Any disturbance that occurs as a result of injury or stress leads to a general imbalance in the body. The symptom of the disease is the loss of free movement of any structure. Osteopathic treatment is aimed at removing the tension that has arisen, eliminating the source of tension that became the first link in the chain, and restoring normal work structures. This necessary conditions triggering the body's self-regulation mechanism, when it begins to heal itself - after all, relaxation, like tension, is transmitted along the chain.

It is clear that only highly professional specialists who have thoroughly studied all the relationships can solve problems in this way. human body, capable of feeling the slightest tension in the tissues and knowing how to remove it. Moreover, both diagnosis and treatment are carried out only with hands, only due to the special sensitivity of the fingers, advanced training. An osteopath is able to feel a hair placed under a stack of 30/40 sheets of paper.

The main methods of osteopathy are the treatment of soft tissues with special techniques, followed by work on the joints (development of the joint by movements and, if necessary, its targeted precise manipulation).

What types of osteopathy exist?

Structural osteopathy.
Structural osteopathy works with musculoskeletal system: bones, muscles, ligaments. Using this method, disorders that lead to back pain are eliminated, mental and physical activity, the body's resistance to stress increases. Structural osteopathy improves the body’s immunity, relieves the syndrome chronic fatigue.

Visceral osteopathy.
Visceral osteopathy works with internal organs, normalizes the functioning of the liver and intestines, improves digestion and metabolism. This method is used for diseases gastrointestinal tract, helps eliminate gynecological problems, treats chronic diseases genitourinary system, used for warning varicose veins veins

Cranial osteopathy.
The osteopathic method of cranioxal therapy is a relaxation of the deep structures of the brain. If these structures are in a constant state of tension, they begin to compress the brain and cranium, causing pain, against which medications are often powerless.

Visceral osteopathy - treatment of internal organs. Visceral osteopathy

The founder of osteopathy is the American physician Andrew Still, who developed its concept in 1874, taking the best from Egyptian and Greek medicine of the Renaissance. In 1882, Dr. Still established the first school in the United States and the world in Kirksville. osteopathic medicine. In 1918, Still's student Littlejohn created the first European osteopathic school in England. In the 60s, F. Peyralade opened the first osteopathic school in France.

This treatment method is very popular in France. There, there are osteopaths in all maternity hospitals, the football team of former world champions has a personal osteopath who travels with them to all competitions, and about three hundred thousand people a year visit these doctors. In America, England, the USA, Israel, Spain and many other countries, the direction has long won recognition - by the way, it is included in the British medical advice as a separate discipline. And there is nothing strange about this - osteopathy has proven itself well.

Osteopathy considers a person as a unity of musculoskeletal, neurovegetative and neuropsychological systems which constantly adapts to changing conditions external environment. From the point of view of osteopathy, only that organism is considered healthy in which there is free movement of blood, lymph, cerebrospinal and interstitial fluid.

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment painful conditions organism, the cause (or an integral part) of which are mechanical disorders. TO mechanical problems include changes in the elasticity of soft tissues (skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, ligaments and tendons), joint mobility (stiffness or excessive mobility).

And using cranioxal therapy, you can relax these structures and relieve a person from pain. This branch of osteopathy works with the central nervous system: the brain and spinal cord. The method is used in the treatment of headaches of various etiologies(consequences of traumatic brain injury, birth injuries, migraines, etc.). An osteopathic doctor is able to restore the symmetry of the skull, relax spasms of the suboccipital and cervical muscles, which most often lead to headaches.

OSTEOPATHY - I use the method of Tolstonosov A.A. in Pervouralsk and Yekaterinburg will answer all questions in a personal message, please contact me, or come to my group “Health massage...” Osteopathy is one of the methods manual therapy- influencing the human body with the help of hands and considers the body as a single whole - anatomical, biological, physiological, in which all organs and systems are interconnected. An osteopathy session is complex impact and is almost never carried out in individual zones. It lasts from 1 hour to 1.5 - depending on the tasks and the patient’s condition. The session is usually carried out once every 5-7 days. At acute pain maybe once every 3 days. For older people - no more than once a week. Advantages of the osteopathic method: - Soft, gentle effect; - Effective for patients of any age; - Painless and safe; - Possibility of use in pregnant women - Elimination of the cause of the disease, not its symptoms; - General improvement of the body; - Deep relaxing effect. This method It is also valuable because it gives the body a powerful impulse for self-healing. The session is over, but the process continues: - Posture is corrected, - Blood circulation is normalized, - Well-being improves, - Sensation is heightened own body, - The attitude towards oneself and others changes. The relaxing and psychotherapeutic effect is very pronounced: - Muscle tension disappears, - Traces of old psychological and physical traumas are erased. The body remembers and knows more than we can imagine - by changing our posture, gaining freedom of movement, we change our lives. A little about the method. There are many osteopathic schools. Russian osteopath Andrey Andreevich Tolstonosov, taking P. Chauffour’s technique as a basis, based on own experience significantly changed it, adapting it to the needs of patients. By combining MET (muscle energy technique), MFR (muscle fascial release - i.e. relaxation) and RECOIL (rebound), he combined diagnosis and treatment, obtaining a pronounced healing effect when separate equipment did not work. By using the “Complex of dosed movements” he developed and other things listed above, you can restore mobility bone structures who have been in dysfunction for decades, return the organs to their place and functional activity. Another special feature of the method is that special attention is given to the condition of the sacrum and coccyx. Restoring their mobility correct position Using simple and painless techniques, it relieves tension in the deep muscles surrounding the spine. Without this it is impossible effective correction cervical region, on which the condition of our brain, heart, organs of vision and hearing, teeth, hands, etc. depends. Working with the pelvis and abdomen restores organ functions, which affects all areas human health. Diluting adhesions, returning organs to their place and biorhythms - all this is included in the technique and is carried out during sessions. Also developed by A.A. Tolstonosov’s myofascial facial massage not only eliminates deep tension, restoring tone and symmetry, but also affects active zones, has a deep overall healing effect, it can be added to the session additionally, or can be carried out as a separate procedure. It can be added that an osteopathy session always gives a powerful lymphatic drainage effect, and by eliminating bone dysfunctions, stretch marks shrink and disappear. Osteopathy according to A.A. Tolstonosov is unique universal method non-medicinal and non-medicinal surgical treatment a variety of dysfunctions and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, visceral, vascular and neurological disorders, very effective during the rehabilitation period after injuries. It is shown and healthy people those who want to support high level health, and for pregnant women - to prepare for childbirth. The method is certified and does not contradict the principles of official medicine.

  • visceral osteopathy, vascular dysfunctions - inferior vena cava

Visceral osteopathy deals with internal organs, that is, it normalizes the functioning of the liver and intestines, improves digestion and metabolism. This method of treatment is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (peristalsis problems, constipation and others), helps eliminate gynecological problems, treats chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, and is used to prevent varicose veins.

Visceral osteopathy is a relatively new and still relatively unpopular direction in medicine, but at the same time it is rapidly developing. Being one of the branches of general osteopathy, it deals with the treatment of mechanical, functional disorders in the internal organs of the abdomen, pelvis, chest.

Each organ has its own mobility with a certain rhythm, it does not depend on breathing movements. All organs - heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, pelvic organs, thanks to ligaments and fascia, slide relative to each other. Violation of this sliding leads to impaired organ mobility and dysfunction. Injuries and diseases of the spine also affect work internal organs. Osteopathic techniques restore the internal mobility of the organ, resulting in improved blood circulation, lymph formation, and the energy state of the organs and systems of the body.

During the diagnosis, the osteopathic doctor determines the location of the internal organs, their mobility relative to each other, the condition of the surrounding muscles and ligaments, and the internal movements of the organs themselves. After this, the treatment process itself begins, which consists in restoring normal mobility of the body organs, strength ligamentous apparatus, improving lymphatic drainage. All this leads to the fact that the human body starts biological mechanisms self-healing physiological functions and interruption of pathological processes.

Visceral osteopathy is used for the following diseases and pathological processes:

  • Colitis;
  • Prolapse (ptosis) of internal organs;
  • Adhesive processes in abdominal cavity caused by surgical interventions or inflammation;
  • Impaired urinary function;
  • Dyskinesia biliary tract;
  • Algodismenorrhea;
  • Prolonged headaches;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Back pain.

Visceral osteopathy contributes not only to the treatment of internal organs, but also to osteochondrosis of the spine, intervertebral hernia. The condition of the spine directly depends on the condition of the internal organs, their ligaments and mesenteries. Therefore, working with internal tissues, you can gently but very effectively relieve patients from chronic pain in the back, especially in the lumbosacral region. The connection between the condition of the spine and various internal organs always exists. For many women, lower back pain is caused by various diseases pelvic organs, and visceral osteopathic techniques allow the patient to be cured of pain without even touching her spine.

One of the largest endocrine glands human is the liver. In an adult, its weight reaches 1.5 kilograms. The stomach is attached to it by ligaments, right kidney, duodenum. In case of injuries or concussions of the abdominal organs, displacement of the liver can occur, which leads to pathological processes not only in the organ itself and the structures fixed to it, but also in the cervical and thoracic region spine, right shoulder joint, sacroiliac joint. Existing techniques Visceral osteopathy allows you to restore the balance of the hepatic ligaments and help the patient with other problems associated with impaired liver mobility.

Osteopathy gives the human body the strength to fight various pathological processes one of the most natural and safest ways.

In the human body, all structures are in the inextricable Unity of their interaction, both functional and mechanical. This is one of the postulates of osteopathy.

It is known from vertebral neurology that there are vertebral-visceral (vertebral-organ) and viscero-vertebral (organ-vertebral) reflexes. If the spine is damaged (fixation, displacement, etc.) at any level, a disruption of the innervation and blood supply to the internal organs associated with it occurs, but the feedback reflex connection is also true - if the internal organs are damaged, chronic subthreshold pain impulses will cause muscle spasm and vegetative disorder of blood supply at the level of the spine.

The mechanical connections of internal organs (viscera) and other body structures are also very significant. Osteopaths know that when there is a spasm of the capsule of an organ, its displacement or other disorder at the structure-function level, tension occurs in the ligamentous apparatus of these organs, which is transmitted to the surrounding structures and especially to the spine, creating conditions for impaired mobility and displacement. Simply put, if an organ “pulls”, it displaces the surrounding structures towards itself.

In addition, all organs have a certain normal mobility in accordance with the act of breathing. When the diaphragm moves, there is a constant displacement of some organs relative to others. The famous visceral osteopath Jean Pierre Barral called the relationship of two adjacent organs a “visceral joint” - which really reflects their functional mobility. If normal movements will be disturbed due to the inflammatory process (adhesion of the peritoneum - adhesions) or a traumatic change in the position of the organs - compensating for the dysfunction, other organs will take on additional mechanical work, which can also adversely affect their functions.

Thus, visceral osteopathy deals not only with local problems of internal organs, but can help resolve general mechanical and physiological tasks- improve the mechanics of the spine and other osteoarticular structures, influence the function of the craniosacral system.

Visceral osteopathy, by optimizing local blood flow and nervous regulation, allows you to eliminate many chronic pathological conditions(cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis, etc.) at the level of the abdominal cavity - even if they are infectious. Visceral osteopathy also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the urogenital area, helping many women get rid of chronic painful processes at the level of the uterus, tubes and ovaries, and men restore potency and get rid of chronic inflammatory processes in the prostate. Maybe effective treatment and diseases at the level of the chest cavity.

Despite the many highly effective techniques of visceral osteopathy and the commitment of many operators to visceral work, it should be noted that proper osteopathic treatment is based on the synthesis of all three approaches of osteopathy - respect for the structure, viscera and craniosacral system in the interests of the specific body that came to see the patient.

How long does it take to relieve pain?

There is no single answer: treatment can last from 3 sessions to six months depending on individual characteristics patient.

Contraindications for treatment with visceral therapy methods

There are absolute ones, like an aneurysm abdominal aorta, thrombotic conditions, acute infectious diseases, internal bleeding, spicy surgical diseases abdominal organs (when there are signs of local or diffuse peritonitis). And there are relative ones, like arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart and respiratory failure, malignant neoplasms.

What opportunities does visceral osteopathy provide?

Therapy occurs gradually and not one of the methods of treating functional disorders of internal organs does not guarantee that the problem will never return. The disease itself will not return in 85 percent, but if the cause that caused it reappears, if the unfavorable situation repeats itself, then no one is immune from relapses. Visceral osteopathy restores the physiological mobility of the organ and the elasticity of the fascia, improves blood circulation and microcirculation in organs and tissues, as well as the functions of the autonomic and central nervous system, normalizes metabolism, eliminates spasms smooth muscle internal organs, normalizes hormonal background, prevents relapses of blocking of the vertebrae, pelvic joints, has a positive effect on psycho-emotional state.

Osteopathy- this is one of the directions modern medicine, in which the human body is considered as a single whole, and the treatment process itself is aimed not at eliminating symptoms, but at the cause of the disease and its elimination. The first osteopathic treatment techniques were developed about 150 years ago. In Russia, osteopathy began to develop in the nineties of the last century, and in 2003 the Ministry of Health recognized osteopathy as an official method of therapy.

One of the branches of osteopathy is visceral osteopathy. She is studying treatment of various diseases of internal organs .

During the diagnosis, the osteopathic doctor determines the location of the internal organs, their mobility relative to each other, the condition of the muscles and ligaments surrounding them, and the internal movements of the organs themselves.

After this, the treatment process itself begins, which consists of restoring normal mobility of body organs, the strength of the ligamentous apparatus, and improving lymphatic drainage. All this leads to the fact that biological mechanisms of self-restoration of physiological functions and interruption of pathological processes are launched in the human body.

Visceral osteopathy is used for the following diseases and pathological processes:

  • Colitis;
  • Prolapse (ptosis) of internal organs;
  • Adhesive processes in the abdominal cavity caused by surgical interventions or inflammation;
  • Impaired urinary function;
  • Biliary dyskinesia;
  • Algodismenorrhea;
  • Prolonged headaches;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Back pain.

Visceral osteopathy contributes not only to the treatment of internal organs, but also to osteochondrosis of the spine and intervertebral hernias. The condition of the spine directly depends on the condition of the internal organs, their ligaments and mesenteries. Therefore, by working with internal tissues, you can gently but very effectively relieve patients from chronic back pain, especially in the lumbosacral region.

The connection between the condition of the spine and various internal organs always exists . For many women, lower back pain is caused by various diseases of the pelvic organs, and visceral osteopathic techniques allow the patient to be cured of pain without even touching her spine.

One of the largest endocrine glands in humans is the liver. In an adult, its weight reaches 1.5 kilograms. The stomach, right kidney, and duodenum are attached to it due to ligaments.

In case of injuries or concussions of the abdominal organs, displacement of the liver can occur, which leads to pathological processes not only in the organ itself and the structures fixed to it, but also in the cervical and thoracic spine, the right shoulder joint, and the sacroiliac joint. Existing methods of visceral osteopathy can restore the balance of the hepatic ligaments and help the patient with other problems associated with impaired liver mobility.

Osteopathy gives the human body the strength to fight various pathological processes in one of the most natural and safest ways.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs