Is senade addictive? The relative contraindications are:

The modern pharmacological market offers consumers huge assortment laxatives. "Senade" has been a sales leader for many years. His natural composition, low cost and effectiveness make it one of the most profitable drugs among numerous analogues.

Composition and principle of action

Basic active ingredient"Senade" - crushed leaves of the senna herb, which has been famous since ancient times for its laxative effect. In a cardboard package there are 10 or 6 blisters of tablets. Many pharmacies sell blisters separately - individually, since even a few tablets can be used for months. As auxiliary components The tablet also contains lactose, microcrystalline cellulose and potato starch.

After taking the tablet and entering the intestines, senna leaves have an irritating effect on the mucous walls. Due to this, peristalsis is activated. The intestines begin to contract, this promotes liquefaction feces and pushing them out.

Indications for use

The instructions indicate that the drug helps with following states and diseases:

  • constipation caused by intestinal hypotension;
  • hemorrhoidal disease;
  • proctitis;
  • anal fissures(to reduce the load on the rectum - see instructions for use).

Reviews about "Senada" (the price of the drug varies from one hundred to four hundred rubles) are positive: for hundreds of thousands of people, this medicine helps restore healthy intestinal motility and get rid of constipation.

Four to eight hours after taking the pill, the effect begins. You should be at home or in another comfortable place where there is a toilet.

Contraindications and side effects

Subject to availability the following diseases You should refrain from taking Senade:

  • chronic liver failure;
  • difficult discharge of bile;
  • ulcers and neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

In case of an overdose, one possible side effect is excessive dilution of stool and diarrhea. Reviews of "Senada" confirm that this phenomenon occurs quite often. To avoid diarrhea, it is enough to choose the dosage of the medicine that is ideal for a particular patient. You need to start with the smallest dose - half a tablet, in many cases this is enough.

Children aged six to twelve years should take a quarter of a tablet. For precise division, you can use a blade - first cut the tablet in half, then again into four parts. Reviews of "Senada" for children confirm that it is safe and effective remedy. However, the instructions warn that use is only possible after consultation with a doctor and for children at least six years old.

Adults need to select the optimal dosage, starting with half a tablet per day. You can take it on an empty stomach or after a meal - it doesn’t matter. If the patient is not satisfied with the result, increase the dosage to one or two tablets. You cannot take more than three tablets at a time - this will cause diarrhea. IN in rare cases possible when taking a large number of tablets sharp pain V epigastric region.

Reviews of "Senade" tablets from ordinary consumers

Hundreds of thousands of patients have tried the action this drug. Taking Senade and cleansing the intestines (reviews confirm that many have done this procedure) are interconnected. If you take two tablets a day every day for a week, the intestines will be completely cleansed; if there are fecal stones, they will pass away. This procedure must be performed under the supervision of a gastroenterologist or proctologist, since frequent urge to defecation can damage the intestinal walls (anal fissures may form or hemorrhoids may worsen).

Reviews about "Senada" for cleansing the intestines are positive: many people were satisfied with the effect, noted improved well-being and vigor. You should not frequently cleanse your colon with a laxative. This may cause " lazy bowel"and lead to drug dependence on drugs that stimulate peristalsis.

Unlike other chemical and homeopathic laxatives, Senade does not cause pain in the stomach and intestines. Possible in case of overdose discomfort, but they cannot be compared with the pain from, for example, Bisacodyl. Reviews of "Senada" confirm that it is soft and safe remedy. But it is worth remembering that it can also cause addiction with constant use.

Reviews of "Senade" for weight loss

Many women use laxatives for this purpose. This fashion did not escape Senade either. A few years ago, thanks to enthusiastic reviews of the drug, women began to frequent pharmacies for laxatives. Of course, you can’t expect any fat burning from such pills. The maximum way a laxative can affect weight is to get rid of one or two kilograms during bowel movements.

Senade- a well-known laxative. Its great advantage is vegetable origin. The time it takes for Senade to act determines the indications for use of the drug. The latter of the medication are somewhat different from most other laxatives.

How does Senade work?

The main active ingredient in the tablets - and Senade is produced exclusively in tablet form - is an extract obtained from the leaves of the holly senna. In the composition of this plant, pharmacists were attracted by the salts of sennosides A and B. They provide a laxative effect. In addition, Senada contains the following excipients:

  • starch;
  • lactose;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • carmellose sodium;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • talc;
  • Magnesium stearate.

Sennosides act directly on sensory receptors that are located on the surface of the mucous membrane and stimulate smooth muscle elements in the large intestine. The latter enhance the peristaltic movements of the intestine, increase their amplitude and make them last longer.

How long does it take for Senade laxative to take effect?

Since the action of the tablets is aimed at enhancing peristalsis, bowel movements occur quite gently. What is important is that Senade does not change his stool. That is, after taking the pills, bowel movements occur normal stool, and the drug does not cause diarrhea. This is achieved due to the fact that Senade does not act as quickly as most of its analogues.

Basically, the drug begins to act at least 8-10 hours after administration. This is how long it takes for Senada to painlessly make some changes in the body.

If you need to speed up the effect, you can drink several glasses of warm, slightly salted water after taking the tablet. In this case, Senade will take effect within 6-8 hours. Of course, a discount should also be made on individual characteristics body. Some patients report an onset of more quick effect without any additional effects.

In most cases, 3 tablets of Senade are prescribed, and how long it takes for them to take effect does not depend on the indication. The remedy is prescribed for:

  • constipation caused by sluggish activity of the large intestine;
  • obesity;
  • functional constipation;
  • hemorrhoids – to regulate stool;
  • diseases accompanied by disorders normal operation intestines.

Very often, constipation occurs in people who lead sedentary image life. For some, this condition becomes completely habitual. Senade helps this category of patients maintain their intestines and feel healthy. Elderly people, as well as bedridden patients, cannot do without Senade.

Many pregnant women also complain of constipation. Since the drug is made from herbal ingredients, it will not harm either the expectant mother or the child. Still, a preliminary consultation with a specialist will not hurt.

Why doesn't Senade work?

Like any medicine, Senade has contraindications for use. If you ignore them, taking the drug will not be effective. It is not recommended to take tablets if:

Senade will not always work for abdominal pain of unknown origin, diseases abdominal cavity flowing in acute form, and kidneys. Tablets are taken according to a special regimen for patients who have undergone abdominal surgery.

The modern pharmacological market offers the consumer a huge range of laxatives. "Senade" has been a sales leader for many years. Its natural composition, low cost and effectiveness make it one of the most profitable drugs among numerous analogues.

Composition and principle of action

The main active ingredient of "Senade" is crushed leaves of the senna herb, which has been famous since ancient times for its laxative effect. In a cardboard package there are 10 or 6 blisters of tablets. Many pharmacies sell blisters separately - individually, since even a few tablets can be used for months. Lactose, microcrystalline cellulose and potato starch are also used as auxiliary components in the tablet.

After taking the tablet and entering the intestines, senna leaves have an irritating effect on the mucous walls. Due to this, peristalsis is activated. The intestines begin to contract, this helps to liquefy the stool and push it out.

Indications for use

The instructions state that the drug helps with the following conditions and diseases:

  • constipation caused by intestinal hypotension;
  • hemorrhoidal disease;
  • proctitis;
  • anal fissures (to reduce the load on the rectum - see instructions for use).

Reviews about "Senada" (the price of the drug varies from one hundred to four hundred rubles) are positive: for hundreds of thousands of people, this medicine helps restore healthy intestinal motility and get rid of constipation.

Four to eight hours after taking the pill, the effect begins. You should be at home or in another comfortable place where there is a toilet.

Contraindications and side effects

If you have the following diseases, you should refrain from taking Senade:

  • chronic liver failure;
  • difficult discharge of bile;
  • ulcers and neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

In case of an overdose, one possible side effect is excessive dilution of stool and diarrhea. Reviews of "Senada" confirm that this phenomenon occurs quite often. To avoid diarrhea, it is enough to choose the dosage of the medicine that is ideal for a particular patient. You need to start with the smallest dose - half a tablet, in many cases this is enough.

Children aged six to twelve years should take a quarter of a tablet. For precise division, you can use a blade - first cut the tablet in half, then again into four parts. Reviews of "Senada" for children confirm that it is a safe and effective remedy. However, the instructions warn that use is only possible after consultation with a doctor and for children at least six years old.

Adults need to select the optimal dosage, starting with half a tablet per day. You can take it on an empty stomach or after a meal - it doesn’t matter. If the patient is not satisfied with the result, increase the dosage to one or two tablets. You cannot take more than three tablets at a time - this will cause diarrhea. In rare cases, when taking a large number of tablets, sharp pain in the epigastric region may occur.

Reviews of "Senade" tablets from ordinary consumers

Hundreds of thousands of patients have tested the effect of this drug. Taking Senade and cleansing the intestines (reviews confirm that many have done this procedure) are interconnected. If you take two tablets a day every day for a week, the intestines will be completely cleansed; if there are fecal stones, they will pass away. This procedure should be performed under the supervision of a gastroenterologist or proctologist, since frequent urges to defecate can damage the intestinal walls (anal fissures may form or hemorrhoids may worsen).

Reviews about "Senade" for intestinal cleansing are positive: many people were satisfied with the effect, noted improved well-being and vigor. You should not frequently cleanse your colon with a laxative. This can cause “lazy bowels” and lead to drug dependence on drugs that stimulate peristalsis.

Unlike other chemical and homeopathic laxatives, Senade does not cause pain in the stomach and intestines. In case of an overdose, unpleasant sensations are possible, but they cannot be compared with the pain from, for example, Bisacodyl. Reviews of "Senada" confirm that it is a mild and safe product. But it is worth remembering that it can also cause addiction with constant use.

Reviews of "Senade" for weight loss

Many women use laxatives for this purpose. This fashion did not escape Senade either. A few years ago, thanks to enthusiastic reviews of the drug, women began to frequent pharmacies for laxatives. Of course, you can’t expect any fat burning from such pills. The maximum way a laxative can affect weight is to get rid of one or two kilograms during bowel movements.

Medicines used as laxatives to cleanse the stomach are widely used in clinical practice. One of these medications is Senade or Senadexin - herbal remedy, which has a normalizing effect on the motility of the large intestine. Senade for cleansing the intestines copes well with constipation of various origins(see), allows you to clear the colon of contents in short period time, providing a gentle effect. The medicine is rarely called side effects.

General description and mechanism of action of Senade

The main active ingredient is an extract of the hay plant, containing large number anthraglycosides that have a laxative effect when used. These substances pass through the stomach, small intestine without any changes, are not absorbed into the blood.

Bacteria living in the large intestine process anthraglycosides into active molecules(antrones, anthronols), which directly affect the receptors of the intestinal wall, increase peristalsis, and accumulate water in the intestinal lumen. Therefore, the feces loosen, its volume increases and the intestines are emptied.

Find out how to do it correctly and what contraindications exist.

Correct: indications for use.

It is important for patients to know how long after taking Senade works. On average, the onset of the laxative effect is observed 5–9 hours after taking the medication. This must be taken into account when assigning it and planning the day.

Indications and contraindications

The laxative Senadexin is prescribed only to those patients who have certain indications for the use of the medicine. These include:

  1. Chronic constipation of varying cause and severity.
  2. States decreased tone large intestine or its complete absence.
  3. A positive effect is observed for hemorrhoids, proctitis, and anal fissures.
  4. The drug is prescribed for drug preparation for diagnostic and therapeutic manipulations on the colon.

It is important to remember the list of contraindications that limit the use of Senade:

In all of these cases, the use of Senade should be abandoned in favor of other methods of bowel cleansing.

Dose and method of administration

The harm-to-benefit ratio of Senade determines the widespread use of the drug. However, it is important to follow the instructions for use and use the medication according to it. The drug is always taken before bedtime. Then the laxative effect reaches its maximum in the morning, which is most convenient for most people.

Adults and children over 12 years of age should use 1 cube of the drug lozenge or 1-2 tablets. This amount of medicine may not be enough to develop a full effect. In this case, the dose is increased to 2-3 tablets per application. It is important to note that such an increase is not produced immediately, but 1-2 days after the first use of Senade.

If the patient's age is from one to six years, then one third of the tablet is used, if from 6 to 12 years, then half of the tablet is used. In children, in most cases, a lasting effect is observed without the need to increase the dose.

How long does it take for Senadexin to work?? On average, the laxative effect occurs after 7–9 hours, which determines the prescription of the drug in evening time before bed.

Side effects and overdose

Senade may lead to the development side effects in different categories of people. As a rule, adverse events mildly expressed and disappear within 1-2 days. They develop in various systems internal organs:

  1. May appear on the skin allergic rash in the form of urticaria, accompanied by severe itching.
  2. The main side effects are related to the effect of the drug on gastrointestinal tract. May appear most often in umbilical region, dyspeptic disorders in the form of nausea, vomiting and flatulence.
  3. In some patients therapeutic doses The drug may cause disturbances in the water-electrolyte balance and lead to dehydration.

Symptoms of an overdose of Senade include massive diarrhea, which can in a short period of time cause severe dehydration, changes in the water and electrolyte composition of the blood, which is manifested by various clinical manifestations. An overdose of Senade requires stopping the medication and starting symptomatic therapy aimed at restoring circulating blood volume and electrolyte composition.

Additional information

It is important to answer the question of many patients: after how many hours does Senade’s effect peak? The peak activity of colon motility is observed 7–9 hours after taking tablets or tablets of the drug. This fact is important to take into account when planning the use of medication and planning your day.

Note to parents: methods of use for children.

Find out the main properties of the medication, the features of its use by adults and children.

Do you know what relieves spasm and pain?

At long-term use laxative, gradual dehydration of the body with the development of electrolyte disturbances is observed. A number of patients experience paralysis of the large intestine with the development intestinal obstruction, which can be interpreted by the patient as another constipation. In this regard, it is important to note that when taking the drug, each person should consult with their doctor to determine the dose and frequency of taking Senade. Otherwise, unwanted drug reactions or even chronic overdose.

Effect on taking other drugs

Senadexin, when taken, enters into drug interactions With various medications, what you need to remember when using it. So, Senada at long-term use increases the effect of glycosides on the heart (see) and antiarrhythmic drugs, which is associated with the development of hypokalemia.

Having an effect on the gastrointestinal tract, Senadexin accelerates excretion various drugs due to a decrease in the rate of their absorption, which requires an increase in the dosage of medications.

When using Senadexin, patients ask two questions: how quickly Senade works and when in the best possible way apply medicine? Maximum effect occurs 6–10 hours after using tablets or tablets of the drug. Therefore, it is optimal to use them before bed. In no case should you increase the dosage or frequency of administration on your own, as this can lead to the development of side effects and overdose. It is necessary to consult with your doctor about the use of Senadexin.

Senade will easily save you from 2-5 extra pounds and reduce the size of your belly. And all this without diets, dietary restrictions and sports training. Find out from the article why this drug is much better than its analogues.

"Senade" - medicinal product based on herbal raw materials with a laxative effect, which is intended to eliminate constipation and normalize stool in certain diseases, and can also be effectively used for weight loss.

The laxative effect of Senade is achieved by increasing intestinal motility, which leads to increased bowel movements without the appearance of diarrhea.

Composition and effect of the drug

The active component of “Senade” is an extract from the leaves of Senna aquifolia, or rather its active ingredients– calcium salts of sennosides A and B. They act on the receptors of the colon mucosa, stimulating it smooth muscles and trigger a laxative mechanism.

How it works

The effect of sennosides on the intestines leads to an increase in the strength, amplitude and duration of peristaltic contractions, resulting in more intense bowel movements without changes in stool and a tendency to diarrhea. Besides, active substances medications normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, ensuring optimal peristalsis. Moreover, even in 1-2 days of administration, high-quality cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract is ensured with complete liberation it from the contents.

The benefits of Senade for weight loss are determined by two factors:

  • since constipation leads to the accumulation of toxins that interfere with the breakdown of fats and significantly reduce the effectiveness of combating overweight, their elimination with the help of this drug significantly speeds up the process of getting rid of unnecessary kilograms;
  • complete emptying of the gastrointestinal tract helps reduce body weight and waist size, as well as increase absorption useful substances, thereby reducing the need for food.

The drug is not addictive, does not affect digestive processes, so it can be taken long time without any consequences and without the danger of appearance severe constipation after cancellation.

How long does it take to work?

The results of taking Senade appear within 8–10 hours. During this time, the active ingredients of the drug activate receptors and cause a reflex increase in peristalsis, which leads to a more intense movement of its contents “towards the exit”. The stool remains normal. If you need to speed up the onset of the effect, it is recommended to drink 0.5–0.7 liters of warm salted water. This will slightly dilute the contents of the gastrointestinal tract, due to which emptying will occur somewhat faster - 6-7 hours after taking the tablet.

The lack of effect may be caused by the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which require immediate treatment. Therefore, in this case, you must immediately contact a gastroenterologist.

Indications for use

The use of Senade for weight loss is advisable in two cases:

  1. The most popular is when constipation occurs due to decreased intestinal motility or insufficient peristalsis of the colon. These symptoms are often the result of sedentary lifestyle life, sedentary work, regular use of a car or public transport. As a result, not only appears overweight, but habitual constipation also develops.
  2. The second indication for losing weight with Senade is following a too strict unbalanced diet. In this case, the tablets help prevent constipation and also provide maximum bowel cleansing, without which effective weight loss is impossible.

In addition, the drug can be used as independent remedy to get rid of 2-3 extra pounds and reduce belly fat before important event. Its advantage in this case is natural, gentle bowel movement without diarrhea, while most such medications are inconvenient to use due to an overly pronounced laxative effect, the appearance of uncontrollable urge to defecate and loose stools.

Correct technique

In order for the use of the drug to be beneficial, it is necessary to follow the instructions prescribed by the manufacturer, and also take into account the recommendations of specialists regarding its use for the purpose of losing weight.

Instructions for use

In accordance with the attached instructions, "Senade" is taken orally, washed down sufficient quantity water or any soft drink. The recommended dose is 1 tablet once a day, preferably at night or 30 minutes before meals. If you need to increase the dosage, this should be done gradually:

  • Take 1 tablet for 3 days;
  • if emptying does not occur, you should take 1.5 tablets for another 3 days.

According to the specified algorithm daily dose You can increase it to 3 tablets, but no more, to prevent an overdose.

The duration of use of "Senade" is determined as follows:

  • at self-administration– no longer than 5 days, which is usually enough to normalize stool;
  • as prescribed by a doctor - no more than 14 days in a row, but with regular medical examinations.

If after 3 days of taking 3 tablets, bowel movement has not occurred, you should consult a specialist.

How to take for weight loss

To cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and prevent constipation, it is recommended to take Senade according to a slightly different scheme:

  • if you follow a strict diet with limited food volume - 2 tablets a day, twice a week;
  • For emergency weight loss due to the removal of all intestinal contents - 2 tablets two days in a row.

Long-term use of a laxative for weight loss can result in dehydration, loss of electrolytes and, as a result, severe metabolic disorders. At the same time body fat will remain unchanged, since the action of the drug is not aimed at their breakdown and excretion.

By cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and removing a large amount of fluid from the body, Senade will ensure a weight loss of 2–3 kg. But further loss of water and microelements, which are extremely important for the normal course of biological processes, may have a negative impact on your health.

In order for the use of “Senade” for weight loss to be as effective as possible, its use should be combined with a low-calorie, but balanced diet, creating a menu of the following products:

  • lean meat, fish;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • raw vegetables, salads and soups made from them;
  • unsweetened fruits.

Also, during the period of losing weight with the help of this laxative, you need to consume a large amount clean water. This will provide better cleansing and prevent dehydration.


Despite the natural composition, including herbal ingredients and almost complete safety, “Senade” has some contraindications associated with the presence of diseases in which increased peristalsis can cause negative consequences.

In this case, absolute contraindications are:

  • individual intolerance or allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • constipation caused by intestinal spasms;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute inflammation of the abdominal organs;
  • abdominal pain of unknown etymology;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • internal bleeding;
  • water-electrolyte imbalance.

In addition, you should not take the drug if you are lactose intolerant, since it is included in its composition as an excipient.

Relative contraindications include:

  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • postoperative period after abdominal interventions;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding.

If at least one of absolute contraindications, taking Senade is completely prohibited. Relative contraindications don't require complete refusal from of this product, but it should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

Side effects

The active components of Senade, when entering the body, affect the mucous membranes and receptors not only of the intestines, but of almost all organs, which can lead to side effects from different systems. The most commonly observed negative symptoms are:

  • cramps or cramps in the abdomen;
  • flatulence, nausea, diarrhea;
  • water-electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, sodium and potassium deficiency;
  • the presence of protein or blood in the urine;
  • muscle weakness, cramps;
  • increased fatigue;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • skin rashes;
  • acute vascular insufficiency.

As a rule, these side effects occur as a result of an overdose with long-term use of the drug. But usually they are mild and, after withdrawal, go away without any treatment.


The very first sign indicating excess permissible dose"Senade", is an uncontrollable diarrhea that threatens severe dehydration. If such a symptom appears, you need to drink a lot mineral water– at least 3 liters per day to eliminate the lack of fluid and electrolytes. In case of excessive dehydration, it is recommended intravenous administration special solutions (Hidrovit, Ringer, Regidron).

To avoid overdose, you should not abuse tablets. They must be used in strict accordance with the instructions, and after stool normalization, immediately stop taking them.

Analogues and synonyms

“Senade” has a fairly extensive list of analogues and synonyms.

  • tablets – “Dulcolax”, “Izafenin”, “Phenolphthalein”;
  • granules – “Agiolax”, “Mukofalk”;
  • drops - “Guttalax”, “Guttasil”, “Laxigal”, “Regulax”, “Slabicap”, “Slabilen”;
  • powders for suspension – “Naturolax”, “Fiberlex”;
  • rectal suppositories – “Bisacodyl”, “Dulcolax”;
  • castor oil.


  • tablets - “Antrasennin”, “Gerbion”, “Glacsenna”, “Pursennid”, “Senna”, “Senadexin”, “Sennalax”, “Senalex”, “Tisasen”, sena extract;
  • dragees - “Bekunis”, “Regulax”, “Ex-Lax”.

You should know that analogues are drugs that have a different composition, but provide similar action on peristalsis with a laxative effect. Synonyms, respectively, are drugs containing the same sennosides and thereby providing a similar effect.


The manufacturer of Senade tablets is the Indian pharmaceutical corporation Cipla Ltd., which is why they are imported to Russia. For this reason, the cost of the drug varies depending on different trade markups and additional costs of a particular pharmacy. The estimated cost of a package of 20 tablets is 20–30 rubles, 500 pieces – 550–670 rubles. At the same time, there is no difference between a more expensive and a cheaper drug.



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