The process of getting rid of neurosis is very painful. Getting rid of neurosis

The main symptoms of a neurotic state: irritation, fatigue, memory and attention deterioration, low mood, anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive actions, vulnerability, etc. What to do? Contact a psychologist or psychiatrist. Neurosis is a reaction of the psyche and body to an unresolved conflict. There is always a cause for neurosis. Unresolved situations associated with a person’s life accumulate and manifest themselves, first, as neurotic symptoms, and then as psychosomatic ones. In simple words, if the “psyche” is silent, the “somatics”, that is, the body, will find a way out. Therefore, many diseases cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and others are directly related to mental activity.

How to understand yourself? Often, patients' chief complaints are directly focused on a symptom, such as anxiety. It’s difficult to explain where anxiety comes from and why it doesn’t go away on its own, and it’s impossible to live with it. Therefore, without professional help it will be difficult to cope, since the symptoms of neurosis are, first of all, a cry for help from the “psyche”, which through the symptoms shows that it needs “repair”.

For those who are trying to help themselves, First of all, learn to control your anxiety. It's difficult, but possible. When you experience severe anxiety, try diaphragmatic breathing, the essence of which is to exhale twice as long as inhale (inhale by 1-2, exhale by 1-2-3-4) and so on 20-30 times. To better control the breathing process, place two hands on your stomach and watch how they rise and fall with your stomach as you breathe. Gradually you will calm down and all indicators of the cardiovascular system will return to normal. Do this every time you start to feel anxious.

For aggression and irritation, try Jacobson relaxation. This is alternate tension and relaxation of the body muscles. You need to imagine that you are holding an orange in your fist and must squeeze the juice out of it. Do this alternately with each hand. You can also hold rubber balls in your fist and alternately squeeze and release until you get tired.

Important! Don’t forget to talk about problems, everyone has them. Don’t try to live up to the assessments of others; they don’t need you. Play sports because physical fatigue unloads mental activity. Love yourself.

Neurosis is best detected on early stages when it does not yet become a pronounced somatic reaction. In this case, in addition to the presence of stress in life, additional stress arises in the form of anxiety for one’s health. That is, the neurosis begins to be aggravated by the neurosis itself. If at first you were worried about a situation, now you are worried about your health - about whether your heart is okay, whether you are seriously ill, or whether disability is around the corner. From these experiences, stress increases even more, symptoms worsen, anxiety intensifies, and so on.

Therefore, if you notice the following in your life, then you should not think that everything will go away by itself. It is worth paying attention to problem situations and starting to solve them gradually.

Signs that neurosis is around the corner

  1. You often worry or worry about something. Usually the subject of concern is one and very significant, but sometimes there are several. For example, you quit your job and became a freelancer. And now, instead of freedom and the beach with a laptop, every day you are worried about where to find new orders and make money. If anxiety has become obsessive, preventing you from sleeping, resting and relaxing, then it’s time to change something or it will lead to the development of neurosis.
  2. There is some situation in your life that requires a solution. For example, you realized that you no longer love your partner. But you don’t break off relations with him and don’t try to improve them, preferring to leave everything as it is. Until better times, until more suitable circumstances. Often people do not notice such “stuck” situations in their lives. It seems to them that there is no problem here. However, this common reason development of neurosis.
  3. There have been changes in your life that you were not prepared for. For example, sudden death loved one. A person cannot and should not be prepared for everything, but this does not eliminate the need to competently cope with the consequences of his shocks. If you are fixated on what happened, constantly mentally returning to the shocking situation, then you should contact a specialist in a timely manner. The same applies to future changes that are just approaching, but are already causing anxiety and unpleasant emotions.
  4. You are in a dead end situation. You don't see a way out and can't decide what to do next. For example, women who have been exposed domestic violence, often experience this. Leaving is scary. Staying is scary. It’s not clear what to do. A dead end that can easily lead to neurosis if a person does not find a way out.
  5. You live in constant tension. A lot rests on you, you need to control a lot. For example, you are a mother of five children. Each requires attention, time and effort. Even when you are tired, you cannot give up everything by leaving for GOA. Therefore, you simply overcome fatigue and move on with your life. Constant tension for a long time without the opportunity to get quality rest rarely goes away without a trace.
  6. You feel exhausted. This happens after periods strong voltage. If you have a time in the past when you worked long hours and tirelessly, overcoming fatigue and ignoring the natural desire to turn your attention to something else, then exhaustion is a natural reaction. We also feel exhausted after severe stress and prolonged anxiety. Therefore, exhaustion is serious signal about the need to seek help.
  7. You have problems sleeping and resting. From time to time, everyone can have such problems and there is certainly no point in every sleepless night detect signs of neurosis. But if your sleep problems started not long ago and began to appear regularly, then this is a sure sign of a developing neurosis.
  8. It is difficult for you to rest. Rest is a change of activity. If you find it difficult to do something or switch attention from some things, then it’s time to think about possible development neurosis. What we mean here are situations when you can’t switch because you can’t/there’s no one else to do it/it’s all on me/I have to, and so on. We are not talking about when you are passionate about something and cannot tear yourself away from an interesting activity.
  9. You have increased sensitivity/nervousness. You either react too nervously and even aggressively even in simple everyday situations, or you start crying for any seemingly insignificant reason. If this was not typical for you before, then be sure to pay attention to it - often this is a sign of developing neurosis.
  10. You don’t share your worries with anyone, you keep everything to yourself. And one of the qualities that is common to most of those who suffer from neurosis is the habit of keeping everything to themselves. Sometimes this is a truly formed pattern of behavior, sometimes it is a consequence of the absence of close people whom you can trust. If you have problems that you have no one to discuss with and you are forced to keep everything to yourself, this is a bad sign.

How to get rid of it?

The most important thing is to understand that this state clearly indicates that there are problems in your life that require solutions. Therefore, fighting the condition itself is unnecessary and even harmful. This is how to fight windmills. There is a lot of effort, but there is no point. It's better to find the source of stress. And then begin to take action to eliminate it.

1. First, look for the source. Try to determine what is causing concern/anxiety in the current situation? In your current life? What's on your mind? When do you worry the most? What are you most stressed about?

2. Once you find the source, determine what you would like. How should everything be ideally? How would you like it to be? What would you like to happen? What changes are you missing?

3. Now you can think about actions. In some cases, some small actions. For example, if you lost your job, it may be enough to find a new one and the symptoms will subside. But unfortunately, in most cases, neurosis is based on internal conflicts and contradictions that are best dealt with in the presence of a competent specialist. Therefore, if you do not find a simple and feasible solution, then best action- contact a psychologist.

Everything is falling out of hand- Do you yell at your family, hiss at your employees, does your eyelid twitch when you look at your boss? Perhaps you just need to get some sleep and rest for a day or two. Or maybe things have gone further, and you have a real neurosis.

Neurosis is a thing when the body has no strength left. From the word absolutely. So completely that you break somewhere inside, but for some reason you continue to move, like a very heroic dancer on a broken leg. Usually one symptom is not enough, but a few from our list are already enough to cause concern. And no, this is not a case where “I’ll think about it tomorrow” is a good idea.

1. Irritability

There are really serious reasons for irritation. But when literally any action or circumstance enrages you, and days of bad mood come one after another, this is already a bad sign.

2. Oddities with appetite

It may disappear completely, but more often, unfortunately, tricks just begin. Suddenly you find that you eat constantly and literally everything. They say that people with depression and neuroses are especially often drawn to sweets.

3. Sleep disorders

Either you crawl all day like a sleepy fly, then you count sheep and camels ad infinitum, but sleep does not come and does not come. And if you come, then you plunge into it for a few minutes, half wake up and dive again. But very shallow. And you get up not just without sleep, but with strange trembling or weakness in your arms and legs.

4. Cruel spleen

Or, in other words, the blues. Not just melancholy, but green melancholy. It’s sickening, stuffy, every movement, every action – I can’t get through it. It is very similar to depression, but, nevertheless, it is not it.

5. Sudden tearfulness

You are not a whiner by nature, but suddenly you notice a cat near the road and start crying: she was probably hit by a car. In particularly advanced cases, you will deliberately begin to look for poignant films and touching books in order to justify your burning desire to cry with the height of art.

6. Instant fatigue

Everything is tiring. Even rest. Don't get your hopes up, it's not just laziness. Pulling yourself together won't help.

7. Weird anxiety

You are haunted by forebodings and fears. Moreover, you are usually afraid of something that happens very rarely, in fact, is not always fatal or does not depend on you. You wake up at night with the realization that tomorrow you will be fired or one of your relatives will get sick. Sometimes fear doesn't even take a concrete form.

8. Unstable self-esteem

A short burst of self-confidence makes you take on a task or agree to go to a cafe with friends. But after short time covers you. You understand that you can’t and don’t know how to do anything, and this is about to be revealed.

9. Tics and small movements

Did you think that a tic is when your eyelid twitches? And what’s happening to your neck or under your knee is... well, something else? Teak can crawl out in the most unexpected places. You can walk and twitch your head, like Bormann in the movies. You can feel a twitching under your armpit or in your calf, and you can’t cope with it.

In fact, there are many more manifestations of neurosis. But the question is what should you do when you realize that you are neurotic.

To deceive neurosis, avoid passively lying on the sofa. Alternate rest with work and walks or sports. This will help stabilize the situation a little. But the main recipe remains the least favorite on the Internet: “See a doctor immediately.”

Speaking in simple language, neurosis is suppressed, “frozen” feelings and emotions.

Why is this happening? It’s just that at some point a person does not have the internal resources and tools to cope with a certain situation.

You can understand that something is wrong by the following signs:

Increased fatigue

Sleep disorder - insomnia, interrupted sleep, nightmares

Digestive disorders, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea

Tension in the body muscles, muscle tics

Headaches, difficulty concentrating

Increased irritability, vulnerability, weakness, feelings of insecurity and much more.

It's important to understand that symptoms will manifest themselves individually for each person. In any case, our body always reacts to stress. By listening to it, as well as to feelings and emotions, internal experiences, you can understand that something has a very strong influence on us. Something disturbs our comfort and leads us to suffering. By being aware of our feelings and bodily reactions, we can notice and stop it. Understand yourself and help. IN difficult situations ask for help.

It is important to allow yourself to experience any feelings., without closing your eyes, without denying the problem. Accept your feelings and try to express them. Show yourself care - let yourself relax with pleasant music, go for a massage, take a warm bath. If the condition is associated with an important unresolved matter, try to complete it faster.

It is important to remember that you are alone. Appreciate yourself!

The most terrible enemy is the unknown enemy. That enemy that I do NOT understand. This statement applies to neurosis very often. Many people have been struggling with its symptoms for years, but cannot even clearly explain what exactly is happening to them.

And this is not without reason. After all, neurosis is a generalized name for a whole group of very diverse conditions. Therefore, in order.

Neurosis is psychogenic disorder. That is, regardless of what symptoms you have now, if you are diagnosed with neurosis, this means that you are physically healthy. Even if your symptoms are: extrasystoles, a lump in the throat, pressure surges, tachycardia or pain in the heart.

Next. Psychogenic disorder Does NOT mean you are mentally ill. It only means that the cause of neurosis is related to mental factors. For example, this could be: stress, developmental or psychological trauma, psychological pressure, education, personal conflict, physical and intellectual overload. Once again, the cause of neurosis always lies in the area of ​​your psychology. This is either a specific event or a series of events. Or loss of the ability to resist life events.

The essence of the symptoms of neurosis can be described as follows: mental exhaustion.

That is, neurosis is precisely functional state. The same as a decrease in immunity or, for example, anemia. But only for the psyche. Yes, exhaustion during neurosis can manifest itself in completely different ways.

These may include symptoms of loss of strength, concentration, indecisiveness, memory deterioration, mood, and procrastination (generally called asthenia).

These may be symptoms with obsessive manifestations - with obsessive thoughts or actions.

It can hysterical symptoms with a predominance of suggestibility or self-hypnosis, a tendency to overthink, attract attention to oneself and one’s condition.

Once again, as a summary, all symptoms of neurosis are the result of mental exhaustion. Therefore, when the cause of neurosis is eliminated or compensated, the condition is restored. Here I directly want to emphasize - neurosis is a 100% reversible condition, which can and should be removed from your life.

And finally, neurosis is characterized by the painful nature of the course of the disorder. That is, there are diseases that are asymptomatic, but end in failure. For example, hepatitis C or some forms of various vascular aneurysms. And there is neurosis. Which is absolutely not life-threatening, but creates a myriad of symptoms and is extremely painful to bear. Which is due to the psychogenic nature of the disorder and its occurrence against the background of mental exhaustion. The painful experience of neurosis is included in moments of experiencing symptoms, during attempts to cope with it, in moments of powerlessness due to the futility of one’s efforts. And also due to the fact that others do not understand and, often, do not accept a disorder that doctors do not want to treat general practice. And often those around us label neurosis as an imaginary, fictitious disease. Which makes the condition even more unbearable.


Neurosis is caused psychological reasons, reversible mental depletion, safe for physical health, but painfully bearable.

Neurosis came unexpectedly...

“Neurosis is the only disease that, having overcome it, a person becomes better.”- this statement has been confirmed more than once in my practice. Neurosis is a group psychogenic diseases, which arise as a result of experiences in relationships that are significant for a person as a result of an unproductive and unconstructive solution to a contradiction and accompanied by painful and painful experiences that entail social, mental and somatic disorganization of the individual. Based on this definition, we can conditionally divide the signs of impending neurosis that manifest themselves in relationships (society), in changes mental state(psyche) and appearances painful sensations and disorders in the body (somatics).

A short list of signs:

Pay attention to your sleep, you are sleeping poorly, waking up at night, you feel weak in the morning, and also if increased fatigue does not pass;

Your attention has weakened, you cannot concentrate on work or remember the text you are reading;

Changed emotional background: irritability increased, they began to worry more, worry, a persistent fear arose with a clear understanding of what exactly you are afraid of;

In your thinking, you have intrusive memories, doubts, fears, as well as obsessive counting, tapping, etc.;

Headaches, heart pain, dizziness, and diarrhea appeared.

It is not always possible for a person to independently determine whether this is the onset of a disease or brief situational changes in condition; usually people with the skill of self-analysis succeed in this.

To complete the picture of your condition, it is still better to contact a specialist who works with neuroses, who can conduct psychodiagnostics, analyze your story, behavior, emotions, and if there are doubts about mental factors reasons for your condition, refer you to a doctor.

On at the moment One of the successfully used psychotherapeutic areas in working with neuroses is the cognitive-behavioral approach. As a specialist in this area, I wish you:

1. Learn to enjoy your own development, through understanding a new yourself.

2. Acquire the skill of self-disclosure, not be afraid of yourself, be aware of your “shoals”, your victories, understand and accept your positive and negative sides.

Each person belongs to a certain type of personality (neurotic, psychotic, borderline, etc.). The psychotype is formed in childhood. A neurotic is a person who is overly anxious.

Fear of the future, worry about your children, anxiety about health, fear of death, tension in relationships, excessive hysteria, poor appetite and sleep and the like are signs of neurosis.

Neurosis does not come out of nowhere, it is a gradual process. In a critical situation, it is difficult for a person to cope with his feelings. But it's not hopeless. Unlike schizophrenia, neurosis can be corrected. Half the success is admitting to yourself that there is a problem that is worth contacting a specialist.

Treatment tactics for neuroses are selected taking into account the cause of the disturbance in work nervous system. Such conditions change a person's thoughts and behavior. The patient is worried obsessive fears and anxiety, guilt. To date, several ways have been developed to help you get rid of neurosis on your own. However, before starting self-medication, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

How to get rid of neurosis on your own?

Of all the methods on how you can get rid of neurosis on your own, the following can be distinguished:

  • drug therapy;
  • psychotherapy;
  • occupational therapy;
  • relaxation technique according to Amosov;
  • technique for relieving tension in Levi's head;
  • use of traditional medicine.

When treating neurosis at home, it is necessary, first of all, to differentiate this condition from other pathologies that have similar symptoms.

The main feature similar violations Unreasonable anxious thoughts are considered.

Patients experience seizures less often panic attacks, in which the following phenomena occur:

  • active sweating;
  • decreased appetite;
  • dysfunction of the digestive system.

These symptoms occur when the patient experiences severe stress. In addition, the causes of neurosis in healthy person often due to psychological trauma received in childhood. And in cases where the patient again finds himself in a similar situation, the signs of a neurotic state reappear.

The following symptoms also indicate neuroses:

  • abrupt change mood;
  • increased irritability;
  • pessimistic outlook on life;
  • depressive state.

Accurately differentiate a neurotic state from somatic pathologies quite difficult. However, it is possible to defeat neurosis and restore the nervous system only if it is possible to identify causative factor. This means that it is quite difficult to cope with such a problem on your own. Achieve successful results in the fight against a pathological condition is possible if you approach the issue comprehensively.

How to treat neurosis yourself?

The neurotic state is reversible. But in order to make noticeable progress and get rid of constant stress and tension, you should adjust your lifestyle, attitude towards the world around you and build internal dialogue so that it does not affect the psyche.

A positive treatment result can be achieved if the patient begins to perceive reality as it is.

The causes of neuroses include a person’s inability to adapt to current conditions environment: sudden change of residence, new place of work, and so on. IN similar condition people experience severe stress, which causes nervous disorders.

Second an important condition successful recovery is the abandonment of restrictions. How more rules a person follows, the more likely it is that when the need arises to deviate from them, he will experience severe stress.

The third thing to consider when working on yourself is that self-esteem does not depend on the opinions of others. Don't compare yourself to other people. This attitude creates conditions for the formation negative thoughts and installations.

One of the causes of neurosis is low self-esteem

Drug treatment

The effect of medications used for neuroses for treatment at home is aimed at restoring nerve functions. At the same time, only a doctor can determine how to relieve tension and what medications should be taken. It is important to remember that uncontrolled use of medications suppresses the immune system and impairs the functioning of the nervous system.

Therapy pathological condition mainly carried out with the help of sedatives:

Sedatives eliminate anxiety and restore the nervous system. Medicines are given positive results subject to systematic use.

Adaptogens in the form of tinctures are also used in the fight against anxiety:

  • Eleutherococcus;
  • rosehip;
  • ginseng.

Adaptogens stimulate the nervous system and increase the body's resistance to the effects of external factors, thanks to which a person better adapts to changing conditions. These drugs are recommended to improve performance and relieve chronic stress.

Antidepressants used in the treatment of neuroses are prescribed for a short course.

In the fight against nervous disorders, Amitriptyline or Melipramine are mainly used.

The effect of antidepressants appears several hours after taking the pills and lasts for a long time.

Tranquilizers are prescribed for severe neuroses accompanied by panic attacks and phobias. In this case, Adaptol, Phenazepam, Gidazepam are recommended.

Home psychotherapy

There are several ways to cope with neurosis yourself through psychotherapeutic techniques. This approach is considered more effective than taking medications, as it helps eliminate the impact of the causative factor.

The following psychotherapeutic techniques are used in the treatment of neuroses at home:

  1. Relaxation. To relax, you need to network as comfortably as possible, close your eyes and do a few deep breaths. After this, you need to visualize a picture that evokes pleasant memories or impressions. You should relax for a few minutes every day until the symptoms of neurosis disappear.
  2. Autogenous therapy. The effectiveness of the method is based on self-hypnosis. To restore the nervous system it is necessary to take comfortable position, take a deep breath and exhale, imagining that the problems go away along with the air.
  3. Play therapy. Used in the treatment of neuroses in children. This method allows you to identify the true fears of a child. Once the factor that provokes the neurosis has been identified, you should begin to work with it using the repression method.

The latter involves correction of the behavior of a sick person, during which negative attitudes are replaced by positive ones.

Neuroses can also be treated with music and color therapy. Moreover, the patient takes both active and passive participation in this.

In the first case, the patient is asked to play musical instruments, in the second - listen to soothing and simple works (preference is given to classical music).

Color therapy is an innovative and effective approach to treating mental disorders. Correctly selected interior shades help to cope with aggressive behavior, depression and agitation. In particular, getting rid of red and lilac items and replacing them with blue and purple items can calm the patient's nervous system.

Occupational therapy method

Stress in adults stimulates the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which increase the concentration of glucose in the blood, accelerate the heartbeat, and constrict blood vessels. In this state, a person’s physical endurance increases.

To cope with negative emotions and restore the nervous system, it is recommended to use occupational therapy in the treatment of neuroses at home. This method allows you to get rid of excess energy that causes the above phenomena. In this case, active physical exercise on exercise machines, running or other activities that require effort.

Method of relaxation and falling asleep according to Amosov

Often mental disorders cause insomnia. In this case, the technique developed by Amosov helps. Treatment of neuroses in this way involves complete relaxation of the body, starting with the muscles of the face and ending with the limbs. It is important to remove tight clothing and take a comfortable position before starting the procedure.

Whether it is possible to get rid of insomnia using the Amosov method depends on the patient himself. The latter needs to achieve maximum relaxation of all muscles. If necessary, before going to bed, you can use the self-hypnosis methods described above.

Removing neurosis using the Levy method

Vladimir Levi proposed a different method on how to overcome neurosis yourself. This method is the opposite of what Amosov developed.

To achieve complete relaxation According to the Levy method, you need to tense all the muscles of the body. To do this, you need to get as angry as possible, after which you can shout, jump, wave your arms or perform other actions.

The main thing is that the muscles at this moment tense to the limit.

How to treat neurosis with folk remedies?

In the treatment of neurosis folk remedies that really help to cope with mental disorders are recommended various teas and decoctions. Such remedies effectively and relatively quickly restore the state of the nervous system and eliminate anxiety.

You can help yourself with neurosis if you use the following folk remedies daily:

  1. Mix together 2 parts of three-leaf watch and mint leaves. Add one part of hop cones and valerian root to the composition. Take 50 grams of the resulting mixture and pour 250 ml of boiling water over it. The product is infused for 20 minutes, after which it is ready for use.
  2. Mix together 3 parts of chamomile flowers, 2 parts of valerian root and 5 parts of cumin. The product is brewed in the same way.

Also traditional treatment neuroses involves regular consumption of infusions and teas from motherwort, chamomile, valerian and others medicinal plants, which calm the nervous system.

Features of nutrition for neuroses

To successfully recover from neurotic conditions, you need to eat right. This problem is especially relevant in big cities. Persons with a tendency to neurotic conditions, it is recommended to give up chocolate, coffee and energy drinks or reduce their volume. Patients with mental disorders should not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages.

The diet of people with neuroses should be divided and varied. The diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits that saturate the body with vitamins and useful microelements. Patients should drink up to two liters of fluid per day.

It is possible that by correcting lifestyle and nutrition, the neurosis will go away without external intervention. However, other methods of treating the pathological condition cannot be abandoned. In addition, before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor on how to get out of neurosis.

Everyone has heard the word “neurosis,” but few people know what this word exactly means, and what disease lies behind it, what are its causes and how is it treated?

What is neurosis?

Each of us has more than once attributed this state to ourselves in difficult life situations when solving certain life problems is complicated by internal discomfort, irritability, and decreased performance. State constant fatigue, insomnia and fear, lack of mood and reluctance to do anything, is often attributed to neurosis. But what is it really?

Autonomic disorders in neuroses

Unsharp at neuroses meet autonomic disorders. Among them:

  • neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • vegetosis;
  • angioneurosis;
  • neurosis of the heart.

With neuroses, there are two types of vegetative disorders.

The first type of autonomic disorders is characterized by:

  • increased heart rate;
  • decreased salivation;
  • dryness skin;
  • « goose bumps»;
  • promotion blood pressure;
  • tendency to increase body temperature;
  • chilliness of the limbs, etc.

The second type of autonomic disorders is characterized by:

  • slow heart rate;
  • increased salivation;
  • increased intestinal motility;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • redness of the skin, etc.

It should be noted that autonomic disorders, as a rule, are mixed.

TO typical manifestations neurosis can also be attributed panic attacks: pain and/or “freezing” in the heart area, sensations of pressure in the heart area, dizziness and even suffocation. May also be observed discomfort in the abdomen, feeling of heat, sweating, low blood pressure. With relapses of panic attacks, all kinds of phobias can develop (fear of death, fear of some kind of fatal disease at your place or at your loved one’s, etc.).

The duration of neuroses can vary - from several days to several years. The duration depends on the individual’s ability to resolve their problems, the length of stay in difficult situations, and the timeliness of seeing a doctor. Manifestations of neurosis can weaken or intensify, and also transform into other manifestations. The main feature of neurosis is its variability.

Treatment of neurosis

During treatment neuroses it is imperative to take into account the state of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. After diagnosis, a complex may be prescribed therapeutic activities, including tranquilizers, sedatives (adaptol, etc.) and drugs that regulate the functions of specific body systems. It is almost impossible to cure neurosis with medications alone. The main method of treating neurosis is psychotherapy. It should be emphasized that the treatment of neurosis should be carried out not just by a psychologist, but by a psychotherapist who has information about the mechanism of action of psychotropic drugs.

Neurosis requires complex therapy. In combination with medication and psychotherapy good effect give a properly selected diet, massage, walks in nature, water procedures, But you need to remember that the most important thing when treatment of neurosis– this is the desire and intention of the patient himself to cope with the problems that have arisen.

Neurosis is a serious thing, the echoes of which will reach you for the rest of your life. Someone might say, what kind of disease is this, just think, nerves. One whim. This is not a stomach ulcer, not diabetes, not hepatitis. Yes, only everyone knows how to treat a stomach ulcer, but not always neurosis. However, everything is in order.

The story of my health: how I developed neurosis!

My neurosis began at the age of 25, after the birth of my first child. It would seem, how can such a happy event lead to neurosis? As a person who has gone through all the circles of hell, I can tell you with confidence: it can. My son was born very restless, I could not sleep properly either during the day or... Every fifteen minutes I got up at his cry. Either he wants to eat, then he needs to change the diaper, or just rock him. I didn't even try to sleep. What’s the point if I know that as soon as I close my eyes, a child’s cry will be heard. Of course, this couldn’t go on for long; I developed nervous exhaustion.

How I determined that I have neurosis: symptoms of the disease

My exhausted body reacted one night by suddenly feeling like I couldn’t get enough air; I tried to take a deep breath and couldn’t. I felt a lump in my throat that seemed to be preventing me from breathing normally. I kept gathering air into my lungs, but I couldn’t breathe.

I started to panic, and then I had a real attack. The lack of air, the frantic beating of my heart, the fear that I didn’t understand what was happening to me completely drove me crazy. There was no telephone nearby, and ambulance I couldn't call. I tried all the remedies I found at home: validol, motherwort, aminophylline, but nothing helped. I was ready to gnaw the earth in order to breathe freely. Every breath was given to me with such difficulty that when morning came and I began to get dressed for the hospital, my skirt simply fell off. Overnight I lost 2 or even 3 sizes.

How can this be? On the way to the hospital, I didn’t even know what to think. What's wrong with me? The doctor listened to me carefully, examined me, listened to the work of my heart and lungs and rendered his verdict: “You have an ordinary neurosis.” And prescribed me various powerful sedatives, as well as acupuncture and physiotherapy, Charcot's shower, vitamins.

At first, of course, I was glad that there was no fatal disease I don’t, but then I fell into real despair. Severe shortness of breath did not go away after a day, or two, or even a month. I couldn’t even eat normally, after just two spoons I had the feeling that the food was about to start falling out of me. I completely forgot about my son. And my life turned into one big nightmare.

I went to acupuncture every day, it seems to me that it distracted me a little from my problem. The shower probably helped, but I'm not sure. I was also injected with vitamins B6 and B12, and it seems to me that they partially restored my interest in life.

What remedies against neurosis were useless?

I also took pills, of course, but the only thing I wanted after them was sleep. And I slept for days on end while my grandmother looked after my child. I only got up for a drink or to go to the toilet, took another pill and fell asleep again. After a week, I realized that I was living the life of some kind of plant, and it was time to end this.

You can't spend your whole life sedatives sit out.

From that day on, I threw the pills into a distant drawer and began treatment according to my own method.

How I got rid of neurosis in a week at home

In my home library there was at that time a very fashionable book by Carnegie, “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.” I conscientiously read it from cover to cover, but I could not stop worrying, including about my own health. Only in rare moments of some kind of hobby did I forget about my shortness of breath, and I felt at ease for a while. For example, when I was drawing or playing the guitar. In general, I was engaged in creativity. I also started keeping a diary, where I described my condition, what I did that day in the fight against my illness, and also fed myself with all sorts of encouraging quotes that set me up for recovery.

I needed to change my thinking from negative to positive. And I did this as best I could. In addition, I started playing sports, well, this is, of course, a strong word, because I couldn’t even run one full circle. I did exercises, doused myself with cool water, and walked barefoot on the grass. I read that such procedures strengthen the nervous system. I tried to drink different herbs, but they didn't help me.

The most important thing in the fight against neurosis is to get away from your depressed state. And start enjoying life. Start to notice birds singing, flowers blooming, clouds in the sky, and finally, how your own son is growing up. What words does he say, what new things has he learned? In essence, neurosis is complete egoism. Neurosis is a disease of people who are preoccupied with themselves, people who are fixated on themselves. In the end, this is exactly the conclusion I came to. People who are passionate about their profession and live for the sake of others are not susceptible to diseases of the nervous system.

What else did you have to change in your life?

Starting to think about something other than yourself is the same as starting to break yourself. But I had to do it. First, I tried to establish lost contacts with people I knew and liked, then I started talking to them for a long time.

And I also fell in love , for the sake of my justification, I can say that by that time I no longer lived with the father of my child. Love - it seems to me one of the most effective methods not only in the fight against neuroses, but in general against any, even the most serious, illness. My consciousness switched from my own weakness to the object of love. “He’s coming today, so I have to look good!” I started trying on outfits, applying eyeliner, and doing my hair. In general, do all the nonsense that all girls worry about before a date. During our meetings, I forgot about everything, including my shortness of breath, which tormented me so much, especially at night. We rode in a car, with the wind whistling outside the window, listened to music, went to a cafe, kissed. That was great. And this treated me better than any pills or doctors.

The most disgusting thing about neurosis is that adaptation and return to your former self occurs very slowly. It took several years to fully recover, gain weight and begin to enjoy life. It was a difficult path of fear. I was afraid, terribly afraid, catastrophically afraid of a repetition of that nightmare, that attack. And when, in the middle of a dark, dead night, I was suddenly paralyzed by fear, I barely managed to control myself, to overcome the impending panic. Only through an extraordinary effort of will did I manage to do it. Gradually, life returned to its usual routine, and the disease subsided.

Many years have passed since then. I have new family, a second child was born, but the old neurosis, no, no, will remind you of itself. The doorbell rings and I feel my heart begin to beat wildly and I feel slight shortness of breath. Overwork, fatigue, problems, bad mood - anything from this list can cause me to feel short of breath and have a lump in my throat.

What am I doing? I try not to pay any attention to it, switch to something interesting and let myself get a good night’s sleep. I also try to do exercises every morning and dance from time to time. I accept contrast shower, it strengthens my nervous system. And now I’m no longer upset over various trifles. After all, I understand perfectly well that the reason for my bad mood It will be forgotten in a couple of days, and restoring health is oh so difficult.

And I'm also with with a light heart I learned to let go of people with whom fate took us along different roads. And I sincerely rejoice in the environment that I have. To my wonderful girlfriends, with whom from time to time we throw parties and have heart-to-heart conversations. We speak out about what is boiling and painful. It is very important to free yourself from

How to treat neurosis?

When treating neuroses, first of all, they find out what psychotraumatic situation influenced the occurrence of nervous disorder. If this situation continues to be present, then you should either get rid of it or help the patient change his attitude towards it, which will save the person from constant conflict. Without improving the environment in which the patient lives, treatment and prevention of neurosis will be ineffective.

Stages and methods of treating neurosis

Treatment of neuroses is usually carried out in several stages. First, it is necessary to establish contact with the patient and take measures to reduce emotional stress And general strengthening nervous system. Then it is carried out therapeutic treatment, which is aimed at eliminating the main symptoms of the disease. After this, the stage associated with the socialization of the individual takes place, involving the person in labor activity and communication with people.

Treatment methods for neurosis depend on the type and characteristics of the disease, as well as on the patient himself and his attitude to treatment. As a rule, it is carried out complex therapy, which combines pharmacological treatment and psychotherapy.

Drug treatment of neurosis is extremely important in the treatment of patients with neurasthenia and shock neurosis. For neuroses of fear and phobias, treatment is prescribed with tranquilizers, which reduce feelings of emotional tension and anxiety. Treatment of neuroses with drugs must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

From psychic methods In the treatment of neuroses, the most effective methods are persuasion, suggestion, hypnotherapy and autogenic training.

How to treat neurosis yourself?

Treatment of neurosis at home is possible, however, it may be less effective, because patients neurotic disorders are not always aware of the causes of the disease and may even deny them. Therefore, seeing a doctor is necessary.



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