Restoration of flora in gynecology. Vaginal suppositories for normalizing microflora in women

We are used to going to the perfume departments of stores to buy cosmetics. And for this purpose we never look at pharmacies.

And there, by the way, on the shelves you can see a lot of interesting healing products that will help solve skin problems.

So, today we’ll talk about a topic like Apharmacy cosmetics for problem skin .

To care for problematic facial skin, in addition to conventional cosmetics, you will also need appropriate pharmaceutical cosmetics

All skin is divided into types: normal, dry and oily. And the last one is called problematic. The pores on such a face are constantly enlarged, and dirt gets clogged up in them. As a result, black plugs appear, which are called comedones.

All this provokes inflammatory processes , because clogged skin is unable to breathe. As a result, she acquires Red color , shiny greasy shine , and on it are formed purulent pimples .

Conventional cosmetics are not enough for skin care. The formation of acne on the face is classified as a disease, and it is called “acne”. So, pharmaceutical cosmetics for problematic facial skin will come in handy.

Selection of cosmetics

When choosing pharmaceutical cosmetics for problematic facial skin, you should carefully study its composition

If you have skin problems, you should not use ordinary cosmetics from boutiques. Moreover, most of these remedies can be harmful. You should not purchase peels and scrubs, or perform microdermabrasion at home. All this can provoke the appearance of microcracks, and, therefore, new foci of inflammation.

It is better to remove dead epithelial cells on oily skin with healing, gentle products - exfoliating masks. They perfectly even out the skin, healing it and refreshing it.

But it’s not enough to just remove dead scales from your face - complex care required . For this purpose, a whole line of drugs is being developed that give a good effect through a complex effect. So, in addition to masks, the arsenal should contain creams, tonics, mousses, gels, foam . All this is a special pharmacy cosmetics for problematic facial skin.

Cosmetics selected for the treatment of problem skin (cleansing and moisturizing) must not contain oils .

A specially selected composition allows you to keep the work of the sebaceous glands under control, protecting the skin from inflammation.

Suitable composition

If you are interested in pharmaceutical cosmetics for problematic facial skin, you should carefully study the composition included in the preparations. You need to choose cosmetics that contain active substances with a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect: azelaic acid, allantoin, panthenol, bisabolol.

And here elements of animal origin and synthetic fragrances should be completely absent from the composition, because are a strong allergen for oily skin. It is better that dyes and preservatives in cosmetics are present in very small quantities. And the most important thing - these drugs should not contain alcohol, because This is a strong irritant that provokes additional fat production.

The Exfoliak line is intended for the care of oily (in particular, acne) skin

The following formulations will help relieve inflammation, soothe problem skin and tighten pores:

  • vitamins (group B, C, E, A, F);
  • chemical components: acids – boric and salicylic, malic and citric, lactic, glycolic and so on.; oxides – magnesium and zinc; sulfur, copper;
  • anti-inflammatory components: talc, menthol, camphor, alum, borax, kaolin;
  • plant extracts: chamomile, horsetail, calendula, aloe, celandine, ginko beloba and the like;
  • essential oils: primrose, lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, etc.

A balanced composition of pharmaceutical preparations will transform problematic skin into healthy and beautiful.

Problems solved by pharmaceutical cosmetics for problematic facial skin

Pharmacy cosmetics created for problematic facial skin , thanks to its components helps regulate many processes:

  1. First comes removal of dead scales, which clog the pores, clogging the sebaceous channels. This process is called keratization.
  2. While cleaning pores sebaceous plugs become soft and easy to remove.
  3. In cleansed pores bacterial growth is reduced, which provoked the appearance of purulent rashes.
  4. Regulates sebum secretion fat production decreases.
  5. Pores become smaller and skin becomes smoother.

As a result all these actions increase immunity skin, and she will look healthy.

Therapeutic cosmetics from the pharmacy

Line “Face without problems” from “Floresan”

To make it easier to navigate cosmetics with healing effects sold in pharmacies, you can consider some of them in this article.

  • Line "Exfoliak" refers to pharmaceutical cosmetics for problematic facial skin. Cosmetics are calculated for the care of oily skin and especially damaged acne . The series contains many drugs that allow you to treat and correct defects, relieve inflammation and redness, even out color and provide matte finish.

    When choosing cosmetics from Kosmoteros GROUP, pay attention to the age group

  • Line “Face without problems” from “Floresan” - quick-acting drugs that give a good effect. Bacteria are destroyed, pain is reduced, swelling and redness are eliminated. Cosmetics have a good drying effect.

  • "Kosmoteros GROUP" issues very high quality cream for problem skin . The substances included in this product suppress pathogenic flora with their antibactericidal properties. But when choosing this drug, pay attention to age group, for which it is designed.

    "La Roche-Posay" is a global brand that has won a name for its quality products

  • "La Roche-Posay" is a global brand that has gained a name for its quality products. All medicinal cosmetics produced by the company, contains thermal waters , which contain many useful microelements (such as selenium). Under the influence of the products, the skin is moisturized, inflammation is relieved, bacteria are killed, and a tightening effect is observed.

    Bioderma cosmetics allow you to care for facial skin with any problems

  • "Bioderma" boasts several lines (there are 8 in total) that allow you to care for skin with any problems. Here combating pigmentation and dehydration, protecting against ultraviolet radiation and treating oily skin . Preparations of this brand give quick results and have a prolonged effect.

The list of various products sold in pharmacies is endless. It’s better to just look at the nearest pharmaceutical facility and familiarize yourself with the products available there, carefully studying the ingredients, and check the certification.


When buying pharmacy cosmetics for problematic facial skin, do not forget that they are more effective when used as a whole line. As for oily skin, then The kit should contain the following drugs:

  • A product used for washing. It can be gels or foams.
  • Antibacterial agent that tightens pores and regulates seborrhea, – tonics, lotions, emulsions.
  • Masks or creams(and possibly 2 in 1), containing hydroxy acids.
  • Applicator, which used precisely.
  • And as an additional means - moisturizing and mattifying creams and UV protection.

There is no need to immediately buy the entire set of the series you like - just stop first at a cream or mask to care for problem skin. After experimenting for a couple of weeks and concluding that the drug works great and you do not have an allergic reaction to it, you can go to the pharmacy to buy the missing funds.

The spot applicator should be used several times throughout the day.

All purchased medications should be used regularly , otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved. Hygiene procedures must be carried out 2 times a day – after sleep and at night . The same applies to creams - one of them is daytime, the other is nighttime.

Applicators that help relieve inflammation should be used several times throughout the day.(if possible). A It is enough to apply therapeutic masks 2-3 times a week .

In cosmetology, skin prone to rashes, irritation, acne and comedones is usually called problematic. For serious skin problems, you should contact a cosmetologist. But, regardless of the condition, proper, gentle care for problem skin is important. This will help avoid the occurrence of new inflammations, effectively carry out treatment and restore skin functions.

Reasons and rules of care

Although there are many other adverse factors, the main cause of skin inflammation is hormonal imbalance. Increased production of androgens - sex hormones, increases the production of sebum. And this is an excellent environment for the development of microbes: inflammation occurs, acne and pustules appear. The areas most susceptible to the disease are those with a large number of sebaceous glands: the nose, forehead, chin, décolleté and shoulders.

Rules for dealing with problem skin:

  • You should never open or squeeze out inflamed comedones or pimples. Such actions can provoke new inflammations and cause scarring.
  • Avoid using cosmetic products that are too drying to your skin. For problem skin, use more delicate gels and foams that do not cause peeling.
  • Wash carefully: do not use hot water, gently wipe the skin, and then pat dry with a soft towel.
  • Choose special decorative cosmetics. It should not contain harmful components. Replace compact powder with loose powder.
  • Protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation. Its impact can cause even bigger problems.

Using special cosmetics for problem skin

Daily care for any skin includes standard procedures:

  • makeup removal;
  • washing and regular cleansing;
  • hydration and nutrition.

Use high-quality products for sensitive skin that do not cause allergies and have a mild effect. They should not contain alcohol or other components that disrupt the alkaline balance and dry out the skin. This will provoke even more fat secretion and worsen the problem.

To deep cleanse your face, use fine scrubs with soft ingredients. This will protect the skin from scratches and the appearance of new foci of inflammation.

In addition, the following medications are needed:

  • having antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • reducing sebum production;
  • normalizing fat metabolism and narrowing pores;
  • soothing and regenerating.

Special scrubs, foams, masks and gels will help relieve inflammation, even out complexion, and eliminate oily shine. Cosmetic companies offer a large number of care products. As always, the choice is yours.

Products for the care of problem skin in the Roskosmetika online store

Products for problem skin are designed to solve a whole range of problems. The complex action of professional products provides gentle care and significantly improves the appearance and condition of the epidermis and dermis. This section of the catalog presents high quality cosmetics for effective and safe care for problem skin. The result of its regular use will be healthy and clean skin.

Enjoy the visible effect of using the best cosmetic products!

