How much bone meal to give to dogs. Dog food

Meat and bone meal is used as a vitamin and mineral supplement when feeding large and small livestock, as well as pigs and poultry. This is a very valuable product containing a lot of protein. The use of meat and bone meal allows you to balance the diet of animals and significantly increase their productivity.

Product Description

Meat and bone meal is a light or dark brown powder with a specific odor. When choosing this product, you should pay special attention to the shade. The color should be exactly brown. A yellowish tint indicates that the product is of poor quality. Chicken feathers give this color to the powder. In poultry, when yellow flour is added to the feed, a decrease in egg production is observed. In addition, the consumption of feathers provokes the development of cannibalism in chickens.

The quality of meat and bone meal is divided into three classes, depending on the fat content. The less it is, the better the product. When assessing the quality of flour, you should also pay attention to:

  • Smell. It should not be musty or putrid.
  • Only flour of homogeneous composition is considered high quality. It should not contain lumps or granules with a diameter of more than 12 mm.

How it is made

In the production of this product, meat is used that is unsuitable as food for humans: carcasses of animals that died from non-contagious diseases, waste from the meat processing industry, etc. The manufacturing process consists of the following stages:

  • Meat production waste is boiled and cooled to a temperature of 25 degrees.
  • The resulting greave is crushed in special units.
  • The powder is sifted through a sieve.
  • The resulting flour is passed through magnetic separators to remove metallic impurities.
  • The product is then treated with antioxidants to prevent fat spoilage.
  • The finished powder is packaged in bags or bags.

Meat and bone meal: instructions for use when feeding chickens

Including this product in the diet of laying hens can significantly increase egg production and save a little on feed. You can mix meat and bone meal for chickens both in and into mash. The optimal dose is 7% of the total amount of grain.

Only high-quality meat and bone meal should be fed to poultry. This product is very useful for chickens because it contains a large amount of protein. Unfortunately, recently many companies involved in the production of flour have begun to add soy to it to reduce its cost. Feeding such a fake brings practically no results. Egg production does not increase; in birds, due to a lack of protein, the number of cases of pecking and cannibalism increases. Therefore, you should not buy cheap flour from little-known manufacturers.

You should not give too much flour to the bird. This can cause such an unpleasant disease as gout. Also, chickens whose diet contains too much of this additive often develop amyloidosis. This is the name for a disorder of protein metabolism, accompanied by the deposition in tissues of substances with a certain chemical property.

Meat and bone meal: instructions for use when feeding pigs

Among other things, feeding meat and bone meal stimulates animal weight gain. It is given to pigs in an amount of 5-15% of the total weight of feed. It can be a very good supplement for both sows and growing animals. It is not recommended to use meat and bone meal as a supplement only for very small weaned piglets.

Once flour is added to the feed, it can no longer be heat treated. Otherwise, most of the protein and vitamins will be lost. This rule should be observed when feeding both pigs and other types of farm animals and poultry.

Use for cattle

Feeding this product can also significantly increase productivity. For cows, you should choose flour made from poultry or pork. A product containing cattle bones and muscle tissue may contain the causative agent of such an unpleasant cow disease as spongiform encephalopathy.

Since cows are herbivores, they often simply refuse to eat meat and bone meal. In this case, the product is mixed with bran or concentrates with a gradual increase in dose. Over the course of a few days, the amount of flour consumed by cattle should be increased to 10-100 g per head. MRS are given no more than 20 g per day.

Flour in the diet of other animals

In small quantities, this product, which is a source of protein, vitamins and minerals, can be given to other types of farm animals and poultry: ducks, geese, rabbits, guinea fowl, turkeys, etc. In this case, the share of flour in the total amount of feed is usually no more than 5-10%.

It would be entirely justified to use a product such as meat and bone meal for dogs (no more than 100 g per day). This allows you to save a little on this product. In this case, this product acts as a meat substitute.

Previously, owners of four-legged friends used flour for feeding quite often. However, recently many modern, balanced protein, vitamin and mineral supplements designed specifically for these animals have appeared on the market. Therefore, meat and bone meal for dogs is currently used quite rarely. Pet lovers view it more as a budget option for complementary feeding.

Composition of a quality product

Real meat and bone meal, the use of which is justified when breeding almost all types of farm animals, has a balanced composition regulated by certain veterinary standards. It should contain at least 30-50% protein. The flour contains the following substances:

  • Muscular and This is the main ingredient of the product.
  • Fat. It should not contain too much (no more than 13-20% depending on the variety).
  • Ash in the amount of 26-38%.
  • Water. It should also not be too much (no more than 7%).

In addition, the flour may contain such waste from the meat processing industry as stomachs, thyroid and ovaries, spinal cord and brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, etc. The quality and composition of meat and bone meal is regulated by GOST 17536-82. Information about compliance with it must be provided on the packaging.

Other substances

A small percentage of metal-magnetic impurities (particles up to 2 mm in size) is allowed in flour. There should be no more than 150-200 g per ton of product. Among other things, meat and bone meal, the use of which allows you to save on feed, contains substances that stimulate metabolism in the body of animals. First of all, these are adenosine triphosphoric and glutamic acids. If the latter is deficient, for example, chickens may develop growth depression.

Some other substances contained in flour also stimulate the development of poultry or animals. These include, for example, carnitine, seratonin, thyroxine, etc.

How to store

Meat and bone meal, the instructions for use of which were given above, is a product containing a large amount of protein and fat. Therefore, it must be stored correctly. Otherwise, at best it will be useless, at worst it will negatively affect the health of animals or birds. A very important condition for preserving the beneficial properties of flour is compliance with the rules of its storage. Bags of this product should be kept in a dry, ventilated area. Contact with water or sunlight is not allowed.

The air temperature in the utility room or warehouse should not exceed + 30 degrees. Under no circumstances should the product be allowed to overheat, otherwise the fat contained in it will begin to decompose and release a toxic substance - acroline aldehyde.

Of course, you cannot feed expired products to animals and poultry. The permissible storage time for meat and bone meal is indicated on the packaging. Usually it is no more than one year.

As you can see, meat and bone meal is a truly healthy product and truly irreplaceable in animal husbandry. Including it in the diet can increase the productivity of cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, etc., as well as stimulate weight gain and growth. But good results can be achieved, of course, only by choosing a quality product and using it correctly.

When feeding pets, people often use special mixtures. To provide a complete diet for a pet (it could be a dog), poultry, it is important to use a bone and meat composition (the recommended dosage of the product is indicated below). A vitamin-mineral mixture will help balance the animal’s nutrition, which will have a positive effect on the productive characteristics of pets and poultry.

What is meat and bone meal?

The product is a brown, milky powder with a specific odor (remember that it should not be musty). Before buying meat and bone meal, pay attention to the uniformity (purchase a composition with no lumps) and the color of the mixture. It is not recommended to buy a product with a yellowish tint. Typically, this color is obtained by adding chicken feathers. If an animal consumes such a mixture, it will cause harm to its body. When using such a product, poultry egg production rates, for example, are reduced.


It is proposed to study the chemical composition of the mixture. It is made from:

  • water;
  • fat;
  • squirrel;
  • ash.

A 1st class product is often found on the shelves of specialized stores (the price for it and other types of complexes is presented in the special table below). It contains no more than 9% water, 13% fat, 50% protein, 26% ash. Class 2 mixture consists of 10% water, 18% fat, 42% protein, 28% ash. Class 3 includes powder containing up to 10% water, 20% fat, 30% protein, 38% ash. It is worth noting that, regardless of the classification of the product, its composition contains about 2% fiber. Keep in mind that for the full development of livestock, it is not recommended to buy powder that is too fatty.

Meat and bone meal production technology

Before making a purchase, research the production of meat and bone meal. When creating it, the carcass of a deceased animal is used (as a rule, the complex is often created from dead animals, the meat of which is suitable for consumption). “Raw materials” are checked for infections. Often, meat from previously ill animals is used to produce a vitamin complex (meat from farm animals that have had non-contagious diseases is taken). Waste from a specialized enterprise can be used (for example, it could be a meat processing plant).

The “raw materials” are boiled, then cooled to a temperature of 25°. The product is crushed (special equipment is used for this) and sifted through a sieve. Metal additives are removed using magnetic separators. A food supplement containing potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, magnesium and other elements is carefully treated with antioxidants and packaged in bags (note that the price per pack varies).

Application of meat and bone meal

The diet of animals and birds must contain meat and bone meal (approximately 7% of the total amount of grain and other products). If you give protein-mineral powder (see its cost below), you will be able to improve the health of livestock, increase the level of poultry productivity, normalize the functioning of the immune system, and increase the body’s protective functions, which will help fight various viruses and infections.

For dogs

The vitamin complex (its price can be from 16 rubles per kilogram) should be added especially to the feed of lactating bitches carrying puppies. The by-product replenishes the lack of vitamins during the period of change of baby teeth in puppies, and helps restore the dog’s strength after childbirth. Bone meal for dogs is recommended for rickets, osteoporosis, mineral deficiency in the body, problems with joints, spine, and heart.

Calculate the required amount of mixture according to the recommendation: 1 tsp. powder (about 5 g) is used for every 10 kg of pet weight. So, if the dog weighs 20 kg, then the daily dose of flour will be 10 g. For puppies, nursing mothers, multiply the indicated value by two. An increase in the daily dose for an adult dog should only occur on the recommendation of a veterinarian.

For chickens

An experienced farmer knows that the daily diet of chickens should contain approximately 3-7% meat and bone product of the total amount of dry feed. If the bird consumes the powder in such quantities, it will facilitate the complete absorption of the necessary vitamins and nutrients by the body. It is recommended to add flour to concentrated feed, mixtures of grass, and hay. If bone meal is used for chickens, then it should be added in an amount of 0.6-0.8% of the total mass of dry mixtures.

You should not exceed the specified dosage of the vitamin complex. Remember that if there is an excess of the product in chicken food, this will lead to the development of gout and amyloidosis. Make sure there is no soy in the powder. If chicken meal is used regularly, you will notice an increase in egg production, which will help save money on the purchase of feed formulations.

For pigs

If you are interested in animal husbandry, then make sure that the quality of the powder is good (excellent formulation options are sold by the companies presented below, and the price of the powder is reasonable). For pigs, this product is a source of amino acids, calcium, and phosphorus. Meat flour with a high ash content is often recommended for pigs (in this case, the product contains the elements Ca, P, Na, Fe).

It is recommended to include the vitamin-mineral complex in the diet of animals in an amount of no more than 5% of the total amount of dry food. If you carefully study agriculture, then know that it is not recommended to use the supplement for too small piglets (include the complex in the menu of two or three month old pets in the amount of 2% of the total weight of the food offered).

Bone meal is a protein-mineral feed that increases the efficiency of food for birds, animals and fish, enriches it with vitamins, minerals, proteins and microelements. Thanks to this food, the body's metabolism is normalized and the digestibility of feed is improved.

Composition of bone meal:

  • protein (50%);
  • ash (35%);
  • water (4 – 7%);
  • fats (8 -12%).

At product manufacturing waste and bones of meat and fish production, dead livestock, meat and fish products rejected by veterinary services are used. Before further processing, raw materials are checked for appropriate quality by the sanitary and veterinary services. After checking, the products are crushed in a crusher, steamed and boiled. Next, the product is placed in a dryer and then crushed again. Finished products packed in bags with a polyethylene layer.

There are certain rules for storing the product to avoid spoilage or loss of its beneficial properties. It should be stored in dry rooms, out of reach of rodents, birds or insects. The product should not be used after the expiration date indicated on the packaging.


More often bone meal is used:

  • on poultry farms;
  • in livestock farms;
  • as a fertilizer.

Use as feed for farm animals

Flour is used for balancing feed mixtures for animals, birds, fish. Adding to the diet is recommended in small portions. The following criteria must be taken into account. So, for rabbits no more than 2% of bone meal in the general diet is permissible, for feeding pigs - about 5%. It is recommended to add powder to birds, the amount of which does not exceed 7% of the total feed ration, and to fish - up to 20%. These general standards need to be further adjusted taking into account the amount of other feed components.

The diet of dogs of all breeds should contain not only meat, but also other useful components for proper growth and development. Deficiency of phosphorus, calcium, sodium provokes problems with the musculoskeletal system, causes rickets, deformation of the joints and spine. It is very important to monitor the level of proteins, micro- and trace elements during pregnancy, in the first weeks of the puppies’ life, and when changing teeth.

Meat and bone meal for dogs is a nutritional supplement high in protein, phosphorus, calcium, and other microelements. If the dosage and frequency of use are observed, the natural product will benefit puppies and adult dogs.

What is meat and bone meal

Quite a healthy and nutritious product - a source of proteins. Natural meat and bone meal is produced from parts of a cattle carcass left over from the butchering of the animal after slaughter. The parts are not used for other purposes, but waste from canning and bacon production is quite suitable as a high-protein food additive.

How is meat and bone meal produced? The process is organized so that during processing it kills all microorganisms and helminth larvae that could accidentally end up in parts of the carcass that are subject to grinding. The production of meat and bone meal for dogs takes place in workshops where sanitary and hygienic standards are observed. It is important that the manufacturer adheres to the rules, otherwise the feed additive may be harmful.

Briefly about the stages of production:

  • meat products are placed in autoclaves for sterilization and steam treatment. During the process, microorganisms of various kinds die;
  • the next stage is drying the disinfected raw materials. In the drying chamber, automation maintains high temperature and optimal pressure. The technology additionally protects the final product from dangerous inclusions;
  • then the raw materials are passed through a crushing plant, sent to a special sifter with powerful magnets to remove metal particles and other foreign elements;
  • the next stage is a sieve with smaller holes to clean the raw materials and remove large pieces. The finished product is more like ground coffee, the color is reddish-brown, the diameter of the grains is no more than 12 mm, there are light yellow inclusions (particles of baked and ground bones);
  • prepared meat and bone meal is combined with antioxidants to prevent oxidation of the product and packaged in paper or cardboard packs;
  • To store the nutritional supplement, a damp room with optimal humidity and temperature is required.

On the page you can learn about how colds manifest in dogs and how to treat a viral disease.

How often to give

Meat and bone meal is included in the diet two to three times a week. Do not give a natural product too often: possible clogging of the stomach and intestines, which leads to constipation. Be sure to follow the norm and not exceed the percentage of the total weight of food for different breeds of dogs.

Many premium and higher category foods (super premium) also contain meat and bone meal. The difference is in percentage. Elite varieties include a small percentage of natural additives; in cheaper dog food, the amount of natural meat is smaller, but meat-and-bone meal and offal replace the main animal component.

Cost and storage rules

The price of 1 kg of meat and bone meal is low - from 20 to 40 rubles. When purchasing large quantities you can save a lot.

Meat and bone meal is useful only if the storage conditions are followed:

  • damp, ventilated room;
  • temperature from +20 to +30 degrees;
  • the packaging is closed after each portion of nutritious flour is taken;
  • the multilayer paper bag should not be placed next to heating devices or in the sun.

It is forbidden to give the ground product to a dog of any age or breed if the storage rules are violated, if the mass is damp and lumpy. Also, a responsible owner knows when the expiration date of meat and bone meal expires and does not give the pet an expired natural supplement.

Alternative to meat and bone meal

As recommended by your veterinarian, puppies and adult dogs receive other types of vitamin and mineral supplements to strengthen their bones and teeth. Calcium phosphate, ground eggshells, Hercules cereal, sea fish, offal, low-fat cottage cheese, blood, milk are food names that replace meat and bone meal. Important to remember: The main source of proteins and minerals is natural lean meat.

For the proper development of four-legged pets, the menu must contain proteins, mineral components, and lipids. Meat and bone meal is a food additive to the diet of dogs of all breeds. It is important to give your pet a natural product, taking into account the norm for a particular breed, in order to avoid clogging of the digestive tract. Meat and bone meal must be of high quality and not expired. You cannot replace natural meat with a cheap food additive.

In this article I will talk about what meat and bone meal is and what it is made from. I will describe the step-by-step process of producing bone meal. I’ll tell you how and why meat and bone meal is used in feeding dogs.

What is meat and bone meal

Meat and bone meal is a protein-mineral supplement to the basic diet.

The basis for its preparation is the carcasses of dead (fallen) animals or raw meat that is not suitable for human consumption.

Also, a useful supplement is obtained from meat and fish waste.

Externally, it is a homogeneous powder with a brown color of different shades, but a very light yellowish color indicates that the product contains chicken feathers. It has a specific smell, but it should not be moldy or musty.

Three classes go on sale, they differ from each other in composition:

  • 1st grade. Protein – 50%, ash – 26%, fat – 13%, water – 9%.
  • 2nd grade. Protein – 42%, ash – 28%, fat – 18%, water – 10%.
  • 3rd grade. Protein – 30%, ash – 38%, fat – 20%, water – 10%.
Meat and bone meal - Dobry selyanin, 2 kg

Meat and bone contains other useful components: calcium, amino acids (except cystine and methionine), glutamic and adenosine triphosphoric acids, seratonin, carnitine, thyroxine, etc.

Also, flour of any class contains 2% fiber.

Bone meal production technology

To produce flour, they use the carcasses of animals that died from non-communicable diseases or waste from meat processing companies and factories.

Raw materials are first checked for the presence of various infections. The carcasses of animals that died from infectious viral diseases are disposed of and not used for making flour.

The production technology of the mineral additive is as follows:

  1. Carcasses or meat waste are checked by a veterinarian and allowed for processing.
  2. The raw materials are well crushed, boiled, and then cooled to a temperature of 24-25 degrees.
  3. The resulting boiled and cooled mixture is twisted to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  4. The raw materials are sent to a centrifuge, where excess water and fat are removed from it, after which the mixture is loaded into a special bunker. The mixture of fat and water enters a separator or settling tank. There the fat is separated and sent for further processing.
  5. After settling in the bunker, the mixture is sent for drying.
  6. After thorough drying, the raw materials are loaded into a crusher, where they are well crushed and sterilized.
  7. The finished and sifted product is sent to a bunker, and then they begin to be packaged and packaged.

Production of meat and bone meal

The dried ones are packed in 50 kg bags made of thick paper or fabric, then they are sewn up with strong thread. The fat that was obtained during the processing process is packaged in boxes with a polyethylene layer.

Can be stored for 6 months at room humidity not higher than 75% and temperature from 0 to +30 degrees.

In sealed containers, shelf life is extended to 12 months.

Application for dogs

It is used as a food additive not only for dogs and cats, but is also included in feed intended for productive agricultural animals and poultry. This product can be found in ready-made dry industrial food intended for feeding pets.

The protein-mineral supplement has the following properties:

  • Ensures proper growth of young animals and replenishes calcium deficiency in the body.
  • Helps strengthen the musculoskeletal system of weakened, young and elderly dogs.
  • Accelerates the process of rehabilitation of pets after bearing and feeding offspring.
  • Replenishes mineral reserves in the body of a dog that is nursing puppies.
  • Strengthens the immune system, increases the productivity of farm animals and poultry.
  • Increases the nutritional value of finished feed and at the same time reduces its cost.

A growing body requires a supply of minerals for the full formation of the skeleton and bone tissue.

As a supplement to the main diet, flour is added directly to the dog's bowl, mixing it with the food. The amount of powder per day should not exceed 100 grams. The approximate dosage is a teaspoon per day for every 10 kg of pet’s body weight.

In feed intended for productive animals, flour is added in a ratio of 2-4% per 1 kilogram of feed. During the fattening period, piglets are given the supplement in an amount of 13-15% of the total diet. Dosage for poultry is no more than 3-7% of the daily feed requirement.

Meat and bone meal is a natural and inexpensive supplement rich in minerals and protein.

It can be purchased in almost any region at a veterinary pharmacy or pet store. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the color and smell of the additive, since a spoiled product can cause poisoning of the animal.



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