Superficial gastropathy of the antrum of the stomach. Other features of the disease

One of the variants of chronic inflammatory disease gastrointestinal tract is antral gastritis accompanied by increased secretion hydrochloric acid and has several forms. Other names for this disease are “type B gastritis” and “antrum gastritis”. The main development factor is Helicobacter pylori infection. The disease in most cases occurs in people over 40 years of age, mainly men, but antral gastritis in children is being diagnosed more and more often. What symptoms suggest this disease, what are the reasons for the development of the disease and how to deal with it?

This gastritis owes its name to its localization: it develops in the lower part of the stomach, which is called the antrum and performs two most important functions:

  • movement of stomach contents into the duodenum, which is responsible for the complete breakdown of food;
  • the production of a special secretory fluid that reduces the acidity of foods.

When the mucous membranes become inflamed, these functions are disrupted, causing a malfunction of the entire gastrointestinal tract system.

According to the form of its course, the disease is divided into acute and chronic form, with the second accounting for more than 70% of cases overall. According to the severity and nature of the course, chronic antral gastritis is classified into several subtypes:

Superficial gastritis is also considered the initial stage of the disease, which is much easier to cope with than other options.

What is the danger of the disease

Any disease, if left untreated, can potentially lead to anything from constant pain to significant harm to health and even death. Antrum gastritis is no exception and can cause a lot of complications:

  • erosive and ulcerative changes in the stomach and neighboring organs;
  • scarring of gastrointestinal tract tissue;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • neuropsychiatric diseases;
  • anemia;
  • deformation of the stomach with subsequent narrowing of the organ;
  • vascular changes;
  • complete apathy;
  • weakening of the immune system.

Chronic erosive antral gastritis, if uncontrolled, will provoke massive bleeding, which is very difficult to stop even surgically, which will inevitably lead to death.

Causes of the disease

The main causative agent of the disease is considered to be the bacterium Helicobacter pylori ( Helicobacter pylori), affecting the stomach and duodenum. The waste products of this microorganism disrupt the functioning of the glands, which in turn leads to increased acidity. Getting into other parts of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric juice irritates the mucous membranes and causes inflammatory processes.

Other factors that provoke gastritis of the antrum of the stomach:

  • regular consumption of excessively hot and spicy foods;
  • intensive smoking, including passive inhalation of nicotine;
  • alcoholic libations;
  • pathological changes vessels;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • helminthiases;
  • severe infectious diseases;
  • burn wounds with large area lesions;
  • stressful conditions and nervous overload;
  • psychoneurological disorders;
  • poor nutrition – aggressive diets, “love” for fatty foods, starvation and overeating;
  • reception medicines unnecessarily or in the wrong dosage.

The impetus for the development of the disease can also be conditions accompanied by suppressed immunity - HIV, hepatitis.

Signs of the disease

At the initial stage of superficial gastritis, dysfunction of the antrum is not yet so pronounced, and acidity is slightly increased. Therefore, symptoms as such are absent or appear very weakly. Mild discomfort may occur in the form of small dyspeptic disorders, which can easily be attributed to spoiled products.

As mucosal atrophy develops, specific signs appear:

  • painful sensations V epigastric region and in the navel area;
  • stool disorders, in which diarrhea is replaced by difficult bowel movements;
  • attacks of nausea, vomiting;
  • feelings of weakness, lethargy;
  • apathy;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • flatulence;
  • reflux;
  • irritability;
  • mucus and blood in the stool;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • "cold" sweating.

Discomfort and pain do not appear immediately at first, but 1.5–2 hours after the meal. And with the development of inflammation, acute cramping attacks can also occur on an empty stomach, and this condition is often accompanied by sour belching, unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, flatulence. In especially severe cases, attacks are complemented by intense nausea and even vomiting, and in the absence of treatment, possible stomach bleeding that put life at risk.

Since against the background of type B gastritis, one of the varieties of duodenitis, bulbitis, often develops, signs of damage to the duodenum in the form of pain in the pit of the stomach, fever, and bitter heartburn may be added to the symptoms of the underlying disease.

Diagnosis of antral gastritis

To confirm correct diagnosis doctors use laboratory methods research and instrumental methods of examination. The first include clinical and biochemical tests blood, urine, coprogram. A instrumental methods presented:

  • fibrogastroscopy;
  • radiography;
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography.

