There is an acute pain that is constant. Pain and painful sensations

Nocigenic (somatic) pain - pain that occurs when nociceptors of the skin, mucous membranes, deep tissues are irritated (in musculoskeletal system) or internal organs. The nerve (nociceptive) impulses arising in this case, following the ascending nociceptive pathways, reach the higher parts of the nervous system and are reflected by consciousness, as a result the sensation of pain is formed. Somatic pain is usually well localized. Examples: pain due to burns, skin damage (scratches, injuries), joint pain, muscle (myofascial) pain, pain due to sprains, bone fractures.

Visceral pain is pain originating from the soft tissues (cavitary) of internal organs. Such pain is the result of irritation of receptors localized in the walls of internal organs. Examples: pain in the heart (with angina), in the chest (against the background colds, tuberculosis), stomach pain ( peptic ulcer), intestines (with constipation), liver (hepatic colic), pancreas (with pancreatitis), kidneys and bladder (renal colic), etc. Neuropathic pain is pain resulting from damage to the peripheral or central nervous system. Such pain is not explained by irritation of nociceptors (the sensation of pain occurs even in a healthy organ). Usually marked painful sensations in response to low-intensity (normally not causing pain) irritants. For example, a light touch, a puff of air or combing your hair with trigeminal neuralgia causes a “pain volley” in response. Such pain, in particular, can occur in conditions of inflammation, damage to nerves or other components of the nervous system. Damage to the nerves or the influence of inflammatory factors on them (edema, inflammatory mediators, acidification of the intercellular fluid at the site of inflammation, etc.) lead to an increase in their sensitivity (excitability) and conductivity. Examples: neuralgia trigeminal nerve(against the background of inflammation), toothache(against the background of infection and inflammation), joint pain (against the background rheumatoid arthritis), lower back pain (for example, due to herniated discs in lumbar region, causing compression of the nerve roots), etc. Psychogenic pain (“phantom”, or psychalgia, or somatoform pain) is pain caused by mental, emotional or behavioral factors. This type of pain is usually difficult to treat. conservative methods, in particular with the use of analgesics. If they are accurately established, the prescription of antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs is required. Examples: pain after amputation surgery, some cases of headaches, back pain and stomach pain

All people have felt pain at one time or another. The pain can range from mild to severe, appear once, be constant, or come and go periodically. There are many types of pain, and often pain is the first sign that something is wrong with the body.

Most often, doctors are consulted when sharp pain or chronic pain.

What is acute pain?

Acute pain begins suddenly and is usually described as sharp. It often serves as a warning about a disease or a possible threat to the body from external factors. Acute pain can be caused by many factors, such as:

  • Medical procedures and surgery(without anesthesia);
  • Bone fractures;
  • Dentistry;
  • Burns and cuts;
  • Childbirth in women;

Acute pain can be moderate and last literally seconds. But there is also severe acute pain that does not go away for weeks or even months. In most cases, acute pain is treated for no longer than six months. Typically, acute pain disappears when its main cause is eliminated - wounds are treated and injuries heal. But sometimes constant acute pain develops into chronic pain.

What is chronic pain?

Chronic pain is pain that lasts longer than three months. It even happens that the wounds that caused the pain have already healed or other provoking factors have been eliminated, but the pain still does not disappear. Pain signals can remain active in the nervous system for weeks, months, or even years. As a result, a person may experience pain-related physical and emotional states, preventing normal life. The physical effects of pain are muscle tension, low mobility And physical activity, loss of appetite. On emotional level Depression, anger, anxiety, and fear of re-injury appear.

Common types of chronic pain are:

  • Headache;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Back pain and in particular lower back pain;
  • Pain in the side;
  • Cancer pain;
  • Arthritis pain;
  • Neurogenic pain due to nerve damage;
  • Psychogenic pain (pain that is not associated with past diseases, injuries or any internal problems).

