Causes of back myositis. Back muscle myositis: secrets of fighting the disease

Myositis of the back muscles is an inflammatory disease localized in the area of ​​skeletal muscles (several muscles at once).

The clinical picture of this muscle disease, as a rule, appears more often in the morning, after sleep. Since it is at night that muscle swelling occurs, which causes a reflex spasm. If an injury occurs, the pain syndrome makes itself felt after 2-3 days from the date of the traumatic incident. The course of the disease lasts quite a long time and is sluggish.

Signs of back myositis are expressed in the following points:

  1. aching painful sensations;
  2. the affected area swells and turns red, the skin above the muscles becomes hot to the touch - the temperature rises;
  3. upon palpation, compactions and nodules are noticeable, which are felt more in the lower back and are asymmetrical in nature;
  4. with physical activity and stretching of the muscle system, increasing pain appears, especially in the lumbar region;
  5. general malaise, accompanied by difficulty bending and turning.

The causes of the disease may be the following factors:

  • complications after infectious and cold diseases;
  • unfavorable weather conditions;
  • long stay of the body in an uncomfortable position;
  • muscle strain, especially in the cold;
  • inadequate heavy physical activity;
  • injuries of various types;
  • consequences of muscle cramps;
  • stressful situations.

Myositis: types, stages

The disease myositis is classified according to the degree of development into two types:

  1. Acute stage: a characteristic feature of this type is the transition to a chronic form with insufficient treatment, which subsequently worsens under unfavorable factors;
  2. Chronic stage: the result of infectious inflammation and lack of timely treatment (and the neck is more susceptible to a chronic course with periodic exacerbations).

It is generally accepted to divide myositis into several types according to the origin of the disease and its course; the main types of this disease include the following mixed types, combining the forms of various categories of diseases:

Myositis of the back is quite difficult to detect, due to periods of exacerbations. Therefore, at the first signs, you need to immediately contact a specialist who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a clear treatment regimen, based on the patient’s symptoms and using the following studies:

  • blood test - showing an increase in the level of muscle tissue enzymes in the presence of disease;
  • tests for the presence of antibodies - indicating autoimmune diseases;
  • magnetic resonance imaging - allowing to identify areas of muscle damage at the moment;
  • electromyography - testing muscle response using electrical stimulators and nerve impulses;
  • biopsy of the spinal muscles is the most accurate diagnostic method, an examination by cutting the muscle under a microscope.

Muscle myositis , like any disease of the musculoskeletal system, it can be treated favorably with a clear sequence of all doctor’s recommendations. It should be noted that in case of aggravated forms, it is important to adhere to bed rest, this is especially true when diagnosed with myositis of the back muscles. Next, the patient requires the following measures:

  1. analgesic therapy using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  2. physiotherapeutic procedures;
  3. the use of novocaine blockade is the injection of a mixture of novocaine and a hormone containing a corticosteroid into the inflamed area. It is considered one of the effective methods, provided there are no contraindications;
  4. stretching muscles and ligaments is a fairly new method of manual therapy that gives good results.

Back myositis is a serious disease that significantly worsens the patient’s quality of life, so try to protect yourself from the cold and follow the simplest recommendations. Try to warm up more often if you have to sit at the computer for a long time, avoid drafts, take more vitamins, fruits and vegetables. These simple rules of a healthy lifestyle will help your body avoid the development of myositis and its complications.

Inflammation of the back muscles causes considerable discomfort to the patient and negatively affects the general condition. In acute and chronic myositis, the mobility of the spine is impaired, cramps appear, and muscle mass decreases.

What is the reason for the development of myositis? How dangerous is the chronic form of the disease? What medications and folk remedies relieve pain due to inflammation in muscle fibers? The answers are in the article.

Myositis: what is it?

Muscle inflammation develops due to the penetration of infectious agents or the action of other non-infectious factors. When muscle fibers of the tissue are damaged, painful nodules appear and problem areas become denser.

In the acute form, the symptoms are pronounced, the patient experiences discomfort, and the disease interferes with professional activities. Chronic myositis causes no less inconvenience than acute inflammation: constant, aching back pain, muscle tension, the appearance of compactions and knots in elastic tissue, and limited mobility of the spine disrupts the course of life. Problems with performing usual tasks against the background of pain provoke irritability and depression.

Inflammation of the back muscles develops when there is an infection in the body or under the influence of other negative factors. Sometimes doctors identify a combination of negative causes, which increases the pain syndrome and the severity of the pathological process. Inflammation is more difficult to treat if the patient has autoimmune diseases: the immune system attacks muscle cells, considering them foreign.

On the page, read about what lumbago with sciatica is and how to treat a negative symptom complex.

Recovery prognosis

The transition of myositis to a chronic form, combined with a lack of therapy, can lead to muscle atrophy. When a complex of drugs is prescribed, physiotherapy, massage, and special exercises are performed, the prognosis is favorable.

Prevention measures

Eliminating the inflammatory process in the back muscles is a long process that requires an integrated approach. Doctors recommend familiarizing yourself with the rules for preventing myositis.

Seven useful tips:

It is important to know the symptoms of myositis in order to contact a rheumatologist in time to prescribe effective therapy. An advanced inflammatory process leads to muscle weakness, discomfort when moving, increased pain regardless of the patient’s actions, and decreased ability to work.

Myositis is the general name for diseases characterized as inflammatory lesions of skeletal muscles of various origins, various symptoms and course. Learn more about the disease from the following video, a fragment of the program “About the Most Important Thing”:

Back muscle myositis is an inflammatory process that affects skeletal (striated) muscles. Myositis is characterized by direct damage to the muscle tissue itself with its gradual destruction. The consequence is increasing muscle weakening with the development of their atrophy.

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Inflammation can affect only one muscle, then local myositis is diagnosed.

If several muscle groups are involved in the process, they speak of polymyositis. Sometimes inflammation of muscle tissue is combined with damage to the skin; in these cases, severe autoimmune pathology - dermatomyositis - should be suspected.

The disease has an acute or chronic course, and acute myositis with insufficient therapy can become a chronic process. Among the rest of the skeletal muscles, the back muscles are most often subject to inflammation.

Intensive sports or prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position negatively affects the condition of the spinal muscles, leading to their inflammation.

However, there are other factors that lead to the occurrence of myositis.

Causes of the problem

Some rheumatic diseases may be accompanied by moderate symptoms of myositis: these include lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis.

The disease often occurs in athletes who have not calculated the capabilities of their body. Excessive physical activity leads to micro-tears of muscle fibers, which ends in an inflammatory process.

Most often, after a long rest, muscle tissue quickly recovers. However, extensive damage may result in the development of muscle necrosis.

Symptoms of acute and chronic illness may differ from each other.


The onset of the disease is manifested by local pain in the damaged muscles of an aching nature with a tendency to gradually increase. Symptoms worsen with movement and do not go away with rest. In some forms of the disease, dense nodules form in damaged muscle fibers (Corelius symptom), they become a source of pain.

Inflamed back muscles are tense, tight, and may have some swelling. In the acute form, fever, chills, and redness of the skin over the affected area may occur. Motor activity is severely limited due to constant pain.

Purulent form of the disease

In case of direct damage to the skin of the back, for example, as a result of injury, or during unsuccessful medical procedures, various microorganisms (streptococci, staphylococci) may enter the tissues. The development of a purulent form of myositis cannot be ruled out.

Symptoms of the disease are:

  • Acute onset;
  • fever;
  • severe muscle pain;
  • edema;
  • reflex contracture of joints (with myositis of the back - impaired mobility of the spine);
  • tightness, muscle spasm.

After a few days, with purulent myositis, tissue melting occurs in the area of ​​inflammation, and pockets of “ripple” appear. You can't do it without the help of a surgeon.

Causes and symptoms of chronic myositis

Chronic inflammation is often a consequence of incompletely cured acute myositis. Painful sensations are not so intense; they appear periodically and are aching in nature.

The chronic form can occur in the form of fibromyositis.

Painful adhesions form under the skin, consisting of muscles, tendons, blood vessels and nerve endings.

Symptoms of myositis:

  • subcutaneous nodules;
  • painful hardening of muscles;
  • infiltrate in the subcutaneous tissue (cellulite);
  • the presence of a “roller” when pressing on the muscle;
  • deposition of uric acid salts.

Pain points are located in a diffuse manner, the symptoms of the disease intensify when palpating the affected area, and skin sensitivity disorders are occasionally observed.

Sometimes chronic myositis occurs without significant pain, and the only symptom of the disease is muscle weakness. It can be permanent or detected only with special testing methods.


Dermatomyositis and its characteristics

Dermatomyositis is an autoimmune disease and is characterized by progressive muscle weakness. The provoking factor is often exposure to solar insolation, stress, and viral infections. The disease most often affects young and mature women.

First, erythema appears on the skin - redness, which is most often localized in the décolleté area, above the elbow and knee joints, on the back of the shoulders, on the eyelids and cheekbones. Later, peeling of the palms and cracks in the skin of the hands (“mechanic’s hands”) appear.

The progression of the disease leads to increasing muscle weakness, which gradually and steadily progresses. Dermatomyositis can be a harbinger of oncological pathology, therefore, when such symptoms appear, the patient must be carefully examined.

Complications of these diseases

With prolonged myositis, muscle weakness develops, and then atrophy of the back muscles. At first, it becomes difficult for the patient to climb stairs or walk for a long time.

As the disease progresses, difficulties arise: getting out of bed, bringing the body into an upright state, and lifting the head from the pillow becomes an impossible task.

Diagnosis and similar symptoms

Only a doctor can diagnose “muscle myositis”; he will determine where the source of pain is. After all, this pathological condition can easily be confused with other diseases: spinal osteochondrosis, lumbago, protrusion and herniated intervertebral discs.

These diseases have similar symptoms: pain in the back, muscle tension and swelling, lumbago, stiffness of movement. With a long course of both myositis and osteochondrosis, muscle atrophy develops over time. Pain in the lower back may indicate kidney disease.

Therefore, you should not rely on your own knowledge and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Methods for diagnosing myositis:

  • Electromyography is used to determine the functional state of muscle tissue and is performed using needle electrodes inserted into the skin. The method allows you to determine the area of ​​damage (topic), the prevalence and severity of the process.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging helps to identify areas of muscle damage at this moment and over time.
  • Muscle biopsy is used in rare cases. Through a small incision in the skin, the doctor removes a piece of muscle tissue, which is then examined under a microscope. The most reliable diagnostic method.
  • Clinical blood and urine tests (to detect inflammation and exclude other pathologies).
  • Testing blood for the presence of autoantibodies helps identify autoimmune disease.
  • In a biochemical blood test, it is possible that the level of some enzymes may increase; for example, an increase in creatine kinase levels indicates damage to muscle tissue.

Treatment with antibiotics and painkillers

It should be said that with proper and timely treatment of back muscle myositis, the symptoms are reversible. The doctor selects medications based on the causes of the disease.

Before the doctor arrives, you can take painkillers: Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin. It is advisable to wrap the affected area in heat. The use of warming and anti-inflammatory ointments is allowed.

Spinal problems are considered one of the most common problems regardless of age.

Myositis of the back muscles belongs to the category of diseases in which inflammation arises in the skeletal muscles.

However, the symptoms, causes, localization and course of the disease may vary.

Often the pain is localized in the affected muscles and worsens during movement and palpation.

Types of myositis

Based on the nature of the course of the disease, there can be acute, subacute and protracted myositis.

According to the type of spread of the disease, myositis is divided into local and general.

The most characteristic signs signaling the development of the disease include a number of factors.

Back myositis symptoms:

  • painful sensations in the back area are aching, in most cases appear in the lower back;
  • the pain worsens when moving and pressing on the affected area;
  • the pain is continuous and may not go away even while at rest;
  • muscles are tense, mobility is limited;
  • with diffuse infections of the muscles, the presence of painful nodes and compactions may be observed.

The formation of swelling and an increase in temperature are possible (indicates the development of purulent myositis).

The person feels unwell and has chronic fatigue, which is especially bothersome in the morning. This is explained by the fact that muscle tissue swells at night, the blood supply becomes worse, and all these reasons lead to spasms.


There can be quite a few prerequisites for the development of inflammation of the back muscles, but for the most part, myositis begins after a viral infection. It could be the flu or...

Fungal and bacterial infections can also serve as a catalyst for the development of the disease, but not as often.

Microorganisms affect the back muscles through toxins and directly.

Other causes of back muscle inflammation include:

Another reason may be. Myositis is usually painful and will require long-term and proper treatment.


Confirming developing back muscle myositis is not as easy as it seems.

Signs can take a long time to appear and are clearly visible only during attacks.

Often back pain is perceived as muscle pain. This is the main mistake, since the syndrome may be caused by an exacerbation of the inflammatory process of the intervertebral disc.

In addition, muscle pain and cramps may reflect other diseases of the musculoskeletal system and organs.

Diagnosis of myositis occurs not only by external symptoms, but also by examinations:

  • blood sampling for general and biochemical analysis;
  • blood sampling for analysis of enzymes and antibodies;
  • MRI (will help determine the correct location of the inflamed muscles);
  • electromyography (allows you to measure bioelectric muscle potential);
  • biopsy of muscle tissue (one of the most accurate diagnostic methods, which can be used to determine the degree of damage to muscle fibers).

There are often situations where inflammation of the back muscles is not detected for many years, being incorrectly perceived as another disease, which also causes muscle weakness and pain.


Treatment of myositis is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process. In addition, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease that triggered its development. Progressive acute myositis requires a special approach.


Universal anti-inflammatory drugs that are excellent for helping with various types of inflammation include:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketorol;
  • Movalis.

The greatest effectiveness can be obtained from them if you give injections. It is important to remember that the duration of such therapy should not exceed seven days, as there is a risk of occurrence.

To relieve swelling of soft tissues and relieve pain, it is recommended to use venotonic drugs.

As the disease progresses due to bacterial flora, antibiotics must be used. In extreme cases, surgical intervention will be required after detection of suppuration.

Creams and ointments

Used for pain relief and warming. Warming agents are used to eliminate cramps and warm up muscles. They help a lot if the disease is caused by long periods of stress.

Warming agents include:

  • Zostrix;
  • Finalgon;
  • Capsicam.

Such ointments are applied with extreme caution, as there is a risk of skin burns.

Anti-inflammatory ointments are allowed to be used already on the first day of the development of the disease and for almost all types of myositis. They help relieve soreness, swelling and inflammation.

Anti-inflammatory ointments include:

  • Nise;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Bystrum gel.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment using traditional medicine methods is very popular.

In most cases, these methods quickly reduce pain.

Traditional methods of treatment include:

  • Using cabbage leaves. A few cabbage leaves are sprinkled with salt and soaped. Next, the leaves are applied to the affected area and wrapped with a warm scarf or handkerchief. This type of bandage is great for relieving pain.
  • Badyaga. A mixture for grinding is made. For cooking you will need butter (1 teaspoon), bodyaga (1/4 teaspoon). Rub the composition into the affected part using massage movements, cover with film and leave overnight. You should not do this compress more than once every seven days, as it can cause skin irritation.
  • Burdock leaves. The leaves need to be scalded and a compress applied to the sore spot. Afterwards you also need to cover the compress with foil.
  • Potato. Boil several potatoes and mash thoroughly. The mixture is wrapped in gauze and applied to the area of ​​pain. After cooling, the potatoes can be removed. Then all that remains is to rub the area with vodka and thoroughly insulate it. To achieve the best results, it is recommended to carry out this procedure for several days in a row.

You need to know that bacterial myositis should never be heated, as this leads to the formation of suppuration. Before you start using traditional medicine methods, it is better to first consult with your doctor.

Additional treatments

To treat the disease, the doctor may prescribe a course of massage treatments.

A massage performed by a qualified specialist will relieve muscle spasms, warm them up and improve blood circulation.

Keep in mind that massage is prohibited for purulent myositis and dermatomyositis.

Various physiotherapeutic procedures and therapeutic exercises help well.

Yoga has shown itself to be effective in the treatment of myositis. It includes physical exercises aimed at improving the entire body. Regular yoga classes help increase resistance to stress, strengthen muscles and develop stretch marks.

Along with any other therapeutic exercises, yoga is perfect for treating myositis caused by prolonged stay in the same or uncomfortable position.


You should not think that myositis of the back muscles is a non-serious disease; when it develops into a permanent form, the pain can cause a number of problems.

You will have to make every effort to cure existing acute myositis. And in order not to provoke its re-development, a number of measures must be observed:

  • Do not stand or sit in one position for a long time;
  • if the work is sedentary, then you need to get up at least once every two hours and do a light warm-up by tilting your head and turning your body;
  • in cold weather you need to wear warm outerwear, try not to freeze and avoid being exposed to drafts;

It would be a good idea to include fruits and vegetables, dairy products, and fish in your diet.

Such products will enrich the body with vitamins A, E, C, iodine, potassium, polyunsaturated acids, vitamins D and B 12. The body needs these substances to maintain and strengthen health, especially the skeletal and muscular systems.

Danger and prognosis of myositis

Pain is the most unpleasant manifestation of myositis. Often pain and muscle tension disappear within a week. But if during this period you do not minimize physical work and exposure to the cold, then there is a risk of the disease developing into a protracted form. Muscle groups and also skin can become inflamed.

In addition to pain, there is intense muscle weakness. It is difficult for a person to get up from a chair, it is difficult to dress independently and go down the stairs.

If you ignore the symptoms at this time and do not take any measures, then there is a risk of muscle shortening and a constant feeling of weakness.

Developing and not receiving proper treatment, myositis covers new muscle groups. This is dangerous if a person has acute myositis in the neck area, since the muscles of the larynx, esophagus and pharynx are at risk.

Every person in his life, to one degree or another, encounters different types of pain, which are equally unpleasant for everyone. However, without pain, our body would not be able to function normally, because with the help of pain, a damaged organ signals us about violations that need to be eliminated. If we feel pain in the muscles, then this may be a sign of an inflammatory process in the tissues.

What is muscle myositis?

A disease of muscle tissue that is inflammatory, traumatic, chronic and is accompanied by pain and weakness throughout the body. Most often, the disease is present in the muscles of the neck, back, shoulders, and chest of a person.

Muscle tissue with myositis

Types of myositis depending on the cause of occurrence

Depending on the cause of occurrence, types of myositis are distinguished:

Dermatomyositis of the hands

According to the nature of the flow, they are distinguished:

  • Chronic myositis- inflammation after treatment is not completely eliminated, occurs with sluggish symptoms and can progress as a result of unfavorable factors (overwork, hypothermia, etc.).
  • Acute myositis- sudden onset of pain and inflammation after injury or severe stress on the muscles.

Manifestations of polymyositis

According to the nature of the pathology:

  • Local myositis- development of the inflammatory process of one muscle. There is a sharp pain when pressing and moving the affected area. As a result of a constant tense state, the mobility of joints and limbs is limited.
  • - damage to a muscle group, in which muscle pain is observed with increasing strength, for example, in the lumbar and shoulder muscles.

There is also myositis ossificans, It is quite rare, appears after injuries, muscle damage, or has a congenital hereditary nature. Symptoms are pain, swelling, redness of the skin.

Myositis of the pectoral muscles

The main sources of the inflammatory process are:

  • colds, infections;
  • chronic pathology;
  • purulent tissue lesions;
  • autoimmune diseases and stress.

Often, after an infectious disease, illness may occur. Hypothermia, injury, heavy physical exertion, and poisoning with toxic substances can also trigger the disease.


An initial examination of the patient by a doctor and compilation of the examination results can confirm or refute the presence of inflammation in the muscles. A study of blood and secretions that were taken from the affected area complements the initial information.

The sequence of diagnostic measures allows us to identify the presence of the inflammatory process, the area of ​​distribution, the degree of damage, and the cause of formation.

Photo of myositis

To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct certain types of examinations:

  • blood analysis, which shows how quickly red blood cells settle;
  • electromyography allows you to identify the condition in the affected area; the muscles have nerve fibers;
  • CT scan allows you to identify signs of myositis ossificans at an early stage;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging shows in detail the condition of the soft tissues.

The diagnostic results will be used to determine the type of myositis and prescribe quality treatment.

Which doctor treats myositis?

The doctor who will treat the disease may have different competences - it all depends on the localization of myositis. Treatment of myositis can be carried out by a therapist, traumatologist, neurologist, orthopedist or surgeon.

At the first manifestations of pain, you should contact a rheumatologist or therapist, who, after conducting an initial examination, will be able to refer you to a specialist for diagnosis and treatment.

Stories from our readers!
I want to tell my story about how I cured osteochondrosis and hernia. Finally, I was able to overcome this unbearable pain in my lower back. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment! A few months ago I got a cramp at the dacha; a sharp pain in my lower back didn’t allow me to move, I couldn’t even walk. The doctor at the hospital diagnosed osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, herniated discs L3-L4. He prescribed some medications, but they did not help, the pain was unbearable. They called an ambulance, they put a blockade and hinted at an operation, I kept thinking about this, that I would turn out to be a burden for the family... Everything changed when my daughter gave me an article to read on the Internet. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her for this. This article literally pulled me out of my wheelchair. In recent months I have started to move more; in the spring and summer I go to the dacha every day. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis,

Symptoms and manifestations of myositis

Type of disease Description Symptoms Manifestations
Myositis of the neck Inflammation occurs as a result of exposure to cold on the muscle tissue of the neck and affects not only it, but also the head area, temporal part and cervical vertebrae. Neck pain, muscle swelling, headache. Muscle thickening on the affected area. The most dangerous type of disease.
Myositis of the back and lumbar muscles Inflammation begins in the muscle fibers and can affect the skin and even the spine. Aching pain that increases with movement. Fever, migraine, muscle atrophy.
Myositis of the chest The inflammatory process can affect the superficial and deep muscles of the chest. Muscle spasms, pain when breathing. Damage to the function of the upper extremities, swelling, changes in the density of muscle tissue.
Myositis of the eye muscles, face A disease that causes pain and swelling. Severe pain in the orbital area, limited or absent eye mobility. The orbital fiber is predominantly gray in color, lacks natural shine, and is high in density.
Myositis of the cleidomastoid muscle Inflammation of the cervical spine, which is accompanied by limitation of movement. Dysfunction of the cervical spine. Tissue destruction and scar formation.
Intercostal myositis A form of the disease that occurs in muscle tissue. High fever, cramps, chronic cough, swelling. Tissue damage in the rib area can, as it progresses, affect the chest area.
Myositis of the abdominal muscles A muscle disease that is accompanied by pain in the affected muscle. Increased temperature, pain on palpation. Swelling, the appearance of nodular seals.
Myositis of legs and thighsa, knees, legs, feet A disease that is chronic, traumatic and infectious. Fever, redness, swelling. Weakness in the legs; in the chronic form, problems with movement may occur.
Myositis of the arm-shoulder, forearm, elbow An inflammatory process that limits the movement of the arm. Tension and swelling of the muscles, pain when moving the arms. Formation of nodules in the muscle.

How to treat myositis?

To avoid complications, it is necessary to begin treatment under the supervision of a doctor immediately after confirming the diagnosis.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment is prescribed by a doctor to eliminate symptoms and the inflammatory process.

To treat the disease, medications from different pharmaceutical groups can be prescribed:

  • NSAID drugs in tablets(Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Movalis, Peroxicam, etc.).
  • Non-steroidal drugs for injection(, Mydocalm).
  • Analgesics(Antipyrin, Analgin, Paracetamol).
  • Ointments(Turpentine ointment, Traumeel S, Dolaren-gel, Roztiran, etc.).

Nimesulide tablets Movalis is a drug of the latest generation
Ibuprofen tablets Meloxicam tablets Diclofenac tablets

Physiotherapy for myositis restores muscle contraction and significantly increases blood circulation.

The following procedures are recommended:

  • Warming up and wrapping inflamed area.
  • Manual therapy- a set of techniques carried out through statistical voltage, the main purpose of which is the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
  • - normalizes blood circulation, relieves pain in muscles, eliminates swelling. The main goal of such therapy is to start the recovery process, to start the work of all limbs. The massage is carried out with increasing effect using a thermal procedure, which allows you to completely relax the sore muscles.


Purulent myositis is the most dangerous type of disease. Self-treatment is prohibited, especially the use of ointments. Myositis seriously disrupts the normal functioning of muscles, organs and the very quality of life.

Main symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • swelling;
  • muscle hardening;
  • discomfort in the affected area;
  • heat.

Conservative treatment for this form of the disease is not effective; surgery is often performed to clean the affected area of ​​pus.

The causes of purulent myositis are:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • pneumococci;
  • gonococci.

Timely diagnostics are necessary: ​​MRI, ultrasound, electromyography, tests. When treating purulent myositis, antibiotics, antipyretics and painkillers are prescribed.

Purulent myositis of the legs

Nutrition for muscle myositis

The accumulation of harmful substances in the muscles can neutralize several vitamins (A, C, E).

For this reason, the daily diet should include:

  • Salads(sweet peppers, tomatoes, green lettuce).
  • Salad dressing in the form of vegetable or olive oil.
  • Fruits rich in vitamins for example, kiwi, tangerines, plums, oranges, apples (preferably green, sweet and sour).
  • Add foods rich in salicylates giving fruits an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Carrots, potatoes, beets must be on the menu every day.
  • Decoctions of raspberry leaf, peony, marsh cinquefoil will only bring benefits.
  • Daily up to 300 grams of sea fish, the method of preparation is not important, boiled or stewed will do.

Spasms are present in any form of myositis.

One of the causes of seizures may be a deficiency of certain substances:

  • magnesium(present in cereals, cereals, blackberries, legumes);
  • calcium(found in fermented milk, dairy products, garlic, cabbage, parsley, celery);
  • zinc(found in liver, cheese, meat, chicken eggs, pumpkin).

  • For any form of myositis, the patient is prescribed rest(sometimes bed rest).
  • Diet recommended, you must completely avoid spicy, alcoholic, salty and fatty foods. It is better to prefer vegetables, cereals, and fruits during the treatment period.
  • Antibiotics must be prescribed if the disease occurs against the background of a previous infection,
  • Surgery may be prescribed when purulent myositis is detected.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs mandatory for the use of any type of myositis. The purpose of the ointment is specific to the local affected area.
  • Therapeutic massage and physiotherapy necessary for all patients who turn to specialists for help.


To avoid the occurrence of myositis, it is necessary to pay special attention to the prevention of the disease:

  • Avoid hypothermia and drafts.
  • When working sedentarily, do muscle exercises.
  • Avoid overstraining your muscles during physical activity.
  • Diseases that provoke the occurrence of myositis should be treated in a timely manner.
  • Do gymnastics, cycling, swimming.
  • Watch your posture.


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