During fibrogastroscopy, if necessary, a biopsy is also performed - taking biological material for further microscopic examination. Such an analysis is resorted to in cases of suspected oncological processes, with tissue atrophy and other conditions that can cause cancer.

Treatment of the disease

Antrum gastritis, as well as other variants of the disease, is treated by a gastroenterologist. Based on the medical history, information obtained during the examination, complaints and the degree of the disease, he draws up a treatment plan, which includes medications, lifestyle organization and diet. Medicines that may be involved in treatment are:

  • Antibacterial drugs. They are necessary if the disease was initially caused by bacteria, for example, the “ubiquitous” Helicobacter pylori, or if a secondary bacterial infection. Therapy aimed at combating Helicobacter pylori is called eradication.

  • Antacids. These are medications that neutralize stomach acidity and eliminate heartburn. Typical representatives such drugs - Rennie, Almagel, Maalox.

  • Inhibitors proton pump. This group of drugs is responsible for normalizing the production of hydrochloric acid. In case of increased secretion, agents are used that reduce fluid production - Omeprozole, Nexius. And when decreased activity On the contrary, pH stimulates the functioning of the glands - Pepsidil, hydrochloric acid preparations. Since there are very few drugs that increase acidity, even folk remedies in the form of wormwood, mint, calamus and other bitter plants are welcome.

  • Peripheral anticholinergics. These are drugs that relax smooth muscles and eliminating spasm. In other words – antispasmodics.

  • Vitamin complexes. They are necessary to maintain a normal balance of minerals.

As for the organization of lifestyle, it consists in normalizing sleep and rest, daily walks with undisturbed general condition, refusal bad habits and compliance with all instructions of the treating gastroenterologist.

It is impossible to treat gastritis of any type without diet. It is she who is able to put the finishing touches on successful therapy, and neglect of the diet can, on the contrary, reduce all the efforts of doctors to zero.

The diet for antrum gastritis excludes foods such as:

  • smoked meats;
  • fatty sauces, varieties of fish and meat;
  • canned food;
  • baked goods and sweet pastries;
  • oil creams;
  • salted and pickled foods;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee and chocolate;
  • sour foods;
  • concentrated juices.

Diet is especially important for antral atrophic gastritis and diet in the menu of a child suffering from any form of the disease.

Superficial antral gastritis is one of the main forms of chronic gastritis, which has a clearly defined endoscopic picture. The disease is characterized by dystrophic and dysregenerative changes in the cells of the surface epithelium, as well as the presence of inflammatory infiltration of the lamina propria of the gastric mucosa.

Symptoms of superficial antral gastritis

The disease is so called because it is associated with severe damage to the gastric antrum. The antrum is located at the exit from the stomach to the intestines. His functional feature- This is a decrease in the acidity of food. The glands are responsible for the production of secretory mucus, which envelops the stomach to protect its walls from its own acid. If mucus stops being produced, then all the walls of the organ are damaged - and symptoms of the disease appear. If the disease is neglected, a chronic form may develop, which significantly reduces the chances of a full recovery.

Pain as a sign of gastritis

The main symptoms of superficial antral gastritis are pain localized in the epigastric region. Basically, pain occurs after eating spicy or low-quality foods, overeating, and this, in turn, leads to irritation of the gastric walls. The patient experiences a feeling of discomfort, which intensifies after eating. When the pain is of a point nature, this means that the patient has focal form superficial gastritis. When the inflammation is localized at the outlet of the stomach, the disease is called antral.

The inflammatory process occurs only in the lining layer, and does not affect deeper layers, muscle layer and submucosa. If the entire mucous membrane is affected, this indicates that superficial antral gastritis is diffuse in nature.

Complications of the disease

Symptoms and treatment of complicated superficial antral gastritis. Often the manifestations of gastritis intensify with the appearance of Helicobacter in the body. Although the disease proceeds quite unnoticed, without any significant manifestations of certain symptoms of gastritis, with a careful analysis of the examination results and the patient’s complaints, it is possible to recognize a number of symptoms of this disease.

Considering themselves to be completely healthy, people do not pay attention to the fact that they still have infected mucous bacteria in their bodies, which confirms the presence chronic stage symptoms of gastritis.

In the case of a fairly long stay in the body gram-negative bacteria painful processes from the antrum spread to the stomach itself, and at the same time atrophic elements predominate over inflammatory ones, and superficial antral gastritis transforms into acute pangastritis.

