All about castor oil. Oil for warts and papillomas

Castor bean - the basis for castor oil

Castor oil (castor oil) is made from the seeds of a medicinal plant called castor bean (Ricinus communis L). The oil is produced by cold pressing (squeezing) or hot pressing. Cold pressing produces oil of higher quality, which is why it is used in medicine and cosmetology.

Castor oil has a viscous consistency, transparent or yellowish in color, can smell slightly like wax and has an unpleasant taste. Freezing point -16 degrees Celsius.

Castor oil is 80% ricinoleic acid fats, the remaining 20% ​​is a mixture of oleic acid and linoleic acid fats. It is precisely because of the presence of a large amount of ricinoleic acid in its composition that castor oil has so many beneficial properties.

Due to its composition, castor oil does not dry out and does not form a film, but it can become more viscous.

Applications of castor oil

The uses of castor oil are very extensive, but most often it is used for medical purposes and cosmetology. The main internal use of castor oil is to relieve constipation and cleanse the intestines.

Externally, it is often used for cosmetic purposes to care for hair, eyebrows, eyelashes and facial skin. As part of ointments and balms, castor oil is used to soften the skin, strengthen hair, get rid of dandruff, treat ulcers, wounds and burns.

For constipation

Good remedy for constipation

For constipation, castor oil is used in a dosage of 15 to 30 g (1 tablespoon) for an adult; for children over 12 years of age, the dosage is from 5 to 15 g (1 teaspoon).

Castor oil has an unpleasant taste, so it is better to wash it down with something, such as orange juice, so that there is no gag reflex. The effect of administration occurs 4-8 hours after administration.

Colon cleansing

The use of castor oil is effective for cleansing the intestines. Before cleansing, it is recommended to go on a diet for several days, and the last meal should be 5-6 hours before the start of cleansing.

  • Another way is lemon juice with castor oil. The amount of castor oil will depend on your body weight, because... You need to take 1 gram of castor oil per kg of weight. You will need 2 times more lemon juice, because... For 1 gram of castor oil you need 2 grams of lemon juice. Then the warm castor oil is washed down with lemon juice. After cleaning, it is recommended to follow the diet for several days.

External use

One of the external uses of castor oil is to remove age spots. The oil is gently rubbed onto the area of ​​age spots for 10 minutes, 2 times a day for a month. This procedure helps make stains less noticeable or get rid of them completely.

To remove papillomas, the above procedure is performed 5 times a day.

To remove calluses and corns, castor oil is rubbed into the pre-steamed skin of the feet, after which cotton socks are put on.

For hemorrhoids, castor oil is applied several times to the damaged areas. There are cases where regular use of castor oil helped get rid of hemorrhoids.

Application in cosmetology

The easiest way to use castor oil in cosmetology is to use the oil in its pure form for application to the skin and hair.

Castor oil for hair

The effect of using castor oil

Castor oil helps strengthen hair, give it volume, and also get rid of dandruff. Different masks perform different functions, below are the most common masks that you can make at home.

For hair growth you need to mix castor oil with kefir and dry oil with water, then mix everything together. Use all ingredients in equal quantities. The resulting mask must be applied to the scalp and left for 1 hour, but it can be done earlier if a burning sensation occurs.

For hair loss I use a mask based on castor oil, honey, aloe juice and onion juice. To obtain a mask, you need to mix all the ingredients in the proportions of oil, onion juice and honey - 1 tbsp. spoon, aloe juice - 2 spoons. The resulting mask is applied to the scalp and gently massaged.

For dry hair You can use a yeast mask. 2 tablespoons must be poured into 2 tbsp. spoons of warm water and leave to ferment. While the yeast is swelling, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of castor oil, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 egg yolk. Pour the resulting mixture with fermented yeast and stir again. The resulting mask moisturizes dry hair and gives it natural shine.

For oily hair use a composition of 3 servings of fresh green parsley, 1 serving of castor oil and half a serving of cognac (can be replaced with vodka). Mix the ingredients and rub into the scalp. The resulting mask eliminates the cause of oily hair and normalizes sebum production.

Fix the problem split ends A mixture of equal proportions of the following oils will help: castor, burdock, olive, linseed. Treat the ends of your hair with the resulting solution. The mask glues hair scales, saturates it with vitamins and carefully cares for it.

To solve a problem rare hair and a mixture of castor oil, lemon juice and vodka in equal proportions will help make your hair thicker. The mask must be applied to the hair and left until the morning.

