Throat cancer - first symptoms and signs, photos in the early stages, treatment and life prognosis for patients. Chemotherapy in the fight against disease

The throat, like other organs, is subject to development malignant neoplasms. Although throat cancer is not so common, it is very dangerous and can quickly progress and metastasize.

Throat cancer is a general concept that characterizes malignant tumors formed in tissues anterior section neck. Usually this is cancer in the larynx - this is where it starts pathological process, which, progressing, covers cartilaginous, soft and muscle tissue throat. Often, the process involves vessels and lymphatic ducts, through which malignant cells spread throughout the body.

Throat cancer begins to form from mutated cells of the mucous epithelium of the larynx or pharynx. Development oncological process often preceded by dysplasia or hyperplasia of the epithelium.

Depending on the type of cancer, a small compaction or ulcer appears, which gradually begins to grow and penetrate into the deep tissue. As the malignant process progresses, cancer affects surrounding structures, blood vessels, and lymphatic tissues. Metastases form, spreading to all parts of the body, but are most often found in lung tissue and digestive organs.

The structure of the throat and the location of the tumor in it

The throat consists of two sections - the pharynx and larynx. When people talk about throat cancer, they usually mean tumors of the larynx - this section is most susceptible to mechanical trauma and negative effects.

The larynx consists of three sections:

  1. Upper or vestibular - it is in this section that the formation of cancerous tumors most often begins. The development of cancer in the vestibule of the larynx causes symptoms similar to ARVI, which often delays the patient’s referral to a specialist. Due to the large number of blood vessels and lymphatic ducts, the location of cancer in the upper part of the pharynx is the most unfavorable.
  2. Average. Throat cancer, which forms in the middle part of the larynx, is localized in the anterior vocal folds, disrupting their movement. Therefore, the first manifestations are voice disturbances and hoarseness. There are a small number of lymphatic ducts in the middle section, so metastasis is unlikely.
  3. The lower one is the least affected. The peculiarity of tumors is that they almost do not rise above the mucous epithelium and often grow downward. In aggressive forms of cancer, it quickly metastasizes to the prevertebral and thoracic region.

Less common is pharyngeal cancer. Most tumors are localized in palatine tonsils, less often on the back wall of the pharynx and soft palate. Asymptomatic in the early stages and proximity to the lymph nodes allows pharyngeal cancer to quickly spread to surrounding tissues and distant organs.

How to recognize the first signs of throat cancer in a photo?

The photo shows characteristic features manifestations of a tumor in the throat

If you listen carefully to your health, you can track the first signs of throat and throat cancer, and prevent the progression of the disease. But most patients have no symptoms in the early stages, or they are so subtle that they go unnoticed.

Symptoms of throat cancer in the early stages resemble those of colds– hoarseness, sore throat, minor pain when swallowing. With a cold, they disappear within 1-2 weeks, but with cancer, the symptoms constantly increase and worry the patient more and more.

Attention! Even experienced doctors are not always alarmed by these symptoms - they consider them to be manifestations of a lingering cold, and prescribe immunomodulators and antibiotics to patients. As a result, the patient misses valuable time and chances for a successful recovery.

What does throat cancer look like? In the early stages of the malignant process, small areas of compaction, microscopic ulcers or white spots can be seen on the mucous membrane of the larynx. It is almost impossible to examine them on your own, so it requires a visit to an otolaryngologist and a pharyngoscopy and laryngoscopy. At later stages of development of the malignant process, large areas of compaction or ulcerative-erosive lesions appear.

Symptoms of throat cancer in the early stages

The early stages of throat cancer mean the oncological process at stages 1-2 of development, before the spread of cancer cells to the lymph nodes and internal organs.

Pain and sore throat

The first symptoms of throat cancer that may bother the patient:

  • pain and discomfort in the throat;
  • prolonged cough;
  • streaks of blood when coughing;
  • itching and burning sensation;
  • loss of appetite, weight loss;
  • insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day;
  • dry throat;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • discomfort when swallowing;
  • loss of strength.

If cancer of the throat and tongue develops at the same time, painful sensations while swallowing saliva and food. A malignant tumor of this localization increases in size very quickly.

Such symptoms may indicate various pathologies, not only throat cancer. But, lack of improvement within 3-4 days requires a visit to an otolaryngologist so that he can assess the condition of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx, and if cancer is suspected, refer the patient to an oncologist.

Symptoms and manifestations of throat cancer at stages 3 and 4

Damage to the lymph nodes in the neck by a cancerous tumor of the throat at stages 3 and 4

Signs of throat cancer in the third stage become more pronounced, the patient feels severe weakness, and periodically has a fever. But even as the process progresses, some patients are unaware of their disease.

Characteristic symptoms of throat cancer at stage 3:

  • enlarged and painful lymph nodes;
  • swelling of the neck;
  • headaches;
  • the taste of food is lost;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;
  • sleep disorders;
  • deterioration of skin condition;
  • hemoptysis;
  • persistent cough;
  • difficulty speaking;
  • unpleasant, putrid smell from the mouth.

Pain with throat cancer intensifies during chewing and swallowing food. A large tumor in the throat can put pressure on the nerve endings, and painful sensations will radiate to the ear area and jaw.

At stage 4 of throat cancer, general symptoms intensify. A sick person feels severe weakness and body aches. Compacted lymph nodes throughout the body, due to the spread of metastases.

Pain in the body due to throat cancer appears due to compression of nerve endings by metastases, damage to blood vessels, soft and muscle tissues. If affected bone structures and the vessels located in them, the pain constantly increases and becomes intolerable.

Types and degrees of differentiation of throat cancer

Classification of throat tumors is carried out according to the type of cells from which cancer is formed. More than 95% of tumors in the throat are formed from squamous epithelium. Carcinomas, basal cell carcinomas and glandular tumors are less common - in only 1-2% of cases.

Throat cancer treatment

There are many treatment regimens for malignant throat tumors, which are selected on an individual basis. To select treatment tactics, the doctor assesses the stage of the disease and physiological state sick.

Radiation therapy in the treatment of tumors of the throat and larynx

Consists in the effect of ionizing rays on cancer cells. Under the influence of radiation, processes in tumor tissues are disrupted, as a result they stop progressing and decrease in size.

Depending on the stage of cancer development, external or internal radiation therapy is used. External irradiation is carried out non-contactly - ionizing rays are directed at the tumor area, but healthy tissue is also affected, causing side effects.

Irradiation is carried out in short courses of 5-7 days with breaks. The entire course of treatment may take 1-2 months, depending on how the patient responds to therapy.
Internal radiation therapy– – a modern method in which a capsule with a radioactive substance is injected into the tumor for a certain time. With brachytherapy, healthy tissue is practically not damaged.

When is chemotherapy used?

For throat cancer, it involves taking antitumor drugs(cytostatics) that suppress reproduction and kill cancer cells.

Chemotherapy is prescribed in several cases:

  • to reduce tumor size before surgery or radiation;
  • to prevent recurrence after cancer removal;
  • as the primary treatment if surgery is not possible.

Chemotherapy drugs:

  1. (500 mg/m2 3-5 days, interval 4 weeks).
  2. (75 mg/m2, once every three weeks).
  3. (15-30 mg/day for five days with an interval of 1-4 weeks).
  4. (50-120 mg/m2 every 3-4 weeks).
  5. Vepesid (50–100 mg/m2 for five days, with a break of 4 weeks).

These chemotherapy regimens are approximate. The dosage of the drug and the frequency of administration are adjusted by the doctor on an individual basis.

Targeted therapy

– modern and highly effective treatment for throat cancer. It consists of taking drugs whose action is aimed at destroying only cancer cells. During treatment they are not disturbed biochemical processes in healthy tissues, so side effects are minimal.

Main drugs and doses:

  1. Herceptin - (one-time 4 mg/kg, then 2 mg/kg once a week).
  2. (5-10 mg/kg once every 2 weeks).
  3. (400 mg/kg once a week).

Targeted therapy is prescribed as the only treatment for throat cancer, or in combination with chemotherapy or ionizing radiation. Often prescribed to elderly patients whose health condition does not allow them to undergo surgery.

Surgical treatment of throat cancer

The main treatment for throat cancer is surgical removal tumors. To prevent cancer relapse, a course of cytostatics or radiation therapy is prescribed before or after the intervention.

At stage 1 of the disease, the tumor is removed or laser cauterization is performed. At stages 2-3 of cancer, removal of the tumor in the throat along with the affected tissues and lymph nodes is required.

After surgery for throat cancer, an endoprosthesis or plastic surgery is required to restore the structure of the throat and the ability to fully eat and speak. Plastic surgery is performed several months after tumor removal, when the patient’s body has fully recovered.

When are Gamma Knife and Cyber ​​Knife systems used?

And – modern methods of radiosurgery used to remove throat tumors. Both methods do not require incisions and involve exposing the tumor tissue. As a result, cancer cells are destroyed, the tumor completely disappears or significantly decreases in size.

Both methods are highly accurate and have virtually no effect on healthy tissue. But there are slight differences - cyber knives have more high dose exposure, but has small errors in the accuracy of the impact. In addition, the gamma knife is used primarily for brain tumors, and the cyber knife can be adapted to cancer of any location.

Rehabilitation period

High-quality rehabilitation for patients after surgery for throat cancer is very important. This includes a set of exercises and procedures designed to restore speech abilities: articulatory and breathing exercises, magnetic therapy, massage, electrical muscle stimulation.

After long absence speech requires classes with a speech therapist who has experience working with patients who have undergone laryngectomy. Sessions with a psychologist may be necessary to help patients who have lost their speech adapt socially.

Plastic surgery after excision of laryngeal tissue is performed after 2-4 months, if the patient has not undergone radiation therapy. After irradiation, it is recommended to wait six months before undergoing plastic surgery.

Treatment of throat cancer with folk remedies

Unconventional methods for the treatment of throat cancer are means intended for rinsing the larynx, relieving pain, inflammation and maintaining the integrity of the mucous membrane.


  1. Boil 50 grams in a liter of water. oak bark, insist, strain and use for rinsing three times a day.
  2. Pour 100 gr. St. John's wort with high-quality olive oil, put on water bath and simmer for 40 minutes. After cooling, strain, lubricate tumors for cancer of the throat and oral cavity.
  3. Add 3 tbsp to a liter of water. spoons of horsetail, simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. Leave for half an hour, strain and add a spoonful of honey. Gargle every 30 minutes to relieve a sore throat.

Means can only be used as helper method, aimed at improving the patient’s well-being and strengthening local immunity.

Nutrition and diets during and after treatment

Nutrition for cancer of the throat and larynx should be selected carefully so that food does not irritate the mucous membrane and does not aggravate the patient’s condition.

Following a diet means excluding any hot, spicy, too salty and hard foods. It is forbidden to drink carbonated and alcoholic drinks, strong tea and coffee.

IN preoperative period food should contain a large amount useful substances so that the body has the strength to recover. The diet includes chopped vegetables and fruits, steamed meat, porridge, cottage cheese, fermented milk products. With caution, you can add onions, garlic, tomatoes and almonds with antitumor properties.

After the tumor in the throat has been removed, a strict diet consisting of ground foods is required.

What can you eat after surgery?

  1. Fermented milk products.
  2. Liquid porridge.
  3. Soups put through a blender.
  4. Fruit and vegetable purees.
  5. Lean meat and fish, steamed.
  6. Light broths.
  7. Kissel, compote.
  8. Weak tea.

The strict diet lasts until the patient can no longer swallow hard pieces food. If the patient loses a lot of weight, it is recommended to include more protein foods in the diet.

Throat cancer stage 4 with metastases

Throat cancer is a disease that often has no symptoms in the early stages of development. Therefore, most patients seek medical care when the cancer reaches stage 4.

On last stage the tumor grows, practically blocks the lumen of the larynx, interferes with breathing and proper nutrition. Patients lose a lot of weight, even to the point of cachexia, and become very weak.

Stage 4 cancer pain from the throat spreads throughout the body due to the formation of secondary tumors. Metastases in throat cancer first affect the surrounding lymph nodes, then internal organs and bone structures.

Treatment of throat cancer at the last stage is aimed only at alleviating the patient’s condition. Surgery is not performed, since the patient’s weakened body will not be able to withstand multiple operations to remove secondary tumors.

Relapse, when does it occur and why is it dangerous?

If, after a period of remission, cancerous tumors re-form, a relapse of cancer is diagnosed. Relapses occur if not all cancer cells were removed during treatment. They subside for a short time, but over time they begin to actively multiply, forming new malignant tumors.

Attention! Relapses often occur in men who have not given up bad habits– under the influence of their negative influence, the body is unable to fight cancer cells.

To prevent recurrence of throat cancer, experts prefer to carry out complete removal larynx with affected tissues and surrounding lymph nodes. Statistics show that after partial resection the likelihood of relapse is several times higher.

When secondary tumors form, a course of radiation therapy is carried out, and then, based on the patient’s condition, surgery, a course of cytostatics or targeted therapy are prescribed.

Possible complications

Throat cancer is a disease that is dangerous in itself and can cause severe complications. Most often, the consequences of the disease are associated with depression of respiratory functions, impaired voice production and swallowing food.

If left untreated, the airways become obstructed, and the patient constantly suffers from shortness of breath. May appear cardiovascular disorders, especially in elderly patients.

The most dangerous complication is the spread of metastases throughout the body. The internal organs most often affected are the lungs, liver, kidneys, esophagus and stomach. The more secondary tumors, the worse condition patient and death occurs faster.

How long do patients with throat cancer at stages 1, 2, 3 and 4 live?

The prognosis for life with throat cancer depends on the stage of the disease. If the disease is detected in the early stages, before metastases appear, it is possible to achieve full recovery or long-term remission. Five-year survival rate for stage 1-2 cancer is 70-90%.

At the third stage of cancer, the survival rate is lower - about 60% of patients live more than 5 years from the date of diagnosis. At the 4th, terminal stage, due to the spread of metastases, 5-year survival rate varies from 15 to 25%.

Prevention, what is it?

It is very difficult to prevent the development of throat cancer, since it can appear even in healthy person who has no bad habits.

But experts note that there are preventive measures that reduce the likelihood of developing malignant tumors:

  • give up bad habits;
  • promptly treat throat diseases;
  • avoid ionizing radiation;
  • use safety precautions when working with chemicals;
  • strengthen the immune system.

Prevention is especially important for people who have a hereditary predisposition to cancer. They need to take special care to monitor their health and undergo an annual medical examination.

Informative video

Throat cancer is an oncological disease that is accompanied by mutation and atypical division cells. The combination of such elements forms a tumor. depend on the degree of damage to the oropharynx, tonsils, pharynx or vocal cords.

The concept of “throat cancer” includes two types of diseases:

  1. Pharynx cancer (the tumor is located in the interval from the nose to the upper part respiratory tract).
  2. (vocal cord area).

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Causes and risk factors for throat cancer in women

Individuals over 50 years of age are most susceptible to malignant throat infections in women. Key Factors risks include:

  • Tobacco smoking and frequent use strong alcoholic drinks.
  • Hypovitaminosis or vitamin A deficiency.
  • Carcinogenic effects of asbestos vapors.
  • Unsatisfactory condition of the oral cavity.

Some scientists point to a connection cancerous lesion throat in women and papillomatous infection, which is spread through sexual contact. Also, in 20% of cases it can be a secondary lesion in metastases of internal organs.

Reliable signs of throat cancer in women

It is often very difficult to determine the oncology of this area in the initial stages of the disease. Common signs and symptoms of throat cancer in women include:

  1. Changes in voice timbre.
  2. Difficulty swallowing food.
  3. Sudden loss of body weight.
  4. Periodic coughing attacks, which may be accompanied by bloody discharge.
  5. Enlarged cervical lymph nodes.
  6. Pain syndrome of diffuse nature.
  7. Hoarseness in the voice and wheezing during breathing.

If the first signs of throat cancer in women were detected, you must immediately seek specialized medical help.


After clarifying the patient’s complaints, the doctor begins an instrumental examination. There are two main diagnostic methods:

  • Laryngoscopy:

Before the procedure, the patient's mucous membrane of the throat is numbed. After local anesthesia through oral cavity a long and flexible hose is inserted, which at the working end is equipped with lighting and a video camera. If during a visual examination a suspicion arises, the specialist removes a small part of the tumor tissue.

  • Biopsy:

This technique determines final diagnosis based on histological and cytological tests biopsy.

Making a diagnosis

The detection of cancer cells in the throat determines the stage of the cancer process.

  • Stage 0 – the tumor does not extend beyond the throat.
  • Stage 1 – a malignant neoplasm less than 7 cm in diameter and limited to the tissues of the nasopharynx.
  • Stage 2 – the pathology exceeds 7 cm and still does not spread to adjacent structures of the throat.
  • Stage 3 – cancerous tissue reaches significant size and affects nearby organs and systems.
  • Stage 4 – observed with metastases in the lymph nodes and internal organs.

To clarify the size of the malignant neoplasm and the extent of spread of pathological tissues, the doctor prescribes computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. These examinations are x-ray scans of organs and systems.

Throat cancer in women - photo:

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Treatment of throat cancer in women

There are various treatment options for throat cancer. The choice of an adequate treatment method depends on the stage of the oncological process and the prevalence of the pathology.


If the tumor is detected in the initial stages of growth, the specialist may suggest that the patient undergo surgical removal mutated tissues. This operation is usually performed under local anesthesia.

Some patients may experience the following complications after surgery:

  • difficulty swallowing solid foods;
  • asymmetry of the neck and face;
  • lack of conversation function;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • skin scars, folds in neck area.

Radiation therapy

may also be observed several years after treatment. To prevent relapses of the disease, many oncologists recommend that their patients undergo regular medical examinations. The frequency of visits to a specialist should be at least once a year. At this appointment, the oncologist performs palpation, analysis for tumor markers and radiography.

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Throat cancer is not one of the most common cancers, but the incidence of the disease is increasing every year. In medicine, there is no such thing as “throat cancer”. This term usually refers to laryngeal cancer. The larynx, or “windpipe,” is a part of the upper respiratory tract that connects the cavities of the nose and mouth with the trachea and, accordingly, the lungs.

The main functions of the larynx are participation in breathing, as well as in the formation of the voice, due to the presence of vocal cords in it. In addition, the cartilage of the larynx is the support to which the thyroid gland is attached.

There are three parts in the larynx: the upper one is supraglottic, the middle one is the area with vocal folds, lower - subglottic. The first symptoms of the disease depend on the location of the cancer tumor in one of these areas.

Causes of throat cancer

The risk group for the development of a malignant tumor of the larynx includes male smokers, patients with chronic inflammatory diseases throat, leukoplakia, as well as carriers. By the way, it is the Epstein-Barr virus that is blamed for the development of squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx and more.

In addition, risk factors include:

  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • smoking;
  • availability blood relatives of this disease.

Symptoms of throat cancer can be so nonspecific that an accurate diagnosis is made only when the process is advanced.

The first signs of throat cancer (larynx) and photos

Symptoms of throat cancer in the early stages may resemble signs of inflammation, accompanied by pain, discomfort when swallowing, enlargement cervical lymph nodes and even changes in voice, most often hoarseness.

Some associate it with infection, others with allergies. But you should suspect cancer if these symptoms last for more than two weeks without a rise in temperature and there is no effect of treatment.

At the first signs of throat (larynx) cancer, at least an ENT examination is necessary. He can examine the upper part of the larynx using a laryngoscope - a special device with a mirror that will allow you to visualize the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx down to the vocal cords.

During the examination, he may detect with his eye, for example, white spots or ulcers, or other suspicious manifestations.

In most cases, there are no symptoms in the early stages of throat cancer. But the signs that, to one degree or another, no longer indicate the first stage of cancer are:

  1. Sore throat;
  2. Prolonged, dry cough;
  3. Loss of body weight while maintaining nutrition;
  4. There may be some formation in the neck area.

Pain in throat cancer first occurs in the neck, but as the disease progresses, its intensity and location can increase and spread.

These symptoms and signs of throat cancer indicate the necessary targeted diagnosis in the presence of pathological formations on the laryngeal mucosa.
IN late stages disease symptoms of cancer are the most specific.

Firstly, pain is a constant companion of oncology, and secondly, hoarseness when the tumor is localized in the middle and upper sections larynx, difficulty swallowing or feeling foreign body for the throat when the process is located in lower section larynx.

Symptoms such as coughing up blood are very rare, mostly in the late stage. Enlarged lymph nodes always accompany any oncological process, including throat cancer.

For malignant metastases lymph nodes are characterized by compaction of the latter and lack of mobility. A dense lump, which is a lymph node, seems to be fused to the underlying tissues and is motionless.

  • In the later stages of the disease, there is a sharp decrease in body weight, up to anorexia, and severe asthenia (weakness, apathy, fatigue).

All malignant neoplasms develop in the body in 4 stages. The first stage is asymptomatic and is characterized only by a pathological change in the laryngeal mucosa, which does not penetrate into the deeper layers.

As a rule, these changes are only at the cellular level in the form of the presence of atypical, or cancerous, cells that begin to quickly divide and increase.

2) The second stage of the disease is characterized by tumor growth into the deep layers of the larynx. At the second stage of the disease, the first symptoms of throat cancer in women and men begin to appear.

Women pay more attention to changes in voice and the appearance of tumor-like formations in the neck. But throat cancer is much less common in women than in men.

3) The third stage of throat cancer is diagnosed when the tumor has spread through all layers of the laryngeal wall and in the presence of metastases to regional lymph nodes. Tumor formation spreading to vocal cords, leads to disruption of their function, resulting in hoarseness.

4) The fourth degree of throat cancer develops when neighboring organs (thyroid gland, esophagus, up to the spinal canal) are involved in the pathological process. Metastases spread not only to nearby, but also to distant lymph nodes and even to other organs.

At this stage, all of the above symptoms are maximally manifested, especially voice disturbance and anorexia, the quality of life also decreases significantly, problems with swallowing and breathing.

Diagnosis of laryngeal cancer

Diagnosis of any disease begins with a survey of complaints and anamnesis, that is, how the symptoms developed over time. You should definitely tell your doctor about your bad habits, especially smoking. After the interview, an examination follows, during which the doctor determines the general somatic condition of the patient and excludes other diseases.

To do this, the doctor examines the patient’s neck, palpates the cervical, occipital, supraclavicular and axillary lymph nodes, looks at the color of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, tongue, pharynx, palpates thyroid gland, determining its shape, size, consistency.

After an external examination, the mucous membrane of the pharynx and upper part of the larynx is examined. Such an examination can be carried out by an ENT doctor (otorhinolaryngologist) using a special device - a laryngoscope.

During such an examination, the doctor determines the color of the mucous membranes, the structure of the larynx, the functioning of the vocal cords, their shape and location. This method can detect a tumor already at the second stage if it is located in the middle and upper parts larynx.

If laryngeal cancer is localized in the lower part, then it is not possible to see it with a laryngoscope. If this localization of throat cancer is suspected, other research methods are prescribed. Most often this computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging.

This is highly accurate modern technologies visualization of internal organs and skeleton. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Most often, computed tomography is the most accessible, and MRI is more informative.

Positron emission tomography is considered the most modern method intended for diagnosing cancer, which allows one to obtain data on the actual size of the tumor, its spread to other organs, and also determines the lymph nodes affected by metastases.

An indirect method for diagnosing laryngeal cancer is the determination of tumor markers in the blood, such as:

  • SCC (squamous cell carcinoma antigen);
  • tumor marker CYFRA 21-1 is a general marker of cancer.

Despite the fact that tumor markers are proteins produced by atypical cells (cancer) in large quantities, their presence in the body does not 100 percent indicate the presence of an oncological process. Therefore, this method indirectly confirms throat cancer in the presence of symptoms and data from other diagnostic methods.


Today this is the only exact method diagnosis of laryngeal cancer. A biopsy is taking a piece of biological material (in the case of laryngeal cancer, this is a changed mucous membrane) and examining sections of this material under a microscope.

Special histologists study the microscopic picture of the pathology. And, if atypical cells are detected, the diagnosis of throat cancer is verified. The most common type is squamous cell carcinoma.

  • Only after a biopsy will the doctor diagnose stage throat cancer and the symptoms of the disease will be explained by this cause.

Treatment of throat cancer, drugs and techniques

The best treatment is only disease prevention. Therefore, doctors advise everyone to get rid of bad habits, lead healthy image life, have balanced diet. Yes, of course, there are people who always follow the recommendations of their patients, but cancer, nevertheless, cannot be avoided.

But genetic predisposition or carriage of the Epstein-Barr virus cannot be eradicated. In such cases, timely preventive examinations during clinical examination play their preventive role.

Regarding the virus, it must be said that its peculiarity is that it manifests itself in the form of diseases only with a sharp decrease in immunity, which can be caused by stress, poor ecology, lack of vitamins and unbalanced diet, containing small energy resources. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) can also be a trigger for the oncological process.

When it is too late to carry out prevention and the disease has begun, then after histological confirmation of the diagnosis, a treatment strategy for throat cancer is selected, which directly depends on:

  • tumor type (squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, or carcinoma);
  • stages of the disease;
  • degree of severity (assessed by violations of basic vital functions in the body);
  • degree of exhaustion;
  • patient's age.

There are three main methods Treatments for throat cancer include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgical method. Most often a combination of these methods is used. In any case, only a doctor can determine a comprehensive approach to treating the tumor.

But treatment will be more effective if the disease is stage 1 or 2. Survival rates decrease with stage 4 treatment. As a rule, for advanced stage 4 throat cancer, palliative treatment is indicated (improving the quality of life, but not prolonging it).

Chemotherapy for throat cancer is prescribed taking into account the data histological picture, as well as the degree of tumor aggressiveness. Chemotherapy can be used as an adjuvant, which will help reduce the tumor and metastases before radical tumor removal surgically or before radiation therapy.

Chemotherapy may also be given after surgical treatment to destroy distant metastases. Medicines are injected into a vein by drip. So they spread through the bloodstream throughout the body and kill all rapidly dividing cells, which include cancer cells, but not only.

Therefore, during chemotherapy, many side effects appear, such as nausea, vomiting, hair loss, dry skin and mouth, and others.

Surgeries on the larynx can be performed in various options. Approach and scope surgical intervention determined only by an oncologist surgeon depending on the spread of the malignant process to other organs and the presence of regional and distant metastases.

Surgical options:

  • elimination of vocal folds;
  • removal of half the larynx with a tumor in this part;
  • removal of the epiglottis;
  • removal of the larynx completely with the formation of a tracheostomy - a breathing hole on the front side of the neck;
  • removal of part of the larynx with the further possibility of returning speech to the patient.

Laser surgery is used in the early stages of the disease, when the affected area is “burned out” with a laser. Characterized by minimal trauma and risk of bleeding.

Throat cancer - how long do they live - prognosis

Unfortunately, in modern times there is no talk of a complete cure for cancer. Even after successful treatment, there is not recovery, but a period of remission, when symptoms do not bother or increase, and new metastases do not appear.

Such patients are under dynamic observation by oncologists. Periodically checked for metastases and tumor growth. The longer it is absent, the more successful the treatment was.

Patients always ask questions such as “how long to live,” “if stage 4 throat cancer, how long will they live?” But no one will give an exact answer. In such cases, one must only hope for the best. It is necessary to follow the specialist’s recommendations, do not skip procedures and especially chemotherapy.



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