The site sells cosmetics wholesale and retail. With us you can:

  • buy care for problem skin in an online store in Moscow with delivery throughout Russia;
  • find out the cost of products for problematic facial skin: the price in the catalog on our website is from 14 to 30,199 rubles

Acne and acne, irritation and pimples, oily shine - not only teenagers during puberty are well familiar with all these problems. However, even at the age of 25–40, men and women suffer from skin rashes.

To solve the problem, medicinal cosmetics for problem skin are a whole group of special preparations. They are developed and manufactured by various pharmaceutical companies around the world.

The French are recognized as the leader in this direction, but suitable products can also be found among domestic manufacturers.

Attention! The drugs are offered in pharmacies, they have received safety certificates, and therefore are adopted by dermatologists and cosmetologists.

You should visit a dermatologist when one or more signs of a problem appear:

Numerous large and small moles, rashes of various etiologies, dry problem skin - all this also requires a visit to the doctor to prescribe treatment.

The specialist will suggest using drugs with a certain composition.

It is important! You can use medicinal cosmetics at home, but it is better to avoid self-medication.

The doctor, together with the patient, selects products taking into account the characteristics of the skin and the existing problem.

But a quality product should not contain components of animal origin, alcohol, or synthetic fragrances.

Instead, the composition may include:

  • water;
  • menthol or kaolin;
  • vitamins C, F, F, E, as well as group B;
  • panthenol;
  • sulfur or zinc;
  • magnesium oxide;
  • various fruit acids;
  • tea tree oil, lavender, eucalyptus;
  • extracts of chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, celandine, aloe, yarrow, nettle.

Such components in the drug provide anti-inflammatory, septic, antibacterial effects.

The preparations offered by cosmetic companies are designed to cleanse and tighten pores, normalize the production of subcutaneous sebum, ensure normal healing of pimple and acne scars, and prevent the appearance of scars.

Therapeutic creams for problem skin, as well as facial washes, gels, powders and other products are designed to:

Competent selection of products – from medicinal to decorative cosmetics


A high-quality therapeutic foundation for problem skin is a mattifying product that does not clog pores, and therefore does not cause acne or comedones.

The foundation contains components that have an anti-inflammatory effect, well moisturize the epidermis, and smooth out wrinkles. But the main thing is that they create an even tone, allowing you to hide all the flaws on your face.

Attention! Selecting a therapeutic foundation for problem skin should take into account its characteristics. Various cosmetics are offered for oily, dry, problem and even combination skin!

It is important to consider that:

  1. For oily skin, you should not use formulations with oils. Such products are needed for dry skin.
  2. Fair-skinned ladies purchase products with UV protection.
  3. Mature women choose cosmetics with a thick consistency.
  4. With antibacterial agents, the products are suitable for ladies with skin problems.

Mentholatum Medicated Anti-Acne– a unique product that allows you to remove excess fat, prevent inflammation, make the skin soft and moisturized.

You can also find other products on store shelves, including those from the domestic manufacturer “Green Pharmacy”. They do not need to be beaten with a special mesh, and therefore the use of the compositions is as simple and convenient as possible.


A high-quality healing powder for problem skin should contain at least three triple-ground minerals. These can be any components, including carbon, clay or zinc.

But talc or titanium dioxide, bismuth oxide should not be in such products.

Among high-quality cosmetic products, it deserves special attention BareMinerals READY, Neutrogena SkinClearing Mineral, Cover FX Pressed Mineral.


Therapeutic creams for problem skin are offered in a wide range in pharmacies. The choice will depend on the advice of the dermatologist and the condition of the skin. The buyer's budget is also of great importance.

The products from the Exfoliak line deserve attention, which refers to medicinal drugs. Here you can choose products against acne and post-acne. The products in this line will correct defects, ensure matte skin, and remove redness.

Allows you to quickly achieve excellent results. The drugs in the series not only reduce pain, but also effectively cope with redness, swelling, and rashes.

Not inferior in quality and effect and products from Kosmoteros GROUP– companies whose range includes products with bactericidal properties. These elements suppress the development of pathogenic microflora.

Attention! When choosing a suitable product, you should pay attention to the age category for which the composition is intended.

Therapeutic decorative cosmetics for problem skin is a whole line of products, which includes corrector pencils, foundation creams, powder, makeup base with various healing elements in the composition.

Such cosmetics are available in any market segment, both in the mass market and in the elite series. Dermatologists help you select products in the professional line.

As for inexpensive products, brands such as Nivea and Avon, Oriflame and Ruby Rose.