Weak hair will help strengthen the mixture in the following proportions:

  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Castor oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Rosemary essential oil – 2 drops;
  • Bergamot oil – 2 drops.

The resulting mixture must be applied to your hair overnight. The oils in the mask strengthen and restore weak hair and make it silkier.

For eyelashes

Effect for eyelashes

Castor oil awakens dormant follicles of eyelashes and eyebrows, glues their scales together, giving them smoothness, and also nourishes them with vitamins.

The course of eyelash treatment with castor oil is 3-4 weeks, because... Irregular use of oil will not have a positive effect on eyelashes. The oil is applied 3 times a week for 1 hour; if there are more serious problems, the oil can be left overnight.

  • for convenient application of oil, use an old, thoroughly cleaned mascara brush,
  • Before applying castor oil, rinse your face thoroughly,
  • try not to use a lot of oil,
  • apply the oil in a thin layer so that it does not get into your eyes,
  • It is advisable to leave the oil on the eyelashes overnight.

In some cases, the use of castor oil can cause conjunctivitis.

For eyebrows

Effect of application on eyebrows

Castor oil for eyebrows has a number of beneficial properties: accelerates hair growth, restores thickness and nourishes eyebrow hair.

To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to treat your eyebrows at least 4 times a week, although it is better to do it daily. The effect of using castor oil on eyebrows should be expected no earlier than six months later, but some women note a positive effect within a month.

Step-by-step instructions for use:

  1. Wash your eyebrows and the skin next to them with shampoo.
  2. After moistening a cotton pad with castor oil, carefully wipe the eyebrow in the direction of hair growth, then take a clean swab and repeat the procedure for the second eyebrow.
  3. The next day, rinse your eyebrows and skin with water.

If it is not possible to leave the oil on your eyebrows all night, then it is recommended to treat your eyebrows for at least 30 minutes. Minimum time on eyebrows is better than skipping the procedure, because... Regularity is important to achieve positive effects.

For beard

Castor oil also has a positive effect on beard hair, reducing breakage and hair loss, as well as making the beard thicker.

Before use, wash the beard with shampoo, then apply castor oil in the direction of hair growth. After an hour, wash the beard with warm water.

Castor oil for face

With regular use of castor oil, it has a number of beneficial qualities for the face:

  • moisturizes dry skin,
  • has a rejuvenating effect,
  • smooths out wrinkles,
  • eliminates age spots and freckles,
  • has a whitening effect.

Castor oil for the face is most often used in combination with other oils, such as olive, etc.

Before using castor oil on the face, you need to check for an allergic skin reaction to the oil. To do this, apply a small amount of oil to the inner surface of the elbow. If there is no painful reaction (burning, itching, redness) within 10-20 minutes, then you can safely use castor oil on your face.

Castor oil when combined with other oils can have a rejuvenating effect in the fight against wrinkles. But castor oil and other oils fight superficial wrinkles, so you shouldn’t count on getting rid of deep wrinkles.

For nails

The use of castor oil for nails allows you to give a good appearance not only to the nails themselves, but also to the cuticles. Nails become softer and less brittle.

The best way is to rub warm castor oil into your nails and the skin around them every day for 10 days. After the course, take a break for 10 days and then repeat the course again.

Castor oil during pregnancy

Benefits and harms

Castor oil is used in medicine and cosmetology and has many beneficial properties due to its composition. It has a positive effect on the intestines, hair, skin and nails.

Although castor oil has a wide range of useful qualities, it has some contraindications:

  • children up to 12 years old,
  • pregnancy,
  • acute forms of gastrointestinal tract disease,
  • individual intolerance to the components in the composition.

Where to buy castor oil

You can buy high-quality castor oil at a pharmacy without a prescription. It is usually produced in liquid form or in capsules (0.5 g or 1 g).

If you are going to use castor oil for internal use, then it is better to buy it in capsules, so you will not feel its unpleasant taste.

One of the forms of castor oil release

The cost of castor oil is not high and starts from 22 rubles for a 30 ml bottle.

I hope this article helped you learn not only what castor oil is made from, but also the beneficial properties of castor oil for the human body.

Watch the video “6 secrets of castor oil”:

Daily application of mascara is an integral part of makeup, but it does not have the best effect on the condition of eyelashes. Some women solve the problem of insufficient thickness with extensions, but this procedure does not go without a trace. Fortunately, there is an alternative. By using castor oil for eyelash growth, it is quite possible to restore their natural thickness.

