Causes and treatment of clear and yellow fluid discharge from the ear. Discharge from a child's ear

Earwax plays a protective role, but sometimes it causes problems. Sometimes people think that it is dirt, so they try to get rid of it. But thanks to it, the natural microflora is preserved in the ears, protected from pathogenic microorganisms.

The volume of sulfur should be carefully monitored. Excessive production can lead to the formation and closure of the hearing organ passage. Therefore, it is important to promptly recognize problems occurring in the body.

Functions of ear secretion

It is a yellow-brown secretion that looks like a lubricant. It is produced by sulfur glands. It is needed to clean and lubricate the ear canals. There are 2000 sulfur glands. Thanks to them, 12-20 mg are released. earwax per month. It consists of proteins, fats, and mineral salts. Some proteins are represented by immunoglobulins, which determine the protective function.

The acidity level corresponds to 4-5. This allows protection against the development of bacterial or fungal flora. Physiological functions include moisturizing and protecting the skin. Sulfur, along with particles of dust and dead cells, is naturally removed to the outside.

Chewing movements help her with this. But many people have natural prerequisites for hypersecretion, as well as a narrow shape of the ear canal. This leads to accumulation of the composition and the formation of traffic jams.

For information on the protective functions of earwax, watch our video:

Causes of excessive discharge of wax from a child’s ear

Only an otolaryngologist can find out the cause of heavy discharge from the ear after examination and diagnosis. There can be many reasons for such a problem. Depending on them, the specialist gives recommendations for care and treatment. The prerequisite may be:

  1. . It happens or. Since inflamed areas can be anywhere in the body, their appearance in the ears leads to the appearance of a large amount of wax and a change in its consistency.
  2. Excess cholesterol. A regular diet will help cope with the problem. In children, this cause is one of the rarest.
  3. Headphones and . The presence leads to the fact that a large amount of secretion begins to be produced for protection.
  4. Prolonged stay in dusty rooms. Microparticles enter the ear canal. The body strives to get rid of them faster.
  5. . One of the most common causes in children under 4 years of age. During inflammation, the skin becomes irritated. There is an increase in the flow of lymph and blood. Therefore, the ceremonial glands begin to work faster.
  6. Great cleanliness. If parents constantly remove sulfur from a child, its increased production begins in the body.

The activation of the process also occurs. In this case, sulfur performs a protective function, preventing penetration into the hearing organs. In older children, increased secretion production begins due to hormonal changes.

The photo shows copious discharge of wax from the ear.

How to fix

Since the reasons that led to the abundance are different, the methods are also different. The most common cause is the formation of sulfur plugs. While it is easy for adults to remove it, it is better to take children to the doctor, since it is much easier for them to be harmed.

At home

If no pathological processes are detected in the ear, ensuring ear hygiene will be sufficient. For babies, parents should remove excess wax. At school age, this responsibility falls on the shoulders of the teenager. It is important to explain all the safety rules.

At home you should:

  • Avoid using vacuum headphones. If the cause is a hearing aid, then you need to carefully monitor its hygiene.
  • If the reason was visiting dusty premises, then nothing should be done. Excess secretion indicates that the child’s body is functioning normally.
  • When a sulfur plug forms, it is carried out. First, it can be dissolved by dropping 3% into the ear.

Pay attention! You should not clean the ear canal with olive oil or other . It is only suitable for external hygiene. For children, to treat the outer ear, you can moisten a cotton wool in castor oil.

How to properly clean ear wax


You can buy Remo-Vax at the pharmacy to wash your ears. It softens and removes excess wax from the ear cavity. Can be used to prevent increased sulfur production or when using hearing aids or headphones.

The medical institution will offer to do it using a special Janet syringe. The procedure should only be performed by a doctor, since improper water pressure can damage the eardrum. You should not warm up the ear if a large amount of wax is released. This can lead to the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

If the excessive formation of wax in a child is associated with inflammation of the middle ear, then treatment is carried out with local or systemic drugs. In this case, after the course and recovery, the amount of secretion is normalized.

How to clean your child's ears, watch our video:

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis is favorable if hygiene rules are followed. If you notice that there is a large amount of wax in your ear, do not try to remove it yourself. This method will only lead to more pushing. Sometimes it also becomes the cause of the inflammatory process or.

If the baby also begins to cover his ears with his hands when crying and complain, this is a reason to show him to the doctor. Additionally recommended:

  1. Avoid freezing your head and ears.
  2. Limit your stay in dusty areas.

Many factors and diseases contribute to the flow of fluid from the ear canals. Depending on the color of the discharge, the pathology may have a different etiology. To identify the specific cause of the development of pathology, you must immediately contact an otolaryngologist.

Treatment of ear pathologies that are accompanied by discharge from the ear can lead to serious complications. In our article we will look at what to do if yellow liquid is flowing from the child’s ear.

In most cases, discharge from the ear is observed during an inflammatory process.

Discharge from the ear may occur if the following factors are present:

  • Acute respiratory viral infections that enter the inside of the ear and cause an inflammatory process;
  • Perforation of the mucous membrane of the eardrum;
  • Damage to the ear canal due to mechanical impact. This often happens when cleaning the ears with various objects. The situation is aggravated if water, which contains many pathogenic bacteria, gets into the damaged ear canal, especially if we are talking about water from reservoirs. In this case, serious inflammation occurs, accompanied by discharge from the ear;
  • Hearing aids can cause ear leakage. This usually occurs due to lack of hygiene.

Exudative and purulent form of otitis

According to statistics, the most common ear diseases in children are exudative and purulent forms of otitis. With slight swelling of the mucous membrane of the eardrum, a kind of liquid is formed; in ENT practice it is usually called transudate. Due to the presence of transudative moisture, excellent microflora arises in the ear for the proliferation of viruses and infections. With this outcome, a purulent form of pathology often forms.

The initial stage of purulent otitis involves a small separation of yellowish fluid with a clear admixture of pus. After some time, the pressure of the pus ruptures the eardrum. In this case, the patient leaks a copious amount of pus from the ear canal. Typically, perforation occurs at night. In the morning, the child has a purulent spot on the bed and dried fluid in the ear. Despite the release of pus from the ear canals, this outcome of the disease is not the norm, since in some cases perforation can take a long time to heal and affect the quality of hearing.

Allergic and fungal otitis media

If we are talking about copious ear discharge of a yellowish tint without ear pain, then the cause of the discharge may be an allergic form of otitis. Associated symptoms may include swelling of the ear canals or itching inside the ear. To eliminate the pathology, as a rule, it is enough to take a course of antihistamines. Since we are talking about a child, the most suitable products will be in drops - Zyrtec, Zodak, fenistil.

Characteristics of discharge

Parents should be very attentive to ear discharge in children.

Depending on the color, consistency and other features, fluid leaking from the ear may indicate various pathologies. Let's take a closer look.

  • Yellow discharge. In most cases, yellowish fluid in the ear indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. If the discharge is accompanied by ear pain, most likely it is otitis media. If no pain is observed, it may be an infection in the ear canals due to concomitant diseases: rhinitis, pharyngitis, etc.;
  • Black discharge. May indicate a fungal form of the disease. If the black discharge is not accompanied by pain, most likely we are talking about an abundance of wax in the ear canals. This usually occurs due to lack of hygiene.;
  • Brown discharge. Abundant brownish discharge of a liquid consistency may indicate an ear plug coming out. If you experience pain, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. This may indicate a bacterial infection.

If there is ichor in the discharge, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

Therapy in children

Help: Any treatment can be carried out only after examining the ear canals by an otolaryngologist. Depending on the cause of the pathology, different groups of medications may be required.

Drug treatment

  • If a child has discharge from the ear containing impurities of pus, under no circumstances should you use warming compresses, as well as drops that contain an alcohol-containing substance. If there is pus, the doctor will most likely prescribe a course of antibacterial agents. The type of antibiotic is prescribed only after a bacteriological examination of the ear discharge. Drugs that inhibit the inflammatory process are prescribed as drops. Otipax drops are usually used to treat a baby. The dosage and course of treatment are prescribed by the attending physician.
  • Against the inflammatory process, it is also necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs orally. For a child, a syrup based on paracetamol or ibuprofen is suitable - Efferalgan or Nurofen. This will help reduce pain and stop the flow of ear fluid.
  • If the cause of the discharge is an allergy, then it is enough to take a course of antihistamines. Usually, medications in the form of drops are prescribed for children. The most effective are Zodak, Zyrtec or Fenistil. The dosage and required course of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the disease.
  • If ear pathology is caused by concomitant diseases, the doctor may prescribe drops intended for the nasal passages. Nazivin or Nazol for children are most effective for children.

Folk remedies

If there is no purulent discharge and the body temperature is normal, you can use a heating pad. This will help reduce ear pain and reduce the amount of discharge. For aching pain and clear discharge, boric alcohol can be instilled. If we are talking about a child, boric alcohol is mixed in equal proportions with warm boiled water. Place one drop at a time into the ear canals.

Important! It is possible to treat a child with folk remedies only after examination by the attending physician. If there is perforation, folk remedies can lead to complete hearing loss in the child.

Let's consider the most effective traditional medicine recipes that are used to treat ear pathologies:

  • Squeeze aloe juice into a tablespoon. We soak a small piece of cotton wool generously in the juice, squeeze it out, and insert the cotton wool into the ear. It is best to perform the manipulation at night;
  • Pour boiling water over peppermint leaves and leave for half an hour. Next, dip a small piece of gauze in the contents, squeeze it out and insert it into the ear.
  • Mix propolis oil in equal proportions with onion juice. Dip a small piece of gauze in the liquid, squeeze it out and insert it into both ears. Leave it overnight.

Important: It should be noted that these recipes are suitable for any ear discharge, except purulent ones.


It is important to teach your child to blow his nose correctly.

We can conclude that discharge from the ear is not normal in any case. To avoid trouble, experts recommend taking certain precautions. Let's take a closer look:

  • Only parents should clean a child's ears. This should be done no more than once a week. For this purpose, it is recommended to use cotton swabs for children;
  • Teach your child the correct technique for blowing his nose;
  • At the first symptoms of a runny nose or other acute respiratory disease, start treatment in a timely manner;
  • If necessary, do not delay your visit to the doctor.


For any type of ear discharge, do not try to treat the pathology at home. Moreover, it is not recommended to use folk recipes inside the ear. Such therapy is possible only after consultation with a doctor. To avoid complications, experts recommend monitoring changes in the child’s well-being and, if necessary, contacting medical institutions in a timely manner.

Leakage from the ear is a symptom of most diseases of the hearing organ, requiring urgent attention to an ENT doctor. People with ear problems often wonder: what to do when the ear is leaking? Self-medication with ear drops and heating is strictly prohibited. Only after consulting a specialist, you can apply these or other medications topically and take them orally.

In official medicine, leakage from the ear is defined by the term “otorrhea.” This is not an independent pathology, but a symptom of a pathological process in the ears. The causes of otorrhea are very varied and diverse: infection, trauma, neoplasms. Ear discharge may be serous, purulent, bloody, bloody, have a different color, consistency, smell. Most often, exudate is formed due to the accumulation of microbes that cause local inflammation.

The appearance of drainage from the ear is often accompanied by additional clinical signs - tingling, shooting pain, general malaise, weakness. If the cause of otorrhea is not determined in time and the pathology is not treated, fluid will constantly accumulate inside. This will lead to a deterioration in the health and well-being of the patient.

Young children are most susceptible to the development of inflammatory ear diseases. This is due to frequent runny nose and inability to blow your nose. While crying, the child begins to sniffle. Bacteria penetrate the narrow auditory tube, it becomes inflamed and swollen, pressure in the ear cavity increases, and pain occurs.

Often, in people with a leak from the ear, not only ear pathology is detected, but also dysfunction of the respiratory organs - throat and nose, which is explained by the anatomical connection between them.


Diseases in which fluid leaks from the ear:

  • Outer develops as a result of the penetration of bacteria under the skin in persons with microtraumas of the ear cavity. Such damage can be caused by overuse of bathing procedures, frequent swimming, skin diseases, and the use of improvised means and cotton swabs to clean the ears. Earwax is washed out of the ear, its protective function is weakened, and the body's resistance is reduced. Otitis externa manifests itself as hyperemia, itching, ear pain, and hearing loss.
  • One of the symptoms otitis media also is otorrhea. In this case, the ear usually leaks purulent fluid. Otitis can be acute, accompanied by fever, and sluggish with a temporary cessation of symptoms. The acute form is manifested by pain, unpleasant sensations in the ear, and decreased perception of sounds. The sluggish form is characterized by the disappearance of clinical signs and their reappearance. In the absence of timely treatment, inflammation from the tympanic cavity moves to the inner ear and develops.
  • Violation of the integrity of the eardrum caused by an acute inflammatory process, traumatic injury, foreign bodies, high pressure when diving to depth. A torn membrane ceases to perform protective and sound-conducting functions. Patients develop otitis media, hearing loss, serous fluid leaking from the ear.
  • - inflammation of the cellular structures and cave of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, located behind the ear and containing air-filled bone cavities. The disease is manifested by suppuration, redness of the ear, peeling and itching. Local hyperthermia and tissue swelling are signs of inflammation. Common symptoms of mastoiditis are headache and fever.
  • develops against the background of microbial exposure and is observed in people with a hereditary predisposition. Purulent boils in the ear canal cause pain that increases with chewing. The boil is visible to the naked eye if it is located shallowly. When it ruptures, pus flows from the patient's ear.
  • Watery discharge from the ears are observed when allergic otitis. The disease develops in response to various irritants - allergens. Transudate begins to be actively synthesized, which accumulates in the middle ear and, after perforation of the membrane, comes out. Allergic otitis media is a common manifestation of general allergization of the body. The flow of colorless fluid from the ears is accompanied by itching and congestion. Antihistamines will help get rid of such symptoms.
  • Cholesteatoma- a tumor of epithelial cells of the middle ear. It can be congenital and secondary or acquired. Cholesteatoma develops after chronic inflammation or trauma to the ear structures. Patients with a tumor complain of dizziness, a feeling of fullness or pressure in the middle ear, headache, nausea, loss of performance, and severe fatigue. The pathology is manifested by a flow from the ear with a sharp, unpleasant odor and constant pain. In severe cases, patients lose their hearing and may become completely deaf.
  • Ear dermatitis accompanied by profuse flow from the ear. The affected ear hurts greatly, the external canal swells. Patients complain of unbearable itching, swelling and flaking of the skin, the formation of weeping wounds, flowing pus and sticky liquid.
  • – fungal inflammation of the hearing organ, which develops as a result of long-term use of hormones or antibiotics. The disease is manifested by itching, white discharge with a yellowish or greenish tint. To treat fungal otitis, antimycotic drops are used.
  • TBI often accompanied by a rupture of the dura mater, leakage of cerebrospinal fluid from the nose and ears, which has a watery consistency and a transparent color. This is an emergency condition that requires immediate medical attention.
  • Untreated, it often spreads to the hearing organ. With influenza and ARVI, body temperature rises, runny nose, sore throat and ears, and general signs of intoxication. In the absence of adequate treatment for a respiratory infection, hearing acuity will gradually decrease until the ability to perceive sound is completely lost.
  • in children, also affect the condition of the middle ear.

Leakage of fluid from the ears is one of the main symptoms of ear pathology. It is often combined with the following symptoms: fever, chills, hearing loss, dizziness, regional lymphadenitis, shooting ear pain, hyperemia of the auricle.

Other causes of otorrhea include the following:

  1. Hypothermia.
  2. Intense and harmful effects of tobacco products.
  3. Contaminated water entering a swimmer's ear.
  4. High air temperature and high humidity.
  5. Improper ear cleaning, damaging the outer ear.
  6. Wearing hearing aids.
  7. Genetic predisposition.
  8. Immunodeficiency states.

Character of the current

Transparent selections - a sign of aseptic inflammation and injury. A colorless and odorless course is a symptomatic manifestation of exudative otitis media, in which serous effusion accumulates in the tympanic cavity. It puts a certain pressure on the eardrum, it ruptures, and fluid flows out of the ear. When allergic irritation of the skin of the ear canal occurs, bubbles appear, which spontaneously open, and a clear liquid flows from the ear. A fracture of the base of the skull is manifested by the leakage of cerebrospinal fluid, which is also transparent. If the disease is not treated, secondary infection will occur. The discharge becomes purulent, smells bad, and the patient’s condition worsens.

Yellow liquid, leaking from the ears is an alarming sign indicating a serious disease of the hearing organ. The cause of yellow discharge is fungi and bacteria. Streptococcal and staphylococcal infections cause purulent otitis media with perforation of the eardrum and inflammation of surrounding tissues. Patients develop fever, weakness, headache, and nausea. If these symptoms are ignored, the patient may develop mastoiditis, brain abscess, and sepsis. If your ear is leaking a yellow, thick fluid, it may be earwax leaking from your ear. When heated and the temperature rises, the wax plug may melt and leak out.

Brownish discharge from the ear - a sign of a violation of the integrity of the capillaries. Hemorrhage and tissue destruction are caused by acute inflammation of the ear, the formation of tumors, rupture of the eardrum, bullous otitis, and myringitis. Blood with pus indicates polyps or an advanced infection. Similar changes in ear secretion occur when ingested by an insect or are the result of an ear injury. The blood is secreted and darkens as it clots. Then it is mixed with sulfur, which gives it such an unusual shade.

Black discharge appear from the ears when the patient has otomycosis caused by mold and yeast-like fungi. This symptom of the disease is accompanied by severe itching inside the ear and pain.

If ear drainage is ignored and left untreated, serious complications can occur:

  • Hearing loss
  • Perforation of the eardrum,
  • brain abscess,
  • Sepsis,
  • Disability,
  • Death.


An ENT doctor is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases manifested by ear discharge. Before making a diagnosis, he collects anamnesis, listens to complaints, examines the patient and prescribes the necessary tests.

To determine whether a baby's ear hurts, you need to press on the tragus. This action puts pressure on the eardrum, and if it is inflamed, pain occurs. The baby constantly cries, does not take the breast, and does not sleep. This diagnostic method is applicable only to infants, since their bone part of the auditory analyzer has not yet fully formed.

Laboratory and instrumental diagnostics include:

  1. General clinical blood test reveals signs of inflammation - leukocytosis with a shift to the left, increased ESR.
  2. Bacteriological research leakage from the ear makes it possible to determine the causative agent of the pathology and its sensitivity to antibacterial agents.
  3. Otoscopy– an instrumental technique that allows you to examine the external auditory canal and eardrum to determine the integrity of the structures and inflammatory processes using an otoscope, refractometer and ear specula.
  4. Audiometry– examination of hearing acuity using special equipment.
  5. Tympanometry- measurement of pressure inside the ear.
  6. CT and radiography- auxiliary methods that detect violations of bone structures, the presence of neoplasms and other changes.


In order for patients to stop leaking from the ear, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease. Treatment of any pathology begins with the removal of any discharge in the external auditory canal.

Traditional medicine

Conservative treatment consists of the use of antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and restorative agents.

Physiotherapy is carried out after the symptoms of acute inflammation have reduced. It consists of conducting and using UHF therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, Sollux, and Minin lamp.

Surgical treatment is carried out in cases where conservative therapy does not give the expected result. During the operation, the integrity of the eardrum is restored and infected tissue is removed.

Traditional medicine

There are a large number of effective folk recipes for treating patients with leaking ears.

  1. Plantain juice, a decoction of mint with honey, fresh aloe juice mixed with water, and an alcohol tincture of propolis or calendula are instilled into the ear.
  2. Warming semi-alcohol compresses are placed on the ear area. They improve blood supply to the middle ear, which promotes a speedy recovery.
  3. To wash the ear, use a decoction of chamomile, and to clean it, use a cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Melted wax allows you to get rid of purulent discharge. Melted wax is applied to linen cloth, rolled into a tube, one end of which is inserted into the sore ear, and the other is set on fire. When the fabric burns down to the ear, the procedure is stopped. The effect of such an unusual treatment occurs very quickly.
  5. Aromatherapy is carried out with chamomile oil diluted with boiling water. The ears are washed with this product. Lavender and olive oils are no less effective. This mixture is instilled into the sore ears and cotton swabs are inserted into them.

To prevent the development of ear pathology, manifested by progression and pain, it is necessary to avoid drafts, the entry of harmful substances and foreign bodies into the ears, and head injuries. If water gets into your ears, it must be removed immediately. Hygiene procedures should not be carried out with cotton swabs. It is better to wash the ear with soap and clean water.

If your ear is leaking, you should see a doctor. This is a symptom of one of the infectious diseases, which without medical care will lead to severe complications and death. Self-medication, even in the initial stages of pathology, can end in failure. Therefore, if you notice symptoms of ear pathology, consult an ENT doctor. Take prescribed medications and keep your ears clean.

Video: leaking from the ear in the program “Doctor Komarovsky”

Liquid discharge from the ears does not represent a separate disease. This is a symptom that characterizes a wide range of diseases of the ear, nose and throat, which are anatomically related. The listed organs are united by the collective concept of ENT organs. A specialist doctor who treats ENT organs is called an otolaryngologist.

In this article, we will understand the causes of the problem and tell you what to do if you find liquid in your ear.

What reasons can cause fluid secretion?

Infectious complication from infectious respiratory diseases

The most common cause of runny ear discharge is an ear infection. Occurs more often in childhood. It is a complication after or against the background of respiratory diseases. Germs or bacteria travel up small tubes that connect the ear canal and throat. This can cause an untreated infection to spread to the ear. One of the reasons that weakens the protective ability of the ENT organs from microbes is exposure to tobacco smoke.

Symptomatically, an ear infection may not manifest itself as painful symptoms and, in its chronic form, can go unnoticed for a long time. The acute form is accompanied by a rise in temperature and other symptoms:

  • moderate pain;
  • discomfort in the ear, feeling of pressure inside the ear;
  • deterioration or loss of hearing.

During one illness, symptoms may disappear and reappear. Without proper treatment, ear infections can cause further infection and hearing loss.

Otitis externa

It often develops in people who swim a lot, and can also occur in people who abuse bathing procedures. Water entering the ear affects the top layer of skin, causing it to crack. The presence of cracks is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria that can enter along with water. At the same time, earwax, which performs a protective function against infections, is washed out of the ear, which leads to a decrease in resistance.

At risk for the same reason are people who, for hygienic purposes, penetrate the ear with various objects, causing scratches, as well as those suffering from skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema).

Symptoms accompanying otitis externa:

  • redness of the ear canal;
  • feeling of warmth in the ear;
  • pain and discomfort in the ear;
  • itching and hearing loss.

Read more about the symptoms of otitis externa.

Otitis externa may go away on its own.

Otitis media

It is much less common and affects the relatively protected part of the ear - located behind the eardrum. The nature of this disease is infectious. The disease is divided into acute and exudative forms. The first type is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature, pain, and hearing loss. The second is a sluggish form; after the initial infection, symptoms may subside.

Otitis media can affect the vestibular system, making it difficult to maintain balance and correct body position, leading to hearing loss. Without treatment, the infection spreads to the ear bones and brain.

Mastoiditis as a complication of otitis media

Cyst-like cholesteatoma

The disease is localized in the middle ear, i.e. behind the eardrum, and manifests itself as a cyst-like growth of the epithelium lining the surface of the middle ear. The growth of tissue leads to a feeling of pressure in the depths of the ear, dizziness, and an effect on the vestibular apparatus. Liquid discharge has an unpleasant odor. The pressure from the growing cyst causes aching pain and hearing loss. The disease may be accompanied by chronic infection. Without treatment it ends in death.

Purulent boils

In people predisposed to furunculosis, small foci of microbial inflammation can occur in the ear canal. The pain is sharp and often accompanies the chewing process. Pressure on the outer parts of the ear causes pain inside. The boil may be visible if it is shallow. The rupture of the boil leads to purulent discharge from the ear. Of all the causes described above, furunculosis is the simplest and most harmless.

Allergies and injuries

The cause of liquid discharge from the ears can be allergic reactions of the body, manifested in excessive activity of the secretion glands, as well as injuries to the ear or head.

What does the color of liquid discharge mean?

Transparent the color of the fluid discharged from the ear may indicate an allergy if the allergic reaction is in the acute phase. Also, sometimes clear fluid flows from the ear in the initial stages of otitis media.

It happens that white or yellow liquid flows from the ears. White and yellow the color of the discharge indicates the presence of inflammation and an infectious process. Simply put, these are purulent discharges - their presence signals the need to take urgent measures to treat the disease.

What to do when your ear is running?

What to do first if your ear is leaking

An acute form of the disease with fever and purulent discharge requires consulting a doctor. Without a medical examination, you can take any action in this case only at your own risk. Different diseases that lead to ear discharge are treated differently. For example, if it is furunculosis, then you can warm the ear, which speeds up the process of boil maturation and, in combination with antibiotics, promotes a faster recovery. If another disease is present, warming may be useless and in some cases even dangerous.

If discharge from the ear is not accompanied by an increase in temperature, then the disease can progress for a long time, go into remission, and then return again with the same symptoms. In any case, you need to see an ENT doctor.

There are various treatments for ear leakage.

Methods of treating diseases that caused the problem

  • At the beginning, treatment of ear diseases is carried out medicines. The inflammatory process is suppressed. In some cases, it is necessary to clean and disinfect the ear canal several times a day.
  • In some cases, the doctor may prescribe warming physiotherapy: ultraviolet heating, high-frequency radiation, compresses.
  • In severe cases of otitis, mastoiditis or cholesteatoma, it is indicated surgery in order to remove infected bone tissue, restore the integrity of the eardrum and middle ear bones.

So, if your ear is leaking, what should you do to treat it?

Medicines for the treatment of diseases

Treatment of ear infections is carried out using one or a complex of antibiotics:

  • "Suprax"
  • "Cefuroxime axetil"
  • "Levofloxacin".

The course of antibiotics should be at least 10 days.

Antibacterial drops should be instilled into the sore ear several times a day. "Otofa" or "Normax".

If the condition does not improve or even worsens: pain, nausea, problems with coordination appear, you should definitely consult a doctor. Localization of the inflammatory process in the immediate vicinity of the brain poses a great danger to human life.

Folk remedies: propolis, aloe and others

Two “folk remedies” should not be used for ear discharge:

  1. Under no circumstances should you drip into the ear canal. aggressive substances and like juice from onions, garlic or lemon. The skin inside the ear is sensitive and can get burned from such products.
  2. We do not recommend using warming compresses without doctor's orders. Without knowing the cause of ear discharge, applying a compress can aggravate the course of the disease.

The following folk remedies can be used to treat fluid buildup in the ears. They may not have a noticeable positive effect, but they certainly won’t do any harm:

  1. An effective remedy is aloe juice, which is squeezed from a plant leaf. It is not buried in its pure form: it is diluted with warm boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. Aloe juice can dry out the skin and cause irritation, so do not use it in portions: once a day will be enough.
  2. Alcohol propolis tincture with an alcohol content of no more than 30%, it has a bactericidal and healing effect. It can be instilled inside the ear, or a swab moistened with tincture can be placed in the ear canal for 20-30 minutes. Read about the use of propolis for pharyngitis.
  3. Plantain juice has a bactericidal effect. You can instill it into the sore ear 3-4 times a day.
  4. Into the decoction mint add honey. Instill several times a day.

Discharge from the ears is a serious reason to consult a doctor. The symptom may indicate the presence of one of the infectious diseases, which without proper drug therapy can be fatal. Antibiotics are of primary importance in the treatment of diseases that cause ear discharge. When the ears are running, in addition to drug treatment, physiotherapy is prescribed. In advanced forms, surgical intervention is advisable.

When resorting to traditional methods of treatment, you should remember that they are not an alternative to medications. Treatment of infections that cause purulent discharge should not be carried out only with the help of folk remedies. However, they can have a positive effect when used in parallel with medications prescribed by the doctor.

Fluid discharge from the ear almost always indicates an abnormality in the health of the ear canal. Its appearance may be accompanied by additional symptoms such as tingling, pain and shooting inside, malaise, weakness in a child or adult.

As the manifestations are monitored, it may be discovered that not only the normal functioning of the ear system is disrupted, but there is also dysfunction of the respiratory tract, nasopharynx and much more.

Why is my ear leaking?

Otorrhea is the scientific name for ear discharge that appears for one reason or another and indicates the presence of a more serious disease or abnormality in the body.

Fluid can leak for many reasons. In most cases, this occurs due to the accumulation of bacteria that provoke an inflammatory process, which in turn leads to the release of pus or ichor.

Liquid constantly accumulates inside if nothing is done. This leads to a deterioration in a person’s health and well-being. In more rare cases, the release of a yellow thick liquid may indicate melted liquid that leaked out when heated or the temperature increased.

Most often, fluid accumulates in the middle ear or in the area of ​​the eardrum. It should be remembered that the nature of the pain, the color of the fluid and the amount of discharge directly depend on the cause.

Only a professional doctor can determine the exact type of problem and prescribe effective treatment. Excessive initiative on the part of the patient can quickly deprive him of his hearing and health in general.

The nature of the fluid secreted from the ear canal directly indicates the type of disease and the degree of its progression. Consistency, color, abundance, smell and frequency of occurrence - all this allows us to identify the epicenter of the problem, which led to the deterioration of a person’s condition.

Types of fluid from the ear

How to remove pus from the ear, watch our video:


The secreted ichor appears only if an insignificant tissue has been obtained or a small amount of tissue has occurred inside. This condition is not dangerous, but must be detected and eliminated in time. A clear liquid that appears along with nasal discharge indicates the presence.


Discharge indicates mechanical injuries, cracks and tears inside. If blood is released along with pus, then most likely we are talking about suppuration inside. Such symptoms may indicate an advanced infection. In any case, the presence of bloody discharge indicates a person’s critical condition. Therefore, the doctor’s assistance should be prompt and comprehensive.

Making a diagnosis

It is impossible to personally establish a diagnosis and prescribe objective treatment for yourself. Thus, you only risk worsening the existing situation, thereby doubling the risk of a poor treatment outcome. Only an otolaryngologist can make a diagnosis. This is done on the basis of a preliminary history, examination, necessary tests, if necessary, and some research.

History taking, tests, research

Taking an anamnesis involves a simple interview. Thus, thanks to the information received from the patient, the doctor is able to learn about the duration of pain, its frequency of occurrence, and nature.

If there is copious and purulent discharge, the doctor sends the patient for examination. So, it could be:

  • - it allows you to find the causative agent of infection. Also, such a measure is needed for the accurate selection of antibiotics and other drugs;
  • otoscopy - a detailed examination using a special metal funnel;
  • - allows you to determine.

Having the entire list of results in hand, the doctor can determine the degree of neglect of the existing problem and prescribe the necessary therapy. During treatment, the patient must be constantly monitored.


If the patient not only experiences a slight flow of clear fluid from the ear, but also suffers from fever and purulent discharge, self-treatment can worsen the disease. In this case, you should definitely contact a specialist to undergo an examination.

There is no point in attempting treatment on your own. It is important to know the reason why the discharge appeared. It is according to the diagnosis that further therapy is carried out, because different ear diseases require different approaches to treatment.

So, if a person is diagnosed with ear infection, then warming up the sore ear and taking antibiotics will help the patient recover faster. Well, if the reason is a more serious disease, then heating can lead to increased formation and release of pus, as well as other unpleasant and painful symptoms.


If a patient is diagnosed with an ear infection, the doctor prescribes a set of medications. The main emphasis is on antibiotics. Among them:

  • Levofloxacin;
  • Suprax;
  • Cefuroxime acetyl.

Usually the course of antibiotics is 10 days. At the same time, the doctor prescribes instillation of antibacterial drops Normax or Otofa into the ear several times a day.

If during treatment or after its completion the patient’s condition begins to rapidly deteriorate and there is a lack of coordination, severe headaches, and nausea, the patient must urgently come for a second examination by a doctor.

Since it occurs very close to the brain, such symptoms may indicate a threat to the patient’s life.

Folk remedies

Treatment of ear discharge with folk remedies rarely gives an absolutely positive result. This is explained by the fact that the symptom is quite serious and the approach to its treatment must also be appropriate. There are several methods that can help combat ear drainage. In addition, these folk remedies cannot harm the patient.

  1. Plantain juice. The product has a bactericidal effect. It is worth instilling 2-3 drops, 3-4 times a day.
  2. Honey and mint decoction. The composition should be instilled 3 times a day, 3-4 drops into the sore ear.
  3. Aloe juice. The product must be fresh. It is better to squeeze out the juice a little right before use. It is enough to mix the juice with water in a 1:1 ratio and instill in the ear once a day.

However, if the cause is an infection, then folk remedies will not help in treating discharge from the ear. Before starting treatment, you must consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

What to do if your ear is leaking, watch our video:


Today, doctors are much less likely to resort to prescribing physical procedures, although 20 years ago such methods were used everywhere. Physiotherapy involves warming up the sore ear using special methods. Among them:

  • Compresses;
  • High frequency radiation;
  • Warming up with ultraviolet rays;
  • These methods are especially often used to treat children and adolescents.


In some, especially advanced cases, after undergoing diagnostics, the doctor prescribes surgery. Often surgery is needed in cases where drug treatment has not given the desired result and the disease continues to progress.

Surgery is usually aimed at restoring the integrity of the eardrum and damaged bones in the middle ear. Surgery is also performed to remove infected tissue.

Possible complications

If ear discharge is ignored, there can be several complications.

The most common complication is or, as well as injury to the eardrum. In this case, medication treatment will no longer help. The only solution is surgery to partially restore hearing.

Active spread of infection and pathogen from the middle ear to the skin of the ear canal, as well as the outer part of the ear. This process causes severe inflammation in 100% of cases.

Infection and pus can get into the brain area, and sepsis then develops. This complication can lead to death or disability.



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