Russian celebrities suffering from AIDS. Celebrities with HIV infection

Another famous American athlete diagnosed HIV Greg Louganis is a multi-time diving champion. HIV diagnosed in 1988, after which treatment was immediately started HAART. In 1994 he openly declared his gay orientation, and in 1995 he HIV- positive status. Since establishment HIV Until 1995, the athlete won the Olympic competitions twice.

Thanks to supportive therapy, Greg Louganis leads an active lifestyle: he acts in films and theater, writes books. In 2013 he entered into a same-sex marriage.

Earvin "Magic" Johnson

The “wizard” basketball player announced to the press that he was sick HIV in 1991. The athlete cites casual sex without using a condom as the cause of infection. The drama is that Magic Johnson found out about the diagnosis when he and his wife were expecting their first child.

The athlete immediately began taking HAART. A year after the diagnosis, he won a gold medal at the Olympics in Barcelona. After another 12 years he continued to play basketball. Now Magic Johnson is engaged in an active social life, fighting for rights HIV-infected, does charity work, gives lectures about HIV for young people.

By the way, the wife did not leave Magic Johnson, deciding to fight the disease together with her husband. Now the Johnson family has three healthy children.

Pavel Lobkov

There are not many people in our country who reveal their positive HIV-status. The recognition of the host of the programs “Plant Life” and “Profession Reporter” Pavel Lobkov became a sensation. The presenter chose December 1 for this news - the day of the World Fight against AIDS ohm In his words, HIV diagnosed in 2003.

The diagnosis was openly communicated HIV famous people such as:

    Writer Larry Kramer is an advocate for gay rights and the sick. HIV.

    Composer Jerry Herman, over 80 years old, medical experience HAART since 1985.

    Former British politician Chris Smith. He was prompted to announce the diagnosis by Nelson Mandela's statement about the death of his son from AIDS A.

    Photographer Mary Fisher, who organized her own foundation to study and combat HIV.

These people are alive because HIV was identified in the early stages. Timely HAART helped stop the progression of the disease. But there are celebrities who are not so lucky. Read on for those who died not so long ago.

New victims HIV

Each person's body is different. HAART prolongs the life of infected people, but is only maintenance therapy. When HIV detected at a late stage, or if dosage recommendations are not strictly followed HAART- the body is attacked by diseases that lead to death. Among the victims

HIV does not “select” people with a certain social status - evidence of this are celebrities who became infected at a young or older age. Nevertheless, stars with AIDS, having learned about the disappointing diagnosis, continued to create, perform, and delight their fans. They often claimed that they did not have time to think about the disease - there were still many unfulfilled desires, so they worked until the infection “knocked them down.”

The actor who admitted that he has AIDS

In 2015, American actor Charlie Sheen officially announced that he was infected. He was also sure that infection occurred after several unprotected sexual contacts.

As Sheen claimed, AIDS and HIV radically changed his life - the actor had to become braver in order not to lose heart. He always used barrier contraception, but at the time of the alleged infection he was very tired and drunk, so he neglected “protection.”

His ex-girlfriend, porn actress Bree Olson, also found out that Charlie Sheen has HIV and AIDS. Accusations of concealing information about his health status rained down on the actor. Bree claimed that she and Charlie had unprotected sex several times.

After the media learned that Charlie Sheen had AIDS (HIV), six more women contacted the law, who, according to them, also had unprotected sex with the actor. They said Shin did not warn them about the infection.

The fact that Charlie Sheen was HIV-positive was discovered by his parents, to whom he devoted little time at the peak of his career. The actor said that he began to value the time spent with his family - he tried to visit them as often as possible, because he knew that he did not have much time left.

After the news about Charlie broke around the world, rumors spread that Denise Richards had HIV. Denise is Sheen's ex-wife and a famous Hollywood actress who continues to pursue her career to this day.

The rumors can be refuted by the fact that the actors broke up and had no contact even before Charlie became infected. The marriage produced two daughters, to whom the actor bequeathed a large inheritance and in the last years of his life he was more determined than ever to communicate with girls.

AIDS victims - celebrities who died from the infection

Rock Hudson - the actor was the main heartthrob of the 50s. I became infected in the 80s, when not even everyone knew about the existence of such a disease. He was one of the first infected among the circle of celebrities.

The American actor died from HIV and AIDS-associated diseases, which led to the cessation of the heart and respiratory system. The primary cause of complications was identified as AIDS and generalized lymphadenopathy.

Some famous people suffering from HIV and AIDS “delayed” until the last minute, without informing anyone about their health condition. This is what the famous singer Freddie Mercury did, who shocked fans with the news of the disease on November 23, 1991.

The next day he died from bronchopneumonia, which developed as a result of the disease. Like some other stars with HIV infection, he bequeathed his savings to the creation and development of a charitable foundation dedicated to helping people with AIDS.

Robert Reed - the actor admitted only to his loved ones that he had HIV. He had AIDS, as it turned out after his death, because of homosexuality. Robert had a wife for some time, and a daughter was born in the marriage (his wife was a former classmate). A happy family life was nothing more than “window dressing” for fans.

An American actor with HIV (AIDS) died six months after undergoing treatment for colon cancer. The tumor cells could not be completely removed, as a result of which metastases spread throughout the body.

Not winning AIDS - Hollywood actor Anthony Perkins

Thanks to his role in the film Psycho, Anthony's career and life changed forever. After the main role in this film, they began to invite him to serious filming. The actor married his fan, who was sixteen years younger and wanted Perkins herself.

He was not as famous for his illness as other HIV-infected stars - he tried to hide it until the last moment. Many smirked at the actor getting married because they thought his homosexuality would not go away. Oddly enough, two sons were born in the marriage, but the “real” relationship with his wife was never made public.

In 1990, one of the tabloid press publications published an article stating that the actor had HIV (AIDS). This was stunning news for Perkins himself.

After a small investigation, it became known about Anthony’s recent surgery, after which representatives of the publication bought a blood sample from laboratory technicians and diagnosed the biological material - it turned out that the actor was HIV-positive.

Perkins suspected that he might have become infected, but he did not take tests on his own and tried to think about it as little as possible. Soon the actor decided to undergo a diagnosis and confirmed the information published by the printed publication.

Having learned about the disease AIDS, stars often did not officially declare infection - this is what Anthony Perkins did. At that time, people with HIV were becoming a kind of outcasts, and if the actor had not refuted the article, his career would have come to an end. He told only his family and those closest to him about the terrible diagnosis.

Celebrities, actors with HIV and AIDS - true or false?

George Michael - British singer, died in December 2016, when he turned 53. Michael was homosexual, which he openly declared in 1998. Until this time, he did not want information about sexual orientation to spread and reach his mother.

Rumors that George Michael had AIDS began to circulate after his partner, the famous designer Anselmo Feleppa, died from this infection. After this event, George did not recover soon - he was treated for depression for about three years. The singer died of acute heart failure, and the background to which it arose was hidden.

