Cottage cheese casserole for a nursing mother. Recipes for delicious casseroles for nursing mothers The best dishes for nursing mothers

There is no more beautiful picture in the world than a mother holding her newborn baby in her arms. The most important person in the world for a newborn child is the mother. She loves the baby, takes care of him and can give him something that no other person can. Mother's breast milk. Much has been said about its benefits, but what should a mother eat and do in order to enjoy the process of feeding her little miracle for as long as possible?

WHO (World Health Organization) recommends:

  • Early breastfeeding in the first hours after birth.
  • Staying together between mother and child (in the same room).
  • Correct positioning of mother and baby during feeding.
  • Do not deprive your baby of night feeding.
  • Avoid bottle-feeding your newborn and give up pacifiers.
  • The frequency and duration of feedings is regulated by the child.
  • You should not give your child more to drink (except during the hot season).
  • Apply the baby to the second breast only after he has completely sucked the first.

Successful breastfeeding needs to be addressed before birth. And now you are holding the baby in your arms. Mom now needs to take care not only of caring for him, but also of feeding him properly. For all children, the best nutrition a mother can provide in the first year of life is breastfeeding for at least 6 months.

Not all organs are mature at birth; these include the brain, liver and kidneys. The brain and liver, even if artificially fed, will mature sooner or later. But the buds will not be mature and strong enough. And of course, milk must be clean (without foreign microflora), tasty and safe. So, let's consider all the factors affecting the quality of breast milk.

Foreign microflora in milk

Since the baby’s intestines are sterile at birth, it is necessary to exclude any supplementary feeding and water supplementation. All microflora contained in the air will inevitably come with bottle feeding. And 100% sterility cannot be achieved even in a maternity hospital. Only you, by feeding your baby with your milk, will seed the baby’s intestines with the correct microflora. Therefore, everything that enters the mother’s body must be thermally treated (boiled, or at least scalded). Dairy and fermented milk products are only fresh with a shelf life of up to 3 days; for storage beyond this period, foreign microflora is added.

Delicious milk

A mother can give her child something that no one else can - breast milk.

It is possible and not so difficult. Mom should exclude the following foods: smoked meats, marinades, canned food, spices, spicy, highly salted foods. A small amount of sweets will provide a pleasant taste, and the sweetest thing is mother’s love, warm breast and gentle touch.

Safe milk

The most important thing is safety.

  1. Under no circumstances should a mother take drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes throughout breastfeeding; chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, and honey are strictly limited.
  2. All products containing artificial colors are excluded.
  3. Sort vegetables and fruits by color: red ones are not allowed, yellow ones are very carefully (it is better to exclude them, especially the first 6 months), green ones are ok.
  4. Boiled meat (ideally double boiled). If these are minced meat products, then the frying is light, only to maintain the shape and it is cooked or steamed as much as possible. The meat should be lean, preferably poultry.
  5. It is better to exclude fish in the first weeks. You can only eat seafood with white meat.
  6. Almost all cereals are allowed, with the exception of legumes (the child is at risk of colic).
  7. Pay attention to sweets. Reduce to a minimum: firstly, they cause mucus in the stool, and secondly, some sweets contribute to gas formation. For example, baked goods cause colic and constipation, large amounts of sugar cause mucus in the stool, fatty cookies cause constipation. Cookies should be lean: biscuits and not salted.

Drinking regime

You need to drink a lot - up to 2 liters per day. You can reduce the water load for 3–4 days, as milk begins to flow, but then it is important to return to the original figure. You can drink weak sweet tea, jelly, compotes (from dried fruits). Decoctions of herbs (nettle, yarrow, shepherd's purse, thyme, parsley - these herbs improve lactation).

Drinks and foods that improve lactation

The simplest and most proven is black or green tea with milk (not fatty). It is better to drink it 20-30 minutes before feeding. Uzvars are compotes of dried fruits with a small amount of sugar (apples, pears, prunes, dried apricots). This drink contains many vitamins and makes stool easier. Herbal tea. Dill (seeds), anise, cumin, nettle, oregano, yarrow, lemon balm, hawthorn (1 tablespoon) are poured into a glass of hot boiling water and infused for 2 hours. You can take the herbs separately or together. Take half a glass 2 times a day. Use dill and anise carefully: they can cause an allergic reaction. You can also buy ready-made herbal teas for nursing mothers in pharmacies.

Juices are a good way to diversify your drinking regimen: carrot, currant, blackthorn. The main thing is that these juices should be without preservatives and diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Lactogenic products

These include meat broths and soups, carrots (in their pure form, as well as in any dishes), seeds, nuts (can cause allergies, and some can cause gas in a child), milk and fermented milk products, Adyghe cheese, feta cheese. You can prepare a vitamin mass. Mix raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs, walnuts (peeled) in equal parts, you can add honey. Take 30 minutes before feeding. Oatmeal with dried apricots. Buckwheat is dry, it can be fried in a frying pan and eaten like seeds. Watermelons improve lactation well. But be careful with the first fruits: you can be poisoned by them.

Leaf salad with green dill with the addition of olive oil or sour cream is not only tasty, but also useful for mothers in the first month.

Nutrition after natural childbirth

First two days
  • Chicken broth (second broth).
  • Porridge with water (preferably buckwheat or oatmeal with a small addition of vegetable oil).
  • Boiled beef or poultry (chicken without skin and boiled twice).
  • Wholemeal bread or crispbread.
  • Drink as much as possible – up to 2 liters of liquid per day.
From 3 days

Let's stop drinking a lot. Liquid volume – up to 1 liter.

Add to the menu:

  • Vegetarian soups, with a small amount of potatoes.
  • Fruit (baked apple).
  • Steamed or baked vegetables.
  • One glass of milk or dairy products.
  • Porridge (whole grain cereals).
  • You can include bran in your diet to prevent constipation.
From 7 days

We expand the diet and add:

  • Meat broths.
  • Brown rice
  • Boiled fish.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables (safe).
  • We return to the original volume of liquid - 2–2.5 liters per day.

From the 21st day after birth, the child’s intestinal microflora has already been formed, so the diet expands even further. Of course, without enthusiasm: you need to introduce one new product for 2-3 days and monitor the child’s stool, gases and skin (for an allergic reaction).

Nutrition after caesarean section

First day

Due to the surgical intervention, the woman spent the first day in the intensive care ward. The child is bottle-fed at this time. You can only drink, it is better if it is still mineral water with the addition of a small amount of lemon. After the operation, the woman receives all nutrients in IVs.

Second day

The woman is transferred to the general ward. Low-fat broths and cereals without sugar can be included in the diet. Eating 6-7 times a day in small portions. Drinking regime unchanged.

Third day

Add cottage cheese, souffle, boiled meat (preferably minced through a meat grinder or blender). Eating 5-6 times a day. From the drink, add unsweetened tea, compote, rosehip decoction, liquid jelly. It is better to limit the single volume of food to 70–100 ml.

Fourth day

Compote of dried fruits (dried apples and prunes) will improve the immunity of a nursing mother, make her stool easier and, most importantly, will not cause allergies in the newborn.

On this day there should be independent stool. If available, you can expand the diet to the diet of a nursing mother after natural childbirth. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is better to introduce solid foods gradually, and too hot and cold dishes are undesirable.

Second week and beyond

A woman’s nutrition in the second week after a cesarean section and after a natural birth is the same.

But don’t forget that you shouldn’t eat everything. A young mother should understand that modern newborns initially have an increased allergic background. This is due to the quality of the foods that mothers ate during pregnancy and long before its onset. In Soviet times, even simple bread was made from flour, yeast and water. In modern bread, leavening agents, flavor improvers, etc. are added to the old ingredients. Don’t forget about the environment: even in small towns it is not the same as it was 15–20 years ago.

Breastfeeding is beneficial not only for the baby, but also for the mother. This is a good prevention of breast cancer. Proper nutrition of the mother is important during breastfeeding. Sleep and rest patterns are also important. Mom needs to get enough sleep, she must have the strength to produce milk and to feed herself. You should wear comfortable clothes and underwear that do not compress your chest.

Mom needs to be as nervous as possible. Admire your miracle, take care of it. May you have only positive emotions in the first month of your baby’s life!

Olesya 2017-02-08T16:30:41+00:00

Dishes for nursing mothers in the first month - rules and options

Proper nutrition is important not only during pregnancy. It is of great importance both after the birth of a child and throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. Therefore, it is very important to understand which dishes for nursing mothers in the first month will not only be healthy, but also bring real pleasure.

Basic Rule

If the expectant mother thinks that during breastfeeding her diet will consist exclusively of cereals cooked in water and other similar restrictions, then this is absolutely not the case. The diet must include all products of the food pyramid. Therefore, dishes for nursing mothers in the first month can be very diverse. But there are several restrictions.

Vegetables and fruits

The basic rule regarding this group of products is that in the first month the healthiest vegetables and fruits will be those that are green in color. Therefore, traditional greens, zucchini, green bell peppers, gooseberries, apples (for example, seven), cauliflower and broccoli will fit perfectly into the menu. You can try including exotic fruits, such as avocado, in your diet, but be very careful. But green onions and green garlic can significantly worsen the taste of sweet milk, introducing a bitter note into it. You should not give up white and yellow vegetables or fruits, but you should eat them, carefully monitoring the child’s reaction. Carrots will also be useful.

Meat, fish, poultry

Dishes for nursing mothers in the first month of a child's life should contain these products. True, there are certain restrictions. The first concerns the fat content in them. So, veal, chicken and turkey fillet, and lean fish will be useful. But with duck or salmon you will have to wait.

The second rule for this group limits how these products can be prepared. Steaming, stewing or baking only. Under no circumstances should you fry, much less smoke.

Cereals and cereals

Bread and flour products are acceptable for a woman who has just given birth, although the volume of their consumption must be carefully monitored. Cereals will help make milk healthier, but they should be cooked in water.

Dairy products

In the first month, mothers' milk is in the group of prohibited products, but only as an independent drink. But when added to an omelette, it is useful. Fermented milk products should be included with caution. The list of allowed foods includes yogurt and cottage cheese, the rest are consumed with an eye on the baby’s reaction.

Strict ban

Dishes for a nursing mother of a newborn should not include hot spices, strawberries, cocoa, honey, or seafood. Alcohol is also not recommended.

First courses for nursing mothers

In the first month, it is better to avoid complex soup compositions. You should start, for example, with chicken or beef broth, supplemented with carrots, potatoes and seasoned with fresh herbs. Or include a variety of puree soups in your menu, for example, pumpkin or onion, but use leeks rather than onions.

Second courses

Don't be afraid to experiment. And therefore, feel free to prepare cottage cheese, vegetable or pasta casseroles, complement porridge with stewed vegetables, bake meat or poultry with herbs under a cheese crust.

In general, dishes for nursing mothers in the first month of their new status are an excellent field for embodying their culinary talents in the field of preparing simple, but nevertheless tasty and healthy recipes.

Recipes for breastfeeding in the first month after childbirth

Hello! Absolutely every mother who cares for her child limits herself in nutrition, starting from pregnancy. But even after birth, a nursing mother must adhere to a diet.

Today we will talk about the mother’s nutrition in the first month after childbirth. Read the article “Recipes for breastfeeding in the first month” and you will find out.

  • 1 Diet
  • 2 For weight loss
  • 3 Menu
  • 4 Recipes


Mother's milk is a product that will become the baby's only source of vitamins, energy, and minerals for many months.

And its quality is directly related to a woman’s nutrition. By the way, it is worth noting that not only the quality, but also the taste of milk depends on the food a woman eats.

Nutrition for a nursing mother

  • Food for a nursing mother should be of high quality, fresh, healthy, rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • As little carbohydrates as possible, they cause colic
  • In the first month, the mother must strictly adhere to the diet. Only after the baby doll is 3 - 4 weeks old, and his digestive system is more or less stronger, can the mother expand her menu
  • Strictly prohibited, alcohol, preservatives, dyes, spices
  • It is best to eat natural products, so you will have to learn to read product labels and understand the ingredients

Feeding is prohibited in the first month

  • Any cabbage
  • Beans, peas
  • Exotic fruits
  • Red fruits and vegetables
  • Milk
  • Tea (strong)
  • Conservation
  • Smoked meats
  • Mushrooms
  • Baked goods (especially yeast baked goods)
  • Store-bought sweets, sweet cookies, rolls, cakes
  • Eggs (maybe 1 per day)
  • Garlic
  • Watermelon
  • Very salty foods
  • Spices

What is possible

  • Tea with rosehip
  • Still mineral water
  • The meat is only boiled and baked, you will have to forget about the delicious fried crust for a while
  • Oil
  • Sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt
  • Vegetables, fruits (preferably baked, steamed or boiled)
  • Greens, especially dill and parsley

Agree, not so little.

For weight loss

At the moment of bearing a child, many mothers follow their food desires, eat a lot and sometimes eat the wrong thing.

And oh my! After giving birth, it turns out that instead of the required 10 kilograms, you gained 25 or 30, believe me, this happens.

Of course, such a reflection in the mirror does not please the young mother, and she wants to lose weight. And many do it wrong. Here are the most common mistakes.

  • Starvation
  • Diuretic and laxative tablets
  • Tea for weight loss
  • Low calorie diet

Now let's look at this issue based on the interests of the child. The mother is hungry, the baby is malnourished. Medicines are supplied to the baby along with milk.

Who knows what weight loss tea is made from, what kind of nasty stuff is included in it. Now ask yourself a question, do you want harm to your child?

If you show a little imagination and take a responsible approach to the cooking process, then cottage cheese casserole for a nursing mother will become a real salvation. If desired, this nutritious and healthy product can be turned into a baby-safe dessert. You just need to choose the appropriate recipe and carry out high-quality pre-processing of the main component.

It is not necessary to limit yourself to the classic approach, in which, in addition to cottage cheese, only flour and eggs are used. When breastfeeding, no less popular and healthy are dishes with the addition of semolina (although it must be used very carefully), dried fruits, pumpkin pulp, carrots, apples and berries.

Methods for preparing the product and rules for its use

Thanks to the advent of new household appliances, today cottage cheese casserole can be prepared not only in the oven, but also in a slow cooker and even in the microwave. Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  1. In the oven. The product turns out to be as aromatic as possible, its taste is rich and full. This option is considered optimal if the recipe calls for auxiliary ingredients with a pronounced odor and a large amount of juice.
  2. In a slow cooker. An innovative technique, thanks to which the finished product is soft, tender, without burnt edges or damp areas.
  3. In the microwave. The simplest, fastest and most affordable option, but, according to nutritionists, not the most healthy, especially when breastfeeding. In addition, the taste of the finished product is quite specific. Nursing mothers feel this especially acutely, as a result of which they even refuse the dish.

Cottage cheese casserole, prepared according to all the rules, can easily replace the main dish or become an ideal snack. If you do not get carried away with additional ingredients, the calorie content of the finished product will be insignificant and its consumption will not affect the figure of the nursing mother. Despite the significant benefits of the product, when breastfeeding, cottage cheese casserole should not be included in the menu more than 1-2 times a week. You can eat up to 200 g of the finished product in one go.

Useful properties of cottage cheese in casseroles

Cottage cheese casserole, especially homemade cottage cheese, is valued not only for its taste. Regardless of the recipe used, the peculiarities of heat treatment make it possible to preserve the beneficial components in the finished dish to the maximum. Nutritionists claim that the beneficial substances in cottage cheese after such exposure are even better absorbed by the mother’s body and saturate breast milk.

  • Proteins have a special structure, so they can be easily digested even by the imperfect intestines of a baby.

Advice: Even those mothers whose babies do not react very well to other dairy and fermented milk products should try cottage cheese casserole while breastfeeding. Due to the way milk protein is processed, the risk of an allergy or other type of negative response is minimal.

  • The abundance of calcium and phosphorus, which are responsible for the formation of bone tissue, guarantees the strengthening of the baby’s skeleton.
  • There is very little fat in cottage cheese. It does not pose a risk to a woman’s figure or the condition of the baby’s subcutaneous fat. It does not increase the fat content of breast milk and does not provoke obesity.

It is worth considering that such results can only be hoped for if a natural product is used. It is best to prepare it yourself at home.

Rules and features of making cottage cheese

Some nursing mothers do not always respond positively to cottage cheese casserole, claiming that after all the stages of processing they do not end up with a tender and tasty dish, but a mass more like melted cheese. This only happens when using store-bought cottage cheese; it is often sprinkled with soda and other ingredients to preserve freshness for a longer period of time.

If you want to really enjoy the food, then it is better to prepare cottage cheese yourself using the appropriate recipe:

  • Classic approach. Pour fresh milk into a container similar to a jug, cover the neck with a saucer and leave for a day at room temperature. After this, pour the sour mixture into a saucepan, place on low heat and heat without bringing to a boil. The milk should curdle, then pour it into a sieve lined with a double layer of gauze. We set it so that the excess liquid is drained and use the mixture for its intended purpose. On average, three liters of milk yields a little more than half a kilogram of cottage cheese.
  • Quick recipe. In this case, to obtain 600 g of cottage cheese we will need 2 liters of milk and 1 liter of kefir. Pour milk into a saucepan and heat it up. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, add kefir and stir. Curd flakes will begin to form very quickly. Keep the mixture for no more than 2-3 minutes, the mixture should not boil. After turning off the stove, let the mixture stand for another five minutes, after which we put it on a sieve with gauze and wait for the whey to drain.

The cottage cheese obtained as a result of such manipulations is recommended to be used for its intended purpose immediately after preparation. As a last resort, it should be consumed within 1-2 days.

Simple recipes for making cottage cheese casserole

First, you should prepare a cottage cheese casserole using a classic recipe. Having obtained a good result, you can begin culinary experiments.
Traditional cottage cheese casserole:

  • For half a kilogram of cottage cheese we need one chicken egg, three tablespoons of flour or semolina, 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream and granulated sugar.
  • Grind the cottage cheese first to get rid of lumps and achieve homogeneity. Add beaten egg, flour and granulated sugar to it. Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • If desired, add finely chopped fruits, berries, dried fruits and other permitted fillers.
  • Grease the baking dish with vegetable oil, lay out the workpiece, grease it with sour cream on top, then the finished product will have an appetizing crust.
  • Place the container in a preheated oven and bake the product for 30-40 minutes. Let it cool and you can use it.

Very tasty and unusually aromatic dishes are obtained by adding grated bananas, pumpkin pulp, carrot cake and even a small amount of fruit juice to the baking mixture. You just need to experimentally establish the ratio of the ingredients used. The main thing is not to abuse such additives and constantly monitor the condition of the baby.

Check out the following article:

It's no secret that natural cottage cheese contains many beneficial components for the body. This product is also useful for mothers whose babies are breastfed. But not every person likes the taste of cottage cheese without additives. Then you can prepare a delicious casserole with this product. Cottage cheese casserole for a nursing mother will be healthy and will not harm the newborn.

Thanks to its rich composition, cottage cheese has a beneficial effect on the health of mother and baby. The advantages of the product include:

  • high content of essential protein;
  • normalization of digestive processes;
  • prevention of pathologies of the heart, blood vessels and nervous system;
  • increasing the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood - this is especially important for pregnant and lactating women;
  • hypotensive effect.

Under the influence of temperature, the proteins in the cottage cheese begin to break down, so in the casserole they will become easier and more accessible for digestion. A woman during lactation can safely consume this dish and then feed her baby. After heat treatment, cottage cheese rarely provokes allergies in children.

Also, a casserole made from cottage cheese for a nursing mother is valued for its low calorie content, since the product contains little fat. If you eat in moderation, you don't have to worry about gaining weight. The best raw materials for making casseroles are, of course, homemade. But if you can’t make it yourself, you can buy store-bought cottage cheese.

A dish can have a negative effect on the body only in 2 cases:

  1. Preparation from low-quality curd mass. There is no need to choose the cheapest product, as carcinogens and other harmful components may be added to its composition. Because of this, the dish will not be healthy at all.
  2. Overeating. If you overeat, even the healthiest product will be harmful to your health.

Cottage cheese casserole can be made with various tasty additives: dried fruits, fruits, berries, carrots or other vegetables. Apples are considered the healthiest and safest fruit during lactation. Green apple puree can be safely consumed in the first month after childbirth. Dried fruits are also no less useful. They retain beneficial qualities like fresh fruits, but at the same time are easier to digest by the body. These are the most suitable additives for casseroles during lactation. After comparing all the qualities of the product, the answer to the question - can a nursing mother have cottage cheese casserole - is positive. You can prepare the dish in the oven, slow cooker, or microwave. When breastfeeding, it should be consumed a maximum of 3 times a week.

Recipe in the oven

There are many recipes for cottage cheese casserole for nursing mothers. Below is the easiest way for breastfeeding women. For the dish you will need:

Cooking process:

The dish must be cooled before eating.

Recipe in a slow cooker

The multicooker significantly reduces the cooking time for casserole with cottage cheese. For the recipe for cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker you will need:

  • 500 g cottage cheese;
  • 3 tablespoons semolina;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • butter.

Cooking process

With apples

Thanks to the consumption of cottage cheese and apples by a woman during lactation, intestinal motility is normalized in the child. Baked fruits will not cause colic or severe gas. For preparation you need:

  • 500 g cottage cheese;
  • 4 medium sized apples;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of semolina.

Cooking process:


The birth of a child is happiness, but at the same time it is a huge responsibility for the health and well-being of the baby, which is unthinkable without proper nutrition. Breastfed babies are lucky, because mother's milk is known for its most valuable properties. But sometimes it is also a source of problems if a woman’s diet is composed incorrectly. There are a large number of myths about what mom should not eat during this period. Sometimes women go on starvation diets so as not to spoil the quality of their milk. But in this case, the reserves of nutrients in the body are quickly depleted. Vitality evaporates, health problems begin.

Menu for a nursing mother in the first month after childbirth

Mandatory criteria for a nursing mother's diet are completeness and calorie content. During this period, a woman needs 400 - 600 kilocalories more daily than in other periods of life. The lactation process is complex; beneficial substances enter the milk from the mother’s body, which means their supply in the body must be sufficient. But milk can also contain harmful substances, allergens, as well as elements that cause fermentation in the intestines. If the baby has developed skin rashes or has become excessively capricious or whiny, the mother should reconsider her diet.

Modern doctors and scientists agree that absolutely any product can cause an allergic reaction if it is consumed in excessive quantities. At the same time, when a child receives allergens in small quantities through milk, his body gradually adapts to them. However, you should gradually accustom your baby to different substances in milk. That’s why it’s so important to follow a diet in the first month after the baby is born. And for the entire period of breastfeeding, avoid semi-finished products, canned, smoked, fried foods, as well as those containing vegetable fat, preservatives, dyes, flavors, and substitute products.

It’s better to eat more often, but little by little (3-5 meals a day).


Eat porridge for breakfast. At first, choose those that do not contain gluten (it causes allergies in many). It can be buckwheat, rice, corn porridge. Boil them in water. Place a piece of butter in the finished dish.

Two or three times a week, replace porridge with cottage cheese (Never with a cottage cheese product - carefully read the information on the label). If you take low-fat, eat it with sour cream.

Read more about cottage cheese during breastfeeding in the article -.

As a drink, try rosehip infusion, weak green or black tea (not from bags, loose leaf), herbal teas. There are herbal infusions on sale intended for nursing mothers. Be careful with infusions of sage, jasmine, mint: they suppress lactation. Drink tea without sugar. If you really want to add it, replace white refined with brown cane. Avoid coffee and strong tea. They can cause colic, overexcitation, and disrupt sleep. Remember that when breastfeeding, liquids should be consumed in moderation. Its deficiency leads to dehydration of the body, an increase in the fat content of milk, and its excess leads to lactostasis. The consumption rate for a nursing woman is 2.5–3 liters, including water supplied with food. Half of this amount should be drinking water.

If you want something sweet for your tea, replace your usual confectionery with dried fruits (dried apples, pears, prunes) and biscuits.


Make it a rule to eat soup every day, because it replenishes the body with useful substances, vitamins, and microelements. In addition, warm liquid promotes better milk production. At first, eat regular vegetable broths, adding zucchini and potatoes. Instead of table salt when cooking, use sea salt. Don't forget about greens, they promote better digestion of food.

After a week, try cooking meat or fish broths. For meat, use turkey, rabbit, veal, lean pork, for fish - cod, hake, pike perch. Pour water over the meat or fish, cook for two to three minutes after boiling, and then add new water. Try adding carrots, cabbage, onions, and garlic there. Contrary to popular belief, onions and garlic do not spoil the taste of milk, especially when boiled. Excessive consumption of cabbage can cause increased gas formation and colic in the baby. However, boiled in small quantities will only be beneficial, because it is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Do not eat cabbage or peas raw at first.

Instead of yeast breads and pastries, use whole grain bread, bran bread, rye buns, and crispbread.

For the main course, prepare potatoes, pasta, and stewed zucchini. Add unrefined vegetable oil to vegetables - olive, sunflower, corn, flaxseed. Eat meat daily (preferably boiled or steamed). The daily norm is 100 grams.

Dried fruit compote is suitable as a drink.

First course recipes

Proper first courses will help avoid digestive problems.

Read more about soups during breastfeeding in the article -.

Meatball soup

Grind any dietary meat(turkey, rabbit, veal or lean pork), make small meatballs. Place diced cubes into boiling water potatoes, carrots, onions. After boiling, boil for 10 minutes. Then add the meatballs and vermicelli, broken into small pieces, or pasta, intended for seasoning soups (they are small in shape). After boiling, cook for another 10 minutes with the lid closed. Salt to taste. Sprinkle greens.

Soup with meatballs made from dietary meat can be included in your diet from the first days after the birth of your child.

Fish soup

Boil fish (hake, pollock, cod) in boiling water for about five minutes. Drain the hot water, remove the bones from the fish and divide into small pieces. Add pieces of fish, diced potatoes, carrots, onions and some washed rice to fresh boiling water. Cook after boiling for 20 minutes. Salt and add herbs.

Hake, cod, and pollock are suitable for fish soups.

Rinse the buckwheat thoroughly. Place diced cubes into boiling water potatoes, carrots, onions, buckwheat. After boiling, cook for 20 minutes. Salt, sprinkle greens.

Buckwheat soup will replenish the strength of a young mother

Main course recipes

When preparing main courses, special attention should be paid to the type of heat treatment.

Zucchini in yogurt

200 grams of zucchini cut into cubes, lightly salt. Place on greased vegetable oil frying pan, cover with a lid, simmer for about 15 minutes. Then pour in 100 grams of natural yogurt without additives or sour cream. Simmer for about 5 minutes with the lid closed. Sprinkle with fresh or dried greenery.

Zucchini is stewed in water, sour cream or natural yogurt


IN 400 grams minced meat(from rabbit, turkey, veal, lean pork) add glass of boiled rice, 1 egg, finely chopped onion, salt, can be finely chopped dill or parsley. Mix thoroughly. Make small balls. Place them in a lightly greased frying pan. Pour in sour cream sauce (mix a glass of boiled water with 2–3 tablespoons sour cream). Cover with a lid and let it boil. Then turn the heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes.

Stew meatballs in sour cream, not tomato sauce

Steamed fish cutlets

300 grams of fish fillet along with 1 onion pass through a meat grinder. Add two tablespoons of bran, 1 egg, add salt, mix well. Let stand for 15 minutes. Form cutlets from this mixture and place on a wire rack for steaming. Cook for 15–20 minutes.

Steamed food has significant benefits over traditionally prepared food.

Compote recipes

Compotes will help you establish the correct fluid intake and avoid dehydration.

Fresh fruit compote

The first time, cook compote from apples or pears. For half a liter of water, take 1 large fruit. Rinse it thoroughly, peel and remove seeds, cut into slices. Place in a saucepan, add water, and put on fire. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes. Then leave to brew under the lid for an hour. If desired, add a little sugar (preferably brown).

Dried fruit compote

Take half a liter of water 50 grams of dried fruits(apples or pears). Rinse them thoroughly and fill them with boiled water. Cover with a lid and leave to swell for 6-8 hours (overnight is possible). The resulting infusion is the compote. Add sugar to it if desired.

Compote and bread - one of the snack options

Afternoon snack

For an afternoon snack, enjoy natural yogurt, which, by the way, is easy to prepare yourself. You can add finely chopped fresh or dried apples or pears to it. Or eat these fruits separately. Just peel it first.


Evening meal options:

  • Macaroni with a piece of butter or cheese. Choose pasta made from durum wheat and hard cheese without additives.
  • Rice with boiled meat.
  • Buckwheat with steamed cutlet.
  • Cheese pancakes or cottage cheese casserole. Steam them or bake them in the oven or slow cooker.
  • Vegetables (potatoes, zucchini, carrots) with fish (hake, cod, pike perch), boiled or steamed.

A suitable drink would be weak tea with a piece of white marshmallow or marshmallow and crackers.

Second dinner

Drink kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt to maintain normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Fermented milk products are quickly digested (kefir - in an hour), supply the body with beneficial bacteria, preventing the proliferation of harmful ones, and also stimulate the production of vitamins B, E, D, A, as well as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

Kefir and hard biscuits are suitable for an afternoon snack or second dinner

Menu for a nursing mother in the following months

Starting from the second month, you can diversify your menu. Gradually introduce new foods into your diet. Just not all at once. One every two or three days. If the baby does not have a negative reaction (skin rashes, gastrointestinal disorders), feel free to leave them in your diet. If a problem is detected, put this product aside for a few weeks.

Diversify the menu with oatmeal and wheat porridge. Still cook them in water, but add a little cream or milk at the end if desired. You can chop prunes, dried apricots, and figs into it. Try eating eggs for breakfast two to three times a week. However, be careful, sometimes they cause allergies.

Try chicory as a drink. It tastes like coffee, beloved by many, but has a number of advantages: it does not contain caffeine, stimulates intestinal function, and contains many useful substances.

For tea and coffee, enjoy cookies: oatmeal, long-flavored, with nuts (except peanuts and pistachios), seeds and dried fruits.

Add beets, tomatoes, and sorrel to soups in reasonable quantities. Do not fry vegetables, but simmer them in a frying pan. Season with herbs, herbs, dried or fresh, green onions, dill, parsley, celery, oregano, tarragon, thyme. Gently introduce legumes, but only in boiled form (for example, bean soup).

In limited quantities, try chicken, fresh cucumbers, and tomatoes. Carefully observe the baby's reaction.

As a drink, treat yourself to apple, pear, carrot, pomegranate or cherry juice diluted with water.

Gradually add peaches, bananas, apricots, black and white currants, gooseberries, cherries, cherries, watermelon, melon, pomegranates, and persimmons to your diet. Try yoghurts and curds intended for baby food.

Everyday Recipes

Even everyday meals should be healthy and tasty.

Cabbage soup

Piece of lean veal add water, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, drain. Fill with new water, after boiling, cook for 1.5 hours. Then add the diced potato, carrot, onion, shredded cabbage. Let it boil, then cook for 20 minutes. Add finely chopped garlic, add salt, let it boil again and remove from heat. Sprinkle greenery. Serve with sour cream.

For soups, do not fry, put vegetables directly into the pan


Cook in the same way as cabbage soup, but add it to the soup 5 minutes before the end of cooking. stewed beets. To do this, grate it, place it in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil, and keep it under a closed lid on low heat for about 15 minutes. Also serve borscht with sour cream.

Even borscht can be made dietary


For the dough, mix well 250 grams of flour, 1 teaspoon soda And 125 milliliters water. Roll out into a thin layer. Cut out circles with a glass. Place a piece in each salted minced meat. Pinch the edges. Cook in salted water for 5-10 minutes after boiling or steam.

As a filling for dumplings, use minced lean pork, veal, turkey or rabbit.

Read more about dumplings for a nursing mother in the article -.


Three eggs beat with a glass of sugar, add 1 cup flour And 1.5 tablespoons baking powder, mix gently. Four or five apples remove seeds, cut into slices. Grease the baking tray butter, sprinkle semolina. Arrange the apples beautifully so that they occupy the entire bottom, pour the dough on top. Place in the oven and bake at 200°C for 45 minutes.

Charlotte is not only a tasty, but also a healthy dish

Holiday recipes

Breastfeeding is not a reason to skip holiday meals. There are a lot of recipes that will allow you to diversify the menu and not harm the health of the baby. You can also cook familiar dishes differently. Do not fry, but stew, boil, steam or bake. Season salads with sour cream, natural yogurt, vegetable oil (olive, sunflower). Instead of chicken, fatty pork and sausage, use dietary meat. For dessert, oriental sweets, baked apples and pears are suitable.

When preparing salads, you can fully use your imagination and experiment with the ingredients and presentation of dishes.

Salad "Light"

Boiled turkey fillet, potato, fresh cucumber cut into cubes. Refuel natural yoghurt, add salt to taste, stir. Sprinkle grated on top boiled eggs And greenery.

Instead of mayonnaise, use natural yogurt or sour cream

Salad “Tender”

300 grams of boiled fish divide into pieces. Stir with a glass of boiled rice, finely chopped onion, 4 eggs. Rub on top cheese (200 grams). Decorate greenery.

Replace canned fish with boiled fish

Meat dishes

Meat is a valuable source of protein, which is so necessary for a woman after childbirth.

Cutlets “Nest”

IN 400 grams of minced meat add 1 egg, pre-soaked in milk 2 buns(crush them), chopped slice garlic, finely chopped dill, salt. Mix the minced meat. Place on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil in small portions. Make a hole in each cutlet and place a drop of sour cream, onion ring And a small piece of cheese. Bake for 40 minutes at 180° C.

By replacing ingredients in familiar dishes with healthier ones, we get completely new dishes

Meat with potatoes and cheese

Slice 4 potatoes onto the plates. no more than 0.5 centimeters thick. Salt, lubricate vegetable oil.Three hundred grams of lean pork cut into 0.5 centimeter slices, add salt, lubricate sour cream or natural yogurt on both sides. 1 onion cut into half rings. Grate 150 grams of cheese. To the greased vegetable oil On a baking sheet, lay out layers of potatoes, then meat, onion rings, sprinkle with cheese. Bake for 40 minutes at 180° C.

Don’t forget to decorate your dishes with herbs - it’s not only beautiful, but also healthy

Sweet dishes

Even in the first month after giving birth, you can treat yourself to dessert.

Cottage cheese dessert

Pour into the pan 30 grams gelatin, fill in 2 glasses of milk, leave to swell. Then heat slightly over low heat, stirring until the gelatin dissolves. Remove from heat and let cool. Mix thoroughly 500 grams of cottage cheese with 150 grams of sour cream And 200 grams of sugar.3 bananas cut into small pieces. Thoroughly mix the milk mixture with the curd mixture. Pour some of the mixture into a small mold, place some of the bananas on top, then again some of the mixture and bananas. Repeat this several times. The last layer should be the mixture. Cover the pan with cling film and refrigerate for 8 hours (overnight is possible). When ready, carefully turn the pan over onto a plate and remove the dessert.

Berry pie

Melt 200 grams of butter. Whisk in a bowl 3 eggs with 150 grams of sugar. Add to them 1.5 cups flour And 1 tablespoon baking powder. Stir, pour in butter. Knead the dough. Pour the dough onto a greased baking sheet. Place on top 150 grams of any berries, can be frozen (blueberries, currants, pitted cherries and others). Place in the oven preheated to 200° C for 40 minutes.

Add to this pie those berries that you have already included in your diet.

Diet recipes

Many mothers are concerned about the problem of excess weight. The recipes below for low-calorie dishes will help you get a slim figure.

Apple casserole with cottage cheese

Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Cut 2 apples into slices and place on the baking sheet. Mix 100 grams of cottage cheese and 100 grams of natural yogurt (sour cream, kefir). Pour this mixture over the apples. Place in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 110 - 120 ° C.

Add fruit to cottage cheese casserole

You will learn more about delicious cottage cheese dishes in the article -.

Pollock baked in foil

Pat the pollock fillet with a paper towel to absorb excess water. Place on foil. Season with salt and place butter cut into thin slices on top. Wrap in foil. Bake in the oven at 200° C for 20 minutes.

The first thing a mother should do is to mentally prepare for a difficult month. Even the strictest diet will not help relieve your baby of gas and diarrhea. And that’s all, because the baby adapts to the outside world, in particular, to receiving food through the stomach, and not through the umbilical cord. There is no need to be afraid of this at all. After a short amount of time, the baby will begin to get used to the new conditions, and the mother will be able to introduce new foods into her diet.
The best option is to keep a special diary in which you need to record the baby’s reaction to each product eaten by the mother. This will allow you to track the occurrence of allergies and discomfort from eating food.


In general, a short list of permitted products looks like this:

  1. You can and should eat vegetables They just need to be thoroughly cooked. At least in the first couple of months, it is better to boil, stew and bake them, but under no circumstances eat them raw. Only after the baby is three months old can you begin to gradually introduce raw vegetables into your usual diet.
  2. When eating fruits, you should be careful after all, they are often the cause of the development of allergies in a newborn.

    You can also eat baked apples without fear. When the child turns 1 month old, you can start drinking freshly squeezed juices, and after he reaches the age of three months, it is recommended to eat one new fruit every 2 days. At the same time, you should carefully monitor his reaction.

  3. You can use any porridge, they all help improve digestion and saturate the body with useful microelements. The only thing you should give up during breastfeeding is instant cereal.
  4. A young mother can consume all soups, provided they are cooked in vegetable broth.
  5. Eating meat is allowed, but only separately from other products. Try to choose dietary varieties.
  6. You can eat absolutely any cheese.
  7. You can eat poultry meat.
  8. Smooth in a week After the birth of your baby, you can treat yourself to a variety of fermented milk products, for example, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese or yogurt.
  9. Mom can eat fish, but only on the condition that it is boiled or baked.
  10. Eggs are allowed, however, it is worth monitoring the newborn’s reaction; after all, it is a strong allergen.
  11. Best consumed during this period whole wheat bread with various additives.
  12. Better for the entire period give up sweets. The best option is to eat a small amount of dried fruits, bagels or biscuits.
  13. To a young mother All oils can be used.
  14. More sweets the use of crackers, marmalade, marshmallows and marshmallows is allowed, provided that none of these desserts are supplemented with chocolate.
  15. Drinks you can consume weak teas and coffee, any herbal tea and a variety of fruit drinks.
  16. After the baby turns 1 month old, you can safely eat sour cream, a variety of nuts and jam.

It is worth highlighting prohibited products separately. They must be either completely excluded from the diet or their consumption reduced to a minimum:

  1. Products that stand out immediately may cause severe allergies. These include:
    • crab;
    • chocolate;
    • coffee.
  2. Varied exotic fruits and citrus fruits. And also any fruit with bright pigmentation, since they are the strongest allergens.
  3. Products, containing a large amount of preservatives, for example:
    • peas;
    • beans;
    • grape.
  4. For the first time, you should refuse mayonnaise and milk.
  5. Strictly prohibited drink alcohol, as this affects the development of the child.
  6. It is forbidden to eat fatty meat, in particular, lard.
  7. Quantity consumed Sahara It is also necessary to keep it to a minimum, literally a couple of teaspoons per day.

Sample menu by month

Particular attention should be paid to a woman's nutrition at 1 month, because it is during this time that the child develops immunity.

So, in the first 3 months, the mother should eat as follows.

On day 1, it is best to fast a little to rid the body of various toxins. There is no need to worry about your baby - the small amount of milk that his mother can give him in the first days after birth will be enough for him. Starting from the second day, you need to eat well to enable your child to get all the substances and minerals he needs.

  • On breakfast It is best to eat porridge, which must be cooked in water. It is best to drink green tea, this will give you extra energy, with a small piece of bread and butter.
  • Dinner best with vegetable soup and a small portion of mashed potatoes with vegetables or steamed cutlets. You need to wash it all down with freshly brewed dried fruit compote.
  • On dinner It is recommended not to overeat; the best option is to eat a baked apple and a little cottage cheese seasoned with sour cream.
  • To avoid feeling hungry, night It is recommended to drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk.

The menu from 3 to 6 months is practically no different from the previous one.

  • On breakfast You can start eating pearl barley porridge, which is somewhat more nutritious than regular oatmeal.
  • IN dinner You can replace steamed food with boiled food. It is also recommended to introduce borscht into your diet, but cook it in vegetable broth.
  • Eat up on dinner not recommended, you can eat a small amount of cottage cheese or steamed vegetables and wash it all down with herbal tea with honey.

After six months, more and more foods are added to the mother’s diet.

  • On breakfast you can eat any porridge. In addition, it is recommended to eat one fruit every two days to monitor the child’s reaction to the appearance of allergies. You can drink weak coffee or tea, herbal teas or fruit drinks.
  • On dinner you can eat vegetable soup and seafood, always boiled or well stewed.
  • On dinner You can eat potatoes with legumes.

Diet according to Komarovsky

When choosing a nutrition program for breastfeeding, a young mother should pay attention to the now quite popular Komarovsky diet.

The essence of this diet is to avoid any sour, spicy or salty foods. And also from any products that contain preservatives or dyes.

Of course, all strong allergens should be completely excluded from the diet; it is for this reason that it is forbidden to consume sweets and citrus fruits. Moreover, this must be done until the child completely refuses breast milk.

According to the Komarovsky diet, a young mother can adhere to the following rules in her daily diet:

  1. Drink green teas, a variety of compotes made from dried fruits, apple and carrot juices. You can drink milk with extreme caution, but always baked milk and in small quantities.
  2. A woman can consume foods as she wishes, but limit her intake of fat. Of course, you shouldn’t think that a large amount of sour cream eaten will immediately end up in the milk and it will become harmful to the baby. Most likely, all the sour cream will end up on the sides of the mother, who will already have to cope with her figure during this difficult period.
  3. To improve lactation and fully provide the baby with all the nutrition he needs, you need to consume nuts and yeast, but only in small quantities. In addition, the attending physician may recommend that the young mother purchase any additional medications at the pharmacy.

The Komarovsky diet has existed for quite a long period of time. During this time, she collected a huge number of positive reviews.


There are entire books of recipes for nursing mothers, but most of them take a long time to prepare. And during such a period of time, as a rule, free minutes rarely appear.
Let's look at a few simple recipes for familiar dishes that you can whip up.

Real reviews

Angelica, 23 years old. Thank you very much for the list of allowed products. Honestly, after visiting the pediatrician, I actually doubted whether I could eat anything; he listed too many forbidden foods for me. Thanks to you, I don’t collapse from hunger, and I have enough strength to look after my little one.

Lyudmila, 26 years old. I was terrified of harming my baby, so I was sure that after giving birth I wouldn’t even be able to touch any food in case it made him sick. But after reading about your diet, I realized how important it is for him that his mother eats a balanced diet.

Veronica, pediatrician. The diet is undoubtedly very good, but I would advise excluding green tea from your diet. It promotes stagnation of milk, which means the baby may not get enough to eat. But black tea and milk interact perfectly with each other. In addition, this combination has a very beneficial effect on lactation.

Miroslava, pediatrician. A very balanced menu that I recommend to all my patients. The listed products not only help the mother recover quickly after childbirth, but also allow the child to receive all the vitamins and microelements he needs.



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