Show photos of birch chaga. Description of the chaga mushroom

The magical effect of coffee on the body helps fight fatigue, lethargy, and absent-mindedness. It’s not worth getting carried away with it, because in case of an overdose positive influence the substance will be replaced by a negative one, which will affect the person’s well-being. Some people prefer to take caffeine tablets instead of a drink.

What is Caffeine Sodium Benzoate

These tablets are an aphrodisiac and psychostimulant derived from methylxanthine. The action of caffeine benzoate is to inhibit PDEs (phosphodiesterase enzymes) in the heart, organs, nervous system and adipose tissue. When used in large doses ah substance can accumulate in the body in the form of cGMP, cAMP (adrenaline derivatives). The drug is synthetic, based on caffeine extracted from coffee seeds and tea leaves.

Caffeine is produced in tablets of 100 mg, in a package of 6-10 pieces. A small dosage of the drug has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, but in case of an overdose, on the contrary, it depresses it. After taking caffeine, a person’s breathing becomes faster, deeper, blood vessels dilate, and tone increases. cerebral arteries. This tool has the following effects on the human body:

  • increases concentration;
  • activates fat burning, therefore suitable for weight loss;
  • improves mood;
  • increases mental excitability;
  • stimulates the release of adrenaline into the blood;
  • increases muscle activity in athletes, maintains the potential of muscle membranes, and participates in calcium metabolism.

Caffeine sodium benzoate: instructions for use

You can take caffeine tablets regardless of your meal during the day. It is not recommended to use them immediately before bed because this will make it difficult to fall asleep. The manufacturer recommends using the following dosage options:

  1. For cheerfulness and increased performance, adults and adolescents will need 2-3 doses of 50-100 mg. Children do not need the drug in these cases.
  2. To eliminate headaches, people over 12 need to drink 50-100 mg of the drug 2 times a day for 3 days.
  3. To increase blood pressure, children over 12 years of age and adults are recommended to drink 100 mg of caffeine tablets three times a day.

For any reason when taking the drug, you should not exceed a single dose of caffeine of 300 mg and a daily dose of 1000 mg. In cases of overdose, a person may experience following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • anxiety, tremor;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • confusion.

How to take pills to raise blood pressure

Caffeine tablets are prescribed for minor and irregular deviations in blood pressure (blood pressure) to normalize the indicator. The drug is a strong psychostimulant, so it should be taken strictly in the prescribed doses. The active substance is able to influence vascular and cardiac receptors, which allows you to quickly raise blood pressure to normal. To get this effect, you need to take 50-100 mg of caffeine tablets 3 times a day for several weeks.

Who should not take caffeine tablets?

You must use the product carefully so as not to harm your body and instead positive effect don't get negative. Caffeine is contraindicated for people who:

Elderly people who are prone to seizures, spasms or convulsions, epilepsy and eye diseases should be careful with this drug. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, tablets can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. If you combine oral contraceptives with caffeine, it will have less activity, accumulate in the blood, and be slowly eliminated by the liver.

Is caffeine effective for weight loss?

According to people's reviews, the dosage used for stimulation nervous system, is not enough to start the fat burning process. Caffeine in diet pills is required in large quantities. Athletes with overweight before training, consume 10-20 mg of the substance per kilogram of body weight. It is believed that this is the only way to speed up metabolic processes and heart function to the required indicator. You should take the tablet 30 minutes before class. Doctors recommend starting to drink caffeine sodium benzoate for weight loss at 2 mg/kg and gradually increasing the dosage.

Should you take energy pills?

Many athletes are looking for additional sources of energy to carry out their activities. There is a special sports nutrition for this, which costs a lot of money, but you can find a simpler option - caffeine benzoate tablets. After taking it, a person’s temperature, metabolic rate, and sweating become more active and increase. This helps to increase endurance and strength.

The action of such a stimulant is aimed at the nervous system, it mobilizes free fatty acids. All neurons after taking caffeine will send signals from the brain to the muscles. Some people consider the drug a drug, but this is not true; coffee is not addictive. For a bodybuilder, the optimal dosage is considered to be 9 mg per 1 kg of body weight, but some athletes drink 15-20 mg/kg.

Are pills good for concentration?

People engaged in active mental activity sometimes notice that a tired brain is not able to correctly solve the tasks assigned to it. There is a need for additional stimulation of neurons, relieving fatigue, and sometimes headaches. Coffee is often used for this, but the drink may turn out to be low quality. In addition, it has been proven that soluble varieties in large quantities have negative impact on the intestines, stomach.

The solution will be caffeine pills, which will not increase IQ and will not make a person smarter, but will help you concentrate and activate mental activity. This method gives a short-term effect. You should not get carried away with taking caffeine tablets, in case of overdose, in addition to side effects the person may become irritable.

Where to buy and how much do caffeine tablets cost?

Today, pharmacies sell caffeine. You can buy it without a prescription, the cost ranges from 30 to 60 rubles. You can order the drug online with home delivery for an additional fee. Online stores also sell tablets. sports nutrition, offering them as an additional stimulant for intensive training. Such drugs are produced famous brands, are produced in packs of 90 tablets, and they cost from 400 rubles. There is no particular difference in action, the only difference is in quantity.


Caffeine: instructions for use and reviews

Caffeine is a psychostimulant drug.

Release form and composition

Caffeine comes in the form of a solution for subcutaneous administration: transparent, colorless or slightly colored (in ampoules of 2 ml, 5 ampoules in blister packs, 2 packs in a cardboard box; 5 or 10 ampoules in a cardboard box with partitions or bars).

The composition of 1 ml of solution includes:

  • Active substance – caffeine sodium benzoate 100 or 200 mg;
  • Auxiliary components: sodium hydroxide solution 0.1 M - up to pH 6.8-8.5, water for injection - up to 1 ml.

Pharmacological properties


Caffeine is an antagonist of central adenosine receptors and stimulates the centers medulla oblongata: respiratory, vasomotor and vagal. It also activates the central nervous system and respiratory system, improves the functions of skeletal muscles, production hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the processes of glycogenolysis. Caffeine increases sensitivity respiratory center to the stimulating effect of carbon dioxide, enhancing alveolar ventilation. The substance increases the frequency and intensity of heart contractions, as well as cardiac output (has a positive chronotropic effect on the sinoatrial node and a positive inotropic effect on the myocardium).

Caffeine is characterized by diuretic and hypertensive effects, reduces uterine contractility and promotes cerebral vasoconstriction.


Caffeine is approximately 25–36% bound to plasma proteins. Its biotransformation occurs in the liver. In adult patients, 80% of caffeine is metabolized into paraxanthine (1,7-dimethylxanthine), 10% into theobromine (3,7-dimethylxanthine), and 4% into theophylline (1,3-dimethylxanthine). These compounds are demethylated into monomethylxanthines and then into methylated uric acid derivatives. In premature babies, caffeine is formed from theophylline. The half-life is 3–7 hours, lengthening to 65–130 hours in newborns (a decrease to the level of an adult patient occurs at 4–7 months). The maximum concentration is established 50–75 minutes after the substance enters the body.

Caffeine is excreted in the urine in the form of metabolites (1–2% unchanged). In newborns, it is also excreted through the kidneys, with 85% of the dose excreted unchanged.

Indications for use

  • Decreased physical and mental performance;
  • Moderate arterial hypotension;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Migraine;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Respiratory depression (including in case of mild poisoning with opioid analgesics and hypnotics, carbon monoxide, asphyxia of newborns, to restore the required level of pulmonary ventilation after the use of general anesthesia).


  • Organic diseases of the cardiovascular system (including acute heart attack myocardium, atherosclerosis);
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • Increased excitability;
  • Epilepsy and tendency to seizures;
  • Frequent ventricular extrasystole;
  • Old age;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Instructions for use of Caffeine: method and dosage

Caffeine solution is administered subcutaneously.

Adults are usually prescribed 1 ml of 100 mg/ml or 200 mg/ml solution. Maximum dose is: single – 400 mg, daily – 1000 mg.

Children, depending on age, are usually prescribed 0.25-1 ml of a 100 mg/ml caffeine solution.

The frequency and duration of use are determined by the doctor.

Side effects

According to the instructions, Caffeine can cause the following side effects:

  • Central nervous system: tachypnea, sleep disturbance, tremor, agitation, anxiety, headache, convulsions, dizziness;
  • Cardiovascular system: heart rhythm disturbances, tachycardia, increased blood pressure;
  • Digestive system: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, exacerbation of peptic ulcer.

With prolonged use, slight addiction is possible (a decrease in effect is associated with the formation of new adenosine receptors in brain cells).


Signs of a caffeine overdose include trembling of the entire body, observed in newborns, painful sensations in the stomach or abdomen, nausea and vomiting, sometimes with bloody discharge, vomiting or bloated belly in newborns, palpation of which is accompanied by painful sensations, increased pain or tactile sensitivity, dehydration, frequent urination, arrhythmia, tachycardia. Taking the drug in very high doses can lead to the appearance of central nervous system symptoms such as headache, clouded consciousness or delirium, restlessness or agitation, anxiety, agitation, irritability, tremor or muscle twitching, photopsia, ringing in the ears or sensations of other symptoms. sounds, sleep disturbances, epileptic seizures(mainly clonic-tonic convulsions) in acute overdose.

It is recommended as a treatment symptomatic therapy. If Caffeine was taken in the last 4 hours, its dose exceeded 15 mg/kg, and there was no vomiting caused by this drug, gastric lavage should be performed. It is also recommended to take activated carbon and laxatives, and hemorrhagic gastritis– gastric lavage with ice-cold 0.9% sodium chloride solution and administration of antacids. If necessary, carried out artificial ventilation lungs and oxygenation. For epileptic seizures, phenytoin, phenobarbital or diazepam are administered intravenously. Water and electrolyte balance should also be maintained. Hemodialysis is often effective in case of overdose, and in newborns, if necessary, exchange transfusion blood.

Special instructions

When using Caffeine, it must be taken into account that sudden cessation of therapy can lead to increased inhibition of the central nervous system in the form of drowsiness and depression.

The effect on the central nervous system can be manifested by both excitation and inhibition of the higher nervous system.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

According to FDA recommendations, caffeine is classified as category C. It increases the risk of spontaneous abortions and causes delays intrauterine development and the occurrence of arrhythmia in the fetus (when administered to pregnant women in high doses). Results from animal experiments have shown that when administered doses equivalent to the caffeine content of 12–24 cups of coffee drunk per day throughout pregnancy or with a single administration of very high doses (50–100 mg/kg), disturbances in skeletal development are observed (as fingers and individual phalanges) of the fetus. When caffeine was introduced into the body of a pregnant female in smaller doses, slow development of the fetal skeleton was observed.

Caffeine penetrates breast milk(its amount is approximately 1% of the concentration in the mother’s blood plasma). If a nursing mother ingests this substance in an amount equivalent to 6–8 cups of caffeine-containing drinks per day, the baby may develop insomnia and hyperactivity.

Drug interactions

At simultaneous use The following effects may occur with caffeine and certain medications:

  • Narcotic and sleeping pills: reduction in their effectiveness;
  • Non-narcotic analgesics and ergotamine: increasing their effectiveness (due to increased absorption);
  • Cardiac glycosides: enhancing their action and increasing toxicity.


An analogue of caffeine is sodium caffeine benzoate.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store out of reach of children at temperatures up to 25 °C.

Shelf life – 5 years.

Dosage form:  solution for subcutaneous and subconjunctival administration Compound:

Active substance:

Caffeine-sodium benzoate in terms of dry matter - 100 mg or 200 mg.

Excipients: water for injection - up to 1 ml.

Description: Transparent colorless or slightly colored liquid. Pharmacotherapeutic group:Psychostimulant ATX:  

N.06.B.C.01 Caffeine


Caffeine is a methylxanthine that has a psychostimulating and analeptic effect. Competitively blocks central and peripheral Ai and A 2 adenosine receptors. Inhibits the activity of phosphodiesterase in the central nervous system, heart, smooth muscle organs, skeletal muscles ah, adipose tissue. Stimulates the centers of the medulla oblongata (respiratory and vasomotor), has a direct stimulating effect on the cerebral cortex. In high doses, it facilitates interneuronal conduction in the spinal cord, enhancing spinal reflexes.

Increases mental and physical performance, stimulates mental activity, motor activity, shortens reaction time, temporarily reduces fatigue and drowsiness. In small doses, the stimulating effect predominates, and in large doses, the effect of depression of the nervous system predominates.

Speeds up and deepens breathing, stimulates the vasomotor center and has a direct relaxing effect on vascular wall, which leads to dilation of the blood vessels of the heart, skeletal muscles and kidneys, while the tone of the cerebral arteries increases (causes a narrowing of the blood vessels of the brain, which is accompanied by a decrease in cerebral bloodoxygen flow and pressure in the brain). Blood pressure changes under the influence of vascular and cardiac mechanisms of caffeine's influence: with normal initial blood pressure it does not change or slightly increases it, with arterial hypotension it normalizes it.

Has an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles(including bronchodilator effect), on striated - stimulating. Increases gastric secretory activity and diuresis (decreased reabsorption of sodium ions and water in the proximal and distal renal tubules, as well as dilation of renal vessels and increased filtration in the renal glomeruli).

Reduces platelet aggregation and histamine release from mast cells. Increases basal metabolism: increases glycogenolysis, increases lipolysis.


It is quickly distributed in all organs and tissues of the body: it easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier and the placenta. The volume of distribution in adults is 0.4-0.6 l/kg, in newborns - 0.78-0.92 l/kg. Communication with blood proteins - 25-36%. More than 90% is metabolized in the liver, in children of the first years of life up to 10-15%. In adults, about 80% of a caffeine dose is metabolized into paraxanthine, about 10% into theobromine, and about 4% into. These compounds are subsequently demethylated into monomethyl xanthinates and then into methylated uric acids. The half-life in adults is 3.9-5.3 hours (sometimes up to 10 hours), in newborns (up to 4-7 months of life) - 65-130 hours. Caffeine and its metabolites are excreted by the kidneys (unchanged in 1-2% is excreted in adults, and up to 85% in newborns).


Decreased mental and physical performance, drowsiness, headache of vascular origin (including migraine), moderate arterial hypotension, respiratory depression (including in case of mild poisoning narcotic analgesics and hypnotic drugs, carbon monoxide, for asphyxia of newborns), restoration of pulmonary ventilation after the use of general anesthesia.

Ciliochoroidal detachment in adults.


Hypersensitivity (including to other xanthines), anxiety disorders, severe arterial hypertension, organic diseases cardiovascular system (including acute myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis), paroxysmal tachycardia, frequent ventricularextrasystole, sleep disturbances, childhood up to 18 years (for subconjunctival administration).

With caution:

Use with caution in case of glaucoma, increased excitability, in old age, with epilepsy and a tendency to seizures.

Pregnancy and lactation:

Excessive use medicinal product during pregnancy can lead to spontaneous abortions, slowing of intrauterine development of the fetus, arrhythmia in the fetus; There may be disturbances in skeletal development when using large doses and a slowdown in skeletal development when using lower doses.

The drug passes into breast milk in small amounts, but accumulates in infants and can cause hyperactivity and insomnia. During treatment with the drug, breastfeeding should be stopped.

Directions for use and dosage:

Caffeine sodium benzoate is used subcutaneously and subconjunctivally.

Doses of the drug are selected individually. Higher doses for adults (under the skin): single dose 0.4 g, daily 1 g. Adults 1 ml of 10-20% solution (100-200 mg); children (depending on age) - 0.25-1.0 ml of a 10% solution (25-100 mg).

In ophthalmic practice, a 10% solution of 0.3 ml is administered subconjunctivally once a day (30 mg). The number of injections depends on intraocular pressure and depth of the anterior chamber.

Side effects:

From the nervous system: agitation, anxiety, tremor, restlessness, headache, dizziness, epileptic seizures, increased reflexes, tachypnea, ringing in the ears, insomnia; with sudden withdrawal - increased inhibition of the central nervous system, increased fatigue, drowsiness, muscle tension.

From the cardiovascular system: palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmias, increased blood pressure.

From the outside digestive system : nausea, vomiting, exacerbation of peptic ulcer.

Others : nasal congestion, with prolonged use - addiction, drug dependence; with subconjunctival injection - short-term pain, slight local swelling with possible appearance single petechiae.


Symptoms : gastralgia, agitation, anxiety, agitation, restlessness, confusion, dehydration, tachycardia, arrhythmia, hyperthermia, frequent urination, headache, tremor or muscle twitching; nausea and vomiting; ringing in the ears, epileptic seizures.

In newborns (including premature infants) with a plasma caffeine concentration of 50 mg/ml, possible toxic effects: anxiety, tachypnea, tachycardia, tremor, painful bloating or vomiting, increased Moro reflex, with more high concentrations- convulsions.

Treatment: maintaining pulmonary ventilation and oxygenation; for epileptic seizures - intravenously, or phenotoin; maintaining fluid and salt balance. Hemodialysis, in newborns, if necessary, exchange blood transfusion.


Reduces the effect of sleeping pills and narcotic drugs, increases (improving bioavailability) - acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol and other non-narcotic analgesics, increases the excretion of lithium drugs in the urine. Concomitant use drugs with beta-blockers can lead to mutual suppression therapeutic effects. Accelerates absorption and enhances the effect of cardiac glycosides, increasing their toxicity.

Special instructions:

It should be borne in mind that sudden cessation of the drug may lead to increased inhibition of the central nervous system (drowsiness, depression). The effect on the central nervous system depends on the type of nervous system and can manifest itself as both excitation and inhibition of higher nervous activity.

Due to the fact that the effect of caffeine on blood pressure consists of vascular and cardiac components, as a result, both the effect of stimulation of the heart and inhibition (weak) of its activity can develop.

For apnea in newborns and children infancy V postoperative period(prevention), use either caffeine citrate, but not sodium benzoate.

Do not take before bedtime.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles. Wed and fur.:

Given the side effects of the drug during treatment, care must be taken when managing vehicles, doing activities with otherssocially dangerous species activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Release form/dosage:

Solution for subcutaneous and subconjunctival administration 100 mg/ml and 200 mg/ml.


1 ml or 2 ml in neutral glass ampoules. 10 ampoules along with a knife for opening ampoules or an ampoule scarifier and instructions for use in a cardboard box. 5 ampoules per blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and printed aluminum foil, varnished or without foil. 2 contour blister packs along with instructions for use and a knife for opening ampoules or an ampoule scarifier in a cardboard pack. When using ampoules with notches, rings and dots, do not insert an ampoule scarifier or a knife for opening ampoules.

Storage conditions:

At temperatures from 15 to 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date:

5 years.

Do not use after expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: By prescription Registration number: LS-000493 Registration date: 05.05.2010 / 27.12.2012 Expiration date: Indefinite Owner of the Registration Certificate:DALKHIMFARM, JSC Russia Manufacturer:   Information update date:   21.01.2018 Illustrated instructions

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Caffeine. Feedback from site visitors - consumers - is presented of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Caffeine in their practice. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Caffeine analogues, if available structural analogues. Use for treatment low blood pressure(hypotension), spasms and drowsiness in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Caffeine- psychostimulant and analeptic. It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, mainly on the cerebral cortex, respiratory and vasomotor centers. Increases mental and physical performance, reduces drowsiness and fatigue. Weakens the effect of CNS depressants. It has a pronounced effect on the cardiovascular system: it increases the strength and frequency of heart contractions, increases blood pressure during hypotension. Has moderate diuretic effect. Increases the secretion of gastric glands.


  • diseases accompanied by depression of the central nervous system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems(including poisoning with opioid analgesics, infectious diseases);
  • spasms of cerebral vessels;
  • decreased mental and physical performance;
  • drowsiness.

Release forms

Solution for subcutaneous administration.

Tablets 100 mg Caffeine sodium benzoate.

Instructions for use and dosage

Injected subcutaneously or taken orally. Adults - 100-200 mg 2-3 times a day; children - 25-100 mg 2-3 times a day.

Side effectsvie

  • sleep disturbance;
  • excitation;
  • anxiety;
  • with prolonged use, addiction is possible;
  • tachycardia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • arrhythmias;
  • nausea, vomiting.


  • arterial hypertension;
  • organic diseases of the cardiovascular system (including severe atherosclerosis);
  • glaucoma;
  • increased excitability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • old age.

Special instructions

It can be used as mono- or as part of combination therapy.

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously, the effect decreases sleeping pills and drugs for anesthesia.

With simultaneous use, it is possible to enhance the effect of analgesics-antipyretics, salicylamide, naproxen.

With simultaneous use of estrogens ( hormonal contraceptives, drugs for HRT) it is possible to increase the intensity and duration of action of caffeine due to the inhibition of the CYP1A2 isoenzyme by estrogens.

With simultaneous use of adenosine, caffeine reduces increased heart rate and changes in blood pressure caused by adenosine infusion; reduces vasodilation caused by the action of adenosine.

With simultaneous use, it is possible to increase the bioavailability, absorption rate and plasma concentration of acetylsalicylic acid.

With simultaneous use, mexiletine reduces the clearance of caffeine and increases its plasma concentrations, apparently due to mexiletine inhibition of caffeine metabolism in the liver.

Methoxsalen reduces the excretion of caffeine from the body with a possible increase in its effect and the development of toxic effects.

Due to the induction of microsomal liver enzymes under the influence of phenytoin, its simultaneous use accelerates the metabolism and excretion of caffeine.

Fluconazole and terbinafine cause a moderate increase in the concentration of caffeine in the blood plasma, ketoconazole - less pronounced.

The most pronounced increase in AUC and decrease in clearance are observed with simultaneous use of caffeine with enoxacin, ciprofloxacin, pipemidic acid; less pronounced changes - with pefloxacin, norfloxacin, fleroxacin.

When used simultaneously, caffeine accelerates the absorption of ergotamine.

Analogues of the drug Caffeine

Structural analogues according to active substance:

  • Dia-Activanad-N;
  • Caffeine anhydrous;
  • Caffeine sodium benzoate.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Transparent colorless or slightly yellowish liquid.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Psychostimulants and nootropics. Xanthine derivatives.

ATX code N06BC01

Pharmacological properties"type="checkbox">

Pharmacological properties


The drug is quickly distributed in all organs and tissues of the body. Communication with blood proteins (albumin) – 25-36%. Easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier and placenta. Passes into breast milk. The volume of distribution in adults is 0.4-0.6 l/kg, in newborns – 0.78-0.92 l/kg.

More than 90% is metabolized in the liver dose taken of the drug, in children of the first years of life up to 10-15%. In adults, about 80% of a caffeine dose is metabolized to paraxanthine, about 10% to theobromine, and about 4% to

theophylline. These compounds are subsequently demethylated into monomethylxanthines and then into methylated uric acids. The half-life in adults is 3.9-5.3 hours (sometimes up to 10 hours), in newborns (up to 4-7 months of age) - 65-130 hours. Caffeine and its metabolites are excreted by the kidneys (1-2% are excreted unchanged in adults, and up to 85% in newborns).


Caffeine is an alkaloid found in tea leaves and coffee beans. The pharmacological properties of the drug are divided into central and peripheral.

The central effects, in turn, are divided into psychostimulating and analeptic. The psychostimulant effect of Caffeine-sodium benzoate-Darnitsa is associated with its antagonism to the action of adenosine on purinergic (adenosine) A-1 and A-2 receptors in the central nervous system (CNS). Adenosine is known to suppress central nervous system functions. Under the influence of the drug increases mental activity, mental and physical performance. The psychostimulating effect is directly dependent on the dose. Small doses stimulate the functions of the central nervous system, large doses inhibit them (due to depletion of nerve cells).

The analeptic effect of Caffeine-sodium benzoate-Darnitsa is associated with its effect on the respiratory and hemodynamic centers of the medulla oblongata. As a result, an increase in the frequency and volume of inhalation is observed.

The peripheral effects of the drug are not clear and are related to its dose and level of influence on the vascular bed and myocardium. Coronary blood flow first increases and then decreases, renal blood flow increases, blood vessels narrow abdominal cavity, skin. Under the influence of the drug, central blood circulation worsens and cerebrospinal fluid pressure decreases, which explains its effectiveness for migraines. The effect of the drug on the heart is ambiguous. In small doses it causes positive inotropic effect, in higher doses – positive chronotropic effect. In some people it can cause tachycardia and even arrhythmia.

Indications for use

Infectious and other diseases that are accompanied by depression of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems

Respiratory depression, asphyxia

Poisoning with drugs and other substances that depress the central nervous system

Asthenic syndrome

Spasms of cerebral vessels

Directions for use and doses

For adults, administer the drug subcutaneously in a dose of 1-2 ml of a 10% solution (100-200 mg). Higher single dose– 400 mg, maximum daily dose– 1 year

For children over 12 years of age, the drug should be administered subcutaneously in a dose (depending on

age) 0.25-1 ml of 10% solution (25-100 mg).

Side effects"type="checkbox">

Side effects

Excitement, anxiety, tremor, restlessness, insomnia, headache, dizziness, epileptic seizures, increased reflexes, tachypnea. If the drug is suddenly discontinued after long-term use– increased effect on the central nervous system, increased fatigue,

drowsiness, muscle tension, depression

Palpitations, chest tightness, tachycardia, arrhythmias, increased blood pressure

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, exacerbation of peptic ulcer

Hypersensitivity reactions, including rash, itching, urticaria, angioedema, bronchospasm

Hypo- or hyperglycemia, increased creatinine clearance, increased

excretion of sodium and calcium, false promotion urinary concentration

acids in blood plasma determined by the Bittner method, slight increase concentrations of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, vanillylmandelic acid and catecholamines in urine

Other: increased frequency of urination, nasal congestion,

long-term use – addiction, drug addiction


Increased sensitivity to xanthine derivatives and other components of the drug

Increased excitability



Organic diseases of the cardiovascular system, including acute

myocardial infarction

Paroxysmal tachycardia

Arterial hypertension


Age over 60 years

Pregnancy, lactation period

Children's age up to 12 years

Drug interactions"type="checkbox">

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously with other drugs


with alpha and beta-agonists, analgesics-antipyretics,

clozapine, xanthine derivatives, psychostimulants,

cardiac glycosides, thyroid-stimulatingmimeans– enhancing the effects of the above-mentioned drugs;

with anxiolytics, opioid analgesics, hypnotics and sedatives – weakening of the effects of the above-mentioned drugs;

With antiarrhythmic drugs(mexiletine), hormonal oral contraceptives, disulfiram, enoxacin, erythromycin,

isoniazid, methoxsalen, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, cimetidine,

ciprofloxacin– increased effects of caffeine;

with antidepressants, barbiturates,beta-adrenoblockers, primidone, anticonvulsants(hydantoin derivatives, especially phenytoin), cholestyramine, anticholinergics– weakening the effects of caffeine;

with medications, stimulantsmicentral nervous

system, drinks containing caffeine– overstimulation

central nervous system;

with MAO inhibitors, procarbazine, furazolidone– dangerous arrhythmias or severe increases in blood pressure;

with ergotamine– increased absorption of the latter from the gastrointestinal tract;

with calcium supplements– weakening of absorption of the latter from the gastrointestinal tract;

with drugamilithium– increased excretion of the latter in urine;

with nicotine– increased excretion of caffeine in urine.

The drug slightly increases the concentration of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid when determined in urine.

The drug slightly increases the concentration of catecholamines and

vanillylmandelic acid, which can lead to false positive

test results for diagnosing pheochromocytoma and neuroblastoma.

The drug should not be used during tests.

The drug may lead to false results in determining serum urate concentration using the Bittner method.

Caffeine is an adenosine antagonist.

Special instructions

The effect on the central nervous system depends on the type of nervous system and can manifest itself as both excitation and inhibition of the higher nervous system.


Due to the fact that the effect of caffeine on blood pressure consists of vascular and cardiac components, it can develop as an effect

stimulation of the heart and slight inhibition of its activity.

Use with caution in patients peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum history of epilepsy

For apnea in newborns and infants in the postoperative period (prevention), caffeine or caffeine citrate is used, but not

caffeine sodium benzoate.


The drug should not be used in children under 12 years of age.

Pregnancy and lactation

The drug should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Features of influence medicine on the ability to drive vehicles and potentially dangerous mechanisms

During treatment, care should be taken when driving vehicles and working with other mechanisms, and in case of side effects from the nervous system, refrain from working with potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.



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