Mentally retarded geniuses. Did you know that many geniuses were considered mentally retarded as children? Case T

Mental retardation is an acquired or congenital developmental delay in the mental system, which occurs due to brain pathology. The disease most often leads to social maladjustment.

In people who suffer from mental retardation, intellectual development is at a lower level compared to the presented norm. Such people experience many difficulties with learning and adaptation in society. The spread of UO disease reaches 1 percent.

F 70 is a code in the doctor’s report, which scares many mothers after medical consultation. Decoding this code becomes a big discovery for most parents, because F 70 is a diagnosis of mental retardation in a child.

Features of mental retardation

The pathology has spread widely among the world's population; according to statistics, it affects from 1 to 5% of people. This is a condition during which there is a strong delay or a general disturbance in the psyche. It is characterized primarily by intellectual impairments. Retardation occurs together with the development of another type of mental or somatic disorder, or can occur without it.

A child with this disorder develops very slowly and later begins to walk and talk. By the time he enters school, he is significantly behind children of his age, although physically he may not be at all different from them. Sometimes, along with a delay in mental development, there are delays in physical development.

Why is this happening?

Provoke such an illness may be a large number of factors. But most often it is very difficult to determine a clear reason. In the practice of some treating specialists, there were cases when it was simply impossible to find out the cause of the development of the disease. The most common causes of the disease are:

  1. Predisposition at the genetic level;
  2. Difficulties in the process of bearing a baby, which are associated with maternal alcohol abuse, drugs and malnutrition;
  3. Injury or illness during pregnancy, such as measles, meningitis, or whooping cough;
  4. Difficulties directly during the birth of a child, this also includes asphyxia or premature birth.

What are the degrees of mental retardation?

Although the reasons for the development of such a pathology may be identical, its degree and form differ markedly. There are four degrees of the disease:

Diagnosis F70 decoding

The F70XX code is used to indicate U.O. The fourth character in this code indicates a weak severity of violations in general behavior. 0 - indicates a complete absence of behavioral disturbances, 1 - the presence of significant disturbances that require timely care and treatment, 8 - other disturbances in the child’s behavior occur, 9 - there is no indication of violations in the individual’s behavior. If the main cause and condition for the development of backwardness is known, then an additional fifth character is also used in the decoding.

Presence of mental retardation negatively affects mental processes, especially the baby’s cognitive skills. A diagnosis of retardation in a child, the decoding of which indicates an IQ of 50-70 points, is not a death sentence.

A child with identified problems begins to crawl, walk, sit and talk much later, but he is capable of learning and can acquire normal communication skills. In some cases there are defects in physical as well as sensory development.

But even under normal conditions A mild degree of developmental retardation does not give the patient the opportunity to understand the meaning of proverbs and metaphors. They tend to take everything they read and say from adults literally. Children cannot give a complete description of the objects in front of them; they may get confused in words, interjections and general gestures.

It will be very difficult for a child to retell a read text or a retelling. Re-reading the text can have a positive effect on the situation, but the subtext, if there is one, will remain undisclosed. The process of solving problems with arithmetic values ​​and involving two or more actions will become inaccessible or extremely difficult. A mild degree is characterized by a complete lack of a sense of humor, fantasy, and imagination.

Diagnosis f71 child

Decoding the diagnosis is a moderate degree of UO. In this case, most often the IQ level varies from 35 to 49 (at a more mature age, mental development corresponds to the age of 6-9 years). Most often, the delay is noticeable in childhood, but many with this diagnosis can freely study and achieve a certain degree of independence in self-care, acquire adequate communication and learning skills. Adults will need in various outside support both in everyday activities and in work.

Disability and F 70

A child with disability may be diagnosed with a disability. To do this, the child’s parents must be examined by a child psychiatrist. If, at the end of the consultation, the doctor decides that the child can be recognized as disabled, he will issue a referral to undergo a complex of medical and social expert commission.

After assessment by MSEC the patient can be assigned one of three disability groups for a child. But not all children with such a diagnosis and not all medical institutions are given a disability. In some countries, people with this diagnosis are not assigned a disability at all. This right is given only to children and people with moderate, severe, and also advanced stages of the disease.

Rehabilitation of children

What should parents do if they are diagnosed with F70? From the very beginning, a parent should learn as much as possible about it, as well as all the possibilities to improve the quality of life of a child with such a disease. It is necessary to begin the process of medical and pedagogical rehabilitation of the patient as early as possible. Repeated courses of segmental and acupressure massage, as well as reflexology, which will help stimulate the blood circulation and metabolic processes inside the brain.

Factors such as proper nutrition, regular walks in the fresh air, physical activity, and music therapy also play an important role during rehabilitation. A child’s life must include daily developmental activities, regular examinations by psychologists and defectologists, as well as visits to kindergarten and school institutions.

There is no need to carry out actions for your child that he cannot decide on his own. We need to encourage and praise him with all our might for his independence. Let him try and learn new things you just have to provide support and guidance.

The right approach to raising a child and teaching will help to further increase his overall IQ by fifteen units. The baby will begin to write and read, talk normally with children of his age and not only, and acquire a worthy profession. Of course, not everyone can achieve such an effect, but everyone has the potential, especially if the diagnosis from a psychiatrist is F70.

More pronounced decreases in the level of intelligence will require a special program for educating the child and mastering everyday skills, but even such actions in the future will help sick people engage in unskilled labor and get their place in general society.

F70 is a non-critical diagnosis of the disease. If you make a timely correction and create the right approach to education and training, you can raise not only a worthy person, but also completely eliminate such a diagnosis.

Mentally retarded geniuses

There are known people who were considered mentally retarded, but at the same time were able to achieve significant recognition in various fields of activity.

There is a painting called "Mental Insufficiency" painted by Dr. A. F. Threadgold. The painting depicts a man whose name was Louis Fleury, his entire adult life was spent in a psychiatric hospital located in the city of Armentieres in France.

Fleury was born into a family of syphilitics. He was born blind and with mental disabilities. Very soon after birth, the parents abandoned the boy, and he ended up in an institution where the staff saw his gift for solving arithmetic problems well in his head.

Attempts to teach the boy literacy did not bring anything good - Fleury could learn almost nothing. Stooped, with an awkward gait, with a blurred look, modest, he spent the entire day walking around the halls and grounds of the hospital, which became a real home for him.

But there was a time when Fleury seemed to come out of his comfortable state and surprise scientists. On such days, many specialists gathered to understand whether Fleury really contained such unusual abilities. He had the reputation of a real counter.

And scientists actually left such meetings as if wiser and very surprised. Fleury was able to make mental calculations with lightning speed and great accuracy - this could not be explained in any way.

Fleury, from the Armentieres clinic, could make such calculations for astronomers, architects, bank employees, and tax collectors. Each calculation was truly accurate and was completed within a few seconds. No one could have accomplished such work before the era of electronic computing technology, a decade after Fleury's death.

Mentally retarded Tom Wiggins became Blind Tom, a musical genius. The Bethunes discovered in him a remarkable gift for unmistakable imitation. No matter how complex the piece was, he could immediately reproduce it exactly, making the same mistakes as a pianist.

The power of the word ">The power of the word " alt=" A story from the childhood of a future genius and his heroic motherThe power of the word">!}

A short story from the life of the brilliant Thomas Edison and his heroic mother. This story shows us the power that lies in our words. What we say and confess is what happens to us in life. Take care of your children, remember this story every time you want to say that they can’t do something, or someone thinks they are not smart enough. Remember that your child is a Genius unless YOU convince him otherwise!

One day, Thomas Edison returned home from school and gave his mother a letter from the teacher. The mother read the letter out loud to her son, with tears in her eyes: “Your son is a genius. This school is too small and there are no teachers here who can teach him anything. Please teach it yourself."

Many years after his mother's death (Edison by that time was already one of the greatest inventors of the century), he one day was looking through old family archives and came across this letter. He opened it and read: “Your son is mentally retarded. We can no longer teach him at school with everyone else. Therefore, we recommend that you teach it yourself at home.”

Edison cried for several hours. Then he wrote in his diary: “Thomas Alva Edison was a mentally retarded child. Thanks to his heroic mother, he became one of the greatest geniuses of his age."

Remember the character played by Dustin Hoffman in the movie Rain Man? Despite his mental disability, he had amazing abilities. He had an amazing memory, which helped out his brother (Tom Cruise) while gambling in a Las Vegas casino.

Such a person is an excellent specialist in any narrow field. He can only do one thing very well, and he fails at most other things. We consider these people to be mentally retarded, or, more correctly, "disabled" and often hospitalize them because they cannot care for themselves. But in reality they are amazing individuals. Today, psychologists continue to puzzle over the mystery of brilliant madmen.

Brilliant madmen are intellectually disabled people who have some outstanding ability, knowledge, skill or talent. Let's take a look at some of these unusual people.

1. A “mentally abnormal person” can repeat verbatim the entire contents of a newspaper after it has been read to him. Another is also able to reproduce its contents verbatim, but, for example, backwards.

2. A so-called weak-minded boy of 12 years old, who cannot read or write, multiplies three-digit numbers correctly and with incredible speed in his head.

3. A 22-year-old woman with the mental development of a five-year-old child remembers the dates of every visit to her home and the name of each visitor.

4. A “mentally retarded person” can remember the day of the funeral service in the local parish for any person over the past 35 years, the age of the deceased and the names of everyone who came to say goodbye to him.

5. Brilliant madmen sometimes gain wide fame. For example, the “genius of Earlswood Hospital,” a deaf, feeble-minded patient, had amazing abilities: he drew, invented, and was well versed in technology. He was widely known and highly respected.

6. Thomas Fuller, a slave from Virginia who lived in the 18th century, was considered hopelessly weak-minded. However, he could quickly calculate the exact number of seconds in 70 years, 17 days and 12 hours, taking into account 17 leap years.

7. Gottfried Mind, who was considered a “stupid idiot,” had an amazing gift for drawing cats. His images seemed so alive that throughout Europe he was known as “the cat’s Raphael.” One of his drawings graced the collection of King George IV.

8. Blind Tom Bethan, a famous madman of genius with extremely limited intelligence, already at the age of four played Mozart's works on the piano and could accurately reproduce a piece of music of any degree of complexity. He was able to repeat a speech of any length in any language without losing a single syllable. Once he passed the test, accurately repeating two works of 13 and 20 pages.

9. Ellen Boudreau, a blind, mentally retarded girl with rickets, had an incredible musical gift. She could repeat any melody sung or played, regardless of its complexity, after the first listen.

10. Kieshu Yamashita, who had a very low level of intelligence, was a genius in graphic art. He was called the Japanese Van Gogh.

11. Alonzo Clemons, whose IQ did not exceed 40, lived in a mental institution in Boulder, Colorado, where he created hundreds of sculptures. One of them was sold in 1992 for $45,000.

12. I.K., a mentally handicapped man from Canada, is a better draftsman than any professional artists who have been compared to him. According to doctors, I.K. sees three-dimensional images amazingly clearly and senses perspective “without applying rules.”

13. London resident Stephen Wiltshire with an IQ of 30 created several books with amazingly beautiful drawings. One of them, Floating Cities, topped the UK bestseller list.

14. George and Charles, the “calculator twins,” are mentally disabled brothers with the amazing ability to describe any day in the last 80,000 years. For example, they can easily tell what day of the week April 24, 929 was. They also remember the weather in detail for every day of their adult lives.

15. Leslie Lemke, who was born prematurely blind, has an amazing memory. He sings, plays and often participates in television shows. Lemke became the hero of two films: “The Woman Who Wanted a Miracle” (1985), which won four Emmy awards, and “The Island of Genius” (1987).

16. Kim, a math genius living in Salt Lake City, Utah, was the inspiration for the character played by Dustin Hoffman in the movie Rain Man. Dr. Darold Treffert, who has worked with such people for many years, was a consultant on the film. Treffert wrote one of the most famous books on this issue, Amazing People: Understanding a Madman of Brilliant. The doctor considers this condition to be relatively rare.

Scientists in search of explanations

According to some experts, approximately 10% of children with autism may exhibit genius. One study of 90,000 psychiatric patients found "54 madmen of genius, or about one in two thousand patients." There are significantly more men among them than women (ratio approximately 6:1). Treffert believes that “no theory has yet explained this mysterious phenomenon.” He writes that “the hypotheses put forward are almost as varied and numerous as the cases described by doctors.”

Despite the six hypotheses that currently exist, each of them is missing something. The first says that the imagination of such people significantly exceeds the level of imagination of a normal person. This refers to the ability to quickly view, store and reproduce large amounts of information. However, some patients are blind and cannot see anything at all.

There is a version that such patients inherited their abilities from their parents. But brilliant madmen are also produced by people without extraordinary abilities, and the children of patients in almost all cases turn out to be completely normal.

The third hypothesis states that mad geniuses suffer from sensory deprivation and social isolation. In some cases this may be true. But deprivation is more a result than a symptom of such a condition. Many live in ordinary surroundings.

According to the fourth theory, such people have a weakened ability for abstract thinking. However, Treffert believes that this view is “descriptive” and not explanatory.

Finally, some believe that gifted mentally retarded people have brain damage or problems with the distribution of functions between the right and left hemispheres. However, many of these patients have completely normal electroencephalogram and computed tomography results.

Treffert concludes that the behavior of brilliant madmen “is complex and difficult to understand; Although this phenomenon is a real phenomenon, it remains unclear both in specific cases and in general. The search for explanations continues. No model of brain function, especially memory, will be complete until it includes the gifted madman syndrome.”

What does all this teach us? This phenomenon illustrates the extremes of human ability - the combination of “genius” and “madness” in one person. We must strive to understand and accept these extremes; we must not ridicule or condemn such people. Most of us are alike. Some are different from the majority, and there are also very special people.

Case of T.M.: unusual memory

Psychologists at the University of London have provided evidence that people with extraordinary memories are indeed special, even if they don't seem so at first glance. They describe the mental activity of T. M., a 25-year-old man with an incredible ability to remember. However, for T.M. himself this is not a mystery, and he clearly explains the memorization mechanism. Here's an example. T. M. asks a person in the audience to name the date of his birth and very quickly says what day it was... Counting the day is done by using numerical codes for years and months and using calculations. With practice, various principles and methods of memorization are developed. Now TM can instantly understand that certain dates mean certain days, as if it were a multiplication table. Each year and month has a code from 0 to 6, and T.M. learned the codes of all years from 1900 to 2000. The method is to add the month and year code and divide the sum by 7; the remainder forms the day of the week. For example, October 27, 1964 gives 27 + 1 (October code) + 3 (1964 code) = 31. Dividing this number by 7, we get a remainder of 3, which means the third day of the week is Tuesday.

Genius and madness: top 21 crazy geniuses

Tarragon - the hero of the play "Waiting for Godot" Samuel Beckett, said that “we are all born crazy. Some people remain so...” According to the World Health Organization, there are currently more than 450 million people in the world suffering from mental illness. Their growth is facilitated by excessive information flow, political and economic disasters... The harbingers of diseases are stress and depression. But this, as it turned out, is not all.

The debate about the relationship between genius and madness among doctors has been going on for a long time. Stories of great people fuel interest in this. Suffice it to recall the nervous and mental disorders of the post-impressionist Vincent Van Gogh or writers Virginia Woolf.

And now scientists from the Karolinska Institute (Sweden) published an article in the Journal of Psychiatric Research in which they claim that there is definitely a connection between creative activities and deviations from the mental norm. The reason for this conclusion was the statistics of mental anomalies collected by scientists among more than a million people. The range of deviations was very extensive: schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, depression, anxiety, various addictions, starting with alcohol, anorexia, autism and much more.

The results of the analysis confirmed that people in creative professions are indeed most susceptible to mental illness, and most often to bipolar affective disorder, which was previously called manic-depressive psychosis. Dancers, photographers, scientists, and writers are especially at risk for this disorder.

Literature studies serve as a kind of bait for most psychoneurological deviations. It turned out that writers are twice as likely to commit suicide than other people.

The opposite pattern was also revealed: representatives of creative professions were most often found among relatives of those who suffered from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anorexia and autism.

However, the data obtained do not indicate that passion for literature, painting or photography has a bad effect on the psyche. On the contrary, unusual thoughts or fantastic visions resulting from mental abnormalities, as well as the ability to imagine and hear voices in characters, are likely to motivate a person to take up a pen, camera or brush.

Today, many psychiatrists are convinced: every creative person has more or less significant deviations in the psyche, and brilliant creators necessarily have such deviations - they only help create masterpieces. Most of the geniuses we know clearly had mental problems. Who is this?

All my life N.V. Gogol suffered from manic-depressive psychosis. “I have been taken over by my usual periodic illness, during which I remain almost motionless in the room, sometimes for 2-3 weeks.” This is how the writer describes his condition. He eventually starved himself to death within two weeks.

Leo Tolstoy suffered from frequent and severe bouts of depression, accompanied by various phobias. Moreover, he struggled with melancholy and depression for many years. In addition, the great writer had an affectively aggressive psyche.

Sergei Yesenin it seemed that everyone was whispering about him, weaving intrigues around him. Some researchers of his biography say that the poet had manic-depressive psychosis, suicidal tendencies, complicated by hereditary alcoholism.

And Maxim Gorky there was a craving for vagrancy, frequent moving and pyromania. In addition, in his family, his grandfather and father had an unbalanced psyche and a tendency towards sadism. Gorky also suffered from suicidal mania - he made his first attempt to commit suicide as a child.

Periods of depression and all kinds of manias for the great Russian poet are known A.S. Pushkin. From early youth he began to exhibit various psychopathic traits. During the lyceum period they expressed themselves in increased irritability. For Pushkin, there were only two elements: “satisfaction of carnal passions and poetry.” Biographers associate the poet's "unbridled revelry, cynical and perverted sexuality, and aggressive behavior" with excessive emotional excitability. It was usually followed by a long depressive period, during which creative sterility was noted. And one can clearly trace the dependence of creative productivity on the mental state of the poet.

Some biographers Mikhail Lermontov It is believed that the poet suffered from one of the forms of schizophrenia. He most likely inherited a mental disorder on his mother's side - his grandfather committed suicide by taking poison, his mother suffered from neuroses and hysteria. Contemporaries noted that Lermontov was a very angry and uncommunicative person; even in his appearance something sinister could be read. According to Pyotr Vyazemsky, Lermontov was extremely nervous, his moods changed sharply and polarly. Cheerful and good-natured, in a moment he could become angry and gloomy. “And at such moments he was unsafe.”

English writer Virginia Woolf suffered from deep depression. It is also said that she wrote her works only while standing. The outcome of her life is tragic: the writer drowned herself in the river, filling her coat pockets with stones.

Edgar Allan Poe It is no coincidence that he was so interested in psychology. It is believed that he may have suffered from bipolar affective disorder. The writer drank a lot of alcohol, and in one of his letters he talked about his thoughts of suicide.

Pulitzer Prize Winner Tennessee Williams was subject to frequent depression. In the 1940s, his sister, who suffered from schizophrenia, underwent a lobotomy. In 1961, the writer's lover died. Both events had a profound effect on his mental state, increasing his depression, which led to him turning to drugs. He could not get rid of depression and addiction for the rest of his life.

American writer Ernest Hemingway suffered from alcoholism, bipolar disorder and paranoia and eventually shot himself with a gun.

Vincent van Gogh was prone to depression and epileptic seizures. A severed ear is an innocent experiment. Ultimately, he shot himself in the chest with a pistol.

Artist Michelangelo allegedly suffered from autism, that is, its mild form - Asperger's syndrome. The artist was a closed, strange person, focused on his own individual world. He had practically no friends.

German composer Ludwig van Beethoven experienced manic and depressive periods of bipolar disorder and was close to suicide. His creative upsurge of energy gave way to apathy. And to switch gears and force himself to write music again, Beethoven dipped his head in a basin of ice water. The composer also tried to “treat” himself with opium and alcohol.

One of the founders of modern theoretical physics Albert Einstein He was undoubtedly a genius already during his lifetime and definitely an eccentric person. As a child, he suffered from a mild form of autism. And his mother almost considered him mentally retarded. He was withdrawn and phlegmatic. The actions of the already adult theoretical physicist were not distinguished by morality. American psychologist Ion Carlson believes that the presence of the schizophrenia gene is one of the incentives for high creative talent. In his opinion, Einstein had this gene. Therefore, doctors diagnosed the scientist’s son with schizophrenia.

Another brilliant scientist sir Isaac Newton, according to many researchers, suffered from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It was very difficult to talk to him, he often had mood swings.

Oddities were also noticed behind the brilliant inventor Nikola Tesla. He had a mania for finishing everything. So, in college, he decided to read Voltaire, and although after the first volume he realized that he actively did not like the writer, he read all 100 volumes. During lunch, he used exactly 18 napkins, wiping down plates, cutlery and hands. He was horrified by women's hair, earrings, and pearls, and never in his life did he sit at the same table with a woman.

Prototype of the main character of the award-winning film "A Beautiful Mind", mathematician John Nash I suffered from paranoia all my life. The genius often had hallucinations, he heard strange voices and saw non-existent people. The wife of the Nobel laureate supported her husband, helping him hide the symptoms of the disease, since, according to American laws of that time, he could be forced to undergo treatment. What ultimately happened, however, the mathematician managed to deceive the doctors. He learned to mask the manifestations of the disease with such skill that psychiatrists believed in his healing. It must be said that Nash’s wife Lucia, in her old age, was also diagnosed with paranoid disorder.

Hollywood actress Vaiona Ryder once admitted: “There are good days and bad days, but depression is something that is always with me.” The actress abused alcohol. Then she was repeatedly caught shoplifting in Beverly Hills. It turns out that Ryder suffers from kleptomania.

Spouse suffers from bipolar affective disorder Michael Douglas Catherine Zeta-Jones. Actually, it was this disease that caused discord in this star family.

Another Hollywood genius Woody Allen- autistic. Among the favorite themes of his films: psychoanalysis and psychoanalysts, sex. All this worries him in real life. Woody's first wife, Harleen Rosen, filed a million-dollar lawsuit for emotional damages during their divorce. According to her, he humiliated her, demanding sterile cleanliness in the house, creating a menu according to which Harleen had to feed him, and making sarcastic comments about everything she did. After the divorce, second wife Louise Lasser stated that she was interested in the director as a housekeeper. One day, after returning from a psychoanalyst, Allen told her: “My doctor said that you are not suitable for me physically.” In fact, he met someone else - Diane Keaton. After 8 years, Diana was replaced by another muse, actress Mia Farrow, who adopted a child almost every year. They rented different apartments nearby, because... Allen did not want to turn his life “into kindergarten.” As a result, the couple broke up amid scandal. Mia caught her husband in the arms of her eldest adopted daughter Sun-Yu. Actually, she is now the life partner of the film genius.

The list of famous creative personalities who left a mark in art and suffered from mental illness can be continued indefinitely: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Hans Christian Andersen, Franz Schubert, Alfred Schnittke, Salvador Dali, Leonardo da Vinci, Nicolo Paganini, Johann Sebastian Bach, Isaac Levitan, Sigmund Freud, Rudolf Diesel, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Claude Henri Saint-Simon, Immanuel Kant, Charles Dickens, Albrecht Durer, Sergei Rachmaninov, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Lope de Vega, Nostradamus, Jean Baptiste Moliere, Francisco Goya, Honore de Balzac, Friedrich Nietzsche, Marilyn Monroe and others. Geniuses, what can you do...

All mothers are the best examples of selfless, unconditional, compassionate and devoted love. Maternal feelings are beyond time and space, defy reason and logic - simply because you can understand them only if you are a parent yourself, and nothing else.

They have been with us since childhood, ready to help, support and always take our side at any moment. Another proof is the story from the childhood of the great Thomas Edison. It is very popular on the Internet, but its veracity cannot be proven. In any case, the main thing about her is her morality. TengriMIX shares this story with you.

Thomas Edison said: “The surest path to success is to always try again.” The biographies of many successful people, including his own, confirm this truth. But few people know that Edison owes much of his achievements to his mother, who did an amazing thing for him!

This happened when Thomas was still a schoolboy. He came home from class and handed his mother a note from the teacher. When the woman read it, tears flowed from her eyes. After persuading her son to tell him what it said, the mother unfolded the note and read aloud: “Your son is a genius. This school is too small for him, there are no teachers here who can teach him anything. Please teach him yourself.”

A couple of years after the death of his mother, Edison, who had already become one of the most famous inventors of his century, was looking through old family archives and came across this very note from school. He unfolded it and saw that in fact the teacher had then written the following: “Your son is mentally retarded. We can no longer teach him at school with everyone else. Therefore, we recommend that you teach him yourself at home.”

What is certain in this story is that at age 12, Edison's formal academic education was ended forever. He never studied in any educational institution again: neither college nor university. And if it were not for the mother of the future inventor, who trusted her intuition more than school authorities, it is unlikely that Thomas Edison’s career would have turned out so successfully.

“My mother made me. She was so strong, she believed in me so sincerely that I felt I had someone to live for and I shouldn’t disappoint her,” Edison later admitted.

A mother is the only person in the world who will always love her child no matter what the circumstances. Appreciate, respect and love them! And don't forget to call your mom. Just like that.



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