Vitamin D 3 for women. The best vitamin D supplements for women

Normal activities human body possible subject to replenishment of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. Their deficiency leads to disruption of organ function and metabolism. Special role allocated to vitamins. The deficiency of these components has a very noticeable effect on health. In order to avoid this problem, you need to eat rationally and take preventive measures.

The value of vitamin D3

Takes part in many processes in the body. It affects the immune, bone, nervous systems, cell growth and the condition of the endocrine glands.

The component is primarily responsible for the absorption of the minerals magnesium and calcium, which are necessary for the formation of dental and bone tissue. Vitamin D3 takes an active part in the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, as a result of which, due to an increased influx of minerals, dental and bone tissue are strengthened. It influences the processes of cell renewal and growth, protects the body from the development of cancer. A sufficient concentration of the component helps strengthen the immune system, normalizes blood glucose levels, and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

The daily norm is about 500 IU, for adults - 600 IU. Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding are recommended to take up to 1500 IU. An additional dose is also needed for older people.

Vitamin D deficiency: causes

Vitamin D deficiency in the body, the development of which can be caused by factors such as lack of sunlight and insufficient indoor insolation, is a fairly common phenomenon. More often it occurs in people who live in northern latitudes, where there is a lack sun rays and long winters prevent the skin from producing the component. Not proper nutrition, insufficient consumption of dairy products and fish can also lead to the development of deficiency.

The body is able to use vitamin D3 only in active form what the kidneys are responsible for. Accordingly, people with renal failure or other problems with these organs are also at risk of developing vitamin D deficiency. Diseases such as cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, Crohn's disease interfere with the absorption of the component from food.

The following factors contribute to the development of vitamin D deficiency: vegetarian diet, use of antacids, kidney and liver diseases, dark skin, lactation and pregnancy, age over 50 years.

Deficiency Symptoms

Depending on the degree of deficiency and sensitivity of a person, the symptoms of deficiency may differ. In the initial stages, it may not manifest itself at all, and then suddenly turn into rickets. Symptoms of deficiency include: weight loss, weakness, stooped posture, bone deformities, spinal deformities, slow growth in children, muscle cramps, dental deformities, delayed tooth formation, joint pain.

Vitamin deficiency in the body can be cured if you pay attention to the problem in time. To do this, you need to monitor the state of your health and the health of your children, draw up correct menu, walk on fresh air and avoid bad habits.

Possible complications

If measures are not taken to neutralize vitamin D deficiency, this can lead to the development of very serious illnesses, which are difficult to treat and in some cases can last a lifetime. The most common complications include rickets (especially in childhood), osteoporosis (brittle bones), osteomalacia, fractures and bone deformities. In early childhood, when a child's bone tissue is just forming, a lack of vitamin can affect the quality of bones in the future.

Against the background of a deficiency, they can gradually develop the following diseases: multiple sclerosis, hypertension, constant headache, depressive state, chronic pain and fatigue, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, asthma, arthritis.


You can prevent the development of deficiency by following simple rules. The first is sufficient exposure to the sun and fresh air. Sunlight has a positive effect on general condition human and stimulates the production of vitamin D by the skin. IN daily ration The diet should include products that contain this component. They are the ones who can replace medicines and provide the body with the necessary substances.

Complex supplements or vitamin preparations should only be taken after a thorough examination by a doctor. A specialist can prescribe them for diseases that may contribute to the development of deficiency.

Treatment of deficiency

A lack of vitamin in the blood can lead to serious complications, so it is necessary to take action at the first sign. Treatment should be comprehensive and consist of several steps. First, it is necessary to discover the cause that caused the deficiency and eliminate it. It is worth reconsidering your lifestyle and daily diet, and making some adjustments to it. In particular, you need to eat fatty fish, dairy products, and drink fortified milk more often.

After an examination at the clinic, the doctor may prescribe medications containing vitamin D. Choice medicines very large, vitamin D3 (solution) is popular. The drug is also known as Aquadetrim. Before using any product, you should read the instructions. Great value has vitamin D3 for infants. The good thing about the drug "Aquadetrim" is that it is suitable for use from four weeks of life.

Vitamin D3

To maintain a normal level of the component in the blood, you need to include in your daily diet foods containing it in sufficient quantities. If this fails, then medications that are designed to provide the body with vitamin D3 will come to the rescue.

The most common drugs include Viganol, Minisan, Aquadetrim. Special attention deserves the latter, an aqueous solution of vitamin D3. The peculiarity of the drug is that it is approved for use by pregnant women and newborn babies. The product prevents the development of rickets, osteoporosis and other similar diseases, and is used in the treatment of vitamin deficiency. The drug can be purchased at any pharmacy kiosk By affordable price, it is available without a prescription, but before use, especially during pregnancy, it is advisable to consult a doctor and carefully read the instructions.


The drug "Aquadetrim", or aqueous vitamin D3, thanks to active substance- colecalciferol, affects the normalization of phosphate and calcium metabolism, resulting in correct formation bone skeleton and preservation of bone tissue structure. Active ingredient The drug takes part in the reabsorption of phosphates and affects the synthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid.

The solution helps normalize the content of calcium ions, affects blood clotting and conduction. nerve impulses, prevents the development of hypovitaminosis and calcium deficiency, which results in the development of diseases such as osteoporosis and rickets.

An aqueous solution of "Aquadetrim", compared to an oil solution, has greater bioavailability and is better adsorbed; it does not require the presence of bile for absorption into the blood, which is especially important for premature babies who still have an immature digestive system.


The use of vitamin D3 is recommended primarily for vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis. The drug is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of rickets-like diseases, hypocalcemia, tetany (caused by hypocalcemia). A sufficient amount of the component is necessary for infants and children who grow and develop, their bones are formed and require its presence for normal absorption of calcium.

During menopause and postmenopause due to hormonal changes Women may develop osteoporosis, for the treatment of which they also need to take vitamin D3. Instructions for use describe all cases in which Aquadetrim can be used. The drug is prescribed for loss of calcium in teeth and bones, for osteomalacia of various etiologies, for osteopathies caused by metabolic disorders. It also has a good effect on the restoration and fusion of bone tissue after fractures.


Before giving vitamin D3 to children or taking it yourself, it is advisable to consult a doctor, because he has a list of contraindications for use and side effects.

You should not take the drug if you are individually sensitive to colecalciferol, or if you are intolerant to benzyl alcohol. At elevated level calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia) or urine (hypercalciuria), you should also avoid taking vitamin D3. The instructions prohibit the use of the drug in case of hypervitaminosis, renal failure, active form of tuberculosis, urolithiasis. During prolonged immobilization, large doses of the drug are contraindicated.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding the drug is prescribed taking into account the condition of the mother and fetus (child). In this case, extreme caution is needed, because in case of an overdose, the baby may have developmental disorders. Vitamin D3 should also be prescribed with caution for newborns, and especially for premature babies.

Side effects

Patients who take vitamin D3 may experience some side effects. If the drug is used in recommended doses, then the possibility of their occurrence is close to zero. Appear side effects may occur if the dose is exceeded or in case of individual hypersensitivity to the components of the product.

You can determine the body's reaction to the action of the drug by the following symptoms: irritability, sudden mood swings, stupor, depression, mental disorders, headache. The gastrointestinal tract may be disturbed by dry mouth, thirst, vomiting, nausea, stool disorders, rapid weight loss, even anorexia. Cardiovascular system may react with increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, and cardiac dysfunction. In addition, side effects such as nephropathy, myalgia, general muscle weakness, polyuria, soft tissue calcification.

Special instructions

If the drug is used to treat a disease, then only a doctor can prescribe it, referring to the results of blood and urine tests. When using the drug for preventive purposes, it is necessary to remember the possibility of overdose, especially for pediatric patients. At long-term use Vitamin D3 in high doses may develop chronic hypervitaminosis.

When giving the drug to newborns, you should pay attention to their individual sensitivity to its components. If taken over a long period of time, this may lead to growth retardation. In old age, patients experience increased daily requirement component, but vitamin D preparations may be contraindicated due to the presence various diseases. In this case, you need to fill the body’s need by eating foods high in this substance.

Vitamin D3 in foods

You can compensate for the lack of vitamins using not only medications, but also food. Vitamin D3 is found in sufficient quantities in mackerel, mackerel, herring, tuna, fish liver, seafood, eggs, butter, cheese, cottage cheese, and fermented milk products.

In products plant origin There is little vitamin content, which vegetarians should pay attention to. Such products include potatoes, nettles, horsetail, parsley, and oatmeal. It is synthesized under the influence of sunlight, so it is worth spending more time in the fresh air, and if possible, sunbathing.

Have a nice start to the week! Let's continue to develop most interesting topic a vitamin-like substance, namely hormone D.

An article for those who wanted to learn about the treatment of vitamin D deficiency, medications, doses and conditions of administration, as well as methods for preventing hypovitaminosis. Judging by the comments of past articles, I see that you are tired of waiting and want to quickly start acting.

Let me just remind you that it was in previous episodes. At first I said, after that I clearly showed that the last article was about diagnostics, from which it became clear.

Methods for treating (replenishing) vitamin D deficiency

There are several ways to replenish and maintain vitamin-like hormone levels. Namely:

  • formation in the skin under the influence of UV-B sunlight
  • consumption of foods rich in vitamin D2 and D3
  • additional intake of dietary supplements containing vitamin D in various forms

I believe that you need to use all 3 methods to achieve healthy blood test results. Relying on only one channel would be a mistake and here's why.

As we learned from the previous article, a person cannot be exposed to the sun for so long that his vitamin D is in the optimal range. This can only cause skin burns, premature aging, wrinkles and age spots(UV-A spectrum contributes to this), the risk of developing melanoma (skin cancer). Therefore, you need to sunbathe carefully and without fanaticism.

Vitamin D in food comes in two forms, D2 and D3. The first form is synthesized in plants and yeast, and it will take more time and effort to turn into an active metabolite than the D3 form. How much of the substance is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract depends on the health of the gastrointestinal tract itself, so losses are inevitable already at this stage.

In addition, it is physically impossible to eat enough food to provide the body with vitamins, even taking into account losses. How much can you eat if you're fat? sea ​​fish, seafood, eggs, cottage cheese and butter, cod liver, chicken and beef per day? Therefore, we eat all these foods, but again without fanaticism.

Of course, theoretically, you can sit at home and eat low-fat foods, but at the same time swallow a mountain of useful dietary supplements, including large doses of vitamin D, to maintain normal levels. But I also consider this solution to be flawed. Because the energy of the sun is a charge of vivacity and joy, and foods rich in vitamin D are rich in more than just it. This means that taking dietary supplements should be an auxiliary and not the main channel for vitamin D to enter the body.

All drugs can be divided into 3 groups:

  • vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol)
  • vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)
  • active metabolites (alpha-calcidol)

In addition, drugs can be produced in different forms:


I’ll say right away that medications and dietary supplements in the form of ergocalciferol are NOT EFFECTIVE. I tested this on my family, based on reviews from people on the Internet, as well as in studies on PUBMED. The fact is that ergocalciferol is the first medicine for the prevention of rickets and at that time it was quite effective, since doctors had no other choice.

Now there are more effective forms, for example, cholecalciferol or alpha-calcidol. Read the labels carefully to determine what form of vitamin you buy. In addition, some sources talk about the probable toxicity of the D2 form.


This form is the most common and popular, both for prevention deficiency states, and for the treatment of diseases caused by this deficiency. At the pharmacy you can find two options for medications: an aqueous and an oil solution. Which of these two is better and more effective at raising vitamin D levels?

Now there is a debate on the Internet and many are inclined towards an aqueous solution, but I think differently. By the way, AQUADETRIM is an aqueous solution.

First of all, I'm on personal experience and from the experience of my patients I realized that the aqueous solution does not work well and, moreover, is terribly inconvenient to use. Secondly, vitamin D is a fat-soluble substance and it seems to me that wrapping it in a hydrophilic shell is nothing more than a marketing ploy. I absolutely don’t understand why this had to be done at all.

Therefore, the correct cholecalciferol is in an oil solution, which is available in capsules. Now about the doses.

Standard recommendations for taking vitamin D are 400 IU/day. But if you have a very low blood level, then with this dose you will raise it to normal, let’s say in... let me think... NEVER. Since now everyone has a deficiency and deficiency, these recommendations have become obsolete and have been replaced by new doses, which are many times larger, and which will quickly bring your vitamin D level back to normal, and subsequently your well-being.

We are all different, with different metabolisms and speeds. biochemical reactions. Therefore, there are no clear recommendations on what dosage to take. You will have to select it yourself based on control studies 25 (OH) D. But I’ll still tell you the approximate figures.

Recommendation for adults. If your 25(OH)D level is below 30 ng/ml, then you can safely start with a dose of 10,000 IU. After 1.5-2 months of taking it, you need to do a control test; if you haven’t reached the desired range of 50-80 ng/ml, then we take it further and check it again after the same amount. If the value does not increase the second time, then you can try 15,000 IU, and control after 1.5-2 months.

If at some stage you have achieved the desired results, you can reduce the dose by half and retake it after 4-6 months for control. The level has not changed - great, you have found your dose. In the summer months, doses can be reduced; in winter, a little more vitamin is needed.

If the level of 25 (OH)D is above 30 ng/ml, but you are not satisfied with the level and would like to increase it a little, then start taking a dose of 5,000 IU and after reaching desired value reduce to 2,000 -2,500 IU.

Recommendation for children. Parents, do not buy vitamin D for your children with fillers (Vitamins, chewing candies, etc.). This is harmful not only in terms of dyes and flavors, but also because children will perceive it as a delicacy and there is a risk of deliberate eating without your knowledge, which can lead to an overdose. I recommend with early years teach children that medicine is medicine.

Take the same medications for your children, only in a lower dosage. An exception is for the little ones who cannot swallow capsules and need a solution with a pipette. For such children, it would be optimal to receive vitamin D from breast milk, but at the same time the mother also needs to take enough of it. In another case, it may be a fortified formula for feeding.

Select the dose gradually and carefully. Again, there are no rules here, there is only a sense of proportion and prudence. The dose depends on the age of the child. In some recommendations and studies, children with deficiency (less than 30 ng/ml) were given 3,000-10,000 IU of cholecalciferol, and children with levels of 30-50 ng/ml were given up to 1,000 IU. I believe that you can adhere to these recommendations with regular monitoring until the optimal concentration is achieved, which increases rather slowly.

  • up to a year from 1000 to 3000 IU
  • 1-12 years from 3000 to 6000 IU
  • 12-18 years from 6000 to 10,000 IU

Maintenance doses for children: 400 - 1000 IU.

Alpha calcidol

Alpha calcidol is the most active metabolite of vitamin D, an analogue of the one that is formed in the kidneys as a result of the transformation of the vitamin in the body. This is a ready-made hormone that can bind to receptors and exert its biological effects.

This form is used for treatment serious illnesses, such as osteoporosis, when it is necessary to quickly and effectively influence the pathological process. Alpha calcidol is a medicine and has clearly defined indications, contraindications and toxic doses. Besides this, this form used for vitamin D deficiency in people with kidney pathology, when normal conversion into an active metabolite is impossible.

Do I need to take calcium at the same time?

In order to answer this question you need to know 3 things:

  • serum ionized calcium level
  • presence of pathology parathyroid gland and kidneys
  • presence of bone tissue pathology

If calcium is normal and there are no listed diseases, then additional calcium intake is not advisable; it is better to get it from food.

In other cases, calcium intake is discussed with a doctor, since there are some diseases for which there are contraindications for calcium intake.

Do I need to take vitamin K2 at the same time?

Upon admission large doses vitamin D (more than 15,000-20,000 IU) is recommended joint reception vitamin K2. The dose is determined by the doctor. In other cases, taking vitamin K2 is not justified.

And in these drugs the doses are smaller:

These same companies also have doses of 400 IU. Take vitamin D better in the morning after breakfast.

That's all for me. In the next article I will talk about vitamin D overdose and how to treat it.

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Lebedeva Dilyara Ilgizovna

The modern and health-conscious woman not only plays sports, but also leads active image life, eats right, but also gets tested on time and regularly diagnoses his body.

It is important for any woman to know the level of vitamin D in the blood, since a lack of this active element can cause oncological diseases and even infertility.

Why do women need vitamin D?

Vitamin D levels vary depending on age, but you should remember why it is so important to maintain it.

So, Vitamin D is needed in the female body for the following:

  • Lack of vitamin D leads to depletion of the immune system and general weakening of the body;
  • Vitamin D affects reproductive function women because hormonal background due to its deficiency it may be disrupted;
  • Vitamins of group D stimulate cell growth and renewal, and this is very important for the prevention of female oncology.
  • It has been scientifically proven that normal functioning nervous system impossible without the correct balance of vitamins, including vitamin D.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in a woman’s body

It is not difficult for any girl to determine a vitamin deficiency, since its signs are not long in coming and greatly affect her appearance.

Among the signs of vitamin D deficiency in women:

  • fatigue;
  • exposure to stress and nervous breakdowns, frequent changes mood;
  • weakened body resistance to any kind of infections and colds;
  • brittle nails and hair;
  • problems with posture and healing of fractures;
  • poor condition of skin and teeth.

If a woman notices at least a couple of signs from this list, then it makes sense to check her vitamin D level with a specialist.

Analysis of the level of vitamin D in the blood. Laboratory research

The level of vitamin D in the blood can be determined using a special test., which will not only allow you to find out its exact level, but will also help the doctor prescribe appropriate treatment.

Obviously, it is not possible to independently diagnose yourself and “prescribe” the correct drug and its dosage.

Any patient should remember a few simple rules that will help obtain objective analysis data:

  • A blood test to determine the vitamin D level is taken in the morning.
  • Before the procedure, you should not eat food, as this significantly affects the results of the analysis and makes them biased.

The norm of vitamin D in the blood of women, according to medical research, ranges from 10 to 40 µg/l.

This wide range is explained by the fact that, depending on your physiological state, a woman may have a reduced, but still “healthy” vitamin requirement.

For example, during pregnancy, when the body is a little depleted, the most high rate during a period of complete rest and proper flow of all life processes.

Vitamin D intake for women

The level of vitamin D in the blood can not only be monitored, but also independently regulated with the help special diets, the right image life, adherence to a daily routine and the use of special vitamin preparations.

It is advisable for a woman to adhere to integrated approach to maintain vitamin D levels, but, of course, the fastest and easiest source of maintaining it is nutrition and the use of special medications.

The level of vitamin D in the blood of women, girls and girls varies depending on age.

How to increase vitamin D levels in the blood to optimal levels

If a deficiency of group vitamins does occur and causes physiological discomfort to a woman, it can be replenished using the following methods.

The level of vitamin D in the blood of womencan be maintained and increased subject to compliance proper routine day.

Exhausting night shifts at work, constant parties do not bode well, vitamins are consumed especially quickly, since the body does not rest in the dark, but is actively working.

Constantly ignored biological clock often leads to hormonal imbalances, vitamin deficiency and other serious diseases.

Interesting fact! Women living in northern latitudes, where there is a lack of sunlight and warmth, as well as those who neglect walks in the fresh air, are more likely to experience a lack of vitamin D in the blood.

So Don't hide too much from the sun and carry out everything free time indoors. A lack of this substance can also be caused by a lack of solar energy.

Proper nutrition is the key to the balance of vitamins in the body.

To increase the level of this active element, you need to consume more following products:

  • Fermented milk products: kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt, etc.;
  • Vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, corn, etc.);
  • Butter, cheese products, chicken and quail eggs;
  • Fish and seafood: mackerel, herring, caviar, fish oil, cod (especially its liver), seaweed, seaweed etc.

The use of vitamin-mineral complexes is the most quick way raise the level necessary elements in the blood. However, you should not abuse dietary supplements without consulting a doctor.

Be careful! An excess of vitamins is just as dangerous as their deficiency, and can cause significant disturbances in the body, including the development of serious diseases.

Before taking any vitamin preparation Consultation with a physician is necessary, especially if the patient decides to increase the dosage.

Vitamin D preparations

Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and hocalciferol (vitamin D3) are contained in almost any vitamin-mineral complex, which, in turn, are most often used to treat vitamin deficiency.

This is explained convenient form dosage and use of drugs. However, the range of forms of release of vitamins D is much wider. The main ones are discussed in more detail below.

Vitamin D oil solution

When the vitamin D level is especially low and needs to be raised immediately, doctors most often prescribe injections so that vitamins enter the blood as quickly and in greater concentration as possible.

For these purposes, oil solutions of vitamins D are used.

Such solutions are available for both ergocalciferol and chocalciferol. Oil solutions can also be used orally with meals. The dosage in both cases is determined by the doctor.

Basic preparations in the form of an oil solution:

  • "Ergocalciferol";
  • "Vigantol";
  • "Oxydevit".

Calcium with vitamin D

Vitamin D in combination with calcium are a powerful tool in the fight against bone diseases, and also have a general strengthening effect on the entire female body, including improving the condition of teeth, hair and nails.

The secret of such a successful combination is that Vitamin D helps calcium be better absorbed by the body and absorbed into the blood faster.

That is, with a lack of vitamin D, calcium itself is not so effective, so a significant part of dietary supplements for maintaining women's health and beauty is based precisely on the complex of these two elements.

Popular drugs in this form of vitamin release are the following brands:

  • "Nycomed";
  • "Complivit";
  • "Vitrum".

For women mature age There are separate lines of these drugs:

  • "Calcium-D3 Nycomed forte";
  • "Complivit Calcium-D3 forte."

All medications are taken orally with or after meals.

Important to remember! The level of vitamin D in the blood of women differs for young girls, pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as for older women.

Vitamin D ointment or cream

Vitamin D is also used externally, usually for treatment skin diseases , such as psoriasis, skin tuberculosis, itching, infections, allergies, bedsores, stretch marks, etc.

Pay attention! You should only use ointments with vitamin D locally and do not vigorously rub the drug into the skin; it is better to wait until it is absorbed on its own.

On modern pharmaceutical market The following products of this kind are presented:

  • "Davonex";
  • "Dawn";
  • "Akriderm";
  • "Ksamiol" and others.

Vitamin D preparations for those planning pregnancy or pregnant women

Vitamin D3 is especially important for women, since it is it that maintains the constant normal functioning of the body and responds to the normalization of the menstrual cycle.

For this reason, it is included in vitamin and mineral complexes for women treating infertility, trying to regulate their cycles, trying to get pregnant, or already expecting a baby.

For those who are just planning a pregnancy, it is important to monitor the regularity of the cycle in order to know exactly when ovulation begins, and therefore favorable time for conception.

You also need to prepare your body for this in advance. important event so as not to deplete it unnecessarily.

If a woman is already pregnant, then vitamin D3 becomes necessary not only for herself, but also for the unborn baby.

It is especially important not to lack vitamin D3 in the third trimester of pregnancy, when it is necessary for the formation of healthy bones in the fetus.

There are special drugs for expectant mothers or those who are still planning to become pregnant, helping to maintain the balance of all important vitamins and microelements for both mother and child.

Pregnant women should take:

  • "Elevit Pronatal";
  • "Pregnavit";
  • "Multi-tabs Prenatal";
  • “Alphabet of Mom’s Health”;
  • “Complimentary Mom.”

Especially for pregnant women and already born babies suffering from vitamin D deficiency, or premature babies, another form of release has been developed - the Aquadetrim water solution.

It is taken orally, strictly as prescribed by a doctor.

A full level of vitamin D in the blood of women is an important component of the health of any representative of the fairer sex. This criterion cannot be neglected, and ignoring the signs of vitamin D deficiency is dangerous.

Remembering and observing simple rules, every woman helps herself to stay healthy, young and beautiful for many years.

This video will tell you about the level of vitamin D in the blood of women and men, as well as about the foods that contain it:

From this video you will learn what symptoms include vitamin D deficiency:

Vitamin D is necessary for calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the body. Due to vitamin B deficiency children's body rickets develops, and in an adult the bones become thinner and lose strength, and dental pathologies appear. Also, compound D supports the proper functioning of the endocrine glands and the immune system. To avoid the occurrence of oncology, pathologies of the heart and vascular system, you need to know what the daily intake of useful substances is.

Vitamin D - what is it?

The human body requires two compounds of group D: ergocalciferol (D 2) and cholecalciferol (D 3).

Human endocrine glands Ergocalciferol is not synthesized and enters the body exclusively from the outside. Sources of the substance are some yeast microorganisms and many plants.

Cholecalciferol enters the human body in two ways. The first method is the independent synthesis of cholesterol in the skin layers under the influence of ultraviolet solar radiation. The second way is to eat food rich in the substance. It should be borne in mind that vitamin D 3 is not present in plants and is found exclusively in animal products.

Effect on the body

Vitamin D performs several important actions in the body:

  • regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism;
  • transports minerals from the blood to bone tissue;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps minerals to be absorbed in the intestines;
  • affects the production of certain hormones.

The benefits of the vitamin are especially noticeable for women. Calciferol helps maintain the normal condition of hair, nail plates, teeth and gums. A child needs a vitamin to prevent rickets.

Vitamin deficiency

With vitamin deficiency, the following pathologies develop:

  • disorders of the heart and circulatory system;
  • immune deficiency;
  • allergy;
  • periodontal disease;
  • tumor formations in intestinal tract, mammary and genital glands;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • sleep disorders;
  • weakening of muscle fibers;
  • psoriasis;
  • arthritis;
  • asthma;
  • male and female infertility;
  • increased likelihood of miscarriage and fetal pathologies in pregnant women.

Causes of deficiency

The causes of the deficiency state are:

  • poor and unvaried diet;
  • insufficient absorption of nutrients in the body;
  • infrequent exposure to sunlight.

Most often, calciferol is reduced in women on strict diets. Also, the body of people who spend little time under the sun always suffers from hypovitaminosis D.

Optimal and maximum daily doses for people of different ages

Below is a table showing the optimal and maximum daily intake of vitamin D for children of different ages and for adults.

optimal dose, IU per day

maximum dose, IU per day

for babies up to six months

for infants from six months to one year

for babies from one to 3 years old

for kids from 3 to 8 years old

for children from 8 to 18 years old

for men and women over 18 years old

for older people over 70 years old

for pregnant and breastfeeding women

The preventive daily dose of calciferol is 4000 IU. In mg, this amount of vitamin is 0.1 mg.

25-OH analysis

Each person can find out the optimal dosage of a vitamin for themselves by doing a test for the content of the substance in the blood. An endocrinologist deciphers the analysis.

The unit of measurement is either ng/ml or nmol/l. To get data in ng/ml, you need to divide the readings in nmol/l by 2.5.

For a person of any gender, the normal level of calciferol in the blood is 30 – 100 ng/ml. At levels of 21 – 29 ng/ml, low level substances in the body. And if the analysis shows less than 20 ng/ml, then we should talk about a pronounced deficiency. Hypervitaminosis D is diagnosed when more than 100 ng/ml of the substance is detected in the blood.

The optimal level of vitamin in the blood for health is 40 ng/ml. The table below shows how much vitamin preparation you need to take per day to increase the concentration of the substance in the body.

optimal value, ng/ml

current value, ng/ml

The 25-OH test result is the current value. The table indicates the optimal value for the body. At the intersection of a row and a column it is indicated daily consumption vitamin in IU, which helps increase the content of the substance in the body.

Vitamin D3 is vital for the human body, especially in early and old age. But is it worth taking D3-containing drugs if you can get the daily dose of the substance by getting enough sun exposure and eating a balanced diet?

What is vitamin D 3 and why does our body need it?

Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol is a fat-soluble substance that the body receives from certain foods, as well as as a result of synthesis that occurs on the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. That is why it is also called “solar”.

Unfortunately, most Russians do not have many sunny days a year and many feel a lack of vitamin D3. This is especially true for residents of northern megacities with unfavorable ecology. In this case, the deficiency of the substance often has to be replenished artificially by taking medications or dietary supplements.

Forms of release of vitamin D 3

Cholecalciferol is available in several forms:

  • oil or water solution;
  • gelatin capsules;
  • ampoules;
  • tablets, including chewable ones.

This substance is also often included in many multivitamin complexes.

Why does a person need it?

Vitamin D3 performs a number of important functions in the body:

  • helps the absorption of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium;
  • strengthens bones, cartilage and joints;
  • promotes cell growth and renewal;
  • affects the proper functioning of the bone marrow, which is responsible for the formation of immunity;
  • normalizes insulin production;
  • protects the membranes of nerve cells and ensures normal transmission of nerve impulses;
  • regulates metabolism and hormone production;
  • prevents the development of cancer.

Why do women need vitamin D 3?

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the “sunshine” vitamin for women, as it promotes:

  • normal fetal gestation during pregnancy, reducing the risk of cesarean section;
  • correct intrauterine formation of the child’s bone tissue;
  • maintaining in healthy condition teeth, hair and nails of both expectant and nursing mothers;
  • prevents the risk of developing osteoporosis, which is especially important for older women.

