Deworming tablets for dogs Dironet. Dironet - a combined anthelmintic medicine for dogs

Dironet for dogs is a complex drug used to combat helminths. Effective against flat and roundworms, as well as their larvae. Depending on the breed, size and personal preferences of the dog, you can choose a product in the form of tablets or a suspension with a meat flavor, suitable for particularly capricious pets.

Dironet contains components that effectively destroy all types of helminths.

After the animal swallows the suspension or tablet, the active substances are quickly absorbed into the stomach tissue and distributed throughout the body through the bloodstream. Thanks to its complex composition, Dironet effectively acts on and is used.

Active substances are completely eliminated from the body with urine and feces, without accumulating in the organs. The drug is non-toxic and belongs to the class of low-hazard substances.

Composition and release form

The drug contains ivermectin, praziquantel and pyrantel pamoate, as well as additional components. Available in the form of tablets and suspension. Tablets are yellowish-gray, flat, with an embossed logo. Packaged in blisters of 6 pieces.

The yellow suspension is bottled in 10 ml plastic bottles. Each box of Dironet for dogs is equipped with a dispenser syringe and instructions.

Indications for use

  • treatment of severe helminthic infestation;
  • prevention of diroflariasis.

The drug is suitable for dogs of small and large breeds, including puppies over 3 weeks old. For small dogs, a suspension is recommended; it is also suitable for particularly capricious animals that do not tolerate tablets well. The principle of action and effectiveness of both forms of the drug are similar.

Instructions for use

Before using the drug, a fasting diet or gastric lavage is not required. Anti-worm tablets are given in the morning along with a portion of food. You can put the tablet on the root of the tongue or use a special device (introducer).

The dosage of Dironet is calculated based on the dog’s weight: for every 10 kg, 1 tablet of the drug is given.

For 10 kg of dog weight you need 1 tablet. When treating animals heavier than 60 kg, prior consultation with a veterinarian is required. For preventive deworming, the drug is given once, with an interval of 3 months.

Dironet suspension for dogs is squeezed onto the root of the tongue from a dispenser or mixed with food. It is preferable to carry out treatment in the morning. The dose depends on the weight of the animal - 1 ml of suspension is taken per 1 kg. Shake the bottle before use.

Attention. For puppies and dogs weighing less than 500 g, the drug is diluted with cold boiled water and administered using a syringe without a needle.

For prevention, deworming is carried out once every 3 months. When infected with intestinal nematodes and cestodes, the dosage and regimen of use is prescribed by a veterinarian. To prevent dirofilariasis in dogs, tablets or a suspension are used during the period of activity of blood-sucking insects (from March-April to October-November). Every month the animal should receive a single prophylactic dose.

Contraindications and side effects

Dironet is contraindicated for puppies under 3 weeks of age, pregnant bitches, and weakened animals.
  • puppies under 3 weeks of age;
  • pregnant and lactating bitches;
  • dogs with particularly sensitive digestion;
  • animals with infectious diseases and malignant tumors;
  • dogs after surgery.

The drug is given to bobtail, collie and sheltie puppies only under the supervision of a veterinarian. The reason is the increased sensitivity of breeds to macrocyclic lactones. Dironet is not prescribed simultaneously with drugs that inhibit cholinesterase and piperazine derivatives.

In case of an overdose, vomiting and a general depressed state of the dog are possible. If symptoms are detected, drink plenty of fluids and eat a bland diet. relieved with antihistamines.

Analogues of the drug Dironet

The drug Dironet for dogs has several analogues:

Storage conditions and price

The shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of release. The suspension and tablets should be stored in unopened packages in a cool place, out of the reach of children and pets.

The cost of the drug depends on the packaging and release form:

  1. Tablets (6 pieces per package) – 190 rubles.
  2. Suspension (10 ml bottle) – 145 rubles.

Most pharmacies sell tablets individually, which is convenient for owners of small breed dogs. The cost of 1 piece is 30-35 rubles.

1 tablet of Dironet contains active ingredients: ivermectin 0.06 mg, pyrantel pamoate 150 mg, praziquantel 50 mg, as well as auxiliary components: lactose, potato starch


Dironet has a wide spectrum of action on all stages of development of round and tape helminths, incl. Tohosaga canis, Toxascaris leonina, Uncinaria stenocephala, Ancylostoma caninum, Trichuris vulpis, Echinococcus granulosus, Echinococcus multilocularis, Diphyllobothrium latum, Dipylidium caninum, Multiceps multiceps, Taenia spp. and others.

The drug has a detrimental effect on the microfilariae Dirofilaria immitis and Dirofilaria repens in carnivores, and also prevents the development of microfilariae, thereby preventing dirofilariasis.

Indications for use

Dosage and method of administration

For cestodiases and nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract: once, individually in the morning feeding at a dose of 1 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight.

No preliminary fasting diet or use of laxatives is required.

For preventive purposes, animals are dewormed at a dose of 1 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight quarterly.

To stop microfilariaemia, the drug is prescribed in a dose of 1 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight once a month.

To prevent dirofilariasis, the drug is used from spring to autumn: once a month, every month from March to October at a dose of 1 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight.


Side effect

When using the drug according to the instructions, no side effects or complications are observed.

For collie, sheltie, and bobtail dogs, use the drug under the supervision of a veterinarian.


Release form

The drug is released packaged in 6 tablets in blisters. External packaging - cardboard box.

Dironet is a drug for the destruction of cestodes, nematodes, and microfilariae. It is manufactured by the Russian pharmaceutical company Agrovetzashchita and is suitable for puppies, large and small breed dogs. Dironet Junior is designed for puppies from three months. It has a pleasant taste for babies and a reduced dosage of active ingredients. The suspension is bottled in 10 ml polymer bottles. It comes with a measuring syringe and instructions for use.

Release form of the medicine

Dironet comes in three forms. The pale gray tablets have a dividing line on one side and a shield logo with a cross on the other. They are packaged in blisters of 6 pieces each.

Dironet suspension for puppies and adult dogs is a viscous yellow liquid. Like the medicine marked Junior, it is bottled in plastic bottles and has a dispenser syringe.

Active ingredients

Dironet tablets and suspension for dogs consist of three active ingredients:

  • pyrantel pamoate;
  • ivermectin;
  • Praziquantel

When is the remedy prescribed?

For prevention, the medicine is given every three months, regardless of the time of year. In addition, deworming is required 10 days before vaccination and mating. Before exhibitions, tournaments, and travel, it is also useful to perform an anthelmintic procedure.

Instructions for use

The dosage of the medicine depends on the weight of the dog. So, for every 10 kg of body weight, one tablet is taken. It tastes like meat, so animals easily swallow it on their own. Another way is to crush the drug into powder and add it to water or food. For prevention, one dose is sufficient; for treatment, repeated administration is necessary after 7 days.

For small decorative dogs, it is more convenient to measure the dose of the drug in the form of a suspension. For 1 kg of weight, 1 ml of medicine is taken. Insert the measuring syringe into the side of the dog's mouth and press the plunger. If your pet squirms and does not want to be treated, pour the syrup into the food and make sure it is eaten completely. Dirolet for puppies, lighter than 500 grams, diluted in cold boiled water.

Drops are released in pipettes with different volumes. Weigh your dog before using them. If her weight:

  • up to 2 kg – 0.2 ml;
  • from 2 to 5 kg – 0.5 ml;
  • from 5 to 7 kg – 1 ml;
  • from 7 to 10 kg – 2 ml;
  • from 10 to 20 kg – 4 ml;
  • from 20 to 30 kg – 6 ml.

If the dog weighs more than 30 kg, several pipettes must be used for treatment. The liquid is dripped between the shoulder blades or at the junction of the skull and spine. To do this, part the fur and apply the liquid to dry skin. After the procedure, you should not bathe the dog, as water reduces the effectiveness of the medicine. For prevention, the drug is used once, for treatment - 2 times with an interval of one week.

For whom the medicine is contraindicated

The advantage of Dironet is its high efficiency with low toxicity. But this drug also has a number of contraindications, namely:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • puppies up to three months;
  • pregnant and lactating bitches;
  • exhausted dogs.

If the dosage is strictly followed, there are no side effects. If an overdose of the drug occurs, the dog may experience tremors, increased salivation, digestive disorders, and a depressed state. To restore health, you need to bathe the dog with shampoo or give an antihistamine tablet.

Security measures

Dironet is a low-hazard drug. When working with it, it is enough to follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Do not pet the dog for two days after applying the drug to the withers.
  2. Do not smoke, eat or drink while breaking the tablet.
  3. Wash your hands with soap after finishing treatment.
  4. Dispose of scraps of blisters and empty bottles.
  5. Keep the medicine away from food and feed.
  6. If the drug gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth, rinse them with water.

If you feel unwell, consult a doctor, taking with you the instructions with a list of the composition of the medicine.

Other anthelmintics

Dehinel Plus is a complex action anthelmintic drug. It consists of three active components: pyrantel embonate, febantel, praziquantel. Excipients give the tablets a meaty taste and soft consistency.

The French company Novartis has released a drug for the treatment of helminthiasis, Milbemax. The tablets are developed in three modifications: for large dogs, small dogs, puppies and kittens. The main ingredients of the drug are praziquantel and milbemycin oxime.

Sometimes worms become a serious problem for a pet’s life, negatively affecting its well-being and health. They not only negatively affect the metabolic process in dogs’ bodies, but also very strongly worsen the general physical condition of the pet, and in some cases even become the causes of the development of other diseases.

Main features of the drug

Dironet for dogs, instructions for use classify it in the group anthelmintic drugs with a wide range of effects.

Effective such a drug in relation to groups of helminths, as well as ticks and other types of skin pests. The impact becomes more enhanced due to the active components in the Dironet product.

The drug is released in the form of special tablets, as well as drops for the withers and suspension (the form of the drug should be selected individually after the recommendation of a veterinary specialist).


The drug in question will differ from other anti-worm medications in that its constituent components are quickly and efficiently absorbed by the entire body. After 2-10 hours after consumption, all active ingredients reach the maximum possible concentration inside the pet’s blood plasma.

It is considered very important to adhere to the required standards and dosages when using Dironet for dogs.

The instructions advise giving your pet one dose of the described drug once a day before morning feeding. If it is not possible to give the tablet to the animal in this way, then it is best to administer the medicine forcibly, using a special dispenser for this. The dosage is best determined based on special calculations: one capsule of medication for every ten kilograms of an adult’s weight.

Before using such a remedy, there is no need to give your pet laxatives or go on a specialized hunger strike. How this happens during treatment with other means.

As a preventive measure, you should use Dironet once every three months.

In order to eliminate microfilariaemia, the dog should be given the drug once a month.

In the case where the area of ​​residence is considered rather unfavorable in terms of the incidence of divilariasis in pets, it is worth following the following method of using the medicinal drug Dironet for dogs: suspension or tablets should be given once in March or April, then monthly from April to October and additionally in November .

Contraindications and side effects

In the case when the drug is used in full accordance with the included instructions, the development of side effects is excluded.

But in some cases, unwanted and side reactions of the entire animal’s body develop. An allergy may develop due to individual intolerance to the components of the drug. According to the instructions, alternative methods of therapy must be fully agreed with the veterinarian. Contraindications to the use of any form of Diorent are:

  1. Puppies are less than three months old for tablets and suspension. For drops - less than 2 months.
  2. Dog breeds: collie, boxer, bobtail and sheltie due to severe hypersensitivity to the macrocyclic lactones of ivermectin.
  3. Lactation and pregnancy period.
  4. Increased exhaustion of the dog.
  5. The presence of dangerous chronic processes in the body.
  6. The fragile condition of the dog after a complex illness or if it is present.
  7. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Before use, you should definitely consult your doctor.

The main side effects of the drug are:

  1. Vomit.
  2. General lethargy and pet.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Poor appetite and complete refusal to eat.
  5. Disturbances during coordination.
  6. The dog is salivating heavily.

Reception features and analogues

When treating a dog, it is important to strictly follow hygiene standards and safety measures for handling chemicals. Instructions for use state that all any alternative drugs must be approved by the treating specialist.

The instructions for taking the medicine and the general dosage must also be fully followed by the dog owner.

If side effects become more pronounced, you should consult an experienced and professional veterinarian who will help determine the cause of such phenomena and prescribe further treatment.

Most often, pets eat this medicine as a treat, but problems may arise with the administration process. If a small puppy or an older dog is being treated and refuses to take the drug, a suspension is used instead of tablets. The packaging of the product contains a special syringe dispenser, which will help to quickly administer the product orally, as quickly and painlessly as possible for the pet itself.

Owners are obliged to pay increased attention to the health of their four-legged friend. Since the responsibility for their life and well-being is completely in the hands of the owner. Diseases of pets, including helminth intoxication processes, are considered most dangerous during periods of inactivity. It is for this reason that it is important to be very careful when choosing an anthelmintic drug.

Good recommendations for Dironet allow you not to be afraid to buy and use this drug for dogs. Regular preventive use of the drug and full compliance with the instructions guarantees a high rate of physical activity of the pet and the general functioning of the body.

A clean body and good health of a dog allows it to maintain a cheerful mood and experience a large number of positive emotions together with its owner. It is worth taking care of those who love you more than their own lives.

Release form and dosage

Dironet is prescribed by a veterinarian to remove worms., as well as before scheduled vaccination or mating of a dog.

The drug is administered in the morning during feeding and does not require a special diet either before or after use.

Dosage of the drug and methods of release for pets:

  1. Pills. Administered orally directly to the root of the tongue in the ratio of 1 tablet per ten kilograms of pet weight with a small amount of food or using a special dispenser syringe in the form of a solution.
  2. Suspension. This mixture is injected under the tongue or onto the root of the tongue itself using a special dispenser pipette, based on a special calculation of one milliliter per kilogram of the pet’s weight. For a puppy weighing less than 5 kilograms, it is worth measuring out 1 to 2 milliliters of the suspension with about 3 milliliters of cold, boiled water added to it. In this case, it is necessary to bring the total mass of the product to a homogeneous state.
  3. Drops. The drug is applied three or four times to the skin of the back in the area from the shoulder blades to the sacrum at a dosage of 0.2 milliliters per kilogram of the pet’s weight. Before and after applying the product, you should not bathe your pet for four days.

Dironet and Dironet Spot should be used once to treat a pet. For severe symptoms, you can re-use the drug after 14 days. To prevent re-infection with worms, the drug should be used once a quarter.

I picked up a cat on the street and after a few days I suspected something was wrong - with a crazy appetite, outwardly she looked thinner every day. Assuming that the cause of the sunken sides could be worms, I went to the veterinary pharmacy and returned from it with Dironet. I gave it to my cat in the morning with her favorite boiled chicken - she ate it with a bang! After just a few days, the sides became rounded and the cat herself became happier. By the way, I noticed worms in the pot the next day in the form of some kind of liquid. The second time the cat drank the suspension on its own, it’s not for nothing that the package says that the drug is salmon-flavored).

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Sorry, Dironet Junior suspension for kittens, I don’t understand in the 1 ml syringe where is the number 1?, otherwise there are letters ml there.

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Our Fiji is now almost three years old - he is a cheerful and active dog. Now it’s hard to imagine that when we found him, we thought that he was unlikely to survive, and even if he did, he was unlikely to be active. The fact is that when we picked him up, he had a serious infestation of worms - worms were literally coming out of him. His stomach looked like a ball, he wanted to eat all the time, but almost immediately after eating he began to cough and all the food, along with the helminths, came back out. Then we bought a drug called Dironet. Fiji weighed about 3 kg, and we poured 3 ml into his mouth, on the first day after taking the puppy he behaved as usual, but by the evening he began vomiting and diarrhea, the veterinarian said that this is possible with a strong infestation, and we just need wait it out. We did not give anything additional because we understood that the worms had to come out and no antiemetic drugs would help. The next day he felt better, but his stool remained loose. This continued for several more days, every day the stomach became smaller and smaller, and the urge to vomit practically stopped. Despite the fact that Dironet is given once every three months, after two weeks I decided to give this drug again - the huge number of helminths that came out of the puppy greatly impressed me. Repeated use did not cause any side effects and everything went fine. Since then, I regularly give anthelmintic drugs and understand that Dironet then saved the health and even the life of Fiji.

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Vasily, who prefers yard life, faces many dangers - fights with competing cats, the danger of an attack by a kite or a hawk, all sorts of diseases associated with the consumption of game, which is eaten completely.

Considering that Vasily spends some time at home, which poses a threat to us - possible infection with worms, for example - we decided to carry out preventative measures on a quarterly basis. Of the recommended drugs, we chose Dironet in the form of a suspension.

The liquid form of the medicine is extremely convenient - a plastic bottle, a convenient dispenser. The developers gave the drug a salmon aroma, which attracts Vasily, who has fish in his diet.

“Hour X” occurs on the first day of the quarter - the medicine is given in the morning. Note that a pre-preventive diet is not included in the annotation, which is also convenient. Vasya usually receives a portion of the suspension mixed with his fish breakfast.

Over four years of using Dironet, the drug has demonstrated high effectiveness and no side effects. Our ginger cat has matured and acquired solidity.

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I am a shepherd owner. I learned about the drug "Dironet" from the seller of a pet store. But initially I came for a very expensive drug, because the doctors scared me. The seller recommended this drug because she wanted to help. The big plus of Dironet, as she emphasized, is its efficiency and pricing policy. After all, a cheap drug can be better than an expensive one. We live in a private house, and my dog ​​lives in a yard. He likes to eat all sorts of garbage on the street, even carrying plastic bottles. Of course, dogs that live on the street have worms. I have been using the drug Dironet for dogs constantly for many years, the dog is not addicted, my dog ​​takes it with great pleasure, since it tastes like fresh meat. Even after Dironet, the dog does not have an intestinal disorder. But for me, this drug is convenient in its dosage, one tablet per 10 kg of animal weight. Even if there are no signs of worms, I give it for prevention because I have a small child.

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