owner is required to clean up after their pet; in most cases you won't have any problems. Take a photo of someone else's dog droppings left on your lawn and report the violation to animal control.

Drastic actions

    Spray repellent. These products are usually sold in the form of sprays or powders. You can purchase them from pet stores or gardening supply stores. Manufacturers use a variety of scents to repel dogs, and most products contain natural ingredients.

    Install a motion-sensing sprinkler. Motion-sensing sprinklers are not intended for lawn watering. Instead, they are specifically designed to repel animals, including dogs, cats and raccoons. Install sprinklers around the perimeter of your lawn or in an area where wandering visitors often relieve themselves. When the dog passes near the sprinkler, the sensors will be triggered by movement, triggering a rapid spray of water. This is usually enough to scare most dogs into staying away from your lawn.

  1. Put up a fence. Nothing keeps animals out better than a fence. Dogs looking for an easy place to relieve themselves will likely prefer lawns without fences. Make sure you always close the gate. Periodically inspect the perimeter of your lawn for holes dug by dogs.

    • If you already have a fence, check for any holes that need to be repaired. Additionally, you can install an electric fence, but only do this as a last resort.

It is customary to remember about odors that dogs cannot tolerate when the pet commits another misdeed, which the owner cannot influence in any way. Whether it’s dug up flower beds in a country house or a marked corner in an apartment, powerlessness prompts you to look for workarounds to influence the animal. Despite the fact that the olfactory system of dogs is much coarser than that of a cat, it is still superior to humans by many times. Dog noses also cannot tolerate certain categories of odors that do not cause much discomfort to humans. We’ll talk further about what smells dogs don’t like and how to use them without harming the animal’s health.

Smells that cause disgust in dogs can be divided into several categories. These include natural scents, artificial scents and special repellents designed to keep dogs away from restricted areas. Let's talk about each of the categories in more detail.

Natural scents

Natural odors include the odors of fruits, vegetables and plants, which do not require complex manipulations to obtain. In most cases, it is enough to place strong-smelling objects around the desired area to achieve the effect.


Pepper is a universal “repellent” due to the intensity of the aroma it emits. Both the negative and positive sides of pepper converge in the effectiveness of this product. Its aggressive influence on the olfactory system imposes certain prohibitions on its use: it is undesirable to resort to it when training puppies or hunting breeds that have a more sensitive sense of smell.

Cayenne pepper scattered around the perimeter of the flowerbed will scare away domestic and stray dogs from it and ensure the safety of the plants. The dose of the product is determined by the size of the treated area. The main disadvantage of this method of dealing with uninvited guests is the need to re-treat the area after each rain.

Pepper can also be used in the form of a crushed pod, wrapping the product particles in gauze and spreading it around the house or around the dacha area. Shoes rubbed with such a pod discourage the puppy's interest in them after the first acquaintance.

Treatment of plants using a decoction with the addition of pepper will be effective. To prepare such a decoction, simply dissolve one teaspoon of red pepper in a glass of water and boil the resulting liquid.


This type of tobacco may be known to many thanks to movies in which criminals hid their tracks using shag. On animals, shag produces a negative effect, prompting them to move away from the territory it has marked. Finding shag can be not so easy, so tobacco from ordinary cigarettes may be suitable as an analogue.

Shag can be used in dry form - just sprinkle it on an object or area that is forbidden to the dog. It is also possible to brew this type of tobacco and, if desired, mix it with other caustic ingredients (such as ground pepper) to enhance the effect.


The smell emitted by citrus fruits is the worst enemy of both cats and dogs. You can use citrus fruits in any way: by laying out orange slices or orange zest, or by rubbing the fruit on surfaces that dogs cannot access. It is worth keeping in mind that hostility to citrus fruits is individual in nature.

The most aggressive fruit is grapefruit; oranges and tangerines have less impact on animals and may even attract them. The most effective is citrus essential oil, which can be purchased at any pharmacy and soaked into surfaces.


This remedy is little known in wide circles, but its alternative name “volkogon” speaks for itself. Hellebore does not grow in all regions of Russia and is currently popular in the taiga. A few stems of this plant are enough to discourage a dog from the forbidden area once and for all.

The main disadvantages of hellebore are the difficulty in acquiring the plant and its toxicity. Unlike citrus fruits, shag and pepper, hellebore is fraught with real danger and can be fatal if ingested by a pet.

Large predator

Of course, supplying a garden flowerbed with bears to scare away dogs would be a completely pointless undertaking. However, formally, it is the smell of predators that gives an unambiguous command to the dog to retreat and hide in a safe place.

Probably, in the not so distant future, the odors of large and dangerous predators will be successfully synthesized and will fit into a compact bottle. In this case, this particular aroma will be one of the most effective.

Artificial smells

All artificially synthesized odors, one way or another, produce a depressing impression on animals, forcing them to stay away from the source of the aroma. You can verify this by spraying deodorant near the animal and observing its reaction. Most likely, the dog will wrinkle and run to another corner.

What can we say about more aggressive chemicals such as acetone or calcium carbide. Chemical odors should be used with extreme caution so as not to burn the animal’s sinuses or cause an acute attack of allergies.

Calcium carbide

If desired, calcium carbide can be purchased; it is sold in kilograms. However, one can hardly find the use of this compound in everyday life. It is not poisonous, but it emits a noticeable aroma in any condition. The smell intensifies when water comes into contact with calcium carbide, becoming unpleasant not only for the animal, but also for humans.

Moreover, this substance tends to release alkali, which is harmful to both plants and floor coverings. It is unacceptable to leave calcium carbide in the presence of children, as it can cause skin irritation if handled carelessly.


Smells that please people often cause sharp rejection in pets. This is partly due to the alcohol found in most perfumes and antiperspirants, which dogs can barely tolerate. However, there are individuals that demonstrate striking indifference to both fragrances and alcohol base.

In addition to an unpredictable reaction to perfume, it is also possible for your pet to become accustomed to certain, even strong odors. Addiction occurs faster if the aroma of perfume is filled with positive associations with the owner. As an aside, it should be noted that many dogs are intolerant of mouthwash.

Volatile organic compounds

Dogs do not perceive odors well:

  1. Gasoline;
  2. Household chemicals;
  3. Solvents;
  4. Essential oils;
  5. Varnish;
  6. Vinegar.

It is these substances that ideally fall into the VOC category. You can often notice a negative attitude of a dog towards a tipsy owner who is trying to pet the animal, sometimes even turning into aggression. It's all because of the smell of alcohol, which seems unbearable to the dog. The combination of an unpleasant odor and a beloved owner causes internal dissonance and causes the animal to experience double stress.

It is unlikely that any owner would dare to use gasoline or solvents at home, since the aromas from these products are harmful to all living beings, without exception. But vinegar or pure alcohol can be very useful in the fight against an intractable dog without causing poisoning or burns.

It is enough to moisten a cotton wool or swab in the chosen liquid and place it in the right place to shock the dog’s sense of smell. The only weak point of such products is their rapid evaporation. In this case, mothballs, which have a persistent aroma, can come to the rescue - a pleasant bonus of using them will be getting rid of moths along the way.

Video - Smells that turn off dogs

Other repellents

In addition to exposure to odors, there are other methods of repelling dogs. In addition to the sense of smell, you can also influence the animal’s hearing through ultrasound, or even taste buds, which are very sensitive to unpleasant tastes.

Since the need to get rid of the dog’s annoying attention arises in different circumstances, the methods of dealing with animals should be different. We will talk further about alternative ways to scare away a dog and prohibit it from certain actions.

Table 1. Dog repellents

Grannick's Bitter Apple Spray

The composition of the spray is completely safe for dogs even if ingested. Bitters, water and twenty percent isopropyl alcohol make the spray effective in combating dogs' excessive attention to forbidden objects. To use this substance, just apply it to an object. Non-aggressive components allow the composition to be applied not only to shoes, but also to other more delicate surfaces. Some owners even apply it to their hands if necessary. Disadvantages include quick odor dissipation and ineffectiveness when used outdoors.

This drug is suitable primarily for cyclists who are tired of the intrusive attention of dogs. The main component of the spray is capsaicin, which is extracted from peppers and has a sharp effect on the dog’s sense of smell. Since the composition is used in emergency situations, it must be directed directly at the four-legged pest to cause a quick reaction. When particles of the substance enter the dog’s nasal mucosa or oral cavity, the effect is achieved immediately. When spraying a substance, care must be taken to ensure that the person himself does not come into contact with the released stream.

This product is not widely used in household conditions, since its influence extends to the dog’s hearing. When you press the cap, a compressed gas is released from the cylinder, which in itself is completely neutral. The effect is exerted by the sound itself with which the gas is emitted. Remotely, this sound resembles the hiss of a goose or snake before an attack and informs the dog that danger is nearby. Most often, this drug is used when training a grumpy pet to discipline it. This method of control is not very effective against wild or aggressive dogs.

This device works using ultrasound, which is unrecognizable to humans, but has a negative effect on dogs. The product helps to instantly distract the dog from an unwanted action, but does not consolidate the result, since the dog does not associate ultrasound with a specific offense. Therefore, the device is more suitable for attracting individual attention. The device is completely safe and operates at a distance of up to 15 meters. Individual reactions to ultrasound should be taken into account - not all animals are sensitive to it. Some buyers noted the uselessness of the device, while others were satisfied with it

The repellent is intended for treating soil that the owner plans to protect from attacks by pets or stray animals. The mixture contains natural ingredients: pepper and capsaicin. The product is great not only for fighting dogs, but also cats, squirrels and other animals. Its advantage over ordinary ground pepper is its durability - the particles of the mixture continue to affect the pet’s sense of smell even after rain and do not require renewal for a whole month. However, plot owners have repeatedly noted the dubious effectiveness of the repellent and the frequent ignoring of it by pets when mastering the beds

The device is an automatic sprinkler with a built-in sensor that responds to the approach of animals. The device is equipped with night and day modes, allowing you to protect the area from encroachment around the clock. By taking into account the consumed liquid and battery, the sprinkler prevents the consumption of unnecessary resources and operates in an economical mode. According to reviews from site owners, this miracle of technology is the most effective in the fight against uninvited guests.

If desired, you can combine several repellers to achieve the optimal effect depending on their scope of application. Thus, repellents scattered over the beds turn out to be completely useless when meeting stray dogs on the street, which ultrasound will help scare off, and vice versa. We will tell you below how to choose an ultrasonic repeller so that the device turns out to be the most effective.

A few words about education

Before using repellents, the owner must be aware that this method of correcting the pet’s behavior does not lead to the consolidation of the desired type of behavior. If you are trying to stop your dog from marking corners or defecating in the house using strong-smelling substances, then most likely you will not succeed.

Remember that sudden impact on the animal's olfactory system will cause stress, especially if such impact becomes a habit. Stress, in turn, will lead to other behavioral deviations, which will also have to be dealt with somehow.

The most important means of influencing a pet is the authority of the owner. It is on this that all further educational measures are based. As you can see, spraying odorous compounds does not give a predictable reaction from the dog and does not allow you to achieve a clear result. Therefore, the repellent can be used as an aid, but nothing more. It is effective as a method of dealing with unfamiliar animals, but is useless as an educational measure.

Understanding unwanted behavior

If you are unsuccessfully struggling with a dog because of its inability to relieve itself in an appropriate place, then it makes sense to think about the reasons for such actions on the part of the pet. Sometimes the reasons why a dog cannot tolerate going outside go much further than basic harmfulness or stubbornness. Other motives for this behavior include:

  1. Pathologies of the genitourinary system. Whether it's cold kidneys or a urinary tract infection, your dog may experience an urge to urinate too often, making it impossible for him to wait until his next walk;

  2. Urinary incontinence. This ailment may not even be associated with any diseases and occurs due to prolonged stress, due to organs that have not had time to recover after castration, or due to the structural features of the sphincter. Some breeds with weak sphincters are predisposed to uncontrollable urination, which no repellent can do anything about. You can read more about and ways to combat this disease on our portal;
  3. Lack of daily routine. Sometimes the owner himself may be the cause of untimely urination. Dogs that are accustomed to eating and walking at certain hours, as a rule, maintain the routine themselves and do not try to break it. Cleanliness is inherent in these animals. However, in the absence of a day plan, the dog may simply not calculate its physical capabilities;

  4. Reaction to inappropriate behavior of the owner. If you allow yourself to be excessively aggressive when interacting with your pet, then you should not expect ideal behavior from him. Dogs cannot speak, but they can communicate their mood to us through their actions. Urination can be an expression of protest against mistreatment and an attempt to stop the “lawlessness” on the part of the owner. In such a situation, continuing the war with the help of strong odors will only lead to a deterioration in relations;

    The key to a pet’s diligent behavior is strong friendship with the owner and trust in him.

  5. Pay attention. All pets need the attention of their owner. If you show indifference to your dog, then in an attempt to remind you of yourself, he may do the most unexpected things. There are frequent cases of uncontrolled urination when changing the usual living conditions. Getting a new pet, moving, and other circumstances can also cause unpredictable changes in behavior.

You will need

  • - bleach, ammonia or pepper spray;
  • - ultrasonic dog repeller;
  • - Antigadin remedy.


Take advantage of a dog's exceptional sense of smell. The smell, which may seem barely noticeable to humans, is very strong for dogs. Once a week, sprinkle a thin line of bleach along the area, or pour a solution of ammonia, or spray with pepper spray. In just a few hours, the “aroma” will become so weak that you will stop paying attention to it. And he will scare away for a long time. In addition to the fact of the unpleasant smell, they will gradually develop a conditioned reflex: it’s better not to come here, it’s very bad here. If possible, treat not only the area along the fence, but also the area itself.

You can take advantage of the fact that dogs, unlike humans, distinguish between ultrasonic frequency signals. They cause them unpleasant, painful sensations and a feeling of fear. Devices specifically designed for repelling animals, as well as the “Repeller”. They are portable and stationary. In the first case, it is very small, compact, and fits easily in a jacket pocket. In the second case, it is larger and more massive, often combined with an infrared motion sensor, equipped with an ultrasonic vibration frequency regulator, thanks to which it can be configured not only to scare away dogs, but also cats, hares and even birds. Some portable repellent devices are most effective at a distance of 1 to 7 meters; stationary ones provide reliable protection of an area of ​​200-300 square meters. meters.

There is a series of safe drugs on sale, developed by specialists from the UK. The developers called this series “Get off my garden,” that is, “Get out of my garden.” In Russia it received the unofficial name “Antigadin”. The product is sold in the form of crystalline powder, spray and gel spray. The powder releases odorous substances for a month that repel dogs, while being harmless to humans and the environment. Moreover, these substances are released in any weather, even rainy. Sprays and gel sprays can be used in places where it is difficult to add powder (for example, in niches, pipes), as well as to destroy dog ​​marks.


  • dog repellent smell

Not in all situations a dog is a devoted friend and guard. Sometimes these animals behave unpredictably, aggressively and can pose a danger to humans. Therefore, you need to be able to drive the dog away without pushing the situation to the limit.

You will need

  • - pepper spray;
  • - ultrasonic repeller.


Often what seems to you like aggression on the part of an animal is normal behavior for a dog. If you have entered the territory that the animal considers its own, want to pet the puppies, or take the dog’s bowl or toy, it will be difficult to drive it away at this time - the animal is convinced that it is right. It is better not to provoke such situations, or do it in the presence of the owner. By the way, relationships with a dog owner also have their own nuances. You know that you just want to pat your friend on the shoulder in a friendly manner, but a devoted dog may consider that you have decided to encroach on his life and immediately come to the owner’s defense.

If on the street it seemed to you that the dog was too actively interested in you, try to ignore it. Even if you are afraid of dogs, do not show your fear and continue to go about your business, preferably without turning your back to the animal. Most likely, the dog will soon cease to be interested in you.

Look around carefully. If the dog's owner is walking nearby, it is best to ask him to remove the animal.

You can drive away timid mongrels by simply shouting at them or throwing a stone in their direction. Most likely, the dog will run away from you squealing.

However, this method will not work with large, self-confident dogs - it can only provoke the animal. If you know that you will have to go through an area that stray dogs have chosen as their place of residence - an abandoned construction site, a wasteland, it is better to arm yourself with a gas canister. However, not all “human” gases will affect dogs. It is best to choose pepper.

There are also special ultrasonic dog repellers. The essence of its work is that when turned on, the device begins to emit sounds that are inaudible to the human ear, but extremely unpleasant for the animal. The repeller is small in size and can be carried in a handbag or pocket.

Video on the topic

Useful advice

One day, a Canadian postman came across a pack of dogs that were very aggressive towards him. Undeterred, the postal worker got down on all fours and barked at the largest dog. The pack quickly retreated. If you are confident and artistic, you can try to drive away the dogs this way.

Summer. The summer season is in full swing. Most summer residents take their beloved pets with them to their gardens, without thinking that a wide variety of dangers can await a dog in the garden. But you shouldn’t be afraid, because keeping your dog safe is not that difficult.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs