Show medicinal plants. Belarus has a huge supply of chamomile, calendula, thyme

Herbal treatment is the most ancient way fight against all kinds of diseases. Over the thousands of years of its existence, man has found and studied healing properties hundreds of medicinal plants that can help with this or that disease. For long history, many were created effective recipes, many of which have reached and are used in folk medicine and in our days.

This section of the site presents many types of medicinal herbs, including field species, with high-quality photographs, the name of each plant and detailed description their beneficial properties and methods of use.

Despite the enormous pace of development traditional medicine and all the new products that it offers pharmaceutical industry, the use of medicinal plants to treat all kinds of diseases still remains relevant and does not lose its popularity. They can be used both for the prevention and treatment of various chronic and acute diseases in any field of medicine.

Medicinal herbs, used in folk medicine, can be fresh or dried, used both externally and internally. Medicinal herbs are much safer for human health than pharmaceuticals. They have fewer contraindications and side effects on the body.

For treatment use:

  • tinctures;
  • decoctions;
  • extracts;
  • infusions;
  • tea fees.

Despite its apparent simplicity and harmlessness, unconventional treatment requires knowledge and caution. After all, for positive result, medicinal raw materials, must be collected correctly. And the tinctures, decoctions or extracts made from them are prepared only according to exact recipes. We should not forget about dosages. This is especially true for those medications that need to be taken orally.

It is advisable, before preparing herbal medicine, to study our website, which contains medicinal herbs photos with names, learn about the indications and contraindications of a particular medicinal plant, methods of their preparation. You must not forget to carefully examine the raw materials for the medicine itself. It should be free of mold, dirt and other defects.


Longevity herb that promotes quick recovery for many diseases. Perennial plant with numerous stems. The leaves are silvery-green, covered with a light fuzzy coating, blooms numerous purple flowers, collected in inflorescences.

It is indispensable for maintaining wellness. IN medicinal purposes They use leaves collected in the second half of summer.

Improves memory, helps fight depression, and increases performance. Positively affects work digestive system, relieves intestinal colic.

It normalizes blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain, so its properties are used in the treatment of dizziness, and is also taken as a restorative agent after strokes.

For respiratory diseases it has an antiseptic and bactericidal effect. Will be beneficial when bronchial asthma, sore throat, laryngitis and chronic bronchitis.

For women who want to prolong their youth and beauty, it is very useful to carry out a course of rejuvenation with the help of sage, take the infusion in the morning, on an empty stomach. It contains female phytohormones, so it is believed that this medicinal herb helps with infertility, relieves inflammatory processes in gynecological diseases, treats frigidity and relieves nervousness during menopause.


The most popular flower on summer cottages, flower beds and flower beds. An annual plant that blooms from June to October with bright orange fragrant flowers. His popular name Marigolds are familiar to everyone since childhood.

Tinctures and ointments are made from calendula flowers, and decoctions are used for lotions. Calendula infusions are taken for gastritis and colitis, liver and gall bladder diseases, coronary disease heart and chronic bronchitis.

And yet, this plant is more widely used for external use because it has a strong wound-healing effect. With the help of calendula tinctures you can cure herpes, various pustular diseases, oily seborrhea and eczema, conjunctivitis and blepharitis.

Rinsing will help with stomatitis and periodontal disease. Douching – for cervical erosion.

However, despite the enormous advantages, the use of these drugs is not allowed for everyone. The use of infusions is contraindicated in case of low blood pressure and pregnancy. It is believed that even limited use plants can aggravate toxicosis and cause severe vomiting. It is not recommended to use infusions when treating children under 12 years of age.

Sea ​​buckthorn

A thorny shrub with narrow long leaves and bright orange fruits. It got its name because of the large number of berries that fit tightly to the branch.

It is a very valuable plant containing a whole “bouquet” of vitamins. Such vitamin composition found very rarely in plants.

Entire books have been written about sea buckthorn treatment methods. There are countless diseases that can be cured with its help. The drugs can cure a variety of internal chronic diseases - inflammation of the stomach, intestines, colitis. Fresh juice is very useful for hepatitis.

Sea buckthorn oil improves memory, lowers cholesterol, protects against radiation exposure and prevents tumor growth. It is used to treat trophic ulcers, psoriasis, bedsores and burns.

In people who use fresh fruits sea ​​buckthorn, strengthens the immune system and increases physical activity, including sexual. Tinctures made from fresh frozen berries help quickly cure the flu and severe cough. A decoction of sea buckthorn branches is used for hair loss and baldness.


This plant has always saved us from many ailments. In ancient times, healers prepared a healing decoction that cured people from a suffocating cough. She is still very popular today.

Helps with colds, bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Drops from her decoction will cure the most severe runny nose.

For stomach irritation, warm, unsweetened tea brewed from coltsfoot leaves is very useful.

For skin diseases, it is applied to boils, abscesses and ulcers.

At erysipelas– powder from crushed raw materials is sprinkled on wounds.

Valerian officinalis

Special therapeutic effect endowed with the root of this plant.

Tinctures are used for weakness of the body, insomnia, stressful conditions, migraines, tachycardia.

With its help, some diseases of the liver and thyroid gland are treated.

Hot flashes during menopause are more easily tolerated.

Rose hip

Its fruits are an invaluable source of vitamins.

Will relieve vitamin deficiency, anemia and liver diseases.

Helps with serious colds, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Rosehip oil can be used to cure serious illness skin - psoriasis, and for women who dream of losing weight, this decoction will be very easy to do.


Absolutely everyone knows that mint is a very healthy plant. But, unfortunately, not every person is aware of all its beneficial properties.

Mint will help with heartburn, all kinds of inflammation, heart pain, food and alcohol poisoning.

Peppermint oil eliminates muscle pain that occurs after severe physical activity, and is also used to treat the spine.

The decoction relieves it toothache and itching from insect bites.

Peppermint drops will stop nausea and dizziness.


The unsightly looking weed is familiar to everyone since childhood. Who among us has not applied its leaf to a broken knee?

This natural medicine, graciously given to the inhabitants of the earth by nature.

As an expectorant for bronchitis and tuberculosis.

As a tonic for dysentery and diarrhea.

Externally – for bee stings, boils and open wounds.

Lungwort officinalis

Widely used in herbal medicine for lung disease and hemoptysis.

A decoction of this herb is drunk for headaches and nervous diseases.

It improves blood composition, heals the kidneys and bladder.

Crushed raw materials are sprinkled on wounds to stop bleeding, and lungwort juice is used in oncology.


Its rhizomes have medicinal properties.

It is popularly believed that it can cure nine of the most serious diseases.

Renders great help for jaundice, dropsy, urinary retention, anemia.

It is useful for arrhythmia, varicose veins veins and atherosclerosis, recommended for impotence and painful periods.

Strengthens the immune system and protects against the flu virus.

Marsh cinquefoil

Treatment with this plant is slow and requires patience, but the results can exceed all expectations.

It is believed that it can help with stomach cancer.

Many people take herbs for treatment various kinds diseases, used as prophylactic. Herbs have a more gentle effect on the body than drugs that are based on synthesized substances. Plants can be found almost everywhere in nature: in the field, in the forest, in the garden, and even grown on your windowsill at home. But it should be remembered that their use is not a panacea for all diseases and in some cases it is better to use traditional ways treatment. The article is about the most popular medicinal plants, photos and names of their species.

Photos of medicinal plants with names and descriptions

  1. First aid on our windowsill can be called aloe . If applied correctly miracle cure you can get rid of diseases such as arthritis, gastritis, sore throat. The flower also helps restore vision. Quite often it is used in dentistry: for stomatitis, acute toothache. You need to put a small piece of leaf on the tooth, and the pain will subside after a while. To relieve inflammation of the gums, you should chew fresh fox several times throughout the day and rinse your mouth with juice diluted with water.

  2. One of the most effective plants in therapeutic practice is St. John's wort. The tops of the flower with inflorescences are used for medicinal purposes. The drug is used internally for intestinal diseases, inflammations in the mouth and throat. Widely used for burns, wounds and other skin injuries.

  3. There probably isn't one right now herbal remedy, which would be more useful than nettle . The list of diseases for which the plant can be used is impressive: anemia, bleeding, hemorrhoids, liver disease, asthma, allergies, heart disease, vascular disease, tuberculosis. It is often used as a wound-healing, diuretic, tonic, vitamin remedy. Externally the plant is applied to open wounds, skin diseases, to strengthen hair growth.

  4. Useful qualities coltsfoot difficult to underestimate. The plant helps with colds, kidney and liver diseases. A decoction of the leaves cleanses the scalp and makes hair shiny. Infusion of leaves helps with diseases gastrointestinal tract.

  5. Used for a large number of ailments therapeutic properties dandelion . It is a hematopoietic agent. Recommended for inflammation of the lymph nodes, cancer diseases, hepatic colic, hepatitis.

  6. Unlike many medicines, it does not provoke side effects motherwort . It is used to treat epilepsy, thrombosis, intestinal disorders. Motherwort affects the body like valerian, but the effect is much better, especially in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders.

  7. One of the most popular plants is chamomile . Its composition is unique, making the flower miraculous. It is used to treat burns, colds, fatigue, and neuralgic pain. Externally used for washing, hair care, and gynecological diseases.

  8. It is very popular. In folk medicine they are used both internally and externally. Decoctions, ointments, and tinctures are prepared on its basis. It has diuretic and choleretic properties. The herb is used as an antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral agent. Used against the removal of calluses.

  9. Since ancient times it has been valued as a cure for all diseases sage . Scientists claim that it increases the secretory activity of the digestive system, promotes the excretion gastric juice, helps with sweating, strengthens respiratory tract, has a positive effect on the stomach and intestines.

Medicinal plants for the garden

Today, when more and more people are celebrating side effects from the use of traditional medicines to herbal medicine. And this is not surprising. Using herbs you can improve your health for many years. The cost of such treatment is often much less. The article describes only part of the information about what medicinal plants are; photos and names of the most famous ones are given.

To get advice on what kind of use natural source will be needed for treatment specific disease, it is better to consult a doctor - a specialist in herbal products. There is no need to take medicinal plants on your own. Some of them have strong action and may cause undesirable consequences.


medicinal plants of Belarus

and problems of their use

Natural flora is a source of valuable plant raw materials. Herbal medicines make up about 40% of the range of medicines, and today there is a steady trend of increasing their consumption. In total, more than 300 of their names are registered in Belarus. The needs for them are satisfied to a greater extent through supplies from abroad as finished products, and raw materials.

Studies have shown that our country has significant reserves of wild medicinal plants (about 832 thousand tons according to the State Plant Inventory). According to the most conservative estimates, the market value of domestic plant raw materials can exceed $200 million per year, and finished products based on it can be produced in the amount of more than $1 billion annually.

Despite the diversity and significant volumes of wild economically useful plants in the country, they are not used effectively enough. Ministry materials natural resources and security environment show great variability in the amount of harvested

raw materials both by year and by certain species. Over the past decade, only 8% of its recommended volumes have been used annually. True, it is necessary to note their gradual increase in recent years on average up to 25 thousand tons.

The structure of the procurement is dominated by berries and mushrooms, the share of medicinal plants is small - 1-2%, although their biological and operational reserves form the basis of all wild growing economically useful plants in the republic. At the same time medical institutions Countries are experiencing a shortage of herbal medicines and are forced to purchase them abroad. A paradoxical situation arises: with an excess of raw materials, there is a shortage of medicines and the development of the pharmaceutical industry is hampered.

Oleg Maslovsky,

head of the cadastre sector

flora of the Institute of Experimental Botany

them. V.F. Kuprevich NAS of Belarus, candidate

biological sciences

Irina Sysoy,

Researcher at the flora cadastre sector of the Institute of Experimental Botany

them. V.F. Kuprevich NAS of Belarus

Preliminary studies have shown that for most types of preparations and production of drugs can be increased by 5-10 times without compromising natural ecosystems, and the export of plant raw materials can be increased by 20-30 times. One of the reasons for the low percentage of collection of medicinal plants is the lack of comprehensive data from industry organizations about their geographical distribution and reserves, as well as about the possibilities of use in a particular area.

At the Institute of Experimental Botany named after. V.F. Kuprevich, within the framework of the State Flora Cadastre, an algorithm for cadastral regional assessment of plant raw materials reserves was developed. It is based on a combination various techniques, the most complete accounting of information about the objects under study and on a differentiated determination of the yield and reserves of raw materials of specific species in various ecosystems and environmental conditions. For 81 species of medicinal plants (among them 75 species, the raw materials of which are permitted by the State Pharmacopoeia), data on their distribution among plant communities was collected, occurrence and projectivity were identified.

™Theme of the issue

90 218 ■ 84 626 84 626 78 329 66 755 64 471

Biological stock 1 1 Operational stock

| Gomel region Minsk region Vitebsk region Brest region Mogilev region Grodno region

procurement volumes



on the territory


Spatial distribution of biological stock

wild species

medicinal plants

coverage in ecosystems, area of ​​specific thickets, productivity.

Forest taxation data, field and literary materials were processed by special computer programs with subsequent assessment of occupied territories and numbers medicinal species. Then, taking into account the area, average projective cover and average yield of the studied species, the biological (831,960 tons) and operational (385,414 tons) reserves of raw materials were determined, and taking into account the period of restoration of the thicket, the recommended annual volumes of procurement for each

land user in all administrative regions of the republic (147,963 tons) (Fig. 1). Areas affected radiation pollution, were excluded.

Analysis of the data obtained showed an uneven distribution of medicinal plant reserves across the regions of the republic (the largest were identified in the Gomel and Minsk regions, the smallest in the Grodno and Mogilev regions). Maps of their density and distribution throughout the country as a whole and in the regions were created, centers of their concentration were identified (Fig. 2), and promising areas for harvesting were identified.

The largest biological reserves of medicinal raw materials are noted in the Ivatsevichi district (15,317.1 tons) of the Brest region; Polotsk district (15,186.5 tons) Vitebsk region; Zhitkovichi (17,683.0 tons), Kalinkovichi (16,085.3 tons), Lelchitsky (27,323.4 tons) and Petrikovsky (16,816.6 tons) districts of the Gomel region.

Species that are promising for industrial procurement were identified. Significant biological reserves of raw materials have silver and downy birch (204,464.0 tons), meadowsweet (13,928.8 tons), brittle buckthorn (76,896.4 tons), pine

common (370,729.1 t), English oak (22,966.4 t), raspberry (11,742.1 t), rowan (15,225.2 t), blueberry (46,887.3 t), lingonberry ( 23,002.5 t).

A secure raw material base is provided by common calamus (2069.6 tons), black alder (7306.8 tons), marsh cinquefoil (1254.0 tons), lily of the valley (6146.2 tons), horsetail (5105.6 tons), strawberries forest (3449.5 tons), common juniper (1317.8 tons), marsh wild rosemary (6943.0 tons), three-leafed wild rosemary (4598.3 tons), stinging nettle (3788.0 tons).

11 species of medicinal plants also grow in Belarus, the reserves of raw materials of which are sufficient for harvesting: gray alder (899.9 tons), common yarrow (655.0 tons), bird cherry (406.3 tons), male shield (376.0 tons) ), heart-leaf linden (229.1 t), cinquefoil erect (205.9 t), common bagwort (183.9 t), dandelion (180.1 t), bearberry (145.2 t), cornflower blue (118.9 t), club moss (104.8 t).

| Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory

Good Very good

Rice. 3. Distribution of medicinal plant species by condition categories

The study shows that the majority of wild medicinal plant species (74%) are in good to very good condition. good condition, however, 23% are poor and unsatisfactory (Fig. 3). Thus, average rating their condition for the republic is 3.9 (that is, good).

The information received is entered into specialized computer databases of the cadastral book of economic valuable plants State Cadastre of the Flora of the Republic of Belarus, which contains information on the area, occurrence, yield, biological and operational reserves, recommended volumes of their annual use, assessment of their condition, proposed measures for their protection. Books of economically valuable plants from all 6 regions of the republic have been created. Computer programs and databases have been transferred to the Ministry, regional committees, city and district inspectorates of natural resources and environmental protection for making specific decisions in the field of use of phyto-raw materials.

Based on the results of the research, recommendations were developed for rationing the withdrawal of plant resources in all regions of the republic and for increasing the volume of raw material collection for each region of Belarus, highlighting promising wild species of medicinal plants, which will increase rational use these resources. Currently, based on the data obtained, work has begun in the country to assess the dynamics and restore stocks of wild phytoraw materials, taking into account various harvesting regimes and influence wide range anthropogenic factors.

Prospects for medicinal and aromatic crop production

Boris Anoshenko,

biological sciences

Lidiya Kukhareva,

Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Plant Resources Biodiversity of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Candidate

biological sciences

identification of new

useful plants and

useful plants and

involving them in the field practical activities-an urgent national economic problem. In matters of their introduction, a priority role is given to botanical gardens, which, thanks to the scientific exchange of seeds and living plants, are connected with all floristic regions of the world. It has become possible to create our own raw material base of the most valuable medicinal plants, which helps ensure the sustainable operation of pharmaceutical enterprises and reduces dependence on imported plant material.

Since in our republic natural conditions there is a limited number of useful plants, especially from the medicinal group, and the country cannot satisfy the demand with its own raw materials, search, introduction and implementation in wider culture their new highly productive species and forms represent pressing challenges.

Through exchanges with 250 botanical institutions in countries far and near abroad, the Central Botanical Garden receives annually about 2 thousand types of seeds of various taxonomies and economic purposes. Therefore, almost all grown in Belarus useful plants with a few exceptions, they come from the collection nurseries of the Botanical Garden. Elaboration different reference books made it possible to divide medicinal and spicy-aromatic species from the collection gene pool of the Laboratory of Biodiversity of Plant Resources into groups according to beneficial properties (Fig. 1). Among the medicinal representatives of the family Lamiaceae Lindl. make up 24% (38 species), Asteraceae Dumort. - 21% (33 species), Apiaceae Lindl. and Rosaceae Juss. - 9% each (14 species). As for food, the most numerous are the families Lamiaceae Lindl. (32%, 29 species) and Asteraceae Dumort. (18%, 16 species). The first also leads among honey plants (43%, 35 species) and decorative plants.

In the summer, many people want to get out into nature. Even if you just take a walk in the forest, by a river, in a meadow, to breathe fresh air, admire the sunset - you will already feel healthier. But at the same time, you can collect not only strawberries or mushrooms for aromatic soup, but also find medicinal plants. Of course, you need at least basic knowledge. Here, too, sometimes you get confused among mushrooms - where is edible and where is poisonous, to say nothing of the rich variety of herbs. Therefore, before you start collecting medicinal plants, you need to at least know them in person. It is also advisable to master at least basic rules procurement and storage of medicinal raw materials. We hope that our next issue dedicated to this topic will also help you navigate the amazing kingdom of healing flora. We asked to conduct unique master classes on the pages of “NG” experienced specialists from Central botanical garden National Academy sciences and herbalists with experience. Let's bow to the green doctors together, friends!

Tops and roots

Collection of medicinal raw materials - a whole science, and here everything must be done according to the rules

Many people believe that the preparation medicinal plants- a trivial matter. But in reality everything is not so simple. Inna Savich, a researcher at the Laboratory of Biodiversity of Plant Resources of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences, spoke about how to collect and dry plants that are often found in our forests and meadows.

If the buds and bark of trees are harvested in early spring, and seeds, fruits, roots and rhizomes are harvested closer to autumn, then in the summer months, as a rule, leaves, flowers and grass are harvested. The above-ground parts of plants (leaves, flowers, grass, fruits) are collected in dry weather after the dew has dried and before the appearance of evening dew. Roots and rhizomes - throughout the day. You need to collect raw materials only from healthy, well-developed plants not damaged by insects or diseases. It is not recommended to collect it near large industrial enterprises and on the sides of roads with heavy traffic (closer than 100 m from the roadside), as well as within large cities, along polluted ditches and reservoirs.

Some types of medicinal plants can cause allergic reactions, dermatitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nasopharynx,” the specialist recalled. - Therefore, you should not use such drugs without consulting your doctor.

Before use medicinal fees consult your doctor!

Sandy immortelle

The sunny inflorescences of this regular in forests and meadows delight us from June to August. Medicinal raw materials are inflorescences cut before the flowers bloom. The infusion is used as choleretic agent for acute and chronic diseases liver, gallbladder and biliary tract. The inflorescences are cut with scissors or pruners. Dry them by scattering thin layer in well-ventilated, shaded places for two to three weeks, turning occasionally. Herbs dried in this way can be stored well in regular paper bags for 3 years.

Dandelion officinalis

All parts of this plant have healing properties. Young dandelion leaves can be added to salads and soups as a vitamin remedy. But the most valuable biologically active substances are in its roots. They are used in the form of a decoction, a thick extract as a bitterness to enhance the secretion of the digestive glands and as a choleretic agent. The roots are dug up in the fall, when the leaves are withering, washed and cut into pieces. Dry in dryers at a temperature of 40-50 degrees or in a low-heat oven. Drying can be completed when the roots become brittle. Such raw materials can be stored in glass jars, having previously tied the neck with linen cloth.

Cornflower blue

It is not only a decoration for bouquets, but also a beautiful medicine. For cooking healing infusion and cornflower tea, the marginal flowers plucked from cut flowering baskets are used. These are mild diuretics for kidney disease and bladder. The collected raw materials are laid out in a thin layer on a clean sheet of paper or cotton cloth. Dry, turning constantly. Dried flowers are stored for about a year in paper bags in a dry place.


It's unpretentious annual plant. Chamomile flowers collected at the beginning of flowering have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. They are used for making teas and rinses. When collecting flowers, they are picked by hand or cut with scissors. You can dry chamomile under a canopy in a shaded place, while the raw materials are constantly turned over and ensure that they do not fall on it. sun rays. Chamomile can also be dried in a special home dryer at a temperature of 40 degrees. Dry chamomile is stored in cardboard boxes or tightly sealed glass jars in a dark, dry place. If these rules are followed, chamomile flowers will retain their beneficial properties within a year.

Hawthorn blood red

Now is the time to start harvesting the flowers of this shrub. They contain biological active substances, which have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. Flowers are collected at the beginning of flowering in dry weather, quickly delivered to the drying site and dried under a canopy or in dryers heated to 40 degrees.

Creeping thyme (creeping thyme)

Herbs collected during the flowering period and dried outdoors in the shade or in dryers at a temperature of 40 degrees are used as medicinal raw materials. Before packaging, the dried grass is threshed and large stems are removed. It is used as an antispasmodic, expectorant and carminative. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.

Cinquefoil erecta (wild galangal)

Rhizomes harvested during the flowering period are used as medicinal raw materials. The decoction is used as an astringent and hemostatic agent for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in the form of rinses for inflammatory processes oral cavity. Rhizomes are dried outdoors in the shade and in dryers at a temperature of 40 degrees.

Common calamus (swamp calamus)

This herbaceous perennial is also called cinquefoil, yavara, and Tatarian grass. Decoctions from the root of this herb are used to treat eye diseases, toothache. Rhizomes are medicinal raw materials. They are harvested towards the end of summer, throughout the autumn or spring. Used in the form of a decoction as an aromatic bitterness that increases appetite and improves digestion. Dry after preliminary drying in well-ventilated areas and attics.


Oregano contains large number vitamin C, essential oils. The herb of this plant is used as a medicinal raw material. It is used as part of chest, diaphoretic, carminative preparations for colds and other respiratory diseases as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant. But oregano preparations and teas should never be consumed during pregnancy! For medicinal purposes, oregano is collected during flowering (June - August), cutting off the leafy tops up to 20 cm long with pruners. Drying in the shade under canopies or in rooms with good ventilation.



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