The information that Michael Jordan has AIDS is a lie. Most likely, the famous basketball player was confused with Magic Johnson. The Magic era ended at the peak of Michael's career. Johnson, after learning that he was terminally ill, devoted his life to charity and created a fund to help infected people.

In 1993, a film called “Philadelphia” was released, starring Tom Hanks. AIDS was then considered a disease of homosexuals - the actor played an infected lawyer (Andrew Beckett), who was fired from his job after learning about the disease. The film conveys the experiences of gay partners and “innocent” victims of the virus.

Tommy Morrison is a famous boxer who played with Sylvester Stallone in the movie Rocky V. The actor fell ill with AIDS in 1995 and hid this information because at that time those infected were outcasts, which could harm his career. Tommy did not believe in the existence of the virus and thought that HIV was a conspiracy between the government and the pharmaceutical companies.

His parents soon learned that the boxer and actor had AIDS, and they asked Tommy to come to therapy. He began to drink regularly and attack offenders with weapons, as a result of which he ended up in jail for several years. After refusing antiretroviral treatment, Morrison spent the last year in bed on parenteral nutrition.

Famous people with HIV in Russia - the Bedenashvili brothers

In fact, they are known in rather narrow circles because they are porn actors. The brothers did not make an official statement that they had HIV, but this is obvious, because otherwise their career in the porn industry would have ended.

In 2013, negative reviews of a girl who was allegedly infected with the virus by her brothers appeared on some websites. She claimed that Alexander Bedenashvili is HIV-positive due to the fact that he has sexual contact with both women and men.

Porn actors on the streets of St. Petersburg, as well as on social networks, are looking for girls and for a considerable sum they offer them to star in a video, to which the girl agreed. After the first two shoots in February, she was healthy, but after the March video she got checked and discovered that she was sick.

Timur Bedenashvili is HIV-positive, according to her, due to his participation in the filming of group sex with his brother.

The girl calls for all those who had sexual contact with Alexander and Timur after 2011 to be tested for the presence of the virus. The information is not reliable, but even if these famous people are HIV-infected, they carefully hide it by buying “clean” certificates from doctors that are necessary for work.

The rumors about the brothers' illness are not only unconfirmed - no one perceives them as truth. Young people still star in porn videos and have achieved success in this niche of showbiz.

Rather, this girl’s statement is a lie, just like the information that Zemfira has AIDS. As soon as the singer released a new track called “AIDS,” fans immediately began to assume the presence of an infection. Recently, Zemfira has lost a lot of weight, so even greater suspicions have crept in, but, again, this is just gossip.

Which famous people have HIV or AIDS? Presenter Pavel Lobkov

In 2015, live on the Dozhd TV channel, Pavel Lobkov admitted that he had been a carrier of the virus for many years. In 2003, the presenter had a desire to undergo diagnostics, as a result of which an infection was discovered.

An infectious disease doctor dryly informed him that Lobkov had AIDS (HIV-infected), and the woman also informed him that the presenter had been removed from the voluntary health insurance program in which he had previously been a member.

Since Pavel Lobkov is HIV-infected, his case was sent to the Medical Committee of Health, where the case manager was registered. Experts immediately drew a diagram that indicated how the virus would affect the immune status without treatment and when receiving antiretroviral therapy.

As Pavel Lobkov stated, HIV and AIDS do not allow one to occupy a “worthy” position in society. The presenter spent a whole year looking for a doctor who could install dental implants for such a diagnosis.

At the same time, the HIV-infected presenter proved every time that implants in patients with this virus take root in the same way as in people with a negative status. During conversations with doctors, Pavel referred to the work of American doctors, but our specialists did not want to take on such responsibility.

Famous people with HIV and AIDS find “star” support

Russian celebrities participate in various programs and programs that are dedicated to helping those infected, as well as preventing the disease. Some create their own funds to help HIV+. Such actions do not mean that the stars are also infected with the infection; it is a gesture of support on their part.

The director of the AIDS Foundation helps people with this diagnosis. Center" Anton Krasovsky. A person may be sick with HIV or AIDS not because of “dissolute” behavior, but because of simple ignorance. Krasovsky stated this repeatedly and created a fund that provides financial assistance to information companies working on disease prevention.

The information that Stas Kostyushkin is sick with HIV and AIDS is also nothing more than a lie. He and his family starred in a video dedicated to infection prevention. Stas said that he knows several families who refused to be filmed in such video material.

Nikolai Panchenko has been infected with HIV for more than 20 years and still feels cheerful. He is not a celebrity - he is one of the first infected people in the USSR. Panchenko made his contribution to helping AIDS patients by creating the Positive Dialogue society, where those who have become infected can talk about their problems associated with the disease.

Does Vera Brezhneva have HIV or AIDS?

In one of the broadcasts of the “Let Them Talk” program, the singer stated that she is the UN Ambassador to Europe and Central Asia on issues of HIV-infected and AIDS patients. Vera's interest in this problem arose quite a long time ago - she actively participated in charity events and helped foundations.

There can be no question that Vera Brezhneva is HIV-infected, because the singer is regularly tested for the presence of the virus. She says that today, people who take antiretroviral therapy and follow doctor's recommendations can live quite a long time with this diagnosis.

Having received an offer from the UN, the singer thought that “Vera Brezhneva and HIV infection” were two incompatibilities. Even though she helped people with HIV-positive status, she was very scared of such a position and thought that she could not cope. Vera was convinced and told that in this way she would make an invaluable contribution and be useful.

The singer states that if people had been examined in time, the virus would not have spread at such a speed. Based on the “pace” of the epidemic, by 2020 the number of patients will increase by approximately 2.4 times, so AIDS organizations have a lot of work to do.

Famous HIV-infected people or celebrities with a negative status show through their words and actions that one cannot remain indifferent to this problem - everyone can help.

At the moment, there are about a million people infected with the immunodeficiency virus in Russia, but only a third of them are registered and undergoing treatment. The problem also lies in the fact that not everyone has enough drugs, and if you undergo therapy at your own expense, you will need at least 30 thousand rubles per month.

The world has known about the human immunodeficiency virus for more than 30 years. For the first time they started talking about it en masse in the mid-80s of the last century. All this time, scientists are struggling to solve the problem of its incurability, learning new details about its behavior in the human body, and selecting therapy that helps HIV-positive people live a full life.

The time has long passed when people from socially disadvantaged groups (drug addicts, people of non-traditional sexual orientation) became infected with HIV. Now the problem of HIV concerns each of us. And this is openly stated by people who have weight in society, who fight for the rights of infected people, who do not hesitate to say that HIV is no longer a stigma or a shameful status. This is what we have to live with every day.

1. Former British Culture Secretary Chris Smith

Chris Smith was UK Culture Secretary from 1997 to 2001. At this time he was already HIV positive. He learned about his status in 1987. But he openly announced it only in 2005.

“I was prompted to make this decision by an open statement by former South African President Nelson Mandela,” Smith told British media. “He honestly told the world that his eldest son died of AIDS. Mandela's example, his call to fight the prejudices around the world that are very strong against people with HIV - all this gave me strength.

Thanks to timely prescribed therapy and the correct regimen, Smith remains in shape to this day.

2. Actor Charlie Sheen The son of actor Martin Sheen, the successor of the acting dynasty, starred in the films “Platoon”, “The Vengeful Spirit” and “Wall Street” and, of course, “Hot Shots”. And also in the series “Spin City” and “Two and a Half Men,” in which he starred from 2003 to 2011. In 2010, he became the highest paid television actor - he was paid $1.8 million per episode of the series. In Hollywood, Charlie is known as a big lover of women and a very scandalous actor. On November 17 last year, Charlie Sheen publicly announced on a live television show that he had HIV. According to him, he was diagnosed about four years ago. “My confession will save me from the ‘well-wishers’ who blackmailed me with my HIV status,” he said.

3. American poet and composer Jerry Herman

Jerry is now over 80 years old. He learned that he was infected in 1985. He became one of the first who did not hide his status from the public, declaring it already in 1987.

All this time, Herman has been undergoing antiretroviral therapy, has a positive outlook on life and assures: “I am one of the lucky ones who survived and gave people the opportunity to see that treatment methods with experimental drugs lead to success.”

4. American screenwriter and novelist Larry Kramer

Pulitzer Prize winner, fighter for the rights of people of non-traditional sexual orientation and HIV-infected people, one of the most outrageous writers in America.

Several years ago he underwent a liver transplant operation.

5. NBA basketball player Earvin "Magic" Johnson

“The Wizard” Johnson is considered one of the best basketball players in the National Basketball Association (NBA) in its history. During his 12-year career, he never cheated on the Los Angeles Lakers. Johnson's team won the NBA championship five times. He personally holds several association records, some of which have not yet been broken.

In 1991, 32-year-old Johnson learned he had HIV. He publicly announced this on national television, bitterly admitting that the cause of the disease was his promiscuity. The scariest moment in his life was the ride home from the clinic where he was told the diagnosis. He had to tell his young pregnant wife about this.

Johnson immediately began taking antiretroviral therapy. His popularity at that time was so great that, despite the warnings of doctors and the cautious attitude of other athletes, he returned to the sport several more times. And he stubbornly said: “A person living with HIV can be an athlete. Playing basketball doesn’t mean infecting everyone.” And just a year after the start of therapy, in 1992, as part of the American Dream Team, he won gold at the Olympics in Barcelona.

In 2002, doctors said that the virus in his blood had decreased to undetectable! At that time, it was a world victory, which all the media wrote about - “The Wizard” Johnson defeated AIDS!”

And although the basketball player’s sports career is over, he continues to fight the development of HIV-AIDS throughout the world, paying great attention to educational activities, including giving lectures at schools, colleges and universities. He defends the rights of HIV-positive people, actively participates in charity work and assures that a positive attitude, proper medication use, diet and moderate exercise are, of course, very important. But it is more important to understand how important the tests are. Understand that HIV will not just go away on its own, that therapy is necessary. And, of course, the support of loved ones.

By the way, the wife, having learned about Jones’s status, said that they would fight and get through all this together. Now they have three absolutely healthy children.

6. Four-time Olympic winner and five-time world champion Greg Louganis

American Greg Louganis became a kind of record holder. After learning of his HIV status in 1988, this top diver went on to win two more Olympic golds. But he openly admitted only eight years later, in 1995, when he released an autobiographical book.

After this confession, a serious scandal broke out. The fact is that at one of the Olympics an athlete broke his head by jumping into the pool. At that time, he was still hiding his HIV status, which meant he could have put other Olympians in danger. Although doctors assured that infection in such a situation was impossible, Louganis apologized several times on television.

Now Greg Louganis, who has been living with HIV for 18 years, is known primarily as a writer, an excellent dog handler and showman. In one of his interviews, Greg admitted that he is often overcome by depression, but dogs help him fight it. “At one point I realized that my depressive waves were caused by antiretroviral drugs. The doctor changed the therapy, and now, if I feel sad, the first thing I do is start communicating with my dogs. My terrier Nipper has already won so many gold medals at exhibitions that it’s even disgusting..."

Greg Louganis teaches at an acting school, acts in films, and plays in the theater. Now the virus has decreased in his blood to undetectable levels.

7. TV presenter Pavel Lobkov

In Russia, there were no famous people who openly declared their HIV status. Therefore, TV presenter Pavel Lobkov (ex-star of the NTV channel, at one time he hosted the programs “Plant Life”, “Hero of the Day”, “Profession - Reporter” and many others), who last year openly admitted this on December 1, the World AIDS Day became a real sensation.

Pavel said that he learned about his HIV status in 2003. According to him, it is necessary to recognize that there are a lot of HIV-infected people in the world, including in Russia. That status is not a shameful stigma, but a disease that you need to learn to live with, like diabetes.


Fortunately, therapy is now helping HIV-infected people live fully for many years. Alas, 20 - 30 years ago, AIDS claimed the lives of famous people who became infected with HIV by accident. Let's remember them.

1. Singer Freddie Mercury

The first rumors that Queen vocalist Freddie Mercury had AIDS appeared back in 1986. However, he officially announced his illness on November 23, 1991. And he died the next day...

But his speech became almost a manifesto: “I talk about my AIDS to protect the peace of my loved ones. The press should not spread rumors, but concentrate its attention on helping the victims. We need to prevent the wider spread of the disease, and not poison people who are often completely innocent of becoming infected.”

2. Ballet dancer and choreographer Rudolf Nureyev

The former Soviet and then British choreographer and dancer Rudolf Nureyev died of AIDS on January 6, 1993. But he learned that he was sick back in 1984. That is, a year before HIV tests became publicly available. He was informed about the diagnosis in one of the Parisian clinics, saying that the virus had been developing in his body for more than four years. At that time, there were daily injections that could stop the development of the disease.

But Nureyev refused treatment after a few months, unable to withstand the daily injections. Four years later, he returned to the doctors to try a new experimental drug. Unfortunately, it didn't help him. And in 1991, the disease began to progress rapidly. In the spring of next year, its final stage began. Only those closest to him knew about his illness. Until his death, many in his troupe did not even suspect the diagnosis of the great dancer and choreographer.

3. Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov

An excellent American writer, one of the most famous geniuses of science fiction, a professor of biochemistry at Boston University, became a victim of a blood transfusion.

Now this seems unthinkable - after all, all donors are required to be tested for HIV, but in 1983, when Azimov underwent heart surgery, many did not even suspect such a disease.

The brilliant science fiction writer found out that he had HIV in 1989, when he was undergoing tests in preparation for another heart operation. He decided not to inform his fans about the illness so as not to cause panic. Isaac Asimov died at age 72 on April 6, 1992. But only ten years later the writer’s wife announced the true cause of his death.

4. Actor Rock Hudson

A sex symbol of the 50s, a favorite of women, a charming actor with a mocking smile, Rock Hudson is known to us from the films “The Mirror Cracked,” “When September Comes,” “Intimate Conversation” and many others.

The actor was unaware of his illness until he was diagnosed with Kaposi's sarcoma in 1983 (a malignant skin disease that can also affect internal organs and is considered the most obvious marker of HIV - Ed.). Subsequent tests confirmed the diagnosis.

The actor spoke about his illness two years later, in July 1985. And he died two months later.

5. Supermodel Gia Carangi

At 17, Gia left her family's diner and moved to New York City, intending to become a model. She believed that this was her calling. And I was not mistaken.

Gia Carangi has become one of the most famous and highly paid models in the world. Perhaps only Cindy Crawford and Claudia Schiffer were more famous than her. Gia was the first model to star naked in a photo shoot for Vogue magazine. After which hundreds of job offers poured in.

A sharp career rise, multi-thousand dollar contracts... And despite all this - loneliness. It was this that brought Gia to a completely different world - nightly pleasures in the famous club “Studio 54”. She tried to forget. And drugs helped her with this. First cocaine, and then heroin. This began to affect her work; photographers noticed that she was not behaving as usual on set. But Gia’s popularity was so great at that moment that no one dared to reprimand her or even warn her against her addiction.

Drugs ruined the model's career and herself. For seven years she tried unsuccessfully to fight them. In 1986, she was struck down by severe pneumonia. Diganosis was diagnosed immediately - “AIDS”. By that time, not only Gia’s arms, but also her back were covered with ulcers.

She died at the age of 26 in a hospital bed, surrounded by the love and care of her mother, who left the family when Gia was only 11 years old. And this became the main tragedy: it was precisely because of the lack of maternal warmth that the girl went to great lengths, trying to fill the void.

Public figures who support the fight against HIV and HIV-positive people who struggle with this problem are only one side of the coin. Many famous people support the fight against the spread of AIDS both throughout the world and in Russia.

Stars take part in photo shoots and propagate the idea that HIV is not a fiction, it is a big global problem that cannot be kept quiet and must be fought. Typically, such campaigns are timed to coincide with World AIDS Day, which is celebrated on December 1. Over the several years of the existence of such actions in Russia, she was supported by many famous people: actress Marina Alexandrova, singer Diana Gurtskaya, ballet dancer and choreographer Nikolai Tsiskaridze, writer Maria Arbatova, two-time Olympic champion Svetlana Khorkina, journalist and TV presenter Elena Hanga and many others.

Unfortunately, now this is already a real epidemic,” said Vladimir Pozner, who has been working on the topic of HIV-AIDS for more than 20 years, in an interview with one of the central channels. - And it is very important to engage in prevention - not to be afraid to say the word “condom” in a conversation with a 14-year-old teenager. It cannot be denied that at this age they already have sexual relations. And you definitely need to tell them about safety. Otherwise, having become infected with HIV at this age, after 5 - 10 - 15 years they may already have AIDS.

One should not be afraid to talk about this topic, says singer and actress Vera Brezhneva, UN Goodwill Ambassador on HIV-AIDS. - We have a lot of people who don’t even suspect that they are infected with HIV. You definitely need to get tested and take tests to know that you are healthy. I do this regularly. Thanks to modern medicine, it is possible to actually stop HIV at an early stage and reverse it at a later stage.

In Russia, the movement against HIV-AIDS has not yet acquired such proportions as throughout the world. Its activists include a lot of famous people: Microsoft founder Bill Gates, actress Sharon Stone, singer Elton John, actor Rupert Everett, singer Annie Lenox, former model Carla Bruni-Sarkozy and other famous personalities.

Many of them are not just UN Goodwill Ambassadors on HIV-AIDS issues, but also actively participate in charity campaigns and donate a lot of money themselves to fight this disease.

More than 15 million lives saved thanks to funds raised for HIV treatment by American taxpayers - that's amazing! - says Irish rock musician, vocalist of the popular group U2 Bono, who has been raising funds to fight HIV in third world countries for more than three decades. - We shouldn't stop there.


7 famous people living with HIV and 7 stars who died from AIDS

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Today HIV is a very hot topic. However, some people still believe that only homosexuals, sex workers and drug addicts become infected with HIV.

But the statistics tell a completely different story. Absolutely anyone can become infected with HIV, regardless of age or social status. The human immunodeficiency virus is a relatively young disease, however, this virus has been detected in hundreds of millions of people around the world, including very famous people such as Freddie Mercury, Rudolf Nureyev and many others. There are HIV-positive celebrities all over the world, including in Russia.

One of the first celebrities in Russia to openly declare that he has HIV was a Russian journalist Pavel Lobkov. On December 1, World AIDS Day, he admitted on air on the Dozhd TV channel that he had HIV infection.

Jerry Herman- American composer and poet, known throughout the world for the musical “Hello, Dolly.” Jerry became infected with HIV in 1985, and spoke openly about it only in 1992. According to him, over the 25 years of the HIV epidemic, attitudes towards this disease have changed significantly.

Russian public figure Svetlana Izambayeva Diagnosed with HIV in 2003. In 2005, she published her status on her VKontakte page. Svetlana is known for winning the Miss Positive 2005 beauty contest in 2005, which was held in Moscow. There she met her future husband Ilnur. The guy also turned out to be HIV positive and after some time they got married. After a while, they decided to take under their wing Svetlana’s two brothers: 16-year-old Alexander and 12-year-old Andrei, diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Svetlana and her husband are raising a 9-year-old daughter, Eva-Maria, and a 6-year-old son, Adam. Currently, Svetlana is actively involved in social activities, created and runs her own foundation, which helps HIV-positive girls and women.

English politician Chris Smith I learned about my HIV status in 1987. However, he hid this information for a very long time. Even his parents did not know Chris’s HIV status, but in 2005 he still publicly announced that he was HIV-positive. From 1997 to 2001, Smith served as UK Culture Secretary.

Earvin "Magic" Johnson, one of the best basketball players in NBA history. He played for one club, the Los Angeles Lakers. During his career, Irvin won five NBA titles, an Olympic title and numerous individual awards. He was also able to change people's opinions that only drug addicts and homosexuals can become infected with HIV. Johnson takes medications daily to prevent his HIV infection from progressing into the more dangerous stage of AIDS. In 2002, doctors determined that Smith had no symptoms of AIDS. After finishing his career, he actively helps fight HIV and AIDS, engages in educational activities and charity work, fighting for the rights of people with HIV infection.

Absolutely anyone can get HIV infection. Neither gender, nor age, nor material wealth, nor anything else can protect a person from HIV. Only he himself can protect a person from HIV by following preventive measures: using a condom during sexual intercourse, using disposable syringes as intended, and also periodically testing for HIV.

Successful and HIV-positive: life stories

People who openly declare that they are HIV carriers are perceived as heroes both in our country and abroad

HIV-positive people rarely make their status public for fear of judgment from loved ones and colleagues. This situation arises due to insufficient public awareness about the ways of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), as well as due to the widespread stereotype: “if you are infected, it means you lead an antisocial lifestyle.”

HIV affects people without regard to their origin, gender or profession.

Culture and show business

American composer and poet Jerry Herman(Jerry Herman) is already over 80 - he was born in 1931. The actor from the famous musical “Hello, Dolly” found out that he was HIV-positive back in 1985. A few years later, he “revealed his face” to the public. Like many people with HIV, Herman takes special antiretroviral therapy and maintains a positive outlook on the world. In 2010, Herman received the Kennedy Center Award for his contributions to American culture.

Writer and screenwriter Larry Kramer(Larry Kramer, born 1935) is another famous American with HIV. Kramer became famous for his works about the lives of gay people and his fight for the rights of people with HIV. Several years ago he underwent a liver transplant.

Andreas Lundstedt(Andreas Lundstedt) is a musician known not only in his homeland, Sweden, but also in Europe. He is the founder of the pop group Alcazar and was its frontman for a long time. In 2007, he publicly admitted that he was HIV positive.

Another musician who reported HIV was a member of the band Erasure Andy Bell(Andy Bell). The Englishman made a corresponding public statement in 2004, although the diagnosis was made 6 years earlier. The musician is known to donate to HIV/AIDS education and research.

American Mary Fisher(Mary Fisher), who openly declares her status, is a photographer and writer. Since 2006, he has been a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Program on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS), heading his foundation dedicated to research and education in this area.

Among the public figures who were not afraid to declare that they are HIV carriers is an Englishman Chris Smith(Chris Smith). The “unusuality” of the situation lies in the fact that Smith is a politician of fairly high rank: from 1997 to 2001, Smith served as British Minister of Culture. He learned of his HIV status in 1987 and kept this information secret for a long time, including from his family, making a statement only in 2005. According to Smith’s own words, he was prompted to make this decision by the statement of former South African President Nelson Mandela, who told the world that his eldest son had died of AIDS and called for fighting prejudices about people with HIV. Thanks to timely prescribed therapy and the right regimen, Smith was able to stay in shape for a long time.

There are also HIV-positive people among successful athletes. One example is Earvin "Magic" Johnson(Earvin "Magic" Johnson), one of the greatest basketball players in NBA history, who played for one club throughout his career - the Los Angeles Lakers. During his career, he won 5 NBA titles, an Olympic title and numerous personal awards. But most importantly, he overturned people's ideas that only drug addicts and homosexuals can become infected with HIV.

To prevent HIV from progressing to a more dangerous stage (AIDS), Johnson took medications daily. Soon after it became clear that he was infected, Johnson began using special anti-AIDS cocktails - combinations of medications that prevent the progression of HIV infection to the terminal stage. In September 2002, doctors stated that Johnson did not have any symptoms of AIDS. After finishing his career, the basketball player actively fights the spread of HIV and AIDS, and also engages in educational activities, charity, fighting for the rights of people living with HIV like him.

Another famous athlete who was not broken by the news of HIV infection was an American Greg Louganis(Greg Louganis). One of the best divers in history, a four-time Olympic winner and five-time world champion, he learned of his infection in 1988 and took two Olympic golds, already knowing about his diagnosis. However, Louganis found the strength to openly admit that he was HIV-positive only in 1995, when he published an autobiographical book. And a year before that, he openly admitted that he was homosexual.

A big discussion was caused by the fact that, knowing about his diagnosis, the athlete jumped into the pool during the Olympics with a bloody head, and did not tell anyone about it, putting the other jumpers in danger. He publicly apologized several times, although, according to doctors, there was no danger to other Olympians.

Now Louganis leads an active life and is known as an excellent dog handler who travels all over the country with trained dogs and shows shows, occasionally appearing on TV screens.

Life of HIV-positive people in Russia

Svetlana Izambayeva- winner of the Miss Positive beauty contest among people with HIV. In 2005, she publicly revealed her status. By her own admission, despite the difficulty of this act, it became easier for her to defend her rights and solve the problems of other HIV-positive people.

Svetlana is a person with an active civic position. She runs a charity foundation and a club for women with HIV, and willingly gives interviews where she talks about how life is for HIV-positive people in Russia. After the competition, she got married, gave birth to two children, and after the death of her mother, she took custody of her younger brother.

Another Russian also followed the path of defending the rights of HIV-positive people: Gennady Roshchupkin. In our country, he was one of the first people with HIV to reveal his face. This happened about twenty years ago. With his action, Gennady made his own contribution to the process of changing attitudes towards HIV-positive people. For many years he worked in the Russian public organization AIDS Information Communications and other national and international organizations.

Among HIV carriers in Russia there are already deputies, ministers and military leaders

Entrance to the AIDS Conference is prohibited for persons under 18 years of age.

In Russia, heterosexual sexual contact leads to HIV infection in half of the cases. Photo by Reuters

On the eve of World AIDS Day, celebrated on May 18, the 4th Conference on HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia opened in Moscow. Our region remains the only part of the world where the number of new infections continues to increase and treatment is not yet sufficiently reducing deaths.

Last year alone, 22,700 HIV-positive people died in Russia (15% more than in 2012), the average age of the deceased was about 35 years. According to the Institute of Demography of the Higher School of Economics, the share of HIV infection in the structure of mortality from infectious diseases has increased from 0.6% in 2000 to 16.5%. At the beginning of May, 830 thousand people infected with HIV were registered in Russia (including Crimea). With 200 new cases reported every day, the number will reach a million by the end of 2015. If these people do not receive expensive treatment, they will die young. The increase in the number of people infected with HIV is outpacing planned funding, which will inevitably lead to a deterioration in the quality of treatment and an increase in mortality.

On the website of the Ministry of Health, the fight against HIV infection is not mentioned among the priority tasks, but the Ministry of Health has already sent a request to the government for a threefold increase, up to 50 billion rubles. per year, increasing funding for the purchase of drugs for the treatment of HIV infection. An increase in regional expenses is also inevitable: maintenance of AIDS centers, remuneration of workers. Organizing treatment for 1 million HIV-positive Russians is a daunting task. It is necessary, for example, to attract and train 2,500 infectious disease doctors. However, the Ministry of Labor is going to abolish this specialty.

As for the allocation of funds to prevent new cases of infection, nothing is known about such plans. This means that the number of people in need of treatment will grow, to the delight of pharmaceutical companies, which inexplicably manage to maintain high prices for antiretroviral drugs in Russia.

In Russia, heterosexual sexual contact leads to HIV infection in half of the cases. Therefore, the socio-demographic structure of HIV-infected people has changed in recent years. More than 50% of them are socially adapted: they work and even succeed. I personally know HIV-positive heads of regional administrations, ministers, State Duma deputies, lieutenant generals, Heroes of Russia, people's artists, popular TV presenters, directors, editors of publications, clergy.

Sometimes it comes to mind: if the Minister of Finance knew that every day he communicates with a colleague infected with HIV, he might have allocated money for HIV infection. Although I would rather immediately fire him “due to loss of trust.”

Discrimination against HIV-positive people is associated with assumptions that antisocial behavior leads to infection. Meanwhile, a significant part of HIV-infected people are women who became infected from their only partner – their husband.

A significant role in the spread of HIV began to be played not so much by casual sexual relationships, in which reasonable people use condoms, but by “serial monogamy,” that is, the sequential change of one permanent sexual partner to another, including numerous marriages. In Russia, with a regular partner, it is not condoms that are used, but other contraceptive measures that do not prevent HIV infection. Japan, where hormonal contraception is banned and 70–80% of couples use condoms, has the lowest rate of HIV infection in the world.

In the Land of the Rising Sun, opium addiction is also rare, and Russia ranks first in the world in the number of opiate consumers, the number of which ranges from 1.5 to 4 million. Our officials say the reason for this is the lack of proper efforts on the part of the United States in the fight against the cultivation of opium. poppy in Afghanistan. Therefore, the main efforts are aimed at preventing it from entering Russia. However, the demand for opiates has already been formed in Russia itself, and until it can be reduced, the drug police will not be left without work.

Of all the scientifically proven approaches to HIV prevention recognized by WHO, only half are currently used in Russia. Information campaigns have almost completely stopped, and training programs for the most vulnerable groups of the population have been curtailed. Russian politicians are proposing demonstrative but insignificant measures, such as banning homosexuals from being donors and taking fingerprints from people with HIV infection.

Acts have been adopted that are interpreted as a ban on telling persons under 18 years of age about the ways of HIV infection and the use of a condom. For this reason, entry to the 4th AIDS conference opening in Moscow is prohibited for people under 18 years of age. Perhaps soon it will be forbidden to tell adults about HIV/AIDS, which, of course, will be the most effective way to completely eliminate the problem.

Stars of show business, sports and literature, patients with HIV

Social status will not protect you from HIV. However, a terrible diagnosis does not prevent people from living and creating. brings to your attention a selection of stars who are sick with HIV.

Freddie Mercury

Queen vocalist Freddie Mercury officially announced his illness on November 23, 1991, and died the next evening at the age of 45. However, rumors that Freddie was HIV-positive first appeared back in 1986.

It is believed that the life formula of that generation led to his illness and death: Sex, drugs, Rock-n-roll.

At a press conference in November 1991 in London, the singer made an official statement about his illness.

“I am talking about my AIDS to stop all kinds of rumors in the media and to protect the peace of my loved ones. The press should focus on helping victims to prevent the disease from spreading more widely, rather than on persecuting poor, unfortunate people who are often not at fault for being infected. Sick and dying people are already extremely vulnerable,” the musician said.

Rudolf Nureyev

Soviet and British choreographer and dancer Rudolf Nureyev died of AIDS on January 6, 1993. He learned about HIV infection in 1984, a year before tests for the disease became publicly available.

After an examination in one of the prestigious Parisian clinics, it turned out that HIV had been developing in Nureyev’s body over the past four years. Doctors decided to treat the dancer with a new medicine, which had to be administered daily in the form of injections.

However, Nuriev could not stand this “rhythm”: after four months he refused injections. After this, AIDS did not make itself felt for some time. But in 1988, Nuriev again turned to doctors and asked them to conduct a course of treatment with an experimental drug - azidothymidine. However, these medications did not help either. In the summer of 1991, the disease began to progress. In the spring of next year, its final stage began. On January 6, 1993, at the age of 54, Rudolf Nureyev died.

He told only close friends about the terrible illness, so some of those around him did not know about the choreographer’s illness until his death.

Jacob Lekheto

Lokomotiv fans still remember South African footballer Jacob Lekheto, who played in Russia from 2001 to 2004 and received the nickname “Yasha”. In 2004, he was diagnosed with AIDS, which forced him to end his career and return to his homeland.

But the footballer himself explained his departure by his wife’s illness. In February 2007, some Russian media “buried” the midfielder, writing that he allegedly died in an accident, but it soon became clear that this information was false. Jacob Lekheto, 34, died on September 9, 2008. According to Russian media, he died of AIDS, but the South African authorities deny this information.

Ofra Haza

Israeli singer and actress Ofra Haza was popular all over the world. Twice she narrowly escaped death. This happened for the first time in 1987. The Israeli Air Force plane on which she was returning after a performance at one of the military bases in the south of the country crashed. The singer escaped with only minor injuries. The second time, in 1994, her plane was struck by lightning, but it managed to land successfully. On February 23, 2000, the miracle did not happen; Ofra was taken to the hospital, where she died of an overdose of AIDS drugs at the age of 42.

Eric Wright

Eric Wright, an American rapper better known as Eazy-E, was admitted to a Los Angeles hospital on February 24, 1995 with suspected asthma. But subsequent tests showed that the rapper had late stage AIDS.

On March 16, he publicly announced his illness. Eazy-E, 31, died on March 26 without finishing his last album, which, however, was released a year after his death.

Isaac Asimov

Asimov is an American writer, professor of biochemistry at Boston University, popularizer of science, and one of the most famous masters of science fiction.

He learned that he had AIDS in 1989, but decided not to report it so as not to spread panic among the many fans of his work. As it turned out, the writer became infected through donated blood during heart surgery in 1983. He learned about the disease by chance, during an examination for a repeat operation. Isaac Asimov died at the age of 72 on April 6, 1992.

Ten years later, his wife reported the true cause of the writer’s death.

Gia Carangi

Gia Carangi was one of the world's first supermodels. Since childhood, she knew: modeling was her calling. But with the advent of fame and money, the girl began to live a club life. Her favorite vacation spot was the legendary Studio 54 club.

Karangi started with cocaine and then switched to heroin. She began spending almost all the money she earned on drugs. Due to her addiction, she was kicked out of the modeling business, and in 1985, the former supermodel took up prostitution to earn money for her fix.

Karangi was diagnosed with AIDS in 1986, when she was admitted to the hospital with suspected pneumonia. Due to illness and years of drug use, she began to virtually decompose while still alive and died on November 18, 1986 at the age of 26. She was buried in a closed coffin.

Rock Hudson

The famous American actor Rock Hudson was once a sex symbol of the 50s of the last century. He is known for his roles in the films "All That Heaven Allows" and "Magic Mana."

On June 8, 1983, he was diagnosed with Kaposi's sarcoma, which was then called one of the signs of AIDS. Subsequent tests confirmed the diagnosis. However, the world learned about his illness only in July 1985.

59-year-old Rock Hudson died in his sleep on October 2, 1985. His partner Tom Clark, with whom the actor lived for 17 years, tucked him into bed and asked if he wanted coffee, to which the actor replied: “I don’t think so.” These were his last words.

Nadia Benaissa

Nadja Benaissa is a 33-year-old German singer, best known as a member of the most successful German girl pop group, No Angels. In 2010, Benaissa left the group after receiving a two-year suspended sentence for infecting a sexual partner with HIV.

In 1999, Benaissa gave birth to a daughter. During pregnancy, she was diagnosed with HIV.

On April 11, 2009, Benaissa was arrested for having several unprotected sexual contacts between 2004 and 2006 without informing her partners that she had HIV.

One of her partners became infected in this way from Benaissa. In August 2010, at trial, the singer admitted that she had unprotected sex with three partners, from whom she hid that she was HIV-positive.

On August 26, 2010, the court found her guilty of causing grievous bodily harm and sentenced her to two years of suspended imprisonment and 300 hours of community service.

Makgahoe Mandela

Makgaho Mandela is the eldest son of the South African human rights activist, politician and lawyer, President of the Republic of South Africa Nelson Mandela.

McGahoe died of AIDS at the age of 54 and had been in serious condition in recent weeks.

Arthur Ashe

Arthur Ashe, American tennis player, three-time Grand Slam winner in singles and twice in doubles. 49-year-old Ash died of AIDS, which he contracted in 1988 through a blood transfusion.

Ash held a press conference for the public in 1992, at which he admitted that he was terminally ill, and died the following year.

7 famous people living with HIV

The world has known about the human immunodeficiency virus for more than 30 years. For the first time they started talking about it en masse in the mid-80s of the last century. All this time, scientists are struggling to solve the problem of its incurability, learning new details about its behavior in the human body, and selecting therapy that helps HIV-positive people live a full life.

The time has long passed when people from socially disadvantaged groups (drug addicts, people of non-traditional sexual orientation) became infected with HIV. Now the problem of HIV concerns each of us. And this is openly stated by people who have weight in society, who fight for the rights of infected people, who do not hesitate to say that HIV is no longer a stigma or a shameful status. This is what we have to live with every day.

1. Former British Culture Secretary Chris Smith

Chris Smith was UK Culture Secretary from 1997 to 2001. At this time he was already HIV positive. He learned about his status in 1987. But he openly announced it only in 2005.

“I was prompted to make this decision by an open statement by former South African President Nelson Mandela,” Smith told the British media. “He honestly told the world that his eldest son died of AIDS. Mandela's example, his call to fight the prejudices around the world that are very strong against people with HIV - all this gave me strength.

Thanks to timely prescribed therapy and the correct regimen, Smith remains in shape to this day.

2. Actor Charlie Sheen

The son of actor Martin Sheen, the successor of the acting dynasty, starred in the films “Platoon”, “The Vengeful Spirit” and “Wall Street” and, of course, “Hot Shots”. And also in the series “Spin City” and “Two and a Half Men,” in which he starred from 2003 to 2011. In 2010, he became the highest paid television actor - he was paid $1.8 million per episode of the series.

In Hollywood, Charlie is known as a great lover of women and a very scandalous actor. On November 17 last year, Charlie Sheen publicly announced on a live television show that he had HIV. According to him, he was diagnosed about four years ago. “My confession will save me from the ‘well-wishers’ who blackmailed me with my HIV status,” he said.

3. American poet and composer Jerry Herman

Jerry is now over 80 years old. He learned that he was infected in 1985. He became one of the first who did not hide his status from the public, declaring it already in 1987.

All this time, Herman has been undergoing antiretroviral therapy, has a positive outlook on life and assures: “I am one of the lucky ones who survived and gave people the opportunity to see that treatment methods with experimental drugs lead to success.”

4. American screenwriter and novelist Larry Kramer

Pulitzer Prize winner, fighter for the rights of people of non-traditional sexual orientation and HIV-infected people, one of the most outrageous writers in America.

Several years ago he underwent a liver transplant operation.

5. NBA basketball player Earvin "Magic" Johnson

“The Wizard” Johnson is considered one of the best basketball players in the National Basketball Association (NBA) in its history. During his 12-year career, he never betrayed the Los Angeles Lakers club. Johnson's team won the NBA championship five times. He personally holds several association records, some of which have not yet been broken.

In 1991, 32-year-old Johnson learned he had HIV. He publicly announced this on national television, bitterly admitting that the cause of the disease was his promiscuity. The scariest moment in his life was the ride home from the clinic where he was told the diagnosis. He had to tell his young pregnant wife about this.

Johnson immediately began taking antiretroviral therapy. His popularity at that time was so great that, despite the warnings of doctors and the cautious attitude of other athletes, he returned to the sport several more times. And he stubbornly said: “A person living with HIV can be an athlete. Playing basketball doesn’t mean infecting everyone.” And just a year after the start of therapy, in 1992, as part of the American Dream Team, he won gold at the Olympics in Barcelona.

In 2002, doctors said that the virus in his blood had decreased to undetectable! At that time, it was a world victory, which all the media wrote about - “The Wizard” Johnson defeated AIDS!”

And although the basketball player’s sports career is over, he continues to fight the development of HIV-AIDS throughout the world, paying great attention to educational activities, including giving lectures at schools, colleges and universities. He defends the rights of HIV-positive people, actively participates in charity work and assures that a positive attitude, proper medication use, diet and moderate exercise are, of course, very important. But it is more important to understand how important the tests are. Understand that HIV will not just go away on its own, that therapy is necessary. And, of course, the support of loved ones.

By the way, the wife, having learned about Jones’s status, said that they would fight and get through all this together. Now they have three absolutely healthy children.

6. Four-time Olympic winner and five-time world champion Greg Louganis

American Greg Louganis became a kind of record holder. After learning of his HIV status in 1988, this top diver went on to win two more Olympic golds. But he openly admitted only eight years later, in 1995, when he released an autobiographical book.

After this confession, a serious scandal broke out. The fact is that at one of the Olympics an athlete broke his head by jumping into the pool. At that time, he was still hiding his HIV status, which meant he could have put other Olympians in danger. Although doctors assured that infection in such a situation was impossible, Louganis apologized several times on television.

Now Greg Louganis, who has been living with HIV for 18 years, is known primarily as a writer, an excellent dog handler and showman. In one of his interviews, Greg admitted that he is often overcome by depression, but dogs help him fight it. “At one point I realized that my depressive waves were caused by antiretroviral drugs. The doctor changed the therapy, and now, if I feel sad, the first thing I do is start communicating with my dogs. My terrier Nipper has already won so many gold medals at shows that it’s even disgusting. »

Greg Louganis teaches at an acting school, acts in films, and plays in the theater. Now the virus has decreased in his blood to undetectable levels.

7. TV presenter Pavel Lobkov

In Russia, there were no famous people who openly declared their HIV status. Therefore, TV presenter Pavel Lobkov (ex-star of the NTV channel, at one time he hosted the programs “Plant Life”, “Hero of the Day”, “Profession - Reporter” and many others), who last year openly admitted this on December 1, the World AIDS Day became a real sensation.

Pavel said that he learned about his HIV status in 2003. According to him, it is necessary to recognize that there are a lot of HIV-infected people in the world, including in Russia. That status is not a shameful stigma, but a disease that you need to learn to live with, like diabetes.


Fortunately, therapy is now helping HIV-infected people live fully for many years. Alas, 20 - 30 years ago, AIDS claimed the lives of famous people who were accidentally infected with HIV. Let's remember them.

1. Singer Freddie Mercury

The first rumors that Queen vocalist Freddie Mercury had AIDS appeared back in 1986. However, he officially announced his illness on November 23, 1991. And he died the next day.

But his speech became almost a manifesto: “I talk about my AIDS to protect the peace of my loved ones. The press should not spread rumors, but concentrate its attention on helping the victims. We need to prevent the wider spread of the disease, and not poison people who are often completely innocent of becoming infected.”

2. Ballet dancer and choreographer Rudolf Nureyev

The former Soviet and then British choreographer and dancer Rudolf Nureyev died of AIDS on January 6, 1993. But he learned that he was sick back in 1984. That is, a year before HIV tests became publicly available. He was informed about the diagnosis in one of the Parisian clinics, saying that the virus had been developing in his body for more than four years. At that time, there were daily injections that could stop the development of the disease.

But Nureyev refused treatment after a few months, unable to withstand the daily injections. Four years later, he returned to the doctors to try a new experimental drug. Unfortunately, it didn't help him. And in 1991, the disease began to progress rapidly. In the spring of next year, its final stage began. Only those closest to him knew about his illness. Until his death, many in his troupe did not even suspect the diagnosis of the great dancer and choreographer.

3. Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov

An excellent American writer, one of the most famous geniuses of science fiction, a professor of biochemistry at Boston University, became a victim of a blood transfusion.

Now this seems unthinkable - after all, all donors are required to be tested for HIV, but in 1983, when Azimov underwent heart surgery, many did not even suspect such a disease.

The brilliant science fiction writer found out that he had HIV in 1989, when he was undergoing tests in preparation for another heart operation. He decided not to inform his fans about the illness so as not to cause panic. Isaac Asimov died at age 72 on April 6, 1992. But only ten years later the writer’s wife announced the true cause of his death.

4. Actor Rock Hudson

A sex symbol of the 50s, a favorite of women, a charming actor with a mocking smile, Rock Hudson is known to us from the films “The Mirror Cracked,” “When September Comes,” “Intimate Conversation” and many others.

The actor was unaware of his illness until he was diagnosed with Kaposi's sarcoma in 1983 (a malignant skin disease that can also affect internal organs and is considered the most obvious marker of HIV. - Ed.). Subsequent tests confirmed the diagnosis.

The actor spoke about his illness two years later, in July 1985. And he died two months later.

5. Supermodel Gia Carangi

At the age of 17, Gia left the family diner and moved to New York, intending to become a model. She believed that this was her calling. And I was not mistaken.

Gia Carangi has become one of the most famous and highly paid models in the world. Perhaps the only people known to her were Cindy Crawford and Claudia Schiffer. Gia was the first model to star naked in a photo shoot for Vogue magazine. After which hundreds of job offers poured in.

A sharp career rise, multi-thousand dollar contracts. And despite all this - loneliness. It was this that brought Gia to a completely different world - nightly pleasures in the famous club "Studio 54". She tried to forget. And drugs helped her with this. First cocaine, and then heroin. This began to affect her work; photographers noticed that she was not behaving as usual on set. But Gia’s popularity was so great at that moment that no one dared to reprimand her or even warn her against her addiction.

Drugs ruined the model's career and herself. For seven years she tried unsuccessfully to fight them. In 1986, she was struck down by severe pneumonia. Diganosis was diagnosed immediately - “AIDS”. By that time, not only Gia’s arms, but also her back were covered with ulcers.

She died at the age of 26 in a hospital bed, surrounded by the love and care of her mother, who left the family when Gia was only 11 years old. And this became the main tragedy: it was precisely because of the lack of maternal warmth that the girl went to great lengths, trying to fill the void.

6. Tennis player Arthur Ashe

Arthur Ashe is a three-time Grand Slam winner. In 1988, he became infected with HIV through a blood transfusion. In 1992, he held a press conference at which he publicly announced a fatal disease.

49-year-old Ash died of AIDS the very next year after his confession.

7. Footballer Jacob Lekheto

The South African footballer played for Lokomotiv for three years, from 2001 to 2004. Fans lovingly nicknamed him Yasha. In 2004, he learned of the diagnosis of AIDS. He ended his football career and returned to his homeland, South Africa. Although Lekheto did not officially confess, saying that he was giving up his career due to his wife’s illness.

Jacob Lekheto, 34, died on September 9, 2008. South African authorities deny reports that the cause of his death was AIDS.


Public figures who support the fight against HIV

HIV-positive people who struggle with this problem are only one side of the coin. Many famous people support the fight against the spread of AIDS both throughout the world and in Russia.

Stars take part in photo shoots and promote the idea that HIV is not a fiction, it is a big global problem that cannot be kept quiet and must be fought. Typically, such campaigns are timed to coincide with World AIDS Day, which is celebrated on December 1. Over the several years of the existence of such actions in Russia, she was supported by many famous people: actress Marina Alexandrova, singer Diana Gurtskaya, ballet dancer and choreographer Nikolai Tsiskaridze, writer Maria Arbatova, two-time Olympic champion Svetlana Khorkina, journalist and TV presenter Elena Hanga and many others.

“Unfortunately, now this is already a real epidemic,” said Vladimir Pozner, who has been working on the topic of HIV-AIDS for more than 20 years, in an interview with one of the central channels. “And it’s very important to engage in prevention—not to be afraid to say the word “condom” in a conversation with a 14-year-old teenager. It cannot be denied that at this age they already have sexual relations. And you definitely need to tell them about safety. Otherwise, having become infected with HIV at this age, after 5 - 10 - 15 years they may already have AIDS.

“You shouldn’t be afraid to talk about this topic,” says singer and actress Vera Brezhneva, UN Goodwill Ambassador on HIV-AIDS. “We have a lot of people who don’t even suspect that they are infected with HIV. You definitely need to get tested and take tests to know that you are healthy. I do this regularly. Thanks to modern medicine, it is possible to actually stop HIV at an early stage and reverse it at a later stage.

In Russia, the movement against HIV-AIDS has not yet acquired such proportions as throughout the world. Its activists include a lot of famous people: Microsoft founder Bill Gates, actress Sharon Stone, singer Elton John, actor Rupert Everett, singer Annie Lenox, former model Carla Bruni-Sarkozy and other famous personalities.

Many of them are not just UN Goodwill Ambassadors on HIV-AIDS issues, but also actively participate in charity campaigns and donate a lot of money themselves to fight this disease.

- More than 15 million lives saved thanks to funds raised for HIV treatment by American taxpayers - that's amazing! - says Irish rock musician, vocalist of the popular group U2 Bono, who has been raising funds to fight HIV in third world countries for more than three decades. “We shouldn’t stop there.”



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs