Examples of breathing exercises for pulmonary emphysema. Breathing simulator and breathing exercises for emphysema

This is a chronic disease that results from chronic obstructive bronchitis. The elastic connective tissue of the lungs is replaced by fibrous tissue, pneumosclerosis develops, the lungs expand, the residual volume of the lungs increases, shallow breathing, rigidity and inactivity of the chest develop.

Objectives of exercise therapy and massage

Strengthen local ventilation of the lungs, reduce hypoxemia and shortness of breath, increase metabolism in all tissues, especially in the heart muscle and nervous system, improve the function of the respiratory muscles.

Features of the exercise therapy technique

Expiratory gymnastics are used, that is, exercises that promote full exhalation, strengthen the muscles of the torso and abdominals, which are involved in breathing and maintain the mobility of the chest and spine - static and dynamic breathing exercises in combination with general strengthening exercises. IP in bed and semi-bed rest - lying and sitting with support on the back of a chair, and in general mode - standing, so as not to impede the function of the diaphragm. Exhale slowly through pursed lips, and inhale through the nose. This promotes better mobility of the diaphragm and deepening of breathing. Avoid exhaling quickly and forcefully, as this will stretch the alveoli even more. Perform exercises at a slow and medium pace (due to the presence of hypoxemia), 2-4 times. After exercise, rest breaks are required. It is recommended to independently perform breathing exercises 2-3 times a day, measured walking, and swimming.

  1. walking in rhythm with breathing: inhale for 2 counts, exhale for 4-6 counts;
  2. standing, hands on the lower chest. Rise on your toes - inhale, lower yourself onto your full foot, squeezing your chest with your hands - exhale;
  3. standing facing the gymnastic wall, holding the bar at chest level with your hands. Do a full squat - exhale; return to the starting position - inhale;
  4. sitting astride a gymnastic bench, arms to the sides. Turn the body alternately in both directions independently or with help;
  5. sitting, leaning on the back of a chair, hands on your stomach. Exhale deeply while drawing in the abdomen and pressing on it with your hands;
  6. sitting, hands on stomach. Pulling your elbows back – inhale; bringing the elbows together with fingers pressing on the wall of the abdomen - deep exhalation;
  7. lying on your back. Deep diaphragmatic breathing with increasing duration of exhalation;
  8. IP - the same. Bend your legs, clasping them with your hands, press them to your chest - exhale; return to the starting position - inhale;
  9. IP - the same. Sit down, bend forward, trying to touch your toes with your hands - exhale; return to the starting position - inhale;
  10. lying on your stomach. Bend at the waist while simultaneously lifting your legs and head up – inhale; return to the starting position, relaxing the muscles - exhale.

Features of the massage technique

The massage is similar to massage for bronchial asthma (see massage for bronchial asthma).

Bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a disease of infectious-allergic etiology, which is manifested by attacks of expiratory (on exhalation) shortness of breath. The basis of shortness of breath is spasm of the small and medium bronchi and swelling of their mucous membrane. The disease leads to an increase in residual lung volume, the development of emphysema, pneumosclerosis and pulmonary heart failure.

Objectives of exercise therapy and massage

Relieve pathological corticovisceral reflexes and restore normal regulation of breathing (relieve bronchospasm) by regulating nervous processes in the cerebral cortex. Strengthen the respiratory muscles, ease coughing

Features of the exercise therapy technique

Exercise therapy is carried out in the interictal period in the form of therapeutic exercises, hygienic exercises, dosed walking, games, sports exercises, and running.

Special breathing exercises: lengthening the exhalation and pronouncing sounds as you exhale (u, a, o, f, s, w) for 5-7 seconds to 15-20 seconds, exercises to slow down breathing, strengthening the respiratory muscles. Particular attention is paid to diaphragmatic breathing and strengthening the abdominal muscles to improve exhalation. Inhalation is carried out through the nose, and exhalation is carried out through the mouth (the nasopulmonary reflex reduces the spasm of the bronchioles). Muscle relaxation exercises and chest massage are shown at the beginning and end of the session. Vibrating pressure with hands from the back under the shoulder blades on the chest towards the sternum in the patient's reclining position (the massage therapist is in front of the patient) 5-6 times relaxes the muscles well.

The best IPs are sitting and standing. Significant muscular effort is contraindicated. The pace is slow, and for small and medium muscles - medium or fast

An approximate set of exercises for bronchial asthma (ward mode)

  1. IP sitting, hands on knees. Static breathing with its voluntary slowdown. 30-40 seconds.
  2. IP the same. Hands to shoulders, clenching hands into fists - inhale, IP - exhale. The pace is slow. 8-10 times.
  3. IP the same. Bend one leg forward, clasping it with your arms and pulling it to your stomach - exhale, IP - inhale. 5-6 times with each leg.
  4. IP - the same. Turn to the side with the abduction of the arm of the same name, palm up - inhale, IP - exhale. 3-4 times in each direction.
  5. Breathing exercises with lengthening the exhalation and pronouncing the sounds “sh” and “zh” as you exhale. 5-6 times.
  6. IP the same. Tilt to the side, the hand of the same name slides down the leg of the chair - exhale, IP - inhale. 3-4 times in each direction.
  7. IP – standing, legs apart, hands on the lower ribs to the side. Pull your elbows back, squeezing your chest with your hands - inhale, bring your elbows forward - exhale. 4-5 times.
  8. IP - standing, holding the back of a chair. Sit down - exhale, IP - inhale. 4-5 times.
  9. IP – standing, legs apart, hands on the waist. Breathing exercises with lengthening the exhalation and pronouncing the sounds “a” and “o” as you exhale, stretching your lips like a tube. 5-6 times.
  10. Slow walking combined with breathing: 2 steps - inhale, 3-4 steps - exhale. 1 minute.
  11. IP – standing, legs apart, hands on the belt. Lean forward, reaching the seat of the chair with your hands - exhale. IP - inhale. 4-5 times.
  12. IP - lying on your back. Raise your hand - inhale, relax the muscles of your hand and “drop” it on the bed - exhale. 3-4 times with each hand.
  13. IP - the same. Raise your leg - exhale, IP - inhale. 5-6 times with each leg.
  14. IP - the same. Diaphragmatic breathing with a voluntary decrease in its frequency. 30-40 seconds.
  15. Slow walking with breathing: 2 steps - inhale, 3-4 steps - exhale. 1 minute.
  16. IP - sitting, hands on knees. Bend forward, hands slide down your legs - exhale, IP - inhale. 6-7 times.
  17. IP - sitting, hands on knees. Flexion and extension of the legs at the ankle joints while simultaneously clenching and unclenching the fingers into a fist. Breathing is voluntary. 12-16 times.

Massage carried out before performing physical activity with the foot of the couch raised. Massage the collar area, strongly massage the back (especially paravertebral areas), respiratory muscles (sternocleidomastoid muscles, intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles). The duration of the massage is 10-15 minutes. Course – 15-20 procedures.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The lungs are most often affected. In the foci of inflammation there are small tubercles or larger foci, which, under the influence of bacterial toxins, can undergo caseous necrosis and melting. With good immunity, they resolve, and most often calcify with the formation of a dense capsule, or as a result of necrosis, a cavity is formed - a cavity. Pulmonary failure occurs. Intoxication of the body leads to dystrophic changes in the heart muscle, stimulation of the central nervous system initially, and then to the progression of inhibition, dysfunctional changes in the autonomic nervous system and hormonal apparatus.

Objectives of exercise therapy

General strengthening effect, improvement of the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, detoxification of the body.

Features of the exercise therapy technique

Used for all forms of tuberculosis after the acute process has subsided (low-grade fever and elevated ESR are not a contraindication). During bed rest general developmental and breathing exercises are prescribed without significant muscle effort and deepening of breathing (do not increase intrathoracic pressure) 3-4 times a day for 5-8 minutes. In ward mode include exercises for the trunk with a small amplitude and walking (8-12 minutes repeatedly throughout the day). In free mode And in sanatoriums the load is increased, including exercises with objects, games, running, skiing.

For all forms of tuberculosis, maximum stress, overheating, hypothermia, and hyperinsolation are excluded.


“Well, one more floor, now I’ll catch my breath - and then…” A familiar picture: a man stands on the staircase, cursing the broken elevator, and looking painfully up between the flights. Breath escapes from the chest with a whistle... This is a sure sign of a terrible disease - emphysema.

There's a lot of air, but what's the point?

Emphysema is a chronic disease in which gas exchange in the lungs is impaired. As a result, the alveoli (tiny bubbles from the lung tissue in which this very gas exchange occurs) stretch, losing their elasticity and ability to push air out.

The cardiovascular system immediately comes under attack: the heart works with increased load, and accordingly wears out much faster. This leads to serious diseases (hypertension, cardiopulmonary failure, etc.).

If for older people emphysema poses virtually no danger (in their lungs all these processes are caused by age-related changes, they develop gradually, and the body manages to adapt to them), then those who are younger have a hard time. Emphysema attacks them rapidly, leaving almost no chance.

If you have emphysema, you should never take a steam bath: a weakened heart that does not receive enough oxygen may not be able to withstand the temperature shock. And the opinion that “any disease comes out with sweat” is without any basis.

ATTENTION! If you give up on “young” emphysema, the disease will most likely lead to severe disability.

Fresh breath, but it’s hard to breathe

The disease can occur independently (primary form) as a result of impaired blood microcirculation in the lungs, a genetic defect, changes in the properties of surfactant (a special substance that prevents the pulmonary alveoli from “sticking together”), regular inhalation of heavy metal compounds, toxic gases and dust. But more often emphysema develops as a complication of bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive bronchitis (secondary, or obstructive, form).

The very, very beginning...

Here are the first signs of emphysema:

Shortness of breath on exertion. At first, difficulty breathing appears occasionally and more often in winter, and then begins to haunt the person constantly, even at rest.

Lips and nails become bluish.

When breathing, whistling sounds or wheezing are heard, and the exhalation lengthens.

And the most characteristic symptom is puffing (a person covers his mouth while exhaling and puffs out his cheeks).

If you often suffer from infectious lung diseases or have discovered at least one of the listed signs of the disease, immediately make an appointment with a doctor! This is one of those very cases when you cannot waste a single day, delay is like death: treatment started late usually does not give a positive result!

Three in one

To make an accurate diagnosis, a triple examination is necessary:

External inspection;

X-ray of the lungs;

Study of the function of external respiration - spirography.

Let's make life easier

Whatever treatment your doctor prescribes, here's what you need to do first:

Quit smoking - categorically. It is better to do this gradually: the body does not like sudden shocks. Also, avoid people who smoke: passive smoking is even more harmful than active smoking.

If your work involves hazardous substances (fine stone dust, dyes, etc.), you will have to look for a new place: there is simply no other option. Otherwise, despite all the efforts of doctors,

the disease will progress rapidly.

Significantly reduce physical activity.

The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chances of defeating the disease. Keep in mind that if emphysema develops, complex surgery may be required.

Aperture, get to work!

The basis of treatment for emphysema is breathing exercises. First of all, master the so-called diaphragmatic breathing:

Stand with your feet wide apart. Raising your arms to the sides, inhale deeply, then, moving your arms forward and bending down, slowly exhale, drawing in your abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back. Place your hands on your stomach, take a deep breath and exhale through your mouth, while pressing on the abdominal wall.

Train daily, morning and evening, for 10-20 minutes. In a month or two, or even earlier, you will learn to constantly breathe in this way.

Yoga breathing exercises

In addition to diaphragmatic breathing, master exercises from the arsenal of Indian yogis:

Starting position: standing on the floor or sitting on a chair with a hard seat and a straight back.

Slowly take a deep breath and hold the air for a while. Then exhale in strong short bursts through pursed lips without puffing out your cheeks. This type of breathing is called cleansing. Always start your gymnastics with it and finish every exercise with it.

Inhale deeply, hold your breath for 1-2 seconds, and then with one sharp effort push the air out through your open mouth with a sharp “ha!” or with a prolonged “oum”, closing your lips at the end of the exhalation.

Inhale and hold your breath for a few seconds. Stretch your relaxed arms forward, then clench your fingers into fists. Straining your arms, pull them to your shoulders, and then slowly and forcefully, as if pushing off the walls, spread your arms to the sides. Then quickly return your hands to your shoulders.

Take a watch with a second hand. Inhale for 12 seconds, hold your breath for 48 seconds (as long as you can to start with) and exhale for 24 seconds.

Repeat each exercise three times.

Gurgle to your health!

To train your breathing muscles, do the following exercise every day:

Take a rubber hose (1-2 cm in diameter and about 50 cm long). Take a deep breath and then exhale as slowly as possible through the hose into the jar filled with water.

To begin with, limit yourself to 10 inhalations and exhalations, gradually increase their number until you feel slightly tired (sweat may appear on your back and chest - don’t be alarmed, this is how it should be).

Healing fingers

During the day, at the first opportunity, massage the following points:

Hegu is one of the most popular points, known in acupressure as the “hundred disease point”; located between the thumb and index fingers on the back of the hand (at the top of the tubercle of Venus);

Dazhui - located in the depression under the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra;

Tiantu - just above the interclavicular fossa.

The duration of the massage is no more than 10 minutes. After this, stretch the end phalanges of your thumbs.

Pulmonary herbs

There are a huge number of herbal remedies for the treatment of lung diseases. Here are two universal collections that are suitable for everyone without exception.

Take 2 tablespoons of fragrant violet root, a tablespoon each of pine buds and licorice root. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of cold water, boil for 20 minutes, leave for an hour, strain. Drink 1/4 cup infusion four times a day for a month.

Mix a teaspoon each of knotweed grass, coltsfoot leaves and elderberry flowers. Pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink 1/2 glass four times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Aromatic remedy

Aromatherapy is now successfully used in the treatment of almost all diseases. In case of emphysema, the vapors of eucalyptus essential oil have a beneficial effect on the condition of the lungs. You can spray it with an aroma lamp or apply a few drops on a handkerchief so that the healing scent stays with you all day. And before going to bed, drop a couple of drops on your pillow.

Vitamins, minerals...

Bronchitis and pleurisy cause emphysema, which, in turn, provokes new inflammatory lung diseases... It turns out to be a vicious circle. Therefore, to protect lung tissue from infection, take beta-carotene (2 mg at lunch), vitamin E (16.5 mg in the evening), vitamin C (500 mg after breakfast) and zinc (5 mg) twice a year in monthly courses. at night).

When percussing (tapping on the chest with your fingers through a pressed palm), the so-called box sound is clearly audible (knock on a closed, empty cardboard box at your leisure - this is exactly what the lungs sound like with emphysema).

More articles:

Emphysema is most often a consequence of chronic obstructive bronchitis. Pulmonary connective tissue ceases to be elastic and is replaced by fibrous tissue. As the lungs lose the ability to compress effectively, they increase in size and pneumosclerosis develops. Symptoms: shallow breathing, rigidity (hardness, inelasticity), low mobility of the chest when breathing. Performing special breathing exercises enhances local ventilation of the lungs, reduces shortness of breath, and develops the respiratory muscles.

Features of the disease

Pulmonary emphysema can be acute (occurs during acute attacks of asthma and due to the removal of one lung) and chronic diffuse (more common, occurs as a consequence of diseases - bronchitis, asthma, pneumosclerosis). A spasm and swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, which leads to the accumulation of sputum in the bronchi and they lose their patency. Further, the disease is accompanied by an inflammatory process, which leads to degeneration of the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles, the lungs lose their tone and stop contracting completely.

Shortness of breath occurs, often without physical activity, and inhalation becomes longer. The patient coughs as if he had bronchitis, but with a small amount of viscous sputum. The person takes on a peculiar appearance - the chest is in the shape of a barrel, moves little when breathing, and bluish skin is observed. Emphysema is treated symptomatically, medications are mainly the same as for bronchitis and bronchopneumonia, but breathing exercises also help.

Features of classes and mode

Breathing exercises are expiratory - exercises are performed that lead to a full inhalation, strengthen the trunk and abdominal muscles involved in breathing, and restore the mobility of the chest.

You can do gymnastics even if you are assigned to bed or semi-bed rest; in this case, you can lie or sit on a chair, leaning on the back. But, if strength allows, it is better to stand, this way the diaphragm functions better.

With emphysema, you need to inhale slowly, through pursed lips, and exhale through your nose, so breathing deepens and the diaphragm works better. Rapid inhalation is not allowed so that the alveoli do not stretch too much. Each exercise should be performed three times, you should do it three times a day. You need to breathe fresh air, so ventilate the room.

It is also useful to walk, swim, have a healthy diet, and give up bad habits, especially smoking. With emphysema, you may need to change the climate to the Crimean, Kislovodsk, but not in the hot season.


The presented type of therapy will have a beneficial effect not only on the patient’s lungs, but also on the entire body as a whole. However, in order for the exercises to give the expected result, it is necessary to find out their specifics and rules of implementation.

Set of exercises

Therapeutic exercises for pulmonary emphysema have many options. Doctors - therapists and rehabilitation specialists - highlight the following as the most effective.

Lying push-ups:

  1. Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms bent.
  2. As you inhale, raise your arms, stretching your body up as much as possible, lifting your head.
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Lying on your back:

  1. Starting position: lying on your back, lower back pressed firmly to the floor, legs and arms extended along the body.
  2. As you inhale, pull your legs towards your chest as much as possible, clasping them with your arms.
  3. As you exhale, inflate your stomach as much as possible and straighten your legs.

Number of repetitions: 7 times. Break between sets: 5 seconds.

  1. Starting position: sitting on a chair, knees apart, elbows at chest level, hands folded under the chin.
  2. As you inhale, turn your body to the left.
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
  4. Make a right turn.

Number of repetitions: 10 times on each side. Break between approaches: 5-7 seconds.

  1. Starting position: back straight, arms slightly pulled back and extended upward as much as possible, feet pressed firmly to the floor.
  2. As you inhale, look at your outstretched arms. Extending your spine as much as possible, rise onto your toes.
  3. While exhaling, return to the starting position.
  4. Bend your right leg at the knee, pulling it as close to your chest as possible.
  5. Repeat the exercise for your left leg.

Number of repetitions: 10 times for each leg. Break between approaches: 5-7 seconds.

To clarify the specifics of performing the exercises, you can consult a rehabilitation doctor or use special video lessons.

It is important to remember that if any discomfort occurs in the chest area, you must stop performing a set of exercises for pulmonary emphysema until the condition improves.

Breathing exercises

During lung therapy, special attention must be paid to breathing techniques. Static training will help not only saturate the body with oxygen, but also increase the elasticity of the smooth muscles of the affected organ. Breathing exercises for emphysema include a number of simple but at the same time effective exercises that help achieve a period of remission as soon as possible.

The presented complex looks like this.

Pronunciation of vowel sounds:

  1. Starting position: sitting on a chair, back straight, hands on your knees.
  2. Take a deep breath.
  3. As you exhale, begin to pronounce one of the vowel sounds, stretching it as much as possible.

It is recommended to spend 2 to 3 minutes a day on this exercise. This option stimulates the removal of mucus from the lungs, and also develops in the patient the skill of controlling the intensity and duration of inhalations and exhalations. The presented exercise can be repeated when pronouncing consonant sounds.

  1. Starting position: sitting on a chair, back straight, arms extended along the body.
  2. Take an extremely deep breath. For maximum effect, apply gentle pressure to your chest. Stay in the presented position for 10 seconds.
  3. After the required time has passed, exhale all the collected air from your lungs.

Number of repetitions: 6 times. Break between approaches: 5-7 seconds.

The presented exercise helps increase lung capacity and supply the body with the necessary oxygen.

  1. Starting position: standing position, back as straight as possible, arms extended along the body.
  2. On the count of 3, take a deep breath, drawing in your stomach as much as possible.
  3. On the 4th count, exhale, blowing out your stomach as much as possible.

Number of repetitions: 6 times. Break between sets: 5 seconds.

Thanks to this exercise, the elasticity and capacity of the diaphragm increases.

In order for the exercises to bring the expected improvement in the patient’s condition, they must be performed daily.

Skipping breathing exercises and physical therapy sessions can cancel the previously achieved results.

Performing a set of exercise therapy and breathing practices will help you achieve positive dynamics in the shortest possible time and consolidate the results for a long time. Be healthy!

Breathing exercises for breathing training for emphysema

Breathing exercises are a set of exercises aimed at training the respiratory muscles. It includes both exclusively breathing techniques and exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles, back intercostal muscles and other muscles involved in breathing. Gymnastics improves muscle coordination, increases a person’s control over their breathing, and promotes better well-being.

Why do you need gymnastics for emphysema?

Gymnastics for emphysema is aimed at alleviating the patient’s condition by compensating for reduced lung functionality with rhythmic muscle contractions.

A distinctive feature of emphysema is the presence of residual air when exhaling. Residual air itself is a factor that significantly impairs gas exchange.

Goals of breathing exercises:

  • Training in concentrated inhalation and exhalation;
  • long exhalation training;
  • development of compensation mechanisms that increase gas exchange in the lungs;
  • development of compensatory diaphragmatic breathing;
  • strengthening the muscles involved in breathing;
  • training in breathing control skills during household physical efforts;
  • improvement of the patient’s psycho-emotional state.

Principles of therapeutic exercises

When doing breathing exercises, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Exercises are done for 15 minutes 4 times a day - more often, but not less often.
  2. While doing the exercises, focus on the rhythm of your breathing.
  3. Equalize the duration of inhalation and exhalation, lengthening the latter.
  4. It is forbidden to strain.
  5. You can't hold your breath.
  6. Try to stick to an average pace, don't rush.
  7. Gymnastics includes static and dynamic exercises.
  8. You need to start gymnastics with static exercises.
  9. Alternate static and dynamic exercises.

Set of exercises

  1. Pronunciation of consonant sounds while exhaling (2-3 min.).

Performed while sitting. Exhalation automatically lengthens, the chest vibrates, stimulating coughing and mucus removal. Thanks to this exercise, patients learn to control the duration of inhalation and exhalation.

  1. Breathing with deep exhalation (6 repetitions).

Performed while sitting. Exhale as deeply as possible while counting, trying to count to a larger number. You are allowed to help yourself with your hands, pressing on the chest while exhaling (or do the exercise with an assistant).

  1. Pronunciation of vowel sounds while exhaling (2-3 min.).

Performed while standing. Sounds are pronounced loudly. They try to lengthen the exhalation phase.

At the count, a deep breath is taken: the chest is expanded, the stomach is drawn in. On the count of 4, exhale: the chest collapses, the stomach protrudes.

Dynamic exercises (each – 6 repetitions):

The upper part of the body rises and leans forward (exhale). At the moment of tilt, the arms are pulled back.

Bend your legs and clasp your knees with your hands. Take a deep breath. Exhale using the diaphragm (push your stomach out). As you exhale, straighten your legs.

Spread your knees to the sides. Raise your arms to chest level, spread your elbows, and place your hands under your chin. As you inhale, make a turn to the left. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Next, while inhaling, turn to the right. Exhale – starting position.

Raise your arms up and stretch strongly, trying to move your arms a little back. Look at the outstretched arms. At the moment of stretching, an inhalation is made. As you exhale: the arms are lowered, one of the legs is bent at the knee, grabbed with both hands and raised as high as possible to the chest.

It is important to monitor the depth of breathing and rhythm. Exhalation should take 2 times larger steps than inhalation. In the future, with good control of breathing, the exercise can be supplemented by raising (as you inhale) and lowering (as you exhale) your arms.

One of the walking options, if your physical condition allows, is to climb the stairs. On inhalation, 2 steps are overcome, on exhalation – 4.


The technique developed by A. N. Strelnikova was created by her for the treatment of asthmatics. Its high clinical effectiveness has been confirmed in the complex treatment of tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, rhinitis, and also as a gymnastic method during postoperative rehabilitation.

Do you have a question or experience regarding this issue? Ask a question or tell us about it in the comments.

diaphragmatic breathing - inhale - stick out your stomach... and as you exhale, pull it in. Squeezing phlegm while lying down: inhale - pull your arms up... as you exhale - press your knees to your chest. The description here is incorrect!

Special therapeutic exercises for pulmonary emphysema will improve the patient’s condition!

Emphysema is a chronic disease characterized by enlargement of the alveoli of the lungs, leading to weakening of the alveolar septa, thereby reducing the elasticity of the lung tissue.

Past diseases such as pneumosclerosis and bronchitis lead to emphysema. Also prone to emphysema are people involved in professional music and other professions where they use resistance when exhaling.

Symptoms of emphysema include cough and shortness of breath (lack of air).

What consequences occur if emphysema is not treated?

The disease, emphysema, is a very serious pathology that leads first to pulmonary failure and then to heart problems.

If pulmonary emphysema is not treated, the consequences can be very dire: deterioration in ventilation of the lung tissue - breathing problems - failure of the cardiovascular system - pneumothorax.

It is very important to begin treatment of pulmonary emphysema from the moment the disease is diagnosed, since only proper treatment and preventive measures will improve the patient’s condition.

Goals and objectives of exercise therapy for pulmonary emphysema:

  • improve the emotional state of the patient,
  • increase the maneuverability of the diaphragm,
  • strengthening the intercostal muscles and abdominal wall muscles,
  • long exhalation training
  • increase ventilation of the lungs,
  • learning to breathe correctly during any effort.

In (physical therapy) therapeutic exercises for pulmonary emphysema include diaphragmatic breathing from a position lying on your back, training in proper breathing when performing certain loads from a position lying down, sitting on a chair, training for prolonged exhalation.

Therapeutic exercises for emphysema

Let's perform several exercises while lying on your back:

  1. We lie on our backs, arms parallel to the body. Diaphragmatic breathing, while inhaling, inflate the stomach as much as possible, while exhaling, deflate it – 5-6 times.
  2. Now the exercise is to flex and extend the feet and hands, one movement - inhale, 4-5 movements - exhale 6-8 times.
  3. We place our hands to our shoulders. We lift and spread the elbows to the sides - inhale, then press our hands to the chest - and exhale for a long time 4-6 times.
  4. For this exercise, breathing is voluntary, alternate bending and extension of the legs at the knee and hip joints - 6-8 times.
  5. Place the palms of the hands on the lower lateral sections of the chest. A short inhalation and a long exhalation, accompanied by pressure with the palms of the chest. We perform this exercise rhythmically – 4-6 times.
  6. This exercise is also performed lying down, but the arms are placed parallel to the body. Calm and even breathing, thereby relaxing the chest muscles 6-7 times when exhaling.

We will perform the following exercises on a chair with a back:

  1. You need to sit on a chair, leaning on the back, with your arms down. Place your hands on your belt - inhale, then turn your body to the right - exhale, do the same in the opposite direction - repeat 5-6 times.
  2. Hands are also placed on the belt - inhale, tilt the torso to the side - exhale, then in the other direction - drink 4-6 times.
  3. Hands again on the belt - inhale, now we tilt the torso forward, but there is no need to lower the head, we clasp the chest with our hands - long exhale - 4-6 times.
  4. Exercise “Coachman Pose”, for this you need to sit on your knees and close your eyes. An exercise to relax all the muscles of the trunk and limbs, even, calm breathing - drink for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Now they sat down on the chair again, with their hands down. We begin the exercise by raising our arms to the sides, straightening our legs - inhaling, bending our arms to our shoulders, and exhaling our legs at both the hip and knee joints - again 6-8 times for each leg.
  6. The exercise also involves using a chair, with arms extended to the sides. We tilt the torso towards the leg, touch the toe - long exhale - do it 4-6 times.
  7. Exercise: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on shoulders, breathing randomly. We begin alternating twisting of the body, first to the right, then to the left - repeat 6-8 times.
  8. Your foot must be placed on a chair, your hands on your knees. We bend the torso towards the knees - exhale long, then straighten up - inhale - do this 4-6 times.
  9. We perform the exercise while standing, the torso should be at an angle of 40°, legs should be spread shoulder-width apart, hands should be fixed on the belt. Calm inhalation - we protrude the abdominal wall and a long exhalation - while retracting the abdominal wall - exhale 6-8 times.
  10. We sit down on a chair, lean on the back, and put our hands on our belts. Quite calm and even breathing with a moderately long exhalation - trying to relax the chest muscles while inhaling - 8-10 times.
  11. An exercise while sitting on a chair to completely relax the muscles of our entire body. On the count of 1-2 - inhale, on the count of 8 - exhale - perform with closed eyes 4-6 times. This exercise should not provoke muscle fatigue; inhalation must be increased carefully.

It is very important to perform exercises regularly, as this will alleviate the course of emphysema, as well as in order to improve the patient’s condition.

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Breathing exercises for emphysema

Find out more about emphysema here.

Why do you need exercise therapy for emphysema?

Emphysema is a disease of the human respiratory system, which is characterized by impaired contraction of the alveoli, as a result of which they overstretch and cannot contract normally. Due to this pathological process, oxygen does not enter the blood in normal quantities, and carbon dioxide is poorly excreted. This condition is fraught with respiratory failure.

Respiratory exercise therapy for lung diseases is primarily aimed at alleviating the patient’s condition - combating shortness of breath and respiratory failure. Exercises are aimed at achieving the following factors:

  • Learning to inhale and exhale correctly
  • Long exhalation time
  • Improving gas exchange in the lungs
  • Development of the diaphragmatic type of breathing (this type is better suited for patients with emphysema, since gas exchange occurs more efficiently with it)
  • Strengthening the core muscles that are involved in the breathing process
  • Breath control training at home
  • Normalization of the patient’s mental and emotional state.

During exercise therapy, you should adhere to the following general rules:

  • You need to allocate minutes a day to do the exercises at least 3-4 times.
  • The rhythm of breathing should always be the same
  • Exhalation is always longer than inhalation
  • Don’t hold your breath, rush, or overexert yourself.
  • Exercises should consist of dynamic and static elements; breathing exercises should always begin with static elements, which alternate with dynamic elements.

Exercises for emphysema

There are many exercise options. Several of them will be described.

The first exercise is stretching while lying down. You need to lie on your stomach and bend your arms. As you inhale, the arms rise up along with the body from a lying position, while the head can also be raised. As you exhale, you need to lie down again in the starting position. Repeat this 5 times, and break between approaches for 5-10 seconds.

The second is stretching while lying on your back. You need to lie on your back, while it should fit snugly to the floor, your arms should be aligned along the body, your legs should lie flat. As you inhale, you should bend your legs as close to yourself as possible and clasp them with your hands. As you exhale, you should inflate your stomach as much as possible, straighten your legs, and lie down again in the starting position. You need to repeat this 6 times, resting between approaches for no more than five seconds.

An example of an exercise for developing breathing is repetition of vowel sounds. You should sit straight on a chair and relax. Your back should be as straight as possible, and your hands should be placed on your knees. You need to inhale deeply and slowly, and as you exhale, you should repeat any vowel sound slowly and stretching.

Breathing exercises for emphysema

Emphysema is a chronic lung disease characterized by the expansion of small bronchioles (the terminal branches of the bronchi) and the destruction of the partitions between the alveoli. The name of the disease comes from the Greek emphysao - to swell.

How to treat

There is no specific treatment for emphysema. The primary goal is to eliminate the factor predisposing to emphysema (smoking, inhaling gases, toxic substances, treatment of chronic respiratory diseases).

Drug therapy for pulmonary emphysema is symptomatic. Lifelong use of inhaled and tablet bronchodilators (salbutamol, Berotek, Teopek, etc.) and glucocorticoids (budesonide, prednisolone) is indicated. For cardiac and respiratory failure, oxygen therapy is carried out and diuretics are prescribed. The complex of treatment for pulmonary emphysema includes breathing exercises.

Surgical treatment of pulmonary emphysema involves an operation to reduce lung volume (thoracoscopic bullectomy). The essence of the method comes down to resection of peripheral sections of lung tissue, which causes “decompression” of the rest of the lung. Observations of patients after bullectomy show an improvement in lung functional parameters. Lung transplantation is indicated for patients with pulmonary emphysema.

Folk remedies

  • drink green potato tops juice with a daily increase in dose until the volume of juice reaches half a glass;
  • inhalation of jacket potato vapors;
  • applying pieces of pre-boiled potatoes to the chest.

Herbal infusions:

  • Add three tablespoons of buckwheat flowers to 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse the mixture in a thermos for two hours. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day;
  • Take one part each of juniper fruit and dandelion root, add two parts of birch leaf to them and pour boiling water over the resulting mixture. The broth is infused for three hours, after which it is filtered and poured into a suitable container. The infusion should be consumed 2-3 times a day. Standard dosage – 1/3 cup;
  • A teaspoon of potatoes is poured into a glass of boiling water, left for one hour and filtered. Take half a glass of infusion 40 minutes before meals for one month.

Breathing exercises

In order to improve gas exchange, breathing with normal air alternates with inhaling air containing a relatively small amount of oxygen. The procedure lasts 5 minutes, the number of approaches per session is no more than seven. The duration of such therapeutic exercises for pulmonary emphysema is 3 weeks.

To make the patient feel better, the following exercises are used:

  • Breathing is performed while lying down. The exhalation is extended as much as possible by pressing the hands on the chest and abdomen. Number of approaches – 8 – 10 times.
  • You need to lie down with your hands folded under your back. From the starting position you need to sit down and lean forward with your hands. At the same time, exhalation actively deepens due to springy repeated bends.
  • The exercise is done while sitting. You should breathe deeply, alternating a normal inhalation with a maximally deep exhalation. Repeat 6 – 7 times.
  • The lesson is carried out standing, arms raised up. Exhaling deeply, you need to alternately pull your knees towards your chest (5 times with each leg).
  • As you exhale, the vowel sounds “o”, “a”, “i”, “u” are pronounced very loudly and protractedly.
  • In a standing position (hands on hips), spring bends to the sides (5 times each). The movements are accompanied by deep exhalations.
  • The exercise is performed standing, legs spread apart. Breathing is calm and even. It is necessary to rise on your toes, while simultaneously extending your arms bent at the elbows.
  • Hands raised up, legs brought together. Performed while standing. You need to bend down and crouch, as if preparing to jump. The arms are pulled back as far as possible, the exhalation is sharp and deep. Performed 5 – 6 times.
  • It is necessary to walk for 2–4 minutes in a measured rhythm. You should breathe evenly and deeply.
  • The exercise is performed while sitting. You need to completely relax and breathe calmly, focusing on exhalation.

Other types of breathing exercises can be taken from this article and this one.

Regularly performing such a complex of breathing exercises will help not only alleviate the course of emphysema, but also significantly improve the general health of the sick person.

Some information about suprax for bronchitis in children, link here

Therapeutic gymnastics

With emphysema, the lung tissue loses its elasticity and stretches. Emphysema occurs either as a complication of chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma, or without bronchial asthma under the influence of other causes. When pulmonary emphysema is accompanied by bronchial asthma, the complexes of therapeutic exercises can be combined into one common one, since in both diseases the expiratory phase suffers.

With emphysema, due to loss of elasticity of the lung tissue, exhalation is difficult. After a normal exhalation, a significant amount of air still remains in the stretched lungs, and in order to remove it, you have to artificially compress the chest with tension and increase its mobility during the exhalation phase. Thus, the entire complex of special physical exercises for pulmonary emphysema is built on deepening the exhalation phase.

For this purpose, you can exhale with a drawn-out pronunciation of vowels, as in bronchial asthma, and intermittently exhale, counting out loud, until the sound stops completely. During exhalation, you need to squeeze your chest with your hands and lower it down. Breathing with the pronunciation of consonants with vibration is not used in the treatment of pulmonary emphysema without bronchial asthma, since pulmonary emphysema does not cause bronchospasms.

An approximate set of therapeutic gymnastics exercises can be presented in the following form.


It is necessary to treat emphysema with medications; in cases of extreme necessity, surgical treatment is recommended, and you should also use various methods of traditional medicine that help improve the respiratory function of the body.

Remember: before taking the above medications, it is recommended to consult with a general practitioner in order to prevent the development of unwanted complications.

  • bronchodilators (neophylline, salbutamol, theophylline, berodual), which contribute to a significant and fairly rapid expansion of the internal lumen of the bronchi and alveoli, are recommended to be taken daily, 1 t.r. per day;
  • antitussives (ambroxol, herbion, flavamed, bromhexine, libexin), should be taken 1 t.r. for a day. The drugs have a good antitussive and expectorant effect;
  • antibiotics (amoxil, ceftriaxone, amoxiclav, ofloxacin, sumamed) are prescribed for the development of serious infectious complications of emphysema, as well as in cases of further progression of the inflammatory process;
  • glucocorticosteroids (prednisolone, dexamethasone) help reduce inflammation in the lungs. It is recommended to take 1 t. 2 r. per day;
  • analgesics (ketalong, analgin, pentalgin, sedalgin) are recommended to be taken 1 t.r. per day with the development of severe pain in the chest area;
  • vitamins (decamevit, multivitamins, undevit) are recommended to be taken 1 cr. per day. Helps significantly strengthen the body's immunity.

Nutrition and diet

Therapeutic nutrition for pulmonary emphysema is aimed at combating intoxication, strengthening the immune system and replenishing the patient’s high energy costs. Diets No. 11 and No. 15 are recommended.

Basic principles of diet for emphysema

  • Increasing calorie content to 3500 kcal. Meals 4-6 times a day in small portions.
  • Proteins up to 120 g per day. More than half of them must be of animal origin: animal and poultry meat, liver, sausages, fish of any kind and seafood, eggs, dairy products. Meat in any culinary preparation, excluding excessive frying.
  • Fat, mostly animal, 1/3 vegetable. Butter, full-fat dairy products (sour cream, cream), vegetable oil for salad dressing.
  • Carbohydrate Cereals, pasta, bread and pastries, honey, jam.
  • Vitamins. Especially A, B and C. Fresh fruits and vegetables in large quantities (in their natural form, in salads and desserts), wheat bran.
  • Any drinks. Juices, rosehip decoction, and kumiss are especially recommended.
  • The amount of salt is limited to 6 g. This is the prevention of fluid retention in the body and the development of heart complications.
  • very fatty meats and poultry
  • cooking fats
  • confectionery with a lot of cream
  • alcohol


The exercise must be performed once at a slow pace: approximately 8 inhalations and exhalations per minute. Inhalation is done through the nose, and exhalation is done through lips extended into a tube. The duration of exhalation during the session should increase (from 2-3 seconds to 10-12).

  • The massage begins with the back, front and side of the chest, back of the neck using stroking and light rubbing.
  • Then a selective massage of the muscles of the neck, intercostal space, suprascapular region, and back is performed.
  • The massage ends with a breathing exercise: the patient standing, sitting or lying down, taking a full breath, draws in the stomach to the limit, and when exhaling, also protrudes it to the limit.

Breathing exercises for pulmonary emphysema. Video instructions with exercises for treatment

A common form of nonspecific disease of the lower respiratory tract is emphysema. Often the disease develops after chronic obstructive bronchitis. The connective tissue lining the inside of the respiratory organs loses its elasticity, gradually changing into fibrous tissue. The lungs stop contracting fully, their size begins to increase, this condition leads to pneumosclerosis.

The chest is almost motionless, breathing becomes shallow. Particularly dangerous is the inadequate supply of oxygen to the blood; carbon dioxide is difficult to remove from the body. This pathology causes acute heart failure.

Breathing exercises are a combination of gymnastic exercises and breathing techniques that help strengthen the abdominal, back, and intercostal muscles. Helps improve muscle coordination, conscious monitoring of one's own breathing, and improves overall well-being.

Gymnastic exercises will also be useful for a healthy person, they will help improve vitality and minimize the symptoms of oxygen starvation.

Why do you need breathing exercises?

Respiratory failure with pulmonary emphysema develops due to insufficient oxygen intake and removal of carbon dioxide from the body. Gymnastic exercises are primarily aimed at preventing the occurrence of this condition. When tasks are performed correctly, the lung muscles begin to contract rhythmically. The patient's shortness of breath disappears.

The main feature of the disease is that residual air remains after exhalation, leading to a deterioration in gas exchange. Gymnastics is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • teach how to correctly inhale and exhale with concentration;
  • train long exhalation;
  • improve the process of gas exchange in the lungs;
  • teach to breathe with the diaphragm, this promotes effective gas exchange;
  • bring the psycho-emotional state of a patient with emphysema back to normal;
  • strengthen the muscles involved in the breathing process;
  • teach how to control breathing at home while doing physical work.

Medical professionals recommend alternating exercises with rest pauses during breathing exercises. The body of a sick person has difficulty accepting physical activity, shortness of breath begins, and gymnastic tasks are carried out in small dosages.

The quality of breathing exercises largely depends on the starting position taken by the patient with pulmonary emphysema. The efficiency and success of completed tasks depends on this. Doctors have determined that the best results are achieved when patients do exercises using the “lying” and “standing” positions. Then the activity of the respiratory organs is most favorable.

Proper breathing exercises lead to:

  • increased lung volume;
  • teaching the patient proper breathing;
  • treatment of various diseases;
  • improving the quality of life;
  • formation of stable immunity;
  • activation of the body's protective functions;
  • increasing vitality.

A set of special breathing exercises

  1. Pronouncing consonant sounds while exhaling (3-4 minutes). Sit comfortably on a chair with a backrest. This position automatically lengthens the exhalation, the sternum begins to vibrate, this leads to a cough and the removal of phlegm from the lungs. This exercise helps to train the time of inhalation and exhalation.
  2. Breathing with a long exhalation. Repeat up to 6 times. The task is performed in a sitting position. It is necessary to exhale very strongly and at the same time try to count as many numbers as possible. This task involves pressing on the sternum area with your hands while exhaling.
  3. Pronouncing hard vowel sounds “o”, “a”, “i”, “u” at the moment of exhalation (3-4 minutes). The task is carried out using a standing position. Vowel sounds are pronounced very loudly and drawn out. At this stage, they try to lengthen the exhalation.
  4. Breathing through the diaphragmatic region. Repeat up to 7 times. Count “one, two, three” and take a deep breath. The chest expands, tuck the stomach deeper into yourself. Exhale at “four”, the chest will drop, the stomach will stick out.

Each dynamic exercise listed below is recommended to be repeated 6 times:

  1. Lying position, bending the body forward. Lie down on a hard surface, inhale air, raise your upper body, bend forward as much as possible, bring your upper limbs back, exhale.
  2. Push-ups using the “lying on your back” position. Bend your lower limbs at the knees and clasp them with your hands. Take a strong breath. Exhale using the diaphragm, while simultaneously protruding your stomach and straightening your lower limbs.
  3. Rotation using the "sitting on a stool" position. Try to spread your knees as wide as possible to the sides. Raise your arms to chest level, elbows apart, place your hands at chin level. Inhale, rotate to the left, exhale - return to the starting position. Then inhale, turn to the right, exhaling, return to the starting position.
  4. Stretching using a standing position. Stretch your arms up, trying at this moment to move them back a little, take a breath. Turn your head and look at your hands. Synchronously with exhalation, lower your upper limbs, bend your right leg at the knee, clasp it with your hands and pull it as high as possible towards the chest.
  5. Walking. Performs for at least 3 minutes. If the patient’s physical condition allows him to complete the task, then walking up the stairs helps to quickly improve his overall well-being. After inhaling, the patient rises 2 steps up, and exhaling, climbs another 4 steps up.

If it is not possible to climb the stairs, then the task is performed as follows: inhaling, walk 4 steps, exhaling - 8 steps, i.e. twice as much. After a week of systematically performing this task, it is supplemented by inhaling by raising your arms up, and exhaling by lowering your arms down.

  1. Walking, breathing rhythmically: inhale – 2 steps, exhale – 4 steps.
  2. Lie on your stomach. Bend in the lumbar spine, paralleling raising your lower limbs and head up and inhaling. Exhaling, return to the starting position, relax all muscles.
  3. Take a “standing” position, place your upper limbs on the lower part of the sternum. Inhale and rise on your toes, exhaling - lower yourself onto your entire foot, squeezing your sternum with your hands.
  4. Sit on a low bench, spread your upper limbs to the sides. Turn the upper body alternately in opposite directions: one side implies a strong inhalation, the other - exhalation.
  5. Take a “sitting on a chair” position, lean on the back, take a breath. Place your hands on your stomach. At the moment of deep exhalation, pull your stomach in and press on it with your hands.
  6. Take a “sitting on a chair” pose, lean on the back, fold your hands on your stomach. Inhaling, move your elbows back as far as possible; while exhaling deeply, bring your elbows together and press your fingertips onto the walls of your abdomen.
  7. Take a “lying on your back” pose. Breathe through the diaphragm, gradually increasing the duration of exhalation.
  8. Take a “lying on your back” pose. Exhaling, bend your knees, clasp them with your hands, press them as close as possible to your chest; inhaling - return to the original state.
  9. Take a “lying on your back” pose. Exhaling, sit down, bend forward as much as possible, reaching with your fingertips to your toes; inhaling - return to the original state.

Breathing exercises: video

Principles of therapeutic exercises

Gymnastic exercises for pulmonary emphysema can be performed even when the attending physician recommends bed or semi-bed rest. In this case, the patient lies on the bed or takes a sitting position on the bed, chair, always leaning on his elbows. Ideally, the exercises are performed standing.

Medical professionals advise adhering to the following principles when performing a special set of breathing exercises:

  1. Tasks are performed daily, 4.5 times per minute. The room must be ventilated beforehand.
  2. When performing tasks, pay attention to the rhythm of breathing, it should always be the same.
  3. Individual exercises are performed at least 3 times.
  4. The duration of exhalation should be longer than inhalation.
  5. Rushing through tasks can be harmful, as can overexerting yourself.
  6. When performing breathing tasks, the pace should be average.
  7. It is forbidden to hold your breath.
  8. For better functioning of the diaphragm, you should inhale air through pursed lips and exhale through the nasal cavity.
  9. It is forbidden to take quick breaths, since the alveoli of the lungs in this case quickly stretch.
  10. The complex consists of 2 types of exercises: static, dynamic.
  11. In case of pulmonary emphysema, breathing exercises always begin with static tasks, which during execution are always alternated with elements of dynamic exercises and pauses for rest.
  12. People with this diagnosis are advised to maintain a healthy lifestyle: walk for a long time, swim, give up unhealthy foods, smoking, and alcoholic beverages.
  13. An annual stay in spring or autumn on the sea coast, for example, in Crimea, is mandatory. In summer, during the hot period, it is undesirable to relax at sea.

Daily special breathing exercises help a patient with pulmonary emphysema to alleviate the severe course of the disease and help improve overall well-being. Systematic completion of tasks helps to achieve a positive result in a minimum period of time and helps to record the results obtained for a long time.

Archive of the Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle » Archive of Healthy Lifestyle for 2007 » Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle No. 15 2007 »
“Oh, I’ve conquered one more floor, now I’ll catch my breath - and onwards...” A familiar picture: a man stands on the staircase, cursing the broken elevator, and looking up painfully. Breath escapes from the chest with a whistle... This is a sure sign of a terrible lung disease accompanied by emphysema.
Maria Leonidovna Bocharnikova, a pulmonologist of the highest category at the Moscow SM-Clinic (Clinic of Modern Medicine), told Healthy Lifestyle correspondent Alexander Ignatiev about how to coexist with this disease.
The lungs are a kind of sponge that takes in air when you inhale and releases it when you exhale. Ideally, it should give up all the air and gain it again. When you have emphysema, the air does not leave the lungs completely, it is as if locked, and gas exchange (oxygen - carbon dioxide) is poor. In addition, rupture of the interalveolar septa occurs. As a result, instead of a fine-mesh sponge, large bags are formed filled with exhaust air with a high carbon dioxide content, and there is no access to fresh air. Simply put, emphysema occurs when you cannot exhale all the air from your lungs. And even with the slightest physical exertion, the patient begins to breathe heavily: the body does not have enough oxygen.
The disease can occur independently (primary form) as a result of a genetic defect. However, primary pulmonary emphysema is a rather rare disease; much more often, emphysema is secondary. It complicates bronchial asthma and is an invariable component of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD develops as a result of regular inhalation of heavy metal compounds, toxic gases, dust, and most importantly, tobacco smoke.
Heavy smokers develop emphysema much more often than non-smokers.
Lung diseases that accompany emphysema manifest themselves mainly in the form of shortness of breath. At first it appears only during physical activity, and then it begins to haunt the person constantly, even at rest. Lips and nails become blue. When breathing, whistling sounds or wheezing are heard, and the exhalation lengthens. And the most characteristic symptom is panting.
Fresh breath, but it’s hard to breathe
When treating lung diseases that are accompanied by emphysema, the doctor takes an x-ray of the chest organs, uses special equipment to examine the patient’s external respiration function (RVP) and, depending on this, prescribes treatment. A month later, the FVD study is repeated.
If there is sputum, then it is “evacuated”: it clogs the bronchi and interferes with free breathing. To remove sputum, drugs based on N-acetylcysteine ​​are used: fluimucil, ACC. These drugs are also good antioxidants, that is, they reduce the number of so-called free radicals. You can also use infusions of plants that promote expectoration: tricolor violet, wild rosemary, coltsfoot. To prepare the infusion, take 1 teaspoon of one of the plants, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink on an empty stomach or one hour after meals.
In severe cases of the disease, so-called inhaled hormones are used. But they should only be prescribed by a doctor. In extreme cases, when gas exchange in the lungs is sharply reduced and the slightest effort leads to shortness of breath, the patient is connected to an oxygen concentrator. This is a stationary device that the patient uses most of the day. The method helps prolong the lives of those who were previously doomed.
Relatively recently, a new, very effective drug, Spiriva, has appeared in pharmacies, which needs to be used only once a day. A capsule with medicine is inserted into a simple device, and the patient inhales it. Such a device with a set of medications for a month is expensive - about two thousand rubles. You can receive it under the preferential list only if the person has a disability. And without it, the drug is not available to everyone.
Aperture, get to work!
Whatever treatment your doctor prescribes, first stop smoking. In addition, avoid smoking companies: passive smoking is no less harmful than active smoking. If your work involves hazardous substances (fine stone dust, dyes), you will have to look for a new place: there is simply no other option. Otherwise, despite all the efforts of doctors, the disease will progress rapidly.
So, where to start treatment? Breathing exercises help patients with emphysema. The fact is that with this disease the structures that stretch the bronchi are destroyed. To open them, you need to create resistance to the flow of air from the lungs. This can be done using a tube lowered into water. Take a rubber hose with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm and a length of about 50 cm, an IV tube or a cocktail straw, inhale deeply, and then exhale through the tube into a jar filled with water. Limit yourself to 10 exhalations to begin with, gradually increase their number until you feel slightly tired. Sweat may appear on your back and chest - do not be alarmed, this is how it should be.
A special vibration simulator, which is manufactured in Cheboksary, has proven itself very well. It provides intermittent resistance to the flow of air from the lungs. It costs 50-60 rubles and is as simple as a soap dish.
Let's cough together
Paradoxically, with emphysema, coughing helps to overcome shortness of breath. Of course, artificial, in special positions to “evacuate” sputum. In scientific language this is called postural drainage.
Lie on your left side on a bed without a pillow, take a deep breath, then press your hand to your chest and cough intermittently. The cough should not be severe. For better effect, you can raise the foot end of the bed so that your legs and pelvis are higher than your chest.
Do the same on the other side. Cough while sliding upside down from the bed on your chest (if you don’t have hypertension). Then get on your elbows and knees, bend down further and clear your lungs by coughing again.
Perform each exercise three to five times, depending on how you feel.
10-15 minutes before the start of breathing exercises, to make phlegm clear more easily, I advise you to drink half a glass of infusion of plants that promote expectoration: tricolor violet, wild rosemary.
In order to consolidate the successes achieved through breathing exercises, you need, as they say, to get your blood flowing, that is, to perform a set of physical exercises. When muscles work, the blood supply to all organs, including the lungs, improves, and the blood itself is enriched with oxygen, thereby improving breathing. Even if you move your hands while lying down, even with a severe form of the disease, there will already be an effect. But at the same time you need to breathe correctly: inhale for two counts and exhale for four counts.
If the disease has not taken a severe form, I advise you to walk more, swim, and perform any other rhythmic movements. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with cycling, since in this case your chest is constrained by your hands lying on the handlebars.
If you have emphysema, it is not advisable to take a steam bath: the opinion that “any disease comes out with sweat” is wrong in this case.
In conclusion, I note that every chronic disease progresses in waves, exacerbations are replaced by remissions. The task of a pulmonologist is to bring the patient out of an exacerbation and lengthen the period of remission as much as possible. This is real. But the greatest successes are achieved with the cooperation of the doctor and the patient. And especially with emphysema, when effective treatment is achieved through breathing exercises and physical exercises.



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