Middle-class cosmetics include Lancome and Pupa, Revlon and L'Oreal.

Particularly popular among expensive products Christian Dior, Clinique, Versace, Lancome, Nina Ritchie etc.

Effective therapeutic French cosmetics for problem skin are considered one of the most effective.

The top sellers are drugs from:

Properly selected cosmetics and special products will allow you to forget about cosmetic problems, make your skin radiant, elastic, and healthy!

Almost every woman in her life at a certain age faces various skin problems. These problems can be short-term in the form of pimples or blackheads, as well as long-term and serious skin disorders. If you have problem skin, using cosmetics is not recommended. At least that's what cosmetologists say. However, most women are not used to leaving the house without makeup. That’s why they often think that if there is such a problem, then there must be a solution. This means that there must be the best decorative cosmetics for problematic facial skin, how can we use it with the editors of the site www..

But sometimes, when you have skin problems, it’s enough just to remember a few recommendations and use them. They will help your skin look healthier and help you feel comfortable. What I mean?

The first rule that must be observed not only for girls with problem skin, but also for all representatives of the fair sex in general - do not use cosmetics of poor or questionable quality, of an unknown manufacturer, or with an expired expiration date. Most often, such cosmetics are sold at the market, in the subway or other non-specialized places or stores.

If you have problem skin, you should use foundation, powder, blush, and various makeup bases as little as possible. They expand the pores, the access of oxygen to the skin is limited and an alkaline environment is formed, which is an ideal environment for various inflammations.

To give your skin a clean and healthy look, use a special light-colored pencil as a concealer. Blush should be replaced with shadows of the desired shade, since they do not contain substances that can clog the sebaceous glands of the skin. It is best to use loose powder, as it is safer for health than compact powder.

Try to use lipstick to a minimum, regardless of the general condition of your skin. It is advisable to place emphasis on the eyes - this will highlight them and distract both your attention and the attention of others from the presence of skin defects. In this case, lipstick should be light shades.

Regardless of the condition of problematic facial skin, cosmetics should be washed off at night with a special toner, milk or foam for washing.

You need to wash your face frequently, at least three times a day with cool water.

Sponges, puffs and special brushes used when applying makeup should be washed daily with warm water and soap.

Rules for using skin care products:

* To cleanse facial skin, it is best to use a special soft peeling for problem skin. The use of scrubs will affect your face by irritation and damage to the sebaceous glands of the face.

* Never use ointments that contain petroleum jelly or petroleum jelly, as it also clogs the sebaceous glands.

* If there is inflammation on the skin, then to cleanse it, use soft cleansing lotions and various moisturizers, which contain substances that have a soothing and restorative effect. Such ingredients are avocado oil, which perfectly heals various inflammations, as well as chamomile and aloe vera extracts, calendula extract.

In addition to these plant extracts, pay attention to the mineral ingredients contained in the cosmetic product. Salicylic acid very effectively cleanses the skin of impurities, talc, zinc and magnesium oxides, and menthol dry out problem areas of the skin and soothe it.

* Avoid using greasy creams and sunscreens.

* Do not wipe the skin with alcohol, as it easily destroys the lipid layer of the skin, which protects it from moisture loss and prevents flaking. Lipids serve to bind skin particles to each other, and therefore prevent the growth of bacteria. It follows from this that with frequent use of alcohol-containing substances, the number of pimples and blackheads only increases.

* Masks clean pores well and improve skin condition, but not all, but those made on the basis of white clay.

* Instead of soap, use a special foam wash for problem skin, as soap can also destroy the lipid layer.

And most importantly, remember that you are the most beautiful girl on the planet. Confidence and sparkle in your eyes - and you are irresistible, no matter what!

To do makeup that won’t harm problem skin, you need to follow two rules: choose the right products and apply them correctly. In this article we will tell you what to look for when choosing makeup products for problem skin, and also give tips on how to use them.

Rating of products for problem skin

    Baby Skin makeup base, Maybelline New York

    This makeup primer from Maybelline New York fills pores and evens out imperfections to conceal imperfections. It can be used both as a base and as an independent product. The result is smooth and even skin.

    Fluid Master Primer, Giorgio Armani

    Another foundation that smoothes out skin unevenness and also hides imperfections. Use it to make your facial skin look smooth, matte, without visible pores and wrinkles.

    High coverage foundation Dermablend, Vichy

    • Dermablend foundation reliably masks acne due to the high content of masking pigments, while the texture is very light. It contains salicylic acid and eperulin, which gradually neutralize inflammation: you will notice the result after four weeks of use.
    • Apply foundation to clean skin with your fingers, spreading from the center to the periphery of the face and not forgetting the neck, areas on the temples and closer to the ears, as well as along the hairline. Otherwise, you may get a mask effect. If necessary, spot-apply a second layer of product on redness and any inflammatory elements to completely disguise them.

    Corrective foundation Toleriane Teint, La Roche-Posay

    © la roche-posay

    Thanks to its high coverage, La Roche-Posay fluid hides all imperfections. It spreads easily and evenly over the skin and protects it from ultraviolet radiation. The palette contains three universal shades.

    Concealer palette Master Camo, Maybelline New York

    Under the lid of this palette there are several products at once: which masks dark circles under the eyes; peach corrector that hides imperfections; highlighter that gives the skin radiance.

    Makeup setting spray De-Slick, Urban Decay

    This spray controls sebum production, so the skin remains fresh and matte for a long time. Apply after makeup from a distance of 20-25 cm from the face. Spray in a T-shape and X-shape motion.

    Makeup for problem skin: 8 rules

    Acne-prone skin cannot be cured quickly - this process is usually long, requiring effort and patience. But in order to feel comfortable and confident, skin imperfections can be hidden with makeup. What rules should you follow to do it and what means should you use so as not to provoke new inflammations? Save our cheat sheet with basic makeup rules for problem skin.

    Pay attention to the composition

    The shorter it is and the more natural ingredients it contains, the better. In general, give preference to mattifying products - using shimmers and highlighters will only highlight skin imperfections and make them more noticeable. Also add to your cosmetic bag foundations that contain salicylic acid - such products not only mask acne, but also dry them out.

    Hydrate (and mattify) your skin

To do this, use a light, non-comedogenic moisturizer, which will make your foundation last longer and your skin will look fresh. Apply it five to ten minutes before using foundation.

Apply tone according to the rules

First, choose foundations that blend with your skin tone. Secondly, carefully read their composition - the ingredients should not contain oils, paraffin and other comedogenic ingredients. Apply a thin layer.

Mineral Basics

Another option for foundation is on. These, as a rule, do not clog pores and do not cause irritation.

Don't forget about concealer

After applying the tone, use a concealer - it should perfectly match the color of both the skin and the foundation. If there is redness on your face, use green concealer before applying a concealer that matches your skin tone, and cover up dark acne marks with peach.

To apply concealer, use a special brush with elastic bristles. If you need to disguise dark circles under your eyes, use a concealer that is lighter than your skin tone and blend it until it completely matches the color of your foundation.

Less is better

If you don't need to use powder, skip this step. It should be applied only to those areas where an oily sheen quickly appears. Before highlighting your cheekbones with blush, brush the powder over the apples of your cheeks to make your makeup last longer.

Eye makeup

To avoid full eye makeup, simply apply champagne-colored shadows to the eyelid and inner corners of the eyes if you have fair skin; golden - if dark; bronze - if dark. The point is to highlight the eyes and open up the look without making the eyelids heavy. Finish with dark brown or black mascara.

Lip makeup

Choose a neutral shade of lipstick or lip gloss.

How to apply foundation to problem skin?

Hiding skin imperfections, acne and post-acne, but at the same time making makeup look natural and lasting is not an easy task. And here we are talking not only about the formulas and textures of the products you use, but also about the technique of applying foundation. What should it be like?

Moisturize your skin

To do this, use a mattifying or moisturizing cream without oils in the composition. After applying the cream, wait until it is completely absorbed. If you are short on time, blot your face with a dry cloth.

Apply primer

It should even out the tone, reduce pores and camouflage all imperfections. Then the skin will be smooth.

Apply foundation

Use one that is designed specifically for problem skin, such as Dermablend from Vichy. It will last up to 16 hours (and even longer when paired with transparent finishing powder) and will serve as an ideal base for any makeup, including evening makeup.

Apply concealer

The most effective way to disguise imperfections with concealer is to apply it to dry skin. Therefore, first blot your face with a napkin, then apply a small amount of translucent powder to redness or pimples, and only after that apply concealer using patting movements. “Tamp” it until the redness becomes invisible.

If you have acne scars, the best way to disguise them is to use a primer that fills pores and disguises uneven skin. Once you've applied it, dust the area with translucent powder and top off with concealer. The tone will be even and the skin will look smooth.

Complete your makeup

Set your makeup with translucent finishing powder - and don't overdo it: keep your movements as light as possible.

If you use eye shadow or blush in your makeup, choose products with creamy textures - they will not create a mask effect on your face and will look more natural.

What makeup rules do you follow? Write a comment.



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