Revenko Evgeniy Vasilievich Deputy of the State Duma.


Born into the family of a military pilot. My mother is an accountant and also worked in a military unit.

Married to a journalist since 2004 Elizaveta Listova. They worked together in the news service NTV, where they made stories for the “Today” program. Revenko then spoke about events in the Duma, and Listova spoke about culture.

In 2005, the couple had a daughter.


He grew up in a military town in a village near Moscow. Chkalovsky. In his own words, he always dreamed of becoming a pilot, but due to vision problems he had to give up this dream.

In 1989, after graduating from school, he entered the Faculty of Journalism Lviv Higher Military-Political School.

In 1992, having decided for himself that “journalism and shoulder straps are incompatible,” he transferred to the Faculty of Journalism Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov, who graduated two years later.

In 1992 he began collaborating with the radio station "Youth". I auditioned for the role of presenter, but decided to move to the information department.

In June 1995, Revenko, working in the information service, telephoned a hospital in Budennovsk seized by terrorists and conducted an interview with Shamil Basayev.

Since December 1995 - worked as a correspondent for television programs of JSC "Sight", in the TV-6 program "Scandals of the week", later - a correspondent for the NTV channel.

Covered the events of the first Chechen campaign.

“In the first Chechen war, when the militants retook Grozny, I found myself at a stronghold of federal troops, surrounded on all sides. The federal helicopter began to indiscriminately fire from a heavy machine gun. The bullets hit the asphalt very close by. But at school they taught me something : I immediately threw myself face down into the nearest ditch and survived. It was even worse when our group in Chechnya was captured not even by militants, but simply by bandits. They took our documents, took us into the basement of a destroyed building, put us against the wall, and pulled the locks. the fact that the operator was not confused, rewinded the film to the place where the militants were filmed, and told the bandits: you see, we are going to show your guys on TV, and they let us go,” Revenko said about his combat experience in an interview with Telesem.

Since February 1996 - special correspondent for NTV. Specialization - politics (left parties and organizations), events in the White House.

Having received accreditation from the headquarters, he covered the 1996 presidential elections.

Prize winner TEFI 1999 in the “Reporter” category.

Prepared a report on the second seizure of Grozny by Chechen militants, covered the elections Alexandra Lebed for the post of governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In February 2000, it switched to VGTRK, becomes the host of the evening editions of the Vesti program (RTR). By Evgeniy’s own admission, his main principle is: “rigidity in work and maximum responsiveness in helping his own employees.”

Since September 2001 - presenter of the information and analytical program "News of the Week". From January 2001 to May 2005 - Deputy General Director of studio "23".

Recorded an interview with the writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn in the summer of 2001.

In July 2003, Revenko was appointed first deputy director of the Directorate of Information Programs of the Rossiya TV channel. Vladimir Kulistikov. In his new position, he was responsible for such directorate programs as “Vesti”, “Vesti-Moscow” and other regional editions of the program, “Vesti+”, “Special Correspondent”, “Honest Detective”.

Since June 2005 - Deputy Director of the Department of Mass Communications, Culture and Education of the Government of the Russian Federation - Head of the Press Service of the Cabinet of Ministers.

In October 2007 he returned to the Rossiya channel.

From October 2007 to the present - Advisor to the General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise VGTRK.

In October 2007, he was thanked by the Government for his success in providing information support to the activities of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Since December 2007, he has been the director of the VGTRK representative office in Ukraine. Since September 2008 - again the host of the "News of the Week" program.

“The last five years of my professional life were quite meaningful: I also gained administrative experience working in government, and while working in Kyiv I managed to restore my professional skills and “build up muscles.” Therefore, it seems to me that over the years I have become a different person, than five years ago, when I hosted Vesti Nedeli for the first time,” Revenko shared his impressions of his new appointment in an interview with Kommersant.

In April 2008, the documentary film “Chairman” was released on “Russia”, dedicated to Viktor Chernomyrdin, the author of which was Revenko.

From September 2008 to July 2012, he hosted the “News of the Week” program.


Since August 23, 2012 - Deputy General Director of VGTRK. The decision to appoint Revenko was made by the head of VGTRK Oleg Dobrodeev. The duties of the new deputy included: coordination of VGTRK information broadcasting, interaction of the corporation with government bodies and monitoring of equal access to the airwaves of political parties.

Previously, Revenko held the position Dmitry Kiselev, who became the presenter of "News of the Week". Since October 24, 2012 - Director of the Directorate of Information Programs of the Rossiya TV Channel, Deputy General Director of VGTRK. Previously, she headed the channel’s information programs directorate Yulia Bystritskaya(Rakcheeva). On the same day, she was appointed general director of the TV Center television channel, owned by the Moscow government.

Revenko began to combine the positions of head of the information service of Russia-1 and deputy general director of the holding. His responsibilities included coordinating the information broadcasting of VGTRK, interaction of the holding with government agencies and providing equal access to the airwaves to all political parties.

Revenko led the largest information service of federal television during the most difficult periods of the Ukrainian crisis and conflict in Syria.

Organized and participated in information support of activities from the first days of the movement’s founding.

On April 9, 2016, Revenko, who is non-partisan, submitted documents to participate in the party primaries for the autumn elections to the State Duma and the Voronezh regional branch of the party. If successful, he will be nominated on a joint regional list, which will include the Voronezh region.

The TV channel's top manager will most likely become the most famous candidate in the primaries in this region. In addition to him, in the Voronezh region, 43 people applied to participate in the preliminary vote, of which four are current State Duma deputies.

The most high-status competitors of Evgeniy Revenko for places in the regional group were a State Duma deputy and the head of the non-profit partnership "Housing and Public Utilities Control" Svetlana Razvorotneva.

On May 22, 2016, in the United Russia primaries on the party list, Revenko took first place with a result of 69.55%. “I’ll go to the State Duma, I’ll leave television!” Revenko said in an interview with the Voronezh newspaper Bereg.

Revenko is a member of the Working Group on Interaction with Civil Society Structures of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Anti-Corruption; Committee for the Protection of the Rights of Russian Citizens Abroad under the Public Chamber of Russia under the leadership A.G. Kuchereny.

Interdepartmental working group of the Russian Government to develop a system of socio-economic motivation of citizens and employers to preserve and strengthen the health of the Russian population; Public Council under the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of Russia.

He was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree, the Order of Friendship and the medal for the return of Crimea. Received gratitude from the President and Government of Russia.

Evgeniy Revenko organizes performances on the agency’s official website. Ordering a presenter as a moderator for business conferences, economic forums, as well as an invitation to a round table. Call +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of agent Evgeniy Revenko. A famous television journalist, originally from Novosibirsk, was born on May 22, 1972. His father was a military pilot. This is probably why Evgeniy Vasilyevich was accustomed to discipline and responsibility from an early age, which he later transferred to his professional activities. Zhenya began receiving higher education at the Lvov Higher Military School, but three years later he transferred to the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. He received his diploma in 1994.

Creative achievements

Revenko's television career developed gradually and confidently. His debut performance on television dates back to 1992. It was at this time that Evgeniy Vasilyevich agreed to the position of junior editor of the journalism department and correspondent of the information department of the Yunost radio studio. Three years later, he began working as a correspondent in a number of television programs: “Vzglyad”, “Scandals of the Week”, and in the news on the NTV channel.

For organizing and conducting numerous reporting works in 1999, Revenko was awarded the honorary title of TEFI Prize Laureate in the “Reporter” category. A year later, he accepts an order from the management of the RTR television channel and is appointed to the position of evening news anchor.

From 2001 to 2005, Evgeniy worked as Deputy General Director of Studio 23. In parallel with this, he hosts the program “News of the Week,” broadcast on the Rossiya TV channel.

In 2005, Revenko became deputy head of the press service of the Russian government, and a couple of years later he took the post of adviser to the General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise VGTRK.

These days

Since 2008 and to this day, Evgeniy Vasilyevich has been hosting the “News of the Week” program; in 2012, he held the position of deputy general director of VGTRK. In addition to work, in the life of a television journalist there is a place for creativity (cinema, music, concerts) and family (wife and daughter). The talented journalist already has an original documentary film “Chairman” to his credit. Much more interesting information about Evgeniy Revenko and his professional activities can be read on the presenter’s official website.

"Connections / Partners"




To let thousands of human problems pass through oneself and remain indifferent to the grief and happiness of others—this is the task of a journalist, State Duma deputy Evgeniy Revenko, familiar to Russian viewers as the former presenter of the final news release on the federal channel “Rossiya.” He spoke about the challenges that threaten the journalistic profession to young journalists at the Tavrida forum in Crimea. RIA56 publishes part of his conversation with journalists.

Revenko: Channel One journalist Anna Kurbatova should be released immediately

A member of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications, Evgeniy Revenko commented to the Parliamentary Gazeta on the kidnapping of Channel One correspondent Anna Kurbatova by unknown persons, which, according to media reports, occurred in Kyiv on August 30.

According to Revenko, such actions, no matter who carried them out on the territory of Ukraine, should be strongly condemned by all international organizations, primarily by PACE, OSCE, and the EU, and this fact should also be assessed by international professional communities.

“They allocate a lot of money.” United Russia launches a “Civil University” for party supporters

The ruling party of the Russian Federation “United Russia” is launching a training center “Civil University” for distance learning of its supporters. Deputy Secretary of the General Council of the party Evgeniy Revenko wrote about this on his Facebook page.

The oldest professions. “Traces lead to the highest echelons of power in Mari El”

Journalists from the film crew of the “News of the Week” program on the Rossiya TV channel were accused of raping a prostitute in Yoshkar-Ola. In this way, the authorities of Mari-El tried to influence the state television channel in order to prevent the broadcast of a story about the problems of Italian entrepreneurs in the republic. “This is overt blackmail,” Evgeniy Revenko, head of the Vesti Nedeli program, told GAZETTE.
link: 12797.htm

How much do Gusinsky's free journalists cost?

Entevash “stars” are seduced by high-ranking officials, and the lower ranks are recruited by “strikebreakers,” that is, those who have already crossed the front line to Koch’s side or even earlier followed Dobrodeev to RTR. Evgeny Revenko, Alexey Pivovarov, and even Leonid Parfenov’s wife Elena Chekalova participate in this kind of friendly treatment. She explains in telephone conversations what a wonderful manager Koch is.
link: 10699.htm

Evgeniy Revenko will head the directorate of information programs of “Russia-1”

The new head of the Russia-1 information programs directorate will be Evgeny Revenko, the former presenter of Vesti Nedeli. Interfax reports this with reference to the press service of VGTRK.

Evgeny Revenko will become the director of the information programs directorate of the Rossiya 1 TV channel. At the same time, he will retain the post of Deputy General Director of VGTRK, the company’s press service reported.
link: id=942053

Evgeniy Revenko will return to Vesti Nedeli
The weekly final information and analytical program “News of the Week” on the Rossiya TV channel will be hosted instead of Andrei Kondrashov by Evgeniy Revenko, who until recently was the channel’s own correspondent in Kyiv, and previously worked in the government press service. This was announced by the General Director of VGTRK Oleg Dobrodeev in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper. At the same time, Andrei Kondrashov will continue to anchor the daily evening news together with Maria Sittel. The second pair of evening Vesti presenters also remained unchanged - Ernest Matskevichyus and Marina Kim.
link: vernetsja_v_vesti_nedeli.shtml

The Directorate of Information Programs of Russia 1 will be headed by Evgeniy Revenko

Evgeniy Revenko will replace Yulia Bystritskaya as director of the information programs directorate of the Rossiya 1 TV channel, the press service of VGTRK reported. Revenko hosted the Vesti Nedeli program for several years, and in August he was appointed deputy general director of VGTRK.
link: 906677039.html

Dmitry Kiselev plans to change the format of the “News of the Week” program

Let us recall that previously the “News of the Week” program was hosted by Evgeny Revenko, who will now become deputy general director of VGTRK Oleg Dobrodeev.

Journalism through the eyes of a journalist: Evgeniy Revenko

On March 25, 2011, as part of the course “Journalism through the eyes of a journalist,” students of the Faculty of Journalism of the Russian State University for the Humanities met with the presenter of the final program “News of the Week” Evgeniy Revenko.
link: html?id=1073349

“News of the Week” changes format and presenter

Previously, the “News of the Week” program was hosted by Evgeny Revenko, who will now become deputy general director of VGTRK Oleg Dobrodeev.
link: nyedyeli____print.phtml

Plot move
Apparently, the popular host of the Vesti Nedeli program Evgeniy Revenko will have to change his profession.
link: 23872

Dobrodeev instructed TV presenter Revenko to interact with VGTRK and government authorities

General Director of VGTRK Oleg Dobrodeev appointed Evgeniy Revenko as his deputy as host of the “News of the Week” program.

Castling in teletandem

So, there is another castling on the Rossiya channel. Dmitry Kiselev and Evgeniy Revenko swapped places. Deputy General Director of VGTRK Kiselev will host the “News of the Week” program, and the current helmsman of the main final program, Revenko, will take his previous position.
link: taroschina/4741161.shtml

Evgeniy REVENKO: “I’ve had enough broadcast in my life”

The head of the information programs directorate of the Rossiya channel, Vladimir Kulistikov, will have a deputy. It will be the presenter of Vesti Nedeli, Evgeniy Revenko. In turn, his place in the final program of the second channel will be taken by Sergei Brilev. Evgeniy REVENKO told an Izvestia correspondent about the new position and his plans... -Now I’m interested in trying myself in administrative work. The position is responsible, but you have to try your hand. Despite the fact that I look quite young on camera, I have been working on television since 1995. In principle, I have had enough broadcast in my life. If a creative or production need arises, I can always return...

TV presenter: the path to the profession

If you compare the biographies of popular TV presenters, it becomes obvious that everyone has their own path to the profession. Television meticulously selects the best, and the right to get on air must be earned. To begin with, you will have to work on TV in any capacity for at least 2-3 years. Ivan Demidov, for example, was a lighting designer, Alexey Pimanov came to television as a video engineer, then received a second degree in journalism at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Now he is not only the host of the programs “Man and the Law” and “Kremlin, 9”, but also the general director of the Ostankino television company. It is unlikely that these people were just lucky. They knew how to achieve their goals. Although the role of chance should not be written off either. Valdis Pelsh was noticed by Vlad Listyev at a concert of the group “Accident” and invited to “Guess the Melody”. Evgeniy Revenko (“News of the Week”, Rossiya TV channel) never thought about becoming a TV presenter, but ended up on TV by a happy coincidence. Timur Kizyakov, then still a student at the Moscow Energy Institute, had a friend who was writing script stories for the TV program “Early in the Morning” fall ill; his friend had to be helped out.

The presenter of Vesti Nedeli, Evgeny Revenko, was spotted on the 7th floor of the government of the Tula region

On Friday, at about 15.00, people walking along the seventh floor of the government building of the Tula region could see the famous television journalist, host of the Vesti Nedeli program, Evgeniy Revenko. The government press service did not give any comments on this matter. In the announcement of the next episode of “News of the Week,” which will air on Sunday, October 16, nothing was said about the Tula region.

His career on television could be the envy of anyone who dreams of becoming a real luminary in the field of journalism. At the age of forty, he already became deputy general director of the popular federal television channel VGTRK. But the range of his professional interests has already gone beyond the professional sphere, and today Evgeny Revenko is focused on the political activities that he carries out while in the ranks of United Russia. What is known about this undoubtedly talented television journalist and how his career was built?

Years of childhood and youth

Evgeny Revenko was born on May 22, 1972 in the village of Sovetsky (Kupinsky district, Novosibirsk region). His father was a pilot with the rank of officer, his mother worked as an accountant in a military unit. The family often moved from place to place; the future journalist spent his childhood in Chkalovsk near Moscow.

While still at school, Evgeniy began to dream of heaven and was preparing to follow in his father’s footsteps. But over time, the teenager’s vision began to deteriorate. Despite this, Evgeniy Revenko did not lose hope of connecting his life with military affairs. He was thinking about studying and becoming a party political worker in the army, but the pilots did not like representatives of this profession, and the young man abandoned this idea. But his choice still fell on the “military” university. Evgeniy Revenko decided to become a journalist with an “army” profile. The young man successfully passes the entrance exams to the Lviv Higher Military-Political School. For three years he gnawed at the granite of science, until the great Land of the Soviets disappeared.

First steps in career

Soon after this, Evgeny Revenko, whose biography is of interest to budding journalists, goes to conquer the capital in order to realize his professional potential to the maximum extent. His first place of work was the famous radio station “Yunost”. Evgeniy was entrusted with hosting the then popular program “Field Mail of Yunost”.

Soon after, he got a job as a news broadcast correspondent.


Having gained experience on radio, the young man decided to try himself on television. He successfully passed an interview on the TV-6 channel and became the first face of the “Scandals of the Week” program. Eventually I had to give up working on the radio. But the prospect of delving into “dirty laundry” for a long time, which, in fact, was proposed by the “Scandals of the Week” project, was not very attractive to the young man. Evgeniy Revenko (presenter) once shared these thoughts with a work colleague who previously worked at the NTV channel. It was there that he advised the young man to go, and what if he got lucky...


And fortune really smiled on Evgeniy. On NTV he was offered to show a “test work”. He took a leave of absence from TV-6 and began preparing material. As a result, a report was produced for the “Today” news program on the topic of a meeting of the Union of Officers. The employees of the “new” television liked the material. (one of the managers of NTV) suggested that Revenko sign an employment contract, albeit with a probationary period. Naturally, Evgeniy agrees. The young man stops working with TV-6 and goes to work for NTV. But the earnings in the new place remained the same.

Evgeny Revenko, whose photo is known to almost every journalist today, during that period became very close friends with Oleg Dobrodeev, who assisted him in any matter related to work. But after some time, Evgeniy’s “patron” will go to work at VGTRK. Revenko will begin to experience a lack of communication with Dobrodeev and will call Oleg Borisovich himself to talk to him. And he will invite Revenko to join the friendly ranks of the VGTRK television company, but in what capacity, he did not specify.


As a result, Evgeniy ends up on the staff of the leading evening news broadcasts of the Vesti program. A year later, he himself will come up with a news program called “News of the Week” and become its presenter.

In the summer of 2003, Revenko will leave his brainchild and take the position of first assistant manager in the Directorate of Information Programs of the Rossiya TV channel. In his new status, Evgeniy oversees such programs as “Vesti”, “Vesti-Moscow”, “Special Correspondent”, “Honest Detective”.

Then Evgeniy will be offered an even higher position - assistant to the head of the Department of Mass Communications, Culture and Education. The journalist will head the press service of the government of M. Fradkov.

In 2007, he worked in Ukraine as a correspondent for the Rossiya channel. After some time, Revenko again became the host of the “News of the Week” program.

In 2012, Evgeniy became Deputy General Director of VGTRK, and then head of the Directorate of Information Programs of the Rossiya TV channel.


During the parliamentary elections of 2016, Evgeniy Revenko nominated his candidacy from the United Russia list in order to get into the regional party group in the Voronezh region. The results exceeded his expectations. The journalist took first place and received the support of almost 70% of voters. As a result, he was nominated as a parliamentarian. Revenko also joined the structure of the operational headquarters of United Russia and was forced to leave the VGTRK television channel.

Evgeniy Revenko is married and has a daughter.

Three more journalists left the NTV television company. This time, Elena Masyuk and Arkady Mamontov (on RTR) and Andrey Antonov (on ORT) left the Segodnya information program. And if their relationship with new employers is still being discussed, then reporter Evgeny Revenko, who left NTV back in February, became not only the host of the nightly edition of Vesti on RTR, but also the deputy general director of this television company.

- Evgeniy, by the age of twenty-eight you have made a good television career. Have you dreamed of journalism since childhood?

For as long as I can remember, I always dreamed of becoming a pilot. I grew up in a military town in the village of Chkalovsky near Moscow. My father is an officer, a pilot. My mother is an accountant, but she also worked in a military unit.

- What stopped you from becoming a pilot?

My vision began to deteriorate sharply. There was an option: to join the army party political workers. But the pilots always treated party functionaries with hostility and this option was rejected. I entered the Lvov Higher Military-Political School, where one of the faculties trains military journalists. I completed three courses until the USSR collapsed, demobilized and went to Moscow to try my luck.

- And did you get lucky?

I managed to get a job at the Yunost Radio Station. He led the popular at that time “Field Mail” “Youth”, and also worked as a correspondent in news broadcasting.

- Was it at the military school that you developed your voice so much that you were immediately able to work as a radio presenter?

I wouldn’t say that I still have a good voice. But I actually worked on my speech at school - on my own. According to textbooks, tutorials. I came to radio knowing something. When I got ready to leave, they didn’t want to let me go. In parallel with his work on the radio, he began collaborating with the TV6 program “Scandals of the Week.” But I don’t like to dig through dirty laundry and find out who did what dirty tricks to whom. I once admitted this to my friend, a former NTV correspondent. He advised me to go there. I was lucky: they offered me to work for ten days. By that time, I had already said goodbye to the Yunost Radio Station, and took a leave of absence from TV6 and almost immediately made a report for Segodnya about the meeting of the Union of Officers. I liked the material. The next day Oleg Dobrodeev invited me and said that they were entering into an employment contract with me, of course with a probationary period.

- Weren’t you afraid that after the probationary period they wouldn’t hire you at NTV and there would be no way back to TV6?

After talking with Dobrodeev, I was no longer afraid. And at TV6 they warned me: if my voice is even heard off-screen on NTV, I will be fired immediately. With my first report on NTV, I burned my bridges behind me.

-Are you such a risky person by nature?

Not very risky. But, if I have a serious choice, I take risks.

- Were there moments in your journalistic biography when you had to take risks?

During the first Chechen war, when the militants retook Grozny, I found myself at a stronghold of federal troops, surrounded on all sides. The federal helicopter began to fire indiscriminately from a heavy machine gun. The bullets hit the asphalt very close by. But the school taught me something: I immediately threw myself face down into the nearest ditch and survived. It was even worse when our group in Chechnya was captured not even by militants, but simply by bandits. They took our documents, took us into the basement of a destroyed building, put us against the wall, and pulled the shutters. What saved us was that the cameraman was not taken aback, he rewound the film to the place where the militants were filmed and told the bandits: you see, we are going to show your guys on TV. And they let us go.

- How is your typical working day?

I arrive at the studio at about eleven in the morning, leaving no earlier than twelve at night, since after the broadcast our team discusses how today’s episode went and outlines plans for tomorrow.

- How do you relax?

My last vacation - just a few days (they didn't give me any more) - was spent in Belarus. I have many good friends there; a friend works in the Belarusian group “Alpha”. A year ago I went on vacation with a friend to Germany to buy a car. I bought a BMW-530. Of course not new, with five years of experience.

- Do you use it every day to go home to Chkalovsk?

I bought an apartment in Moscow. They also gave me a loan from NTV. It is quite modest, but is located almost in the center of Moscow. I go to Chkalovsk to visit my parents for the weekend.

- How you were appreciated on NTV! They gave me a loan and probably paid well. Why did you leave for RTR?

I didn't lose anything in money. In general, I adhere to the principle: you need just enough money to be enough for what you need. And for the sake of an interesting cause, you can sacrifice something. As for my departure... Dobrodeev received me at NTV, I could always turn to him for any reason. When he left, nothing seemed to change outwardly, but nevertheless I felt out of place. Then suddenly ridiculous rumors appeared that I was supposedly going to be Putin’s press secretary, and Dobrodeev would become the head of the Presidential Administration. In short, I called Oleg Borisovich. We met. The next day, I agreed to move to VGTRK - not yet knowing what position I would take and what exactly I would have to do.

- Evgeny, readers will not forgive if I don’t ask if you are married.

I'm not married. I can’t even imagine myself as a family man. I had a regular girlfriend, and not alone. Why did they break up? It's hard to say. But I'm definitely not a lot of people. What kind of women do you like? Eye color, hair color, leg length do not matter. You might like a girl about whom your friends will say: “She’s just so-so.” External forms are, of course, wonderful. But I would like there to be something inside too. So far, apparently, I have not found the ideal combination of form and content in a woman.

- Didn’t the girls at work try, how can I put it, to look after you?



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