What are the best vitamins before pregnancy? Taking vitamin complexes before pregnancy

There is still an ambivalent attitude towards taking vitamins during pregnancy. Some believe that the main thing is a healthy diet, which will cover the deficiency of any vitamins and microelements. Others never tire of citing figures reflecting the depleted state of the soil and, accordingly, a significant decrease in the amount of minerals and vitamins that plants growing in such “poor” conditions are able to accumulate. You can argue until you are hoarse, but the essence remains the same: the expectant mother needs a wide range of vitamins, macro- and microelements, without which the planned pregnancy may not take place, and the course of an existing one may be complicated.

The modern pharmaceutical industry is “armed” to the teeth with a huge variety of vitamin and mineral complexes intended for the period of pregnancy planning, childbearing, and even to improve lactation. But how to choose the best among the many vitamins and dietary supplements for pregnant women? This is exactly what we will try to figure out now.

Folic acid
best vitamins for planning pregnancy

Photo: www.apteka84.kz

The active ingredient is folic acid (vitamin B9). The cost of a package of tablets (50 pieces, 1 mg each) is about 40 rubles.

Folic acid is an important component that ensures the proper functioning of many systems and organs. It is involved in the synthesis of enzymes, amino acids, purines, the formation of blood cells, as well as in metabolic processes.

Advantages. Taking folic acid is important when planning pregnancy, as this substance helps to neutralize and remove the remnants of contraceptives from the body, increase the likelihood of conception and prevent a number of disorders in the fetus. Folic acid is recommended during pregnancy complicated by toxicosis, when the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia is high.

Flaws. If you take folic acid inappropriately or exceed the dosage, your body may develop a kind of “resistance” to this substance. This means that taking folic acid will be, at a minimum, useless. In addition, in case of individual intolerance, the drug can cause skin reactions - itching, rash.

conclusions. As follows from the above, a responsible attitude to dosage makes folic acid one of the best vitamin preparations for the health of mother and child, and therefore in the rating of the best vitamins for pregnant women it is given a score of 10 points.

Reviews. « An indispensable drug in every woman's purse. I started taking folic acid before conception, because I was planning a pregnancy and wanted a healthy baby, and the first trimester during pregnancy. There were no side effects, the child was healthy and hemoglobin was above normal throughout the pregnancy.».

the best vitamins for planning and in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

A complex that includes 9 vitamins and iodine. The cost of a package of tablets (30 pieces) is about 450 rubles.

Femibion ​​is intended for women planning pregnancy and pregnant women up to 12 weeks. The drug contains vitamins B, C, E and iodine - 1 tablet contains these substances in proportions that cover the daily need for these vitamins and iodine.

Advantages. Femibion ​​is designed to meet the needs of a pregnant woman and fetus during the first trimester. This means that all components of the drug are presented in exactly the quantity and ratio that allows the mother and child to provide the body with the substances they need at this stage as completely and safely as possible. Folic acid in Femibione is present in the form of a biologically active form - metafolin, which is absorbed in the intestines even in people suffering from malabsorption syndrome and other absorption disorders. This makes it possible to compensate for the lack of folic acid and prevent its deficiency, which ensures the prevention of pathologies of maternal hematopoiesis and a number of malformations in the fetus.

Flaws. The only disadvantage of Femibion ​​is its limited period of use: at the end of the first trimester, it is necessary to select other vitamin-mineral complexes that include a larger amount of minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc, etc.), which will help the proper development of the systems and organs of the fetus that are formed during second and third trimester.

conclusions. The narrow “specialization” of the drug is a guarantee that all the necessary vitamins will be delivered as intended in the quantities needed by the fetus up to the 12th week of development. Choosing a different vitamin-mineral complex will not be difficult, and this will happen later. In the meantime, Femibion ​​earns 10 points out of ten in the ranking of the best vitamins in the 1st trimester of pregnancy - for a thoughtful selection of components and a high safety profile.

