Radiography is a method of studying the internal structure of objects using x-rays. Reviews, contraindications

In this article we will look at x-rays and fluorography. What is the difference between them? Currently, in our country everyone must undergo a routine fluorographic examination once a year. This procedure is generally accepted and does not raise any doubts among people. However, there are situations when doctors suggest that the patient undergo an x-ray instead of fluorography. What is more harmful - x-rays or fluorography?

Basic Concepts

Fluorography is a method of x-ray diagnostics, which consists of displaying the shadow of organs on photographic film. chest(outdated method) or its translation into a digital image. In turn, X-ray of the lungs is a technique with which to diagnose pathological changes by capturing objects on film. The difference between these types of x-ray examinations is significant. Digital fluorography is characterized by a reduced radiation exposure to the patient, however, its resolution is lower compared to direct projection of lung radiography.

What is fluorography?

Every year, every person encounters fluorography performed for preventive purposes. This procedure is carried out in medical institutions, since it is a legal method of screening for lung pathologies. Doctors will not sign the commission without it. Fluorography received widespread in our country due to numerous cases of tuberculosis. To prevent mass infection, the Ministry of Health decided to introduce mandatory annual fluorography. Single dose in one study no more than 0.015 mSv, while a prophylactic dose of 1 mSv is allowed. Taking into account this norm, it can be calculated that in order to exceed the radiation dose, it is necessary to perform a thousand studies during the year. What to choose: X-ray and fluorography? What is the difference between them interests many.

Types of fluorography

There are currently several modern varieties fluorography, used not only for the diagnosis of tuberculosis, but also for pneumonia.

Digital fluorography is a modern method of x-ray screening of lung diseases. This method assumes that a shadow image is photographed on a computer monitor from a special chip that is installed in the receiver. The reduced radiation dose to the patient is determined by the operating principle of the device: the beam passes through the entire study area in turn, after which the image is reconstructed in the software. This is what happens in the fluorography room.

An outdated method is traditional fluorography. With this method, the image is displayed on a small photographic film. Thanks to this approach, the rooms were provided with high throughput, but radiation exposure was not reduced compared to pulmonary radiography.

A significant disadvantage of the digital form is considered high cost necessary equipment, and therefore such technologies are currently not all medical institutions can afford it. So, x-ray and fluorography - what is the difference? To understand this, you need to consider each diagnostic method in detail.

X-ray of the lungs: what is it?

To some extent, X-ray of the lungs is an alternative to fluorography, which has high quality, since it differs in resolution. On a pulmonary radiograph, shadows equal to two millimeters are distinguished, while in a fluorographic study minimum size- five millimeters. X-rays are performed if lung diseases are suspected: pneumonia, tuberculosis, cancer and others. As a rule, fluorography is not prescribed for children. It is a preventive method.

X-ray images are obtained by exposing certain areas of the film as X-rays pass through the body. How are x-rays done? More on this below.

Is there any danger?

During the study, a high, but short-lived, radiation dose is generated on the person. Its danger lies in the fact that mutations can occur at the cellular level. That is why, before referring a patient for an x-ray, the attending physician must compare the degree of risk from x-ray exposure with the practical value of the results obtained during the examination. The procedure is prescribed when given value low. X-ray diagnostics is based on the principle: the benefit must outweigh the harm.

This must be remembered when a dental x-ray is prescribed during pregnancy. It should be done only in the most extreme cases.

Safety of X-ray examination of OGK

It must be said that the amount of radiation exposure to a patient during an X-ray of the lungs in domestic medical institutions is higher than the dosage in developed countries. This happens because it is used outdated equipment. For example, in Europe, during an X-ray examination, the average dose per patient per year is no more than 0.6 mSv. In our country it is twice as high - approximately 1.5 mSv. For greater safety, it is recommended to perform diagnostics using an X-ray machine in modern institutions. Of course, if acute pneumonia is diagnosed, the doctor is limited in time and will not allow the patient to choose a clinic for examination.

In this case, the pathology poses a threat to life, and therefore what is available will be used for analysis. In this situation, an image of the lungs will be taken not just in a frontal projection, but also in a lateral one, and also, possibly, a targeted one. This is required in order to determine the size, as well as the extent of the pathology in the lung tissue. There are such important contraindications to fluorography and x-rays, such as child planning and pregnancy. When is a medical x-ray needed?

X-ray technique and indications

The indication for X-ray examination of the chest organs, that is, the chest organs, is if the doctor suspects lung pathologies (cancer, tuberculosis, pneumonia). Special training it is not required. There is only one condition - to withdraw foreign objects and expose the chest. Filming can also be carried out in underwear, if it does not contain metal objects and synthetic fibers that can be reflected on an x-ray. Transparency upper parts pulmonary fields in women may decrease if they are covered with hair during the procedure. This feature is taken into account by the radiologist when analyzing the image.


The following types of pulmonary radiography exist:

  • sighting;
  • overview.

When conducting a targeted study, the focus is on a specific pathological tissue area. Targeted X-ray images should be taken under control, however, there is an increase in radiation exposure to the patient. With the overview technique, it is necessary to take photographs in two projections: lateral and direct. The main reason for errors that may appear in the picture lies in dynamic blur, that is, fuzzy outlines formations caused by pulsation large vessels or breathing. It can be eliminated by setting the exposure time on the device from 0.02 to 0.03 seconds.

This is why experts recommend taking pictures of the lungs at shutter speeds from 0.1 to 0.15 seconds. Of course, in this case, powerful equipment is required. To prevent projection distortion, the distance between the focus and the object should be one and a half to two meters. What is better - to visit a fluorography or x-ray office?

Fluorography or X-ray: which is better for pneumonia?

Patients often ask: is it possible to refuse X-rays of the lungs or fluorography? According to the law, a person has such a right, but at the same time he is responsible for his own health. If a refusal is written, then go through medical commission is possible, but the TB doctor may not sign it, since he has every right. If a specialist suspects pneumonia or active tuberculosis, as well as confirmation of these pathologies by other clinical and instrumental methods (increased leukocytes, sputum analysis), then the doctor can legally refer the patient for compulsory treatment.

The danger of tuberculosis

Tuberculosis in open form is dangerous for surrounding people, and therefore it needs to be treated in TB hospitals. Pneumonia, which clearly manifests itself on a pulmonary X-ray, is also life-threatening. There are no other reliable methods for detecting it. Children do not undergo fluorography; they use X-rays.

The presence of inflammation processes in lung tissue and the prescription of antibiotics can be based on indirect signs, however, with a full radiographic analysis, it is possible to control the degree, size of the lesions, severity and course of the pathology process. The doctor can combine several antibacterial agents and change the treatment regimen during an exacerbation. If you require a fluorographic coupon at an appointment with a dentist, ophthalmologist or other specialists, actions medical workers illegal because internal orders cannot override a constitutional effect. You just need to write a refusal in your outpatient card or medical history about the failure to perform such a study. When deciding which is better to do - chest x-ray and fluorography, it is necessary to evaluate the specifics of both methods and their preventive benefit when making a diagnosis.

The advisability of performing lung x-rays or fluorography is actively discussed by researchers, scientists and the media. Each person can have their own opinion, but choose the way X-ray examination It is best to rely on the opinion of a doctor, since the balance between practical benefits and harm caused by ionizing radiation must be taken into account.

Negative impact

Fluorography and radiography have a negative impact on human body. The degree of X-ray dose control is 1.5 mSv per gram. With film fluorography this indicator varies from 0.5 to 0.8 mSv, for digital - 0.04. To undergo an examination of organs located in the chest, it is necessary to take into account the level of EED. When conducting an examination using an X-ray machine, the image appears on a special film. During fluorography, a preliminary image is displayed on the monitor and then photographed. Thanks to this technique, pathology can be diagnosed. X-ray rays pass through the body and are reflected on film.

Another technique is characterized by additional transformation of rays into pronounced light. The reduced image is then focused onto the film. Based on its results, it is carried out additional examination. That is why x-rays or fluorography are prescribed individually in each case. Radiography of OGK is used for lung and tuberculosis screening. For this purpose, stationary and mobile equipment are used. It is better not to order a dental x-ray during pregnancy.

In medicine, digital technology is currently replacing film technology, since it greatly facilitates working with images. The image is displayed on the monitor screen, printed and then transmitted over the network, and then loaded into the database. This examination is characterized by reduced radiation exposure and low costs for materials.

Now we know what X-rays show and what fluorography shows.

Key Findings

We have reviewed various ways X-ray examination. During radiography, an image is developed on a special film, and during fluorography, it is reflected on the screen, and from there it is photographed on a digital or regular camera. With fluorography, the radiation exposure is higher compared to radiography. Most often, fluorography is used to diagnose diseases, and x-rays are used to clarify or monitor pathology over time. The first method has a lower cost.

We looked at x-rays and fluorography. What is the difference between them, readers now know.

An X-ray is a special energy wave that is similar to light and radio waves. X-ray radiation has the ability to penetrate any part of any biological body.

Penetrations x-rays makes it possible to capture on photographic film clinical picture illuminated area or object of study. In medicine, this radiation feature has found application for a special examination technique - radiography. The images obtained as a result of radiography show pathological changes such as skeletal systems the human body and its soft tissues. Such visual pictures allow doctors to determine the patient’s diagnosis as accurately as possible, as a result of which they can prescribe the most competent and effective treatment.

X-ray. What is this

In the understanding of most citizens who are far from medicine, x-ray is a kind of fluorographic apparatus. However, this is not always the case. Modern medicine applies today and more modern methods X-ray regeneration. Such devices include a special scanner that allows you to illuminate almost the entire patient’s body at the same time. Such a device is called a computed tomograph. A study using a computed tomograph is carried out as follows: The patient is placed on a special surface that very slowly moves the person through the cavity of the CT scanner tube. While the patient moves through the scanner tube, his body is exposed to continuous streams of X-ray beams from various angles and from all angles. Information collected during candling is immediately displayed on the screen the most powerful computer. The information on the monitor is “slices” various parts the patient’s body in pictures, which after the examination will be “read” and analyzed by a specialist.

High-intensity X-rays have a destructive effect on the cells of living organisms. This property of X-ray radiation has found application in therapy. malignant neoplasms in people. To do this, a radiologist directs beams of radiation to strictly defined parts and areas of the body. Narrowly directed flows in this case destroy and kill cancer cells.

X-ray: what is it and what does it look like?

X-ray energy is generated inside a special X-ray tube made of glass. From such a tube, with the help of special devices, all kinds of gases and just air are completely pumped out, that is, a vacuum environment appears in the cavity of the tube. On both sides of the X-ray tube there is a cathode and anode. The cathode creates a continuous electron flow, and the anode element for this very molasses acts as a target. The flow of electrons, striking the anode, generates special energy, which is transformed into X-ray rays, thanks to which a photographic and therapeutic effect is obtained.

Radiography is considered one of the main diagnostic methods pathological conditions human body. Almost all methods of visual examination of patients are based on the X-ray principle. Even ultrasound examination(ultrasound) is based on similar action, only there it is not used as a reflector beam radiation, and ultrasound.

Benefits of radiography

And although today in medicine there are more advanced and less harmful diagnostic techniques However, it is not possible to completely replace radiography due to its great advantages, which include:

High accuracy obtained as a result of image studies,

There is not an extensive list of contraindications for the use of this examination,

Non-invasive and painless,

Possibility of obtaining results as quickly as possible,

The possibility of using x-rays as a therapy for cancer.

X-ray - method accurate diagnosis many pathologies. Despite non-radiation, x-rays are considered safe for the body, provided all precautions are taken.

Until the 19th century, diagnosis of many diseases was carried out through a routine examination - doctors did not even dream of the opportunity to examine the internal organs of a person without making an incision. The discovery of X-rays was a scientific revolution that allowed us to completely reconsider everything. existing methods patient examinations.

The largest German experimental physicist

The great discovery was made by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen when, on November 8, 1895, he worked in his laboratory until late in the evening. As he left the room, he turned off the lights and noticed in the darkness a green glow in a jar on the table. Looking around, he realized that he had not turned off the electronic vacuum tube. After disconnecting the device from the network, the glow disappeared, and the scientist concluded that the tube was generating unknown rays. Faced with an incomprehensible effect, Roentgen began to study it: he installed a tube opposite the screen and placed various obstacles between them - books, paper sheets, boards. Not a single object became an obstacle to unknown rays. Having placed the metal weights, the scientist saw their shadow, and at that moment his hand fell into the stream of radiation, and its moving bones appeared on the screen.

With the help of X-rays, people received a lot of new opportunities, but X-rays found their main application in medical practice.

A year after its discovery, X-ray radiation began to be used in diagnostics. traumatic injuries bone tissue, a new branch of medicine was formed - radiology diagnostics, or radiology. Currently, using X-rays, specialists examine all internal organs, obtaining a negative image of them on a special film or on a monitor screen. In addition, ionizing radiation is also used in treatment oncological diseases. X-ray - what is it and how does it work?

Physical properties of X-rays

X-ray tube

X-rays are the basis of x-ray examination - separate species electromagnetic vibrations, arising in the X-ray tube during a sharp deceleration of electrons. The tube is a glass cylinder with two electrodes - anode and cathode. To create suitable conditions for the movement of electrons, air is pumped out of the tube.

At the time of submission electric current Electrons are separated from the cathode spiral, which then move to the tungsten plate at the anode - where X-rays are formed.

X-rays have certain properties used in medical practice:

  • Ionizing rays are invisible to the human eye.
  • Radiation has enormous penetrating power - it can pass through the tissues of the human body, as well as through inanimate objects through which light rays do not pass.
  • X-rays can cause individual objects to glow chemicals; This phenomenon is called fluorescence - it underlies a separate diagnostic method (fluoroscopy).
  • X-rays can have a photochemical effect, causing photographic film to turn black, which is the basis for the formation of an image.
  • X-ray radiation can produce an ionizing effect.

The beams act on organs and tissues that act as targets during scanning. With short-term exposure, metabolism changes, with long-term exposure, acute or chronic radiation sickness occurs.

In addition to diagnostics, X-rays are also used in therapeutic purposes. Ionizing radiation can suppress the growth of malignant cells, so it is used as radiation therapy in the treatment of oncological diseases.

Design of X-ray machines

Modern X-ray unit

An x-ray machine is a device that can synthesize x-rays to produce images of bone tissue and internal organs in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The X-ray design includes several basic elements:

  • A power supply device necessary to provide electricity and maintain radiation safety parameters.
  • A device that converts rays into an image.
  • A tripod on which an X-ray tube, a device for targeted images, a fluorescent screen and others are mounted (depending on the equipment of the device).

The body of the device is protected from the inside by a lead layer that absorbs scattered X-rays, which helps reduce the level of radiation exposure to medical staff and makes the study more informative due to the precise direction of radiation.

Based on their design and operational parameters, X-ray machines are divided into several types:

  • Stationary – used only in specially equipped rooms.
  • Portable – portable devices powered by a battery.
  • Mobile – used for examining patients in various departments (wards, operating rooms).

Depending on the field of study, there are the following types devices:

  • Dental, designed to diagnose the condition of the dental system.
  • Devices for angiography (vascular examination).
  • Fluoroscopy equipment.

In addition to design features, X-ray devices vary in characteristics. One of the most important parameters is the size of the focal spot (the area where the X-ray beam is synthesized) - it changes depending on the volume of the study area. The larger the object under study, the larger the focal spot size must be so that the entire selected area can be covered in one scan. However, smaller focal spots allow for clearer images.

Operating principle of the device

The moment the X-ray machine is turned on, voltage begins to flow to the control panel, from where it goes to the transformer and quickly reaches the X-ray tube, in which radiation begins to form. X-rays pass through skin and are absorbed in varying amounts by bone and muscle tissue body.

It is on the ability of body tissues to absorb rays to one degree or another that the production of a black and white image is based.

Digital radiography

The lighter areas are bone tissue that absorbs radiation well. Soft and adipose tissue They practically do not retain the rays, so in the picture they are dark gray in color. Air absorbs radiation the least, so hollow organs filled with air, they turn out almost black.

Images obtained as a result of X-ray scanning of the human body reflect the anatomical and structural features of the internal organs and skeleton, and make it possible to identify abnormalities in early stage development, which helps doctors create a treatment plan. The role of radiography in diagnostic medicine can hardly be overestimated, because it provides an opportunity to look at pathologies that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

X-ray – what is it and how harmful is it? Most people have had to take an x-ray at least once in their lives. And this is not surprising, because with the help of this popular procedure many ailments are diagnosed, including lung diseases.

But, despite the demand for x-rays, many are still concerned about the question of whether this procedure is harmful to the human body. The fact is that there are many myths surrounding radiography, which is why many people are afraid to undergo this procedure. But should you be afraid of x-rays?

What is an X-ray?

X-ray studies are commonly called electromagnetic waves, the length of which varies between 8-10 centimeters. These waves are capable of penetrating any substance.

At the same time, they affect the film, leaving blackening on it. This means that the waves first pass through the human body and then hit the film, displaying the internal structure of the body on it. This helps doctors diagnose many ailments, such as fractures.

Where is X-ray used?

Some might think that this method X-ray examination internal organs are used only by traumatologists to identify fractures. But, in fact, this is not so. X-rays are used in many fields, including those that have nothing to do with medicine.

Most often, x-rays are used in traumatology. This is not surprising. The fact is that the bones are clearly visible on x-rays. This allows traumatologists to detect fractures without any problems. Therefore, if there is any suspicion of a fracture, doctors send patients for an x-ray.

No less often, the method of non-invasive radiation examination of internal organs is used to diagnose lung diseases. That is, fluorography, which is used to diagnose diseases of the lungs and other organs of the chest, is the same as an x-ray. It is worth noting that this procedure must be completed annually.

Dentistry is another area where x-rays are actively used. With its help, dentists identify caries and abscesses in the roots of teeth.

X-ray radiation helps doctors not only in diagnosing but also in treating diseases. For example, with their help they are actively fighting the plague of the twenty-first century - cancer. However, radiation not only kills cancer cells, but also has negative impact on healthy cells of the body. Therefore, irradiation is approached with extreme caution.

As you can see, X-rays are actively used in medicine. But many people are still interested in the answer to the question of what harm this radiation study causes to the body.

Are x-rays harmful?

If scientists are now studying the effects of all kinds of drugs and procedures on animals, then before many of them were forced to conduct experiments on themselves. Sometimes these experiences ended in failure. The same applies to studies involving radiography.

After the discovery of X-rays, many scientists who became interested in this method of non-invasive radiation examination of internal organs began to conduct research on themselves. Some of these experiments proved that x-rays harm the body. For example, Dr. Dudley, who actively researched the effect of X-rays on his own body, told the public that he had.

At the same time, another famous scientist stated that undergoing the X-ray procedure caused him severe burns. Initially they were skeptical about this. However, information that X-rays cause burns has been confirmed by other researchers.

This means that almost immediately after the discovery of X-rays, it was proven that harmful influence on the human body. Various scientists have independently confirmed that such radiation is dangerous to human health.

When is X-ray not advisable?

First of all, X-ray radiation is dangerous because it causes deep, permanent burns. However, this is not the only danger that x-rays pose. There are a number of other negative health effects that can result from exposure to X-ray equipment:

  • in the event that the human body has been exposed to prolonged exposure to x-rays, irreversible changes V chemical composition shelter If the excess radiation is short-lived, then changes in blood composition will be short-lived;
  • Excess radiation has been proven to cause cancer. Ironically, radiation is also used to treat cancer;
  • causes early aging;
  • studies that scientists conducted on rats proved that X-ray radiation causes all kinds of mutations in the offspring of experimental animals;
  • X-rays can cause infertility if a man undergoes an examination pelvic organs without a special lead belt.

These negative consequences X-ray radiation cannot but alert patients. Therefore, some people are afraid to undergo this procedure, even if a doctor has prescribed it. Sometimes this causes negative consequences.

For example, if fluorography is not done on time, then tuberculosis or another lung disease can develop. This means that if a doctor sends a patient for an x-ray, then there should be no disputes or bickering.

Should you be afraid to take an x-ray?

Most people are afraid of x-rays due to fear of radiation. And this is not surprising, because excess radioactive radiation really causes irreparable changes in the body. But should we be afraid of the dose of radiation that enters the human body during an x-ray? In fact, there is no clear answer to this question.

One x-ray prescribed by a doctor cannot cause any harm to the human body. However, if a person takes 100 dental photographs in one day, then he cannot avoid mild degree diseases. That is, x-rays are dangerous only if they are done frequently. So don't be afraid of this procedure. And earlier I talked about the benefits and harms of hellebore.

X-ray is one of the popular diagnostic methods, which has been successfully practiced for many years even in small clinics. Today, there are several varieties of such research, but they are based on the same principle.

X-ray or radiography is diagnostic method, which involves the impact on the human body of special x-rays. And they, in turn, are a type of electromagnetic oscillations and arise in the tube of the X-ray machine when sudden stop electrons. Such radiation was invented more than a hundred years ago by the famous German physicist Konrad Roentgen.

X-rays allow you to see images of a person's internal organs. The principle of obtaining an image is explained by the unique ability of X-rays - they are absorbed differently by different parts of the human body.

When an X-ray tube emits rays, they pass through the tissues of our body and are then projected onto a special film. You can see the lighter and darker areas in the image:

  • The bones are the lightest. After all, calcium, which is present in their composition, is able to absorb maximum quantity X-ray radiation. Such areas appear almost white in the photo.
  • The grayish color in the image is distinguished by fabrics that are able to absorb less rays. They are represented by fat, fluids, muscles and connective tissue.
  • The least amount of X-rays is absorbed by air, and accordingly, the cavities it fills appear darkest in the image. For example, healthy lungs, which fills the air, are completely black in the picture. Accordingly, everything light spots– these are pathological areas (inflammation, tumor, etc.).

Decipher x-ray maybe not every person. Interpretation is carried out only by a qualified doctor.

Range of uses

Method X-ray diagnostics actively used to consider:

  • Various violations of the integrity of bone tissue (cracks, fractures, chips, etc.).
  • Oncological lesions in bone tissue, lungs and other parts of the body.
  • Osteomyelitis (purulent-necrotic process in bone tissue).
  • Lung conditions (to assess big picture and diagnosis of pneumonia, pleurisy, oncology, tuberculosis, bronchitis, etc.).
  • Some degenerative bone diseases, such as osteoporosis.
  • Foreign bodies in various areas body.
  • Polyps, cysts, adenoid vegetations, etc.

Send patient to X-ray examination different specialists may. It is important to consider that this diagnostic method has certain contraindications, in particular, it is not performed during pregnancy (except in emergency cases).

Types of X-ray

Today, there are quite a few types of X-ray examinations, differing in the volume of organs examined, complexity, cost and information content:

  • A survey X-ray allows you to examine a large area of ​​the body. Thus, this research method is practiced when assessing the condition of the chest, both lungs, etc.
  • Targeted diagnostics is used when it is necessary to see a specific organ or part of an organ. This is the type of study that is carried out during a fracture. individual bones, nasal injuries, suspected sinusitis, etc.
  • X-ray. This method diagnostics allows you to display an image from an X-ray machine on the screen of a special device.
  • Radiography. Is the most common and in an accessible way research when the image is displayed on classic black film.
  • Digital diagnostics. This type X-ray is considered more informative than the previous one. Can be more accurate and allows you to display the image in electronic form, enlarge it on the monitor screen and transmit it to electronic media(flash drive, disk).
  • X-ray with functional tests. In such a study, the doctor uses additional conditions or components during diagnosis that allow you to obtain the maximum possible information about the activity of internal organs. In particular, in the role functional test may be movement (for disorders of the spine and joints), medication or contrast agent(allows you to see organ ducts or vessels).
  • Fluorography. This is a common diagnostic method used to study the condition of the lungs, in which the image from the device is displayed on small-format film. It is considered not as informative as a regular x-ray, but cheaper.
  • CT. This X-ray diagnostic method is also known as computed tomography, it makes it possible to view the organs and tissues being examined in the form of a three-dimensional and very detailed picture.
  • GHA or hysterosalpingography. Allows you to examine the state fallopian tubes, their permeability.
  • Mammography. Provides information about the condition of the mammary glands.
  • Densitometry. Allows you to assess bone density and timely diagnose osteoporosis.

X-ray examination methods are popular in many branches of medicine. They are able to provide primary information about the condition of organs and systems, and sometimes help in making a final diagnosis.

ENT practice

In ENT practice, x-rays are most often used to diagnose pathologies of the paranasal sinuses. Targeted X-ray examination in several projections may be indicated for:

  • Painful sensations in the facial area.
  • Persistent nasal congestion.
  • Suffered injuries.
  • Deviation of the nasal septum.
  • Suspicion of presence cystic formations, polyps, etc.
  • Adenoid growths.
  • Foreign bodies in the nasal passages.
  • Constant headaches of unknown origin.
  • Sinusitis of various etiologies.

Doctors assure that periodic and moderate x-rays of the nasal sinuses cannot cause harm to health, taking into account the radiation exposure received. But, of course, it can only be performed if there are appropriate indications.

Otolaryngology may also practice x-rays of the ear. Such research is usually carried out in a targeted manner using digital technologies. It helps diagnose:

  • Inflammatory processes and their consequences.
  • Structural violations.
  • Ear injuries (including gunshots).
  • Tumor formations.

The feasibility of conducting an X-ray examination or replacing it with another, more suitable method diagnosis is determined individually by the attending physician.

Much less often, ENT doctors practice x-rays of the throat and larynx. Nevertheless, this diagnostic method is accessible and quite simple; it helps to assess the lumen of the organs being studied, assess the condition of the cartilage, and also hyoid bone, mobility vocal cords etc. X-rays of the throat and larynx are performed:

  • After various injuries (external or internal).
  • For burn injuries.
  • For the diagnosis of paresis and paralysis.
  • When diagnosing chronic illnesses inflammatory type, stenosis.
  • To identify tumor formations, cysts, etc.

X-rays of the larynx are often performed when direct laryngoscopy is not possible. Most often, such a study is performed in a lateral projection.

X-ray of the lungs

This study is considered one of the most popular in pulmonology. After all, it allows you to quickly examine the condition of the lungs and draw primary conclusions about the presence or absence of some pathology (and the need for further, more detailed diagnostic procedures). Usually doctors carry out a survey or targeted X-ray. It is believed that X-ray examination of the lungs can detect up to ninety percent of the most serious pulmonary diseases, in particular:

  • Sarcoidosis.
  • Pulmonary emphysema.
  • Inflammatory lesion of the pleura (pleurisy).
  • Inflammatory lung disease (pneumonia).
  • Various neoplasms, including cancer.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Swelling of the lungs, etc.

When performing an X-ray of this type, the doctor has the opportunity to assess the volume of the lungs, determine the exact location of their roots, examine the cavities in such organs or the fluid inside pleural cavity etc. Thanks to this, it is easier and faster to make a correct diagnosis and select adequate therapy.

Perform an x-ray today different organs and the systems are not difficult. Such research is carried out in many medical institutions, including quite small ones.

Doctors claim that x-rays are affordable and sufficient informative method diagnostics, which, when used in doses, is practically incapable of harming health.



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