Chronic pain may begin after an injury or infectious disease and for other reasons. But for some people, chronic pain is not associated with any injury or damage at all, and it is not always possible to explain why such chronic pain appears.

Our clinic has subject matter experts on this issue.

(9 specialists)

2. Doctors who treat pain

Depending on what and how it hurts, and what causes the pain, the diagnosis and treatment of pain can be carried out by different specialists - neurologists, neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, oncologists, therapists and other doctors of specialized specialties who will treat the cause of the pain - a disease, one one of the symptoms of which is pain.

3. Diagnosis of pain

There are various methods, helping to determine the cause of pain. Besides general analysis symptoms of pain, special tests and studies may be performed:

  • Computed tomography (CT);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • Discography (examination to diagnose back pain with the introduction contrast agent into the vertebral disc);
  • Myelogram (also performed with the introduction of a contrast agent into the spinal canal to enhance x-ray examination. A myelogram helps to see nerve compression caused by herniated discs or fractures);
  • Bone scan to help identify abnormalities bone tissue due to infection, injury or other reasons;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs.

4. Pain treatment

Depending on the severity of the pain and its causes, pain treatment may vary. Of course, you should not self-medicate, especially if the pain is severe or does not go away. for a long time. Symptomatic treatment pain may include:

  • Over-the-counter pain relievers, including muscle relaxants, antispasmodics, and some antidepressants;
  • Nerve block (blocking a group of nerves with an injection local anesthetic);
  • Alternative Methods pain treatments such as acupuncture, hirudotherapy, apitherapy and others;
  • Electrical stimulation;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Surgical treatment pain;
  • Psychological assistance.

Some pain medications work better when they are combined with other pain treatments.

I'm in love with what is, not because I'm a spiritual person,
but because arguing with reality is painful.

(c) Byron Katie “Loving What Is”

None of you will ask what is pain because there are no people who have never experienced pain.

Something may hurt you constantly or suddenly, chronically or “oh”...

Something “hurts you to look at”; someone’s words can be very painful. Sometimes your soul hurts so much that you want to howl at the moon.

As they say now: if nothing hurts, check to see if you are dead.

Sometimes the pain is so strong that you curse it and want to get rid of it... You exclaim - in general, why is pain needed?!

Needed. Today I want to express gratitude to pain, because she guides us through life.

Because pain is the most important thing instrument of the universe reach us.

Pain is a signal, sometimes there is already a hammer knock on the crown, that something is wrong, something has broken. Wake up, pay attention to where it hurts.

We'll look at what you're being warned about today.

  • physical pain,
  • emotional pain,
  • mental pain,
  • spiritual pain,

What is physical pain

On physical level pain is a sign violations in a certain place normal processes body. For example, the flow of blood, lymph, oxygen - any flow that should flow there.

But pain is especially often associated with muscle spasm.

Somewhere in the body, in which there are at least half a thousand muscles, a spasm occurs, blood flow is disrupted, and the supply of oxygen and nutrition to a certain organ deteriorates.

And the longer this lasts, the more muscles nearby are drawn into this process (the first muscle friend is no longer a helper, but a hindrance) - the stronger organs that depend on these “hardened” muscles begin to suffer from “starvation” and pressure and are sick.

Surely, many people love back massage, especially relevant in our age of sedentary work and computers.

A pleasant effect, everything was put in place... oh, how everything clicked!

And what? For how long? No.

The stone muscles will still warp and pull the entire spine back.

You can argue - what about, for example, a runny nose, what does the muscles have to do with it?

Runny nose, like many external manifestations illnesses, only defensive reaction body.

Some nasty thing (virus or bacteria) tries to settle in you, and the body washes it out as best it can - by sneezing and coughing, or secreting mucus.

But this dirty trick has clung on, because somewhere in the body there are already problems and holes, the organs responsible for the immune system are “sick”.

And they get sick because there the flow is blocked.

And as you already understand, doctors talk about physical flows, but we also know about energy.

Pain and fear will age anyone

If the pain arose at the physical level, the muscles are already in a “block” - which means that at the level of the subtle bodies you have already missed what caused this block.

And this, most often, fear.

Exists physical fear, emotional fear, omnipresent mental fear and spiritual fear.

No one will argue that fear immediately manifests itself physically.

The original wild natural fear should have activated us to protective actions– the heart began to beat, hormones began to flow into the blood, breathing became faster and run or fight. That is, before, fear did not get stuck in us, but was thrown out.

And now?

External expression of fear is suppressed and settles in the muscles.

The boss reprimands, the company makes noise in the yard - shoulder muscles in block, we retract our necks (without noticing, automatic reaction!) and “we’ve arrived.”

Emotional pain

Most of the blocks in us come from fear, born in emotional or mental level.

Emotions are registered in our body, which for some reason has better memory than we needed when memorizing the multiplication tables.

How often it hurts from spoken words, especially from loved ones! Hurt!

Hello...Are you trying to be good to everyone again? Are you waiting again or are you demanding to be loved?

Wake up! Think, ask - what kind of fear is sitting there that is hurting you so much?

Ahh... in childhood, were you so “hit” by your father’s words that now you are not able to hear the person, but you hear in his words something that he himself would be stunned by your interpretation?

Have you taken everything personally again, are you my exceptional one?

This pain on an emotional level will make you cry, scream...

It is necessary to understand, at least mentally, why it hurts and what to do about it.

But more often we do this with chronic pain that sits like a block in the body.

Resentment breeds fear of relationships and problems grow like a snowball.

“My head is pounding” from thoughts

Blocks resulting from mental damage are the scourge of our time.

Now we are all “educated”, we read a lot, surf the Internet... we also watch TV. Have you noticed how many smart, but unhappy and sick people there are?

Only a person can speculatively build so much fears for the future, relying on the past (and also on other people’s experience, and not just your own).

Are you familiar with “What injustice! I worked and worked - and now, nothing. This is so painful to realize!”

Hurt?! Have you set up plans? A mountain of persuasion, how it should be and how it shouldn’t? And a whole Himalaya of expectations? And the fear that they won’t come true?

Here you have a rockfall and it hurts.

Knock-knock, I am the Universe, I’m sorry, but you only hear pain... programs, rejection of me and my manifestations, such as they are, is wrong...

Energy gets stuck in your blocks and it hurts! It hurts, what would you heard myself!

By the way, about the TV. You are trying to eat right, thinking that your health greatly depends on it, but can you imagine what a vitamin carrot, gnawing while listening to a news broadcast, brings into your body?!

By the way, for some reason we are better react to sharp and unexpected pain.

My head hurts a lot - we usually stop “thinking” for at least some time. Our legs hurt sharply - we’ll sit down (suddenly we’ll realize that walking is scary).

But the quiet ones chronic pain for years ignore.

It’s not my job, I don’t like it and don’t want it, my back aches every day, my eyes are dry from this accounting, but... it’s okay, it’s like everyone else, and new job can't find it, etc...

Unfortunately, chronic pain is already a many, many, many times fed block of energy. He is already like a stone, which is getting darker and heavier.

(by the way, if you think that these are curses, even from past lives, then how we feed them ourselves their behavior and thoughts, no “demons” could dream of).

Lose heart

Pain at the level of the Spirit This rather a state hopelessness, misunderstanding and rejection of the entire universe, one’s role and mission.

Even with outward well-being, you want to “howl at the moon”...

Fear the meaninglessness of life, inability to live.

Unfortunately, the physical pain may come too late. By denying himself in this world, a person declares that he foreign cell of this universal organism... how cancer cell.

“I’m working on myself, growing spiritually, why am I getting worse?!” Why do you sometimes feel aching melancholy and loneliness, a reluctance to live, devastation in finances or relationships...

Typically, physical pain appears already late stages diseases. Although a complete revision of your ideas and beliefs, your life form works wonders.

So listen to your Pain, thank it, don’t look for those to blame, sometimes rummage less about the past, and just decide to live in a new way.

How to get rid of pain

1. Listen to your pain

Determine its location and source. If physical, then exactly where and how it hurts. Try to “see” it in color, in streams. Determine the problem area and organ as accurately as possible. Do words and behavior hurt you? What exactly is this emotion?

2. Ask for help

How more pain and the longer it is, the more it takes your attention and strength. There is no need to flatter yourself that you can handle it yourself, since you are the mistress of your life.

If pain or illness is seriously bothering you, then the energy level is clearly not magical and therefore we go to the doctors.

There, too, stick to the golden mean and don’t immediately throw yourself under the scalpel, consult, weigh yourself, read what they wrote out there and decide for yourself. Don’t go to extremes with self-medication either.

If the pain is emotional, seek support from friends or psychological groups.

3. Breathe through the sore spot.

While it hurts, it’s very difficult to think about anything else. Therefore, we concentrate on the place of pain and "breathe" through him.

Inhale with your heart and exhale into the pain. Imagine the pain somehow dark spot and “wash away” it with a flow of energy.

4. Find energetic sources of pain

Read how diseases are related to our energy blocks from Louise Hay, Liz Burbo or Sinelnikov. And here the most important thing is to change what causes the pain.

Our body - powerful tool, possessing a bodily mind that instantly transmits to us information about everything that happens to us.

5. Express emotions

The pain can be suffocating. There is resentment and a sense of betrayal. I want to scream or cry.

Cry and scream, live the emotion, whatever it is. Beat a pillow if you need emotion release physically. If you leave the emotion to yourself, it will settle in you as physical pain.

When you calm down, catch what caused this emotion. Any words? Something seen? Maybe not words, but tone?

You can calm down deep breathing and counting to 10... or to 100.

It is also advised to find the Observer state. Often, from the outside, your own reaction and behavior can surprise and seem funny.

There are simple “tools” you can use to avoid getting involved in conflict or to get out of an emotionally charged situation.

6. Thank the pain for the warning.

Accept your pain and even be grateful for the signal. Perhaps you think that work brought you to this point or constant stress at home, ecology or something else, but alas, this is not so.

This is simply an attempt to shift responsibility for your own choice. Pain is precisely what tells you that you need to change something in your life. You do not accept some part of yourself, you “punish” yourself for it with pain.

7. Perform Pain Healing Rituals

I remember how I wrote a letter to my illness (very painful!), that it was killing me, but if I died, she would have nowhere to live.

You can make fun of yourself by drawing yourself and the “pain” and erasing it with an eraser. You can “wash it off” in the shower, singing about your health.

You can bargain with pain, for example, promise to take care of the diseased organ (and do it!)

8. Turn to a Higher Power

If it is still not clear what exactly in your life made the Universe knock painfully, talk to your Higher Self, go to the Pyramid and ask what you need communicate this pain.

The Pyramid of Light and Power is a technique transmitted by Archangel Michael to create a pyramid of Light of the 5th dimension to solve any problems and self-healing.

Meditate, ask the Universe what beliefs, what thoughts, what childhood “memos” bring this pain.

For example, something seems unfair and “hurts to look at” - these are your beliefs about good and bad and decreased vision as a result.

It is interesting that very old centenarians have good vision, because they love life, accept all its manifestations and, in general, are cheerful people.

9. Be physically active

Help your energy, your Guardian Angels physical actions. You can negotiate, you can drive energy flows, but your body already hurts.

And that means body will have to work. Find a balance between nutrition, physical activity and your thoughts.

Fossilized muscles still necessary wake up and stretch. Dance, do yoga, walk, jump with your kids, and crawl with your dogs.

At least sometimes, when you put a piece of food in your mouth, ask yourself if it’s good for me (just ask yourself, not scientific articles, for which it is better not to eat anything at all).

Pamper your body so that it knows that you love it. And think about what you are doing and what think.

Modern spa salons offer a full range of services: from massage and aromatherapy to swimming pools and thermal baths with beautiful music and lit candles.

Of course, at first it is very difficult to accept and, even more so, to be grateful for severe and long-term pain.

But if you take an honest look at your life and remember:

  • How exactly did pain help you? part with what is unnecessary and find something new;
  • stopped me from doing something irreparable;
  • made me pay attention to myself and my true values;
  • if you are a mother and brought you your baby, then it’s not so difficult thank the universe that she found anyway way to reach you.

Activation of Unconditional Love by Chakras

These short meditations will help you activate Unconditional Self-Love in every chakra of your physical body.

Pain is a reaction human body for illness or injury. Although the pain is an unpleasant feeling, she is playing important role– it is a warning signal that all is not well with us. When we feel pain, we try to eliminate the factor that caused it.

Different people react to pain differently. Our experience of pain depends on the severity and extent of the injury, as well as on our psychophysiological pain perception status.

Did YOU know?

Pain should be treated even if it is the result of an illness. Timely use of painkillers helps speed up recovery.

What should everyone know about pain?

There are several types of pain. People describe their feelings in different ways. For example, sometimes there is a strong but short-term headache in the temple area. Also, as a result of the spasm, pain may occur in the abdominal area, but it is difficult to say where exactly it hurts. Injuries can cause pain in knee joints. And there are a lot of such descriptions of pain.

Where does the pain occur?

Somatic pain is pain that occurs in the skin (superficial), muscles, bones, joints or connective tissue(deep). Pain that occurs in the internal organs is called visceral.

How long does the pain last?

Pain that lasts a short period of time is classified as acute pain. In most cases it is caused by inflammation. When the inflammation is eliminated, the pain goes away. But when the pain continues for a long time, we talk about chronic pain.

What types of pain can you treat on your own?

You can independently relieve acute somatic pain, which manifests itself mildly or moderately. Choose the method that suits you best:

  • physical therapy or chiropractic
  • massage
  • acupuncture
  • stress management
  • medicines

You can try several various options pain relief in order to find one that completely satisfies you.

When should you see a doctor?

  • if the pain is very severe
  • if acute pain lasts more than 10 days
  • if observed elevated temperature that lasts more than 3 days
  • if it is impossible to determine what is causing the pain or if the pain occurs in internal organs (visceral pain)

Why do you need to know about pain?

Controlling the intensity and nature of the pain will allow you to become more aware of it and thus help you avoid it. Your doctor will need as much information as possible about the nature of your pain in order to select the appropriate therapy for you. This is easier to achieve if you have Diary of Pain.

Why does pain occur?

There are several reasons that cause pain:

  • diseases, injuries, surgical interventions
  • pinched nerve
  • disruption of nerve integrity (injury or surgery)

Sometimes the cause of the pain is unknown.

Various impacts (for example, cuts, broken bones, etc.) lead to irritation pain receptors. From these receptors to nerve fibers impulse is transmitted to the central nervous system. At this moment we feel pain.

At the same time, so-called local inflammatory factors. These substances additionally irritate nociceptors. We say that the damaged area begins to cause us pain. Some factors (for example, prostaglandins) are also involved in pain and inflammation.

What medications should I choose to relieve pain?

Drugs that reduce pain are called analgesics. The term "analgesic" is of Greek origin and means "without pain."

There are several types of analgesics. At the same time, only those analgesics that are intended for mild treatment and moderate pain, can be used for self-medication. These drugs rarely cause side effects or their side effects are minor.

For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are most often used. This is a group medicines, which have analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

NSAIDs interfere with the synthesis of prostaglandins, mediators of inflammation, which can result in pain.

The KRKA company produces a drug that belongs to the NSAID group.



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