Psychological portrait (type) of people who are helped by Calcarea carbonica. Reflex zones on the leg Calcarea carbonica 30 homeopathy indications for use

Calcarea Carbonica

Weakness, slowness, apathy are the dominant characteristics of the subject Calcarea Carbonica. For teenagers who are unable to withstand intense physical activity and hate sports, Calcarea Carbonica will help strengthen their weak muscles. In winter, they constantly suffer from colds, coughs and runny noses. Slow and apathetic, more due to their character traits than because of their obesity, they are able to enjoy only a quiet life filled with intellectual pursuits and daytime sleep. This medicine is useful for an anemic, exemplary student who exhausts herself with school lessons.

You will find the same characteristics in adults, especially sweet and sensitive, soft and lazy women, with sudden flushes to the face from embarrassment, after eating and in cold air.

Menstruation is another source of problems and distress. Frequent and abundant, they cause constant weakness, although Calcarea does not look so sick as to require sympathy from others.

We find two groups of similar symptoms in Calcareus Carbonica and Venus: psychological problems and menstrual disorders.

Psychological problems

The subject has poor memory, difficulty concentrating, and is full of fears. This explains his apathy - physical, intellectual and emotional. He is lazy and slow. Any form of physical activity seems overwhelming to him. In addition, he is subject to attacks of weakness, not regular, but occurring suddenly, for example, when climbing stairs, while walking, from the slightest movement.

Subject Calcium Carbonicum is weak and slow not only physically, but also mentally. He is full of ideas, but cannot realize them because he is unable to remember what he has learned.

Calcium Carbonicum is scattered. He is not distracted around (like Calcium Fluoricum), being interested in his surroundings. He can't concentrate, can't concentrate. In addition, mental work exhausts him. This is a young man of fourteen, fifteen or sixteen years old who loves to study. He is intelligent and diligent, but cannot retain in memory what he has learned, and therefore such work is unproductive. His parents say: “When he works out hard, his forehead becomes covered with large beads of sweat.” This is a very important symptom of Calcium Carbonicum - "hot head, with sweating during intellectual work."

Complaints of headaches occur periodically. Students often suffer from severe headaches that are relieved by eating: these are Anacardium headaches. But, notice the difference between Anacardium and Calcarea Carbonica: Anacardium loses memory, which was initially excellent, the Calcarea Carbonica patient has nothing to lose - memory has been practically absent since childhood. Anacardium cannot study due to an instantaneous attack of headache; Calcarea Carbonica has a different picture: he makes a huge mental effort, causing an intense rush of blood to the head, which becomes covered with profuse sweat, and, the next moment, begins to hurt.

Calcium Carbonicum is forgetful, so it cannot find something to do. He is unable to count, multiply, solve simple problems, and cannot remember objects he has just seen.

Another important characteristic is fears. What kind of fears bother him? Such a subject, of course, is afraid of the future. He is restless, fears illness, and believes that some terrible event will upset his affairs. During these anxious moments of fear, he experiences a rapid heartbeat.

These fears and concerns indicate a mental weakness that prevents him from learning.

He is aware of this shortcoming, which reduces all his intellectual efforts to zero, and is afraid that others will notice it.

Believing that he might lose his mind, he makes sure that no one finds out about it. Here it is appropriate to recall another medicine - Actea Racemosa. Women of this type are afraid of madness, especially during changes in life. They have terrible headaches and pain in their ovaries. Calcium Carbonicum is suspicious, he thinks that those around him consider him crazy, and on this basis he develops a number of mental delusions. Sometimes Calcium Carbonicum is overcome by strange impulses, as in the examples presented: a child walks slowly along the edge of the sidewalk, then suddenly starts running, and no one knows why; then, just as inexplicably, it stops abruptly; or a young man runs headlong up the stairs as if robbers are chasing him. This is a patient who constantly repeats the same movements, or entertains himself by making piglets out of bread crumbs all day, or rolling small paper balls. A child sits in a corner for hours, nursing a doll or a piece of corduroy. We can find these symptoms in manic-depressive psychosis.

Subject Calcium Carbonicum is prone to hallucinations. These are visual hallucinations of a fully awakened consciousness. He sees people following him (Petroleum feels the same when he senses someone behind him).

Obsessive thoughts about absurd things bother the Calcium Carbonicum patient and prevent him from working. He is engrossed in animals and insects, murders and the adventure stories he reads. It is very difficult to get rid of such manias.

In a word, Calcium Carbonicum is weak. He cannot concentrate and is unable to work due to slowness and apathy. He is aware of his problems and fears that others will notice them.

Menstrual disorders

The monthly flow of the patient Calcium Carbonicum is always early, long and difficult, accompanied by a feeling of coldness in the feet and legs, which does not go away even when warmed up in bed.

Silicea also suffers from feeling cold during menstruation. In Calcium Carbonicum, only the limbs freeze, while Silicea freezes all over, even in summer. What other medicines can be compared with Calcium Carbonicum? Calcarea Phosphorica naturally comes to mind first. Your period is early, the blood is bright red, sometimes darkish. Other well known symptoms of this remedy are: aggravation of suffering when thinking about it; desire for smoked and salted meat; rumbling distended abdomen, frequent diarrhea; leukorrhea similar to egg white.

Nux Vomik's periods also start early and are long, but they are usually irregular and the blood is black instead of bright red.

Rhus toxicodendron is characterized by early, long menstruation, accompanied by attacks of genital herpes. Sometimes, at the beginning of the cycle, representatives of the Rus type experience acute pain in the vagina.

Platinum's periods begin with dark clots, combined with cramps and a feeling of pressure on the bottom. Vaginal hyperesthesia can sometimes interfere with sexual intercourse, although, in general, the woman is sexually hyperexcitable. We should not forget that Platinum imagines objects in a reduced form. Usually this is an arrogant person who knows better than any doctor how to treat himself.

Secale cornutum is associated with severe irregular regula, black blood, following watery discharge, which lasts until the beginning of the next cycle. Patients of this type are exhausted, they are always cold, but despite this, they can hardly stand the heat. Having taken cover, they feel much worse, so they tend to open the windows.

It is impossible not to mention Sepia, whose menstrual flow is usually delayed and is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the pelvis. If the patient has all the symptoms of Sepia, but her periods are early, then this symptom cannot be considered as eliminating, since in some cases there is uterine prolapse - a condition indicated for Sepia not only due to her subjective sensations (feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen), but and clinically when you find an enlarged, congestive and prolapsed uterus. Also notice milky leukorrhea, appearing more often before than after menstruation.

Frail, anemic women of the Ferrum metallicum type also have early periods. Their pale face often suddenly turns red due to a rush of blood. Menstrual blood is not bright, like Calcarea Carbonica and Nux Vomica, but pale red. Menstruation Ferrum has a peculiarity - they are intermittent: they can stop, and after a few days they continue again. This resembles the drug Pulsatilla, which is sometimes difficult to differentiate from Iron, although the objective and functional symptoms are different. The menses of the gland are intensified at night, and in patients of the Pulsatilla type - during the day; at night they may stop altogether. Menstrual flow in women of the Belladonna type is profuse, the blood is bright red, with a characteristic feature - it is hot. The patient feels that a large amount of hot fluid is leaking from the vagina. She is also worried about hot flashes and beating of the carotid arteries.

Millefolium's periods are also difficult. This is a medicine for any hemorrhages (vaginal, uterine, pulmonary). A significant local symptom is very painful vaginal varices, worsening during pregnancy. Millefolium's headache is relieved by nosebleeds, unlike the headache of Borax patients, which occurs after nosebleeds.

Ipecac has early and difficult menstruation, with bright red blood, with similar symptoms to Belladonna and Calcarea Carbonica. But Ipecac has an important additional symptom - nausea and vomiting with a clear red tongue.

Sabina is a medicine for menopause and metrorrhagia, with bright red blood. It treats bleeding fibroid nodes well. The patient experiences a painful sensation in the vagina, directed from bottom to top, as if “something is pressing.” In Sepia, the sensation of pressure is directed from top to bottom. She sometimes experiences pain that extends from her tailbone to her pubis. This pain is different from the pain that goes from left to right and back again, which we find with Trillium Pendulum: the patient feels as if the hip joints are so far apart that she wants to tighten them with a bandage. In the pathogenesis of Trillium, metrorrhagia is present, caused by fibroid formations, with large clots of bright red blood. We find bright scarlet blood in Belladonna, Millefolium, Ipecacuanha, Sabina and Trillium pendulum. The main objective characteristics of these five drugs are the same. But the other symptoms listed above help differentiate them.

Tlaspi Burza Pastoris is also prescribed for menopause and metrorrhagia. Menstruation difficult, painful, with large clots of black blood. They last from ten to fifteen days and become more and more abundant. The exhausted patient barely has time to recover from the previous bleeding before a new one occurs.

From the book Homeopathic Clinical Pharmacology author Ernst Farrington

Magnesia carbonica (Magnesia carbonica) Magnesia carbonica:1. Arsenicum, Phosphorus.2. Belladonna, Camphora, Pulsatilla.3. Mercurius, Colocynthis.4. Ratanhia, Sepia, Cocculus.> Pulsatilla. > Rheum. > Chamomilla. > Belladonna.Magnesia, in one form or another, is often used by allopaths as a laxative. Therefore, you can see a lot

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Baryta carbonica Barium (Barium) and Strontium (Strontium) are very close to each other chemically. We have not tested these elements themselves, but we have tested their carbonate salts (carbonates), as well as barium hydrochloride and sulfate (Barium muriaticum and

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Strontiana carbonica Strontiana carbonica has few but important symptoms. It has a greater effect on circulation than its related Baryta. It is characterized by: a rush of blood to the face and a strong beating of the arteries. It can be useful in case of threatening

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BARYTA CARBONIC, BARYTA CARBONICA - BARIUM CARBONATE Specific action. On the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, lymph nodes, glandular tissue (thyroid gland, prostate gland). Symptoms. Slow development of children. Atherosclerosis of the aorta,

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CALCAREA CARBONICA - CALCIUM CARBONATE Specific action. For basal metabolism, for reduced assimilation processes, especially in childhood (impaired development of the skeletal system, tendency towards obesity with increased fluid retention, decreased function

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CALCAREA FLUORICA - CALCIUM FLUORIDE Specific action. On bone and connective tissue in cases of dystrophy. Symptoms. Weakness of connective tissue: habitual dislocation, varicose veins, aneurysms of large vessels, formation of exostoses. Nodes

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CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA; CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA - CALCIUM PHOSPHATE Specific action. On metabolic processes, accompanied by accelerated bone growth in childhood and adolescence, on the nervous system. Symptoms. Increased mental and physical fatigue, headaches

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20. KALCAREA CARBONICS Calcarea carbonica. Chalk is sedimentary carbonated lime, but it is less commonly used in homeopathy; usually for this purpose, Hahnemann's carbonated lime is taken, which is the inner part of oyster shells, consisting of 96 parts of carbonated lime, 2-3-

From the author's book

41. BARITA CARBONICS Barita Carbonica - barium carbonate. Divisions: rubbing with milk sugar, higher dilutions is used. Acts mainly on the lymphatic system, causing enlargement and ulceration of the glands. This is one of the main antiscrofulous drugs. Mental

From the author's book

78. MAGNESIUM CARBONICS Magnesia carbonica. Magnesia salts, as medicines, are not new to doctors. One circumstance is particularly well known regarding the action of this remedy on the intestinal canal; it is that it has long been a common remedy for low and high blood pressure.

Calcium carbonicum is a leading homeopathic medicine in the treatment of children and the elderly, which effectively fights the following diseases: inflammation of the respiratory tract, gout, diseases of the bones and joints. Calcium carbonicum is especially effective when there is an increased need for calcium carbonate (this occurs during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as during periods of active growth of adolescents and children).

Very often we pay much less attention to the state of the musculoskeletal system than to other systems of the body. Many people complain from time to time that their bones ache because of the weather, their back hurts after physical activity, but as soon as these symptoms disappear, they immediately forget about them. They forget, without even thinking, that these are signs of osteochondrosis, arthritis and other diseases. In order to avoid these diseases, it is recommended to use drugs containing calcium, and especially calcium carbonate. This is, for example, Calcium carbonicum - a leading homeopathic medicine in the treatment of children and the elderly.

Indications for taking Calcium carbonicum

  • Inflammation of the respiratory tract;
  • gout;
  • diseases of bones and joints.

Calcium Carbonicum is also effective for the following diseases:

  • metabolic disorder with absorption disorder of calcium salts assimilation;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • diathesis in children;
  • eye diseases (conjunctivitis, keratitis).

Calcium Carbonicum is also effective in cases of problems such as runny nose, sweating, heavy menstruation, polyuria, copious sputum, lacrimation.

The use of Calcium Carbonicum is also indicated when establishing the following diagnoses: prostate hypertrophy, uterine fibroids, scars, exostoses, osteophytes, thyroid nodules, petrificates. Signs of the need to start taking Calcium carbonicum are also increased sensitivity to cold, frequent pain in muscles, bones and joints, predisposition to colds, and excessive irritability.

Calcium carbonicum is especially effective when there is an increased need for calcium carbonate (this occurs during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as during periods of active growth of adolescents and children).

Reviews of Calcium Carbonicum indicate the high effectiveness of this drug in the treatment of all of the above diseases.

Calcium carbonicum: contraindications

Do not start taking Calcium Carbonicum if you have had or are experiencing:

  • excess calcium in the blood;
  • arrhythmia;
  • hyperfunction of the parathyroid gland;
  • kidney stones.

Before you start taking Calcium carbonicum, you need to tell your doctor about any allergies you have to medications, diseases of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, intestinal obstruction, Beck's disease, kidney disease, or stomach ulcers. It is also inadmissible to take Calcium carbonicum if you suffer from severe abdominal pain (they may be a sign of appendicitis).

Calcium carbonicum: side effects

After using Calcium Carbonicum, cramps and severe abdominal pain, constipation, painful or difficult urination, sudden changes in mental state (or mood), arrhythmia, unpleasant taste in the mouth, restlessness or nervousness, unusual weakness and fatigue may occur. If one or more of the listed side effects occurs, you should immediately call your doctor and tell him that you are taking Calcium carbonicum.

Other side effects of Calcium carbonicum include belching, bloating, and a chalky taste in the mouth. The instructions for Calcium Carbonicum show that they are usually short-lived.

Calc. Carbonated lime extracted from oyster shells. Related: Anac., Alum., Arn., Ars., Bar., Bell., Bis., Chin., Cupr., Graph., Ka!., Lye., Magn., Merc., Nitr-ac., Nux-vom., Phos., Puls., Sep., Sil., Sulph., Veratr. —Calcarea is especially useful after Chin., Cupr., Nitr-ac. and Sulph. After Calc. are suitable: Lye., Nitr-ac., Phos. and Sil. Antidotes: Camph., Nitr-ac., Nitr-spir., Sulph. — Calcarea is an antidote against: Bism., Chin., Chin-sulph. and Nitr-ac.

General. Cramps and writhing of the limbs, especially the fingers and toes. Pain as from a dislocation. Shooting, stitching and constricting pain in the limbs, especially at night and when the weather changes. Attacks of numbness, pallor and death of any part of the body. Lower back weakness; subject to tearing, which is often accompanied by sore throat or stiffness and swelling of the neck with headache.

Members often become numb. Excitement of blood with rush to head and chest. Trembling of members. Convulsions, as in epilepsy. Trembling of the whole body, worse in the air. General ill health in the evening, as before an attack of intermittent fever. Lack of strength, especially early in the morning. Nervous fatigue and weakness. Fainting, especially in the evening, with dimness of the eyes, sweat in the face and coldness in the body.

Tiredness after talking or walking and the slightest effort. Puffiness of the face and body with a thick belly in children. Thinness with adequate nutrition. Obesity. Disposition to colds and great sensitivity to cold and damp air. Seizures become more severe or recur from working in water. Periodic and intermittent suffering.

Fever. Intense internal cold. Trembling all over the body, especially in the evening or morning, when rising. Heat with thirst. Frequent attacks of quickly passing fever, with melancholy and beating heart. Heat in the evening or at night in bed. Daily fever about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, with yawning and cough, accompanied by general heat and necessity of yawning; After that, your hands get cold. Three days' intermittent fever, evening; first heat in the face, accompanied by trembling. Heavy perspiration during the day after moderate movement. Perspiration with anxiety. Sweating at night and in the morning, especially on the chest.

Dream. Drowsiness during the day and early evening. Late sleep and insomnia from thoughts and due to huge or scary ghosts that appear as soon as you close your eyes. During sleep, talking, moaning, screaming, jumping up and restlessness, which remains upon awakening; mouth movement as if chewing and swallowing. Snoring. Dreams are vivid, restless, fantastic, scary, or dreams about the sick and dead. Restless sleep with tossing. Too short sleep, from 11 o'clock in the evening only until 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. Anxiety, excitement, suffocation, melancholy, fever, heartbeat and the severity of various pains. On awakening, tiredness, tiredness and drowsiness, as if I had not slept at all.

State of mind and mental abilities. Melancholy, despondency and sadness. Tearfulness. Sadness and complaints about old grievances. Restlessness and fear at dusk or at night. Restless excitement that does not allow you to stay anywhere. Shyness. Longing with heaviness in the legs. Loss of spirit. Fear for your health. Fear of losing your mind, getting into trouble, contracting a dangerous disease, etc. Fear of death. Impatience, excessive sensitivity and nervous impressionability; The slightest noise tires. Bad mood, anger, stubbornness. Indifference. Disgust from conversation, from activities, from people. The solitude is unbearable. Lack of will. Desire to be magnetized. Weakness of memory and considerations. Deceptions of feelings and imagination. Delirium with visions. Madness with terrible visions, hopelessness and suicidal tendencies.

Head. The head seems to be squeezed in a vice. Dizziness, sometimes with blurred vision, when going up a hill or stairs; also in the air, when turning the head quickly or after an outburst of anger. Headache after strain or fatigue of the lower back. Attacks of one-sided headache with belching and nausea. The headache is deafening, pressing or pounding, aggravated by mental activity and stooping, as well as by alcoholic drinks. Fullness and heaviness in the head, especially in the forehead, aggravated by movement. Pressing pain in the crown. Drawing, cramping pain with pressure emanating from the temples.

Constrictive pain in right side of forehead. Drilling in forehead, as if head would burst. It hits the head like hammers. Icy coldness in the head, especially on the right side. Rush of blood to the head. Noise and pain in the head with heat in the face. As I walk, my brain seems to sway. Huge heads and open crowns in children. Sweat on head in evening. Scabs on hairy skin. Dandruff. Painful sensitivity of hair roots. Hair loss. Tumors on the hairy skin.

Eyes. Pressure in the eyes. Itching and stitching in the eyes. Rawness, burning and cutting pain in the eyes and eyelids, especially when reading and by candlelight. Feeling of coldness in the eyes. Inflamed eyes with redness and copious discharge of mucus. Ulcers, spots and clouding of the cornea. The cornea is cloudy and bluish. Blood oozing from eyes. Inflammation and swelling of the corners of the eyes. Suppurating lacrimal gland. Eyes water in the air. Trembling of the eyelids. Thick red swelling of the eyelids with copious discharge of pus and sticking together at night. The pupils are very dilated. Blurred vision, as if there was a fog before the eyes. Floaters before the eyes. Photophobia and blindness from too bright light. Farsightedness.

Ears. Stitches in the ears. Beating and heat in the ears. Internal and external swelling and inflammation of the ear. Purulent discharge from the ears. Raw rash on ears and behind ears. Polyp in the ear. Noise, buzzing, ringing, humming or music in the ears. Cracking in the ears when swallowing and chewing. Feeling of ear clogging and dullness of hearing. Inflamed tumor of the postauricular gland.

Nose. Inflammation of the nose with redness and swelling. The nostrils are ulcerated and covered with scabs. Bleeding from the nose, especially in the morning and at night. Foul odor from the nose. The sense of smell is dull or extremely sensitive. Dry nose. Nasal congestion with yellowish, foul-smelling pus. Dry runny nose with sneezing. Extremely severe runny nose. An apparent odor before the nose, like that of manure, rotten eggs or gunpowder.

Face. Yellow complexion. The face is pale, haggard, with sunken eyes and blue under the eyes. Red spots on the cheeks. Fever, redness and swelling of the face. Erysipelas on the cheek. Freckles. Itching and rash on the face, especially on the forehead and cheeks, sometimes scabby and wet, with burning heat. Scrofulous scab. Acute pain in the face and facial bones. Swelling of the face without fever. Rash and scabs on the lips and around the mouth. Chapped lips. Swelling of the upper lip. Ulceration of the corners of the mouth. Attacks of numbness and deathly pallor of the lips. Painful swelling of the submandibular glands.

Teeth. Toothache aggravated or excited by cold air, or by putting anything cold or hot in the mouth, or during and after menstruation. Toothache: stitching, boring, squeezing, beating, or gnawing and digging. Toothache at night, as if from a rush of blood. Sensation of lengthening and loosening of teeth. Fetid odor from teeth. Painful sensitivity of gums with stitching. Bleeding and swelling of the gums. Fistulous ulcers on the gums of the lower jaw.

Mouth. Accumulation of mucus in the mouth. Constant spitting out of acidic saliva. Blisters in the mouth and on the tongue. Convulsive contraction of the mouth. Dry tongue and mouth, especially at night and in the morning. Swelling of the tongue, sometimes only on one side. The tongue is coated with white. Burning and pain, as if raw, on the tongue and in the mouth. The tongue is difficult to turn; speech is difficult, slurred. Sublingual tumor.

Pharynx and pharynx. Pain in the throat, as from a plug or tumor. Constriction in the throat and convulsive constriction. Rawness in the throat with stitching pain and pressure when swallowing. Burning in esophagus to stomach. Inflamed swelling of the throat and tongue with blisters. Tumor of the tonsils.

Taste and appetite. Bad taste in the mouth; bitter, sour or metallic, especially in the morning. Tastelessness or bland or sour taste of food. Constant thirst for cold drinks, often with complete lack of appetite. Hunger soon after lunch. Extreme appetite in the morning. Aversion to meat and hot foods. Aversion from tobacco smoke. The urge for salty foods, wine and sweets. Weakness of digestion. After milk, nausea and acidic belching. After lunch, fever or bloating with nausea or headache, belching and pain in the abdomen and stomach.

Stomach. Belching that tastes like food, or is bitter or sour. Heartburn after lunch and loud and continuous belching. Nausea, with trembling all over the body, blurred vision and fainting. Sour vomiting. Vomiting of food or bitter mucus, with pain and cramping in the abdomen. Vomit is black or bloody. Vomiting in the morning, at night or after lunch. Pressing pain or pinching in the stomach, or cramping and constricting pain, especially after dinner and often with vomiting. Cramps in the stomach at night. Pressure in the stomach and hypochondrium. Pinching, contractions, pain and pressure in the pit of the stomach. Swelling and swelling in the pit of the stomach, with painful sensitiveness to touch. Pain as if raw and burning in the stomach.

Stomach. The pain is stitching or drawing or pressing, with swelling and hardening of the liver. Painful twitching from hypochondrium to back, with dizziness and darkening of vision. Stretching in both hypochondriums. Inability to bear clothes tied at the waist. Abdominal distension and bloating. Cutting and stabbing. Abdominal pain occurs mostly in the morning, evening or night, also after lunch. Feeling of cold in the stomach. Pain as if raw and burning in the abdomen. Swelling and hardening of the mesenteric glands. Thickness and hardness of the abdomen. Gas retention. Gas pressure to

groin, as if a hernia wants to come out, with noise and rumbling in the stomach. Painful swelling of the inguinal glands.

Defecation. Constipation. Slow and difficult bowel movements, hard, in small quantities and often with undigested substances. A vain urge with pain. The stool is clay-like, not copious, and nodular, or watery, or mushy. The stool is white, sometimes with streaks of blood and pain in the liver. Diarrhea in children during teething.

The bowel movements are involuntary and foamy. Diarrhea of ​​sour, smelly and yellowish fluid in children. Removal of roundworms and tapeworms. Prolapse of the anus during bowel movements. Irritability before bowel movement. After defecation, despondency and weakness of the limbs. Bleeding from the anus. Swelling and inflammation of hemorrhoids with burning pain. Cramps, straining and tightening of the anus. Burning in the passage with itching. Burning rash near the meatus. Rawness in the passage and between the buttocks. Bowel prolapse. Urine. Force. Urinating too frequently. Urination in a dream. Dark urine without sediment. Urine is red, blood-colored or brownish-red, with a sour, pungent, fetid odor, with a white powdery sediment. Urine blood. Copious discharge of mucus in the urine. Burning in the urinary canal.

Male genitals. Inflammation of the foreskin with burning pain. Pressure in the testicles and pain, as if broken. Weakness of functions and lack of excitement. Great excitement with lustful thoughts. Short-term erections with slow release of semen. Burning and stitching during emission of semen. After the act, heaviness and weakness in the head. Leakage of prostatic secretions during bowel movements and urination.

Women's. Menstruation is premature and too profuse. Before menstruation, swelling and tenderness of the breasts, fatigue, timidity, headache and chills. During menstruation, flushing to the head with fever, pain in the abdomen, cramping pain in the lower back, headache and toothache. Voluptuous sensation in parts without reason. Bleeding outside of menstruation. Uterine bleeding.

Miscarriage. Stitching in the uterus and pressing pain in the vagina. Prolapse of the uterus. Itching in the passage. Swelling and inflammation of the external parts with purulent discharge and burning pain. Leucorrhoea with burning itching. Leucorrhoea, milk-like, flowing in attacks and during urination. Sore and blistering pain in the nipples. Tumor and inflammation of the breasts.

Throat. Dry larynx. Hoarseness. Accumulation of mucus in the larynx and branches of the windpipe. Cough without mucus, excited by tickling in the throat, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. Short cough during the day, as if there was lint in the throat. Cough in the evening and at night, during sleep, dry, sometimes spasmodic. Cough with expectoration of thick, yellowish and offensive mucus. Purulent sputum. Hemoptysis with chest pain as from rawness. During coughing there is pressure in the stomach, stitching and shaking in the head.

Breast. Suffocation. The need to breathe deeply. Sensation as if breath were held between shoulder blades. Pressure in the chest, as if from a rush of blood, with tension; facilitated by moving the shoulder blades. Trembling breathing. Short breathing, especially when climbing stairs. Restless oppression in the chest, as if it were too narrow and could not expand sufficiently. Great difficulty breathing.

Feeling tired in the chest after talking. Pressure and stitching in the chest and sides, especially during movement, when inhaling deeply and when lying on the sore side. Chest pounding. Pain as from an abrasion. Burning in the chest. Heartbeat. Stitching, pressure and constriction in the heart. Stitches in chest muscles.

Neck and back. Pain, as from a dislocation, in the lower back, back and neck. Pain as if from a tear in the lower back. Stitching pain in the lower back, back and shoulder blades. Pain in the lower back from riding in a carriage. Constriction between the shoulder blades and pressing pain with suffocation. Swelling and curvature of the spinal column. Stiffness in the back of the head. A solid tumor near the laryngeal gland. Hard and painful swelling of the cervical glands in general. Swelling between the shoulder blades. Sores near the axillary glands.

Hands. Clutching pain in hands. Cramps and cramping pain in the arms, hands and fingers. Sudden attacks of paralytic weakness in the arms. Difficulty moving fingers. Writhing in fingers. Death of fingers. A chattering sound, as if numb. Cramping pain in the elbow part of the arm. Pain as from a dislocation in the joint of the hand. Swelling of the hands. Aching nodularity and swelling of the hand and knuckles. There was tension in the veins in my arms. Hand trembling. Sweat in my palms. Boils and warts on the hands. Felon. Tumor of the fingertips.

Legs. Stitching and cutting, sharp pain in the hips and thighs. Limping, which requires you to rely primarily on your thumbs. Tightness and heaviness in the legs. Leg cramps. Pain as if dislocated in thighs, knees and feet. They get numb at night. Itching in thighs and feet. Tension in the veins in my legs. Tightness, stabbing and sharp pain in the knees. Tumor of the knees.

Tension and cramps under the knees, calves, soles and toes, especially when stretching the legs. Red spots on the legs. Erysipelas and swelling of the legs. Ulcers on the legs. Swelling of the ankle and soles. Inflamed swelling of the joint of the foot. Boils on legs. Burning in the soles. Sweaty feet. In the evening, coldness and numbness in the legs. Painful sensitivity of the thumb. Calluses with burning, raw pain. Writhing fingers.

Leather. Burning itching. Freckles. Nettle rash that disappears in the air. Rash consisting of small, red, raised spots, with intense heat and thirst. Skin is dry and hot. Millet-like rash. The lichens are wet, scabby, in clusters, with burning pain. Blistering rash with itching all over the body. Skin abrasions. The skin is painful, the slightest wound hurts. Erysipelas. Chirya. Warts. Calluses with burning and raw pain. A pouch tumor that renews and oozes every month. Swelling and hardening of the glands, with or without pain. Core tension. Aching nodules. Swelling, curvature and suppuration of bones. Caries. Felon.


There are no actual toxicological observations due to the non-toxicity of the substance. Even the chronic effects on those living on calcareous soil and drinking lime-containing water have not yet been studied enough. There are only a few superficial remarks about the endemic prevalence of goiter and inflammation of the eyes in areas rich in lime. The properties of lime water to dry the skin and cause constipation are well known. A more precise determination of all these influences is made difficult especially by the fact that fossil lime in nature is constantly found with impurities, often complex ones - iron, sulfur.

From physiological experiments on pure lime carbonate, it turns out that it neutralizes the acids contained in the stomach and intestines and thus penetrates into the blood in the form of a soluble salt and constitutes one of the most necessary components of food. Pigeons that were given food devoid of carbon dioxide suffered from diarrhea and died after 7-8 weeks. Their bones became very thin and fragile. For others, also fed and still suffering, the addition of lime to their food improved their health and eliminated all the consequences of deprivation.


Calcarea carbonica does not act on any particular organ in particular, but on almost all tissues of the body - bones, skin, mucous membranes, fibrous tissues, glands, veins, lymphatic vessels and nerves. It corresponds predominantly to a raw, doughy, scrofulous, sluggish and weak build, poorly nourished, with a tendency to mucus, catarrh, diarrhea, or vice versa, when weaned to the detriment of muscle strength; children during growth and development and women, especially those who suffer from excessive and premature menstruation with muscle weakness, excessive irritability of the nerves and mucus discharge. - Scrofula. Rickets. Swelling, softening and curvature of bones. Caries. Arthritic nodules and growths. Joint pain.

The dislocation is causeless. Pressure on the lower back. Weakness of muscles and nerves. Epileptic convulsions (after Cupr.). Hysterical spasms. Thinness, atrophy in children and slow walking ability. Deceleration of fusion of the parietal bones. Swelling and suppuration of the glands. Obesity in young people. Relaxation due to masturbation. Diseases of drunkards. Suffering due to the abuse of quinine. Suffering due to cold in dampness and water.

Prolonged fever. Melancholy and hypochondria. Drunken delirium. Drunkenness. Migraine. Headache from a cold or pain in the lower back. Tiring of the head with mental labor. Scab. Hair loss, especially in women giving birth and after difficult illnesses. Inflammation of the eyes is scrofulous and in newborns, as well as from a foreign body entering the eye. Purulent inflammation of the eyelids. Spots, ulcers and darkening of the cornea. Blood mushroom in the eye. Dark water. Fistula of the lacrimal gland. Bleeding eyes. Ear inflammation. Purulent discharge from the ear. Dullness of hearing. Temple. Scrofulous swelling of the nose. Polyp in the nose. Dulled sense of smell. Runny nose. Chronic nasal congestion. Facial pain.

Toothache, especially in pregnant women and those suffering from excess menstruation. Difficult teething in children. Ulceration of the gums. Sublingual tumor. Tumor and inflammation of the tonsils. Toad. Goiter. Loss of appetite, perverted appetite. Indigestion. Heartburn, acid, vomiting and other stomach pains. Chronic abdominal pain. Mesenteric consumption. Tapeworm. Roundworms. Pain and cramps in the abdomen. Persistent constipation. Diarrhea in scrofulous children. Diarrhea in consumptives and the weak in general. Hemorrhoids and the consequences of sudden arrest of hemorrhoidal flow.

Qatar bladder. Bladder polyp. Bleeding. Bladder stone. Weakness of sexual functions. Retention of regula and regula are abundant and premature. Bleeding. Miscarriage. Infertility. Anemia and pale weakness. Beli. Pushing for too long. Milk fever. Milk flow. Ulceration of the nipples. Chronic inflammation of the larynx with ulceration. Chronic catarrh of the lungs. Signs of tuberculous consumption. Pain in bones and joints. Gout. Sac tumor. Chronic rashes. Weeping and scabby lichens. Scrofulous rash. Milk eschar and other rashes on the face. Chronic nettle rash. Ulcers with fistulas. Cracks in the skin of those working in water. Warts. Swelling.

Prepared from the secretion of Ostrea edulis, an oyster.

The source of the drug is the soft, snow-white, calcareous substance of the inner layer of the oyster shell, secreted by the mollusk mantle, which is actually a deposit of pure calcium carbonate crystals.

This mollusk, an intermediate between the snail and the cuttlefish, attaches itself to the ocean floor with the two halves of its wide-open shell in a seemingly lazy stillness. He is capable of only one type of movement - if there is the slightest movement of water near him, he closes the shell flaps with the force of a vice, demonstrating the ability to experience severe muscle spasms.

It is important to note that the Calcarea carbonica patient leads a sedentary lifestyle, appears lazy and relaxed, and hides the confusion, fears and restlessness bubbling inside behind a mask of unsociability. The tightly clenched oyster shell hides the internal agitation that leads to spasmodic contraction and the creation of a safe shelter.

Along with lack of tone and muscle weakness, a Calcarea carbonica patient may also exhibit muscle spasm of both striated and smooth muscles.


The predominant mineral form of calcium in nature is carbonates. Thus, after aluminum and iron, it is the most common metal in the earth's crust. Calcium also performs very important functions in the body and is found there in large quantities. Calcium metabolism in the body and its transformation in the soil are largely similar. Calcium metabolism in the body consists either of its precipitation, and then it settles in tissues, or of its diffusion - then free calcium ions participate in cellular metabolism. Calcium is mainly found in skeletal bones in the form of phosphate and carbonate; active ions combine, when necessary, with bicarbonate, acid phosphates and, to a lesser extent, with chlorides.

Sufficient calcium intake, for example from food, lime water and tablets, does not necessarily protect against calcium metabolism disorders. The processes of absorption, assimilation and utilization of calcium depend on many factors; it is important that the calcium content is in the correct proportion with the other members of the metabolic quartet - sodium, potassium and magnesium; these four elements must be in fluid equilibrium, and for this, the absorption of calcium and its excretion must be balanced.

Calcium is an antagonist of sodium and potassium ions, which regulate the absorption of water by cellular colloids. In this case, calcium acts as a barrier and reduces the permeability of cell membranes, thus maintaining cell tone and preventing cells from becoming overfilled with water.

The predominant calcium content impedes the exchange between cells and fluids and slows down metabolism. The membranes change their properties, as if parchment was used as a filter, and the release of water and solutions stops. Oxidation decreases, and the patient with impaired calcium metabolism in the tissues becomes slow, cold, lethargic, pale, obese, puffy, phlegmatic, and snail-like.

The slowing and suppressive effect of calcium is also evident in the neuromuscular sphere. Without the intervention of calcium, the unlimited influence of potassium and sodium ions would keep the skeletal muscles in a constant state of hypertonicity, resulting in tetany, leading eventually to paralysis due to exhaustion. Therefore, both too little and too much calcium lead to metabolic disturbances, and when homeostasis is disturbed, potentized Calcarea carbonica can restore the necessary balance.

Understanding the various functions of calcium in the body, or rather the variety of functions (since they are not very well understood), will help to appreciate the significance of the various symptoms presented by this drug.

Calcium is the main constituent of bones, where it is present in the form of apatite, a crystal lattice made up of calcium carbonate and phosphate, which gives bones strength.

Calcium is responsible for coagulation reactions in both blood and milk.

In optimal concentrations, calcium accelerates the action of certain enzymes, but if there is a lot of it, it, on the contrary, slows down the activity of enzymes.

It is also believed that calcium plays a leading role in the formation of bioelectric potentials due to the presence of a calcium electrode in the form of calcium proteinate in the cell membrane. It is possible that the ability of calcium to combine with protein and form these compounds throughout the body is the most important biological feature of this element. This explains its participation in many vital physiological processes.

A huge variety of pathological conditions can be explained by improper absorption, distribution and utilization of calcium. This includes inadequate nutrition, slow growth and development, improper bone formation, slow blood coagulation, increased irritability of the nerves and a tendency to tetany.

The calcium balance can thus fluctuate in two directions - from an excess of calcium to a lack of it. But not only these disorders help to explain the various symptoms of Calcarea carbonica patients. Experience shows that this remedy, when prescribed in time and in the required potency, can effectively correct the imbalance and restore health.


The first pathogenesis of Calcarea carbonica appears in the first edition of Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases.


The patient requiring Calcarea carbonica is often corpulent, blond, with blue eyes, a pale, waxy complexion, pale lips, ears and pale fingers, although the face is sometimes red-tinged. Sometimes the Calcarea carbonica patient is a lean, dark-haired man with a sallow complexion.

Children are loose, lethargic, with a pasty face, and their heads are constantly sweating.

A child of the Calcarea carbonica type is inhibited, sits more, remains where his parents left him, fidgets with his fingers, plays with small objects. His teeth erupt late, his fontanelles close late, his breathing is hot, his lower jaw moves as if he were chewing gum, there may be signs of rickets. Starts to walk late and sways due to muscle weakness. In general, outwardly they are overweight and untrained. Adults are plump, but some children have pronounced emaciation of the neck and limbs with a protruding, tight abdomen.

Poor circulation is manifested by cold, clammy, lifeless, flabby, limp hands and cold, clammy feet. Sometimes the brush is soft, warm, wet, and seems to have no bones.

Wide pupils indicate a decrease in the tone of the parasympathetic system.

The speech can be endless, non-stop, constant muttering about trifles that concern him personally, or the person can plunge into complete silence, and the state in this case resembles catatonia.

A characteristic feature is an unusual sour odor of the body, vomit, and feces.


Emotional manifestations are mainly a mirror reflection of the general slowness due to impaired calcium metabolism. The Calcarea carbonica patient is slow, dull, uninterested in his surroundings, shy, avoids mental stress in any form. This does not come from congenital laziness, but from an inability to make effort: this is not the patient’s fault, but his misfortune.

Children do not like to be laughed at, or, when disappointed in something, they simply give up. They are slow at school, slow at play, afraid of the dark, can see faces in the dark, and have nightmares. They cry and are in a bad mood.

The Calcarea carbonica patient is usually irritable, stubborn, unable to think coherently or remember events, and completely unable to make a decision. Mental and any other stress causes malaise, to the point that the patient can no longer stand it and gives up everything.

Fear is a pronounced symptom. The Calcarea carbonica patient is full of fears - afraid of people, afraid of the dark, afraid of being looked at, afraid of being alone, a vague fear of “who knows what,” a growing fear of encroaching madness. Being in such a state, the patient does not stop thinking about his premonitions, talks about it without stopping and thinks that everyone is suspicious of him.

Another feature is the lack of reaction, the person slams shut like a clam, indifferent to everything, which is actually an attempt to cover up fear and internal excitement, he may be discouraged, in despair and disgusted with life.

A stage of hyperexcitability is observed: jumps up, flinches easily at the slightest noise, becomes very upset when he hears about cruelty, becomes frightened at the sight of wounds, suddenly screams or bursts into unreasonable tears.

The patient has a tendency to grumble and complain about long-standing mistakes, becomes grumpy, takes everything with hostility and experiences unreasonable antipathy towards certain people.


Disturbance of calcium metabolism disrupts heat exchange in the body. It is therefore not surprising that the Calcarea carbonica patient is unusually chilly, and when it is cold he feels completely miserable. He wants to be warmly dressed, it is unpleasant for him to be in the open air, he does not like drafts. Direct sunlight is also unpleasant.

Violation of the distribution of blood flow leads to a combination of a feeling of internal heat with external chilliness; cold is often felt in certain areas of the body; the feet are usually cold, but may, however, burn at night; the patient moves them, trying to find a cool place, or sticks his feet out from under the blanket - a symptom characteristic of, and. The hands “burn” in the area of ​​the back surface. The Calcarea carbonica patient easily overheats during physical exertion and feels unwell, then quickly becomes hypothermic when physical activity ceases.

Usually feels hungry, tends to feel weak, hungry every hour, sometimes immediately after eating. He loves sweets and often simply craves eggs, this is also observed in children. Often there is an aversion to hot food, meat, coffee, tobacco and milk, which may not be digested.

An unusual perversion of taste in the field of food addictions - a child can eat earth, coal, chalk, perhaps thus showing that his calcium metabolism is upset.

Thirst is expressed, but drinking water causes nausea. Ice water, however, is better tolerated and is preferred.

Sleep is usually disturbed by nightmares; Children wake up screaming and it is almost impossible to calm them down. The child sleepwalks, mumbles or grinds his teeth, and lies with his hands under his head.

It is often difficult to fall asleep; full of restless thoughts, does not sleep until 2, 3, 4 o'clock in the morning; or may wake up at 3 a.m. and then rush around restlessly.

Sweating is a characteristic symptom, often very severe, and especially pronounced on the head and feet. This is especially noticeable at night, when the child's pillow is completely wet from sweat. You may suddenly sweat due to tension, excitement or fear.


General symptoms

Symptoms characteristic of Calcarea carbonica indicate one or another aspect of a calcium metabolism disorder - these are symptoms indicating a slowdown in functioning and a lack of oxygen saturation of tissues on the one hand, or hypertonicity and hypersensitivity on the other. Clinical picture of lack of vitality, very rapid fatigue associated with muscle weakness, and slow development. As a result of this weakness, any effort causes discomfort in the form of shortness of breath, flushing, headache and general malaise.

Also striking is the pronounced tendency to catch a cold, manifested in the development of catarrh. Involvement of the mucous membranes in the process leads to the formation of polyps and papillomatous growths that are prone to bleeding.


Although the scalp is usually sensitive to cold, which makes you want to cover your head warmer, at times there is a rush of blood to the head with a sensation of burning heat, especially in the crown area. Dizziness easily occurs with strong physical and even mental stress, due to the fact that blood circulation is not able to satisfy the increased need for oxygen. A tearing or splitting headache located over the right eye, extending down the triangle towards the nose, or an intermittent headache, recurring every 7 or 14 days and accompanied by irritability, is common. The headache is worse in daylight, relieved by warmth or hot compresses, and by lying in a darkened room. A unilateral headache is also described, aggravated by noise and when trying to talk, which decreases in the evening. Alopecia occurs, where hair falls out in clumps rather than evenly throughout the head.


Eye symptoms are severe, including corneal lesions, including ulceration and photophobia. These major changes are preceded by blurred vision. Sensation of a veil or film before the eyes. Symptoms sharply intensify with any stress, prolonged reading and other activities.


Involvement of the middle ear in the catarrhal process leads to perforation of the eardrum with chronic discharge: thick, yellow, purulent mucous; Every time there is exposure to cold, there is an exacerbation. Regional lymph nodes are often involved in the process, and a rash may appear on the auricle and behind the ear.

Respiratory system

As mentioned above, there is an excessive tendency to catch colds, which is manifested by persistent inflammation of the throat with enlarged tonsils and involvement of the cervical lymph nodes. Colds tend to go downhill and cause painless hoarseness that gets worse in the morning. The patient complains that he feels a lump in the left side of his throat. Catarrh of the nose, turning into a chronic form, with soreness of the nose, swelling and ulceration of the mucous membrane and thick yellow discharge with the presence of crusts. Nasal polyps. A persistent, irritating cough is likely to be especially bothersome at night, or the cough may be accompanied by copious amounts of thick, yellow, sweet-tasting sputum, sometimes streaked with blood. The breathing is bubbling due to a large amount of mucus, and the chest feels as if it is full of blood.

Digestive system

An unpleasant sour taste in the mouth is accompanied by bad breath. There is a burning pain at the tip of the tongue. Digestion seems sluggish with frequent sour belching or even sour vomiting. There is an unusual aversion to hot food, severe heartburn and possibly a cutting pain towards the right shoulder blade radiating to the right hypochondrium and epigastric region, which is often very tender to palpation. Persistent diarrhea with clay-colored stools; defecation is accompanied by a sensation of crawling, burning and heaviness in the rectum. Watery diarrhea is common, worse in the afternoon; the stool is whitish, watery, frequent, has a sour, putrid odor and causes excoriation of the skin of the perineum. Stool often contains clots and particles of undigested food. Calcarea carbonica is often indicated for tuberculous mesadenitis, as well as for helminths. Lymphatic and endocrine systems

Lymph nodes in different places become enlarged, thicken, and burning and stinging pains appear in them. Clusters of nodes are palpated, especially in the neck and mesentery. Lymphadenitis is usually of tuberculous origin.

Cardiovascular system

In accordance with the general asthenic state, there is a weakening of cardiac activity, and such an effort as climbing stairs is accompanied by shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. When walking in the fresh air, fainting is possible. Varicose veins with severe burning and discomfort.

Urinary system

Cystitis with the discharge of dark, brown urine, which has an unusual unpleasant sour putrid odor.

Reproductive system

Menstruation comes early, profuse, prolonged - too long and too abundant. Your period may stop due to emotional stress or physical strain. The mammary glands become swollen and painful before and during menstruation; Dysmenorrhea is associated with characteristic cramping pain in the uterus, as well as general pain in the stomach. Pain from the region of the right ovary extends to the thigh and is aggravated by reading and writing. Leucorrhoea is profuse, accompanied by acute pain, burning, and itching. Bleeding polyps of the uterus and vagina.

Nervous system

Calcarea carbonica is indicated for convulsions at night, and also for epileptic fits preceded by an unusual aura, as if a mouse were running along the arm or leg. Complaints of paresthesia include tingling sensations, pinching, muscle tremors, a feeling of a “cold wet sock on the foot,” a feeling that some “part of the body will explode.”

Propulsion system

Muscle weakness prevents any sustained effort. The ankle joints are weak and often twist. The back muscles are weak, which is why when sitting for a long time, posture is disrupted and curvature of the spine appears. Cramps usually occur at night, especially in the calf muscles. Rheumatic pain in the limbs is accompanied by severe stiffness. Joints are hot and swollen. Gout of small joints with the formation of gouty nodules around them. Bone deformations as a consequence of rickets. Metabolic disorder in bones, which is expressed by the appearance of exostoses.


Calcarea carbonica is indicated for chronic urticarial rashes, as well as warts and papillomatous growths. Leather cracks easily. You should always remember that ointments and dressings are inadmissible for skin diseases of the Calcarea carbonica type in children. Excess calcium is released from the body through the skin, and there is no need to prevent this.


Worsening occurs with any contact with cold air, with drafts, with changes in weather from warm to cold, with humid weather and with contact with cold water. The condition also worsens before and during menstruation, when standing for a long time or when the limbs hang down, which impedes blood circulation. The symptoms are worse after midnight and also during the full moon.

Better in warmth, in dry weather, when lying on the sore side, and, unusually enough, in constipation.


This medicine well illustrates the point that the person should be treated, and not the disease by its name. The main indication for use is the patient's compliance with the medicinal type of Calcarea carbonica, especially constitutional and mental manifestations.

This type is vulnerable, gentle, kind, although he does not like to show it. Responsible, hardworking, stubborn, persistent.

Somewhat sad, phlegmatic, taciturn, prone to tears, but not thin-tearful. Mentally and physically sluggish.

Children are slow at school and at play. The children are quite calm.

They develop with some delay, delay (walking, standing up, holding up their head, etc.).

Some delay in teething and psychomotor development. These deviations are not very significant.

Starts to speak late, but immediately in phrases, simple phrases.

At an early and older age, children are domestic; they love home, family, peace, affection, and quiet, unobtrusive attention.

“Good” children, i.e. obedient, do not run away, are afraid to leave their mother.

They are not very sociable. Closedness, hostility. Quite silent and reserved.

And already in the children's group they behave quietly, avoiding noisy games and competitions. They behave quite reservedly, not showing their feelings.

At school they don’t grab everything on the fly. They need to convey, chew on the information.

They need to be interested in information. What does not interest them, they do not perceive.

The hard way of studying the school curriculum is more typical. The typical way of learning is rote learning. The cure for stupidity.

But what he drilled into his head can no longer be hammered out, it is reliable. He can ask again 25 times: “But I didn’t understand.”

He doesn't get to work until he understands. Assertive.

At high school age he lags somewhat behind. He cannot take part in games in physical education class.

Tired, sweating, but quite stubborn. Insufficiently mobile, clumsy, lazy.

At high school age, kind stubbornness gradually turns into determination.

They perceive critically their lag in studies and sports. The feeling of an inferiority complex forces them to look for another path.

They are looking for a type of physical education that is suitable for them, and gradually muscles grow on this large-boned type: athletic build, wide type.

They become hardworking and diligent. It’s hard to remember, but you learn with perseverance. Shy and lacking initiative.

They manifest themselves most easily when performing a specific task.

They sit and do nothing. Awkwardness in games.

Swaying, weighing, trying on.

The guy is very shy. Emotional, but introverted. Doesn't like the dark. Despite their lack of company, they do not fall asleep on their own.

We need to sit with them. The type of children who are overly sensitive to ridicule and criticism, cannot stand it when people laugh at them.

When there are difficulties at school, they give up teaching and don’t try. When he is not confident in himself, nothing will make him perform in class.

They are deeply receptive, worried, and self-motivated.
Adults: tense, straight, persistent, clear, definite, persistent, purposeful, stable, balanced, obligatory.

They love clarity, specificity, and unambiguity.

Before work, you need to explain in detail the goal and the implementation path, but the quality of execution will depend on how you explained it to them.

They will ask a lot, but will do it at a high quality level.

These people will prepare everything in advance to do the work (they will bring everything to nail the picture).

Handwriting, as a rule, is childish, understandable, even, identical letters. Bears the stamp of reliability.

His place and role have their limits.

Poorly adapts to changes in the external environment and circumstances.

For him, the best job is a conveyor belt. Regularity and monotony are typical. The irregularity drives him away.

Does not like change, is attached to the stability of something, a way of life. They are reserved.

They love everything that is complete. Halftones are difficult for him to perceive.

They are hardy, resistant, balanced, with good internal homeostasis.

Disciplined, strictly adhere to the rules of behavior. These are reliable drivers. Aged. But they are adamant.

To some extent they are phlegmatic. It is quite difficult to convince them.

However, if you find compelling fundamental arguments, he will listen to them and may agree.

We must give him the opportunity to convince himself. This is a type of logic. He constructs his thoughts logically.

Direct, calculating, demanding and responsible. Lives on concrete facts, and not on ideas or illusions.

Lack of ability for mathematics. There is the concept of “this is mine.” This is a type who does not have a large social circle and friends.

They will not say that they will help, but will help silently. Laconic, but active.

Good-natured. It is easier to find a common language with children than with adults. Apathy combined with anxiety about your health.

Fear of the unknown, death, madness, the future, possible failure, illness, surgery.

If there are more than 3 types of fears - think about Sa! (Schmidt). Aura of fear in the epigastrium.

Relapses easily occur, interrupting the recovery period. Tendency to exudative diathesis. Disorders of nutrition, growth and development

bones. Polypous growths. Consolidation of connective tissue. Predisposition to hernias. Enlarged tonsils, sometimes

lymph nodes and large abdomen. Frequent colds. Various diseases caused by standing on cold wet sidewalks.

To allergic reactions, but Quincke's edema is not typical. Development of enzymopathies, impaired digestibility, absorption.

Gradual increase in pain. Constipation. Ulcerative processes (sore throat, legs). Purulent discharge with a bad odor.

Tendency to tumor growth.

Adenoids. Amenorrhea. Ulcerative sore throats. Aneurysms. Ascites. Addison's disease. Warts. Bronchitis. Dropsy of the testicles. Rectal prolapse in children. Sinusitis.

Gastroduodenitis. Helminthiasis, especially ascariasis. Hydrocele. Hydrocephalic syndrome. Hypertension. Deafness. Mountain sickness. Hernias (umbilical, inguinal,

spine). Farsightedness. Diffuse goiter. Gallstone colic. Cataract. Keratoconjunctivitis. Whooping cough. Neuralgia. Non-fusion of fontanelles. ORZ.

Otitis. Polycystic adnexa. Polyposis. Renal colic. Kidney stone disease. Breast cancer. Rickets. Rheumatism. Spondyloarthritis. Timomegaly.

Spinal injury. Pulmonary tuberculosis. Pharyngitis. Phimosis. Phlebitis. Boils. Chlorosis. Chorea. Eczema. Exostoses. Enterocolitis. Enuresis. Epilepsy. Ulcerative

disease. Leg ulcers. Corneal ulcers.

Weakness. Increased sweating.

Pale as chalk. Dense dermis. Unhealthy, easily ulcerated, flabby. Even small wounds heal slowly.

The eruptions of Calcium carbonicum are weeping. In addition to rickets, children often have exudative catarrhal diathesis.

Children often have eczema. Eczema. Allergic skin problems.

Urticaria from a cold bath or dousing with cold water. Urticaria, worse in cold air. Chronic urticaria.

White, dense blisters raised above the skin, mainly on the face (neck) and feet, always disappearing from cold air.

Better outdoors. Coldness of the whole body.

Warts. An abundance of moles, especially vascular ones. Boils.

Thoughts don't let me sleep. Nightmares. Frightening visions appear when the patient opens his eyes.

Screams shrilly in his sleep. Drowsiness in early evening. Frequent awakenings at night.

When you doze lightly, unpleasant thoughts arise. Dreaming of the dead.

Constantly freezing in bed. The chill at 2 a.m. begins in the pit of the stomach. Fever with sweat. The pulse is full and frequent. Chills and fever.

Sweating in limited areas. Night sweats, especially the head, neck and chest.

In children, the head sweats so much that the pillow becomes wet. Hectic fever.

Sweating in the collar area. They sweat at night and very often stick their legs out from under the blanket.

In all periods of life, increased sweating with frequent colds, acute respiratory infections, but not pneumonia.

Sweat with a sour odor.

Headache on the right side.
Headache when overheated in the sun. Feeling of heaviness in the top of the head. Feeling of heat and heaviness in the head with paleness of the face.

Icy cold inside and outside the head, especially on the right side. Headache combined with cold hands and feet.

Headache from heavy lifting or physical fatigue with nausea.

When sneezing, relief of headache in the back of the head.

Non-fusion of fontanelles; the head is increased in size. Increased sweating of the scalp.

Hair loss in the outer part of the eyebrows, and hair in general becomes sparse. Itching of the scalp. Scratching his head upon waking.

Dizziness with roaring in ears. Mountain sickness. Dizziness, worse when looking down, when going up stairs quickly.

Dizziness when standing up or turning the head.

Pale, sunken eyes, dark circles around the eyes. Pathology on the right. The facial features are somewhat rough. As a rule, round faces.

The features are not pointed, at least. The cheeks may be pink, sometimes blush.

Milk crusts: itching, burning after washing.

Itchy pimples on the temples.

Pain starting from the right mental foramen and extending along the lower jaw to the ear.

Pathology of the right eye. Sensitivity to light.

Lachrymation in the open air and early in the morning. The tear ducts become clogged under the influence of cold. Lacrimal fistulas; scrofulous ophthalmia.

Eyes get tired easily. Farsightedness. Eyelids itchy, swollen, flaky. Keratoconjunctivitis with severe photophobia.

Ulcers and spots on the cornea.

Chronic dilated pupils.

Cataract, blurred vision, as if looking through a fog.

Ripple; clicking in the ears. Cracking in the ears. Sharp stabbing pain; throbbing pain, as if something was pressing.

Frequent otitis with ulceration of the eardrum. Recurrent otitis. Otitis with reaction of lymph nodes.

Abscess behind the ear, rash on and behind the ear.

Ears are sensitive to cold.

Impairment (distortion) of hearing; hearing loss. Deafness due to working in water.

Polyps that bleed easily. Scrofulous inflammation with mucopurulent discharge and enlarged tonsils.

The nose is dry, the nostrils are painful and ulcerated. Blockage of nose with offensive yellow secretion. Foul odor from the nose.

Frequent runny nose. Gets a cold every time the weather changes.
Catarrhal symptoms combined with hunger. Runny nose alternating with colic.
Sinusitis. Better from copious discharge. In the cold, the secretion decreases, so the pain in the bones of the facial skull intensifies.

There may be tearing pain around the eyes, going down to the nose.
Adenoid vegetations. Polyps often have swelling at the root of the nose. Chronic nasal congestion.

Dryness in the nose, sometimes there may be painful ulcerations, especially at the nasal outlets.

Neuralgia, worse during the day, after noon.
Epilepsy: aura in the stomach and rises higher. Worsening during the full moon, in the evenings, more often from 4 to 16 hours.

Causes of seizures: fear, troubles, suppression of rashes, masturbation, helminthiasis.
Chorea. Convulsions.

Hyperplasia of adenoid tissue. Bronchial asthma. Bronchitis, pharyngitis with reaction of lymph nodes.

Allergy to odors, dairy. Whooping cough.

Initial stages of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Painless hoarseness, worse in the morning.

Sharp pain in the chest, spreading from front to back.

The chest is very sensitive to touch, shock, pressure.

Longing for fresh air.

Shortness of breath develops quickly. Severe shortness of breath.

Attacks of suffocation: a feeling of constriction, burning and pain in the chest; worse when climbing stairs, even a few steps

steps, forcing you to sit down.

Children often breathe through their mouths at night.

Tickling cough, disturbing at night. Dry cough with easy sputum in the morning.

Cough occurs while playing the piano, while eating, etc.

Coughing up sputum. Separation of thick, yellow, acidic, mucous sputum only during the day.

Bloody sputum, with a feeling of dampness and coldness in the chest. Scanty, salty sputum.

Ulcerative sore throats. Swelling of the tonsils and submandibular nodes; stitching sharp pain when swallowing. Difficulty swallowing.

Pathology on the left. Wandering pain in the chest.

Rapid heartbeat at night and after eating.

Palpitation with a feeling of coldness and restless oppression in the chest; after suppression of the eruptions.

Aneurysmal drug substance. Ascites. Abundance of vascular moles.

Hypertension (Ca deficiency contributes to the development of hypertension. Where there is hard water, there are fewer hypertensive patients).

Increased blood clotting.

Disorders from lack of nutrition.

Some swelling of the upper lip. Often there is swelling of the upper lip. The mouth is full of sour, watery saliva. Dry tongue at night.

Bleeding gums. Bad breath. Burning pain in the tip of the tongue, aggravated by anything warm entering the stomach.
. taste. Constantly sour.

Leading medicine during teething and when teeth deteriorate. Difficult and delayed teething.

Pain in the teeth: appears from a flow of air, warm or cold. Dental pathology in pregnant women.

Children have a lack of stomach acid. Gastroduodenitis. Peptic ulcer disease.
There is nausea. Frequent sour belching. Vomiting sour. Heartburn and loud belching.

Cramping pain in the stomach; worse from pressure and cold water.

Swelling in the epigastric region in the shape of an inverted saucer. Epigastric pain when touched.

Hepatobiliary colic with profuse sweating.

Feeling of extreme hunger. He eats incompatible things: herring with jam, for example. Milk intolerance.

Thirst: desire for cold drinks. Worse when eating.
. passions: Eggs in any form, ice cream. The need for chalk. Strong desire for inedible things: chalk, charcoal,

graphite pencils, plaster, dirt and others. They love the smell of whitewash. The need is to eat coal, sometimes land. Salty. Sweet.
. disgust: tendency to intolerance to certain foods (they like milk, but cannot tolerate it). Aversion to hot

food. Meat. For boiled food. Aversion to fatty foods.

Pathology on the right. Sensitive to the slightest pressure. Cannot stand tight clothing around the waist.

Pain in the region of the liver when bending. Pain in the stomach.

The stomach is swollen. Flatulence, gases do not pass away. Swollen and hard belly. Children may have an enlarged abdomen.

Enlargement and tenderness of the mesenteric and inguinal lymph nodes, x soreness.

There may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract: a tendency to fermentopathy, enzymatic deficiency, intestinal dysfunction.

Acute enterocolitis. Umbilical hernia. Gallstone colic. Increased deposition of belly fat.

A crawling sensation and constriction in the rectum. Anal abscesses. Anal fistulas are a special indication.

One of the drugs of choice for rectal prolapse in children.

Prolapse of the rectum with burning and stinging pain (as from a nettle sting) in the hemorrhoids.

Fetid diarrhea of ​​undigested food with increased appetite. Diarrhea in children.

The stool is large and hard, whitish, watery, sour.
Constipation is characteristic: the stool is hard at the beginning of defecation, then doughy and finally liquid.

Feels better when constipated when his bowels are inactive. When there is diarrhea, it is sick, discomfort.

Bladder irritation. Renal colic with hematuria (blood in the urine). Deposition of kidney stones.

Urine dark, brown, sour, fetid, profuse, with white sediment, bloody. Hematuria (blood in the urine) with renal colic.

Sexual desire is increased. The uterus moves easily. Polycystic adnexa. White like milk. Profuse sweating of the external genitalia.

Infertility with heavy menstruation. Burning and itching in the genitals in little girls. Uterine polyps.

Before menstruation - headache, colic, chills and leucorrhoea. Cutting pain in the uterus during menstruation.
Menstruation is premature, heavy, prolonged, accompanied by dizziness, pain in the teeth and cold, wet sweat of the feet; resume at the slightest excitement.
Burning and itching in the genitals in women before and after menstruation.
Heat at night during menses with restless sleep.
Before menstruation, the mammary glands are painful and swollen.
Late. Very early, abundant, long. Subsequently, periods are scanty and delayed.



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