Proctosigmoiditis, urge and mushy stool for 3 weeks. All the facts about catarrhal proctosigmoiditis: what is the danger if it is not detected in time and not treated? Treatment is based on traditional methods

Catarrhal proctosigmoiditis is an inflammation that forms on the mucous membrane of the rectum and sigmoid colon.

Very often, this disease is difficult to distinguish from manifestations of colitis.

The course of the disease is characterized by a relapsing nature with constant inflammation.

Features of the disease

Most often, proctosigmoiditis is observed in females as a result of prolonged stress, hormonal disorders, overwork, etc. The disease may be acute or chronic form.

Is quite dangerous disease which can lead to various complications.

What causes the disease?

The disease can develop against the background of various factors and for a variety of reasons.

It is most often observed as a result of poor nutrition, if a person eats spices, salty and spicy foods.

If the patient regularly drinks alcohol, this can lead to the development of catarrhal proctosigmoiditis.

This disease is characterized by long-term remission. If a person breaks his diet or often drinks alcohol, he experiences relapses.

If the disease is at an advanced stage, then the patient’s rectum falls out or appears.

Diagnosis of the disease

Catarrhal proctosigmoiditis should be diagnosed exclusively by a specialist.

After contacting a doctor, he will determine the causes of the disease. The doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis, to confirm which the patient must undergo special tests.

To determine signs of anemia and elevated ESR for rent general analysis blood. Patients are also prescribed a stool test, which helps identify specific and atypical cells, undigested fibers, mucus, blood impurities, fatty acids.

If the need arises, the patient may be referred for a biopsy of rectal tissue. Enough effective method diagnosis is .

After all the tests are carried out and the results are received, the doctor evaluates them and puts correct diagnosis and prescribes rational treatment.

How to help the patient?

Treatment of catarrhal proctosigmoiditis can be carried out on an outpatient or inpatient basis.

This is determined depending on the characteristics of the patient’s disease. The chosen treatment methods for the disease should be mandatory eliminate the root causes of its occurrence.

If the cause of the disease was infectious agent, then it is necessary to use vaccine therapy and prescribe antibacterial, astringent and enveloping medications.

During treatment of the disease, use antidiarrheal drugs is strictly prohibited.

Treatment is based on traditional methods

Used for the treatment of catarrhal proctosigmoiditis physical therapy, drug therapy, massage.

Treatment of this disease requires the use of local therapy and enemas. For this purpose, Collargol, oils and medicinal herbs are most often used.

Depending on the characteristics of the disease, the patient may be prescribed bacteriophages, beneficial bacteria, antibiotics, enzymes and other medications that activate the normal intestinal environment.

Anti-inflammatory drugs provide a high effect during treatment of the disease. rectal suppositories. To treat this pathological condition Mineral waters are very often used.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are often prescribed. In some cases, patients are sent for a sanatorium-resort stay.

Features of the use of traditional medicine

Traditional medicine in the treatment of catarrhal proctosigmoiditis can be combined with the use of folk remedies.

Self-medication in this case is strictly prohibited.

If the patient decides to use the drug for treatment traditional medicine, then he should initially consult a doctor.

If in the patient's anus there is strong burning sensation, then traditional medicine is used in the form of baths. Otherwise, they are prescribed orally.

Complications of the disease

If, with the development of catarrhal proctosigmoiditis, the patient is not prescribed timely medical care, this can lead to the development of complications.

At an advanced stage of the disease, the patient experiences unpleasant consequences as a result of inflammation.

The most common complication of this disease is peritonitis, which poses a real threat to the patient’s life.

In some cases, when untimely treatment intestinal perforation is observed.

On late stage As the disease progresses, the patient may experience the development of a malignant tumor. Chronic distal colitis can also be a complication of this disease.

Very often as a result improper treatment development of neoplasms is observed. If the patient consults a doctor in a timely manner, he is guaranteed to have a favorable prognosis for treating the disease.

Preventive measures

In order to limit the possibility of the occurrence of this disease, it is imperative to carry out its prevention.

To do this, the patient must completely stop taking alcoholic drinks or reduce it to a minimum. Smoking can also lead to the development of the disease. That is why it is better to refuse it.

The patient's diet should consist of apples, vegetables, kefir, cottage cheese, yoghurts, which contain biological additives.

To avoid the development of this disease, the patient must drink at least two liters of water daily. Exercising will help reduce the risk of disease.

If a person leads healthy image life, then the threat of disease is practically zero. The patient needs to do lungs every day physical exercise. It will be best if the exercises are done in the morning.

Catarrhal proctosigmoiditis is enough serious illness which requires timely treatment. To diagnose it, you need to seek help from a doctor.

Proctosigmoiditis is an inflammation that forms in the mucous membrane of the sigmoid and rectum. This disease is the most common form of colitis. Its course is recurrent in nature, and it occurs along with inflammatory changes that occur in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenteritis and enteritis).

Proctosigmoiditis also exists in its own separate form, which is spastic colitis. Proctosigmoiditis occurs, the symptoms of which are extremely pronounced, mainly among women, caused by disturbances in hormonal background, as well as overwork and prolonged stress.

General description of the disease

When considering proctosigmoiditis, it can be noted that the disease, like most of their types in medicine, can be acute or chronic in its course. According to morphological changes provoked in the area of ​​the intestinal wall, the corresponding classification has been determined according to this disease, which comes down to the following forms:

  • Atrophic proctosigmoiditis;
  • Hypertrophic proctosigmoiditis;
  • Catarrhal proctosigmoiditis;
  • Purulent proctosigmoiditis;
  • Ulcerative proctosigmoiditis;
  • Ulcerative-necrotizing proctosigmoiditis;
  • Fibrinous proctosigmoiditis;
  • Hemorrhagic proctosigmoiditis.

Causes of the disease

A separate classification also determines the causes of the disease, in connection with which proctosigmoiditis occurs:

Dwelling on the reasons that provoke the occurrence of such a disease as proctosigmoiditis, we can determine that it is not always easy to decide on the specifics in this matter. Most often, the factors causing this disease in its chronic form and without obvious causes are determined as follows:

  • malnutrition (excessive and regular consumption of salty and spicy dishes, spices, alcohol (alimentary proctosigmoiditis);
  • accompanied venous stagnation areas of the walls of the rectum, chronic constipation, as well as injuries to the mucous membrane caused by exposure to dense feces(congestive proctosigmoiditis);
  • age factor, in which changes provoked can also be reflected in the vessels through which the rectum and colon are nourished (ischemic proctosigmoiditis).

The acute form of proctosigmoiditis can also occur due to poisoning with any poisons, mushrooms, and this diagnosis often becomes a consequence of taking it for a long time. long period antibiotics. In the case of antibiotics, the balance inherent in the microflora is seriously disturbed, and this, in turn, can cause damage to its mucous membrane due to the action of pathogenic microflora. Radiation proctitis, which also cannot be ignored, is a long-term disease and quite difficult to treat. It occurs when exposed to radiation therapy, which is carried out to combat malignant tumors the area under consideration.

Proctosigmoiditis: symptoms of the acute form of the disease

This form of the disease is characterized by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • General intoxication;
  • Increase in temperature;
  • Body aches, general deterioration of health;
  • Intense abdominal pain (acute, predominantly concentrated on the left side) iliac region);
  • Frequent urge to defecation (tenesmus);
  • Feeling of incomplete bowel movements during bowel movements;
  • Feeling of presence foreign body located in the intestine;
  • Presence of impurities in stool (mucus, blood);
  • Possible constipation;
  • Flatulence;
  • Nausea;
  • A frequent manifestation is nausea (appears due to the absorption of breakdown products into the blood while simultaneously providing toxic effects on the body);
  • The finger method for examining the rectum determines the spasm that occurs in the anal sphincter area with severe pain (for this reason this method used very rarely).

Proctosigmoiditis: symptoms of a chronic form of the disease

In this case, the symptoms have almost the same manifestations, but are somewhat less pronounced. Among the main manifestations:

  • Aching pain, especially worse after defecation. They can also radiate to the coccyx or to the sacral area;
  • Itching in the area anus.

The disease is also characterized by long-term remissions. Alcohol intake, as well as diet violations, lead to relapses. Frequent complications Proctosigmoiditis includes such manifestations as rectal prolapse, hemorrhoids, and fissures in the anus. Spreading inflammatory process to pararectal tissue can lead to paraproctitis.

Catarrhal proctosigmoiditis: symptoms

This form of the disease is characterized by the same symptoms that occur in its other forms. The disease develops due to damage to the large intestine, inflammation of the sigmoid colon to a large extent expressed. As for the reasons, they can be very different, and therefore, for specifics in the diagnosis, first of all, one should carry out comprehensive examination, focused on determining the presence of helminthic infestation and dysbacteriosis. Additionally, irrigoscopy is also prescribed, which allows for a detailed analysis to determine individual characteristics, characteristic of the structure of the large intestine.

Diagnosis of the disease

Main instrumental method Proctoscopy is used to diagnose proctosigmoiditis. If the procedure is carried out in a non-specialized institution, then this diagnosis is established quite often, which is facilitated by the reaction of the rectum directly to its preparation for enemas; this, in fact, creates a false appearance of actual changes inflammatory in nature. For this reason it is important cytological examination intestinal contents, stool culture, and biopsy of the intestinal mucosa.

Treatment of proctosigmoiditis

The main methods used in the treatment of the disease include diet, microenemas, antibiotic therapy and suppositories. Severe ulcerative proctitis, as well as ptsigmoiditis, require hormonal therapy.

To diagnose proctosigmoiditis, as well as to determine the required course of treatment based on the specifics of the disease in each case, you should contact a proctologist.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Intestinal obstruction is a serious pathological process, which is characterized by a disruption in the process of exiting substances from the intestines. This disease most often affects people who are vegetarians. There are dynamic and mechanical intestinal obstruction. If the first symptoms of the disease are detected, you must go to the surgeon. Only he can accurately prescribe treatment. Without timely assistance doctor, the patient may die.

Or proctosigmoiditis, symptoms, the treatment of which is unpleasant, severe and long-lasting, is inflammation in the rectum (colon), often recurrent, affecting the sections gastrointestinal tract.

The disease is more common in women and is caused by hormonal changes in the body, constant stress. The inflammatory process, when spreading to the intestinal mucosa, resembles the symptoms of proctitis and colitis, and is also a common type of these diseases.

1 Why does disease occur?

Disruption of innervation and decreased tone of the intestinal muscles in most cases occurs against the background of osteochondrosis in patients in the thoracic intestine. The disease begins to develop when:

  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • chronic intestinal intoxication due to concurrently developing gout, uremia, consumption large doses antibiotics, laxatives;
  • infectious process;
  • untreated gastritis;
  • pathological processes occurring in the liver or gall bladder;
  • lack of enzymes in the digestive tract as a result of incomplete breakdown of food, thereby irritating the mucous membrane;
  • mechanical impact on the mucous membrane (its injury), as a result of the passage of hard feces after eating rough food.

2 How to recognize the disease?

Proctosigmoiditis occurs in acute or chronic form, different in nature and signs of development. At acute course The symptoms of the disease are sudden and rapid, manifesting themselves as:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • fever, chills;
  • general weakness, feeling of weakness;
  • liquid and frequent bowel movements(constipation is rare);
  • flatulence, bloating;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet (often false), excretion of feces in small portions, sometimes with blood;
  • sensations of a foreign body present in the intestine;
  • spasms in the anal sphincter, pain on palpation

Proctosigmoiditis - infectious disease, occurs as a result of the penetration of bacteria by the rectal or oral route into the walls of the large intestine, often after excessive use of antibiotics, poisoning with poisons, chemicals. The disease may be provoked by helminthic infestations.

Chronic proctosigmoiditis has the same symptoms, but is more sluggish and blurred. Patients complain of pain in the lumbar region, tailbone, itching and burning in the anus. The disease can remain in remission for a long time, but progress with new strength for errors in nutrition, after drinking alcohol, fried, spicy, salty, carbonated foods. Possible complications:

  • the appearance of cracks in the anus;
  • development of hemorrhoids, paraproctitis;
  • rectal prolapse.

When the walls of the large intestine are damaged and inflammation occurs in the sigmoid colon, catarrhal proctosigmoiditis develops, similar in symptoms to other types of this disease. The mucous membrane of the large intestine is entangled with many vessels that accelerate the spread of the pathological process. Making a diagnosis is sometimes difficult.

To identify the cause it is required comprehensive diagnostics for possible dysbiosis in the intestines, the presence helminthic infestations. To carry out detailed analysis irrigoscopy is performed. To make a diagnosis, the doctor examines the patient’s complaints, anamnesis (taken from stool), and performs a colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy.

3 Treatments

The treatment is complex. To eliminate symptoms associated with gas formation, the doctor will prescribe coatings, astringents, and enzymes.

For - esiotropic drugs (enteroseptol, metronidazole, eubiotics, antibiotics).

Local treatment consists of prescribing microenemas and rectal suppositories. During the remission period, physiotherapy and treatment in a sanatorium are indicated mineral waters.

Diet is of great importance, excluding rough and irritating bowel food. It’s good to eat porridge with mucus, soups, purees, and pureed chicken. It is advisable to consume fruits and vegetables only after heat treatment.

4 Folk ways to combat the disease

Folk remedies help treat catarrhal proctosigmoiditis in initial stage. In case of necrotic, purulent and fibrous course of the disease, these methods are ineffective and can only aggravate the disease. In severe cases, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy cannot be avoided. You should consult a doctor for prescriptions. Perhaps the disease has reached a stage where intestinal surgery is already inevitable. Severe cases of the disease are dealt with exclusively by a proctologist or surgeon.

If there are no complications, protruding hemorrhoids, paraproctitis and rectal fistulas, it is possible to treat the disease with tampons, enemas and suppositories.

You can give a warm enema sea ​​buckthorn oil After waiting for 1 hour, empty your intestines. It is better to do procedures in the evenings, taking comfortable position, lying on your side. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

To relieve inflammation and pain, you can inject a solution of tannin (3 tbsp) diluted into the intestine boiled water(2 l). You need to give an enema once, then switch to procedures with the addition of calendula or chamomile.

It will also help next procedure. You need to pour boiling water over chamomile flowers (1 tbsp. L), place on water bath for 10 minutes, leave, cool. Give warm enemas in the mornings and evenings throughout the week.

Can pork fat combine with herbs (yarrow and calendula) 3 tbsp. l. Melt the mixture, strain, pour into molds, and put in the refrigerator. Use as a suppository on an empty bowel until it becomes easier, about 5-7 days.

Mud treatment will help with catarrhal and atrophic diseases. A gauze tampon should be dipped into hot therapeutic mud (30 g), inserted into the intestine, and left for 3 hours. Repeat every day for up to 15 procedures.

It will help if you make a solution of potassium permanganate (weak), pour it into a basin, sit in the bath for 20 minutes.

You can make an infusion. Horsetail(1.5 cups) infuse in boiling water (3 liters) and sit cooled to room temperature for 20-25 minutes. The treatment course is up to 3 weeks.

For oral administration:

  • take activated carbon (2 tablets), wash it down with mint tea (drink every day for a week until symptoms, bloating and flatulence disappear);
  • Flower honey will help with chronic proctosigmoiditis (it is useful to eat it in the morning on an empty stomach, mixed with water);
  • It’s good to drink plantain juice or just chew fresh leaves and add to salads;
  • Shilajit (10 g) leave in boiled water(1 l), drink 0.5 cups up to 6 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Treatment of proctosigmoididitis is contraindicated in:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to some components;
  • low blood pressure, cardiovascular failure(taking calendula is especially dangerous);
  • a disease that occurs in an acute, destructive form in the presence of fistulas, intestinal hypertrophy (enemas cannot be given);
  • gastritis, ulcers, poor blood clotting (the use and use of plantain is unacceptable);
  • allergies, diabetes mellitus(you can’t eat mumiyo and honey);
  • ulcers, erosion in the rectum, feces with the discharge of blood particles, the use of mud tampons is prohibited.

During treatment, diet is also important; it should be gentle. Products shouldn't be annoying as it is. Smoked, spicy, salty, and sour foods should be removed from the diet. You should not take alcohol, vegetables and fruits containing unprocessed coarse fiber. During an exacerbation of the disease, you should not eat sweets. Only protein-based, low-fat steamed foods are allowed; compliance is mandatory. drinking regime(2 liters per day of clean water).

5 What happens if the pathology is not treated?

If symptoms appear, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. If they are ignored at the first manifestations, then the pathological process will become chronic, the rectum will prolapse, the intestinal walls will become covered with ulcers, anal hole- cracks. With an ulcer it is possible internal bleeding in the intestines. The condition becomes dangerous, the unpleasant symptoms will only intensify. Chronic constipation and toxins accumulated in the intestines will lead to serious incurable consequences.

Chronic proctosynmoiditis is treated primarily with traditional methods.

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms spicy and destructive forms illnesses are successfully treated traditional methods, preferably in combination with therapy prescribed by the doctor.


Proctosigmoiditis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum and sigmoid colon.
Proctosigmoiditis is the most frequent form manifestations It has a recurrent course and is combined with inflammatory changes in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract (enteritis, gastroenteritis). Exists separate form proctosigmoiditis - spastic. It occurs more often in women and is caused by hormonal disorders against a background of prolonged stress and overwork.


There are acute and chronic proctosigmoiditis.

Acute proctosigmoiditis.
Beyond the symptoms general body(fever, worsening general condition), intense cutting pains in the abdomen, more in the left iliac region. The pain is accompanied by frequent false urges on a chair (tenesmus). After the act of defecation, a feeling remains incomplete emptying intestines, feeling of a foreign body in the rectum. An admixture of mucus, sometimes with blood, is found in the stool. There may be constipation, stools like “ sheep feces" Characteristic. It often happens as a result of the absorption of toxic decay products into the blood. At digital examination The rectum is characterized by spasm of the anal sphincter and severe pain, so this manipulation in acute proctosigmoiditis is performed extremely rarely.

Chronic proctosigmoiditis.
The symptoms are the same as for acute proctosigmoiditis, but less pronounced. The pain is aching in nature and intensifies after defecation. May radiate to the sacrum or coccyx area. The disease occurs with long-term remissions; relapses are provoked by diet violations and alcohol intake.

Frequent complications with proctosigmoiditis are anal fissures. When the inflammatory process spreads to the perirectal tissue, development is possible.


1. Mechanical irritation of the intestinal mucosa (eating coarse fiber, spicy food, alcohol, mucosal injury from dense feces).

2. History of gastritis with low acidity, and gallbladder. With enzymatic deficiency, incomplete breakdown of food debris occurs, which leads to irritant effect them on the intestinal mucosa.
3. Intestinal dysbiosis.
4. Chronic intoxication as exogenous (long-term uncontrolled use of laxatives, antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, exposure to chemical compounds), and endogenous (gout, ).
5. Allergic reactions.
6. Long lasting infectious process, both bacterial and protozoal etiology.

Currently, the theory of the occurrence of proctosigmoiditis in osteochondrosis is being considered. thoracic spine when there is a violation of the innervation of intestinal tone.


For treatment the following is prescribed:

1. Diet excluding spicy, rough, irritating foods.
The diet includes pureed low-fat soups, water porridge (semolina or rice), pureed cottage cheese, meat and chicken dishes for a couple. Fruits and vegetables must be heat-treated.
2. Local therapy. Therapeutic enemas with a decoction are prescribed medicinal herbs(chamomile), rosehip or sea buckthorn oil, fish oil, collargol. Rectal suppositories with medications are widely used.
3. Etiotropic therapy. Includes the administration of eubiotics and bacteriophages for normalization intestinal microflora. Enzymes, anticholinergics, antibiotics, metronidazole, enteroseptol are prescribed depending on the cause of proctosigmoiditis.
4. Symptomatic therapy. For bloating, medications that reduce gas formation in the intestines are indicated. enzymatic preparations. For diarrhea, astringents and enveloping agents are used.
5. Physiotherapy, spa treatment, treatment with mineral waters for cupping acute symptoms diseases.

What is proctosigmoiditis, symptoms, treatment of the disease? Such questions arouse genuine interest among patients. Inflammatory processes in parts of the large intestine, which completes the entire digestive chain of organs, are called proctosigmoiditis. The pathology affects the sigmoid and rectum. The sigmoid colon, in full accordance with its name, is a branch colon, which is the main section of the large intestine.

In this section of the digestive chain, direct food processing no longer occurs. Here the body takes water and some trace elements from the mass into the blood. Along the way, absorbing vitamins and amino acids remaining after contact of the food mass with the intestinal microflora. It is at this stage that the formation of feces is completed. The process must be completed in the time required for stool to pass 15 centimeters of the rectum. This is followed by bowel movement.

Healthy people usually have no more than two bowel movements per day. When all 15 centimeters of the rectum are full, a signal is sent to the brain to go to the toilet. After defecation, the rectal area becomes empty until the next filling.

Sources of the disease

Morphologically sigmoid colon and direct are close neighbors, therefore the inflammatory process spreads to both sections at once. This development is facilitated a whole series reasons:

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Classification and types

Before treating proctosigmoiditis, the doctor needs to clearly determine the type of disease he is going to treat.

There are various options here:

  1. The disease can be acute or chronic.
  2. According to the type of inflammatory process, erosive, catarrhal and ulcerative proctosigmoiditis are distinguished.
  3. Based on the effect on intestinal motility, spastic and paralytic sigmoiditis are distinguished.
  4. The presence of complications divides the types of disease into early and late.

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Symptoms of proctosigmoiditis

If a patient has proctosigmoiditis, the symptoms will be as follows:

  1. System-wide weakness of the whole organism. Fever accompanied by vomiting and nausea. Numerous swelling, rashes, weight loss, allergies and various disorders psychological state, up to deep depression.
  2. Constant pain, localized near the rectum, or distributed throughout the body. The pain tends to intensify during bowel movements. In severe cases, the pain intensifies with any change in body position.
  3. Complete bowel disorder ranging from constipation to diarrhea.
  4. There is an extremely painful urge to defecate, which does not lead to excretion of feces. An empty ampulla of intestine secretes blood, mucus, or pus instead.
  5. With successful defecation, the amount of feces is depressingly small. In this case, there will be a strong odor and an unsolid consistency, and visually uncharacteristic impurities in the form of mucus and blood will be observed.

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Possible complications

The acute form of sigmoiditis is almost never accompanied by complications, which are inherent mainly in diseases that follow a chronic scenario. In such a situation, the following diseases are very possible:

  • anal fissures;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • paraproctitis;
  • ulceration of the intestinal wall, perforation of the ulcer, bleeding.

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Diagnosis of the disease

To diagnose proctosigmoiditis, a doctor must first find out the nature of the disease and the nature of its course. Chronic sigmoiditis can worsen in several cases. Overvoltage physical strength, suffered acute viral disease and a violation of the diet will certainly lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

To understand everything clinical picture illness, the doctor must prescribe a number of studies:

  1. A general blood test will indicate possible signs intestinal anemia, and increased amount red blood cells will indicate an inflammatory process.
  2. Examination of feces for the presence of foreign impurities in the form of undigested food, fatty acids, blood, mucus and the like.
  3. A biopsy of rectal tissue should be done.
  4. Visual examination of the mucous membrane of the rectum and sigmoid colon using a special device - a sigmoidoscope.

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Treatment of proctosigmoiditis

How to treat proctosigmoiditis depends on the doctor. The severity of the disease is also important here. Some features of the course of the disease may require hospitalization of the patient, in other cases this can be done at home. There is no point in treating the symptoms of the disease; the main emphasis in treatment should be on eliminating the cause that provoked such a development of events.

A diagnosed source of the disease in the form of an infection will definitely require antibacterial therapy. Enveloping and astringent medications should be prescribed. However, the use of anti-diarrhea medications is strictly not recommended. Therapy for proctosigmoiditis boils down to the need for translation acute phase disease into a calmer course of the disease. Having successfully completed this task, you can begin to cleanse the diseased area of ​​the intestine from pathogenic bacteria. This kind of intestinal therapy causes serious damage to the intestinal microflora, so the next step should be restoration normal microflora rectum. Traditionally, probiotics are prescribed for this.

The nature of the manifestations of this disease does not always allow them to be tolerated long time Therefore, it is necessary to help the patient cope with the painful manifestations of the disease. Pain of a spastic nature requires the use of antispasmodics; manifestations of flatulence will go away with use medicines, reducing the amount of gases produced by the intestines. Symptomatic treatment in case similar disease simply necessary.



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