Occupational diseases of motor transport drivers. What diseases are typical for drivers? Occupational diseases of drivers

The end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century was marked by the progression of new diseases, which were not previously given as much importance as in our time. It's about about pain in the lower back, which used to be called “sciatica”, “lumbago”, “sciatica”. Nowadays, more terrible terms are used that relate to a group of neurological diseases, such as osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, spinal disc herniation, spondylolisthesis.

The terms themselves, when translated into ordinary language, are in fact not as formidable as they come from the lips of interested doctors. For example, osteochondrosis is now used not only to justify back pain in adults, but also in adolescents under the name juvenile (that is, youthful) osteochondrosis. And if you understand this term, it consists of two words: “osteo” - bone, “chondro” - cartilage. Osteochondrosis (Latin) and spondyloarthrosis (Greek) have approximately the same meaning, only “spondylo” is a vertebra in Greek. In a word, all these diseases can be rephrased in two words - “diseases of the spine.” What and how they manifest themselves, how dangerous or harmless they are, this is the second side of the coin. IN lately The most “scary” of the above terms is “spinal hernia”, which neurologists use to scare all people with back pain. In fact, the word “hernia”, i.e. "bulging" in no way refers to the intervertebral disc.

The word “hernia” itself comes from surgery, where it means “protrusion.” For example, intestines through a weak abdominal wall ( inguinal hernia, hernia of the white line of the abdomen, which really need surgery to put the prolapsed intestine in place and stitch it up abdominal wall with its subsequent strengthening). Where does back pain come from if the nerve is not pinched? But the whole point is that nerves cannot hurt, they do not have pain receptors. They have nerve endings, and the muscles surrounding the intervertebral disc have pain receptors. This is well known to physiologists, but for some reason less known to neuropathologists. Therefore, neurologists are trying to treat with painkillers (injections, tablets) something that cannot be treated with injections and tablets - muscles. A herniated disc in the spine is not actually a bulge that supposedly impinges on nerve endings, causing back pain.

A disc herniation is its destruction (degeneration) - a term that accompanies the content of any description of a computer image of the spine. This disc destruction occurs due to its poor nutrition(“lubricants”), and the nutrition of the disc depends on the deep muscles of the spine that surround it and, being healthy, act as a pump that pumps this lubricant into the disc. In order for these muscles to work and constantly “lubricate” the intervertebral discs (“shock absorbers of the body”), they must be regularly looked after, i.e. fulfill special exercises, which are based on their contraction and relaxation.

If you only use the muscles of the body and do not take care of their prevention, as happens with truck drivers who spend many hours and days in one position, then sooner or later these muscles get tired and spasm. Swelling occurs in the muscles on which drivers “sit.” And the muscles give an alarm signal: “Master! We're tired! Stretch us, stretch us!” At the same time, sometimes my legs go numb and my legs “burn.” But the “owner” runs to a neurologist, who prescribes an anesthetic injection that turns off information from the diseased muscles, although the muscle spasm deep in the spine persists.

Pain relief can last for weeks, months, and the longer it lasts, the more difficult it is to release (relax) the spinal muscles that are in spasm. Side effects of pain relief include stomach bleeding, allergies, depression, decreased performance and quality of life. One could compare this approach to treating back pain with operating a car without regular maintenance. If the driver does not monitor the lubrication of the bearings, then they burn out, turning into metal filings, but the bearing does not fall out - the wheel simply cracks and creaks. If the intervertebral discs are not lubricated, they dry out (dehydration), and “chips” from them accumulate in the subglottic space of the spine.

Neurologists pass off this accumulation of an erased disc as a “hernia”, i.e. protrusion A fundamentally incorrect interpretation of back pain leads the doctor to wrong actions, i.e. to surgery to remove this same hernia. Results of similar medical actions, as a rule, are the same - wearing a corset for 6–8 weeks, limiting physical activity to 2 kg and the third group of disability for a year, i.e. sharp decline quality of life. You are a driver, this is your profession. After such “therapeutic” procedures, which currently cost from 90 to 160 thousand rubles in Russia, they are actually forced to change their profession.

You have to change wheels during your work, perform large number non-standard physical activity, which is no less than 2 kg, and suddenly this happens. What to do? How to protect yourself from back pain if you have to sit in one position for dozens of hours? There is only one way out: every 2-3 hours, stop the car and perform special exercises related to stretching the spine and leg muscles. During the Paris-Dakar rally, after each stage of 300 to 600 km in length, taking place in difficult off-road conditions, I have to help pilots of combat vehicles perform these exercises.

As a result of such exercises over the last three years of participation in the rally, and despite the severe compression loads on the spine, there was not a single case of back pain after the stage. There were and still are injuries, but more on that in another article. What kind of exercises are these? So, every two to three hours (this is about you, not about Dakar), as a last resort, four hours, the driver must get out of the car and, having created a stationary support for the legs, holding hands on some strong part of the body, try to stretch the spine and legs, doing the “jackknife” exercise. That is, straightening your legs and arms, bend your torso as much as possible, trying to lower your pelvis as close to the ground as possible while exhaling “XXAA” (not to be confused with the word “oh”). After this, straightening up and placing your legs as wide as shoulder-width apart, turn your torso towards either leg, with the front leg pointing toe forward and the back leg standing perpendicular to the front.

Now you need to try to slowly, as you exhale, bend forward (hands slide along your leg), trying to touch the ground with your hands near in front standing leg. Do not bend your front leg under any circumstances, even a little. In this case, you will feel quite serious pain along the back of the leg and in the lumbar spine. Don't be afraid of this pain. Performing this exercise slowly while exhaling or several exhalations in one movement, in principle, cannot “injure” or worsen anything! I call these exercises (naturally, to each leg in turn) decompression. They have a very great preventive ability both to prevent acute pain in the back, and if present, to get rid of these pains. But in each case, the exercises are performed through pain. And the worse your back is, the more severe pain you may experience when performing these exercises.

You shouldn't be afraid of them. I often say one shocking phrase: “Pain is a friend, only with a minus sign.” If there is no pain that warns a person about some kind of breakdown in the body, then the person may die. At the same time, knowing how to go through pain, you can not only cure the most serious illnesses, but also strengthen the body and spirit, eliminating the need to take painkillers. I would like to note that these back pains can return after prolonged “sitting”, but when doing preventive exercises, each time the pain will reduce its intensity and severity.

If you have the opportunity to work out on the horizontal bar before a long trip, then one of best exercises is the raising of straight or, at worst, legs bent at the knees until the toes touch the crossbar (“half-bucket”). Lifting the legs is also performed while exhaling, and if there is pain (and the pain can be very severe) through overcoming it. Only the first 2-3 movements hurt. I would like to add to this that a bathhouse or sauna is a great way to relieve pain. According to the rules - a Russian bath after exercise, and not on its own, but with mandatory cooling of the body before entering the steam room and mandatory immersion (with your head) after leaving the steam room.

There are also many myths regarding cold baths, one of which is that it supposedly arises from cold water prostatitis. But prostatitis is by no means hypothermia prostate gland, but congestion in the muscles of the perineum, which (prostatitis) is also an “occupational” disease of truck drivers. To prevent prostatitis and its prevention, I would recommend deep squats before or immediately after a long ride, while keeping your arms extended upward in front. To achieve desired effect For one exercise you need to squat at least 100 times.

Stand up after squatting, again exhaling “XXAA”. Squats improve venous drainage blood from the lower extremities and thereby maintain normal blood circulation in the muscles of the perineum, which is the main prevention of prostatitis. In conclusion, I would like to recommend that truck drivers regularly check gym to maintain good muscle tone, which is necessary for the prevention of diseases that occur during long periods of immobile postures. The group of these diseases includes headaches, increased fatigue, irritability, illness large joints, hypertension, hemorrhoids and a number of others.

Remember: diseases of the musculoskeletal system of the body, or rather, musculoskeletal system, are treated only with exercises. But correct movement heals - wrong cripples. Movement itself, for example playing football, volleyball, tennis, is not a prevention of the diseases we are considering. Correct movement or exercise is not entertainment, but a necessary routine, just like maintenance for a car. We have to do it - that’s all! Preferably regularly. And through “I can’t” and “I don’t want.” My average patient is lazy, cowardly and weak. This is the crux of the whole problem. I wish you not to make yourself sick!

Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky,
Ph.D., doctor of the KAMAZ-Master team at the Dakar rally

Each profession has its own diseases, which can make a person unable to work or significantly worsen his quality of life. cannot be called an exception - constant stay in one position threatens a whole “bouquet” of diseases. There is an opinion that they are associated only with the musculoskeletal system, but this is completely wrong. Lack of movement can disrupt work nervous system, digestive tract, blood supply and even genitals! Occupational diseases of drivers are very dangerous - in order to never encounter them, you need to follow the rules of prevention.

Driving for a long time can lead to the development of certain diseases.


Diseases strike the driver first gastrointestinal tract. The most common problem is the strong growth of adipose tissue, which accumulates on the abdomen, hips and chest. You've probably noticed that most truck drivers have a considerable weight, because the amounts their body receives nutrients are not absorbed properly, but are converted into fat. The reason for such changes in metabolism is trivial - with uneven and unbalanced nutrition, a person spends almost no energy.

The way to combat this occupational disease of drivers is also simple. You should avoid hamburgers, hot dogs and sweet soda, no matter how attractive they may seem. A professional driver is prescribed a diet with low content fat and carbohydrates: chicken and beef, vegetables, skim milk, cottage cheese, lean fish. It’s better to cook your own food for the trip or order it dietary products in roadside cafes - fortunately, many chain establishments already offer them. Professional drivers should also visit the gym and treadmill between trips.

At constant sitting Another occupational disease manifests itself, represented by impaired intestinal motility. Food consumed on the go cannot be properly absorbed and often stays in the intestines longer than it should. The result is the accumulation of toxic substances, irritation of the mucous membranes and disruption of enzyme production. That is why occupational diseases of drivers include inflammation of various parts of the intestine - from the duodenum to the rectum. If left untreated in the long term, foci of inflammation can develop into malignant polyps.

Many drivers do not pay attention to what they eat on the road, but in vain...

Prevention can be eating on a comfortable chair in a cafe, where you can take any desired position. Also, after a serious lunch or dinner, it is worth taking a walk for at least 15 minutes to start normal process digestion. Occupational diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also be prevented with the help of gymnastic exercises performed every 3 hours of travel:

  • Torso rotations;
  • Body tilts;
  • Squats.

The problem of all professional drivers is hemorrhoids. More often it overtakes those who drive domestic equipment or old foreign cars, since their seats were designed without taking into account the impact on human health. There are few causes for hemorrhoids - constipation caused by malfunction intestines, lack of fiber in food, and poor circulation in the pelvis. To avoid such an occupational disease, you need to follow the recommendations given above, consume a lot raw vegetables and whole grain bread, and also use a special medical seat cushion.

Muscles and spine

It is very common to experience pinched muscles that they prefer to ignore. After a few hours, the pinched area begins to hurt very much, and sensations of burning and numbness appear at the same time. If you continue to ignore such an occupational disease, deformation of the musculoskeletal system may occur, which will lead to internal bleeding, organ failure digestive system and metabolic disorders. Also strong muscle tension negatively affects the spine, which is also incredibly dangerous for human life.

Many drivers experience spinal problems

From the initial lesion of the spine it is not far to osteochondrosis, which is considered a scourge modern man due to the sedentary lifestyle of representatives of many professions. The symptoms of such an occupational disease of drivers are quite varied and unpleasant:

  • Dumb either stabbing pains in the ridge area;
  • Feeling of tightness and immobility (“stone back”);
  • Severe pain in the pelvic area and chest, as if piercing the body;
  • With damage to the cervical vertebrae - temporary clouding of consciousness, hallucinations in the form of colored dots;
  • Spasms, headache.

Drivers make the mistake of following advertising. They use a variety of creams and ointments to relieve pain. They are able to provide some therapeutic effect, however, to achieve the full effect, you must temporarily stop driving and exercise therapeutic exercises, which almost no one does.

The next stage is represented by spondyloarthrosis, which is sometimes called a herniated disc. Intervertebral discs They cease to be normally supplied with fluid and supported by the muscles, as a result of which, with every movement of the driver, they are abraded and the resulting chips accumulate. The symptoms are even worse than in the previous case - professional drivers describe the exacerbation of the hernia as sudden unbearable pain, which does not allow you to change position even by a millimeter and produces a burning sensation in all parts of the body when the car hits the smallest bump. The result is surgery and third group disability for a year, which means suspension from driving.

Dr. Bubnovsky, who treats and rehabilitates professional racers from the KamAZ-Master team, claims that such a disease is easy to prevent. Every 3-4 hours the driver should stop, get out of the car, rest his hands on a solid part of its body, and then alternately squat on one leg, placing the other far back, which will help stretch intervertebral discs by improving their nutrition. Following this, the professional driver needs to do at least 10 forward bends with straight arms and legs, as well as 10 side bends of the torso with legs wide apart and arms lying on the sides. It is also advisable to run around the car a couple of times and then stand for 1-2 minutes, leaning on the body, to relax the muscles and prevent the development of their diseases.

Cardiovascular system

Experts have proven that 80% of drivers after 20 years of experience develop varicose veins veins in one form or another. Long absence movement causes severe pain in the legs, weakness, swelling and others unpleasant symptoms. Prevention of occupational disease is very simple - you need to periodically warm up during long periods of time, as well as jogging and walking for a long time.

Don't ignore symptoms of cardiovascular dysfunction

Taxi and delivery drivers, who are forced to work in incredibly tight schedules, are at risk of heart attack, which is associated with emotional overstrain. It is recommended to reduce the amount of cholesterol-rich foods in your diet, and also not to indulge in coffee and strong tea, which are often abused by professional drivers. If it is impossible to self-soothe difficult situations It is worth visiting a psychologist who will prescribe a course of therapy.

Due to low physical activity, atrophy of the heart muscle develops, which results in hypertension. High blood pressure can cause deadly diseases: heart attack, stroke, coronary disease. The method of preventing such an occupational disease of the driver is described above - physical activity, reducing the consumption of caffeine and other energy drinks.

Reproductive system

Drivers' diseases are especially unfavorable for men, since they can result in infertility and impotence. The main reason for this problem is the lack of blood movement in the pelvic organs. Prostate, having stopped receiving adequate nutrition, no longer performs its function. The production of hormones stops, sperm production decreases, and the prostate itself increases in size, causing discomfort in the pelvic area, intestinal damage and frequent complicated urination. To get rid of such an occupational disease, it is enough to do gymnastic exercises during a long trip.

If you do not change your position for a long time, overheating of the testicles may cause male infertility. Spermatozoa die from high temperature or become inactive. Conception will not be possible within 3-4 days after such a trip. If overheating is repeated regularly, sperm may remain non-viable forever. This occupational disease is especially dangerous when there is a heated seat.


Since the driver is constantly surrounded by exhaust fumes that literally spread over the busy road, he is forced to inhale more than 200 toxic compounds. Your contribution to development occupational diseases do and, when abraded, asbestos dust is formed. The first symptom of damage respiratory system An occupational disease is a sore throat, which may be accompanied by slight bleeding. If you ignore this symptom, you can achieve degeneration of the mucous membrane, in which it stops protecting the lungs from toxic damage.

For professional drivers, toxins and dust penetrate both the lungs and bronchi. The situation is aggravated by smoking, since the organs of the respiratory system become sensitive and extremely susceptible to such damage. The result is inflammatory processes, the foci of which over time can transform into oncological neoplasms. Emphysema is also an occupational disease of drivers - proliferation of blood vessels and connective tissue, reducing lung capacity. This disease is deadly because when ventilation of the lungs deteriorates, they become a target for harmful microorganisms.

Health comes first

Even if you love your car very much, you should not feel sorry for it more than yourself. Remember that just as the machine needs maintenance, so does human body- V proper care, as well as prevention dangerous diseases. By doing gymnastics and normalizing your diet, you can prevent strokes, heart attacks, spinal lesions, and also maintain the functionality of the digestive, respiratory and reproductive systems.

Modern men and women cannot imagine themselves without a car. Many people have forgotten that in life they need to be active as much as possible. If previously a car was considered a luxury, today it is a means of transportation. For some men, a car is a job. Truck drivers, taxi drivers, and bus drivers have to spend almost 24 hours behind the wheel. How dangerous is this? What occupational diseases are common for drivers? Is it possible to protect yourself from them?

Frequent illnesses among drivers


A common pathology in men. Very often it develops due to a sedentary lifestyle. When a man is constantly in this position, he has problems with blood circulation, various congestions appear in the pelvis, and develops.


The disease is caused by frequent constipation. A man on the road does not eat well; he lacks fiber, which is extremely necessary for full-fledged work digestive system. Therefore, instead of a hot dog or shawarma, it is better to always have legumes, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts with you. Don’t forget to eat warm soups and healthy cereals.


You have to sit in a bent position while driving, so your posture is disrupted.


Often, first a man suffers from osteochondrosis, then from. Also, when traveling, especially in extreme heat, windows are constantly open, so you can easily catch a cold in the lower back.


Drivers practically do not move, they are constantly on the move. As a result, excess fat begins to be deposited and metabolism is disrupted. And, if the driver also eats fast food, drinks soda, and energy drinks, this further aggravates the situation.

Heart diseases

Scientists have proven that professional drivers most often suffer from high pressure, susceptible to stroke, . Why? Firstly, again, due to the lack of physical activity. Secondly, due to constant stress, you have to be tense on the highway, carefully monitor the road, otherwise you can get into a serious accident. As a result, the heart muscles atrophy, blood vessels narrow, so a man can suffer at any time.


When a man constantly sits, his testicles overheat, so testosterone production is disrupted and sperm do not mature. The driver's seat with additional heating and tight underwear are especially dangerous.

Diseases of the intestines and stomach

As mentioned above, almost every driver eats junk food. He doesn’t have time to sit down quietly to eat the first and second, he needs to go quickly, so as a result he has intestinal obstruction, gastritis, ulcers, etc.

What substances are dangerous for the driver?

  • Exhaust gases . Almost all cars are filled with gasoline; when it burns, it begins to release more than 200 toxins. Heavy metals are especially dangerous.
  • Ugarny ha h. Often the driver does not feel any smell or color, but in large doses this substance can cause death. IN case of lung poisoning is disturbed by severe headache, weakness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, but when a person inhales carbon monoxide for a long time, he loses consciousness.
  • Nitrogen oxides stand out on highways. They lead to irritation of the eyes, breathing, and can lead to chronic pneumonia.
  • Hydrocarbons – carcinogens leading to cancer. To protect against negative impact to avoid toxins, it is best to refuel with gasoline with a special additive for fuel combustion.
  • Substances emitted by tires , no less dangerous. When the car brakes sharply, they begin to stand out toxic substances– phenols, benzene, styrene, toluene. When tires rub against asphalt, dangerous carcinogens begin to form.
  • Tire dust. When the tread wears out, tire dust is released, it enters the lungs and leads to serious allergies in the form of rhinitis, conjunctivitis and urticaria.
  • Asbestos. Brake pads are no less dangerous. This part is made from asbestos, which can cause cancer over time.

Attention! Especially dangerous substance considered to be phenol, which is released during braking. It gradually poisons the body.

Prevention of driving diseases

  • First of all, you need to play sports. IN free time Walk as much as possible and engage in active sports.
  • Don't forget about breaks. Stop and do exercises that will help improve blood circulation in the pelvic area: squats, circular rotations of the pelvis in different sides, body bends.
  • While riding, be sure to do this exercise: pull in the area between the anus and testicles, while the gluteal muscles should be relaxed. Using the exercise, you can train the pubococcygeus muscles. This best prevention prostatitis and other blood stagnation in the pelvic organs.
  • Buy a special orthopedic mattress. This way you can prevent the development of hemorrhoids, prostatitis, and radiculitis. In addition, you will always maintain your posture and reduce fatigue.
  • Try to take it every day contrast shower. Due to temperature changes, you activate blood circulation, improve the condition of the nervous system, and strengthen the immune system.
  • Take extra vitamins, especially if you don't get them from food.

Are you a driver? Do you have to spend a lot of time driving? Think about your health. In your free time, try to sit as little as possible, give preference to active recreation in nature. If you still start to worry various diseases, you will have to give up your profession, otherwise serious consequences will not be avoided in the future.

Are you just a car owner? Try to use the car only for long distance, it is best to walk as much as possible. Movement is an excellent conditioning for the body. Walking strengthens joints, heart, blood vessels and others system organs. Drive and stay healthy!

Movement is life. Today, for many, driving means driving your car. But that’s not what they wanted to say with this everyday proverb. Nowadays, a car has ceased to be a luxury, but has become a means of transportation. Moreover, for many, the car has become an integral part of work. Taxi drivers, truck drivers, minibus drivers, etc. cannot imagine life without a car. These professions require drivers to be behind the wheel all day. , and what occupational diseases await drivers?

Top most common driver diseases:

  1. Prostatitis. One of the most frequent illnesses male genital area. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main and most common reasons occurrence . While long time in a sitting position, blood circulation is disrupted and a stagnation process appears in the pelvic area, which leads to prostatitis.
  2. Haemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are caused not only by impaired blood circulation in the pelvis. Frequent constipation is the main cause of hemorrhoids in men. Unbalanced diet with insufficient fiber content necessary for the functioning of the digestive tract is main reason constipation Therefore, it is necessary to consume foods containing fiber: fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds.
  3. Osteochondrosis. Caused by osteochondrosis sedentary life and incorrect position driving posture.
  4. Radiculitis. One of the most common causes of radiculitis is osteochondrosis.
  5. . Absence physical activity promotes deposition excess fat. This leads to disruption metabolic processes, after which the situation with overweight worsens even more. Doesn't make the situation worse proper diet food, part of which is fast food.
  6. Cardiovascular diseases. Men whose profession involves constant driving are susceptible to heart attacks for two reasons: strong emotional load and lack of physical activity. Emotional overload manifests itself due to constant stress while driving: you must always be focused and attentive so as not to get into an accident. Lack of physical activity contributes to weakening and atrophy of the heart muscle, which leads to various cardiovascular diseases.
  7. Male infertility. Seated position contributes to an increase in temperature and overheating of the testicles, which interferes with sperm maturation and release male hormones. The situation is aggravated by the heated and cramped driver's seat.
  8. Gastrointestinal disease. Applies to drivers who neglect healthy food and often don’t have time to have a proper snack. For example, truck drivers.

Prevention of occupational diseases of drivers

So, what needs to be done in order to minimize the consequences caused by prolonged driving.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is physical activity. If possible, do hiking and play sports. If possible, take breaks. During the break, try to move more and, if the situation allows, do exercises to improve blood circulation in the pelvis:

  1. Circular rotations of the pelvis, first in one direction, then in the other direction
  2. Bend your torso forward with your hands touching the floor
  3. Squats
  4. Bend the torso to the sides

If it is not possible to stand up, you can do the following exercise: while sitting, we begin to retract the area between the testicles and the anus, while the muscles of the buttocks should not tense. This exercise is used to train. The exercise is effective for the prevention of prostatitis, as well as diseases associated with blood stagnation in the pelvic area.

The second thing drivers should think about is equipping their driver’s seat with a special orthopedic mattress.

Prevention of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, hemorrhoids, prostatitis

-maintains correct posture
-reduces fatigue while driving

Remember, prevention is easier than cure. Therefore, it is better to engage in disease prevention in a timely manner, otherwise occupational diseases of drivers may appear at any time.



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