Sports in the lives of people with disabilities. Accessible sports: how the development of a barrier-free environment makes the lives of people with disabilities more diverse

Closing ceremony of the XII Paralympic Winter Games 2018 in Pyeongchang. The 2018 Winter Paralympic Games, held from March 9 to 18 in PyeongChang, South Korea, have been officially declared closed. The flag of the International Paralympic Committee was handed over to the delegation of Beijing, where the next Games will be held in 2022. 567 athletes from 48 countries took part in the competition. A total of 80 sets of awards were awarded in six sports. Russian athletes in Pyeongchang competed in the status of “neutral Paralympic athletes” (NPA) and in a reduced number of 30 people. The team won 8 gold, 10 silver and 6 bronze medals, taking second place in the medal standings of the 2018 Paralympics.

Opening ceremony of the XII Paralympic Winter Games 2018 in Pyeongchang. In 2018, a record number of participants arrived at the Winter Paralympics in Pyeongchang - 597, representing 49 countries. In the competitions, which will take place from March 9 to 18, 80 sets of medals will be awarded. Participants will compete in six sports: snowboarding, biathlon, cross-country skiing, curling, sledge hockey and alpine skiing. The International Paralympic Committee (IOC) has approved the participation of 30 athletes from Russia in the Winter Paralympic Games in Pyeongchang. They will perform under a neutral flag.

Sladkova N.A. Organization of physical education, health and sports work in clubs for the disabled. The book is intended to provide practical assistance to the leaders of clubs for the disabled in their activities in recruiting training groups, planning the training process, and determining the workload of coaches in adaptive physical culture and sports. Read

Closing ceremony of the XV Summer Paralympic Games 2016 in Rio. The XV Summer Paralympic Games were held from September 7 to 18, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 528 sets were played in 22 sports. For the first time, kayaking, canoeing and triathlon competitions were held. The competition took place at the same venues used for the 2016 Summer Olympics.

Opening ceremony of the XV Summer Paralympic Games 2016 in Rio. The 2016 Summer Paralympics will take place from 7 to 18 September 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 528 kits will be raffled off in 22 sports. More than 170 member countries of the International Paralympic Committee are expected to participate in the 2016 Games. The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) announced its decision to ban the entire Russian team from the Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

The Closing Ceremony of the XI Winter Paralympic Games 2014 in Sochi. During a ceremony held at Fisht Stadium under the motto “Achieving the Impossible,” the Paralympic fire was extinguished and the Paralympic flag was handed over to Pyeongchang, where the 2018 Games will be held. The closing ceremony of the XI Winter Paralympic Games, which completes another four-year cycle, which has become the most successful for Russia in terms of victories in winter sports in recent history. Having hosted these prestigious competitions for the first time, Russia was able to win them, setting a number of records not only in the Paralympic, but also in the Olympic competition. The Paralympic Games in Sochi ended on March 16, 2014 with the triumph of the Russian team. Over ten days, the athletes won a record 80 awards - 30 gold, 28 silver and 22 bronze.

Opening Ceremony of the XI Winter Paralympic Games 2014 in Sochi. The first Paralympic Games in Russian history will open with the colorful “Breaking the Ice” Ceremony. The ceremony celebrates the strength of the human spirit and talks about the importance of breaking down barriers of misunderstanding between people. The leitmotif of the Ceremony will be the theme “Together”, which will help the viewer understand that together we can overcome any obstacles and open new ways of communication.

Closing ceremony of the XIV Summer Paralympic Games in London. The closing ceremony of the XIV Paralympic Games took place at the Olympic Stadium in the British capital. 80 thousand spectators watched the performance. As part of the ceremony, the Paralympic flag was transferred from London to Rio de Janeiro, where the 2016 Games will take place. The final remarks were made by the President of the International Paralympic Committee, Sir Philip Craven, and the head of the organizing committee of the London Olympics and Paralympics, Sebastian Coe. The Paralympic fire was extinguished by British champions swimmer Ellie Simmonds and sprinter Jonny Peacock. Russian Paralympians won 102 medals at the completed games - 36 gold, 38 silver and 28 bronze - and took second place in the team event. At the Beijing Paralympics, the Russians won 63 medals (18, 23, 22) and finished in eighth place in the unofficial medal standings.

Opening ceremony of the XIV Summer Paralympic Games in London. The opening ceremony of the XIV Summer Paralympic Games took place at the Olympic Stadium in London. World competitions among athletes with disabilities physical capabilities will last until September 9. More than 4 thousand people will take part in them. The Russian Paralympic team consists of 163 athletes from 49 regions. They will represent our country in 12 sports. This athletics, swimming, table tennis, judo, shooting, archery, wheelchair fencing, powerlifting, sitting volleyball, rowing, cycling, football for disabled people with cerebral palsy.

Paralympic sports. The emergence of sports in which disabled people can participate is associated with the name of the English neurosurgeon Ludwig Gutman, who, overcoming age-old stereotypes in relation to people with physical disabilities, introduced sport into the process of rehabilitation of patients with injuries spinal cord. He has proven in practice that sport for people with physical disabilities creates conditions for successful life, restores mental balance, and allows them to return to a full life, regardless of physical disabilities. Paralympic sport dates back to the 1880s. However, it was the development in 1945 of a new treatment regimen for people with spinal cord injuries that led to the development of the worldwide sports movement for the disabled, known today as the Paralympic Movement. Read

Lisovsky V.A., Evseev S.P. Comprehensive prevention diseases and rehabilitation of sick and disabled people. Physical education and sports for disabled people and people with health problems. The manual examines two interrelated problems - restoring and maintaining human health, and the role of risk factors in this process. Among the latter, we highlight and analyze hereditary factor, nervous stress, sedentary lifestyle life, poor nutrition, environmental imbalance and human health and others. The basic principles and stages of rehabilitation are described, as well as its main types - medical, physical, psychological rehabilitation, professional aspect of rehabilitation. The textbook is intended for students studying in the specialty of adaptive physical education, as well as for a wide range of readers. Read

Bastrykina A.V. Tourism in the system of rehabilitation and social integration of the elderly and people with disabilities disabilities . urism in the system of rehabilitation and social integration of the elderly and people with disabilities. Tourism is unique means recreation and rehabilitation for people with health problems, since its functions correspond to rehabilitation tasks, include various mechanisms adaptation and self-adaptation, subject to the active participation of the rehabilitator himself in the process. Read

International Paralympic Sailing Rules.(Paralympic sport). Sailing has relatively recently entered the Paralympic Games program. In Atlanta in 1996, it was presented as a demonstration event, and already at the next Paralympics in Sydney it was included in the Program for the first time. Athletes with physical (but not mental) disabilities, including musculoskeletal disorders, cerebral palsy, and visually impaired people, can take part in this sport. Read

Official Rules wheelchair basketball.(Paralympic sport). These rules for wheelchair basketball are developed for competitions held under the jurisdiction of the International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWBF) and have been compiled based on many years of experience in the field of sports for people with physical disabilities. They are based on the rules of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA), which, with the approval of the IWBF, include some changes and additions. Therefore, it is recommended to study them along with the basketball rules for healthy people. Read

Official rules for sitting volleyball.(Paralympic sport). In 1953, the first sports club for the disabled was formed in the Netherlands. In 1956, the Danish Sports Committee introduced a new sport called sitting volleyball. Since then, sitting volleyball has developed into one of the largest sports disciplines, practiced in the Netherlands in competitions for both disabled and “able-bodied” volleyball players with ankle or knee injuries. International competitions have been taking place since 1967, but it was only in 1978 that the International Sports Organization for Disabled People (ISOD) included sitting volleyball in its program. The first International Tournament under the auspices of ISOD was held in 1979 in Haarlem (Netherlands). In 1980 it was recognized as a Paralympic sport with seven teams. The development of this sport at the international level can be called rapid. Rehabilitation clinics were created all over the world and World, European and regional championships were held annually. Since 1993, men and women began to participate in sitting volleyball championships. Read

Official rules of fencing competitions.(Paralympic sport). Official rules for disabled fencing competitions were first drawn up by Leslie Wil for the International Sports Federation and Fencing Committee in the early 1970s. He headed this committee until 1984. These rules refer to the English version published by the English Fencing Association. These rules must be followed unless otherwise provided. The rules have been changed and modified. Read

Curling rules for athletes with ODA violations.(Paralympic sport). The game is attended by athletes of both sexes with musculoskeletal disorders, including athletes with significant damage to leg function (vertebral fracture, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, absence of both legs, etc.), which move in a stroller. The sport is governed by the International Curling Federation (WCF), and the game is played in accordance with the rules approved by this organization. Read

Rules of the International Paralympic Committee table tennis.(Paralympic sport). Table tennis has been included in the Paralympic program since the very first Paralympics in Rome in 1960. By 2009, the sport is practiced in over 100 countries. Disabled athletes of all categories, with the exception of the visually impaired, take part in two categories - standing and sitting. Men and women compete individually, in pairs and in teams. The Paralympic Games program includes two types of competitions - individual and team. The game consists of five games, each played to 11 points, the winner is the athlete or pair of athletes who wins three of the five games. Read

Rules of the International Paralympic Committee swimming.(Paralympic sport). Swimming has been a major sport since the first Paralympic Games in Rome in 1960. Just like on Olympic Games, participants compete in the disciplines of freestyle, backstroke, butterfly, breaststroke and medley swimming. The governing body is the International Swimming Federation (FINA). The starting point for the development of this Paralympic sport is the holding of the 1992 Paralympic Games in Barcelona. Then 25 countries presented their sports delegations to weightlifting competitions. The number more than doubled at the 1996 Atlanta Games. 58 participating countries were registered (out of 68 entered, 10 of which were prevented from fielding their teams by inadequate funding). Since 1996, the number of participating countries has steadily increased, and today 109 countries on five continents take part in the Paralympic weightlifting program. Read

IPC Powerlifting Rules.(Paralympic sport). The starting point for the development of this Paralympic sport is the holding of the 1992 Paralympic Games in Barcelona. Then 25 countries presented their sports delegations to weightlifting competitions. The number more than doubled at the 1996 Atlanta Games. 58 participating countries were registered (out of 68 entered, 10 of which were prevented from fielding their teams by inadequate funding). Since 1996, the number of participating countries has steadily increased, and today 109 countries on five continents take part in the Paralympic weightlifting program. Read

Rules for competitions in adaptive rowing.(Paralympic sport). Adaptive rowing is the youngest sport at the Paralympic Games. Rowing was introduced to the Paralympic program in 2005 and will be held for the first time at the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games. Read

Wheelchair tennis.(Paralympic sport). Brad Parks created new look sports in the USA in 1976. While recovering from a skiing accident, the former tennis player realized the potential of wheelchair tennis. For the first time, a new sport was included in the program of the 1992 Paralympic Games in Barcelona. Read

Sledge Hockey Rules (IPC).(Paralympic sport). Sledge hockey is the Paralympic version of ice hockey. The sport was first included in the Winter Paralympic Games in 1994 in Lillihamer, and from that point on it quickly became one of the most attractive spectacles of the Winter Olympics. This is a fast track that requires a lot physical stress, a game for men with impaired motor function lower body. Read

Rules and regulations for biathlon and cross-country skiing IPC.(Paralympic sport). Skiing is one of the oldest sports, which originated in northern Europe and has now become a Paralympic sport and includes cross-country skiing and biathlon. Skiing appeared in the Paralympic program in 1976 at the Winter Games in Sweden. Men and women used the classic running style for all distances, the skating style was first used in Innsbruck in the 1984 Winter Paralympics. Since then, the competition has been split into two separate races: classic and speed skating. Read

Rules for trail orienteering competitions. (Not a Paralympic sport). Trail orienteering is a discipline considered by the International Orienteering Federation as a sport for the disabled. The discipline was developed to enable everyone, including people with limited mobility, to participate in real sports competition in orientation using a map in natural conditions terrain. In competitions, it is possible to move manually or electrically. wheelchair, as well as walking with a cane. In this case, it is allowed to provide assistance in moving the stroller, since the speed of movement is not taken into account when determining the result of the competition. Read

Armwrestling competition rules. (Not a Paralympic sport). In the sport of “armwrestling”, when holding international competitions, the competition rules of the World Armwrestling Federation (WAF) apply. When holding All-Russian, zonal, regional and municipal competitions, these Rules, developed by Russian Association armwrestling (RAA). Read

FIDE Chess Rules. (Not a Paralympic sport). The FIDE rules of chess apply to the game at the chessboard. The rules of the game of chess consist of two parts: 1. Basic rules of the game and 2. Rules of competition. Read

Model Law on Paralympic Sports. This Law is intended to establish the general legal, economic and social framework for activities in the field of Paralympic sports, as well as to determine the basic principles of legislation on Paralympic sports implemented in the member states of the Commonwealth Independent States. Read

Distribution of athletes by functional classes. To ensure fair competition between athletes with various disabilities, each international sports organization for the disabled places athletes into classes according to their functional abilities. Read

Medical care and medical supervision for disabled people participating in physical education, health and sports clubs. Medical support for those involved is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2001 No. 337 On measures for the further development and improvement of sports medicine and physical therapy and other regulations adopted by the federal government in the field of healthcare. Read

Integration of disabled people through sports. Physical culture and sports are one of the most important areas of rehabilitation of disabled people and their integration into society, as well as integration through labor activity and education. In many cases, the participation of disabled people in physical education and sports can be considered not only as a means of rehabilitation, but also as a permanent form of life activity - social employment and achievements.

Grigorenko V.G., Globa A.P. etc. Organization of sports - mass work with persons with spinal cord dysfunction: methodological recommendations. A manual in which, for the first time in our country, recommendations for organizing physical education are systematized - health work with disabled people. For specialists, methodologists, organizers, disabled people who want to play sports independently. Read

Social and hygienic problems of sports for disabled people. Thesis work of a student at the Orenburg State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports pedagogical university. Read

Indolev L.N. "Those in the stroller and next to them." Chapter 14. Everyone into the water! Remember that the main condition for proper and easy swimming is that your head is constantly almost entirely under water and comes to the surface only to inhale. Of course, you can swim with your head held high, but your legs will sink and you will need significantly more arm effort to keep your body afloat and propel you forward. Read

Information and methodological manual. Physical culture and sports for people with disabilities. This information and analytical collection aims to fill the lack of information in the field of physical culture and sports for people with disabilities. The history of this area of ​​physical activity is briefly outlined, and the main institutions and organizations responsible for the development of this area are described. The collection does not pretend to be exhaustive - nowadays, more and more attention is paid to adaptive sports, more and more new associations and federations of people with disabilities are emerging, even new sports are appearing for people with certain health conditions. Read

Indolev L.N. "Those in the stroller and next to them." Chapter 18. Such is the sports life. Let me just start by listing the types of sports and active recreation available to wheelchair users, which the relevant associations are developing. So: arm wrestling, shooting from air guns, archery, crossbow shooting, basketball, bowling, darts, football (that's right), hockey, collar rugby, badminton, road racing, skiing and luge, wheelchair slalom, softball, swimming, table tennis, athletics , skeet shooting, weightlifting (bench press), alpine skiing, fencing, speed skating, as well as aerobics, sports fishing, hand cycling, air sports, gliding, golf. Read

History and Overview of Paralympic Sports. The emergence of sports in which disabled people can participate is associated with the name of the English neurosurgeon Ludwig Guttman, who, overcoming age-old stereotypes in relation to people with physical disabilities, introduced sports into the process of rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injuries. Read

Sports dancing on a wheelchair. Wheelchair Dance sports included in the Paralympic Games are Combi style dances. The Combi style (from the word “combined”) means that the pair involves a dancer who uses a wheelchair and a non-disabled dancer. The program includes classical dances (waltz, tango, Viennese waltz, slow foxtrot, quickstep) and Latin American dances - samba, cha-cha-cha, rumba, paso doble and jive. Read

Indolev L.N. Overcoming obstacles (method of overcoming obstacles on an active wheelchair). Methodology from the book “For those in and around wheelchairs.” Read

About physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation. The federal law establishes legal, organizational, economic and social foundations activities in the field of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation, defines the basic principles of legislation on physical culture and sports.

Develop a Federal Law on Adaptive Physical Culture and Sports, which will define the regulatory framework for regulating the sphere of adaptive physical culture and sports, incl. standards for the provision of physical education and health services to disabled people and persons with disabilities, financing mechanisms rehabilitation centers, mechanisms for ensuring accessibility of sports facilities for persons with disabilities, etc.

Take the necessary organizational measures aimed at the intensive development of adaptive physical culture and adaptive sports:
develop and implement State Duma Russian Federation bill on a clear delineation of the powers and functions of federal ministries and departments, as well as the powers of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities those involved in rehabilitation, social adaptation and integration of disabled people into life using AFC means;
to promote in every possible way the specialization of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the development of types of adaptive sports. Create training centers for sports in regions that have the necessary financial, material, technical, and human resources;
create an Interdepartmental scientific and practical center rehabilitation of disabled people by means of adaptive physical culture and adaptive sports;
create an Interdepartmental Coordination Center for managing the sphere of adaptive physical culture and sports, including representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as representatives of organizations of people with disabilities;
contribute to the creation favorable conditions logistical, financial and personnel support for the activities of disabled children in adaptive physical culture and sports;
provide government support for innovative projects that improve these conditions;
create an Interdepartmental Commission on Physical Rehabilitation under the Council for Disabled People under the President of the Russian Federation and social adaptation disabled children through adaptive physical education and adaptive sports;
introduce the position of Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities under the President of the Russian Federation;
organize public control progress Federal Law“On social protection of disabled people” and the Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” on issues of rehabilitation, social adaptation and integration of disabled people into life, in particular, the progress of the opening of children’s and youth sports adaptive schools or adaptive departments in municipalities sports in existing sports schools Oh.

Bodies executive branch subjects of the Russian Federation:
in the development plans of regions and municipalities, to provide for the creation of children's and youth sports adaptive schools, and in existing sports schools - adaptive sports departments;
create organizational, regulatory and financial terms, as well as material incentives for a significant expansion of sections, groups and teams in adaptive sports in special educational institutions disabled people;
develop, where this has not been done, and implement a plan to ensure accessibility of all infrastructure facilities for people with disabilities, including transport, competition venues, accommodation and leisure; sports facilities intended for everyone must be accessible to people with disabilities, both in terms of providing time for training, and in terms of the presence at these facilities of all accessibility attributes - ramps, special transport, elevators, doorways of sufficient width, equipped toilets, alarms for the blind, etc.;
organize special monitoring of the accessibility of all sports facilities in order to plan events at them necessary complex works; give public sports organizations of disabled people the right to act as public monitors for the implementation of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled People” in terms of ensuring their unimpeded access to social infrastructure facilities, including sports facilities (Article 15);
take under administrative control the activities of the relevant authorities to improve the qualifications of specialists in the field of adaptive physical culture and adaptive sports; reconsider the level wages these specialists;
provide state support for the process of forming an institute of volunteers to provide assistance to people with disabilities; support the creation of a system of moral and financial incentives volunteers;
contribute to increasing tolerance in society, the development of inclusive education in all institutions of preschool, general and vocational education.

To develop and put into operation new standard designs of physical culture and sports facilities for adaptive physical culture and sports for people with disabilities that meet special requirements to the venues for educational and training sessions and competitions in Paralympic sports and standard rules adopted by the International Paralympic Committee. Prohibit the approval of construction projects designed for adaptive physical education and sports for disabled people that do not provide unhindered access to them for disabled people. Develop SNiP for the construction of sports facilities adapted for disabled people and persons with disabilities.

Reconstruct physical education and sports facilities and transport infrastructure in order to ensure unhindered access to them for people with disabilities. To this end, carry out targeted work on installing ramps and lifts, information signs and electronic information and reference terminals at these facilities, refurbishment of stands, locker rooms, showers and toilets, expanding corridors and door blocks, creating additional lighting, etc.

Open departments or groups for sports for disabled people in Paralympic and Deaflympic sports in at least 30% of Olympic reserve schools and 50% of children's and youth sports schools, including specialized ones. By 2014, have at least 5 children's and youth sports adaptive schools in regions with large populations, 3 in medium-sized regions and 1 in small regions.

To ensure the creation of a barrier-free environment for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi. To provide for the creation of the necessary components of a barrier-free environment both at competitive and non-competitive venues of the games, and at tourist sites in the city of Sochi, in urban and transport infrastructure, as well as in transit hubs of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The creation of such an environment should be carried out in accordance with international rules and standards and the creation of a barrier-free environment should be considered as a necessary condition in the design, construction and operation of the Olympic infrastructure. Reconstruction of existing and construction of new facilities for the 2014 Paralympic Games must be carried out with full consideration of international regulations and IPC requirements.

Developing achievements recent years in the training of specialists in the field of adaptive physical culture, provide a retraining program for trainers, methodologists and doctors working with persons with disabilities, in accordance with the federal state educational standard of higher professional education of the third generation and the state educational standard of secondary vocational education, as well as basic and exemplary educational programs for bachelor of adaptive physical education. Actively use scientific and methodological developments in the field of RPA. The Russian Academy of Sciences, together with the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation, will provide a program scientific research in the field of AFC.

To develop scientific developments in the field of finding additional means and methods for increasing the performance of athletes, primarily by improving training technologies and recovery from high training loads using natural means that are not included in the list of methods and drugs prohibited by the IPC. The reserves for improving sports results must be sought in the main thing - in the modernization of the educational, training and competitive process.

Concretize and strengthen legislative measures responsibility for doping. This should be done both in relation to athletes and doctors and trainers who promote the use of prohibited substances - up to and including deprivation of the right to further professional activity in the field of sports. The punishment should be quite strict and tough - adequate to the degree of damage caused to Russian sports and the image of the country as a whole. It is necessary to achieve awareness of the inevitability of punishment by all “interested” persons in the use of prohibited means.

Introduce into regular practice continuous and systematic anti-doping control over all candidates for the Russian national team, including youth and junior teams. Control should be carried out with the help of modern equipment, allowing timely and effective detection of doping, its slightest residues in the human body.

In order to improve the image of Russia through sports, increase the number of major international competitions held on Russian territory. They should be held at the highest organizational level, with a bright opening and closing, original prizes and awards, and be traditional. They should pay tribute to the memory of not only outstanding athletes and coaches of Russia, but also great foreign athletes, coaches and figures in international sports. Three or four of them should be made especially grandiose, attractive to foreign athletes, tourist fans and the media. They should be awarded prizes for their nobility and courage, and these manifestations should be widely shown in the media and at the end of the competition.

Develop sports diplomacy. A significant factor in shaping the country’s image may be the strengthening of positions in international sports organizations. RKR considers "sports diplomats" in international organizations not only as the face of the Russian Paralympic movement, but also of Russia as a whole. We need to find necessary funds for sending Russian specialists to international sports organizations, as well as for efficient work in them. A special resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on this issue should be prepared and adopted.

Provide real support to domestic manufacturers of special sports equipment and equipment necessary for disabled people to engage in adaptive physical culture and sports. Federal authorities provide state support for innovative projects that provide improved conditions for domestic manufacturers of special sports equipment and equipment, as well as special means prosthetic technology. The know-how and advanced technologies achieved here will help solve outdated chronic problem production of such products not only for Paralympic athletes, but also for a wide range of disabled people.

Recommend to the media:
- to provide wider coverage of the Paralympic and Deaflympic movement and adaptive sports, bearing in mind that its full-scale coverage in the media carries enormous educational potential not only for the disabled population, but also, first of all, for the entire population, including children and adolescents and youth;
- organize, along with coverage of the Paralympic Games, coverage of the world, European, Russian and constituent entities of the Russian Federation championships in Paralympic sports;
- to form in disabled people a conscious positive attitude towards physical education, sports, healthy image life, actively conduct information and propaganda campaigns;
- implement television physical education and health programs to help disabled people who independently engage in physical education and sports;
- constantly highlight the best practices in the development of adaptive physical culture and sports, first of all, the experience of the best educational institutions, sports clubs, schools, sports facilities, outstanding coaches, sports instructors, volunteers.

Unforeseen situations happen to everyone, and an accident can happen anywhere. That is why the problem of disability is now very acute. These words are confirmed by official statistics World Organization healthcare: for every 100 people, 10 have a disability. Unfortunately, this situation is not moving towards positive changes. For a person who finds himself in such a difficult life situation, it is extremely important to adapt to new realities, although this is difficult, since he becomes practically marginal and is at the intersection of two ways of life. New social status forces a person to change a lot, since often a disability is acquired already in adulthood, when there are some habits that have to be gotten rid of, replacing them with ones more suitable for the newly formed social status.

Adaptation requires enormous effort from a person, however, society plays an equally important role here - both in organizing the life of a person with disabilities in general, and in the field of sports. The last one is important social institution, which helps develop new skills to improve the quality of life and meet social needs for communication and self-realization.

For all this, physical education began to be adjusted and adaptive sports began to appear. On at the moment, sport for people with disabilities is widely developed and, like ordinary sports, it has classifications, directions, federations, both local and global, championships that have international status, as well as its own Olympics, called the Paralympic Games.

Directions are determined by type of disability:

People with congenital or acquired amputations of limbs and spinal cord injuries;
People with cerebral palsy;
Persons with partial and complete loss of vision;
People with mental developmental disabilities;

There are also several types of adaptive sports competitions:

Paralympic movement.
Special Olympics movement.

But it is the Paralympic Games that have now gained the greatest popularity. This is explained by the fact that a traditional competition model is used, which is understandable to most residents of any country. Also, thanks to this, it is possible to use the main theoretical basis for training athletes, just modifying it, taking into account the characteristics of health. The popularity of the sports themselves among the general public and the greatest coverage of varieties of pathologies also contributed to widespread Paralympic movement around the world.

Our athletes perform successfully at the Paralympic Games. A clear proof of this is Sochi 2014. Another advantage of hosting such games is the creation of a completely barrier-free infrastructure for the entire city. It is very joyful that in our country attitudes towards people with disabilities are now beginning to change. For everyone, they are now full-fledged members of society who have the same rights and opportunities for self-realization.

Sports for people with disabilities are even more than just an opportunity to strengthen their bodies. This is a great chance to prove to everyone, but first of all to yourself, that no matter what the problems in life, even in the most difficult situation you can achieve a lot and emerge victorious. So exercise no matter what!

In the North-Eastern administrative district of Moscow, physical education and sports are on on a regular basis About 4.7 thousand persons with disabilities of all categories (hereinafter referred to as persons with disabilities) are engaged in this activity.
The most popular adaptive sports disciplines among residents of the district are: swimming, table tennis, darts, Nordic walking, and novus.
On the basis of sports facilities and sports and recreation complexes in 176 sports groups and sections organized by specialists and instructors of the sports and recreation complexes of the State Budgetary Institution “TsFKiS NEAD of Moscow” of the Moscow Sports Committee, 1,761 people with disabilities are engaged in 12 sports disciplines.
More than 3.5 thousand residents of the district with disabilities are accepted active participation in physical culture events. As part of the implementation of the Unified Calendar Plan for physical education and sporting events in the city of Moscow, it is planned to hold 30 competitions for persons with disabilities at the district and city levels on the territory of the North-East Administrative District/

The Department of Invasport of the State Budgetary Institution of Sports and Sports of the North-East Administrative District actively cooperates with the Moscow Federation of Sports for the Deaf, the Federation of Invasport of the City of Moscow. National teams of disabled athletes traditionally take part in mass city competitions and festivals, such as "Sparrow Hills", "Moscow Sports", "Paraspartakiad", " Sportsman's Day", "Moscow City Day".

Athletes with disabilities - residents of North-Eastern Administrative Okrug - have repeatedly become winners and prize-winners of all-Russian and international competitions (including the Paralympic and Deaflympic Games).

On the territory of North-East Administrative District, departments for sports for the disabled have been opened in the following institutions subordinate to Moskomsport:



Sports discipline

Number of people involved, people

State Budgetary Institution "Sports and Adaptive School"


Visual impairment

Table tennis

Damage to the musculoskeletal system

Table tennis

Hearing impairment

Damage to the musculoskeletal system

State Budgetary Institution "CSP "Khlebnikovo"


Damage to the musculoskeletal system

  • Sports sections and groups for the disabled, organized by specialists from the State Budgetary Institution "TsFKiS North-East Administrative District of Moscow" Moskomsport

Requirements for enrollment of persons with disabilities in sports sections

State Budgetary Institution "TsFKiS North-East Administrative District of Moscow":

- Medical certificate (Form 2)

Department specialists:

  • Head of Department Klos I.I.
  • AFK instructor – Shkabar R.I.
  • AFK instructor - Vasilyev V.V.
  • AFK instructor - Timofeev M.A.
The Department of Disabled Sports of the Central Physical Culture and Sports Center of the North-Eastern Administrative District, together with the Federation of Disabled Sports and the Achilles Track Club, prepared and carried out the following events:
1. COMPETITIONS - Interdistrict Spartakiad “World of Equal Opportunities”, Moscow Sports Festivals.
2.The NEAD national team has been prepared to participate in Moscow, All-Russian and International competitions.
3. Physical education and health work is carried out with the population of districts with persons with disabilities (hearing, vision, intelligence, PAP)
4.Recreational work in the district’s swimming pools for all categories of disabilities,
5. Physical education and sports festivals were held for significant dates: “Christmas Day”, “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “Russia Day”, “Athletes Day”, etc.
6. Coordination work is continuously carried out with special (correctional) educational institutions of the district, institutions of the social protection system of the population of the district, public associations and organizations.
7. If necessary, the districts of NEAD are provided with organizational, methodological and practical assistance in preparing and conducting local sports holidays and Festivals.
8.On on an ongoing basis, together with the district’s health care institutions, voluntary medical examinations of competition participants and athletes are carried out, as well as medical examinations of people with disabilities.
9. Employees of the State Budgetary Institution "TsFKiS North-East Administrative District of Moscow" constantly improve their professional level by taking short-term advanced training courses on the implementation of modern methods and means of adaptive physical education for various age categories and the nature of functional disorders.
10. Specialists of the department on an ongoing basis take part in seminars, meetings, boards, round tables and Assets of the Center for Physics and Sports of districts, prefectures, industry Federations of Invasport of the city of Moscow, Moskomsport, Paralympic Committee.
11.Refereeing of regional, district and city competitions.
12.Implementation of the city Program “Spectator”.
13.Volunteer work was carried out to accompany disabled children and teenagers to competitions.

Disabled sports club "Achilles track club" was organized and registered in 1989 as a regional public organization disabled people. Re-registered in 1993. 56 people are actively involved in the club - these are disabled people with various pathologies: 26 wheelchair users, people with various amputations, people with cerebral palsy, people with visual impairments. The club organizes and conducts competitions.
Their ages range from 16 to 74 years (by the way, everyone is accepted into the club).

Club members annually take part in traditional Russian, city, district and regional competitions in the following types sports: arm wrestling, table tennis, checkers, chess, darts, powerlifting, rifle shooting, curling, bocce, wheelchair racing, figure wheelchair driving, athletics.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs