Choosing an orthopedic corset for the spine. How to choose orthopedic corsets for the spine

Although, when talking about corsets, they usually represent a part of women's clothing, nowadays the word “corset” is increasingly used to refer to a medical orthopedic fixation belt (other names are corset,).

Orthopedic belts are becoming increasingly common. This is due to the fact that they effectively support the spinal column, thereby eliminating the pain symptom, and also preventing spinal diseases from progressing.

Orthopedic belts have also proven their effectiveness in rehabilitation after injuries and.

From suffering to health. History of corsets

The history of corsets dates back to Ancient Greece, where, with their help, doctors attempted to fix the spine of a patient who had suffered a back injury.

In the Middle Ages, the medical use of corsets began to give way to their aesthetic side. They were adopted by the ladies of the court as an item of their wardrobe.

And no wonder: after all, corsets provided a wasp waist, while giving the figure a proud posture and emphasizing the chest.

It got to the point that during the time of Catherine de Medici, only ladies whose waist circumference did not exceed thirty-three centimeters were allowed into the court.

With the development of medicine, however, it has been proven that such cuffing of oneself in a rigid corset causes significant damage to health: by squeezing internal organs, it leads to their displacement and also causes deformation chest, causes chronic hypoxia.

Long-term compression of the mammary glands makes it impossible for mothers to breastfeed their children.

All this tangible harm from wearing women's corsets led, ultimately, to the fact that corsets went out of use as a necessary part of a woman's wardrobe.

The health-improving direction of using corsets has developed. Modern orthopedic belts protect health and do not undermine it.

Corsets are different. Species

Currently, stores offer a wide variety of fixing bandages for the spine - for every taste and budget. However, not all corsets are equally useful. And not for everyone.

Therefore, you should make your choice wisely and remember to consult with a qualified specialist. Below are the main types of orthopedic belts.

There are orthopedic belts with regulated system fixation, thanks to changes in which the necessary rigidity is obtained.

Lightweight warming belts are used for the treatment of pain associated with osteochondrosis and rheumatism.

Such belts are usually made from sheep or camel wool. They have a warming and micromassage effect.

Depending on the part of the spine being fixed, the bandage can be:

  • thoracolumbar,

Mention should also be made of the pneumatic corset (stretch belt). Its principle of operation is based on the fact that due to the injection of air into the belt, the pneumatic corset itself is stretched in width, thereby stretching the spine.

Belts with ribs of varying degrees of elasticity, with suspenders, with side fastening tapes, in regular and lightweight versions, of various designs, sizes and materials are produced.

You can easily get lost in all this diversity. Therefore, you should know what kind of spinal support you need. An orthopedic surgeon will help you figure this out.

Only benefit? Features of use

Despite all the benefits that orthopedic bandages can bring, it’s hardly worth wearing them just like that. Moreover, they are not intended for permanent use.

After all, their main function is to support the spine in the correct physiological position. U healthy person this should be done by the muscles along the back.

When wearing an orthopedic belt, the load on these muscles is removed. When muscles do not receive stress for a long time, they atrophy and become unable to cope with their responsibilities.

As a result, the pressure on the spine itself increases and the situation only gets worse.

When and how much to wear

A rigid corset is used as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with the instructions. How long is it advisable to wear a semi-rigid belt? No more than five to six hours at a time, and be sure to shoot at night.

The belt should be worn when increased loads on the back: both active (physical labor) and passive (staying in one position for a long time).

If the pain is effectively relieved by relaxing exercises or rest in horizontal position, it is better to give preference to them than to wearing a corset.

How to wear

To prevent chafing, the orthopedic bandage is not worn on the naked body.

Please note that the corset in the right way fits the body: it should lie tightly on the upper part of the pelvis, and also adhere to the lower back.

The way the belt is tightened is also important: if it is too tight, blood circulation in the body will be disrupted, and the internal organs will be severely compressed (you will feel pulsation in the navel area).

If you tighten it too loosely, the belt will not perform its functions, but will gradually slip and rotate along the body.

If the belt has a side fastening tape that provides a tighter fit, it is important that both sides of the tape are tightened evenly.

And remember the main rule of using a corset: you need to wear a belt only if there is an objective need for it.


The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or medicinal purposes. This article is not a replacement for medical consultation see a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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And although the skeleton in this zone is the strongest and most solid, unfortunately, it often fails to cope, which leads to acute pain and development chronic diseases. To correct the situation or prevent it, orthopedic lumbosacral orthopedic corsets are used. But how to choose the right lower back corset? Who will be comfortable in it and who will not? And how to wear a lumbar corset correctly? We suggest that you thoroughly study the issue.

How to choose a corset for the lower back?

Buy a corset for lumbar sacral region the spine should be on rehabilitation stage after complex operations and injuries, as well as to reduce pain of varying degrees: from mild to very strong. Experts recommend using them for radiculitis, intervertebral hernias, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, myositis and other diseases of the lumbosacral spine.

This is important! A medical therapeutic corset for the lower back (its specific type and terms of wearing) must be prescribed by the attending physician. If you wear a corset for too long, it can cause congestion in tissues and swelling. Especially when we're talking about about a lumbar corset for hernia.

Types of corsets for the lower back

There are several classification principles, with one of the most common being the degree of rigidity.

Lumbosacral semi-rigid corset

A semi-rigid corset for the lumbosacral region is one of the most popular. With its help, the lumbar region is fixed, while it restricts movements to a lesser extent. A semi-rigid lumbar corset is recommended to reduce pain in various diseases and when it is necessary to speed up the process of restoring body functions after injury or surgery. A corset for the lumbosacral spine is used both during rehabilitation, when the load on deformed areas of the spine is reduced, and for prevention. In some cases, wearing a semi-rigid corset for the lumbosacral region is indicated for women in postpartum period with severe divergence of the pelvic bones.


  • provides reliable support for the lumbosacral region, relieves muscle tension, reduces pain;
  • the rigidity of many models can be adjusted individually by adjusting the ribs;
  • a large size range allows you to choose a product for both adults and children;
  • compactness and lightness do not reveal the presence of a corset under clothing.


  • delicate care of the product requires washing them only by hand and not twisting them when wrung out, as well as following other rules, including drying;
  • in people with sensitive skin may cause allergies.

One of the popular models on the Russian market is the semi-rigid sacral lumbar corset rwa 2200 orto professional. It has flexible stiffeners and is made of innovative bamboo fiber that does not cause allergies.

Lumbosacral rigid corset

Rigid thoracolumbar and sacrolumbar corsets are usually prescribed to people who have undergone major spinal surgery. Products help reduce rehabilitation period and increase the duration of remissions.

Other advantages:

  • replace the supporting functions of the affected part of the spine;
  • eliminate displacement of the vertebrae;
  • wide model range allows you to select a product for individual physiological characteristics patient.

The “cons”, or rather warnings, include:

  • an incorrectly selected corset can lead to serious complications with health and expand the list of existing diseases;
  • to the same sad consequences Violation of the rules for wearing the product, as well as ignoring the doctor’s recommendations, will also lead to this.

Rigid corsets can only be prescribed on the recommendation of a rehabilitation doctor.

In addition, models are distinguished by the degree of fixation, which can be full, strong, medium and light. Last option represented by warming belts, which by definition are not corsets, so we’ll talk about them next time.

Lumbosacral corsets with strong fixation are made of dense fabrics or knitwear and have metal inserts on the back that follow the contours of the sacrum and lower back. For maximum fixation, they are complemented by elastic straps. Wearing is prescribed for severe pain.

Medium fixation corsets are softer and have flexible ribs. The degree of elasticity of the material may vary in specific models. It can be recommended for aching, mild pain in the lower back, during physical activity, and in the later stages of rehabilitation.

Using a corset for lumbar pain video (advice from a neurologist)

Indications and contraindications for use

We have already named the main cases when it can be recommended orthopedic corset for the lower back.

The main ones are diseases of the spine and heavy physical activity. Let's take a closer look at the contraindications.

Semi-rigid and rigid corsets cannot be used:

  • during pregnancy,
  • for skin purulent diseases and local dermatitis,
  • after applying warming agents, as well as with a hernia abdominal wall;
  • You should also remember about individual intolerance.

Therapeutic corset for the lumbar region

Orthopedic belts for the back and a corset for lumbar hernia must be chosen carefully. An incorrectly selected model will not only be of no benefit, but can also make problems worse. The effectiveness of the bandage on the lumbar and sacral spine directly depends on the correct choice.

It is worth buying a corset for the lumbar region if your doctor has advised you to wear it. As a rule, a lumbar corset may be needed for the following problems:

  • radiculitis, back pain;
  • osteochondrosis, spondylosis;
  • osteoporosis
  • uncomplicated fracture of the bodies, spinous and transverse vertebrae;
  • rehabilitation period after operations and injuries of the lumbar region;
  • prevention of spinal diseases in people whose work involves increased load on the lumbar region (drivers, loaders, athletes, installers, etc.);
  • spinal hernia.

It is worth noting that a therapeutic corset for the lower back is contraindicated only if there are skin diseases in the active stage or they occur with frequent exacerbations. In this case, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist to cure skin pathology, and then buy a suitable lumbar corset.

As a rule, the price of a lumbar hernia corset varies depending on the model.

Warming corset

Warming belts made of neoprene are very popular. This is explained by the fact that this material provides access to skin air, while providing an excellent warming effect.

This lumbar corset helps improve blood flow, accelerates tissue regeneration and stimulates metabolism at the cellular level.

When using such a belt, not only will the load on the vertebrae of this part of the spine be reduced, but also conditions will be created for the prevention of kidney diseases and urinary tract, muscles located in the lumbar region.

This lumbar support corset is especially effective for osteochondrosis and radiculitis, as well as after operations and injuries. It reliably fixes and relieves the lower back, preventing curvature of the spine during intense physical activity. This model is especially suitable for wearing in windy and cool weather. The product should be selected individually, focusing on waist size.

Orthopedic belts for the back

For people suffering from spinal diseases, the doctor may recommend an orthopedic corset for the lower back. To relieve pain and also maintain the spine in the correct physiological position, semi-rigid orthopedic corsets for the lumbosacral region are perfect. They are indispensable for people engaged in heavy physical labor, for drivers, as well as for athletes.

People who have to lift weights and expose their back to other significant stress at work can be recommended to wear an orthopedic lumbar corset with braces. The model is convenient in that it can be easily unfastened without completely removing it, if it is in at the moment not needed.

Corsets for women

Representatives of the fair sex who want to choose a corset belt for the lower back or any other model should turn their attention to products created taking into account the characteristics of the female figure.

A semi-rigid lumbar support corset will not only help get rid of back pain, but will also be practically invisible under clothing, and in some cases, it will help change the contour of the silhouette and visually get rid of several kilograms instantly.

Corset for the lower back for osteochondrosis

A corset for osteochondrosis is prescribed to patients with moderate and severe disease.

Against the background of weakening of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the back, deformation of the vertebrae, and asymmetry of skeletal muscles, this product allows you to avoid the progression of degenerative diseases.

Fixing corsets for osteochondrosis, belts, reclinators and bandages serve two purposes - fixation of damaged parts of the spinal column and correction of curvatures.

They can be light, medium and high hardness. The doctor should choose a corset for the lower back for osteochondrosis depending on the patient’s condition.

Wearing an orthopedic corset is not suitable for everyone. A corset for osteochondrosis is recommended when the patient has severe pain and there is a high risk of further curvature of the spine.

When the muscular-ligamentous system is weakened, the corset helps to relax the skeletal muscles and maintain the spinal column in the correct position. However, some patients benefit from a rigid corset that is pulled tightly along the lower back.

Another goal of using such models is to eliminate the motor stereotype that is formed in every patient with impaired mobility in the spinal column.

Corset selection

A corset for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is selected mainly from models of medium and high degree of rigidity. They are equipped with plastic or metal plates that put pressure on certain parts of the spine and prevent their curvature.

If the product is tightly tightened, pain is eliminated. However, they cannot be worn for a long time, as the work of skeletal muscles is disrupted. The product is secured to the lower back with rigid adjustable straps. For the lower back, it is better to purchase a model made of neoprene or bandage tape. Vertebrologists also like to prescribe models equipped with a polyamide mesh. It has all the properties of high-quality fabric:

  • prevents moisture accumulation;
  • breathes well;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • It is cool in summer and warm in winter.

An orthopedic product for the lumbar spine can cause discomfort only if the dimensions of the device do not correspond to the proportions of the body.

Be careful when selecting an orthopedic belt for the lower back, a corset for thoracic spine and corset for degenerative-dystrophic diseases. Prolapse of the intervertebral disc and displacement of the vertebrae with this pathology can provoke acute pain syndrome of the lumbago type with limited mobility of the spinal column. If you choose a model that is too rigid, you may remain disabled forever. Therefore, a doctor must select fixatives!

You should be especially careful when choosing a product for the neck. With strong compression of the vertebral artery, hypoxia of the brain occurs! This vessel passes through the transverse foramina of the cervical vertebrae and saturates 25% of the brain structures with blood. It is not difficult to imagine what will happen if the artery is compressed by a fixative or reclinator.

How to choose a product

When selecting a corset for the lumbar spine, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • stiffness: for severe pain that radiates to the buttocks and groin area, and the fingertips lose sensitivity, the doctor’s choice is made in favor of a lumbosacral rigid corset with strong fixation, and for rehabilitation after injuries, a full fixation corset may be prescribed;
  • size: the problem arises due to differences in the size range of different manufacturers: in some cases the waist size is indicated, in others - the circumference of the lower back, which is 8 cm lower. That is why any corset must be selected individually. When going shopping, do not forget to take body measurements without clothes;
  • type: this option can only be recommended by a specialist who will directly indicate in the patient’s card that he needs, for example, a corrective, that is, a supporting corset for the lower back;
  • material: a knitted corset is considered the most comfortable, and if the material is thin, the product will not stand out under clothes, and if it is mesh, the skin will not sweat.

Some models have an additional massage effect that relieves muscle tension and improves blood circulation, thereby eliminating pain.

How to wear a lumbosacral corset correctly

The effectiveness of therapeutic effects and prevention will depend on how correctly the corset is used. And although the main positions are again indicated by the doctor, there are several general advice and recommendations on how to properly wear a lumbosacral corset:

  • It is not recommended to wear a corset for more than 6 hours (in some cases, strong fixation corsets can be worn for up to 12 hours, but this requires consultation with a doctor);
  • You can’t go to bed in a corset;
  • due to the fact that the muscles in a corset often hardly work independently, you need to put on a corset as needed - in case of stress or pain, then muscular system does not atrophy;
  • It is better to wear cotton underwear (T-shirts, T-shirts, shirts) under the corset to avoid chafing the body;
  • How to properly wear a corset on the lower back? Do not fasten the corset tightly so as not to interfere with normal blood circulation in organs and tissues.

It is best to try on a new corset for the first time under the supervision of a doctor, who will help you adjust the parameters.
When choosing an orthopedic corset for the lower back, let’s not forget the main rule: do not buy a corset for the lower back that was recommended by neighbors, colleagues, girlfriends, etc.

Only a competent specialist who is familiar with your medical history can make the right decision about using one model or another.

Video on how to wear a corset correctly

If you decide to purchase a spinal corset or your doctor has advised you to wear such an orthopedic product, then you should approach your choice very seriously. After all, an incorrectly selected spinal corset will not only not help correct the problem, but can cause additional and irreparable damage to your health.

Why do you need a spinal corset?

Sometimes medications and exercises alone are not enough to treat spinal diseases. In such cases, spinal corsets will be an excellent ally in the fight against the disease. These orthopedic products can not only relieve back pain, but also straighten your posture, as well as correct the curvature of the spine due to scoliosis. They are perfect for supporting the spinal column after surgery, etc.

An orthopedic corset for the spine provides relief from problem areas of the spine due to the support created by a correctly selected and worn product. Compression elements provide increased tone back muscles, as well as additional stabilization of the spinal column. This leads to a decrease in pressure on intervertebral discs, which stops them from further degenerative changes and displacement, as well as deformation of the vertebrae. The corset also ensures that the spine stays in the correct position for a long time, and this helps stop the development of curvatures and postural disorders.

The corset copes well with postural disorders

A high-quality orthopedic corset for the spine provides:

  • reduction of pain in diseases of the spine and injuries;
  • excellent support and limitation of unnecessary movements after operations and traumatic injuries;
  • posture correction;
  • gradual straightening of the spinal column with scoliosis;
  • strengthening of blood circulation and metabolism processes in damaged tissues spinal column (this ability is especially well expressed in a warming corset belt);
  • prevention of pathology of the musculoskeletal system under increased loads on the spine.

Indications for wearing:

  • chronic back pain syndrome;
  • recovery period after spinal surgery and traumatic injuries;
  • scoliosis and other types of spinal curvatures of varying severity;
  • for unloading the spinal column in severe physical work, with a long stay in one working position;
  • It is recommended to use a children's corset during the formation of posture or with its pathological types;
  • prevention of various spinal diseases;
  • period of exacerbation of radiculitis, osteochondrosis;
  • osteoporosis and the prevention of its complications, doctors especially recommend wearing a corset when compression fracture spine to avoid damage to the spinal cord;
  • treatment and prevention of intervertebral hernias.

Important to remember! Anyone who wants to get rid of pain or protect their spine from damage can wear a back corset. You just need to choose the right product, because there are many types of such products with different functions and purpose. If this choice is made thoughtlessly and incorrectly, then you can only harm your health.

Main types

The first thing to consider when choosing such a product is that there are elastic bandages, orthopedic corsets and anti-radiculitis belts. They are very often confused, but they are completely different things. An example of an elastic bandage is a prenatal or postpartum bandage, which is often used by women to provide additional support for the abdomen and lower back. An example of an anti-radiculitis belt would be a warming product for the lumbar region made of wool.

Orthopedic corsets, as a rule, in addition to the elastic component, have a supporting and corrective component, which are represented by metal stiffeners and various plastic elements, additional fasteners (clasps and belts). Thanks to this type of design, it is possible to bring the shape of the product for the spine as close as possible to the anatomical shape of the human spine, which ensures maximum protection and support.

According to their functional purpose, all orthopedic corsets are divided into the following types:

  • corrective – designed to support the spinal column, prevent its curvature, and correct postural defects;
  • fixing – limit movements in the spine, which is necessary for successful rehabilitation after operations, injuries, during exacerbation of back disease with severe pain, for correction various kinds deformations.

Depending on the degree of hardness, they are divided into:

  1. Rigid models that are prescribed only by doctors special indications. They securely fix the spine, limiting all unnecessary movements. Most often, they are indicated at the recovery stage after operations, injuries, when correcting severe deformities of the spinal column (in the latter case, bandages are often made to order according to individual measurements).
  2. Semi-rigid models that are used to unload the spine; they also have a massage and warming effect. Indications for wearing them are back pain associated with osteochondrosis, heavy physical labor, staying long time in one working position, prevention of the development or progression of dorsopathies.
  3. There are also soft products, but, as we already know, they are not classified as corsets. It is correct to call such products bandages. They are made of durable and elastic fabric without additional fixing elements, inner surface Such bandages are made of dog or camel hair. They improve blood circulation and warm. Designed to reduce pain in neurological vertebrogenic diseases, for example, with sciatica, radiculitis.

Semi-rigid corset for the thoracic and lumbar spine

Depending on the part of the spine for which the orthopedic corset is intended, there are:

  • lumbar corset – worn on the lumbar region, covering the lower part thoracic spine and sacral region;
  • lumbosacral corset – fixes the entire lumbosacral spine;
  • corset for the lumbar and thoracic region - worn on the thoracic and lumbar spine (the most common type of corset).

Separately, it is worth highlighting the magnetic posture corrector, which, in addition to all the described functions and abilities, has additional therapeutic effect, thanks to built-in magnetic elements inside the product.

It is also important to understand that a corset is for cervical spine spine is a completely different type of orthopedic products. It is mainly used for injuries or surgeries on cervical spine. This product is called a cervical spine fixator.

Contraindications for wearing

Before purchasing an orthopedic corset, you should consult your doctor. This is necessary even when you do not have spinal diseases, and you purchase the corset for preventive purposes. The fact is that there may be other contraindications to wearing such a product:

  • Recently held surgery in the area of ​​the body where the corset is worn. This can lead to suppuration of the postoperative wound, suture dehiscence, and development postoperative hernia or bleeding.
  • Reflux disease of the esophagus or other segment of the gastrointestinal tract, as compression of the abdomen will contribute to the progression of symptoms.
  • Skin diseases in the area where the product is put on.
  • Allergy to corset material.
  • Diseases that are accompanied by edema (pathology of the kidneys, liver, heart failure).

Reflux esophagitis is a contraindication to wearing a corset

You can choose a therapeutic orthopedic corset based on the following recommendations:

  1. First you need to decide what type of corset you need, select the appropriate degree of rigidity and select products for a specific part of the spine. This should only be done together with a specialist.
  2. Then you need to choose the appropriate size. The fact is that a large product will not perform its function, and a small one can disrupt blood circulation in the soft tissues. Each manufacturer has its own sizing system, which is described in detail in the instructions. It also tells you how to determine your size and what measurements you need to take. You must choose carefully, since medical products cannot be returned or exchanged. Be sure to try on the corset in the store.
  3. Pay attention to the materials from which the corset is made. They must be natural, easy to wash, hypoallergenic, and not deform during use.
  4. You definitely need to pay attention to the fasteners, try to see how each one works, and also pay attention to whether they rub or pinch you.
  5. Price is also an important criterion. As a rule, such products are not cheap, but they last for several years with proper care. The cost depends on the number of stiffeners, the material of the product, and the manufacturer.

Perhaps these are the main points that you need to pay attention to when choosing a corset. But in each case there may be individual nuances that need to be clarified with a doctor. There is also the possibility of making custom-made orthopedic corsets, which is especially important for children.

Operating rules

Important to remember! Indications for the use of an orthopedic corset are determined only by a doctor. He must explain when to put it on and how to wear the product, and when to take it off.

  1. It is not recommended to use the product for more than 6 hours at a time.
  2. During sleep, such structures must be removed.
  3. Wear the corset strictly as indicated, for example, during physical activity.
  4. Do not fasten the corset too tightly. This negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract and can also contribute to chafing of the skin.
  5. It is not advisable to wear it on bare skin.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the recommendations described above will allow you to do right choice and protect your spine from damage. But in each case, the final choice must be approved by a specialist in the field of traumatology and orthopedics.

Modern medicine is able to treat and prevent the development of many diseases.

The most effective orthopedic device used for the treatment and prevention of diseases, deformities, and injuries various departments spinal column is considered a spinal corset.

It is a wide elastic belt that tightly clasps the back area with the help of stiffening ribs and tightening belts. Orthopedic back corsets fit the problem area and take on a significant portion of the load on the spine. This leads to relaxation of spasmed muscles, normalization of blood flow and metabolism, and reduction of pain.

Types of orthopedic corsets

Depending on their purpose, orthopedic corsets for the spine perform certain functions and are divided into the following types:

  • Fixing – supports the spine in normal physiological state;
  • Unloading – reduce tension in problem areas by reducing pressure on the interdiscal space, eliminate pain syndrome that develops due to muscle spasm;
  • Corrective – correct deformities of varying severity;
  • Mixed unloading-corrective, fixation-unloading, corrective-fixation simultaneously perform several functions.

When choosing a corset for the spine, you should take into account the individual characteristics of the structure of the spine and existing health problems. It should be selected by a vertebrologist, orthopedist, rehabilitation specialist, neurologist, depending on the severity of the disease, the localization of the pathological process and the prescribed therapy.

Classification of spine corsets

By purpose

  • Therapeutic - for active or passive correction of various stages of spinal deformity;
  • Preventative - to prevent pathology, improve posture, protect against deformities, vertebral subluxations and disc displacement during heavy physical activity.

By manufacturing method

  • Serial production – such spinal corsets are produced in large quantities at special enterprises. They are cheaper, but not functional enough for treatment serious pathologies;
  • Individual production - made to order, more expensive. Such products take into account all anatomical and age characteristics patient, so they are considered more functional.

The materials used for the manufacture of orthopedic corsets are dense, breathable and elastic fabrics, plastic, rubber, leather, and metal. Armor-type medical corsets are made from high-temperature and low-temperature thermoplastics.

By degree of hardness

By degree of fixation

  • Up to 4 stiffening ribs - 1st degree (light fixation);
  • Up to 6 stiffening ribs - 2nd degree (medium fixation);
  • Bending of the product's stiffening ribs along the entire circumference of the lumbar region - 3rd degree (strong fixation).

Types of corsets by region of the spine

Corsets for the cervical spine

Protect, stabilize and relieve stress on the cervical spine, reduce muscle spasms. There are hard, semi-rigid, soft and moderate fixation. The cost of the models depends on the complexity of the design and material of manufacture, on average ranging from 300 to 3000 rubles. Popular manufacturers of neck corsets: Varitex, Trivers, Maxar, Spinal Doctor.

  • A full-fledged orthopedic corset, worn on the chest, but with a girth around the neck;
  • Cervical;
  • A collar is an orthopedic corset that is worn only around the neck;
  • The bandage is much tougher than the collar;
  • Inflatable bandage.
Indications for use

Corsets for the lumbosacral spine

For the spine, cover the entire lower back, lower chest and top part pelvis U low back wall, they cover the pelvic area.

Corsets for the lower back can be rigid or semi-rigid. Designed for external fixation of the lumbosacral region, providing unloading of the damaged segment, protecting the vertebrae from further displacement, and reducing pain. Their cost varies depending on the model, on average ranging from 2,000 to 7,000 rubles. Popular manufacturers of orthopedic corsets for the lower back: companies Ortel, Oppo, Fosta, Orto, Medi.

Indications for use
  • Exacerbation of radiculitis and spondyloarthrosis with radicular syndrome;
  • Spondylosis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis of intervertebral joints;
  • Spondylolisthesis I-II degree;
  • Herniation of intervertebral discs of the lumbar and sacral region;
  • Neurological manifestations radiculitis, lumbodynia, sciatica;
  • Violation of muscle tone in the lumbar region;
  • Prevention of injuries and overstrain of the spinal muscles during heavy physical activity and heavy lifting;
  • Post-traumatic and postoperative rehabilitation.

Corsets for the thoracolumbar spine

Covers the entire chest and lower back. They allow you to optimize vertical loads on the spinal column, normalize muscle tone, and help restore lordosis and kyphosis - the physiological curves of the spine.

Similar lumbar corsets come in rigid and semi-rigid types. Depending on the model, their cost ranges from 1600 to 6700 rubles.

Indications for use
  • Vertebral displacement;
  • Spondylosis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis;
  • Intervertebral hernia in the lumbar or thoracic region;
  • Compression fractures of the spine;
  • Back pain, intercostal neuralgia;
  • Excessive mobility of the vertebrae.

Posture correctors

Designed to correct a curved spine and get rid of stoop. Contribute to the formation correct posture, are used to prevent deterioration in initial stages scoliosis. They are soft and semi-hard. The most commonly used therapeutic and preventive corsets are to correct posture in children.


  • Shoulder girdle reclinators;
  • Thoracolumbar posture correctors;
  • Chest posture correctors.

Indications for use

Side effects, contraindications to wearing corsets

It is strictly forbidden to wear a rigid orthopedic corset all the time, since due to the lack of load it takes on, the muscles in the area of ​​the affected area of ​​the spine begin to weaken, as a result of which new hernias and disc protrusions may appear.

You should strictly adhere to the wearing time of corsets recommended by your doctor. It should not exceed 6-8 hours. Long-term unregulated use of orthopedic devices can cause swelling and congestion in tissues, leading to weakening of muscles with subsequent atrophy.

Contraindications for wearing them are:

  • Pregnancy (there are special bandages for this);
  • Purulent-inflammatory skin diseases;
  • Abdominal wall hernias;
  • Preliminary use of warming creams and ointments.

Brief overview of models

Type: corset for the correction of disorders of the cervical spine. Soft elastic fixation.

Material: polyurethane foam base has a high degree of density and elasticity, while being elastic and providing soft support for the head.

Cover made of prolene thread. Contact fastener.

Price: 440 rubles.

Model description: Soft-elastic cervical spine support anatomical shape with fasteners. Designed for unloading and partial fixation of the neck, has a slight warming effect.

Indications for use:

  • Bruises, dislocations, neck injuries;
  • Inflammation of the neck muscles;
  • Correction of cervical spine abnormalities;
  • Rehabilitation after traumatic brain injuries.

Orthopedic corset T-1586 Trives

Type: mixed fixation and unloading.

Type: corset for the correction of disorders of the lumbosacral spine. Semi-rigid medium degree fixation.

Manufacturing material: breathable perforated bandage material, composition: cotton-60%, polyamide – 25%, elastane – 15%, stiffeners – metal.

Price: 2,350 rubles.

Model description: Height - 24 cm. Modeled stiffeners - 6 pieces. Additional triple tie. This lumbar corset fixes and stabilizes the lumbosacral spine, relieves back muscles and spinal segments, and relieves pain.

Indications for use:

  • Osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, spondylosis with pain syndromes;
  • Intervertebral hernia;
  • Spinal bruises, radiculitis, lumbodynia, myositis, ischalgia;
  • Post-traumatic and post-operative rehabilitation;
  • Prevention of spinal injuries during heavy physical activity.

Corset Orto KGK-100

Type: mixed corrective-fixation.

Type: corset for the correction of disorders of the thoracolumbar spine. Semi-rigid mild degree fixation.

Material: back made of dense material, stiffening ribs – metal, fasteners on abdominal cavity- breathable elastic material, soft fabric covers.

Price: 3,450 rubles.

Description of the model: On the dense back along the vertebra there are 2 simulated stiffening ribs. Elastic fasteners secure the corset as much as possible without squeezing the ribs and internal organs. 2 additional stiffeners secure the lumbosacral region. The reclining system consists of 2 non-stretchable straps and covers for the axillary area.

Indications for use:

  • Osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis of intervertebral joints, spondylosis;
  • Kyphoscoliosis I-II degrees, scoliosis;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Radiculopathy, intercostal neuralgia;
  • Compression fractures of vertebral bodies;
  • Intervertebral hernia;
  • Post-traumatic and post-operative rehabilitation;
  • Instability of the thoracolumbar vertebrae.

In treatment pathological conditions human spine applied wide range techniques, starting with conservative therapy and ending with surgical intervention. Often, special orthopedic devices are used to correct posture, fix the spine in the correct position, and relieve pain. Types of orthopedic correctors, their classification according to purpose, methods of application - these issues will be discussed in our article. Here we will figure out how to choose a corset for the spine, what to pay attention to first.

Concept and functions of an orthopedic corset

An orthopedic corset is a product medical purposes, made of elastic fabric that allows air to pass through. Orthopedic corsets are used with therapeutic purpose for curvatures, injuries and various diseases of the spine.

The corset also has built-in tightening straps. Corsets are sold in pharmacies and stores medical equipment. Products can also be made according to individual parameters, but will cost much more. Such spinal corsets, the prices of which vary depending on the manufacturer, are made according to the precisely measured measurements of the patient. The price level for such products starts from 200 USD. e. The main purpose of the orthopedic corset:

  • fixation of damaged vertebrae in any part of the spine;
  • removing the load from the damaged area and its correct redistribution;
  • eliminating tension from the muscle corset;
  • correction of spinal column deformity;
  • warming effect;
  • micromassage

Stiffening ribs, made of plastic or metal, can be adjusted to the shape of the spine (metal) or non-adjustable (plastic inserts). At the same time, it is very important that the person wearing the corset maintains maximum mobility. These devices cannot be made at home. They should only be purchased at specialized sales points.

Classification by purpose

Depending on which part of the spine needs to be affected, corsets are classified as follows:

  • Orthoses are corsets used for injuries to the cervical spine, instability of the vertebrae or their deformation. Products help stop muscle spasm or pain syndrome. Orthoses are also used during the rehabilitation period after operations. According to the degree of rigidity of corsets
    made soft or hard. It happens that vests with a head holder are made to fix the cervical vertebrae.
  • A chest corset for the spine covers the chest and lower back and is used for osteochondrosis, as well as during the rehabilitation period after operations.

  • Corsets for the lumbosacral region cover the pelvis, lower back and part of the chest. Available in varying degrees of hardness. In addition to osteochondrosis, they are used in the case of arthrosis, scoliosis, and radiculitis.
  • Correctors are soft belts that are used primarily for the prevention of scoliosis in children and the correction of minor postural disorders in adults.

Classification by degree of hardness

According to the degree of hardness, they are distinguished:

  • Rigid - corsets that are used in cases of serious curvature of the spine, injuries, fractures. This type of bandage consists of a vest or belt into which rigid plates are sewn.
  • Semi-rigid corsets, the main function of which is to maintain the spine in the correct position during sports or intense physical activity.

  • Elastic - corsets that do not contain rigid inserts, but consist only of elastic bandages. Such corsets are intended to form correct posture or correct irregularities in the position of the vertebrae. Often used to prevent scoliosis in children and adolescents. The age at which a child’s spine can be corrected using a corset is considered to be 11-16 years.
    Among elastic corsets, there is another subtype - warming belts. These products are made of neoprene - a material that is highly breathable. Inner side The corset is made of wool: camel, dog, sheep. Lightweight warming corset belts are used for back pain due to neurological disorders, i.e. for radiculitis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis.

Types of elastic correctors

An elastic corset is a type of corrective bandage that forms correct posture. There are several types of such devices:

  • Straps are a bandage whose operating principle is very simple. Straps cover the front shoulder joints in the shape of a figure eight. As soon as a person's posture deviates from the correct position, the belts dig into the body and force it to straighten.
  • A magnetic corset for the back (spine) is a bandage along the spinal column, into which magnets are sewn, creating a magnetic field. Under the influence of the field, blood flow in the muscles increases. This leads to strengthening of the muscle corset. Regarding this design, orthopedists are divided into two camps: some are confident in the benefits of the device, others question the effect.

  • An electronic corset is a small device with a diameter of several centimeters that looks like a coin. The device is attached to the skin using Velcro or to underwear using a clip. The sensor remembers the correct body position and sends signals if your posture is incorrect. The signal can be sound or in the form of vibrations. The device is considered to be a very effective tool.

Corsets for spinal fractures

Among various pathologies of the spine, the most serious are fractures, for which corsets are used as a therapeutic agent. The corset fixes the spine, relieves the load on the damaged part and prevents vertebral fragments from moving, which is important. For spinal fractures, wearing a corset is prescribed 10-14 days after the injury. The wearing period, depending on the degree of damage to the spinal column, varies from 30 to 60 days. An orthopedic corset is also widely used after. Usually, for the above pathologies, one of two types of corsets is used:

  • plaster;
  • metal-plastic.

The plaster corset is performed exactly according to the patient’s individual parameters. This corset firmly fixes the spine, relaxes the back muscles, and promotes rapid bone fusion. The advantage of such a product is its low cost. Of course, a huge disadvantage of a plaster corset is low mobility patient enclosed in such a device. The length of time a plaster corset needs to be worn depends on the patient’s age, severity of injury, etc. In addition, the corset can rub in the area of ​​bony protrusions, so a layer of cotton wool must be placed between the skin and the plaster.

Metal-plastic corsets have a number of advantages over plaster corsets - they are smaller in size, give the patient freedom of movement, look more aesthetically pleasing, but are much more expensive than the latter. In addition, they are functionally no different from plaster.

Compression fracture and spinal hernia

In medicine, there is the concept of a compression fracture of the spine - this is damage to the column in one of the departments, as a result of which the vertebral body is deformed, changes in size, and takes the shape of a wedge. Most often, a compression fracture occurs as a result of a fall from a height, an unsuccessful dive into water, a blow to the head, as well as osteoporosis - a decrease in bone density. Most often the disease occurs in the thoracic and lumbar spine.

There are several ways to eliminate this pathology - surgery and conservative therapy. Conservative, in addition to minimally invasive methods, involves the use of corsets to fix the spine. In case of a compression fracture of the spine, the corset rigidly fixes it, removing part of the load from it, thereby allowing the damaged vertebra to recover over time. This is very important question because if a compression fracture is left untreated, over time the damaged vertebra can put pressure on nerve roots or on spinal cord, causing the development of new pathological conditions.

One more serious illness the spine is intervertebral hernia. This is a pathology in which the intervertebral discs, due to a rupture, can bulge and put pressure on the nerve roots of the spinal canal. Swelling occurs in the area of ​​the pathological process. All this leads to pain symptom and partial loss of sensation in the legs. Most often, a hernia occurs in the lumbar spine. It is believed that in most cases the pathology is a consequence of osteochondrosis. At conservative treatment acupuncture is the most commonly used vacuum therapy together with the use of an orthopedic corrector. In this case, a semi-rigid or rigid lumbar corset for a herniated spine will not only have a warming effect, but will also reliably fix the vertebrae. The selection of a corrective product is carried out in accordance with the location of the pathology, as well as how quickly after the onset of the disease measures are taken to correct the situation.

Indications for use of the corset

Wearing a corset or belt may be required if:

  • Back pain from any part of the spine. The nature of the pain can be different - acute or aching. Pain syndrome may be accompanied by numbness of the limbs.
  • Dizziness, which is accompanied by loss of consciousness.
  • Shooting pains in the lumbar spine.
  • Postoperative period, rehabilitation of the body after injuries. For example, an orthopedic corset is often used for a compression fracture of the spine.
  • The need to correct posture.
  • Preventing the development of osteochondrosis.
  • To reduce the strain on your back in case of severe physical labor, sports loads, during prolonged sedentary work.
  • For scoliosis. Here we should dwell in more detail on the stages of the disease.

As a rule, there are three stages of spinal curvature. A corset is not prescribed for treatment; therapeutic measures are limited to exercise therapy, massage, swimming, and physiotherapy.

The second stage of the disease involves the use of a corset, and to correct posture it is necessary to wear the product constantly for up to 6 hours a day. In more severe cases, the corset is removed only for sleep and hygiene procedures.

To treat stage 3 scoliosis, the corset must be worn almost around the clock, with breaks for sleep and hygiene procedures. Unfortunately, this measure only allows you to stop the development of the pathology; a complete cure for the disease is impossible.

How to choose a corset for the spine?

When choosing a corset for the spine, it is important to adhere to several rules.

  • Choose the right size. To do this, you need to know certain body parameters. When choosing a department, an important indicator is the circumference under the chest when inhaling. When choosing a corset for the sacral spine, you need to focus on waist size or lumbar circumference. Semi-rigid and rigid corsets should be selected strictly in size, taking into account individual characteristics body and only as prescribed by a doctor. What to do if body parameters lie between standard sizes? in that case? You should always choose a slightly larger product. This rule is based on the fact that small size the corset will compress the internal organs and prevent normal blood circulation in them. Not only will this not fix existing pathology spinal column, but will also lead to aggravation of the problem and the occurrence of other diseases. The corset should support, not squeeze.
  • The outer fabric from which the corset is made should be light and elastic. The inside of the product should be made of cotton.
  • In a high-quality corset, the rigid inserts are reliably insulated.
  • A good corset has adjustable straps for a secure fit. The straps are wide and soft and should not press or cut into the skin.
  • The product must not contain any allergenic components that can lead to rashes on the body, swelling, or difficulty breathing.

How to wear a corset correctly?

Before the corset becomes part of the human body, the patient must get used to the product. As a rule, it is recommended to wear a corset-corset for two hours a day during the first week, then add one hour each subsequent week, bringing the wearing to six hours. It is recommended to wear a corset for at least three months until a person develops the habit of correct posture. This time, of course, may vary depending on the individual situation. When improvements are observed in the state of health and the doctor makes a decision about the prospect of canceling wearing a corset, the “countdown” begins. This means that you need to reduce the time you wear the corset by one hour every week.

If a person spent 16-20 hours a day with a corset, the time of wearing the product is reduced gradually, by 1-2 hours per month, during the first six months, then the rate of reduction in time of use can be increased. In such a situation, the withdrawal period takes a year and occurs only under the supervision of a doctor. After the brace is not used by the patient, there is an observation period during which the patient's condition is periodically monitored by a doctor using x-rays. This period can last up to four years.

The electronic corrector can be worn constantly during active times of the day, taking a break only for sleep, sports, and hygiene procedures.

There are, however, contraindications to the use of orthopedic corsets, for example, skin diseases in the acute stage.

You should always remember that a corrector is not a panacea and the greatest help in restoring the spine comes from strengthening the muscle corset through constant physical training(swimming, gymnastics) and massage.

Thus, in our article we examined the most current issues related to orthopedic products. We found out how to choose a corset for the spine, what to pay attention to, and in what cases to use it. The main thing to remember is that the need to use a corset is determined only by a doctor, and the most effective are spinal corsets made to individual parameters. The prices, however, for such correctors are very high.



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