The pregnancy test is negative and there is a delay. Non-gynecological reasons

Menstruation is a cyclically repeating process that occurs in the healthy body of every woman. Many people associate a delay in menstruation with pregnancy. What to do if the test shows a negative result? If fertilization has not occurred, but there is still no menstrual bleeding, you should seek medical help.

What is the menstrual cycle

The process that ensures the reproductive function of every woman is usually called the menstrual cycle. The duration of this period will vary in each specific case. On averageethe duration isfrom 23 to 35 days.

The cerebral cortex is responsible for reproductive function. Information is transmitted to the pituitary gland allowing it to produce hormones necessary for the normal functioning of the ovaries and uterus.

Menstruation is a cyclical process. The absence of another bleeding is a reason to think

The entire cycle is usually divided into two phases, between which ovulation occurs:

  1. Follicular - begins on the first day of menstrual bleeding. During this period, the female body prepares for a possible pregnancy. The process of maturation of a new egg occurs in the ovaries. The duration of this phase is 15–20 days.
  2. The luteal, or corpus luteum phase, occurs after ovulation and lasts 12–16 days. The mature egg is released into the abdominal cavity. It is during this period that fertilization can occur if a female cell meets a sperm. The cycle ends with the onset of the next menstrual bleeding.

As a rule, most women have a fixed cycle length (on average 28 days). Therefore, it is easy to calculate when menstrual bleeding will begin next. A deviation of 2–3 days is considered normal. If there is a delay of more than 5 days, you should first take a pregnancy test. A negative result is a reason to seek advice from a gynecologist.

Why doesn't my next period come? There may be several reasons.

Reasons for missing periods with a negative pregnancy test

Drug therapy

Some medications may affect the length of your menstrual cycle:

  1. Birth control pills. Minor deviations from the norm during the use of such medications are considered normal. Drugs that can cause a delay in menstruation include:
    • Diana is 35;
    • Novinet;
  2. Yarina;
  3. Lindineth.
  4. Hormonal drugs (Duphaston, Cyclodinone, Clostilbegit). Medicines from this group should be used strictly under the supervision of a specialist.
  5. Emergency contraception (Escapelle, Postinor, Zhenale). Bleeding may linger for 3–10 days.

    Medicine knows cases of pregnancy even after taking emergency contraception. Therefore, it is worth contacting your local gynecologist.

  6. Antidepressants, drugs for the treatment of oncology, as well as antibiotics. However, some experts have their own opinion on this matter. The absence of menstruation can develop against the background of pathological processes occurring in the body. The medications used, in their opinion, have nothing to do with it. Some hormonal drugs (Duphaston, Cyclodinone, Clostilbegit) can affect reproductive function. Medicines from this group can be used strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

If a delay is observed during drug therapy, no special actions should be taken. The situation will be restored after stopping treatment with the listed drugs. But it is still worth informing the gynecologist about the situation that has arisen.

Drugs that can cause delay - gallery

Emergency contraception Postinor
Hormonal drug Duphaston
Birth control pills Jess

Intrauterine device

One of the most popular methods of contraception in recent years is the intrauterine device. This device prevents fertilization, but does not protect against infection. As a result, disruption of the menstrual cycle can often occur.

The presence of infection will be indicated by discharge with an unpleasant odor and pain in the lower abdomen.

In addition, the intrauterine device is often the cause of intrauterine pregnancy. The test will show a negative result.

The cause of menstrual irregularities is often the intrauterine device.

The choice of spiral should be approached with special attention. A specialist should advise a suitable model based on the anatomical features of the woman’s reproductive organs. The device can remain in the uterus for no more than 5 years.

If there is a delay in menstruation with the described method of contraception, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. The intrauterine device often leads to the development of serious complications.

Neuroses and stress

Exams, problems at work, quarrels with loved ones - all this can lead to changes in a woman’s hormonal levels, and at the same time to a delay in menstruation by more than a week. Physical fatigue can also provoke depression of reproductive function. Additionally, the following symptoms appear:

  • headaches;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • sleep disorders;
  • rapid weight loss.

40% of women who play sports professionally have problems with reproductive function.

In this case, women are advised to have proper nutrition and rest. In the most difficult situations you have to take antidepressants. Treatment is carried out by a therapist.

As a rule, after normalization of the psychological and physical state, the menstrual cycle is restored.

Weight problems

Many overweight women face reproductive dysfunction. Menstrual bleeding comes irregularly or is absent altogether.

The hypothalamus is a section of the brain responsible for the performance of all organs and tissues of the body, in particular for reproductive function

If you weigh more than 100 kg, the hypothalamus (a part of the brain) completely blocks the production of estrogen by the ovaries.

Estrogens (female sex hormones) are normally produced not only in the ovaries, but also in the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

A proper weight loss program developed by a nutritionist will help correct the situation. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Sudden weight loss cannot be called beneficial either. The body perceives this situation as exhaustion. At the same time, female sex hormones begin to be produced in smaller quantities. Fashionable diets can also lead to the development of vitamin deficiency, which also affects reproductive function. To solve the problem, you need to start eating properly.

Postpartum period and lactation

After the baby is born, the female body must restore reproductive function. Therefore, there is no menstruation for several months after childbirth. In most cases, bleeding is not observed throughout the entire period of lactation (breastfeeding).

There is a chance, albeit small, of becoming pregnant during lactation. Therefore, a woman who does not plan to conceive in the near future after childbirth should think about a good method of contraception.

During lactation, reproductive function is suppressed, so there are no periods

As a rule, the menstrual cycle returns to normal after stopping breastfeeding. However, experts do not recommend planning your next pregnancy right away. The female body is fully restored only 2 years after childbirth.


Menopause (menopause) is the decline of a woman’s reproductive function. For many, this process begins with a delay in menstruation for weeks or even months. Other unpleasant symptoms include:

  • sleep disorders;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • increased sweating;
  • mood swings;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

The menopausal condition is not pathological. This is a normal life process. If the described symptoms do not allow a woman to lead a normal life, it is worth seeking help from a gynecologist who will prescribe suitable vitamins and herbal medicines.


Many pathologies of the genital area can lead to reproductive dysfunction. These can be fungal, viral or bacterial infections. In this case, you should pay attention to the presence of additional symptoms such as:

  • general deterioration of health;
  • brown, pink, bloody, yellow, or white vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, lower back;
  • diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • itching of the labia;
  • increased body temperature;
  • frequent urination.

A rapid deterioration in well-being along with the absence of regular menstrual bleeding is a reason to immediately contact a gynecologist. There can be several reasons for this condition - from ordinary thrush to syphilis or gonorrhea.

The following diseases can lead to a prolonged delay of menstruation (more than a month):

  1. Uterine fibroids. Benign endometrial tumor. Therapy is carried out by a gynecologist. Surgery is often indicated.
  2. Endometriosis. The disease can cause both absence of menstruation and heavy uterine bleeding. A typical symptom is pain during bowel movements. Frequent urination is also observed. Treatment is carried out by a gynecologist.
  3. Adnexitis. Inflammatory process of the appendages. Characterized by yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor, pain in the lower abdomen, and bloating.
  4. Polycystic ovary syndrome. Pathology leads to hormonal disorders and disruptions of the menstrual cycle. There may be delays from several days to a month. The specialist conducts hormonal therapy. In the most difficult cases, surgical intervention is indicated.


Medical abortion often leads to a long delay in menstrual bleeding (from a week to several months). The following factors may contribute to this:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • adhesive process;
  • infection acquired during surgery;
  • stress;
  • damage to the uterus.

After an abortion, a woman must be under the supervision of a doctor. If menstruation does not occur a month after surgery, the gynecologist should conduct an additional examination and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Other reasons

The following factors can also lead to disruptions in the menstrual cycle:

  • decreased immunity;
  • change of scenery;
  • moving to a country with a different climate.

If any deviations from the norm appear, it is advisable to contact your local gynecologist.

Delayed menstruation is usually understood as a failure in the cycle, in which the next menstrual bleeding does not begin on time. This condition can occur at any age: at the time of puberty, during the reproductive phase, during premenopause. Delayed periods are caused by both pathological and physiological reasons. The absence of menstruation causes discomfort to a woman. However, if the cycle returns to normal within a week, then there is no need to worry and resort to treatment. But a long absence of menstruation should alert a woman, as it can be caused by serious illnesses.

Many women, when visiting a gynecologist, say the following phrase: “ week delay test negative" This is not surprising, since the timeliness of the menstrual cycle is greatly influenced by precise and complex mechanisms, which sometimes fail even in absolutely healthy women. In addition, there are a number of factors that influence the duration of the cycle. Therefore, when the delay is a week and the test is negative, there's no need to worry too much. At the same time, the delay in menstruation should not exceed seven days.

Delayed menstruation occurs when, with a stable cycle, the absence of menstrual bleeding lasts more than a few days. With irregular menstruation, it is almost impossible to calculate the duration of the next delay, since the estimated start date of the cycle is unknown.

A week late - test negative. The reasons for this behavior of the female body

Many women are interested in the question: “ Delayed week test negative reasons? As a rule, if menstruation is “late” by 5 - 7 days, physiological reasons are to blame. Since they are of natural origin, there is no need to worry about them.

First of all, the possibility of pregnancy should be excluded. The fact is that in most cases menstruation is absent precisely for this reason. For most women, pregnancy is accompanied by nausea, increased drowsiness, enlarged mammary glands, and a decrease or increase in appetite. You can determine pregnancy yourself by taking a pregnancy test. This can also be done in a medical facility by donating blood for the presence of hCG or undergoing an ultrasound examination.

There are physiological reasons for delayed periods during a girl’s puberty. As a rule, disruptions occur during the first two years, until the menstrual cycle returns to normal.

Women over 45 years of age face a physiological condition called perimenopause. The process occurring in the female body is natural. Each time the delay in menstruation becomes longer. Over time, menstruation will stop completely. This period gives the woman a number of uncomfortable sensations - she experiences hot flashes, regular mood swings, and a decrease in sexual desire.

After childbirth, the problem may also occur - a week delay, the test is negative. The reason here lies in the hormone prolactin., the content of which in the female body increases during lactation. The presence of the hormone prevents the onset of ovulation, which leads to the absence of menstruation. When a woman finishes breastfeeding, the menstrual cycle is restored.

Thus, when there is a week delay and the test is negative, reasons, as a rule, are natural and do not require medical treatment.

2 weeks late test negative. Reasons

Hearing a complaint from a patient: “ 2 weeks late test negative", the doctor begins to look for the cause. Very often, this behavior of the female body indicates the presence of pathology. Most likely, prolonged delays in menstruation occur due to diseases of the genital organs.

Inflammation and tumors lead not only to the absence of menstruation, but also to the appearance of painful sensations in the lower abdomen and pathological discharge. Untimely treatment of oophoritis, adnexitis, and fibroids can lead the female body to infertility.

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With hormonal imbalances, a corpus luteum cyst may form on the ovary. The same problems are caused by such a well-known disease as polycystic ovary syndrome. In this case, the woman faces not only a delay in menstruation, but also increased hair growth, acne, seborrhea, weight gain, etc.

A situation where there is a 2-week delay and the test is negative can also arise due to miscarriage or injuries that were caused during uterine curettage.

A delay of more than two weeks sometimes indicates the onset of an ectopic pregnancy. In order to avoid negative consequences, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Situation, when the test is negative and the delay is 2 weeks, can also occur due to ARVI, influenza, or as a result of taking certain medications. Diseases such as gastritis, diabetes, kidney and thyroid diseases have a negative effect on the menstrual cycle.

3 weeks late test negative. Reasons

A 3-week delay in a negative test can be caused by the previously listed reasons, and some others that are not associated with the presence of pathology in the female body.

The anovulatory cycle is considered a normal variant. With it, ovulation may not occur every month.

Situation, when the delay is 3 weeks and the test is negative, can also be caused by heavy or excessive exercise. Modern women, in pursuit of a slim body, visit the gym and do fitness. However, many of them do not control the amount of energy spent, as a result of which regular excessive loads lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Delayed menstruation can also be caused by stressful situations that have a negative impact on the hormonal system. Many women are burdened with family problems, work and study.

A situation where the test is negative and your period is three weeks late may also be associated with the body’s adaptation to environmental changes or acclimatization.

With prolonged dieting or fasting, a woman’s body is deprived of the minerals and vitamins necessary for normal functioning. As a result, metabolism is disrupted and menstruation is delayed. Women who have exhausted their bodies to the point of anorexia may lose their periods for good and forget about the desire to have children. At the same time, excess body weight also has a negative impact on a woman’s health. A large amount of adipose tissue interferes with the normal functioning of hormones. In addition, there is a metabolic disorder in a woman’s body.

What to do - the test is negative two weeks late?

As noted earlier, if you haven’t had your period for less than a week, then you shouldn’t take any action, since even a completely healthy woman can face this problem. If your period does not come, you should confirm or deny the presence of pregnancy.

In a situation when the delay is two weeks the test is negative, must be submitted. If there is a long delay and absence of menstruation, you should consult a gynecologist, since the cause of this condition can be serious diseases. You should not postpone a visit to the doctor when the test is negative and your period is two weeks late - inaction can negatively affect your health. Therefore, it is so important to promptly establish the cause of the delay in menstruation.

A woman begins to worry from the first day of her missed period. Regardless of the desire to have a child, a feeling of anxiety arises literally immediately. But a delay in menstruation may not always indicate pregnancy. Let's look at all the possible reasons for late periods.

If you haven't yet checked your hCG levels using a pregnancy test, then let's cover some basics now:

    How many days are in your menstrual cycle?

    If you don't track your cycle (although I highly recommend you do), then you may not know the answer to this question. Consequently, it will be very difficult for you to calculate the days of your expected menstruation every month and you will often make mistakes, believing that this is a delay.

    Did you have unprotected intercourse during ovulation?

    Let's say 4 weeks have passed since the last menstruation, and ovulation took place 14 days ago. These are averages. Did you have an unsecured "relationship" with a man 2 weeks ago? If yes, then the probability of pregnancy is very high. If 5 weeks have passed since your last menstruation, then remember the relationship that was 3 weeks ago and so on.

    If yes, then you are most likely pregnant. Although this is not a 100% determination method. Often there is a psychological pregnancy, when a woman wants to have a child so much that she may experience a delay, nausea, chest pain and other symptoms that are actually fictitious.

No period, but pregnancy test or hCG test is negative

If you are sure that you are counting your cycle correctly and you have not had intercourse for the last month, but the delay is still present, then it could be caused by other reasons.

Are you taking any medications or pills?

Problems usually arise when taking contraceptives. Hormonal contraceptives very often cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Especially if they are selected independently and taken without supervision from a gynecologist.

If problems arise while taking the pills, shouldn't you pay attention to other means of contraception? Let's figure it out. Your body is ready to conceive only 5 days out of the month. This includes the 3 days before ovulation (sperm can live for a maximum of 72 hours) and 24 hours after the egg is released from the ovaries. It is quite easy to determine these days and use this knowledge to prevent unwanted pregnancy. It turns out that it is not advisable to take hormones every day in order to be protected only 5 days a month. In any case, it is your choice, but you need to make a decision only after consulting a competent doctor.

Have you had any illnesses recently?

The disease can shift your menstrual cycle. Even a short illness can significantly affect hormone levels, leading to a slight delay.


Regular or severe stress wreaks havoc on your hormonal levels. How to improve the situation?

  • Get rid of a sedentary lifestyle. Even short walks once a day saturate your body with oxygen and help increase stress resistance.
  • Full sleep. Each person has his own minimum time that he should devote to rest. If this does not happen, the body becomes sluggish and reacts sharply to any anxiety and depression occurs. An adult usually needs 8 hours of sleep per day.
  • Vitamins. If your diet is not rich in variety, you need to take additional vitamin complexes. Magnesium and vitamin B supplements will be especially useful in this case. Freshly squeezed juices are also an excellent way to increase the level of nutrients in the blood and improve your mood.
  • Massage is a great option for relieving tension and relaxing muscles. Believe me, this is not a luxury, but a necessity, which has a huge number of benefits not only for the body, but also for the mind.

Are you overweight?

Increased body weight leads to surges in hormonal levels, which invariably leads to delays. This does not mean that you need to suddenly lose a large number of pounds to return to a normal cycle. But you still have to make some effort.

The least you can do is reduce your consumption of sugar and wheat products. Plus a little physical activity every day. This will be a huge step towards regaining your women's health. Even daily walks will help you get a few steps closer to your goal.

Today, there are many services that help women in their quest to lose weight. These include calorie calculators, weight loss diaries, and simply communication on forums with women who have similar problems.

Are you too underweight?

If the level of fat in the body is excessively low, then this also leads to cycle disruption. It is necessary to establish the process of eating and eat only healthy foods that will help you gain the necessary weight.

Do you travel frequently and work shifts?

Oddly enough, there are such reasons. The functioning of the biological clock is very important for humans. And if a malfunction suddenly occurs in them, this leads to disturbances in hormonal levels. Try to find ways to build your work or leisure schedule more kindly to your body.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

This disease is based on a hormonal imbalance that interferes with the stability of ovulation. As a result, women with this diagnosis have an extended menstrual cycle and their chances of conceiving a baby are very low. Although the causes of this syndrome are not yet fully understood, one theory is that it is due to an increase in insulin production in the body.

Are you breastfeeding?

If you are currently a breastfeeding mother, the transition to a regular cycle may take some time. During breastfeeding, a breastfeeding woman receives a signal aimed at suppressing ovulation. Over time, the level of hormones will become sufficient and the first menstruation will begin, after a while the cycle will stabilize.

Have you recently given birth?

Delays can occur in women who are new mothers, even if they are not breastfeeding. The restoration of regular menstruation may take about 2 years.

Other medical problems

There are a number of other reasons that lead to delay: menopause, problems with the thyroid gland and a number of others that need to be discussed with specialists.

This article will talk about the possible causes of a delay in the menstrual cycle, in the case when a pregnancy test shows a negative result and pregnancy is not confirmed.

In order to understand the reasons for the delay of the menstrual cycle, it is necessary first of all to understand the principles of the normal course of this period.

On average, the menstrual cycle begins in girls at the age of 12-13 and signals the onset of puberty. The presence of menstruation in a girl’s life indicates the readiness of the female body to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term.

Normally, a delay in menstruation indicates the onset of pregnancy. However, if there is no pregnancy, and the menstrual cycle does not occur on time, this may indicate gynecological, psychological, endocrine or age-related disorders.

Normal menstrual cycle

The duration of a normal cycle is normally 21-35 days (from the onset to the onset of bleeding). During this period, the levels of the hormones progesterone and estrogen change according to days cycle. Estrogen is responsible for the development and growth of the endometrium in the uterus for 16 days, then it takes effect progesterone hormone pregnancy.

The main reasons for delayed periods

In this section we will only briefly list the main reasons, and then we will examine some of them in more detail.

Disruption of the endocrine system and reproductive system.
Gynecological diseases (inflammatory, oncological diseases, benign neoplasms, injuries of the pelvic organs)
Endometrial injuries resulting from abortions and diagnostic procedures
Taking psychotropic drugs or hormonal substances
Stress overload and physical strain
The period of breastfeeding due to the predominance of the generic dominant and hormones that correspond to this period
Sudden changes in body weight (excessive gain or loss)
Frequent visits to the solarium and acclimatization period

Some of these reasons are a huge obstacle to the long-awaited pregnancy.
How to induce menstruation if you are late if the test is negative
We have already seen that there can be many reasons for this condition and most of them are quite serious.

How to induce menstruation if there is a delay if the test is negative?

Of course, there are a lot of folk methods to provoke menstruation. However, we should not forget that it is not the disease that needs to be treated, but its cause. That is why, first, it is necessary to find out the true cause of the cycle disruption.

For each of the listed diseases and conditions, individual therapy must be prescribed and carried out. Even if you provoke “menstruation” using one of the folk methods, remember that it may not be “menstruation”, but bleeding. And this condition of yours can lead to serious therapy or even an emergency condition.

Important! Do not try to provoke the onset of the menstrual cycle on your own; be sure to contact your treating gynecologist, and if necessary, then an endocrinologist and related specialists.

Can a cyst cause a missed period?

Cyst - we have often heard about this pathology lately. Let's consider in general terms what it is.
Most often, a cyst is formed from a mature follicle from which the egg has already “gone.” Normally, the so-called “corpus luteum” should form in this place, hormonally responsible for the onset of pregnancy.

Cysts can be of different diameters and different in content: from serous or purulent fluid to fetal rudiments (dermoid cysts - hair, nails, bones). And as a result, the presence of a cyst in the ovary, especially hormonally active cysts may lead to disruption of its function.

If the cyst is present in only one ovary, then the absence of a menstrual cycle for one month may indicate dysfunction of this particular appendage, since normally the female ovaries produce eggs alternately.

There is also a more severe form of this pathologies-polycystic both ovaries. In which cycle delays and lack of ovulation become habitual and permanent.

Can thrush cause a missed period?

Thrush or candidiasis is a pandemic disease. This disease affects 9 out of 10 women. The cause is the development of fungi of the genus Candida on the mucous membranes of a woman’s vagina. In one of our articles, we have already discussed this pathology and considered the causes of occurrence and the mechanism of treatment of this disease.

Candidiasis may be the reason for non-pregnancy, but it can be the cause of delay menstruation - unlikely whether.

But if, theoretically, we imagine that candidiasis covers almost all the pelvic organs and, possibly, the intestines, causing chronic inflammation and exhaustion of the body, then this condition can provoke hormonal dysfunction. As a result, due to the stressful state of the body, the ovulatory and menstrual cycle may be disrupted.

Can cystitis cause missed periods?

Cystitis is an inflammatory or infectious lesion of the bladder. As in the previous case, non-occurrence of the menstrual cycle may indicate general exhaustion and a stressful state of the body as a whole. However, the disease itself is not the cause of delayed menstruation.

Delay in menstruation 1, 2, 10, 15 days, but the test is negative

Provided that your menstrual cycle is already established, then its delay by 1 or 2 days is not a pathology. This may be a manifestation of a previous stressful situation or illness. But if the cycle delay lasts more than 10 days, then this indicates pathology, provided there is no pregnancy.

We talked about the possible causes of this condition earlier in the article, listing conditions and diseases associated with dysfunction of the reproductive system. All these reasons require diagnosis and referral to specialists.
However, if after 2 weeks the cycle resumes on its own and you do not observe any disruption in the future, this may mean that your body has coped with this pathology on its own.

My period is 2 months late, but the test is negative

If you don't have your period within 2 months or more, and you are of childbearing age and the test is negative. In this case, it is nothing more than pathology.
Possible reasons may not even be hormonal disorders in your body, but a psycho-emotional state. And no matter how strange it may sound, here it is not a gynecologist who will help you, but a psychotherapist. Since the work of our body is initially controlled by our brain.

Delayed menstruation: reasons after 40-45 years

The age of 40-45 years is the age at which the female body gradually loses its ability to bear children.
In girls, the number of eggs is laid in utero, unlike men, who produce sperm throughout their lives. By the age of 45, women enter the menopause phase.

At this time, the menstrual cycle may not be regular, hormonal levels may not be stable, and health and mood often change.

However, this is an average age; there are cases where pregnancy occurred at the age of 60 years.

Delayed menstruation: the test is negative and pulls the lower back

In such cases, it should be noted that not all tests accurately show the absence of pregnancy; perhaps your hormonal levels in this state are too low to detect hCG during pregnancy in the urine.

You need to contact a gynecologist and do an additional blood test. Perhaps these symptoms are related specifically to pregnancy.

However, most often, this situation indicates a hormonal disorder in the body, and nagging pain in the lower back may indicate a concomitant disease of the kidneys or spine.

Delayed menstruation: stomach pulls and test is negative

We have already talked about the possibility of false test readings. However, nagging pain in the lower abdomen can also indicate inflammatory disease of the pelvic organs and appendages in particular.

In this case, the cause may be adnexitis, polycystic disease, endometriosis and other organic pathologies of the reproductive organs.

The uterus is enlarged, the test is negative, no menstruation

The mentioned symptoms may indicate a variety of pathological conditions.
These include:
Oncological neoplasms
Uterine fibroids
Extensive endometriosis of the uterine body
Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the endometrium
Consequences after abortion

No menstruation, negative test and fever

In the absence of a menstrual cycle and the presence of hyperthermia, we can say with certainty that there is an inflammatory disease of the appendages and pelvic organs.
It is not worth fighting this pathology on your own. A comprehensive examination is necessary with an accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment methods, possibly in a hospital setting.

After duphaston there are no periods, but the test is negative

It is worth understanding that Duphaston is a hormonal drug, and by referring to its instructions, you can understand that a possible side effect may be disturbances in the menstrual cycle.

Any correction in taking the medication and the possibility of its cancellation or replacement must be agreed with the attending physician.

Delay: the test is positive, but your period has arrived

Many people confuse periods with bleeding during pregnancy. Often, during pregnancy, a small amount of bloody discharge may occur, but this is not the norm.
In such cases, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist and tell about the situation. Such discharge can signal a possible threat of miscarriage and require urgent treatment and hospitalization.

Video: Elena Malysheva about delayed periods



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