This method does not require much cost or effort. However, before starting the procedures, you need to find out how to apply castor oil to your eyelashes, how long to keep it on and whether you can always use it.

Castor oil is used in medicine and cosmetology. In Europe, this remedy was used already in the 18th century. It is produced from the seeds of the common castor bean and contains the most important fatty acids - oleic, ricinoleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic.

The benefit of castor oil for eyelashes is to nourish the hair follicles, which activates their growth and eliminates excessive fragility and loss. After a course of procedures, the density is restored and the color becomes more saturated.

Benefits and harms

Castor oil is a powerful restorative and nourishing agent for skin and hair. It actively moisturizes and has a healing effect. When taken orally, the product improves intestinal motility, helps cope with constipation and intoxication.

The potential harm of castor oil is associated with the possible occurrence of individual intolerance. When applied topically, it can provoke itching, burning and other allergic manifestations. Getting the product into the eyes sometimes causes conjunctivitis, and excess castor oil can cause the eyelids to swell.

Indications and contraindications

External use is indicated for hair loss, brittleness, dryness and slow growth of hair, acne, and blackheads on the face. Castor oil can also be used for hyperkeratosis, ulcers, burns and wounds on the skin.

The drug is prescribed internally for constipation, food poisoning, to cleanse the intestines before diagnostic procedures. An absolute contraindication is an allergy to the drug.

Methods of application

Strengthening eyelashes with castor oil is possible in two ways - without additives and in the form of a mask with a combined composition. Additives include fat-soluble vitamins, oils, and medicinal plants.

In its purest form

This method of using castor oil for eyelashes is very simple. A slightly heated product is applied to the hairs, allowed to work, and then washed off.

Only food-grade castor oil is suitable for eyelashes. When using alcohol-containing solutions, there is a risk of damage to the skin of the eyelids and conjunctiva.

Recipes based on castor oil

Eyelash treatment with castor oil becomes more effective if you add additional ingredients to it. Proven recipes:

  • Vitamin mask with castor oil for eyelashes. Combine 4 drops of castor oil with 1 drop of tocopherol oil solution (can be replaced with retinol). The product will give the hairs velvety and elasticity.
  • Mask with carrot juice. For 5 ml of castor oil, take 3 drops of juice and mix thoroughly. The mixture will make the eyelash shade more saturated.
  • Aloe mask. Add 3 drops of vitamin E and aloe juice to a teaspoon of castor oil. The mask strengthens hair follicles and stimulates growth.
  • With parsley. Take 1 tsp. burdock oil, castor oil and add to them 1 tsp. chopped parsley leaves. The resulting paste is applied to the eyelids, being careful not to get into the eyes. The mask is recommended for severely damaged eyelashes.
  • With oils. Castor oil is mixed with wheat germ oil, as well as grape, flaxseed, almond and burdock in equal parts (2-3 drops each). The product activates growth, gives a healthy shine and restores density.
  • With Vaseline. Ingredients: castor oil (5 g), petroleum jelly (8 g) and vinylin (2 g). The product promotes regeneration and nutrition of hair follicles.
  • With herbs. Oil extracts of chamomile and calendula are combined with castor oil (all ingredients are taken in equal proportions). The mixture strengthens hair follicles and accelerates metabolic processes.
  • With fish oil. To activate eyelash growth, mix castor oil and fish oil in equal proportions.

These same recipes can be used to restore the shape of your eyebrows.

How to apply and how long to keep on?

How to use castor oil for eyelashes? How long to keep the product? You should start by removing makeup and washing your face.

Let's consider the algorithm for using castor oil for eyelash care:

  1. Warm the product in the microwave for about 5 seconds.
  2. If you are using lenses, they will need to be removed.
  3. Using a clean brush from an old mascara, spread castor oil or a mask based on it over the eyelashes, moving from the middle to the ends. It is better to use a brush with regular rather than silicone bristles. If you don’t have a brush, cotton swabs will also work, but before applying the product you must squeeze them against the edge of the jar.
  4. Remove excess composition with a cotton pad.
  5. Leave the product on the eyelashes for 40–60 minutes. The duration of action of oil masks is similar, combined - 10-15 minutes.
  6. Dry your eyelashes with a tissue and wash with water. In the morning you can use regular cosmetics.

The instructions for using castor oil for eyelashes recommend using the product 1.5–2 hours before bedtime. An excessively long procedure leads to swelling of the eyelids, so you should not keep the oil until the morning, hoping to increase efficiency.

How often can you use castor oil for eyelashes?

Eyelashes should be treated with castor oil for 2–3 months. During this period, the product in its pure form is applied daily, masks - 2 times a week. Treatment courses should be repeated periodically.

The best period for eyelash health is spring and autumn. To maintain normal thickness and volume, it is useful to do masks with castor oil regularly. One or two procedures per week will be enough.

When will the effect be noticeable?

Using castor oil to care for eyelashes, you can notice improvements in a fairly short time. After just a month, the hairs will become thicker and their color will become brighter.

Castor oil for eyelashes is popular among the fair sex as an effective and affordable restorative agent. With its help, you can make your eyes more expressive without extensions and other expensive procedures.

Useful video about castor oil for eyelashes

Castor oil has been successfully used for many decades in medicine, perfumery and cosmetology, as well as in everyday life, industry and pharmaceuticals. In folk treatment it is a proven and effective medicine, and in home self-care it is a real secret of youth and beauty. At the same time, every year new ways of using castor oil, which is familiar to many, are being discovered.


Useful properties and uses of castor oil

Castor oil is extracted from castor bean seeds by cold pressing. Surprisingly, the seeds themselves are poisonous and are prohibited for consumption. The main share in its composition is occupied by ricinoleic acid, which belongs to the class of Omega-9 fatty acids. It is used for cosmetic, therapeutic and preventive purposes.

All recipes are easy, affordable and versatile. They are ideal for use at home and provide quick and lasting results.

Castor oil is a multifunctional plant product. It is used independently or as a valuable component in other cosmetic products. Oil care is suitable for face, body, hair. This procedure is especially useful for dry and sensitive skin, brittle and damaged strands, thin and peeling nails.

Attention! Recipes for treatment with castor oil have been known since ancient times. No wonder a bottle of it is kept in almost every home to this day.

Castor oil is used as an effective laxative for constipation, it helps with upper respiratory tract infections, skin lesions and abscesses. It saves you from warts, papillomas, age spots and freckles. You can drink castor oil to lose weight and expel worms. They lubricate hemorrhoids during exacerbation, heal burns and traces of insect bites.

Castor oil in folk cosmetology and medicine

Castor bean oil has a high density, it is viscous and does not form a film. To increase absorption capacity, it is mixed with other cosmetic oils that are more liquid in consistency. For example, with almond, grape seed oil, olive, coconut, sea buckthorn and others. This is a useful ingredient in homemade masks. The best result is observed when combined with honey, egg, avocado pulp, ginger shavings, fruits, berries, lactic acid and other products.

For hair

Castor oil is a well-known recipe for long, manageable and thick hair. The oil prevents hair loss, eliminates dandruff, restores damage, retains moisture, and nourishes the bulbs. The easiest and fastest way is to rub a few drops into the scalp and lubricate the ends. If the strands are dry, then the product can not be washed off. If you tend to get oily, your hair should be rinsed with water and the juice of half a lemon. It is better to dry them naturally.

For any hair type, it is useful to make an oil mask once a week. For this procedure, castor oil or its mixture with burdock oil is used in a 1:1 ratio. The product must be thoroughly rubbed into the roots and distributed over the entire length. To enhance the effect, warm your head. To do this, you first need to cover it with polyethylene and then wrap it in a towel. Leave the mask on for at least half an hour, or better yet, an hour. Then rinse your hair well.

If you leave the mask with castor oil overnight, the result of the transformation will be noticeable in the morning. The hair will become soft and elastic, shiny and manageable.

Mask for strengthening and growth of hair

Honey – 1 tbsp. l.
Castor oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Egg – 1 pc.

Combine all ingredients, grind them to a paste. Gently distribute the thick mixture over the strands, first with your hands, and then comb with a fine-toothed comb. Wrap your hair in a plastic bag and towel. Leave the mask on for an hour. Next, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Mask against baldness and gray hair

Beef marrow bone – 1-2 pcs.
Castor oil – 2-3 tbsp. l.

First, you need to remove the bone marrow from the bones and measure its amount with a tablespoon. Add an equal volume of castor oil to it. Bring the mixed ingredients to a boil in a water bath. Cool the mass, and then store it in glass and only in the refrigerator. Rub the hardened substance into the scalp 2 times a week. Provide warmth to the mask using a bag or cap and a terry towel. Keep it for at least 40 minutes. It is better to wash off the composition from your hair first with soap and then with shampoo.

Video: Recommendations for choosing and rules for using hair oils

For eyebrows and eyelashes

Castor oil promotes the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes, making them thicker. To achieve a noticeable result, it is better to carry out the procedure in a course lasting 1 month. Every day or every other day, in the morning and evening after washing, a cotton swab should be dipped in oil and lubricated at the very base of the eyelashes, as well as the eyebrows. Remains of the product from the face must be removed with a cotton pad or blotted with a paper napkin. Mascara can be applied only after an hour, when the beneficial substances are completely absorbed.

On a note! Many people use a brush from mascara that has already run out or has dried out to apply oil to the rivers.

For nails

Castor oil strengthens nails, eliminates brittleness, and accelerates the growth of the nail plate. The easiest option is to rub a drop into your nails every day and add the substance to the cream. The herbal remedy helps soften the skin of the hands, prevents the occurrence of calluses and cracks between the fingers. You can combine it with vitamins A and E. Additional components improve regeneration, eliminate dryness and irritation.

If the surface of your palms has become dry and your nails have deteriorated, then it’s time to make a special night mask. To do this, before going to bed, you need to generously lubricate your brushes with oil, and put on cotton gloves on top. In the morning, the skin of your hands will become soft and velvety. This procedure will be especially relevant during gardening, when skin and nails require increased attention and care.

For face

Castor oil is a universal anti-aging and beauty preserving agent. It shows results both at the early stage of the appearance of wrinkles and with severe age-related changes. The procedure is simple. Rub a few drops between your palms and then apply to cleansed facial skin. All movements must be carried out along the massage lines. A good effect is obtained if you lightly “drive” the oil into the skin with your fingers. Wipe off excess with a paper napkin.

Castor oil is one of the few that is suitable for the delicate skin of the eyelids and around the eyes. It smooths out wrinkles, eliminates bags under the eyes, and protects against premature aging.

Daily use of castor oil instead of cream helps get rid of age spots. To enhance the whitening effect, you can add 2 drops of lemon juice to the oil base. When distributed to a point, it makes freckles less noticeable. In summer, this procedure additionally moisturizes and protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. It is important not to forget to blot your face with a napkin after applying the product. The paper absorbs its excess and eliminates oily shine.

For body

With regular use of castor oil, the surface of the body also becomes firm and elastic, it is possible to reduce stretch marks and get rid of cellulite. It is especially useful for cracked, dry and flaky skin. A good option is a combination of oil care with an intense massage. Castor oil can also lighten scars and make scars on the body less noticeable.

Use of castor oil in treatment

The use of castor oil in folk medicine is based on its analgesic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire digestive system and simulates intestinal motility well. Rubbing with the product helps with colds and coughs. Castor oil is suitable for use internally and externally.


Castor oil taken orally on an empty stomach is an effective and fast laxative. It has been used to treat constipation since ancient times. A laxative effect should be expected within 3 to 8 hours. Children are allowed a single dose of 1-2 tsp; it is better to mix it with juice to make it easier for the child to swallow the substance. Adults are recommended 1-2 tbsp. l. in its purest form.

Castor oil compresses

Warming compresses are suitable for children and adults. They are used for coughs, runny nose, colds, and sore throat. They cause a rush of blood to the problem area, thereby relieving inflammation and discomfort and speeding up recovery.

To do this, heat a spoonful of castor oil in a water bath and soak a small piece of fabric with it. Apply the finished bandage to the chest, back, throat - depending on the symptoms of the disease. An important rule: ensure that the heat is retained and keep the compress for at least 2 hours.

Rubbing muscles and joints

Rubbing oil into painful areas of the body: joints, spine, muscles - helps relieve pain and relieve inflammation. It is useful to mix the product with other medicinal oils: mint, walnut, sesame, flax, peanuts, mustard and others. Indications for the use of oil rubs are arthritis, arthrosis, gout, osteochondrosis and other diseases, as well as muscle strain after sports.

Oil for warts and papillomas

The procedure for removing various skin growths is simple, but requires discipline. It is necessary to lubricate the formation itself and the area around it daily with oil. You can do this 2 times a day, in the morning and before bed. During the procedure, it is unacceptable to injure a wart or papilloma. In most cases, they dry out and fall off on their own. This only happens after 1-2 months of treatment.

To heal damage

Wounds, abrasions, cuts, and insect bites heal faster and easier if castor oil is applied to them. It is known that this recipe came from the distant past, when healers treated people exclusively with natural remedies. The natural product also eliminates fungal infections of nails and skin. The method of application is similar - daily rubbing until completely cured.

For calluses and corns

Castor oil quickly heals cracked heels and effectively softens calluses and corns on the feet. To do this, you need to make a foot bath and then rub castor oil into the steamed skin.

For weight loss

Castor oil is a combination of unsaturated essential fatty acids Omega, it can improve health and make a person feel better. Against the background of general health improvement and restoration of normal metabolism, a gradual weight loss and appearance transformation occurs. Additionally, the product has a mild diuretic and laxative effect.

The recipe for losing weight is to ingest one spoon of oil before each meal. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

Video: Merits of castor oil: youth, beauty, good health, long life

Precautions, contraindications, side effects

Castor oil is an allergenic product. Therefore, if you are prone to an allergic reaction, it should be used with caution. In case of increased skin sensitivity, oil application begins with minimal doses. It is better to first try the product on inconspicuous areas of the body, and only then on the face. Castor oil can be harmful during pregnancy, causing premature birth.

Warning! Any type of treatment with castor oil at home should be agreed with a doctor.

The indication for external use of cosmetic oils or products prepared on their basis is dryness and flaking of the skin. If you are prone to oiliness, such procedures can be harmful, cause blockage of the sebaceous glands and provoke the appearance of acne. A suitable option for oily skin types is to use light essential oils that are not sticky at all and are absorbed instantly.

When purchasing castor oil at a pharmacy, it is important to look for the one that is extracted by cold pressing. It retains the maximum concentration of nutrients. The product obtained by the hot method or extraction process comes out of low quality and contains chemical compounds in its composition.

Castor oil contains undecylenic acid, which is effective in fighting fungal infections (mycoses). This substance is used in the treatment of herpes, psoriasis, dermatitis, lichen, seborrhea and other skin diseases. With regular external use, a person's local skin immunity increases.

Castor oil is a sought-after product in the field of veterinary medicine. They treat bruises, cuts, and wounds in pets. Pets are given castor oil internally against worms and to cleanse the body. It is used to remove ticks from cattle, cats and dogs.

In everyday life, castor oil restores smoothness and elasticity to natural leather products and prevents them from drying out. With this product you can take care of shoes, clothes and accessories. It has water-repellent and restorative properties.

Vegetable oils have long been used in traditional medicine recipes. One of them is castor, obtained from the African castor bean bush. It is a yellowish liquid, the use of which produces many miraculous effects. Below you can study information about what castor oil is used for.

What are the benefits of castor oil?

Among all oils, castor is the most viscous and dense. According to the first sign, it is 18 times ahead of sunflower. It can also be considered more affordable. The beneficial properties of castor oil do not end with strengthening nails, eyelashes, eyebrows and hair, so it is practically impossible to find a replacement for it with the same range of effects. The oil extract is obtained by hot or cold pressing the seeds of a plant called castor bean. The second method results in a higher quality product that is used for cosmetic or medical purposes.

The composition of this product includes acids - oleic, linoleic and ricinoleic. The latter takes up almost 90%, i.e. is the main one. It also contains some stearic and palmitic acids. The peculiarity of castor oil is that it does not dry out and does not form a film. Its use can be external or internal. Using each of these methods, a specific disease is treated. In addition to many physical properties, castor oil has an additional advantage - low price.

For external use

The use of castor oil externally brings great benefits for diseases and skin problems, among which are the following:

  1. Warts. To remove them, massage with castor oil twice a day, performing circular movements.
  2. Calluses, rough skin. Castor bean oil extract softens the skin of elbows, heels and feet in general. To do this, moisten a cotton cloth and apply it to the problem area for an hour.
  3. Hair. If they fall out, you need to massage the scalp with castor oil. This massage will help cope with the problem.
  4. Skin irritation, wounds, scars and inflammation. You can apply castor oil extract to eczema, frostbite, shallow wounds, dry areas, hemorrhoids, stretch marks, bruises and even burns.
  5. Problems related to gynecology. Compresses with castor oil reduce pain during menstruation and promote the resorption of lumps in mastopathy.

The laxative property of castor oil is used for weight loss. Due to this effect, waste and toxins are removed from the body faster, which is necessary for getting rid of excess weight. In addition, the benefits of castor oil also manifest themselves in the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and this fact is also important for normalizing weight. Even nutritionists often advise their patients to consume this product.

What is castor oil for?

In addition to these points, the properties of castor oil are also manifested in whitening facial skin, removing acne, blackheads, and smoothing wrinkles. The use of this natural component helps fight age spots. You can also rub it into the area of ​​back pain or even joints with a disease such as arthritis. In addition to all of the listed therapeutic effects, castor oil has a general strengthening effect and is also used simply to prevent these problems.

In cosmetology

Castor oil is used in cosmetology to improve the condition of hair, nails, skin and eyelashes. Here are some instructions on how best to use the product at home:

  1. Before going to bed, apply alone or with vitamin A to the eyelids and eyelashes. Repeat for 2 weeks.
  2. Combine 1 tsp. castor oil with 0.5 cups of kefir. Distribute the mixture over your hair, wrap your head in plastic and a towel, and after half an hour, wash off the mask.
  3. Rub castor oil extract into cuticles and nails daily.

As a laxative

The laxative effect of castor oil is achieved by influencing intestinal receptors, enhancing peristalsis. This healing property appears within 5-6 hours after administration. You can use the remedy for constipation in 2 ways:

  1. In its pure form in the amount of 1-2 tbsp. l. at a time.
  2. In the form of gelatin capsules, 15-30 pcs. within half an hour (not all at once). For children, the dose is reduced to 10 pieces.

Just a few decades ago, children were frightened of castor oil as a bitter medicine. An image of a bottle with the inscription “Castor oil” can be found in many children's books. In some illustrations, she simply stands next to the bed of a sick child. But there are also menacing pictures that depict howling babies being offered a spoon with medicine.
Today, valuable castor oil is more often used by adults, especially women. This simple and inexpensive product has a good effect on hair growth, improves skin condition, and smoothes out wrinkles. But for some reason the fairy tales were silent about this...

Castor oil (CA) is prepared from the seeds of a fast-growing plant - castor oil. Most of the oil consists of glycerides, which determines its viscosity and viscousness.

Its viscosity is 18 times higher than that of sunflower.

There is a special type of oil - Jamaican (black). Its characteristic color is due to the roasting process followed by “boiling” the seeds. Experts say that this oil has even more beneficial properties.

Beautiful skin is the merit of castor oil

KM, according to cosmetologists:

  • nourishes the skin
  • moisturizes the skin
  • perfectly cares for dry and aging skin
  • gives skin elasticity
  • smoothes out small wrinkles.

BUT! It is not recommended to lubricate your face with CM in its pure form if you are prone to allergic reactions! This is due to the high content of ricinoleic acid in it. It is she who can cause allergies. Therefore, as a precaution, it is better if it is a mask of castor oil mixed with other components.

Castor oil against skin aging.

If wrinkles appear on your face, pigment spots and skin begins to sag, castor oil can change this situation, stop it and even reverse it. Just apply KM in a thin layer on your face before going to bed. This oil contains natural substances that soften the skin, and its high molecular weight allows castor oil molecules to easily penetrate the skin.

If you make castor oil masks as a regular evening ritual (with breaks, of course, as you should in any use of cosmetics), you will earn the highest points for your skin.

Masks with castor oil.

Nourishing mask:

  • 2 teaspoons KM;
  • 1 teaspoon of raw potato puree;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of milk;
  • 1 egg yolk.

Has a good nourishing effect on the skin. The warm mass is applied in a thick layer not only to the face, but also to the décolleté area. Take the mask in a horizontal position.

Mask with fruits and vegetables:

  • 1 part castor oil;
  • 3 parts pulp.

If you mix KM with fruit pulp (persimmon, peach, banana or apricot) you will get a mask for dry and aging skin.

If mixed with cucumber, strawberry or currant pulp, it will lighten freckles and age spots. For the best effect, you should add kefir or lemon juice to this mixture. The mask is more suitable for oily skin, as it has a tightening effect.

If mixed with watermelon pulp, the mask tones the facial skin and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

If you enrich the composition with cottage cheese or full-fat milk, you will get a mask for dry, chapped or sun-dried skin.

Castor oil in masks - rules:

  1. The ratio of castor oil to fruits (and vegetables) in masks should be 1:3 (KM 1 part – fruit pulp 3 parts.
  2. These masks are applied for 15-20 minutes.
  3. then washed off with warm water. You should not endure the burning and tingling sensation. If such a reaction occurs, it is better to wash your face immediately.
  4. If you don’t have time to make masks, you can enrich your face cream with castor oil. This method will allow you to take care of your skin regularly.

For those who are not prone to allergic reactions, I would like to recommend a patch with CM. It is applied at night and perfectly smooths out fine wrinkles around the eyes.

A patch with CM for crow's feet is especially effective.

KM also wonderfully softens and rejuvenates the skin of the hands and heels. Of course, this takes time. Ideally 10 procedures – 10 days in a row – once every 3 months – for those who want to improve the appearance of their hands and feet.

For heels:

  • generously lubricate the soles of your feet and heels with castor oil;
  • wrap in cling film or plastic bag:
  • wear a cotton sock;
  • go to bed;
  • In the morning you take everything off and wash it off.

The effect, although small, is visible after the first time. If you cannot go to bed with a bag on your heels, sit with the oil for 1.5-2 hours.

For hands:

  1. It’s good to just periodically lubricate your hands with castor oil as a cream
  2. Apply generously to your hands, wear disposable gloves and walk for 1-2 hours. You can apply castor oil to your hands when working in the garden, wearing thin rubber gloves on top. And save your manicure from dirt and pamper your hands.

Castor oil is an antimicrobial drug for skin infections

If warts and papillomas:

  • lubricate KM several times a day
  • apply pointwise and cover with adhesive tape
  • apply to a cotton swab, apply to the area with the wart (papilloma) and cover with a band-aid (change 2 times a day).

Castor oil - healthy hair and full eyelashes

Not everyone knows that the beauty and strength of hair largely depends on the condition of the scalp. Women have been using this hair oil for a long time, the use of this product gives positive results. Regular application of CM to the hair roots ensures not only a healthier appearance, but also deep nutrition. Hair becomes thick, shiny and resistant to damage.

If castor oil is applied to the ends of your hair, it will stop splitting.

Its only drawback is that it is difficult to wash off. This is due to the ductility and viscosity of the oil. Therefore, to make it easier to apply and wash off castor oil, hair masks are prepared in a mixture with other liquid oil that nourishes the hair. This could be: olive, sesame, cedar oil.

Mask against hair loss and hair growth:

  1. take 2 tablespoons of KM and 1 tablespoon of thinner oil (you can even)
  2. stir and heat slightly in a water bath
  3. Dipping your fingertips into the mask, rub it into the hair roots
  4. cover your head with a plastic cap and towel and leave for 1.5-2 hours (can be overnight)
  5. wash off with your usual product. But you will have to wash it off twice.

Many women use castor oil for eyelashes, the use of this product is very justified. Some claim that castor oil gives a boost to new eyelashes. Although this has not been scientifically confirmed, I think that if an eyelash was initially laid there and it simply fell asleep or froze due to external aggressive influences or poor nutrition, the oil can wake it up.

But don't forget about the eyebrows. You can apply oil regularly with a mascara brush.

To make your eyelashes and eyebrows grow chic and lush, prepare an infusion of seeds in castor oil. You will notice the effect within a week. Usma is the most powerful hair growth accelerator, and in combination with castor oil, the effect will be obvious.

before - 3 months - after


Castor oil has an anti-inflammatory effect. The simplest thing is to massage the sore spot using oil. Or you can use the “castor package”. It is done very simply:

  1. a piece of linen (or flannel) fabric is folded into 3-4 layers
  2. the oil is heated in a water bath
  3. flannel fabric is soaked in heated oil
  4. the moistened cloth is placed on the affected joint or inflamed area
  5. cover with plastic wrap
  6. put a heating pad on top
  7. lie down for 45-60 minutes

This use of castor oil also helps cleanse the liver. At the end of the article, I posted a video that talks about this treatment method and shows how to do it. It's in English. But since everything is shown in detail, even those who do not speak English can understand how to prepare everything (this is an addition to the process described above). The process of making a “castor packet” begins from the 3rd minute.

Little things to remember

This information is for those who decide to verify the effectiveness of castor oil in practice:
A. When choosing an oil for cosmetic purposes, preference should be given to the one produced by cold pressing. It retains more beneficial properties than hot-pressed oil.
B. Not all types of castor oil can be taken orally, so you should read the information on the package before use.
B. If redness and itching appear on the skin after applying CM, it means that an allergy has occurred and it is not advisable to use it.
D. Jamaican (black) oil should have a characteristic ash smell. Unscrupulous manufacturers may sell oil with dyes that has not been fired.



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