Reviews. « During my first pregnancy, I had problems with hemoglobin, I was constantly dizzy, nauseous, and had circles before my eyes. The baby was born 3 weeks premature. During my second pregnancy, I started drinking Femibion ​​literally from the first week - there were no problems with hemoglobin at all! Well, the most important thing is that the health of the youngest son is much stronger than that of the eldest».

Vitrum Prenatal
best vitamins with iodine during pregnancy

A complex of 10 vitamins and 3 minerals. The cost of a package of tablets (30 pieces) is about 360 rubles.

Vitamins Vitrum Prenatal Forte contain the best combination of exactly those vitamins and microelements, deficiency of which most often develops during pregnancy. Unlike more complex multivitamin complexes, the components of which may be unsafe for the expectant mother and fetus, Vitrum Prenatal eliminates such risks (provided the drug is used correctly).

Advantages. Among the variety of vitamins for pregnant women, Vitrum Prenatal Forte occupies a special place: it is recommended for strengthening the body during pregnancy planning, throughout pregnancy and after childbirth. That is, having started taking this drug before conception, you can not change your habits until the end of breastfeeding, without worrying about possible vitamin deficiency.

Flaws. As such, Vitrum Prenatal has no disadvantages - except that you will need to take additional complexes or dietary supplements for pregnant women that contain more minerals (if the attending physician considers this measure necessary).

conclusions. The rather narrow range of minerals that make up Vitrum Prenatal Forte cannot be considered a good reason for lowering the rating: this complex contains all the most necessary components for mother and baby, so it would be fair to give the drug 10 points out of ten in our rating.

Reviews. « I drank from the 12th week of pregnancy, the baby was born healthy. Compared to other more advertised complexes for pregnant women, the Vitrum Prenatal Forte vitamin complex seemed to me the best (I tried it on myself), because did not cause problems with stool».

Elevit Pronatal
best multi vitamins during pregnancy

Photo: www.cheapchemistonline.com.au

A complex vitamin and mineral preparation, the cost of a pack of tablets (100 pieces) is about 1,350 rubles.

The drug contains almost all the necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements needed throughout pregnancy and lactation. Developed taking into account the increased needs of a woman during pregnancy for vitamins and minerals, Elevit Pronatal prevents vitamin deficiencies, metabolic disorders in the mother, as well as congenital malformations in the fetus.

Advantages. The main advantage is the well-thought-out composition of the drug, which includes vitamins A, E, D, C, B1, B6, B12, zinc, copper, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other substances, without which a healthy pregnancy and proper formation of the fetus are impossible . Elevit Pronatal is of particular value for women who, for some reason, experience nutritional deficiencies (malabsorption in the intestines, toxicosis of pregnant women, treatment with antibiotics before pregnancy, etc.). Elevit Pronatal is recommended for use by women planning to conceive throughout the entire period of pregnancy and during breastfeeding - the composition of the drug is designed in such a way as to cover the needs for vitamins and minerals in women of the listed groups.

Flaws. Considering the rich mineral composition of Elevit Pronatal, which includes calcium and phosphorus (one of the stone-forming elements), taking this multivitamin complex is not recommended for women with elevated levels of calcium in the blood or urine, with impaired absorption of iron, as well as for pregnant women who have been diagnosed with urolithiasis. disease. Another disadvantage is the lack of iodine, so women living in regions with iodine deficiency should consider taking a separate drug containing this element, or carefully monitor the presence of iodine-containing products in the diet.

conclusions. Despite two “disadvantages”, the drug is given a score of 9 points. But if you approach pregnancy (including taking Elevit Pronatal) responsibly, and first undergo an examination that will confirm normal calcium levels and the health of the urinary system, your personal rating will be 10 points out of ten, since the vitamin complex is truly one of the best in the world. pregnancy time.

Those parents who take a responsible approach to a planned pregnancy must pay attention to the issue of vitamin supplementation.

