Cough tablets indications. Inexpensive, effervescent and lozenge cough tablets - instructions for use for children and adults

IN stressful situations The human body uses reserve forces and a protective reaction. This often happens during an illness that is accompanied by a cough. An attack is a natural mechanism to combat harmful microorganisms. Thanks to it, viruses, bacteria and other foreign bodies are removed along with sputum.

Doctors do not always immediately prescribe cough suppressants in the hope that immune system the patient can cope with the disease independently. Unfortunately, there are situations when the cough is painful, annoying and long: it is not easy to eliminate it. An untreated symptom can cause complications. To prevent the disease from becoming severe, you will need cough medicine. Qualified specialist prescribes it after diagnosing the patient and determining the nature of the illness.

Cough remedies act differently on internal organs: some medications eliminate dry cough, others provoke the removal of phlegm from the bronchi. Choosing the right medication can be difficult. There are a number medical recommendations that need to be taken into account.

  • Features of the pathological process.
  • Type of cough - wet or dry. In the first case, tablets are suitable, the action of which is aimed at quickly removing mucus from the upper respiratory tract. In the second option, it is necessary to take drugs that act on certain centers of the brain in order to suppress the spontaneous cough reflex. You should not mix medications to avoid serious consequences.

Today on pharmaceutical market a variety of foreign and domestic drugs are presented. Sometimes it is difficult to choose which cough medicine is best for adults and which for young patients.

Types of cough tablets

Conventionally divided into several groups:

Bronchodilators have a symptomatic effect: they relax tense bronchial muscles, relieve spasms, and facilitate breathing. These include the following medications:

  • Hexoprenaline relieves an attack of suffocation. It is used in the form of tablets, dosed aerosol and intravenously. This strong drug, which is prescribed for a pronounced course of the disease.
  • Troventol expands the lumen of the bronchi, relieves inflammation. It helps with chronic bronchitis and pneumonia, accompanied by bronchospasms.
  • Eufillin - for cough good remedy, which dilates the bronchi, reduces hyperactivity of the respiratory tract, and promotes oxygen saturation of the blood.


Mucolytics are the main drugs in therapy wet cough. They thin out viscous mucus, facilitate the evacuation of sputum without increasing it, and restore tissue elasticity. In the ranking of effective medicines this group contains:

  • ACC - has a pronounced productive effect. Improvement is observed a few days later after the first dose. The drug is well tolerated in any form, so it is suitable not only for adults, but also for children infancy. Cough tablets are strong. They remove difficult to remove purulent fluid and soften breathing.
  • Ambroxol is an effective cough medicine, as it not only relieves attacks, but also increases local immunity. The reason for admission may be various pathologies respiratory system. The medicine is available in the form of tablets, syrup and inhalation solution for nebulizer.
  • Bromhexine is a bright representative of its group. It contains substances with emollient, anti-inflammatory, secretolytic, stimulating and expectorant effects. Well absorbed by the body. It is not recommended for pregnant women and children under three years of age.
  • Carbocytein reduces the viscosity of bronchial secretions, improves the process of sputum discharge, and accelerates the regeneration of mucous tissues. It has two forms of release - syrup and capsules.

Centrally acting drugs

Drugs central action, suppressing the cough reflex. They are based on codeine and act on afferent pathways regulation and receptors:

  • Codelac has complex composition. In addition to sodium bicarbonate, it contains medicinal herbs- thermopsis and licorice. IN pediatric practice the drug is used for children from the age of two.
  • Sinekod expands the bronchi, relieves inflammation, thanks to the active substance - butomirate. The dosage is selected individually. This good medicine, which can be given to babies from two months.
  • Glauvent contains the alkaloid glaucine, which acts on certain areas of the brain to eliminate an attack. The drug eliminates inflammation, relieves spasms, and treats dry cough. It is not addictive, but may lower blood pressure.

If you suffer from a wet cough, medications on this list are contraindicated.


Expectorants activate the cough center of the brain, increase the amount of mucus produced, stimulating coughing. They cannot be combined with mucolytic agents, which only destroy the bonds between mucus molecules.

  • The best cough medicine in this group is Guaifenesin, which is available in the form of tablets and syrup.
  • Its analogues are Cashnol, Stoptussin, Ascoril, Coldrex Broncho.
  • If the patient is being treated at home, he can use regular inhalation mineral water. This is the best cough remedy, recognized by most medical specialists.

Combination drugs

Combination medications are adjusted functional disorders respiratory system. They simultaneously act in several directions: eliminate many symptoms, causing an attack, affect the state of the immune and cardiac systems. This is an extensive list of drugs in the form of syrups, drops, solutions, suspensions, tablets, mixtures, sprays, inhalers, tinctures. All medicinal species made from plants. Choice combined agents depends on age, gender and individual characteristics the patient's body. Therapeutic effect determined by the presence of bioactive substances. Among the many medications in this group, several new generation drugs can be distinguished:

  • Doctor Mom - pharmaceutical, which contains hoods different herbs, ensuring high performance. The main components are elecampane, licorice root, basil, turmeric, ginger and agave flowers. It comes in one release form - syrup, ointment, pastille. Since Doctor Mom does not contain alcohol-containing components, it can be used in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases in children aged three years and older.
  • Stodal - effective homeopathic remedy, relieving various types of cough. Has an expectorant and bronchodilator effect.
  • Pectoral - promotes the discharge of viscous sputum. This is a pleasant-tasting dark brown syrup with a pronounced spicy aroma. The product contains extracts of plantain, primrose, senegia and thyme. The medicine is prescribed for various violations respiratory organs.
  • Equabal promotes the rapid removal of secretory secretions from the ciliated epithelium. The drug is based on alcohol infusion plantain.

What medications can pregnant women take?

The most gentle method of getting rid of cough during pregnancy is steam inhalation. They can be made from boiled potatoes and decoctions medicinal plants. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. It will also help relieve an attack tea drink with linden, licorice, plantain. Positive result gives warm milk With mineral water or honey. Products that are safe during pregnancy include: Doctor Theiss, Gerbion, Mucaltin, Doctor Mom, Bronchipret.

How to treat a cough attack in children

Babies can be treated with all sorts of folk remedies, except those that cause allergies. Of the medications, Gedelix is ​​allowed for children from the age of one year, and Bronholitin and Libexin from three years of age. ACC, Ambroxol, Mucaltin, Bromhexine, marshmallow or licorice root are safe as expectorant and mucolytic drugs. The dosage is determined by the age and weight of the child.

The presence of any cough should alert parents. Under alarming symptom Numerous diseases are hidden, from infectious to cancer, so you should definitely consult a doctor. Only a specialist will provide professional help and will help prevent serious negative consequences.

Leads to the accumulation of sputum in the bronchi. A cough occurs. This protective organism. With the help of a cough, your body tries to get rid of something that interferes with proper breathing. Cough tablets will help the immune and nervous system remove phlegm. Domestic inexpensive and effective drug.

What do cough tablets contain? The instructions will help you figure this out. They contain: codeine, licorice root, Thermopsis lanceolata herb.

Codeine - derivative substance morphine. It is an extract of opium alkaloid, therefore it acts as an analgesic. It also has an antitussive effect, affecting the cough center in the brain.

Sodium bicarbonate, aka baking soda, is used as part of the drug as an antiseptic.

Licorice root is the underground part of a perennial herbaceous plant. The extracts contained in it are irritating endocrine glands. Irritation leads to expectoration of mucus in the bronchi. Softens irritated lung membranes and heals ulcers.

Thermopsis lanceolata. The herbaceous part of this plant contains essential oils and alkaloids. Gives expectorant effect, acts on bronchial tissue.

That's why cough tablets are used for of different nature in adults and children over 2 years of age.

Cough tablets, instructions for use

Make sure that the drug is always in your first aid kit. It should be taken at the first symptoms of cough, whatever its origin.

Cough tablets - how to take? Take one tablet three times a day. If the cough begins to worsen at night, take the tablet before bed.

How to take cough tablets? The duration of taking the drug should not exceed ten days. Codeine may be addictive. If not observed positive effect, then you should stop taking cough tablets.

Are you taking cough drops? The instructions contain all contraindications, and also indicate all allergic reactions which may be caused by the drug. Be careful if you:

  • pregnant. The components tend to penetrate the placenta and affect the development of the fetus. It is especially dangerous during the first three months. The formation of a child’s organs and organ systems can occur with significant disruptions;
  • you have uterine hypertonicity (threat of miscarriage). The components of the drug have an effect on the level of the hormone oxytocin;
  • breastfeed. Codeine penetrates into breast milk and acts on the cough center. This may cause a decrease in the newborn's breathing rate.

Side effects

Observed individual allergy on the components of cough tablets. It is expressed in redness and itching skin, changes in breathing.

Overdose symptoms: headache, drowsiness, decreased muscle tone and respiratory rate. Symptoms can be neutralized activated carbon, gastric lavage with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). At in serious condition the patient requires hospitalization with the administration of atropine.

Pay attention to taking cough tablets when renal failure, glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis. Since the kidneys are not working at full capacity, codeine breakdown products are not completely eliminated. Intoxication of the body occurs.

Cough tablets should not be taken together with sleeping pills, psychotropic drugs, or heart medications. It is also not recommended to take pills unless prescribed by your doctor. But this applies to any drug.

Trade name of the drug: Cough tablets

Dosage form:


Composition (per 1 tablet):
Active components: Thermopsis lanceolate grass powder - 0.0067 g Sodium bicarbonate - 0.250 g
Excipients: potato starch, talc.

Description: Tablets are flat-cylindrical in shape with a bevel, greenish-gray in color. Dark inclusions are allowed.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Expectorant of plant origin.

ATX Code:

Pharmacological properties
Thermopsis grass has an expectorant effect, providing moderate irritant effect on receptors of the gastric mucosa, reflexively increases the secretion of the bronchial glands.
The alkaloids contained in thermopsis grass (cytisine, methylcytisine, pachycarpine, anagirine, thermopsin, thermopsidine) have a stimulating effect on the respiratory and, in high doses, on the vomiting centers.
Sodium bicarbonate stimulates the secretion of bronchial glands and helps reduce the viscosity of sputum.

Indications for use
Diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by a cough with difficult to clear sputum (tracheitis, bronchitis) - in the composition complex therapy.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, gastric ulcer and twelve duodenum(in the acute phase), pregnancy, lactation, childhood(up to 12 years old).

Directions for use and doses
Orally, adults are prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day for 3-5 days. Children over 12 years old - 1/2 - 1 tablet 3 times a day for 3-5 days. The duration of treatment is as recommended by the doctor.

Side effects
Allergic reactions are possible; upon admission large doses- vomit.

Interaction with other drugs
Adsorbents, binders and enveloping agents can reduce the absorption of alkaloids included in the thermopsis herb in gastrointestinal tract. Cough tablets should not be used simultaneously with preparations containing codeine and other antitussive drugs, as this may make it more difficult to cough up mucus.

Special instructions
To improve the liquefaction and separation of sputum, it is recommended to prescribe plenty of warm drinks.

Release form
10 tablets in contour-free packaging. Contour cellless packages, together with instructions for use, are placed in a group package.

Storage conditions
In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date 4 years.
Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Release from pharmacies
Over the counter.

JSC "Dalkhimfarm", 680001, Khabarovsk, st. Tashkentskaya, 22.

Cough is the body’s protective reaction to irritants and infections. During a cough, sputum containing pathogenic organisms and toxins is removed from the body. Therefore, there is not always a need to stop it immediately.

The cough reflex in children is especially alarming, as it is long-lasting and intrusive. The reasons for it can be varied. Therefore, medications should be prescribed by a doctor based on the disease or factor that caused the cough. They all have their own mechanism of action and are intended for different types of cough. In many cases, tablets are used. It doesn't have to be expensive means. Many have high efficiency with relatively little high price.

Causes and types of illness in children

A cough may be evidence of some kind of inflammatory process or simply clear the airways of accumulated phlegm. If it is of a single, unobtrusive nature, not accompanied by others painful symptoms, then there is no need to worry too much. If the cough is prolonged and causes discomfort to the child, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Factors that cause cough:

  • entry into the body of microorganisms that cause infection;
  • allergic reaction to certain irritants.

The child's body is sensitive to pathogens respiratory diseases. They penetrate the respiratory tract and begin to multiply intensively in the cells of the mucous membrane. This leads to irritation and increased mucus production, causing coughing. The same mechanism of action of allergens that penetrate the mucous membrane.

Based on productivity, the following types of cough are distinguished:

  • Dry (unproductive)– not accompanied by sputum discharge. Occurs more often in initial stage bronchitis, laryngitis, if ingested foreign body into the respiratory tract.
  • Wet (productive)– characterized by the discharge of sputum, which accumulates in the respiratory tract. It usually appears after the 4th day of respiratory illness and ARVI.
  • Barking- a sign of laryngitis. It is accompanied by hoarseness of voice. Vocal cords swelling, cough reminiscent of dog barking.
  • Spastic- caused by a spasm, which usually occurs when bronchial asthma. Coughing is painful, without sputum discharge. At the end a characteristic whistle appears.

Types of tablets

Selection of inexpensive and effective tablets determined depending on the nature and nature of the cough. They come in several types:

  • Bronchodilators – promote relaxation smooth muscle, spasm relief. This leads to the elimination of a cough attack. Prescribed for bronchitis and diseases that cause spasm of the respiratory tract.
  • Mucolytics are the main agents in the treatment of wet cough. They liquefy viscous thick mucus bronchial glands to facilitate its passage.
  • Opioids inhibit the cough reflex at the central level. The threshold of irritability in the cough center of the brain increases, and coughing is blocked. Their disadvantage is that they oppress everything nervous system and can be addictive.
  • Non-opioid antitussives (butamirate) suppress cough without affecting the central nervous system.
  • Combined - work in several directions, solving several problems at once.

Medicines for dry cough in children

Dry cough tablets should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. It is advisable to take them only in case of obsessive prolonged cough which provokes gag reflex, interferes with sleep. Effective tablets can be purchased in the range of 90-250 rubles.

Pay attention! You should not give these pills to children for a long time, they can be addictive and cause side effects. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.


Dragee for resorption nonproductive cough. Active ingredient– acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene. The product has a local anesthetic effect, relieves irritation, and does not dry out the mucous membrane. Due to rapid absorption, the tablets act almost instantly. The drug is prescribed to children from 5 years of age. It is not recommended to give tablets for more than 3-4 days in a row. Average price Falimint cough tablets cost 150 rubles per pack of 20 tablets.


Tablets with butamirate and guaifenesin. They have antitussive, local anesthetic effect. The viscosity of mucus decreases, making it easier to clear. With simultaneous inhibition of the cough reflex, a mucolytic effect is provided. The product is effective, but has a lot side effects(allergies, headache). Not recommended for children under 12 years of age. It is advisable to use tablets only in case of severe obsessive cough. The product costs around 160 rubles for 20 tablets.


A combined opioid drug that affects the antitussive center, reducing its excitability. Contains codeine herbal ingredients(licorice, thermopsis). Does not cause respiratory depression. Tablets are prescribed to children over 6 years of age (syrup is available from 2 years of age). How to take cough tablets? Take 1 tablet no more than 3 times a day. Long-term use of the drug may cause addiction to it. Average cost– 140 rubles.


The active substances phenylephrine, chlorphenamine, paracetamol have combined action, eliminate the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections. The tablets thin the mucus and suppress the cough. Children over 6 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet with an interval of 4 hours between doses. Maximum dosage– 5 tablets per day. It has a number of side effects (increased blood pressure, dizziness, mild irritability). Price – about 200 rubles per package.


A butamirate-based product effective for treating painful dry cough of different origins(for bronchitis, tracheitis). Sinekod relieves inflammation, eliminates bronchospasm, which helps to quickly stop coughing. The drug in the form of pills is recommended for use in children over 6 years of age (younger ones are prescribed syrup) 2-4 pills per day, depending on age. The price of the drug is about 250 rubles.

Medicines for wet cough

If you have a productive cough, it is advisable to take medications that have an expectorant effect.


An inexpensive remedy that is often prescribed to children for coughs. The tablets have a number of analogues with the same active component(Lazolvan, Abrol, Ambrobene), but at a higher price. The product helps to quickly cope with cough, enhance the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. Young children are usually prescribed Ambroxol in syrup form. Tablets are appropriate to use from 6 years of age. It is not recommended to take the product for longer than 5 days without the advice of a specialist. The average cost of Ambroxol is 25-30 rubles.


Tablets are taken for diseases that are accompanied by the appearance of viscous, difficult to remove sputum. 1 tablet contains 8 mg of bromhexine hydrochloride. The drug is prescribed to children 6-10 years old, half a tablet 3 times a day, from 10 years old - 1 tablet 3-4 times. Sometimes the dosage as prescribed by the doctor can be increased to 2 tablets per dose. The price of a package of medicine is about 30 rubles.


Mucolytic based on acetylcysteine ​​in the form effervescent tablets. Helps thin mucus, making cough more productive. The effect occurs in the first days ACC applications. Do not combine with paracetamol and other antitussives. Can be prescribed to children from 2 years of age. The cost of 20 tablets is about 250 rubles.

On the page, read about how to choose a school backpack with an orthopedic back for a girl.

The nuances of choosing and using inexpensive and effective tablets

Before giving your child pills, you need to find out the nature and nature of the cough. Not always high cost indicates the effectiveness of the medicine. There are many inexpensive tablets, which are not inferior in quality to expensive analogues.

You should definitely consult a doctor if your child has a cough. He will be able to correctly assess the nature of the cough and diagnose correct diagnosis. Only in this case can you choose best option tablets. They must be taken strictly according to the instructions so as not to aggravate the symptoms.

To choose inexpensive and effective remedy, needs to be studied pricing policy several pharmacy chains. The same medicine can differ significantly in price in different pharmacies. The price formation is also influenced by the country of origin and the tablet manufacturing company. For example, dear foreign drugs can be replaced with domestic analogues.

Today, the cost of medicines has increased greatly and not everyone can afford to purchase expensive drugs. Among the many cough tablets offered on the pharmaceutical market, you can find high-quality and inexpensive means. Ask the doctor who prescribes your child’s treatment to choose medications that will help you get rid of the cough faster and won’t cost you much.

Watch the video - Dr. Komarovsky's advice on cough medicines for children:

Many illnesses are accompanied by a cough. It appears as defensive reaction body on irritant effect organic, physical or chemical factors. Cough tablets - instructions for use are proof of this; they are drugs whose action is aimed at the cough center. Such medications are divided according to the principle of effect: peripheral, central or combined effect on the body.

What are cough tablets

Majority medicines cough medicines are available in pharmacies without a prescription. Before buying medication, you first need to determine the type of cough in order to overcome the disease, and not aggravate it. There is a dry and wet (wet) cough reflex. Treatment of each type has its own characteristics, therefore it involves different types tablets. A dry cough is characterized by a sore throat, debilitating attacks that keep you awake at night, lack of phlegm, pain in the chest and abdominal area.

Antitussive drugs that stop attacks help to cope with this condition. The wet (productive) type of cough is accompanied by the removal of tracheobronchial secretions from the lungs, trachea and bronchi. Its symptoms: the appearance of wheezing, shortness of breath, and green discharge. Expectorants will help increase the production of secretions, and mucolytics will thin the sputum.

Pharmacological action

Therapeutic effect The difference between wet and dry cough is very different. If there is a dry appearance, it is not advisable to use tablets with a relief effect. The outgoing tracheobronchial secretion will cause a plug in the bronchial lumens. Medicines for wet (productive) cough are also useless, as they can provoke irritation of the bronchial mucosa and rapid inflammation trachea.

The pharmacodynamics of drugs depends on the presence of certain components and correct application. For example, products with codeine ( narcotic substance) are effective for coughs without sputum. There are multicomponent drugs, which are effective for any dry disease, but not for wet expectoration. Such medications for a wet cough can disrupt the removal of mucus, damage the cleansing ability of the lungs, and lead to pneumonia.


Penny Tablets cough medicine, known since the time Soviet Union, have an expectorant effect. They contain active substance dry extract of Thermopsis lanceolata herb and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). TO auxiliary components include licorice root, codeine, talc, potato starch. These are the most simple tablets for cough - instructions for use are attached, which activate the respiratory centers, the functions of the bronchial glands, and accelerate the removal of mucus.

Thermopsis grass contains alkaloids that stimulate the respiratory centers of the brain. Sodium bicarbonate reduces the viscosity of sputum and stimulates the work of the bronchioles of the ciliated epithelium. The alkaloids included in the composition have a combined effect on the respiratory system, licorice root gently relieves vascular spasms, and codeine has an antitussive effect.

Release form

Thermopsis tablets are sold in blister and cellless packaging. This combined herbal medicine is produced in the form of gray-green flat-cylindrical tablets. Herbal cough tablets are packaged in 10 pieces per pack, and you can buy them without a prescription. An important advantage of a medicine created on plant based– accessibility, safety of use and low price.

Indications for use

Before reading the instructions on how to take cough tablets with thermopsis, you should find out who they are indicated for. The drug is intended for the treatment of respiratory tract pathologies, which are accompanied by a cough reflex with inseparable sputum. Tablets for wet cough are prescribed - the instructions for use state that they are mainly used for the complex treatment of tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea) and bronchitis ( inflammatory processes in the bronchi).

In addition to the main effect, a medicine with thermopsis is prescribed for the treatment of diseases that are accompanied by thickening of sputum:

  1. Viral acute respiratory infections. Causes increased secretion of bronchial glands.
  2. Pneumonia. An alkalizing effect is created on the formed thick sputum.
  3. Broncho-obstructive pneumopathy. Stimulation occurs respiratory center.
  4. Chronic and acute laryngitis. The removal of mucus from the lumen of the bronchi is accelerated, and sputum is liquefied.

Instructions for use of cough tablets

According to the annotation, the drug is prescribed to adults for lingering cough. Children's doctor may prescribe this medicine to adolescents over 12 years of age. The use of tablets is allowed for wet and dry types of cough reflex. When using tablets, it is recommended to take them with pure water. cold water. Do not drink carbonated drinks, milk or juices. Using fluids helps thin mucus and remove toxins from the body.

At the same time, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory, painkillers, immune medications and vitamins. Thermopsis combines well with all medications. For adults, the optimal dosage is 1 tablet 3 times a day. The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. It depends on the severity of the disease, age and accompanying pathologies. On average, the period of taking the drug is from 3 to 5 days.

For children

How to take cough tablets for a child? Medicine with thermopsis is not prescribed to children, since they have acute sensitivity to drugs, nauseating. The medication may cause severe vomiting and allergic reaction. Children over 12 years of age can be prescribed the medicine 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 3 days. The decision to extend therapy is made by the doctor.

Side effects

According to the instructions and reviews from patients, the antitussive with thermopsis, in addition to causing vomiting and nausea, causes various allergic manifestations: urticaria, angioedema, and sometimes lead to anaphylactic shock. Patients often experience abdominal pain, which can cause damage to the gastric mucosa. If the pathology is not treated, then the side effect can lead to such chronic diseases, such as erosion or ulcer of an organ. If side effects occur, you should immediately rinse your stomach.


Thermopsis tablets should not be prescribed if allergic reactions to the drug have previously been observed. Absolute contraindication is the presence peptic ulcer 12 duodenum or stomach. The drug is also not prescribed to children under 12 years of age. During pregnancy and lactation, the use of cough tablets can cause disturbances in the development of the child's lungs or make negative adjustments to the formation of the brain. It is not recommended to combine different types of similar medicines, especially those containing codeine, in order to avoid the development adverse reactions.


Thanks to the low cost and effective influence cough tablets with thermopsis have occupied their niche on the pharmacological market for many years. WITH similar effect there are many other drugs that are sold in different forms release: drops, syrups, lozenges, tablets. The most popular include:

  1. Thermopsol. Shown to oral administration adults and children over 12 years of age. Contains thermopsis grass powder and soda. Packaged in blister containers of 10 pieces. Each pack contains 1 or 2 blister packs.
  2. Bronchicum. According to the instructions, this one is inexpensive combination drug is one of the most effective in treating bronchopulmonary diseases. Indicated for use in dry and wet cough any etiology. High dose The thyme extract in the composition promotes the rapid removal of sputum and activates the work of the bronchial glands.
  3. Linkas. Herbal preparation, which has mucolytic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effects, helps stimulate the activity of the epithelium of the respiratory tract. Sold in the form of lozenges with lemon, honey and orange flavors. Packaged in 8 pieces in contour packaging, 2 blisters in a box with instructions.
  4. Travisil. The herbal preparation is available in the form of lozenges, syrup, and ointment for external use. Used to reduce the cough reflex in acute respiratory infections.
  5. Phytolor. According to the instructions, the medicine is used for symptomatic therapy at acute pathologies upper respiratory tract. Available in the form regular tablets for resorption.



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