The importance of vitamin D for children (newborns, infants and older babies)

Vitamin D3 is vital for children, as it provides:

  • proper development of bones and joints;
  • formation of normal immunity;
  • uninterrupted functioning of the heart and circulatory system;
  • growth of healthy and strong teeth;
  • prevents the occurrence of rickets.

But this does not mean at all that all children, without exception, need additional intake of artificial vitamin D. Dr. E. Komarovsky believes: children who are breastfed and mixed fed, who are outside for at least half an hour every day, are not at risk of rickets, since in mother's milk contains all necessary for the baby vitamins and microelements, including vitamin D3. But a nursing mother needs to eat well, and it wouldn’t hurt to take a specialized multivitamin complex.

Video: pediatrician E. Komarovsky’s opinion on vitamin D for breastfed children

In artificially raised children, the risk of rickets tends to zero, even if they spend little time outdoors, since modern adapted milk formulas contain all the vitamins necessary for the child of this age, including vitamin D. This is why preparations with vitamin D3 for young children should be prescribed by pediatricians only for special indications:

  • with confirmed rickets of the initial stage;
  • if the nursing mother is malnourished;
  • if the child does not go outside or walks for less than half an hour.

Video: Dr. E. Komarovsky’s opinion on vitamin D for artificially-trained children

Dark-skinned children are more susceptible to the risk of rickets than light-skinned ones - nature has decreed that the former produce vitamin D less well.

For children after one year, vitamin D3 is, as a rule, rarely prescribed - the child should receive all the necessary vitamins and microelements from food, provided that his diet is formulated correctly. For children, a half-hour walk is enough to ensure daily value"solar" substance. If necessary, pediatricians can recommend a multivitamin complex, which also includes vitamin D3. Such cases include:

  • O/X-shaped curvature of the lower extremities;
  • formation of a saddle nose.

Similar symptoms are typical for children who spend little time in the sun and are malnourished (not receiving enough dairy products - butter, cheese, cottage cheese, milk, etc.)

Signs of D 3 deficiency in the body

At different ages, the signs of D3 deficiency in the body are different. Most often they appear in children under one year of age and in adults after 50 years.

In infants

It is worth discussing with your pediatrician the issue of prescribing a D3-containing drug if your child experiences the following symptoms:

  • the fontanelle does not close for a long time;
  • skull is deformed;
  • weak muscles;
  • increased nervousness, sleep disturbance;
  • dysplasia (curvature) hip joints, and deformation of the lower extremities;
  • chest deformation;
  • "frog" belly.

The presence of atopic dermatitis may also serve indirect sign lack of vitamin D3 in an infant

If D3 therapy is not started on time in a baby, it also often leads to delayed teething and the formation of teeth. malocclusion. In adulthood, complications may arise in the form of arthritis, scoliosis, and flat feet.

In adults

Signs of vitamin D3 deficiency include:

  • frequent bone fractures and muscle weakness;
  • osteoporosis (when bones become porous and prone to brittle);
  • osteochondrosis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • muscle cramps, pain, tingling of the tips of the fingers and toes;
  • arrhythmia;
  • hypertension.

Long-term vitamin D3 deficiency can lead to serious illnesses:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • asthma;
  • problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • breast, prostate or colon cancer.

What are the risks of overdose?

If the doctor nevertheless prescribed a D3-containing drug, then you need to strictly follow its dosage, since the fat-soluble substance tends to accumulate in the body, and its excess can cause serious problems:

  • hypercalcemia (excess calcium);
  • chronic pyelonephritis - due to increased urination;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • decreased immunity;
  • intoxication, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever, strong thirst and dry mouth;
  • cardiopathy and cardioneurosis.

Excess calcium is very dangerous for the body - plaques can quickly form on the walls of blood vessels, in the heart and kidneys, which lead to blockage of the arteries.

Obese people are especially prone to increased calcium formation, since metabolic processes they are slow

Symptoms of D3 hypervitaminosis in adults appear:

  • headaches;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • sudden loss of appetite and sharp decline weight;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • polyuria ( advanced education urine);
  • constipation;
  • bluish skin tone;
  • an increase in the size of the liver and spleen.

The presence of any of these symptoms requires consultation with a doctor. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor may order laboratory tests, which in the case of D3 hypervitaminosis may show:

  • a significant concentration of calcium along with a low phosphorus content in the blood;
  • an increase in white blood cells, the presence of protein and traces of blood in the urine.

Signs of acute D3 hypervitaminosis in children:

  • a sharp decrease in appetite;
  • vomit;
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • constipation;
  • disorders of the nervous system, including seizures.

Acute manifestations of the disease can occur due to exceeding the dosage of a D3-containing drug, as well as due to its individual intolerance.

Chronic symptoms may be less pronounced:

  • flabby dry skin with a gray-yellow tint;
  • closure of the fontanelle ahead of schedule;
  • heart murmurs;
  • increased calcium in urine;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight up to dystrophy;
  • increase in bone density.

Chronic disease is most often associated with long-term slight excess of vitamin D3 dosage.

If in the case of adults with D3 hypervitaminosis, the decision on the need for hospitalization is made by the doctor, then children definitely require treatment in a hospital, and then dispensary observation for at least 2–3 years. Therapy will be aimed at eliminating intoxication and normalizing the functioning of vital important organs. In the future, you will need to adjust the baby’s diet: the basis of the menu should be porridge with water and vegetables, dairy products are completely excluded at first, and then sharply limited. Of course, immediately stop taking all medications containing calcium and vitamin D3.

Who is the vitamin really indicated for?

Self-medication with drugs containing calcium and vitamin D3 is unacceptable - they are taken strictly as prescribed by a doctor after an appropriate examination.

Reasons for prescribing a “solar” substance for adults may include:

  • treatment of osteoporosis, osteomalacia (softening of bones) and osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone marrow);
  • menopause in women;
  • too long healing of bones during fractures;
  • low calcium levels in the blood;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases: atrophic gastritis, pancreatitis, enteritis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • arthritis;
  • hay fever;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • psoriasis;
  • prevention of D3 deficiency conditions due to malabsorption (chronic disorder of digestion and absorption nutrients small intestine), liver cirrhosis, hypoparathyroidism, pseudohypoparathyroidism and some other diseases.

For children, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of rickets or its prevention in the following cases:

  • fetal prematurity;
  • living in places with unfavorable climate or unfavorable environment;
  • poor nutrition of the nursing mother or the child herself.

Neither children nor adults should be prescribed vitamin D3 in the summer if they are exposed to the sun every day in open clothing and eat dairy products at least once a week.

Daily requirement of vitamin D 3 for different categories of people

To provide yourself with the daily norm of cholecalciferol you need to take daily sufficient quantity food of animal origin. Fats are needed to absorb vitamin D3 - that's why the craze low-fat products may harm your health. It is very important to spend enough time outside with exposed areas of the body, for children - at least half an hour, and for adults - at least an hour during daylight hours.

Table: daily requirement for vitamin D 3 for different age categories

In order for the synthetic D3-containing drug to be better absorbed by the body, it is good to combine its intake with the use of any fatty product, for example, creamy or vegetable oils 0.5/1 teaspoon respectively.

It is good to take vitamin D3 and vegetable or animal oil at the same time

Factors that increase the body's need for it

  • living in the northern regions (from the 37th parallel and north) or in areas with unfavorable ecology;
  • dark skin - for such people it is more favorable to be closer to the equator;
  • nocturnal lifestyle;
  • inability to stay outside;
  • usage sunscreens(SPF labeling of 8 or higher means that the product will block the synthesis of vitamin D on the skin by 92%.

People exposed to at least one of these factors are at risk for cholecalciferol deficiency, and therefore require special examination and possible D3 therapy.

How to determine the level of cholecalciferol in the body

Laboratory tests will help determine the level of vitamin D3 in the body, in particular, a venous blood test, which separately evaluates the content of vitamins D2 and D3.

Preparation for such a study is simple: 2–3 hours before blood sampling, you should refrain from smoking and eating.

  • D2 - from 10 to 40 ng/ml;
  • D3 - from 15 to 50 ng/ml.

If the analysis indicators are within these values, then the vitamin D content in the body is normal. If there are deviations up or down from the reference values, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Table: values ​​of various readings of vitamin D3 in the blood

Cholecalciferol concentration, ng/ml Meaning
less than 5 hypovitaminosis of extreme severity
from 5 to 10 serious shortage
from 10 to 20 average deficiency
from 20 to 30 values ​​close to optimal
from 30 to 50 normal content
from 50 to 70 excess upper limit norms
from 70 to 150 overdose
more than 150 intoxication

Only the attending physician should comprehensively evaluate the research results and make a decision on the need for D3 therapy based on test data and the general objective condition of the patient.

For whom vitamin D 3 is contraindicated and will cause harm?

Contraindications to the use of cholcalciferol may include:

  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • D-hypervitaminosis;
  • kidney problems;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • increased levels of phosphates in the blood.

Side effects from taking cholicalciferol

When taking the drug in adults, unwanted side effects may occur:

  • allergic reactions (difficulty breathing, inability to take a deep breath, tightness in the chest, itching of mucous membranes);
  • headache;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased urination;
  • constipation;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • arrhythmia.

All reactions of the body must be reported to the attending physician, who will decide to reduce the dosage or discontinue the drug.

Allergic reactions in infants:

  • rash and redness on the face;
  • peeling and itching, especially in skin folds;
  • cough, runny nose;
  • increased nervousness;
  • asthmatic attacks;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock.

Allergies in children after one year manifest themselves similarly. All these symptoms require immediate medical intervention and discontinuation of the drug.

Leading products in vitamin D content 3

Daily walks in the fresh air and proper nutrition will help prevent D3 hypovitaminosis, which is why you need to regularly include any foods from the list below in your diet:

  • halibut liver is the undisputed leader in vitamin D content (2500 mcg per 100 g);
  • cod liver;
  • fatty fish (herring, halibut, carp, eel, trout, chum salmon, pink salmon, salmon, etc.);
  • chicken eggs;
  • beef liver;
  • black and red caviar;
  • mushrooms (chanterelles, oyster mushrooms, morels);
  • cocoa;
  • hard cheese;
  • cream;
  • sour cream;
  • fatty cottage cheese;
  • fermented baked milk or kefir;
  • milk;
  • ice cream, etc.

Photo gallery: some foods with the highest vitamin content

100 g of chanterelles contain 8.8 mcg of vitamin D Contains 2.5 mcg of vitamin D per 100 g Contains 0.2 mcg of vitamin D per 100 g
Contains 0.5 mcg of vitamin D per 100 g Contains 1 mcg of vitamin D per 100 g 100 g of oil contains 1.5 mcg of vitamin D
Contains 2.2 mcg of vitamin D per 100 g. The daily norm of the product is 1–2 pcs. 100 g of fatty fish contains from 20 to 30 mcg. 100 g of the product contains 200 mcg. To replenish the daily requirement of vitamin D, it is enough to eat only 7 g of the product

When cooked, vitamin D3 retains its properties, but it is important not to overcook the food. The preferred cooking method is stewing or baking in the oven.

Learn more about foods rich in vitamin D in the Living Well video.

Video: Leading Doctors on Vitamin D Deficiency

The most common drugs and features of their use

For babies

Children under one year of age are prescribed oil or water drops with vitamin D3; they are odorless and tasteless and are conveniently dosed. An aqueous solution is more easily absorbed. Most often, pediatricians recommend:

  • Norwegian Møller;
  • Finnish Devisol;
  • German Wigantol;
  • French Vitamin D3 Bon.

One drop of oil or water solution provides daily norm vitamin D3. For infants, the liquid drug is added to a teaspoon of breast milk or adapted milk formula. The medicine is taken once a day with meals. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor.

For children

For children after one year of age, an oil or water solution is suitable, diluted in a teaspoon of water. You can take vitamin D regardless of food, but in the first half of the day. The regimen is similar to that described above.

Most often prescribed:

  • domestic drops for oral administration Aquadetrim;
  • Finnish Minisan solution;
  • domestic drops and tablets Complivit;
  • Danish drops D-tipat Multitabs;
  • Israeli capsules Alpha D3 from Teva.

After four years, when the swallowing reflex is well formed, the child can already be given multi vitamin complexes with vitamin D3 in the form of chewable tablets or fish oil in gelatin capsules. The highest quality children's fish oil:

  • Norwegian Norsk BarneTran from Carlson Labs;
  • domestic Biafishenol and Kusalochka;
  • American Solgar.

A course of fish oil intake is carried out in the autumn-spring period for a month. The dosage may vary, so you must strictly adhere to the instructions. Take medications with meals.

The most popular multivitamins containing D3 for children and teenagers are:

  • domestic Our baby and Kindergarten from Alphabet;
  • American VitaMishki Kids formula from Pharma-Med;
  • American Vitrum and Centrum;
  • Danish Multi-Tabs;
  • Pikovit made in Slovenia.

Children's vitamin complexes are most often produced in chewable form with fruit flavors.

After appropriate analysis, children up to three years In case of calcium deficiency, Calcium D3 powder for babies may be prescribed. To prepare the suspension, fill the ampoule with powder to 2/3 of its volume. boiled water room temperature and shake well until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. The course of treatment will be 1 month. The medicine is taken once a day after breakfast. Cannot be taken simultaneously with iron-containing drugs and antibiotics of a number of tetracyclines.

For adults

For adults, vitamin D3 is prescribed in different dosage forms, from tablets and capsules for oral administration to solution for injection. The safest are multivitamin complexes containing vitamin D3; they can be taken for preventive purposes in courses 1–2 times a year. Medications are prescribed exclusively by a doctor, who selects the form, treatment regimen and dosage. If your doctor has prescribed a D3-containing drug, it is important to know that the daily dose of pure vitamin D for an adult should not exceed 10 mcg (400 IU) for women and 7.5 mcg (300 IU) for men.

The most commonly prescribed liquid forms are:

  • Vitamin D3 B.O.N. produced in France - solution in ampoules, intended for oral administration and intramuscular injection;
  • Russian water drops Aquadetrim for oral administration;
  • domestic Vitamin D3 - oil solution for oral administration.

Injections are given into the gluteal or thigh muscles. During the course of injections, it is important to keep calcium levels under control and take appropriate blood tests once a week.

Vitamin D3 with Calcium Chewable Tablets:

  • American Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D3;
  • domestic Calcium D3 Complivit;
  • European Calcium D3 Nycomed;
  • Italian Natekal D3.

The drug is taken in the first half of the day, 1-2 times a day during meals, chewing or swallowing and drinking water. The dosage and duration of the course are prescribed by the doctor, and you must strictly adhere to them.

Popular D3-containing multivitamins:

  • American Kalcemin Advance, Vitrum, Centrum;
  • European Multi-Tabs and Sana-Sol.

Such dietary supplements are taken once a day - 1 tablet in the morning after breakfast, for 1 or 2 months.

D-containing drugs for the treatment of psoriasis are available in the form of ointments and creams:

  • Glenriaz;
  • Daivonex;
  • Psorkutan et al.

Ointment or cream is applied twice a day to the affected areas. It is not recommended to use the drug on the face. Such drugs are not indicated for children and pregnant women.

Fish oil for adults

  • able to fight senile dementia;
  • maintains a good mood;
  • reduces inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • lowers cholesterol, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.

It is good for women to take it to maintain youthful skin - it improves the condition of subcutaneous fat and makes the skin elastic.

Fish oil should not be taken if you have problems with urinary tract And thyroid gland, as well as in case of individual intolerance.

The best product is considered to be made in Norway, from domestic drugs products good quality produced by Murmansk and Arkhangelsk fish factories.

The best medical supplies with fish oil:

  • Norwegian Cod Liver Oil from Carlson Labs in gelatin capsules;
  • American capsule Omega-3 Fish Oil with vitamin E from Solgar.

Undergoing cleaning molecular level from everyone harmful impurities: mercury, arsenic, etc.

Both drugs are of the highest quality and meet all international standards. Their only drawback is their high cost.

Vitamin complexes for pregnant women with vitamin D3

Pregnant and lactating women should definitely take specialized multivitamin complexes with vitamin D, as well as eat well. But fish oil is prohibited during pregnancy due to the risk of A-hypervitaminosis and hypertension.

The best multivitamins for pregnant and lactating women, which are prescribed when planning motherhood and taken until the end of the lactation period:

  • American VITRUM PRENATAL forte - a balanced and safe complex with an optimal dosage of the ten most essential vitamins and three minerals, take 1 tablet per day after breakfast;

Contains daily dose vitamin D3 (400 IU) and other necessary substances

  • German ELEVIT PRONATAL - contains 12 vitamins and 7 minerals, recommended for lack of nutrients due to toxicosis or taking a course of antibiotics, the disadvantage of the drug is the lack of iodine in the composition, which will have to be taken additionally.

Contains 500 IU Vitamin D3

Both drugs are not prescribed for urolithiasis and elevated levels of calcium in the urine and blood - due to the phosphorus and calcium contained in the composition.

Is fish oil an analogue of vitamin D3 and what is better to take?

Fish oil is often considered an analogue of vitamin D3. But these drugs have their fundamental differences. In addition to vitamin D, the latter contains polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, providing positive influence on blood vessels, as well as vitamin A and antioxidants. This is why the “old-fashioned method” is indispensable for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. It prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces blood pressure, fights aging changes, maintains skin elasticity. It is good to take it simultaneously with vitamin E - this way it is better absorbed by the body.

Vitamin D3 is often prescribed for problems with bone and joint tissue, for better absorption calcium. Before prescribing a D3-containing drug, appropriate laboratory tests are carried out.

The attending physician decides which drug to prescribe in each specific case.



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