However, pharmacies offer various vitamin complexes, so it is quite difficult for many to make the right choice. What microelements are most necessary before conception? Can you choose vitamins yourself or should you consult a doctor?

Many modern doctors are inclined to believe that pregnant women and those planning pregnancy do not need to take vitamin complexes. Even with a meager diet that the body experiences in cold weather, the embryo receives a full range of microelements and vitamins for its development.

However, taking folic acid and potassium iodide will only benefit you, but taking vitamins A and E can do a lot of harm. Let's look at this in more detail.

Folic acid

For cell division and DNA synthesis, the body must have enough water-soluble vitamin - folic acid.

If there is a lack of this vitamin in a woman’s body, pathologies in the development of the neural tube in the child may occur: absence of the brain, spina bifida, cleft lip, etc.

Unfortunately, not a single product contains the required amount of folic acid. This vitamin is found in small quantities in greens, vegetables, and legumes. As a preventive measure, doctors prescribe folic acid a month before conception; it is optimal to start taking it 3 months before the planned pregnancy.

Folic acid intake is continued for 4 months after pregnancy. You can buy folic acid at any pharmacy; it is not expensive. It is important to maintain the correct dosage during use. For healthy women it is 0.4 mg/day, but if children with developmental defects were previously born, the dose is increased to 4 mg/day. For women with epilepsy and diabetes, the dose of folic acid is set to 1 ml per day.

Potassium iodide

Potassium iodide or “iodomarin” is another important vitamin for pregnant women and those planning to conceive a child. For pregnant women, it is enough to take 1 tablet (200 mcg) per day. Iodomarin is taken for preventive purposes, preventing the development of iodine deficiency diseases, ophthalmological diseases, thyroid diseases, etc. At this time, it is useful to replace regular salt with iodized salt.

Vitamins A and E

Now let's talk about vitamins A and E. Many doctors recommend taking these microelements during pregnancy and before conception. However, no one can explain where such a recommendation came from.

This opinion arose in the 70s, but modern research has shown that taking vitamins A and E is not a preventive measure against the threat of miscarriage and does not promote rapid conception. The body receives these microelements in sufficient quantities from food. While taking the Aevit complex, an overdose may occur, which negatively affects the development of the fetus.

Excessive levels of vitamin E in the body can provoke the development of gestosis (eclampsia) in a pregnant woman, and heart disease in a child.

High concentrations of vitamin A in the body can cause a teratogenic effect. When taking these vitamins in large quantities, you should wait at least a month before conceiving.

Proper nutrition and daily routine

Women who are planning a pregnancy are recommended to have a proper and varied diet and frequent walks in the fresh air, which will avoid vitamin D deficiency. However, it is better to move walks to the morning or evening to avoid the harmful effects of the sun. A woman’s daily diet must include meat and protein-rich foods.

Meat, especially liver, contains large amounts of iron. This is an important element for the body, since its deficiency causes a decrease in hemoglobin levels, and as a result, anemia. Calcium deficiency can be eliminated by eating fermented milk and dairy products.

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The need for vitamins is one of the main ones for expectant mothers. Vitamins are necessary for a smooth pregnancy, for the health of the mother and her child.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in the body; it requires constant “replenishment” of useful substances - vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are found in many foods, especially fruits and vegetables. There are also special vitamin complexes that replace natural products.

What are vitamins for?

Many studies have shown that pregnant women are deficient in vitamins and minerals. This means that not only the woman, but also her child does not receive the substances necessary for the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the child.

  • Vitamins are needed as a general strengthening agent for the good condition of the woman and the fetus.
  • Treatment with vitamins is used when a woman has problems with the cardiovascular system and kidneys. Vitamins are needed during abortion. Vitamins help with gestosis. It is also a good preventive measure.

What vitamins are needed during pregnancy?

We list the main vitamins necessary for a pregnant woman and their properties.

The vitamins listed are essential. They are necessary for the process of conception, pregnancy and have a positive effect on the baby’s health.

Let's present a general picture of the advantages and disadvantages of modern vitamin complexes.

  • "Complivit Mama". This complex contains many useful substances and is recommended by many doctors. Its disadvantage is that it contains insufficient amounts of vitamins A and D, iodine. Also in winter there will be a lack of B vitamins.
  • "Elevit". Vitamin complex "Elevit" contains a large amount of magnesium and vitamin B9. This improves blood flow and reduces the risk of miscarriage. However, it does not contain iodine, so if you are deficient in iodine, you must take iodine-containing medications.
  • "Alphabet Mom's Health". This vitamin complex is good because when it was created, the peculiarities of the interaction of vitamins were taken into account. That’s why it comes in tablets of different colors. This will not only reduce the risk of incompatibility of substances, but also prevent allergies. It contains a lot of iodine, but lacks vitamin B9, which will have to be taken in addition to this complex.
  • "Materna". Contains enough iodine and vitamin B9. Vitamin A and B vitamins can cause allergies as they are contained in large quantities.
  • "Vitrum Prenatal". Does not contain iodine; if you have a deficiency, you need to drink Iodomarin or other medications separately. However, it contains a lot of iron and vitamin B9.
  • "Pregnavit". Contains all the necessary vitamins, but does not contain microelements, no iodine.

We conclude: you need to choose a vitamin complex in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body. An experienced doctor will help you choose the correct dosage of vitamins and vitamin complex.

In addition to vitamin complexes, do not forget that vitamins and many beneficial substances are contained in fruits and vegetables, which are necessary for the proper nutrition of a woman and the absorption of substances by a child.


Women's forums are replete with an abundance of information about what vitamins should you take for conception?- to quickly enhance fertility, only certain complexes of substances are needed.

The opinions of doctors and marketers differ - some argue that it is not necessary to take specialized medications, while others, on the contrary, insist on the importance of using drugs to prepare for conception and pregnancy.

When planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to begin preparation several months in advance - this will help the body cleanse itself of toxins and negative influences of the external environment. The optimal period is considered to be 6 months before the expected conception. Such a long period is necessary to replenish the balance of microelements and strengthen the entire body.

It is better for a woman to start taking vitamins before conceiving a child by visiting a doctor - during the examination, he will determine whether the balance of substances needs to be adjusted and what course to take for this. You should not drink any vitamin-mineral complex - it is recommended to take only certain substances, since an excess of microelements can be just as harmful as their deficiency.

Note! Not only the woman, but also her partner should prepare for conception. With a deficiency of vitamins in men, the activity and number of sperm are significantly reduced, which directly affects the efficiency of conception.

Active substances for women

Pregnancy means 40 weeks of continuous activity for the female body. Proper preparation helps subsequently avoid the unpleasant symptoms of hypovitaminosis that many expectant mothers and women face after childbirth:

  • brittleness of hair and nails;
  • intense hair loss;
  • dry skin;
  • the appearance of a rash;
  • formation of stretch marks;
  • feeling of constant fatigue.

To prevent deficiency conditions in the body of mother and baby These vitamins are required for pregnancy and conception:

  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid).
  • Necessary to prevent the development of anemia. The daily dosage should be 400 mg.

  • Vitamin E (tocopherol).
  • This fat-soluble vitamin helps prevent fetal malformations. Takes part in the biosynthesis of hemoglobin. For a woman, the daily dosage is up to 300 IU of the substance per day.

  • Vitamin D (calciferol).
  • Necessary for normal absorption of calcium, which is required for the formation of bones, skin and muscles of the child. Expectant mothers also need calcium to prevent osteoporosis. For a woman, the daily dosage is 400 IU.

  • Vitamin K (phylloquinone).
  • Required for the synthesis of proteins necessary in the process of blood clotting. The daily dosage for expectant mothers is 1 mg per day.

  • Vitamin H (biotin).
  • Necessary for the process of renewal of all tissues and organs. When preparing for pregnancy, about 300 IU per day is required.

  • Vitamin A (retinol).
  • Takes part in the regulation of the activity of all biological membranes. The daily dosage for a woman is 3000 IU.
    Important! Excessive amounts of vitamin A lead to malformations in the fetus. Therefore, it is important to strictly follow the prescribed dosage.

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
  • Necessary for regulating the functioning of the immune system. The daily dosage should be about 60 mg.

  • B vitamins.
  • They take part in the regulation of the nervous system and synthesis processes. During pregnancy, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 are especially important.

  • Zinc.
  • Prevents pathologies in the development of the placenta and facilitates childbirth.

  • Magnesium.
  • Required to prevent miscarriage. Stimulates fetal growth.

For men

Expectant fathers are recommended to begin preparation 3-6 months before the expected conception. A period of 90 days is necessary for the formation of healthy sperm. In preparation, men are recommended to take the following vitamins:

  • Folic acid.
  • Helps improve nutrition of the testicles during spermatogenesis.

  • Tocopherol.
  • Helps strengthen the cell membrane of sperm, increasing their viability.

  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Necessary for the formation of healthy active sperm.

  • Zinc and selenium.
  • Supports sexual desire and sperm activity.

Vitamin complexes for conception

Before choosing the name of which vitamins to take for conception for women, it is important to analyze the composition and what exactly the expectant mother will drink.

Different complexes differ in the ratio of active components and microelement composition, and therefore can show the effectiveness of one pair and be completely useless for another. The most famous complex drugs are:

Bayer Elevit Pronatal. High folic acid complex. But it completely lacks iodine, which will need to be consumed separately. With regular use, the condition of the skin, hair and nails improves. Can be used both during planning and during pregnancy. Prevents the occurrence of toxicosis. Disadvantages include increased appetite, frequent constipation, and the high cost of the drug itself.

Vitrum Prenatal. Can be used when planning, during and after pregnancy. Unlike Elevit, it contains iodine in the required dosage and has a higher content of minerals (zinc, copper, magnesium). Helps normalize the level of estrogen in the body. The cost of Vitrum is significantly lower than the cost of Elevit, which makes it more preferable for expectant mothers.

Alphabet Mom. Complex dietary supplement. You need to take 3 tablets a day with an interval of 4 hours, which is not always convenient, especially for working women. Some women note the appearance of side effects from taking the drug, while others, on the contrary, claim that the drug is excellent and does not cause negative effects.

Femibion. A complex drug that does not require taking additional vitamins. According to reviews, it reduces the manifestations of toxicosis and makes you feel better throughout pregnancy.

Materna. Complex of B vitamins and iodine. Contains high concentrations of B vitamins, which can provoke a hyperreaction from the body.

Mom is complimentary. Contains low amounts of retinol, calciferol and iodine. During the cold season, an additional source of B vitamins may be required. Perfect for the summer-autumn period.

Pregnavit. A vitamin complex that requires additional microelements and minerals. Does not contain iodine, and therefore can be used by those women who do not experience iodine deficiency.

Important! The selection of the complex is carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist after conducting a biochemical blood test.

Drugs that prevent pregnancy

There are a number of factors that negatively affect human reproductive function. And even despite taking good vitamins to conceive a child, the onset of pregnancy is not quick. The impact of negative factors can be both direct and indirect:

  1. Caffeine abuse.
  2. Frequent consumption of coffee (more than 4 cups per day) negatively affects female fertility. During pregnancy, this drink can provoke a miscarriage or the formation of malformations in the child.

  3. Weight disorders.
  4. Deficiency or excess weight negatively affects the functioning of the endocrine system.

  5. Hormonal imbalance.
  6. Disturbs the processes of spermatogenesis and oogenesis.

  7. Potent medications.
  8. Antidepressants, antibiotics, and medications used to treat chronic conditions can significantly reduce fertility.

  9. Abuse of bad habits.
  10. Leads to insufficient nutrition of the ovaries in women and testicles in men, hormonal imbalance.

  11. Frequent stress.
  12. They inhibit reproductive function in both parents.

  13. Environmental conditions.
  14. Exposure to adverse environmental factors can cause reproductive disorders.

  15. Excessive physical activity.
  16. The production of adrenaline and testosterone, which accompany excessive physical activity, negatively affects the ability to become pregnant.

Note! If a couple under 30 years of age cannot conceive a child for more than 12 months, a visit to a fertility specialist and a full examination of the body is required. For couples over 30 years old, this period is 6 months.

Healthy food

Before planning a pregnancy, you don’t need to immediately find out what vitamin complexes are required for women to conceive a child - Even the most famous names cannot compare with natural sources of the necessary substances. To get the necessary components, you should enrich your diet with the following products:

  • Fatty fish.
  • They are an excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, help improve calcium, and stimulate blood supply to the uterus.

  • Nuts.
  • A valuable source of essential folic acid. Nuts also contain a large amount of tocopherol, which is necessary to increase the efficiency of oogenesis and spermatogenesis.

  • Milk and dairy products.
  • A source of calcium and amino acids necessary for the formation of healthy sperm and nutrition of follicles.
    Important! It has been proven that fatty milks have a beneficial effect on reproductive function in women.

  • Cereal products.
  • They help cleanse the intestines and are a source of folic acid.

  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Rich in vitamins and fiber, they normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Eggs.
  • A valuable source of microelements, calcium and proteins.

  • Greenery.
  • A valuable source of microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the whole body.

    It has a powerful antioxidant effect and is a source of large amounts of microelements. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, circulatory system, and strengthens the immune system.

  • Seafood.
  • A source of zinc and iodine, necessary for the normal functioning of the endocrine system.

  • Beef.
  • Valuable source of zinc.

Healing herbs

Traditional medicine offers its own alternative to vitamin complexes. “Grandmother’s methods” are based on the action of herbs which promote rapid conception. Decoctions and infusions can help even those couples who have lost hope of conceiving.

The following herbs are used to stimulate pregnancy:

  1. Sage.
  2. A valuable source of phytogromones, which must be taken according to a certain scheme. For 200 ml of boiling water, use 1 tsp. dry grass. You need to take 1 tbsp of this decoction. 3 times a day for the first 11 days after menstruation.

  3. Borovaya uterus.
  4. Known as an herb that helps treat gynecological diseases. 2 tbsp. leaves, pour 300 ml of water and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Let it brew for half an hour, strain the broth and take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment can be up to 3 months.

  5. For inflammatory diseases of the ovaries, a decoction of the following mixture of herbs can be used: chamomile, sweet clover, calendula, centaury and coltsfoot. Mix 50 g of each component and pour 500 ml of boiling water. The mixture must be infused for 3 hours. Is this infusion accepted? glasses 5-6 times a day. The duration of the course is 1-2 months. During the period of treatment it is recommended to abstain from sexual activity.

Planning pregnancy includes not only conducting clinical studies for various pathologies and infections, but also improving the condition of the body. The entire period of gestation, the health of the mother and the born baby depend on how correctly this stage is organized.

One of the important components is the provision of vitamins. This will allow the woman to preserve her beauty, and the baby to receive all the nutrients necessary for full development.

Read in this article

Are vitamins really necessary when planning pregnancy?

The only undisputed vitamin to take, regardless of place of residence, age and nutrition, is vitamin B9.

Therefore, anyone who plans to become a mother in the near future should definitely take folic acid.

Moreover, taking the vitamin begins several months before pregnancy, about 2 - 3. The use of folic acid continues until the 12th week. At the same time, you cannot stop or interrupt the reception.

If the pregnancy occurred unplanned, you should start drinking it immediately after the woman’s new position becomes known. Even before visiting the gynecologist. As for taking other vitamins and microelements, today there is no consensus among experts.

They ensure the normal and complete course of all internal processes and systems, the occurrence of various biochemical reactions in the body.

When pregnancy occurs, not only the woman herself, but also the unborn baby needs vitamins in order to prevent deformities and pathologies. Thus, the body requires a much larger amount of nutrients for the woman and the embryo.

This is exactly what the debate is about. One way or another, the embryo will receive everything it needs from the mother’s body. If before pregnancy she led a correct and healthy lifestyle and ate well, then the child will receive all the important substances. The only thing, most likely, is that its weight will be small, about three kilograms or a little less. But this is quite enough to start the normal functioning of the body.

The situation will be worse for women. Her body will give everything to the child, and it will begin to suffer from hypovitaminosis. This affects the quality of hair, nails, teeth and skin, namely they begin to fall out, crumble, wrinkles appear, firmness and elasticity are lost.

Also, the internal condition deteriorates significantly. The woman becomes irritable, accompanied by fatigue, drowsiness, and infectious diseases may occur. All this makes her less attractive and young.

On the other hand, if before pregnancy the girl had a deficiency of certain vitamins, then the situation will be even worse. The child will still take everything she needs, but she herself will lose everything. In addition, the fetus may develop various defects and problems. The woman's condition will become completely deplorable.

So the conclusion suggests itself: you can’t do without taking vitamins. This will help to avoid the development of defects and pathologies in the formation of the embryo, and for the woman to maintain her beauty and youth.

Nevertheless, there is a point of view that if you follow a proper diet and take vitamins, it is not necessary. But the fact is that many do not have the opportunity or desire to eat food that meets the standards.

You can not take vitamins only if she carefully monitors her diet. In other cases, the doctor always prescribes folic acid and the complex.

Which ones are better to choose for women? A balanced diet is an essential part of preparing for pregnancy.

Already at this stage, it is important that both future parents follow a diet, exclude unhealthy foods, fried and smoked foods, and alcoholic drinks. It is necessary to understand that you will have to adhere to it until the end of breastfeeding.

But in addition to a healthy lifestyle, you still need to add vitamins. Otherwise, due to their deficiency, the female body may suffer greatly, and the child will have problems with development. Next are the most important vitamins that should be included in the diet of the expectant mother. A deficiency of this element reduces the likelihood of pregnancy to almost zero, and is also dangerous for the development of pathologies in the child at any stage and period.

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that prevents the formation of cancerous tumors. It also takes part in the biosynthesis of hemoglobin and, accordingly, its deficiency affects its content in the blood. And this leads to even more dangerous diseases.

  • So taking vitamin E regularly has the following benefits:
  • improves the production of progesterone, which is responsible for the formation of the egg and the development of the embryo until the formation of the placenta;
  • reduces the likelihood of infections, even in the genitals;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • improves the growth of the uterus, making it more extensible, elastic, durable;
  • normalizes blood circulation in blood vessels;
  • increases endurance and energizes a woman;

works to improve skin condition.

However, there is one caveat. For people who do not plan to have children, the daily norm is much lower and is 8 - 10 IU. Therefore, you should not worry about a large dosage for pregnant women; the body should be completely saturated with it.

It should be taken by all women, preferably 3 to 5 months before conception. A sufficient supply of B9 ensures the least likelihood of problems in the formation of the fetal neural tube. This may manifest itself as underdevelopment of the brain, insufficient closure of the spinal cord. All these defects can occur in the first month of pregnancy, that is, up to 28 days. Often a woman is not yet aware that a new life is developing inside her.

In addition, new cells and tissues need this vitamin. As a rule, folic acid is prescribed in addition to the main vitamin complex.

B vitamins

This group is also important for the functioning of all body systems. Vitamins have the following effects:

  • B1 contributes to the formation of a healthy nervous system of the child. And it helps mom absorb carbohydrates and convert them into energy. This way the woman remains full of strength. The daily dose is 1.5 - 1.9 mg.
  • B2 is essential for fetal growth. It is needed for the formation of the skeleton, muscular system and nervous system. You need to drink it at 1.4 mg per day.
  • B6 is important for the production of amino acids in which proteins are formed. And this is the main building material for the embryo. In addition, it is the lack of vitamin B6 that leads to toxicosis, nervousness and aggression. The brain of the future baby especially needs it. The vitamin norm for preparation is about 2.1 - 2.3 mg per day.

This element is very important for the healthy performance of all body functions. But he is also extremely dangerous. It is useful for pregnant women in the following ways:

  • Strengthens the protective functions of the respiratory organs, preventing them from passing infections that can weaken the body.
  • Improves skin condition, which can change during pregnancy, prevents the appearance of age spots and stretch marks.
  • Helps the growth of nails, hair, bones, gums. This helps preserve the health and beauty of a woman.

But it is important to monitor the dosage, since its excess leads to fetal pathologies. The norm is 3000 - 5000 IU per day.


The deficiency of this microelement affects the quality of cells. A sufficient amount prevents early placental abruption, problems during childbirth, as well as the appearance of various defects in the formation of the embryo.

Most of this microelement is found in seafood, fish of all types, fruits and nuts. If you don’t have allergies, then it’s good to diversify your diet with all of these.

The vitamin is necessary to strengthen the body’s protective functions and improve immunity.. It is also an excellent antioxidant that removes toxins. But vitamin C is contained in foods that can cause allergies. Therefore, it should be taken during pregnancy as part of a mineral complex.

Drink from 6 mg per day, but not more than 90 mg.


This trace element is responsible for more than three hundred processes in the body. It is especially important for the formation of proteins and amino acids.

And this is one of the main points in the formation and development of the embryo.

If there is a lack of magnesium, the growth of the fetus slows down, and this can lead to miscarriage. Due to its lack, blood pressure becomes higher and convulsions may occur. So including magnesium in the list of important vitamins for pregnant women is very important. Most of it is found in asparagus, as well as seeds, nuts and green vegetables.

Vitamin D It is necessary for maintaining healthy nails and teeth, that is, it is needed for bone structure.

In children, it is responsible for the normal formation of the skeleton and dentition. You can find it in dairy products, spinach, mushrooms, seafood and fish. The daily requirement for vitamin D is 400 IU.

Watch the video about pregnancy planning:

Vitamins for men when planning Despite the fact that a man will not have to bear a child, his body also needs to be prepared for conception.

The main task in preparing for pregnancy is to improve the condition of sperm and sperm. This will help make them more active and healthy. This way a man can conceive a healthy child.

You should start preparing three or four months in advance. The fact is that it takes 90 days to form healthy sperm. Therefore, it is best to take vitamins for six months.

  • Such support will make it possible to produce sperm of excellent quality that will perform two tasks:
  • will provide the future fetus with excellent genetic material without defects and mutations;

They will fertilize the egg quickly enough, so you will be able to get pregnant in the first cycles after trying.

  • As a rule, men are prescribed the following elements:
  • B9 or folic acid. It helps sperm to form the desired shape and make them active.
  • Vitamin C activates the formation of testosterone. And he, in turn, is responsible for full and healthy sperm.
  • Zinc improves libido and sexual dysfunction.
  • Men need selenium to keep them in active shape, especially in older age. This microelement makes it possible to prolong sexual life much longer.

All of these beneficial substances will help a man prepare his body and then conceive a healthy baby. You need to take vitamins when planning a pregnancy. Even if it is not possible to take all types, then folic acid and vitamin E must be obtained. The above elements can be taken as part of complexes or separately.

Thus, thoughtful and timely preparation for conceiving a child makes it possible to give birth to a healthy and full-fledged baby.

Both partners must plan. It is important not only to pass all the tests, but also to saturate the body with useful substances. Therefore, vitamin intake is necessary for both women and men.


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