Health benefits of pea porridge. Pea porridge: benefits and harm to human health

Homemade pea porridge is easy and quick to prepare. The benefits and harms of this light and tasty dish are discussed in this article.

Useful qualities of pea porridge

Rejuvenating effect of peas

The fair sex can benefit greatly from this simple and nutritious dish. With regular consumption of pea porridge, the condition of the skin, nails and hair improves. Thanks to good nutrition, the body heals from the inside, this can be seen in the absence of early wrinkles. Selenium in the product works inside our body as an antioxidant.

Porridge for digestion, kidneys and gallbladder

It is known that porridge lovers minimize the likelihood of digestive problems. Nutrients from consumed food are absorbed in the best possible way. No discomfort after eating. Pea porridge helps improve the condition of chronic constipation.

The product provides protection against the formation of gallstones and kidney stones. Toxins are naturally removed from internal organs.

Improving immunity and vision

The human immune system begins to function more efficiently due to timely replenishment of B vitamins. Such nutrition acts as a first-class preventative against infectious diseases. The intake of vitamin A and beta-carotene into the body ensures the maintenance of normal vision.

General strengthening of the body

A state of physical and mental exhaustion can result in chronic fatigue. Persistent loss of strength and drowsiness are definitely indications for consuming pea porridge. For the coordinated functioning of the body and getting rid of a bad mood, the element lysine is important; it can be obtained from porridge.

The dish helps improve metabolism, so it is recommended to eat it for diabetes. Interestingly, peas are considered a diuretic product that helps remove excess fluid from the body.

It is believed that pea porridge perfectly removes excess fluid from the body. The active substances have a good effect on the musculoskeletal system and help prevent osteoporosis and rheumatism.

The positive effects of peas also extend to the cardiovascular system. The product improves blood pressure, relieves unpleasant symptoms of weather sensitivity, reduces headaches, and prevents atherosclerosis.

Pea porridge for body beauty

The product contains a lot of valuable protein and amino acids. This type of nutrition creates the right conditions for building muscle mass. A woman's body with beautiful muscle definition looks wonderful.

tasty, easy to prepare and nutritious dish for the whole family

Pea porridge for weight loss

It is worth mentioning the excellent dietary properties of pea porridge:

  • a product filled with proteins, microelements and vitamins not only helps you lose weight, but also fully nourishes the body;
  • the dish is suitable for those who want to lose weight, but prefer hearty, hearty food;
  • a 100-gram serving of dry product contains approximately 300 calories;
  • pea dishes do not make you fat and fill you up for a long time;
  • athletes value peas for long-digesting carbohydrates and the ability to quickly replenish energy reserves;
  • the product stands out noticeably from a number of cereals due to its high dose of protein;
  • the composition contains a higher percentage of starch compared to potatoes;
  • use pea porridge for fasting days and implement it in your diet;
  • the product is compatible with any vegetables and tastes good;
  • there is no need to overuse the product, the diet should be varied and well planned;
  • It is optimal to consume pea soup or porridge for lunch.

Possible harm of pea porridge

It is necessary to study contraindications before consuming pea porridge. Benefits and harms are unevenly combined in this dish, there are definitely more benefits, but for some ailments you need an appropriate diet, which does not include peas. You should not eat pea dishes if you have problems with blood circulation, cholecystitis, kidney pathology, gastrointestinal diseases and gout. They say that the product causes flatulence in older people. Small children can only eat pea porridge after 3 years of age, otherwise they may suffer from bloating and other digestive problems.

How to cook delicious pea porridge?


  • peas;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • carrot;
  • olive oil;
  • acceptable but optional additives are onions, spices (cumin, curry, pepper, coriander, fennel, dill), bell pepper.

So, take 2 cups of split dry peas, the product must first be washed and soaked for several hours. You will need up to 1 liter of water. It is permissible to use meat broth rather than water as a base. We recommend salting the dish at the end of the process. Maintain a moderate simmer until the peas soften. The pre-soaked product is cooked for half an hour. The foam that appears at the beginning of cooking can be removed. Grated lightly fried carrots are placed closer to the end of the process. If necessary, you can remove excess liquid and mash the peas into a puree. In order to prevent the phenomenon of flatulence after consuming peas, use additives to the dish - fennel or dill.

Any housewife, even an inexperienced one, can prepare pea porridge. To prevent digestive problems, consume this tasty and nutritious dish in reasonable doses without overeating.

Nowadays, everyone knows the invaluable properties of legumes and their richness in vitamins and microelements. Dishes prepared with soy, peas, lentils, and beans are very nutritious and tasty. And in Russia and Ukraine, peas have earned special treatment. Since the times of ancient Rus', dishes with peas have always been present on the Slavic table. Below we will talk about the beneficial and harmful properties pea porridge, as well as its composition and contraindications.

The benefits and harms of pea porridge

Pea porridge is a complete source of all amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants necessary for the human body. Peas also contain mineral salts, natural fiber, and proteins. The porridge made from this product is very nutritious, satisfies well and is quite high in calories, so it is very popular among athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. The calorie content of pea porridge is approximately 180 kilocalories per 100 grams of product, excluding oil. This porridge is considered one of the highest calorie dishes among all porridges. For example, 100 grams of rice porridge will enrich the body with only 130 kilocalories, buckwheat - 150 kcal. But if you cook pea porridge with water and without adding oil, its calorie content is quite low and is quite suitable for dietary nutrition. Pea porridge saturates the body with slow carbohydrates, which contributes to a very long-lasting feeling of satiety. Pea porridge contains a lot of proteins of plant origin, so its regular consumption contributes to the rapid growth of muscle mass, which is an important point for athletes. Pea porridge goes well with meat and vegetable dishes. The benefit of pea porridge also lies in its effect on the digestive system. It helps get rid of flatulence, constipation, improves appetite and activates digestive processes in the stomach. The beneficial properties of this porridge are used during the treatment of anemia, anemia, and changes in blood pressure.

Antioxidants contained in pea porridge have a positive effect on the skin. They help keep the skin young, tight and healthy. Also, pea porridge is a good “friend” for people with excess weight problems, since even a small amount of porridge neutralizes the feeling of hunger for a long time. Surprisingly, peas go well with buckwheat, so to give the porridge an unusual flavor, it is recommended to add a small amount of buckwheat at the last stage of cooking pea porridge. A wonderful addition to pea porridge will be a fresh salad with herbs. Pea porridge can be consumed by people of different age categories - both children from three years old and the elderly. But there is still some harm from eating porridge for certain diseases. Elderly people should not get too carried away with pea porridge in order to avoid digestive problems. Pea porridge is strictly contraindicated for nephritis in the acute stage, cholecystitis, poor blood circulation, as well as for some other diseases at the acute stage. You should also be careful with it because of its high calorie content. It contains relatively few carbohydrates, so it will be an excellent component of various diets.

All legumes have special nutritional value. Peas are also their representative. A lot of different dishes are prepared from it - mashed potatoes, porridge, soups, side dishes, etc. Pea porridge has long taken root on the table in Russia, it is affectionately called peas. This is an original Russian traditional dish. Dishes with peas treat many diseases because they normalize digestion.

For the quality of peas, it does not matter at all whether it is prepared with water or milk - its biological value does not suffer from this. The big advantage is that with high processing temperatures the beneficial properties of peas are not lost. Peas are simply amazing in their usefulness. Its benefits are determined by its rich composition, which includes vitamins, protein (70% of the composition), carbohydrates with a high GCI, a minimum amount of fat, useful minerals, fiber, and 20 essential enzymes.

Pea dishes always contain a large palette of vitamins: vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, PP, H, pantothenic and folic acid, vit.E. Mineral compounds in peas: Ca, K, P, Fe, Sn, F, Se, iodine, aluminum, titanium, manganese.

Pea peas contain a lot of important organic acids (palmitic, stearic, glutamic, aspartic, pantothenic and oleic), choline and lysine. What is especially valuable is that it contains both Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Such an impressive composition does not, however, provide many calories - only 90 kcal per 100 grams. And if the puree is thin, then the calorie content is completely reduced to 60 kcal. But these indicators change when adding meat sauces, gravies, rich broths, etc. For example, adding meat gravy increases the total calorie content of food to 400 kcal.

Benefits of peas

The health benefits and harms of pea dishes have been studied thoroughly for a long time. So, its advantages:

  • Helps absorb nutrients into the blood;
  • improves the passage of the food bolus by enveloping the esophagus;
  • helps reduce blood pressure and ICH;
  • eliminates migraine attacks;
  • dilates blood vessels and improves heart function;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces cholesterol;
  • reduces the pain of menstruation;
  • reduces hot flashes during menopause;
  • promotes muscle growth;
  • strengthens bones, nails and teeth;
  • prevents osteoporosis, removes excess salts;
  • removes sand from the kidneys and fights stones;
  • helps hair growth and improves skin condition;
  • useful for diabetes of any type;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • helps to lose weight;
  • improves mood;
  • increases endurance;
  • relieves fatigue, insomnia and apathy;
  • increases immunity;
  • improves vision.

What other benefits are peas? Peas have diuretic properties, so they relieve swelling well. It goes well with meat and vegetables, which makes it possible to use it in various diets.

Benefits during pregnancy

Many pregnant women refuse dishes with peas, citing the fact that they bloat their bellies. But this property of peas can be easily removed.

But the benefits of porridge for the body of the fetus and mother are much greater. To do this, simply soak the legumes before cooking or add dried dill, cumin or parsley, or carrot salad to the dish.

The benefits for expectant mothers are:

  • contains ascorbic acid, which will increase immunity;
  • iron will prevent the development of anemia;
  • manganese is responsible for the formation of the skeletal system of the fetus and mother, improves the mental state of a woman;
  • minerals improve lipid metabolism.

Pea is also useful in that it regulates and controls insulin synthesis, improves and enhances blood flow in the body of the fetus and its mother.

The benefits of pea porridge

Always recommended during the stages of convalescence after serious illnesses, it helps the reparative processes of bone tissue, muscles and connective tissue. Due to its fiber content, it helps with constipation, even chronic ones, improves lymph flow, regenerates blood vessels and improves metabolism - due to silicon, strengthens and cleanses blood vessels due to nicotinic acid.

Due to B vitamins, it regulates the condition of the skin and increases its protective functions, improves the condition of the lung tissue and the functioning of the endocrine glands. Vitamins E and iron – increases and improves immunity and its resistance to various viral infections. Cell aging is also delayed by legumes; It is used for weight loss due to its satiety and fiber content. Choline and thiamine improve the functioning of the central nervous system and build muscle due to vegetable protein. Peas prevent the development of cholelithiasis, help restore the liver and remove toxins from the body, including nicotine - this is important for smokers of any type, improves lipid metabolism, restores vision, nicotinic acid lowers cholesterol.

In addition, giving the body energy and increasing endurance, peas are very good for intense physical activity and sports. Pea contains selenium, which is considered the strongest antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals.

Pea porridge for weight loss

For weight loss, porridge is used as fasting days or as a mono-diet, because peas have low calorie content. During fasting days, peas are eaten at least 3 times a day, adding fresh vegetables and fruits.

Diet: does not make you feel hungry, since peas contain everything you need. One meal must be in the form of a pea dish. Vegetable protein allows you to reduce the amount of meat in your diet. There are salads made from fresh vegetables dressed with oil.

It is important to maintain a water-drinking regime and drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day in the form of herbal teas and decoctions. The amount of coffee and tea is limited to 2 cups per day. The salt is reduced, but not completely removed. It is used to add salt to already prepared porridge.

If you feel very hungry in the evening, it is not forbidden to eat 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese 2% fat or drink kefir 1-2%. Diets with pea porridge are available for 3 and 7 days. In 3 days of sitting on a pea bed, you can lose 2-3 kg of weight and cleanse your intestines. Porridge is combined with vegetables.

Benefits of the pea diet:

  1. It doesn’t get boring and the body perceives it calmly, not as stress.
  2. Weight is reduced due to the removal of excess fluid and destruction of fat reserves, improving metabolism.
  3. The balance of vitamins and minerals is not disturbed.
  4. There is no feeling of hunger due to dietary fiber, which gives a feeling of fullness.
  5. Due to the good compatibility of peas with vegetables, the menu can be more varied.

Harm of pea porridge

For a certain category of people, the intake of pea dishes should be limited or eliminated altogether. Contraindications for this: urolithiasis, gout, cholecystitis in the acute stage, acute nephritis, circulatory disorders, duodenal diseases, low-acid gastritis, colitis, thrombophlebitis, pancreatitis, flatulence.

Peas are recommended for children only after 3 years. Pea porridge can be recommended for the elderly, but without overeating and infrequently, since in the elderly the gastrointestinal tract is weakened and flatulence can be caused. In addition, the high content of purines makes porridge not beneficial for the joints of older people, since it increases the content of uric acid.

Pea porridge: benefits and harm - and yet it should be noted that the harm of pea porridge is minimal and incomparable with its benefits. So the concept of the dangers of peas is very relative.

How to choose peas for porridge

Whole, unshelled peas will be considered the healthiest, but cooking soups and porridges from them is somewhat difficult. It is impossible to guarantee complete cooking of the peas and cooking takes considerable time. Therefore, split peas are often used.

It comes in a variety of colors - from green and yellow to red - any option is acceptable for use. Also, when purchasing, you need to take into account the shelf life of the cereal - it should not exceed 2 years, otherwise the peas will be “glassy” and will not boil. The harvest of the current or previous year is used to prepare porridge.

Secrets of healthy porridge

The benefits of peas largely depend on the method of preparation. They often combine peas with meat and make concentrated fatty soups with smoked pork ribs.

Such food is difficult and difficult to digest; it is not beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. Cooking with water or vegetable broths is much more expedient.

Features of proper preparation of peas:

  1. Pre-soak dry cereal for 10-12 hours.
  2. You can add a pinch of soda, which will soften the peas and then reduce gas formation.
  3. The peas should not be thick, because the next day the dish will thicken on its own.
  4. It is useful to season the porridge with roots, dill and parsley.

It becomes clear that peas are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Don't forget about this product, try to use it more often.

To avoid farting from peas

Pea porridge puree Recipe: the secret of how to make delicious, quick pea puree for breakfast

How to cook pea porridge. This pea porridge recipe is easy to make! Pea porridge from Ivan!

About the benefits of beans and peas

Peas - benefits and harm

The benefits and harms of legumes

What are the benefits of peas and pea porridge for diabetics?

The review will introduce you to the areas of application and chemical composition of pea porridge. Find out whether pea porridge is healthy and why, how to choose and store it correctly, and much more. Pea porridge without high-calorie additives is a high-quality dietary dish.

She is known from since Hippocrates, popular in the East and the Mediterranean, especially loved in Russia.

The benefits of pea porridge

There is a small pea all you need for human health. Plant proteins, natural carbohydrates and sugars, vitamins and amino acids, minerals and antioxidants.

Pea porridge is very nutritious and healthy for a hard-working and physically active person.

She will regain her strength after extreme loads, will increase muscle mass. No wonder athletes love her so much.

Vegetable protein in peas – almost third. It provides a conscientious supply of building materials to the body, for which it is especially respected by vegetarians.

The energy value of the finished porridge is relatively low, 90 kilocalories on 100 grams. Read more about the calorie content of peas of different types and cooking methods in a separate issue.

With the help of pea porridge you can significantly improve your health.

Eat it with vegetables and herbs: you will have an appetite, digestion will gradually improve, blood will improve, and pressure drops will decrease.

Natural fiber will help cleanse the body and satisfy hunger.

A small portion of pea porridge - and you will be full for a long time without harm to your figure and with minimal damage to your budget.

The body will be saturated with vital energy for productive work, the brain will work more actively, the reaction will improve, and overall adaptation to stressful situations will improve.

Useful elements

The beneficial properties of pea porridge are directly related to the elements present in its structure. She's rich vitamins, dietary fiber. She has exclusively a balanced amino acid composition that helps the body work harmoniously. An essential amino acid such as lysine, for example, relieves chronic fatigue, lifts the mood.

Vitamin A, which affects the health of skin, hair and nails, as well as vision, is found in large quantities in pea porridge.

Vitamin E, a youth vitamin, helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Vitamins Group B increase immunity. They are necessary for the health of the central nervous system, as well as for hematopoiesis.

Ascorbic acid ( vitamin C) also helps strengthen the immune system and protects against colds.

Pea porridge is not the only source of valuable vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Other porridges also have their own individual vitamin composition and beneficial properties, so it makes sense to compare the qualities of pea porridge with some others, for example, pearl barley or barley.

It is worth periodically including pea porridge in your diet in order to saturate the body with macroelements (magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine and sodium), as well as microelements (iron, calcium, iodine, manganese, selenium, fluorine, vanadium, boron, zirconium, tin , titanium, silicon).

Pea porridge for weight loss

How to cook porridge

Contraindications for use

Selection and storage

High-quality peas for homogeneous pea porridge yellow color, its grains are the same, quite large and not spoiled by pests. Split peas cooks faster. But the highest content of useful substances has whole unshelled peas.

The so-called black-eyed peas, known in African countries as "meat for the poor." It has the maximum protein content.

Peas are modest and unpretentious. He waits in the wings for a long time next to other cereals. But it is not recommended to store pea cereal for too long. Maximum period – one and half year. Keep it away from spices and strong smelling substances. Keep the peas in a metal or glass jar in your cereal cabinet. There is no need to cover it with a lid, it is better to pull it on top natural breathable fabric.

Pea porridge is certainly useful for a healthy person with good digestion.

If you are determined to become one, add porridge to your diet little by little, not forgetting to combine it with herbs and fresh vegetables.

For rich pea porridge, the principle “It is better to undereat than to overeat” is especially important.

Remember that the composition of pea porridge is unique, and it is practically irreplaceable in our diet.

The benefits and harms of pea porridge

Chemical composition and nutritional value of pea porridge

Useful properties of pea porridge

The vegetable protein contained in peas is necessary for any person to function normally. Peas contain the amino acid lysine. It can fight bad mood, chronic fatigue, the herpes virus, and also helps normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Due to the content of a large amount of vitamin A, pea porridge is very useful for poor condition of nails, skin and hair. A lack of vitamin A negatively affects mood and vision. B vitamins, which are present in pea porridge, support the immune system and make the body immune to various ailments. Pea porridge can be included in the diet when you have a cold; it will help a person recover faster.

Pea porridge has a positive effect on the digestive system. It helps get rid of constipation, activates digestive processes in the stomach and increases appetite. The beneficial properties of porridge are used in the treatment of changes in blood pressure, anemia, and anemia.

Harm of pea porridge

Despite its beneficial properties, eating pea porridge can be harmful to the body. It promotes gas formation in the intestines and can cause bloating. Do not use this product if you have diseases of the stomach and duodenum, especially in the chronic stage.

Pea porridge is not recommended for people suffering from diabetes, kidney disease, including urolithiasis, gout and people with exacerbations of heart disease. The product is strictly contraindicated for cholecystitis, poor blood circulation, and nephritis in the acute stage.

Peas: benefits and harms, calorie content, properties

Peas are one of those foods that absolutely everyone loves: both children and adults. It can be eaten fresh directly from the garden, cooked with it in aromatic soup and added to salads in canned form. Peas, whose benefits for the body have been known since ancient times, give dishes a special taste.


How long should you soak peas?

Contraindications for use

Calorie content of the product

Beneficial features

Green peas: benefits and harm from a medical point of view

Any doctor will tell you that this product is very useful for consumption. However, one drawback can still be found. Due to the fact that peas contain a lot of coarse fibers and sugar, this product leads to increased flatulence. To put it simply, consuming it causes gas.

Product advantages:

  • Peas are a very powerful antioxidant. Its regular use minimizes the risk of cancer formation.
  • This product is very useful for the prevention of obesity and anemia.
  • Improves the functioning of blood vessels, heart, kidneys and liver.
  • During the summer, be sure to eat fresh green peas. Its benefit lies not only in its positive effect on the body, it also perfectly relieves swelling, which is why it is often used in cosmetology.
  • It is recommended to consume ulcers in the form of a puree because it reduces acidity.
  • Used to prevent dermatitis and seizures.
  • Cleanses the intestines of accumulated toxins.
  • Reduces the likelihood of developing cancer.
  • Improves brain function and energizes the body.
  • Maintains muscle tone and has a beneficial effect on the development of mental abilities.
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • Pea tincture is used to relieve toothache.

Use in cosmetology

Effective weight loss

Peas: Benefits for the Heart

How to cook peas correctly?

Soups - benefits and harms for the human body


Broth prepared with high-quality meat does not cause allergies and contains most of the necessary nutrients.

The main advantages of first courses:

  • Quickly absorbed
  • Stimulates digestion
  • Warm
  • Increase appetite
  • Normalize blood pressure

Puree soups with vegetable, weak meat or fish broth are indicated for diabetes, as well as stomach diseases. You can prepare soups for children of kindergarten and primary school age using chicken or veal broth.

Popular soups in our diet


Chicken broth contains substances that suppress inflammatory processes. It is useful for sore throat, flu, atherosclerosis. It is loved not only for its excellent taste, but also for the feeling of warmth and comfort that we associate with the hearth and grandmother's care.

In addition, he:

  • Stimulates the functioning of the stomach, pancreas and gallbladder and is useful for chronic pancreatitis, diabetes and low acidity
  • Has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, invigorates
  • Normalizes digestion
  • Slows down infectious processes
  • Liquefies mucus in the bronchi

The stimulating properties of chicken broth turn into harm in a number of ailments: high acidity and ulcers, during exacerbation of pancreatitis. In particular, it is contraindicated for gout and urolithiasis.

Cream soup

In a puree soup, the ingredients are finely ground and diluted with broth. Thanks to its creamy, delicate consistency, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach.

Thick puree soups have excellent taste. Besides:

  • They are easy on the stomach
  • Great for unloading the body
  • Digest quickly
  • Look delicious
  • Helps improve peristalsis
  • Regulate water-salt balance
  • Well absorbed and gives strength

Such soups are useful for children and the elderly.


Pea soup is an international dish. What kind of products are not put in it - celery, onions, smoked sausages or ribs, pork, lard, etc. Depending on the ingredients, its calorie content can be quite high. But the healing properties and benefits of pea soup more than offset the harm of fats. Judge for yourself:

  • Normalizes metabolism
  • Has a beneficial effect on the heart
  • Helps fight depression
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Regulates blood pressure in hypertension
  • Normalizes sugar levels in diabetes

It contains a lot of protein and carbohydrates, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus.


Vegetarian soup is effective for losing weight and maintaining ideal weight. After all, it has fewer calories than fried or stewed foods, but is highly nutritious. It is useful for diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases (especially puree soups), which require limiting the consumption of raw vegetables and fruits.

When cooked, almost all the beneficial substances from vegetables pass into the broth. Low-calorie vegetable soup is ideal for weight loss and cleansing the body. Nutritionists recommend organizing fasting days from time to time using celery or onion soup.


Despite the fact that the main ingredient of onion soup is the “tear” vegetable, its taste is incredibly refined. No wonder this dish is so popular in France.

Everyone wants to look slim and tries to overcome excess weight using various methods that have received reviews: the gym, a strict diet, dietary supplements. If you are still looking for a new way to get rid of extra pounds, then pea porridge for weight loss will be an excellent dish of the day, which, thanks to its properties, only benefits the body. Find out how you can lose weight using a dish everyone is familiar with.

What are the benefits of pea porridge?

Before considering this dish as the main food assistant in the matter of weight loss, it is worth finding out why peas are useful? Peas are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements for our blood vessels and muscles, so porridge is very useful to eat for those who monitor their health and want to always feel great. It can lower blood pressure, which will benefit those suffering from hypertension. BZHU peas are suitable for people with anemia, anemia, and the high protein content will help maintain its level in the body when giving up meat, or during a strict diet.

Calorie content

Peas themselves are high in calories - their energy value is 300 kcal per 100 g, which takes into account the unfinished product. After boiling, its size increases at least three times, so the portion will not seem small. Taking this into account, eating pea porridge for weight loss during a diet will be very convenient: only 100 g of peas can be divided into the entire daily diet, combined with vegetables, and there will be no feeling of hunger.

Is it possible to lose weight on pea porridge?

The cheapness and calorie content of peas often becomes the main advantage in building a diet based on peas. Is it possible to eat pea porridge while losing weight? The answer is clear - yes! You just need to make the right diet and follow all the instructions. So, for example, if you eat only peas, you can get the opposite effect, so you need to combine this product with others - fresh vegetables, boiled meat or fish will do. Arranging a fasting day once a week is a completely useful event for your body and figure: in this case, the risk of gaining weight is reduced.

Pea porridge for weight loss

Is it possible to eat pea porridge on a diet? This dish will definitely be an excellent option for a diet menu. Considering the rich vitamin composition, as well as the high protein content, pea porridge for weight loss will help cope with hunger. If you add a light vegetable salad in vegetable oil to it, then such a lunch will turn out to be very satisfying and healthy. Pea can be eaten for lunch or dinner.

There are also disadvantages to this method of improving your figure. Frequent consumption of peas during weight loss causes heartburn and increased gas formation in some people. With such side effects, it is not advisable to use a pea diet, because it can even cause a reverse reaction: the food will take longer and be digested worse, so there is a risk of gaining even more weight.

Pea porridge diet

There are several options for what a pea porridge diet could be:

  • One of them includes a menu for those who like or find it convenient to eat three times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is no specific menu, but you cannot eat fried, flour, sweet, drink alcohol or carbonated drinks. Such restrictions will have to be endured for 7 to 10 days, but often this becomes a habit. When losing weight, peas should become a mandatory dish for every day - for lunch or dinner - it’s up to you.
  • The second way to eat pea porridge in order to lose weight is a diet that includes in its menu only fruits and vegetables, low-fat soups, natural juices and cottage cheese (milk and yoghurts are undesirable). In this case, peas should only be eaten at lunch, and the portion should be no more than 200 g of the finished product. The food must be crushed in equal proportions, that is, 5 times a day in small portions. This method helps to get rid of 3 to 7 kilograms per week.

Pea porridge recipe

Preparing peas is not so difficult, since there is only one recipe: soak the peas in water for 2-3 hours, then rinse them thoroughly and set to boil. Pour enough water to cover the product by 2 fingers. Once the peas begin to boil, reduce the heat and cook, stirring occasionally, until it reaches your desired consistency. Salt, add bay leaf or garlic - everything to taste. The longer the porridge is cooked, the more the peas are cooked and you won’t have to mash them separately. Additionally, you can fry the onion in butter; it also goes well with sour cream.

Video: pea porridge on a diet



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