Diagnosis of gastritis

The disease is diagnosed by a gastroenterologist. Diagnosis requires a personal examination by a doctor and some examinations, for example, gastroscopy, assessing the level of acid in gastric juice, blood and stool tests others.

Used for diagnostics intragastric pH-metry, since the secretory function is increased. Intragastric pH-metry can be used to study acid-forming and acid-neutralizing functions under basal conditions and after stimulation of secretion.

Superficial antral gastritis is the most mild form chronic gastritis. It is quite common. In case untimely treatment, or if you do not pay attention to the symptoms, the disease may become more severe form, which will be much more difficult to treat.

Experts classify them according to the degree of the disease:

weak severe gastritis

moderately expressed

strongly expressed.


Symptoms and treatment of superficial antral gastritis chronic form. Doctors most often begin to treat gastritis by destroying these causative bacteria. This technique is standard in the fight against Helicobacter-like acid-dependent diseases.

The first method involves taking anti-inflammatory drugs. In the absence of positive dynamics of recovery with the first method of treatment, a second course is prescribed, including drugs such as Metronidazole, Bismuth, Tetracycline.

Application of various enveloping agents and antacid drugs for superficial antral gastritis, it is better to agree with the treating doctor, but if it is impossible to obtain high-quality medical consultation You can immediately take medications such as Almagel, Maalox, and Phosphalugel. They bind acids gastric juice and are able to have a protective effect on the mucous membrane.

Treatment traditional methods

If you have symptoms of the disease, in addition to medication prescriptions, treatment of superficial antral gastritis with folk remedies can be alternative option in the fight against the disease. It is an excellent addition to the main course prescribed by your doctor.

The mucus that is released when flax seeds are cooked is endowed with enveloping effect, it covers the inflamed mucous membrane and protects it from negative impact stomach acids.

Potato juice also helps reduce pain in gastritis with high acidity.

Sometimes herbs such as St. John's wort, yarrow, celandine and chamomile are used.

Good action has rose hips, which contain vitamins that enhance immunity.

Treatment with traditional methods includes the use medicinal herbs: plantain, St. John's wort, wormwood, thyme, burdock. Herbs for symptoms of this type of antral gastritis are recommended to be used in the form of a collection of three herbs. One tablespoon of this mixture is poured into a glass boiled water and insist overnight. After straining it, drink it throughout the day. The course of treatment for superficial antral gastritis is one month. The collected herbs can be periodically replaced without changing the basic composition of the decoction.

Rose hip decoction. Two tablespoons of rose hips, you can add leaves, are poured with a glass of boiled water. Boil this mixture over low heat for a little more than 10 minutes, then strain. You need to take a third of a glass of rosehip decoction before meals. Continue treatment for about a month, and then week break the course should be repeated.

Vegetable and fruit juice in the treatment of superficial antral gastritis. Lemon juice, cabbage and tomato are diluted in half with boiling water and taken in small portions throughout the day. It is good to take these juices 20 minutes before or during meals.

Diet for gastritis

For treatment it is important to follow strict diet based on consumption of processed non raw food, which will not cause severe irritation mucous membrane.

Should be excluded:

Steep meat, mushroom and fish broths in the diet for superficial antral gastritis.

Hot, spicy, salty foods.

Large quantity raw vegetables, since fiber in the diet for gastritis has a bad effect on the mucous membrane and provokes secretion significant amount juice

If you have superficial gastritis, you should not eat food from fresh milk, and it is better to use fermented milk products with low content fat

If you have superficial antral gastritis, you should give up bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, which provoke strong discharge juice from mucosal cells into the stomach cavity.

It is necessary to avoid nervous and mental overloads that negatively affect the level and condition of gastric secretion.

Meals for superficial gastritis should be in small portions, frequent, food should include sufficient quantity necessary nutrients. It is allowed to use different fermented milk products, porridge from cereals, pureed soups.

If diet and intake folk remedies do not have the desired effect, you should consult a gastroenterologist and undergo a complete laboratory and instrumental study, which will allow you to accurately determine the diagnosis and type of gastritis. Depending on the results of the examination, treatment for superficial antral gastritis will be prescribed.


The disease is the first stage of inflammation of the walls of the gastric mucosa, which manifests itself as unpleasant sensations after eating certain types of food, and especially if there is a strong error in the diet. Symptoms of this form of disease cause:

  • irregular and poor nutrition,
  • drinking too hot,
  • spicy,
  • fried,
  • very salty
  • canned and pickled food,
  • consumption of alcohol and tobacco products.

Such conditions are favorable for the disease, and it begins to wear chronic nature and certainly needs urgent treatment and acceptance necessary measures, as well as following a diet for superficial antral gastritis.

Video: Symptoms and treatment of superficial antral gastritis

Gastritis type B or antral is a disease of the stomach, which is one of the variants of chronic gastritis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane is localized in the antrum of the stomach, hence its name.

The antrum or pylorus is responsible for reducing the acidity of digested food before it is evacuated into the intestines. Another function is motor. Muscular peristalsis of this department helps the entry food bolus into the duodenum, and from there into small intestine. Inflammation during antrum gastritis disrupts the mucous membrane, leading to the formation of atrophic areas and disruption of the functions of this section. Antrum gastritis turns into focal atrophic.

Causes of antrum gastritis

The main cause of this type of gastritis is microorganisms. The leading place is given to the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which penetrates the epithelium of the mucous membrane, causing inflammation and atrophy of its areas. This microbe is very insidious, as it reduces the secretion of natural bicarbonates by the glands of the pyloric region. Because of this, the acidity of the digested food becomes insufficiently reduced. Entering the initial sections of the intestine, neutralized acid begins to irritate its walls, thereby disrupting the digestive process and leading to diseases small intestine. The pyloric region becomes acidic, aggravating atrophic changes, leading to the death of glands in areas of atrophy. Scar tissue forms in place of these glands.

Antral gastritis with disruption of the glands, inflammation and damage to the mucosa can begin as a result of an autoimmune process in the body. Most often, this reason leads to a chronic decrease in the functions of the gastric mucosa to long-term course diseases.


By morphological changes gastritis of the antrum is divided into several forms:

  • Superficial antrum gastritis is characterized by damage to the uppermost layer of the mucosa. It is not characterized by affecting the deeper layers of the stomach, damaging the glands and forming scars.
  • Erosive antrum gastritis is a more serious process in which the lesions of the mucous membrane are deeper. Manifestations are similar to the clinic catarrhal gastritis. The inflammation is extensive, leading to the formation of erosions, damage to the gastric glands, and multiple scar formations.
  • Hyperplastic. It is characterized by a hypertrophic increase in the mucous membrane of the pyloric region with the formation of small multiple cysts or polyps.
  • Focal antral gastritis is manifested by foci of epithelial lesions and areas of atrophy.
  • Catarrhal is essentially the same superficial gastritis, affecting the mucous membrane of the lower part of the stomach.

According to the course of the disease, they are distinguished:

  • Spicy.
  • Chronic antrum gastritis.

The latter clinically occurs with to varying degrees severity: from moderate to pronounced.

Symptoms of antrum gastritis

On initial stages the symptoms are mildly expressed, since the pathological changes have not gone too far and have not impaired excretory function iron The acidity of gastric juice is either still normal or moderately increased.

The progression of inflammation of the mucous membrane leads to many discomfort. The main symptom is pain felt in the epigastric region. Usually the pain appears an hour and a half after eating, and in the future hunger pains may appear. The nature of the pain is sharp, cramping. The inability of the glands to reduce acidity levels leads to disruption of the integrity of the mucosa. It is antral gastritis that in most cases causes the formation of erosions and ulcers at the exit of the stomach or on the duodenal mucosa.

The pain is accompanied by acid belching and an unpleasant acidic taste in the mouth, heaviness and discomfort in the stomach, dyspeptic disorders: bloating, vomiting, diarrhea or diarrhea.

Advanced variants of gastritis can occur with periodic gastric bleeding.

The intensity of symptoms is aggravated by eating spicy, fried foods, smoked, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, sour fruits such as cherries, sour apples, most citrus fruits, grapes and others.


After all diagnostic measures, aimed at establishing the cause, determining the form and severity of the disease and, in accordance with the results obtained, the doctor prescribes treatment adequate to the manifestations of the disease.

At the first stage it is carried out antibacterial therapy. Antibiotics are prescribed to suppress the proliferation of microbes, in particular Helicobacter pylori. This is amoxicillin and others. In combination with them, I recommend drugs that regulate the secretion of gastric glands, reduce the level of pH acidity (renicidin, omeprazole, de-nol), and have enveloping properties (almagel, phosphalugel, alugastrin).

To relieve pain, antispasmodics are needed (no-spa, platifillin, and so on). Enzymatic agents such as mezim, panzinorm forte, and festal facilitate digestion and reduce the load on all organs of this system. Eliminate nausea and vomiting - metoclopramide, domperidone.

At the second stage, products with regenerative properties are used. They help restore the mucous membrane and normalize all processes occurring in it. These include solcoseryl, actovegin. Treatment is supplemented with vitamin therapy.

An important factor in treatment is adherence to nutrition and diet. We recommend food that is gentle on the stomach, steamed or in the oven. All foods and drinks that have an aggressive effect on the gastric mucosa are excluded.

The duration of the course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, its form, and the effectiveness depends on compliance with all prescriptions and recommendations of the gastroenterologist. Treatment of chronic antrum gastritis can take several months.

Chronic gastritis is characterized by a wave-like course, exacerbations more often occur in spring and autumn, they are provoked by stress or dietary errors. Antral gastritis is focal inflammation gastric mucosa in the area close to duodenum. This type of gastritis has its own characteristics, which are associated with the localization of inflammatory changes and the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection.

Where is the antrum of the stomach located?

IN anatomical structure The stomach has several parts that have their own morphological and functional characteristics.

Anatomy of the stomach

  • The fundus of the stomach is the area close to the esophagus.
  • The body of the stomach is the main part of the stomach; it has especially pronounced longitudinal folds that stimulate the movement of food.
  • The antrum is the part of the stomach close to the pylorus, that is, the place where the stomach passes into the beginning of the duodenum.

Helicobacter pylori bacterium

The area of ​​the body and fundus has a large number of special parietal cells in the mucous membrane that produce. This factor is involved in the metabolism of vitamin B12, therefore, with fundic gastritis, pernicious anemia develops.

The antrum is the area most contaminated Helicobacter bacterium pylori Therefore, gastritis of the antrum of the stomach is often complicated by the development of peptic ulcer, chronic course which is supported by the presence of infection.

Advice! In order to accurately identify the presence of this infection, it is necessary to determine the titer of antibodies to Helicobacter. This analysis is carried out by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) venous blood. It will show whether this pathogen needs to be carried out.

Symptoms of the disease

The course of focal antral gastritis depends on several factors:

  • the presence or absence of erosions of the mucous membrane (read more about this in the article:);
  • duration of the disease and the degree of change in the structure of the mucous membrane;
  • the presence and acidity of gastric juice;
  • degree of contamination;
  • the presence of reflux (reflux) of duodenal contents into the stomach.

Usually the patient in the epigastric region an hour or two after eating, they can be cutting in nature, subside a little when eating. Heartburn occurs after fatty or acidic foods. The feeling of fullness in the stomach after a small meal is also disturbing; this symptom is especially pronounced with rigid antral gastritis, when the outlet of the stomach narrows. The stool may be unstable, constipation alternates with diarrhea. I am concerned about the sour taste in the mouth and belching.

Over time, changes in the central and autonomic nervous system, headaches, irritability, and fatigue appear.

If changes in the mucous membrane progress, areas of atrophy appear, and the acidity of gastric juice decreases. In this case, the feeling of heaviness in the stomach increases, bursting pain immediately after eating, diarrhea, anemia and other metabolic disorders appear.

- it's chronic inflammatory disease stomach, affecting the mucous membrane in the outlet section (antrum). Refers to chronic gastritis type B – bacterially caused. It manifests itself as epigastric pain (when hungry or a couple of hours after eating), nausea, acid belching, and dyspeptic symptoms with preserved appetite. The main diagnostic method is fibrogastroduodenoscopy, a study for the presence of Helicobacter. Treatment necessarily includes anti-Helicobacter antibiotics, antacids, regenerative and painkillers.


K29 Gastritis and duodenitis

General information


A special feature of Helicobacter is the production of a number of enzymes that contribute to changes in the environment around them. Thus, urease breaks down the urea in the stomach into ammonia, alkalizing the environment around the microorganism. Mucinase helps reduce the viscosity of gastric mucus. Under such conditions, mobile bacteria easily penetrate through the layer of protective mucus to the antral epithelium of the stomach, where they begin to actively multiply, causing damage to the mucosa and disruption of the gastric glands. The pyloric region stops producing bicarbonates (an alkalizing environment), and therefore the acidity of gastric juice gradually increases, further damaging the epithelium of the stomach in other sections.

Symptoms of antral gastritis

Typically, inflammation of the antrum of the stomach goes away initial stages as a non-atrophic process without insufficiency of gastric juice secretion. The clinical picture of this pathology is ulcer-like: pain in the epigastric region, when hungry or several hours after eating; heartburn, sour and air belching, tendency to constipation. The appetite does not suffer. Upon examination, the tongue is clean and moist. On palpation of the abdomen, pain is localized in the epigastrium on the right (pyloroduodenal zone). Weight loss only happens when severe course diseases.


During gastrography with contrast in patients with antral gastritis, thickening of the relief folds in the pyloric region, spasm of the pylorus, segmented peristalsis, and disordered evacuation of gastric contents are noted. With FEGDS, spotty hyperemia of the mucous membrane, swelling of tissues in the antrum are visible, hemorrhages and erosions can be detected. There is increased exudation and stagnation of contents in the stomach due to spasm of the pylorus. During endoscopic examination A tissue biopsy is required to histological examination and excretion of the pathogen. In this case, severe inflammation is determined histologically, large number Helicobacter on the surface of the epithelium.

The urease test for the determination of Helicobacter is carried out using special express kits during gastroscopy. To do this, a mucosal biopsy is placed in a special medium, which changes its color depending on the concentration of microorganisms to crimson - from an hour to a day. If the color does not change within 24 hours, the test is negative. There is also a C-urease breath test. To carry it out, C13-labeled urea is injected into the stomach, and then the concentration of C13 is determined in the exhaled air. If there are Helicobacter bacteria in the stomach, they will destroy urea, and the concentration of C13 will be higher than 1% (3.5% - mild degree invasion, 9.5% - extremely severe).

Mucosal biopsies must be cultured, incubated at extremely low oxygen concentrations (less than 5%) at blood environments. The result of culture with sensitivity to antibiotics will be obtained within 3-5 days. ELISA is a fairly sensitive method for detecting antibodies to Helicobacter in blood, saliva and gastric juice. Antibodies appear in the blood within a month after infection and remain active for a month after complete cure. To determine the acidity of gastric juice, intragastric pH-metry, a fractional study of gastric juice using secretion stimulants, is used. Diseases are differentiated from functional disorders, peptic ulcer stomach.

Treatment of antral gastritis

This pathology is treated by gastroenterologists, therapists, and endoscopists; during exacerbations, the patient is in the gastroenterology or therapy department. Treatment of antral gastritis begins with the appointment of a special therapeutic diet: during an exacerbation, table 1b with a gradual expansion to the first table over several weeks or months.

Anti-Helicobacter drugs are required. Etiotropic therapy for H. pylori is quite complex, since this microorganism quickly adapts to popular antibiotics. Most often, a double or triple treatment regimen is prescribed, which includes metronidazole, clarithromycin, ampicillin or tetracycline. It is recommended to add inhibitors to the regimen proton pump, which inhibit Helicobacter, and antibacterial drugs carry out their complete eradication.

Anti-inflammatory therapy can be carried out as pharmaceutical drugs, and with herbs according to recipes traditional medicine. So, during an exacerbation, it is recommended to use infusions of chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, and flax seeds. When erosions appear on the mucous membrane of the antrum of the stomach, or increased acidity of gastric juice, antisecretory agents are prescribed. For spasms of the pylorus, myotropic antispasmodics are successfully used: drotaverine, papaverine. Metoclopramide is used to normalize peristalsis and eliminate duodenogastric reflux.

Condition full recovery is the purpose of reparative means. These may be drugs that stimulate protein synthesis (inosine, anabolic steroid), carnitine, sea buckthorn oil. Physiotherapy also plays an important role: galvanization of the stomach with electrophoresis medicines(for pyloric spasm), UHF therapy, ultrasound treatment (for analgesic purposes), diadynamic Bernard currents, sinusoidal modulated currents (to eliminate pain and dyspepsia). After stopping the exacerbation, it is recommended to carry out mud and paraffin therapy, treatment mineral waters.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis for antral gastritis is favorable only with timely initiation of treatment, compliance with all recommendations, daily routine and nutrition. If you do not contact a gastroenterologist in time, gastritis turns into diffuse form, which can result in the formation of ulcers (with mucosal hyperfunction) or stomach tumors (with mucosal atrophy). To avoid developing severe inflammatory process in the stomach, you need to eat right, give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol), avoid physical and emotional stress, and follow a daily routine.

ICD-10 code



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs