Bedtime for children in kindergarten. Sleeping in kindergarten

What image appears in your mind's eye when you remember kindergarten? Most often - a noisy, polyphonic childish hive.

People who visited this establishment as children had varied impressions. Often they gradually form unexpected plots in dreams.

Lots and lots of pets

Why do you dream of a kindergarten with children? Kindergarten naturally associated with many children. If there are many of them in a dream, this portends a streak of surprises By the way, they may not always be pleasant.

A more “gentle” interpretation speaks of the onset of a playful mood, when an adult wants to play a little prank.

Miller's dream book promises the dreamer a peaceful course of life, if all this mass of children is busy with quiet things- modeling, drawing, appliqué, quiet games.

There is an opinion that a dream with kindergarteners tells the dreamer that he needs a break from his usual worries, and sometimes empty fuss.

Therefore, it’s worth taking a time out and figuring it out everyday affairs and determine how urgent the solution to each of them is.

Your child has long grown out of preschool age, and I took a kindergarten with children and dreamed about it. Why would this be? Most likely, such a dream warns that you, with all your life experience and knowledge, you may find yourself completely helpless in the current situation.

If a woman often dreams of a kindergarten with children there, this may be a sign that she will soon become pregnant.

Extremely busy people often see children in full kindergarten in their dreams. And the more kids run around there, the more tasks, assignments and troubles await the dreamer in real life.

If the dream “sent” you to nursery group, then such a plot can be regarded as a desire to have a child.

Seeing the kindergarten empty

According to the dream book, see empty kindergarten- a good sign. Such a dream warns that the dreamer’s life will become calm and balanced, at least without stress.

Another interpreter suggests that this is a sign of shortage bright emotions, “adrenaline deficiency,” and advises taking up some extreme sport.

However, in search thrills You shouldn’t get too carried away, much less get involved in some adventures that can lead to unpredictable consequences.

In kindergarten and beyond

Autumn and Spring dream books as if they complement each other's interpretations. The first believes that the plot in which the dreamer takes his baby to the garden, but he resists and does not want to go, indicates that the parent is not paying enough attention to his child. And the second dream book speaks unequivocally: a person does not cope with parental responsibilities in the best way.

It is interesting that the reverse process - picking up from kindergarten - is absolutely not connected with educational issues and parental concerns.

Such a dream sets the sleeper up for professional actions: to improve his financial situation, he should engage in advanced training and generally grow above yourself, constantly learn something new, i.e. Do not stand still under any circumstances.

Dreaming of a teacher?

The image of a kindergarten teacher suggests that the dreamer should prepare for someone’s teachings.

Another version of the “educational” dream warns that the one who sees such a plot you shouldn’t count on someone to “cover up” his mistakes: You did it yourself - you can sort it out yourself.

I dream that a group of kids are playing with a teacher. According to the interpreter, the image indicates that the dreamer is able to cope with emotions and current situation he has it under control.

The autumn dream book is more realistic: the dream of a kindergarten teacher symbolizes nothing more or less than the pranks of children in reality.

Sleepy fantasies can easily “identify” the dreamer himself as the educator. Why do you dream of working in kindergarten? A person who sees himself in the role of a teacher in reality sees himself as an accomplished person, ready to make others happy with knowledge and skills.

A smaller interpretation suggests that the dreamer will soon have to “educate” an adult who is distinguished by ignorance and lack of knowledge of the rules of decency.

Head of kindergarten

The head of a kindergarten, like the head in general in a dream, is a symbol of change in personal life. It is possible that soon a person will appear on the dreamer’s horizon who will bring new meaning into his existence.

The presence of a woman manager in a dream is a symbol of the fact that someone will begin to show her increased attention. And the man is waiting for a meeting with the girl of his dreams, who can become a real mistress in his house.

As you can see, dream books do not associate “kindergarten” dreams with any obvious negativity. Some changes in life are possible, filled with various events, perhaps not obviously joyful, but more troublesome. And your actions will determine how you overcome all difficulties and obstacles without complicating the situation.

MBOU "Sinekolodetskaya" primary school- kindergarten"

“Time to sleep, or how to organize naps in kindergarten”


GDO teacher

Skovorodko E.V.


Quiet hour
In our kindergarten
Quiet hour.
At this hour we need
We said: - Chock! Chock! Chock!
Closes you out
In the chest.
Locking the chest
On the hook.
All the kids are in bed,
Everything is silent!
Because we have
Quiet hour.
Because I need it

(N. Lotkin)

Daytime nap necessary for proper development preschool children. It provides rest after long period active wakefulness, as well as the child’s accumulation of strength and energy for further activities in the afternoon.

Compliance with the regime, which is so important for a child, concerns, first of all, the organization of the sleep-wake cycle. It is important to teach your child to go to bed at certain time.

When organizing sleep for preschoolers, some difficulties and problems may arise. The most common problem preschool age, associated with sleep - reluctance to go to bed. Preschoolers will endlessly invent reasons to explain why they don't go to bed.

Preschoolers are able to understand that they are required to go to bed at a certain time. You can explain to them that the position of the hands on the clock corresponds to lights out, and remind them how much time they have left to play using a timer. When the timer signals, children should stop playing and get ready for bed.

The child grows, he needs not only to restore the living particles of his body that wear out and collapse during wakefulness, but also to build new ones. It is therefore clear that, like the need for food, the need for rest and sleep in a child is greater than in an adult, and that the younger the child, the longer his sleep should be.

Educators and parents should take care of the child’s sleep and provide him with the opportunity for a restful and sufficiently long sleep. Preschoolers under 5 years of age need, in addition to night sleep (10-11 hours), two hours of daytime sleep, older children (up to 7 years of age) need an hour to an hour and a half of daytime sleep or quiet lying down.

In addition to the hours allotted for sleep, he is usually extremely active and active child needs periods of relative rest. Such periods, first of all, should take place every time before going to bed.

After strong excitement (for example, after walking, moving, exciting games, bright conversation) children, especially impressionable ones, have difficulty falling asleep.

The vitality of impressions in a child is much greater and more visual than in adults. On the other hand, the need to express, due to the mentioned features of the function of children's speech, is often irresistible. As a result, it is necessary to ensure that sleep is preceded by a period of time (20-30 minutes) for calm, non-stimulating activities. Which activity to give preference depends on the nature of the child’s individual response and the guidance of the teacher. In any case, no new material, no new topics should be introduced at this time.

Tips for organizing daytime sleep.

Calm, quiet and soothing music, or reading a good book, helps you fall asleep easily.

In order for preschoolers to go to bed in a timely manner, the teacher must strictly adhere to the daily routine in the group. This contributes to the development of physiological habits in children. The body of preschool children gets used to a certain sequence regime moments. The moment the time comes quiet time, children's body already ready for a day's rest. Deviation from the daily routine is unacceptable, as this will negatively affect physiological state kids.

Before putting children to bed, they need to be calmed down. Organize quiet games(for example, board games, nursery rhyme games, etc.). Read a book to the children. Calm views activities will allow children to make a smooth transition from active games to relaxation.

Pay attention to the light in the bedroom. It should be muted, the curtains closed if possible.

The color of the walls, ceilings, and window curtains (or blinds) in the bedroom is of great importance. Colors should not be bright, so as not to excite the unstable psyche of children. Use pastel, calm colors to decorate your bedroom.

Play calming music for your children (for example, lullabies, classical pieces). It will allow children to calm down and relax. In addition, listening to music will contribute to the aesthetic education of preschoolers.

Do relaxation exercises with your children. These exercises allow some children to relieve tension, others - to concentrate their attention and relieve excitement.

In the bedroom, talk to your children in a calm tone. During the sleepy hour, shouting, noise, and loud conversations are unacceptable. Teach children to use a calm tone. This will create a calm atmosphere in the group.

I will share one of the methods that can be used when organizing a sleep hour.

Encouragement is one of the methods of adjustment child behavior. It helps the child distinguish good from bad, permitted from forbidden. Correctly used encouragement reinforces positive behavior patterns, thereby shaping the child's readiness for active obedience.

Preschool children are very receptive to rewards. Words of approval and praise from adults are for them a stimulus for self-affirmation in positive actions and confidence in their own capabilities. Approval, expressed in a timely and skillful manner, awakens healthy self-esteem in the child: the slow one tries to be agile, the one who performs the task carelessly strives to catch up and do everything better.

Encouragement must be deserved and it must be used when it is necessary to note the child’s achievements (of course, within his capabilities), which require significant effort from him (physical, mental, moral), say, for being able to give up his desires for the sake of convenience others (gave up his seat for the elders, helped his mother carry the shopping, stood up for the younger one, put things in order in the room on his own initiative, etc.). In this case, praise becomes an incentive for good behavior - to do so another time.

How can you use reinforcement when putting children to bed?

You can use a fairy-tale character who came to visit the children today, or the teacher himself can be the initiator.

Option #1 . Before going to bed, the teacher tells the children that we are starting a competition “Who will fall asleep first.” After the sleepy hour, the teacher selects 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. Who in turn fell asleep first? The teacher raises each of the winners on the bed, raising his hand, and presents him with a medal. The medals are transferable; the next day other children can receive these medals.

Option No. 2 . Before going to bed, you can arrange one more trick. You can offer children a condition. For those children who are the best at pretending so that the teacher (or character) thinks that they have fallen asleep. After a quiet hour, arrange a surprise (at the teacher’s choice, for example, you can purchase stickers, chips, or other interesting things for children as gifts and not expensive thing). But pay attention to the fact that this will not be easy to do; you need to relax, lie down comfortably and close your eyes without opening them. Children will try to pretend and fall asleep.

Option No. 3 . Use a cumulative bonus system. We also choose the winners, who fell asleep first, and collect tokens for each child during the week. At the end of the week, we count the number of tokens and reward the winners.

Master class
"Star Box" or "Token Box"

To accumulate tokens, you can use such a box, divided into cells.

Required materials: lid from a box of chocolates, thick cardboard, yellow and blue paper, scissors, glue, ruler, pencil.


We take a lid from a box of chocolates and thick cardboard (I took cardboard from the lids of boxes of printed paper). We make partitions.

To do this, you need to measure the strips of cardboard along the length and the strips in width (you determine the number of strips yourself from the consumption of cells according to the number of children.) Then you need to mark the intersection points of the strips and make cuts on them, just in the middle, on each of the strips.

Then we glue the edges of the lid blue and glue on the stars. We cover the strips with yellow paper and write people's names in the cells. And for a longer service life we ​​cover it with tape.

Our token box is ready.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the main tasks of sleep and awakening are to facilitate the transition from children's wakefulness to sleep and from sleep to wakefulness and create a positive emotional background among pupils and teachers. Every educator uses different means: calm music, texts of psychological attitudes, complex of breathing and physical exercise. And the main thing is that these funds can vary depending on the age and characteristics of the children.


Avanesov V.N. Raising children in a mixed age group. – M.: 1979.

Arkin E.A. Child in preschool years. – M.: 1968.

Bogina T. L., Terekhova N. T. Daily routine in kindergarten: Book. For the teacher of children. garden - M.: Education, 1987.

Child in preschool years. – Ed. A.V. Zaporozhets, V.V. Davydov. – M.: Education, 1968, Part II.

How to put children to sleep in kindergarten: [Electronic resource] // How simple. M., 2010-2013. URL:

Quiet hour: [Electronic resource] // Everything for children., 2006-2016. URL:

Organization of sleep in kindergarten

Sleep, restoring the body's performance, has great value to maintain health. Normal sleep is especially important for young children. A preschool child plays a lot, moves around, and gets tired quickly. To restore functionality nerve cells and energy expended, as well as for growth and development, he needs properly organized, sufficiently long sleep.

From the first days of kindergarten, it is necessary to develop a positive attitude towards sleep in children. The calm state the baby needs before falling asleep is created by the teacher at the end of the walk and maintained during lunch and getting ready for bed. When children fall asleep, noise, loud music and conversations should not be allowed; the room should not be brightly lit. However, there is no need for complete silence, as children can get used to such an environment and will be sensitive to the slightest rustle.

Putting children to bed at specific hours develops the habit of falling asleep quickly. The baby should sleep in a well-ventilated room, where fresh air continuously flows.

The teacher first of all helps weak children who especially need daytime rest to get ready for bed. Babies lie in bed on their right or left side (as is comfortable for them). But they should not be allowed to lie on their stomachs or cower, picking up their knees, since an incorrect position impedes blood circulation, breathing and affects the formation of posture. The teacher makes sure that the children's hands are on top of the blanket. During the entire sleep period, he remains in the bedroom and watches the children. Sometimes one needs to straighten the blanket, another needs to be dressed, another needs to correct his posture, etc. Babies who fall asleep later can wake up other children in the absence of adults.

After naps, children are raised gradually. Those who fall asleep later than others (the weak or those who have had an illness) are woken up last, given the opportunity to sleep longer, but not kept in bed for more than the allotted time. The teacher makes sure that the children put on their clothes in a certain order, so that everyone has their hair done. The dressing process should not take much time: for older children - no more than 15 minutes, for children - 20-25 minutes. Older children make or clean their own beds. Preparing children for bed and waking up is used by the teacher to develop their cultural and hygienic skills and develop independence.

In a kindergarten with night groups or around the clock, the teacher organizes the preparation of children for night sleep. Having returned from a walk, children wash themselves, have dinner, play quiet games, and look at books. The teacher can tell the children anything at their request. When putting children to bed, the teacher will show special sensitivity to them: he will approach everyone and carefully cover them, since at this time children usually remember home and loved ones. He then hands over duty to the night nanny.

The next day, having learned how the children slept and wished them good morning, the teacher begins to rise. Then you should do morning exercises, washing, after which the children begin to get dressed. To establish continuity in the work of the kindergarten and the family, the teacher tells parents about the proper organization of sleep at home. It is important to clarify that for a strong, calm and healthy sleep the child needs an individual bed, fresh air and certain bedtimes. It's good to take him for a walk before bed. It is necessary to convince parents that it is harmful to overfeed children in the evening, give them strong tea, coffee or cocoa; You cannot tell scary tales, play noisy outdoor games, or overload with television programs. You should not give a lot of liquid at night.

Che's in kindergarten

Modern psychologists argue that a child must be prepared not only for school, but also for kindergarten. After all, the first visit children's group, and even in the absence of parents it poses a lot of stress for the baby. Quite often, a child is simply not ready for such drastic changes in his life: from birth he was surrounded by care, affection and love from people close to him, and now he finds himself among unfamiliar teachers and children, where they have their own rules and norms of behavior. In this regard, it is imperative to prepare the child for kindergarten. And it is advisable to do this as early as possible, at least a few weeks before the baby crosses the threshold of a preschool institution.

The most common problem of children in kindergarten is the problem of sleep. Even if you have never encountered this problem at home, this issue must be taken seriously.

Quite often there is a situation when “home” children like to sleep longer in the morning, and it is very difficult for them to get up early. In kindergartens, children are accepted until a certain time, until 8-8:30. And if it is difficult for your baby to get up early in the morning, then he may develop a negative attitude towards kindergarten. Therefore, it is necessary to change the daily routine in advance so that the child can wake up in the morning without problems. First, find out the accepted daily routine in the kindergarten of your choice.

Then compare it with your home routine, analyze what can be left and what needs to be adjusted. Gradually you will get closer to the schedule that corresponds to the kindergarten schedule. Experts say that the time it takes to rearrange a child’s sleep and wakefulness rhythms is approximately 3-5 days.

If your baby stops sleeping during the day, problems may also arise in the garden. After all, in kindergarten it is not allowed to play during nap time. At the first stage, teach him to just lie in bed, or let him play quiet games while lying down with himself. For example, you can offer to play as a spy who has a task to remain invisible for some time, and he cannot make noise during this time so as not to be found. After this, ask the kid if he was a good spy and if no one noticed him.

However, quite often there are situations when a child sleeps poorly at home, but in kindergarten he falls asleep perfectly with all the children. This is not surprising, since at home and in the garden different rules behavior and, if at home the mother allows the baby a lot, then in the kindergarten the teacher is unlikely to indulge his whims. In addition, children adopt each other’s behavior; if everyone is asleep, then your child, looking at others, will fall asleep.

Children who do not sleep during the day are no exception. In any group you can find such a child, and not even just one. Here they can various reasons- either it was not customary at home to sleep during the day, or the child was forced to sleep, despite reluctance and futile attempts to sleep. Such children have developed negative attitude to bed. But in kindergarten no one forces them, and they take advantage of the situation to avoid sleep.

There are children who have a very difficult time adapting to kindergarten; they have difficulty getting used to a new environment and strangers, and can hardly be separated from their mother. It is very difficult for such children, and their adaptation period is delayed for long months. They are always capricious, do not want to contact other children, eat poorly, and do not sleep. In this case, you can invite your child to take his favorite toy with him to the garden, which will be next to him all day, and he will not feel so lonely.

If, despite numerous efforts, a child cannot adapt to kindergarten for a long time, then you need to take a closer look at this situation and try to understand the reason. Talk to your teachers, maybe they, based on their experience, will be able to help you solve the problem. For example, if your child cannot fall asleep, then you can agree with the teacher to pick up the baby immediately after lunch, if, of course, you have such an opportunity.

If your place of residence is a city Permian, then here, in addition to state preschool institutions, there are private kindergartens. Garden at home in Perm- not far away anymore rare occurrence, but a fairly good alternative to state gardens. Such gardens have a number of advantages, but they have one big disadvantage - they are not cheap. Therefore, those whose financial situation leaves much to be desired will have to be content with an ordinary kindergarten.

Many, when sending their child to kindergarten, immediately want to enroll him in various clubs, or strive to send him to leisure center Perm. However, there is no need to rush. Let your baby get used to kindergarten first, and then you can move on to general development.

Very often, a child’s sleep can be disturbed due to dysfunctional work nervous system. There are organic disorders in which sleep is disturbed from birth: the child sleeps poorly, confuses day and night, spins, worries, the most common cause sleep disturbance is neuropathy. In this case, sleep is characterized by restlessness, but of sufficient duration. It is these children who give up daytime sleep very early - at two or three years old.

True, on initial stage Such children simply get their hours of sleep at night, but later the total duration of sleep becomes less than that of ordinary children. A common situation in kindergarten: a restless and nervous baby does not sleep, and, accordingly, prevents others from falling asleep, and in best case scenario falls asleep before the end of the “quiet hour”. The moment he is woken up, he begins to act up. In such a situation, you should not disturb the child too much in order for him to wake up. It is better to do this affectionately in order to protect the baby from unnecessary negative emotions. However, not all teachers, unfortunately, have enough patience for every child. Calm, quiet and soothing music, or reading a good book, helps you fall asleep easily. For those children who refuse to sleep, you can offer them to lie down or quietly look at books. But in this case, children must first be divided into “sleeping” and “not sleeping.” This will avoid many problems.

Consultation on the topic: “Daytime sleep for children in kindergarten.”

Sleep is protection for the nervous system, an opportunity for development, growth, accumulation of strength, their restoration, an indispensable condition of life, as necessary as water and food.

The child does not sleep during the day not because he does not want to, does not fall asleep well in the evening not because he is not tired, but because the conditions for sleep have not been created (wakefulness, nutrition, daily regimen; uncomfortable bed, clothes, etc.). But children, just like adults, vary in their sleep needs. You should know about your children which of them like to sleep and which on the contrary, and regulate the organization of sleep in the group.

During the day, the child receives many impressions from the world around him; his active nature requires increased movement, a variety of games, and activities. All this leads to rapid fatigue of the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex. Therefore, the child needs rest not only at night, but also in between intensive activity in the middle of the day.

During the day, children 3 years old need to sleep 14-16 hours; 4-5 years - 13 hours; 5-7 years old - 12 hours. During the day, children 3-4 years old sleep 2 hours, 5-7 years old - 1 - 1.5 hours.

In kindergarten, beds should be placed at some distance from each other so that the teacher can approach each child, cover him or adjust the blanket, and help him get into a comfortable position.

In winter, beds should be arranged so that children do not lie with their heads close to the windows or heating appliances. For children under 3 years old, cribs are placed 120 cm long and 60 cm wide; the height of the bed above the floor is variable - 30 and 50 cm. For children from 3 to 7 years old, cribs have the following dimensions: length 140 cm, width 60 cm, height of the bed from the floor - 30 cm. It is very important that the child’s bed is comfortable, so that the mattress or the bedding corresponded to the size of the bed, and the pillow was narrow enough to fit the child's head, not the body, and its width corresponded to the width of the bed. (During the daytime sleep, it is advisable to lay out a thin bedding for children rather than a mattress; blankets should also be light enough.)

Bed linen is changed once a week. Before going to bed, children put their clothes on chairs located at a distance from their cribs so that the teacher, if necessary, can approach each of them and help them undress.

If there is no separate bedroom, cribs for daytime rest are placed in the group room before lunch and must be removed after the children get up. First of all, it is necessary to free the part of the room where the toys are located from the beds, so that the children, after getting dressed, have the opportunity to start playing.

The manager, observing the sleep process, special attention draws attention to the following:

How the children's beds are prepared (the condition of the bed of each crib, the cleanliness of the bed linen);

Do children know how to undress and dress independently and consistently; do they help each other, do they fold their clothes correctly;

Adult assistance and teacher guidance in this process;

How long does it take to undress before bed and get dressed after it?

Is the room where the children sleep well ventilated?

Do the teacher and nanny care about the health of children;

Children's mood before bedtime; How long did it take for the children to fall asleep? did they sleep peacefully? how many children woke up earlier than expected;

Does the teacher take into account individual characteristics children, whether they are raised gradually.

If any problems are found, the manager accepts necessary measures, gives orders to the caretaker and teachers.

Personal hygiene of a preschooler consists mainly of maintaining cleanliness of the skin and hairline, oral hygiene, maintaining cleanliness and neatness in clothing, maintaining a clean bed, order in the workplace, in the toy closet. It is necessary to teach preschoolers to wash their face, neck, ears every day in the morning and evening, and their hands several times a day as needed: before meals or when they are dirty (after cleaning the play corner, washing flowers, modeling clay, playing with sand, using the toilet).

It is necessary to create conditions so that children can wash themselves comfortably and pleasantly: the height of the washbasins should correspond to the height of the children (the height of the water jet above the level of the arm lowered and bent at the elbow is about 10 cm). If children have to raise their hands high when washing, water flows into their sleeves.

The piece of soap should be such that the child can easily take it with his hand; Each washbasin must have two soap dishes. The length of children's towels does not exceed 100 cm.

The teacher must organize washing so that there is no queue. He reminds children not to forget to roll up their sleeves and unbutton the collars of their dresses or shirts. It is imperative to ensure that children wash themselves thoroughly and dry themselves.

Checking the washing process, the head of the kindergarten notes:

Is everything prepared for washing: is there soap in place, do all children have towels, is water poured into the washbasins (if there is no running water);

What are children doing who are waiting to wash or have already washed;

Do children wash themselves thoroughly, dry their hands well, do adults help them and with what?

Duration of washing.

After naps, children are raised gradually. Those who fall asleep later than others (the weak or those who have had an illness) are woken up last, given the opportunity to sleep longer, but not kept in bed for more than the allotted time. The teacher makes sure that the children put on their clothes in a certain order, so that everyone has their hair done. The dressing process should not take much time: for older children - no more than 15 minutes, for children - 20-25 minutes. Older children make or clean their own beds. Preparing children for bed and waking up is used by the teacher to develop their cultural and hygienic skills and develop independence.

Tips for organizing daytime sleep.

Calm, quiet and soothing music, or reading a good book, helps you fall asleep easily.

In order for preschoolers to go to bed in a timely manner, the teacher must strictly adhere to the daily routine in the group. This contributes to the development of physiological habits in children. The body of preschoolers gets used to a certain sequence of routine moments. At the moment when quiet time comes, the child’s body is already ready for daytime rest. Deviation from the daily routine is unacceptable, as this will negatively affect the physiological state of the children.

Before putting children to bed, they need to be calmed down. Organize quiet games (for example, board games, nursery rhymes, etc.). Read a book to the children. Calm activities will allow children to make a smooth transition from active games to relaxation.

Pay attention to the light in the bedroom. It should be muted, the curtains closed if possible.

The color of the walls, ceilings, and window curtains (or blinds) in the bedroom is of great importance. Colors should not be bright, so as not to excite the unstable psyche of children. Use pastel, calm colors to decorate your bedroom.

Play calming music for your children (for example, lullabies, classical pieces). It will allow children to calm down and relax. In addition, listening to music will contribute to the aesthetic education of preschoolers.

Do relaxation exercises with your children. These exercises allow some children to relieve tension, others - to concentrate their attention and relieve excitement.

Exercises to relax facial muscles.

"Naughty cheeks."

Take in air, puffing out your cheeks strongly. Hold your breath, slowly exhale the air, as if blowing out a candle. Relax your cheeks. Then close your lips with a tube, inhale the air, sucking it in. The cheeks are drawn in. Then relax your cheeks and lips.

Exercise to relax the arm muscles.


What a wonderful day today! We will drive away melancholy and laziness. They shook their hands. Here we are healthy and cheerful.

"Lazy cat"

Raise your arms up, then stretch them forward, stretching like a cat. Feel the body stretch. Then sharply lower your hands down, pronouncing the sound “a”.

Relaxation exercise focusing on breathing.

"Blow out the candle."

Take a deep breath, drawing as much air into your lungs as possible. Then, stretching out your lips with a tube, slowly exhale, as if blowing on a candle, while pronouncing the sound “u” for a long time.


Place your feet firmly, then imagine yourself as an elephant. Slowly transfer your body weight to one leg, raise the other high and lower it to the floor with a “roar.” Move around the room, alternately raising each leg and lowering it with the foot hitting the floor. As you exhale, say “Wow!”

Exercise to relax the leg muscles.

An exercise to relax the whole body.


Children imagine that they are little birds. They fly through the fragrant summer forest, inhale its aromas and admire its beauty. So they sat down on a beautiful wildflower and inhaled its light aroma, and now they flew to the tallest linden tree, sat on its top and felt the sweet smell of a flowering tree. But a warm summer breeze blew, and the birds, along with its gust, rushed to the babbling forest stream. Sitting on the edge of the stream, they cleaned their feathers with their beaks, drank clean, cool water, splashed around and rose up again. Now let’s land in the coziest nest in a forest clearing.

Exercises to relax the neck muscles.

"Curious Varvara"

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, head straight. Turn your head as far as possible to the left, then to the right. Inhale - you exhale. The movement is repeated 2 times in each direction. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

Curious Varvara

Looks left, looks right.

And then forward again -

Take a little rest here.

Raise your head up and look at the ceiling for as long as possible. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

And Varvara looks up

Comes back -

Relaxation is nice!

Slowly lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

Now let's look down -

The neck muscles are tense!

Let's go back -

Relaxation is nice!



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