Teaching the dog the “Alien” command: preparation and training. How to teach a dog the front command How to teach a dog the guard command

Your goal is to train the dog to guard the listed objects. Where to start?

The first step is to decide which of the two learning paths to follow. The first is that when an intruder is detected, the dog gives a voice, thereby attracting the owner’s attention. The second way is that when an intruder is detected, it not only attracts the owner’s attention, but also attacks him independently.

So, you have decided how the security guard will act when he detects an intruder. The next step is to show the dog the limits of the protected area and teach it to move along special routes: in the country, for example, between beds or along paths, in the courtyard of a private house along the perimeter of the fence.

Based on its growth and capabilities, one of the methods of movement in the protected area is selected: a short leash, free movement throughout the entire territory and a “checkpoint”.

Most experts believe that the best option for moving around the territory is free movement.

Let's say this issue is also resolved, the next move is to find a volunteer who will play the role of an outsider.

Pay attention! During training, a volunteer must enter a protected area where a potential intruder could do so.

You have a volunteer, you have decided how your guard moves around the territory, now let's talk about the training process itself.

1. When a stranger is detected, the dog attracts the owner’s attention.

A volunteer intruder approaches a protected area and begins making sounds of intrusion into the territory. You must give the command to the dog “Guard!” so that it turns all its attention to this noise, and then “Voice!” so that it begins to bark and scare the stranger. Is there any barking? Your assistant becomes quiet, letting the dog know that he has left. If everything is done correctly, your guard receives a portion of approval and treats.

After 5-10 minutes, having lulled the dog’s vigilance, the volunteer repeats his actions: imitates the sounds of penetration, causing the dog to bark. You, focusing on the dog, either simply watch its correct actions, or repeat the commands. If successfully completed, of course, the dog should receive a reward treat. Having commanded the dog “Guard!”, you leave it for duty, and you leave.

2. When a stranger is detected, the dog attracts the owner’s attention and begins to attack the intruder.

What should you do to train your dog to actively defend?
Your volunteer assistant-intruder should not only imitate the noise of entry into the territory, but also enter it, and then try to attack the dog and allow it to grab the sleeve or other part of outer clothing and fray it. After this, the volunteer must run away. As an option, the dog detains the intruder and protects him until the owner arrives. After correct execution, be sure to reward the dog with a treat.

If a security guard has learned to attack and detain one outsider, then the next step in his training should be to protect the territory from two intruders. In this case, the dog should attack the one who first crossed the border of the territory.

Important! Both types of training should be supplemented by teaching the dog to refuse treats from the hands of strangers or those thrown into a protected area.

Worth knowing!

If the dog must guard a large but unfenced area, then it should be led on a short leash to avoid trouble. After all, they can enter such a site completely by accident, without having bad intentions.

If there are various pets in such an area, then the training process should include teaching the dog not to attack animals.

If you need to let the dog off the leash to apprehend an intruder, do this: warn loudly three times that you will be releasing the dog, and if the stranger does not pay attention or shows aggression, then let the dog off the leash.

The command "FAS!" is often necessary to protect the owner from ill-wishers, stray dogs or uninvited guests.

It is possible to teach a dog a command, although to fully practice it you will need the help of a person unfamiliar to your pet. How to make this process productive without harm to your pet in our article.

Various methods

“Face” is introduced into training only for adult pets; its implementation involves a serious attack by an attacker. Depending on the individual characteristics of the pet’s psyche, various command training techniques are practiced.

The puppy should not be seriously angered or forced to be aggressive towards people. The fact is that puppies of initially aggressive breeds begin to show protective qualities on their own with age; the early development of anger can make such a dog uncontrollable.

In those breeds that do not have good guarding qualities, attempts to cause aggression in puppyhood can break the psyche and lead to subsequent deviant behavior.

Methods of training

Training to show aggression on command is carried out for the following cases:

  • If a drunk or inappropriate stranger accosts the owner on the street;
  • If uninvited guests try to enter the house.

Even a small dog can confuse an annoying interlocutor with its snow-white teeth and make noise when trying to rob a car or apartment.

Training in anger begins with encouraging any manifestation of guarding qualities: when barking at noise outside the door, the pet is heatedly praised, egged on with the command “stranger!” When the dog actively barks at any knock on the door and starts barking at the word “stranger!”, then you can move on to teaching aggressive behavior on the street.

To fully react to a stranger on the street, you need to ask a man unfamiliar to the dog to extend his hand to the owner. The owner’s task is to push away the “intruder” as seriously as possible, saying “stranger!” If your pet barks or tries to bite, you should immediately praise the dog.

Important: when practicing the command “Fas!” no treat is given, the best reward is the escape of the “criminal”.

How to teach

Stray dogs are unpleasant surprises that appear suddenly during a walk and can cause a lot of unpleasant moments. Any mongrel that is considered stray, purebred pets whose owners got rid of them in this way, will never rush at a person if a dog is walking next to him.

Animals want to deal with their own kind, so the mere presence of a pet protects a person from an attack by a stray dog. But the dog can suffer from bites from large, vicious animals, so if during a walk the owner notices several dogs in the distance huddled together in a pack, it is better to change the walking route or arm yourself with several stones.

One stray dog ​​most often stands timidly on the sidelines, preparing to run away, and if you want to arouse aggression in your pet, it is enough to pretend that you are about to throw a stone and say “stranger!” The dog will jump to the side, and the pet will understand that it was he who drove the enemy away.

In the future, when it becomes necessary to show aggression, you just need to say a command, and the dog will bark on a leash. This does not mean that she will run up and bite the enemy. Most likely, the dog will continue to bark at the stranger or other people’s animals without approaching them. Many adult dogs need to be taught to bite!

But you cannot pit your dog against stray animals, it is not humane, and there is a risk that your pet may pick up some kind of infection from a stray animal. Rabies in dogs is especially dangerous, which is deadly for both animals and humans.

Various techniques

There are several methods for teaching your pet the front command yourself.

All of them are trained on a leash.

Method 1

  • The dog stands next to the owner on a soft collar or harness.
  • The assistant comes out of hiding and begins to sneak up on the animal, bending down and arousing suspicion with his behavior.
  • The owner encourages the dog with the command “stranger”.
  • Having approached five steps, the assistant turns around and runs away, the dog tries to grab him, the command “Face!” is given.

This technique is well suited for insecure, timid animals. There is no direct interaction with the enemy.

Method 2

  • The pet is on a leash, a favorite toy or bone lies nearby, the assistant walks by, pretending to try to grab the thing.
  • The dog begins to break from the leash, trying to bite the intruder, pronouncing “fas!”

The method works well with angry, suspicious dogs.

Method 3

  • The dog is tied to a post or tree, the owner stands nearby.
  • The assistant passes by several times, teasing the dog with a rag and running away, the owner says “stranger.”
  • When the pet gets angry, the assistant approaches the owner and pretends that he wants to attack him.
  • The owner shouts: “Face!”, pushes the enemy away; if the dog tries to bite, the rag is given to it, and the assistant “runs for his life.”

Method 4

  • In the courtyard of a private house, you can stage an attempt to break in by robbers.
  • To do this, the assistant makes suspicious noises and rustles behind the fence, tries to look into the yard, opens the gate and sticks his jacket through it.
  • Attempts by a pet to grab a thing, barking at a stranger are encouraged by the word “stranger!”
  • This lasts no more than five minutes, then the dog is put on a leash, the owner takes it out the gate, and at the command “Face!” begins to pursue the assistant.

You can let the dog catch up with the person and grab the rag or jacket that he leaves behind.


Practicing this command on your own is designed to instill in your pet a sense of distrust of strangers, however, for vicious breeds, practicing the command at home is not recommended. Service dogs begin to actively guard the territory and the owner after a year, and then it is necessary to restrain the pet’s aggression.

Stopping aggression

Before teaching an animal to attack people, you should completely subjugate it to your will. In the process of fighting with another dog or person, the dog gets so carried away and forgets about everything that it is impossible to calm him down.

It is very difficult to switch dogs that have never participated in fights before, temperamental and choleric animals to carry out prohibiting commands. Therefore, in the German Shepherd courage test, not only the strength of the grip and the lightning-fast reaction to a threat are taken into account, but also the ability to let go of the criminal’s hand at the owner’s command.

A four-legged pet can be just a friend and a pet, but sometimes these are not all the functions assigned to it. Some dogs are expected to protect, protect, both the owner and his family, and property. Naturally, in this case, it is advisable to teach the pet specific commands, including those that encourage the animal to attack. So, let's look at how to teach your dog the front command.

A guard dog must have some anger, moreover, directed at a stranger, and not at animals. Naturally, these are rather innate characteristics, and it is impossible to make ideal watchmen and security guards from certain dog breeds. Such breed conditions must be taken into account.

You can start training when the puppy is 5 months old, although an adult dog can be trained, if necessary. There are several nuances that provide more comfortable training:

  • According to generally accepted rules, a dog is taught protective functions only after mastering the commands included in the general training course. The dog must have self-control and obey commands without question. If practically no time was devoted to raising and training a dog, then it is better to forget about training in protection - a pet that does not obey the owner is unlikely to be able to fully protect him.
  • The preliminary command is the “ ” command; it prepares the dog for the upcoming conflict.
  • A protective dog is a healthy, physically developed animal, so it is necessary to provide the pet with sufficient physical activity, regular walks and good nutrition.
  • Close contact between the dog and the owner is important - a dog that adores its owner and is attached to him to the maximum extent will effectively guard and protect.

Any mistake can cause a mental disorder in the animal, so it is important not to cross the line and do everything in a timely manner.

First stage of training

First of all, it is recommended to observe the pet’s behavior: how aggressive is the dog towards people like itself, is it afraid of sharp sounds, does it react to drunk passers-by? If the dog actually turns out to be a coward, you may need the help of a professional.

The dog handler will demonstrate gestures that help coordinate the animal’s actions:

  • The dog sits next to his left leg, the person holds him by the leash. The dog can also be tied to a pole, with the owner again positioned on the left side.
  • The assistant approaches the couple, showing cowardice and waving a rag in front of the animal's face. If the dog starts to growl, bark and tries to grab a rag, this is the most expected reaction.
  • Team "Fas!" It is given clearly and loudly when the dog is ready to attack, while the person must lunge forward with his whole body.
  • When a dog tears a rag, the owner needs to give a command to retreat - “ugh!”, but at the beginning of training, physical force will be required.
  • The first approach is completed - the “attacker” retreats, and the owner must praise the dog.

It is important to choose the right moment to give the command, and this is easier to do if the pet is on a leash - in this case, you can feel it even if the dog begins to growl silently. Representatives of some breeds, for example, the Moscow Watchdog and the Brazilian Fila, prefer to attack silently, but people without experience are not recommended to train such serious dogs on their own.

Another important feature is that the dog learns certain commands better in a playful way, but not this one. Learning should not be like a game activity. But not only excessive goodwill can interfere, anger and sharp shouts are also inappropriate.

How to execute the command correctly?

In this case, the dog should no longer be tied to a tree; the dog should sit at the owner’s feet. And as soon as the “intruder” appears nearby, the owner incites the dog to attack. The attacker no longer uses a rag, but another object - a plastic bottle filled with cereal. Such improvised weapons will not cause heavy damage, but make sharp sounds.

The command is given when the distance between the dog and the assistant is 3-5 meters. The assistant begins to substitute those areas of the body to which the dog should pay more attention during an attack - this is a kind of hint. For example, he starts hitting his forearm with a bottle, and the dog attacks him. There are a number of prohibitions, for example, you cannot train a dog to work on the groin, neck and face areas.

Teaching a dog to rush at an offender is actually not difficult. It is much more important to teach him to let go of a person, and to do this as soon as the owner says “ugh!” Experts confirm that this training will take longer than training the main command. You can start training without using a leash if the owner is sure that the dog will be able to let go of the offender.

After the dog learns to attack the attacker, the next stage comes - attacking the runner and delaying him until the owner arrives. The dog can overtake the attacker, throw him to the ground and hold him, or bite him if the dog’s size does not allow the use of other methods.

If you approach training wisely, the dog will learn not only to rush at a person who is a threat, but will also be able to assess the situation. You can take a special training course, and your pet will even learn to distinguish between the types of weapons. The dog will not attack in vain, and in some situations it will choose a more effective tactic, for example, if a person has a gas canister in his hands, the dog will try to throw himself from behind.

Experienced dog breeders warn that it is very dangerous to turn your four-legged friend into a formidable weapon. After all, such a dog can threaten both those around him and the owner and his family. Great responsibility is required from a person - after all, what an improperly trained pet does will be on the conscience of its owner.

The command "FAS!" is often necessary to protect the owner from ill-wishers, stray dogs or uninvited guests.

It is possible to teach a dog a command, although to fully practice it you will need the help of a person unfamiliar to your pet. How to make this process productive without harm to your pet in our article.

Various methods

“Face” is introduced into training only for adult pets; its implementation involves a serious attack by an attacker. Depending on the individual characteristics of the pet’s psyche, various command training techniques are practiced.

The puppy should not be seriously angered or forced to be aggressive towards people. The fact is that puppies of initially aggressive breeds begin to show protective qualities on their own with age; the early development of anger can make such a dog uncontrollable.

In those breeds that do not have good guarding qualities, attempts to cause aggression in puppyhood can break the psyche and lead to subsequent deviant behavior.

Methods of training

Training to show aggression on command is carried out for the following cases:

  • If a drunk or inappropriate stranger accosts the owner on the street;
  • If uninvited guests try to enter the house.

Even a small dog can confuse an annoying interlocutor with its snow-white teeth and make noise when trying to rob a car or apartment.

Training in anger begins with encouraging any manifestation of guarding qualities: when barking at noise outside the door, the pet is heatedly praised, egged on with the command “stranger!” When the dog actively barks at any knock on the door and starts barking at the word “stranger!”, then you can move on to teaching aggressive behavior on the street.

To fully react to a stranger on the street, you need to ask a man unfamiliar to the dog to extend his hand to the owner. The owner’s task is to push away the “intruder” as seriously as possible, saying “stranger!” If your pet barks or tries to bite, you should immediately praise the dog.

Important: when practicing the command “Fas!” no treat is given, the best reward is the escape of the “criminal”.

How to teach

Stray dogs are unpleasant surprises that appear suddenly during a walk and can cause a lot of unpleasant moments. Any mongrel that is considered stray, purebred pets whose owners got rid of them in this way, will never rush at a person if a dog is walking next to him.

Animals want to deal with their own kind, so the mere presence of a pet protects a person from an attack by a stray dog. But the dog can suffer from bites from large, vicious animals, so if during a walk the owner notices several dogs in the distance huddled together in a pack, it is better to change the walking route or arm yourself with several stones.

One stray dog ​​most often stands timidly on the sidelines, preparing to run away, and if you want to arouse aggression in your pet, it is enough to pretend that you are about to throw a stone and say “stranger!” The dog will jump to the side, and the pet will understand that it was he who drove the enemy away.

In the future, when it becomes necessary to show aggression, you just need to say a command, and the dog will bark on a leash. This does not mean that she will run up and bite the enemy. Most likely, the dog will continue to bark at the stranger or other people’s animals without approaching them. Many adult dogs need to be taught to bite!

But you cannot pit your dog against stray animals, it is not humane, and there is a risk that your pet may pick up some kind of infection from a stray animal. Rabies in dogs is especially dangerous, which is deadly for both animals and humans.

Various techniques

There are several methods for teaching your pet the front command yourself.

All of them are trained on a leash.

Method 1

  • The dog stands next to the owner on a soft collar or harness.
  • The assistant comes out of hiding and begins to sneak up on the animal, bending down and arousing suspicion with his behavior.
  • The owner encourages the dog with the command “stranger”.
  • Having approached five steps, the assistant turns around and runs away, the dog tries to grab him, the command “Face!” is given.

This technique is well suited for insecure, timid animals. There is no direct interaction with the enemy.

Method 2

  • The pet is on a leash, a favorite toy or bone lies nearby, the assistant walks by, pretending to try to grab the thing.
  • The dog begins to break from the leash, trying to bite the intruder, pronouncing “fas!”

The method works well with angry, suspicious dogs.

Method 3

  • The dog is tied to a post or tree, the owner stands nearby.
  • The assistant passes by several times, teasing the dog with a rag and running away, the owner says “stranger.”
  • When the pet gets angry, the assistant approaches the owner and pretends that he wants to attack him.
  • The owner shouts: “Face!”, pushes the enemy away; if the dog tries to bite, the rag is given to it, and the assistant “runs for his life.”

Method 4

  • In the courtyard of a private house, you can stage an attempt to break in by robbers.
  • To do this, the assistant makes suspicious noises and rustles behind the fence, tries to look into the yard, opens the gate and sticks his jacket through it.
  • Attempts by a pet to grab a thing, barking at a stranger are encouraged by the word “stranger!”
  • This lasts no more than five minutes, then the dog is put on a leash, the owner takes it out the gate, and at the command “Face!” begins to pursue the assistant.

You can let the dog catch up with the person and grab the rag or jacket that he leaves behind.


Practicing this command on your own is designed to instill in your pet a sense of distrust of strangers, however, for vicious breeds, practicing the command at home is not recommended. Service dogs begin to actively guard the territory and the owner after a year, and then it is necessary to restrain the pet’s aggression.

Stopping aggression

Before teaching an animal to attack people, you should completely subjugate it to your will. In the process of fighting with another dog or person, the dog gets so carried away and forgets about everything that it is impossible to calm him down.

It is very difficult to switch dogs that have never participated in fights before, temperamental and choleric animals to carry out prohibiting commands. Therefore, in the German Shepherd courage test, not only the strength of the grip and the lightning-fast reaction to a threat are taken into account, but also the ability to let go of the criminal’s hand at the owner’s command.

I give recommendations not so much to wolfhounds, but to owners of private houses. Guarding the house is the first duty of a dog since its domestication by man. Dogs quickly learn what constitutes the owner's property; after a few minutes they know what constitutes the owner's possessions. But some dogs, thanks to the ease of life for dogs now, have lost their sense of ownership.

When clomid online The dog is still a puppy, everyone is a friend to her, and she is a friend to everyone. If she is allowed to follow this spirit of universal friendship for too long, she will be a bad guard dog.

A dog should have one owner, who would be above all for it, from the very age of puppyhood. This lord and owner must establish his authority from the very first day the puppy appeared at home. OTHERS she loves or tolerates, but for his sake, for the sake of her absolute dictator, she will die, and in family quarrels she reluctantly, of course, must take the side of her master, although at times her master and master are spanked by her father.

Too much buy levitra many owners, too many friends, too many meetings with strangers and visitors dulls the puppy’s sense of ownership and spoils it as a guard and guard dog. From the moment he arrives at home as a frightened puppy until he is an old man, one person must look after him, feed him, care for him and train him.

To teach a puppy or dog to be a good guard, pull up her bed - a blanket, rug or bag that has been her place for some time. A few minutes a day of such deprivation, first in play, then with a threat, first from the owner, then from strangers, especially those dressed in rags, will make her aggressive.

Place an object in a specific place. Let the stranger approach crouching, sneaking, secretly. You boldly approach the dog and pat it every few seconds, scolding the stranger as he runs away. If your dog is not overly aggressive, the stranger may fight you to get the dog to come to your aid.

Often buy clomid online a carefree dog can be turned into a wary dog ​​if given less freedom. During the training period, tether her at night or for a significant part of the day in a place where she cannot see what is happening around her. Have someone make a strange noise near her, such as dragging something on the ground or scratching on the wall or slamming doors.

If your dog must guard at night, let him do his job on an empty stomach.

Dogs have two natural habits that correspond well to the habits of humans: it lies in the sun after eating and sleeps, since a dog with a full stomach does what every person does - stretches slowly, goes to sleep and forgets all the light for a while, give heavy daytime food dog at noon if you want him to be your protector in the dark hours of the night when you are sleeping.

Number priligy online unalert dogs increases. The reason is too much feeding, too little exercise, too much affection and lack of training, give lazy and indifferent dogs about two-thirds of the usual diet, keep them outside the house, give them more exercise.

Another reason, which is rarely paid attention to, is that the dog, which is a family pet, is on its feet all day, everyone caresses it, and when the lights are turned off and peace sets in, it is so tired that it falls asleep too soundly. After eating, let the dog be in its place; let it lie there rather than run around among the family, listening to music and conversations.

A good guard and guard dog does not have to be a rushing or vicious dog. Mainly, she must be an alert dog, barking when she hears unfamiliar sounds. A decorative dog can be as wonderful a watchdog as a Great Dane.

When your dog barks, perhaps unnecessarily, do not scold him, tell him to behave calmly, but without any hint of punishment for what he considers his responsibility.

A poorly dressed person, a lame person, a person carrying a bundle, uncertain in his movements, arouses the dog's suspicions and causes him to bark. The dog, which is a poor watchdog under other conditions, begins to bark under these conditions.

Dogs quickly begin to recognize their strongest side. In this they are politicians, and are always quick to join the winner. The dog lunges at the stranger entering the room with a slow, hesitant step. Let the same stranger enter animatedly and confidently. Even a very wary dog ​​may be mistaken in thinking that he is a respected visitor.



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