Why do I have bleeding and ichor after my period? Photo of ichorous discharge Discharge in women is like ichor

They accompany every woman throughout her life. However, with the onset of pregnancy, their nature changes somewhat. Normally, discharge during pregnancy should be whitish and thick in the second (due to increased activity), and transparent liquid in the second (when the hormone estrogen comes to the fore). Probably all women know that what has started does not bode well and obliges them to immediately call an ambulance. But what should you do and what should you think when you find yourself with bloody discharge during pregnancy?

Normal bloody discharge during pregnancy

Bloody discharge during pregnancy may actually be normal - this is good news. However, in practice this does not happen very often - and this is bad news. In most cases, they foretell a threat of pregnancy.

However, they are not always a cause for concern. Most often, “normal” blood discharge is observed in the very early stages of pregnancy, when the woman may not yet know her position. On days 7-14 after conception, the egg reaches the uterus and implants. To attach to the uterine epithelium, it sort of “scrapes out” the cells, making a “mink” for itself. This process may be accompanied by scanty brownish or sanguineous discharge, which a woman often perceives as premature menstruation.

Implantation of the egg lasts several days, and its activity during this period is not the same. So it is quite normal when at this stage you notice that a small discharge of blood repeats the next day or every other day.

Throughout the first trimester, it is normal for blood discharge to appear on the days when you had your period before pregnancy. However, not all experts agree with this. Recently, more and more gynecologists are inclined to believe that the 4-5th, 8-9th and 11-12th weeks of pregnancy are when the fetus is at greatest risk. And the bleeding that occurs these days cannot in any way be called normal.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy can also be observed at the end of the pregnancy, when the mucus plug begins to come off. In this case, it is released from the vagina (in small portions or in a whole “piece”), which may contain bloody inclusions. The passage of the mucus plug portends an imminent birth.

Pathological bloody discharge during pregnancy

But if blood discharge during pregnancy is accompanied by any other signs or does not fit the conditions described above, then most likely we are talking about some kind of threat. There can be many pathological reasons for the appearance of bloody discharge during this period:

  • Threat of miscarriage. When the threat begins, the embryo is rejected from the uterus, which is accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood. If the process is not expressed, then the discharge is brown or bloody. In 95% of cases, timely seeking qualified help allows you to maintain a pregnancy. Moreover, you can refuse hospitalization, just follow some rules at home: completely eliminate any physical labor, abstain from sex for a while, do not allow heat exposure to the pelvic and abdominal area. And, of course, follow your doctor's instructions.
  • Frozen pregnancy. If the embryo freezes early, spontaneous abortion most often occurs. But sometimes the situation requires intervention. Fetal freezing can be confirmed. However, do not rush to act: there are cases when old equipment and stupid ultrasound specialists caused the killing of living embryos. Therefore, we recommend rechecking the diagnosis on 2-3 different devices.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. One of the first may be bloody discharge. If there is any suspicion, an ultrasound should be performed immediately. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the pregnancy will have to be terminated (the embryo will not be able to grow outside the uterus), and in most cases, the better, the sooner.
  • Placenta previa. This is what they call a very low position. Due to its friction against the surface of the cervix, scanty urinary discharge may be observed.
  • Placental abruption. It most often occurs in late pregnancy for a variety of reasons. When there is a tear in the places where the placenta is attached, blood begins to be released, and if the process is not expressed, ichor begins to appear. The condition is dangerous and requires hospitalization.
  • Premature birth. In the later stages, the threat of miscarriage is called premature birth, and it can also be accompanied by bloody discharge. In this case, you should go to the hospital immediately. Often the process can be stopped.
  • Cervical erosion. Cervical erosion is a common occurrence in gynecology. However, treatment can only be carried out after childbirth.
  • Sexual infections. During pregnancy, this reason is rarely relevant, since usually pregnant women are examined at the very beginning of the term and do not subsequently lead a promiscuous sex life. However, it is also not excluded. Different infections are accompanied by different accompanying symptoms. This may include rashes in the genital area and anus, irritation, burning sensation and severe itching, unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge, increased body temperature, pain in the lower abdomen and others.

What to do?

Only a gynecologist can establish the cause of urinary discharge during pregnancy with high certainty, and often only after his patient has undergone an ultrasound examination. An ultrasound will help determine the attachment site of the embryo, whether it has a heartbeat, the condition and location of the placenta, and other nuances.

Therefore, if you notice bloody discharge during pregnancy, do not delay. This is exactly the case when it is better to be on the safe side - go to the doctor.

When to call an ambulance?

But in some cases it is necessary to act immediately:

  • if blood discharge is accompanied by a strong increase in body temperature;
  • if bleeding begins after bloody discharge;
  • if, in addition to bloody discharge, you experience severe pain radiating to the rectal area.

In any of the above situations, immediately call an ambulance, but in the meantime, lie down on a flat surface with your legs slightly elevated. However, we want this information to remain a theoretical aid for you. Let everything in practice be safe and rosy! Have an easy birth!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

quickly: it is not uncommon for them to continue to secrete a few days after injury. transparent ichor, or lymph. Normally, lymph is involved in cleansing tissues of dirt particles and dead cells. Let's consider in what cases it is necessary to stop its exudation.

Photo 1. If treated incorrectly, lymph turns into pus. Source: Flickr (jmawork)

Why is clear liquid flowing from the wound?

When body tissues are damaged, the phenomenon of exudation occurs at the site of injury: the vessels increase their capacity and fluid enters the intercellular space. This is how the body tries to get rid of foreign microorganisms. The watery ichor, having fulfilled its role, forms a protective film on the wound.

But sometimes the healing process is disrupted: for example, in the absence of a large damaged area, it becomes infected. Then the lymph continues to abundantly irrigate the wound.

Description of lymph (ichor)

At the moment, the lymphatic system is one of the least studied structures of the human body. It is believed that it is just an application to the cardiovascular system. The functions of lymph are to nourish body tissues, filtering out waste products, and transport lymphocytes.

Its structure includes vessels, nodes and organs (spleen, thymus gland behind the sternum and tonsils).

The lymphatic system performs its functions through the flow of lymph - a fluid that circulates freely in the body and, if necessary, enters the intercellular space. Its content in the body is approximately 1-3 liters. Lymph moves from bottom to top at a speed of 5-16 cm/min.

She consists of two fractions: lymphoplasm and formed elements(lymphocytes, leukocytes). The plasma component includes proteins, electrolytes, enzymes, fats and sugars.

Lymph is usually a transparent substance, but milky white and yellowish colors are within normal limits.

How to distinguish pus from lymph

The formation of pus is associated with insufficient cleansing of the wound: dead protective cells (lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, etc.) in the released ichor become a breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms that inseminate the wound.

Pay attention! Purulent inflammation indicates that the immune and lymphatic systems cannot cope with the resulting load. Therefore, to avoid complications, antibiotics are prescribed for suppuration.

Lymph Pus
At what phase of healing does it occur? Inflammatory phase Inflammatory phase
ColorCharacterized by transparency; color ranges from white (cream) to yellowCloudy exudate of dirty yellow, green, gray, blue color (depending on the microbial composition)
SmellAbsentAt the beginning there is no selection; over time - unpleasant putrid
ConsistencyWatery, slightly viscousNewly formed pus is liquid; gets thicker over time
Presence of blood clots and vesselsMaybeMaybe

What to do in case of heavy discharge

With proper care, small scratches and abrasions disappear within a week without complications, and ichor no longer comes out of the wound.

To speed up the regeneration process, the following measures should be taken:

  • Use of medications. A whole class is presented on the pharmaceutical market - creams (Argosulfan with silver, Ambulance), ointments (ichthyol ointment, Levomekol), liniments (Vishnevsky ointment). These drugs have a drying and antibacterial effect on the wound surface. And sorbent dressings (“Voskosorb”) additionally increase the outflow of exudate.
  • Isolation of the wound. Dressings that are applied after treating the wound will help avoid repeated microbial contamination. Apply dressings made of sterile breathable materials (gauze, cotton wool) and change them at least twice a day.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases. Some diseases provoke slow healing of wounds: for example, not only the processes of skin restoration slow down, but also its destructive changes intensify - trophic ulcers appear on the legs.

Pay attention! If you are concerned about wounds after removal of stitches, you need to contact your doctor: he will assess the condition of the operated area, recommend products for treating the wound and prescribe procedures to improve lymphatic drainage.

Is it necessary to stop the flow of lymph from the wound?

The flow of lymph from a wound is a natural protective reaction of the body, therefore there is no need to stop its release during the inflammation phase(the first stage of wound healing, which lasts up to two days). During this period of time, enzymes and cells of the immune system destroy bacteria and fungi, and also stimulate the formation of new vascular bundles in the wound cavity.

Continued release of ichor 3-5 days after injury indicates the severity of the damage. In this case, it is necessary to stop the flow of lymph so as not to stimulate its degeneration into pus. It is necessary to urgently seek help from a medical institution (surgical department). You will likely need to drain the wound, debride it, and take antibiotics for a while.

Photo 2. If the wound does not heal for too long, antibiotics will be required.

Vaginal discharge is normal for a woman at any stage of her life, unless it is abnormal. During pregnancy, the discharge changes somewhat - in the first trimester it is whitish and thick, in the second it becomes clearer and thinner.

Naturally, heavy bleeding during pregnancy cannot bode well; in such situations it is better to consult a doctor immediately. But we’ll talk about bloody discharge and its danger/safety in this article.

Normal bloody discharge during pregnancy

So, indeed, bloody discharge during pregnancy may in fact be a variant of the absolute norm - this is, of course, good news for you. However, in practice, this version of the norm occurs, unfortunately, not very often - and this is correspondingly bad news. In most cases, any brownish vaginal discharge portends a threat to your pregnancy.

Should blood discharge during pregnancy always be a cause for concern?

In fact, sometimes discharge of this kind can be the norm, and do not portend anything bad for either the expectant mother or her child. But, unfortunately, it is often these discharges that signal serious disorders and the threat of miscarriage.

Such discharge can be acceptable only in the early stages of pregnancy, even before the 14th week, when the expectant mother herself may not know about the onset of pregnancy. In order to gain a foothold in the uterine epithelium, the fertilized egg pushes out some of the cells, which provokes spotting brownish discharge.

A woman may well think that she is starting to menstruate. This activity of the egg will continue for another couple of days, so it is not surprising if bloody discharge continues to appear.

And yet, most gynecologists do not consider such manifestations to be the norm, even in the early stages, and strongly recommend that you immediately consult a doctor if you discover a similar symptom.

Bloody discharge may appear in the very last stages of pregnancy, when the mucus plug begins to come off. This will signal to you that labor will begin very soon.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy, which may indicate the presence of pathology

If blood discharge does not appear during the periods described above and is accompanied by other symptoms, we can talk about serious problems. There are many reasons why such discharge may occur.
  1. Threat of miscarriage. At the initial stage of the threat of pregnancy, the embryo is rejected from the uterus. This process is accompanied by minor bleeding. If you seek help from a specialist in time, you can save this pregnancy. Hospitalization is also not always necessary. You may be allowed to stay at home, but you will have to strictly follow some rules: avoid physical activity, give up sex for a while and avoid heat exposure to the pelvis and abdomen.
  2. Bloody discharge during pregnancy can also signal the fading of the fetus. If freezing occurs in the early stages, spontaneous miscarriage occurs. But there are situations when medical intervention is simply necessary. In order to determine the condition of the embryo, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound diagnostics. It is better to consult several doctors and undergo several examinations before deciding to terminate the pregnancy. In the early stages, uzists can easily make mistakes.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy is another reason for the appearance of bloody discharge during pregnancy.. If your diagnosis is confirmed, the pregnancy must be terminated as quickly as possible, as this is a potential threat to the life and health of the woman.
  4. Bloody discharge may appear due to placenta previa, but this does not promise you big problems and danger. These are physiological features.
  5. Placental abruption is a more serious cause, which can harm both you and your child. Therefore, if placental abruption is suspected, urgent hospitalization is necessary.
  6. Premature birth. Accompanied by both scanty and abundant sanguineous discharge. The condition requires immediate hospitalization.
  7. Cervical erosion. This disease can be treated only in the postpartum period.
  8. Sexual infections. In addition to bloody discharge, additional symptoms may appear, for example, fever. It is necessary to get tested and not delay consultation with your doctor.
How to deal with the problem?
If you notice the appearance of bloody discharge, it is better not to delay it and immediately consult your doctor. He will prescribe additional tests for you if necessary. This can help keep you and your unborn baby healthy. But if the discharge becomes too abundant, do not be afraid to call an ambulance. Take care of your health.

Natalia Vasilenko

Vaginal discharge accompanies a woman throughout her life. Depending on their quality and color, you can judge women's health. Normally there are few of them, they have a slimy consistency, are transparent or whitish, and have a neutral odor. The slightest problems with the health of the reproductive system affect the quality of the secretion. It may develop an unpleasant odor and change color. The appearance of ichor in the discharge most often indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process.

What is bloody discharge? This is a secretion released from the vagina mixed with blood. A woman notices them by pink or brownish marks on underwear or pads.

Is it normal to produce such a secretion?

Don't worry

It is considered normal when the appearance of ichor almost coincides with the beginning of menstrual days. Spotting appears 2-3 days before the cycle and ends 1-2 days after. The color of the secretion varies from pale pink to brown. The body of many women gives such an individual hint about the onset of critical days.

It is considered absolutely natural to have spotting and spotting:

  • after childbirth – up to 4 weeks;
  • after a miscarriage or planned abortion – up to 3 weeks;
  • when taking hormonal contraception, while the body is at the “addiction” stage – 1-3 months.

In some women, bloody discharge appears in the middle of the cycle. The pinkish color of the secretion signals that ovulation has occurred, the egg has left the follicle, and the body is ready for conception.

This manifestation does not create discomfort for the woman. The appearance of a bloody “spot” is not accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Bloody secretion - pathology

The causes of prolonged blood discharge after menstruation - if it lasts more than a week - are diseases of the reproductive system.

Such diseases include: adnexitis, endometriosis, endometritis, endometrial hyperplasia, the occurrence of uterine fibroids and fibroids, malignant tumors.

All factors that provoke prolongation of menstruation are caused by hormonal imbalance; therefore, hormonal medications must be prescribed for treatment.

If a woman cannot use hormonal therapy due to chronic diseases or other pathologies in the body, then she should be very careful about her own condition and consult a doctor with any changes. Sometimes surgery may be required.

Traditional medicine helps stabilize the condition by offering recipes for herbal remedies that contain phytohormones. Unfortunately, such treatment can also cause undesirable side effects, and the condition stabilizes only as long as herbal preparations are used.

As soon as the course of treatment ends - and it cannot be used without a break for more than 2 months - after menstruation and in the middle of the cycle, discharge will again appear with the inclusion of bloody clots.

Also, bloody smears may indicate sexually transmitted diseases or inflammatory processes. If the secretion of ichor was provoked by these reasons, then the bleeding does not depend on the menstrual cycle.

Even if a woman knows for sure that she has tumors or endometriosis, if bleeding increases, she should consult a doctor. You can simultaneously have a history of fibroids, adnexitis and a sexually transmitted disease.

The fewer reasons for abnormal discharge at the same time, the better.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy is considered normal only in the first weeks, when women are not yet aware of their condition.

During pregnancy, bloody discharge can accompany the entire first trimester and coincide on days with the expected menstruation. These days, the risk of miscarriage increases, since such manifestations during pregnancy indicate insufficient progesterone production. It is considered especially dangerous if blood appears at 4, 5, 9 and 11 weeks.

In the early stages of pregnancy, a bloody secretion appears when the embryo is rejected. An additional symptom is pain in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of contractions. Painful sensations are often felt in the rectum and lower back. It is very important to be aware of what blood discharge looks like during pregnancy. If they are bright, immediate hospitalization is required. You can’t lie at home in this state and take the prescribed pills. According to the clinical picture, bleeding from the vessels of the uterus manifests itself, because of which the fetus experiences oxygen starvation.

Bloody discharge also occurs during ectopic pregnancy. At first they are light pink, then brownish - and at this stage you should consult a doctor. If you wait until dark blood comes out of the vagina, you may lose your fallopian tube during surgery. If you seek medical help before the rupture, it is possible to perform a laparoscopic operation and save the fallopian tube, which in the future will give you a chance to carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

Bloody discharge after childbirth

After childbirth, spotting that lasts up to 8 weeks is considered normal. They are called lochia. Secretion production continues all the time while the uterus is recovering from labor.

After childbirth, the discharge looks like this:

  • at first they are scarlet;
  • the very next day after birth they become brownish and thicken;
  • By the end of the week, bloody discharge is replaced by bloody discharge.

Gradually they turn pale, the color changes from brown to yellow, then - when the uterine mucosa has healed - they disappear.

If the secretion changes color from brownish to red and its quantity increases, you should consult a doctor. This is how the inflammatory process manifests itself.

Ichor is a clear liquid secreted from wounds. After a certain period, this liquid becomes a film covering the wound to protect it from infection. Why does ichor appear after menstruation, its causes, pathology or a completely natural phenomenon?

All women, without exception, know that vaginal discharge is a completely natural process. Based on quality, color, and intensity, conclusions can be drawn regarding the health of the reproductive system. In normal conditions, there is little discharge, it has a whitish color, the consistency of mucus and does not smell of anything. As soon as any health problems occur, this immediately affects the quality of the secretion. The color changes and a specific smell appears.

Ichor in the discharge before or after menstruation mainly occurs during an inflammatory focus. The secreted ichor is bloody impurities in the vaginal secretion. They appear as pinkish or brown marks on the laundry.

If the discharge of ichor begins immediately before menstruation, then this can be considered normal. If brownish marks appeared a few days before the cycle and ended a couple of days after its completion. This is a kind of warning from the body that menstruation will begin soon.

Blood secretion is considered quite normal:

  • after the baby is born (about four weeks);
  • pregnancy failure, planned abortion (up to three weeks);
  • when using oral tablets to prevent conception (until the body gets used to it).

Sometimes ichor appears in the middle of the cycle, during ovulation, and this is also not considered a deviation. Pinkish discharge indicates that the egg is fully mature and ready for fertilization. This phenomenon should not be accompanied by unpleasant sensations or discomfort.

Reasons for concern

If the discharge of ichor continues for more than seven days, is profuse, and is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen and back, then it is almost certainly considered a sign of an infectious, inflammatory disease or one transmitted during sexual intercourse. This could be endometritis, hyperplasia, endometriosis, adnexitis, neoplasms and any other pathological conditions.

Anything that prolongs the menstrual cycle is caused by hormonal imbalances. This means that therapy necessarily includes hormonal drugs. Sometimes the discharge of ichor means that conception has occurred. This occurs as a consequence of the attachment of the egg to the wall of the uterus. And if ichor before menstruation may be a normal phenomenon, then after it is almost certainly an indication of the development of the disease.


The pathological condition is endometritis, accompanied by watery discharge with bloody impurities and a specific odor. When such a secret gets on the gasket, it looks like streaks of dirt.

Spotting, odorless, mixed with blood may be a sign of endometriosis, hyperplasia, or a polyp in the uterus. Thickening of mucosal tissue is a rather serious disorder that affects the functions of the reproductive system and requires mandatory treatment.

Nature of the discharge

If the ichor is accompanied by severe bleeding, then this is a good reason to immediately consult a doctor. Intensive secretion of ichor, not associated with menstruation, indicates a pathological process. It is also worth noting infectious diseases. Any inflammation provokes increased formation of leukocytes. In the fight against pathogenic microorganisms, they die and are excreted from the body.

If the ichor appears as a result of inflammation, then the secretion will contain dead leukocytes. Mainly or greenish color.

In addition, greenish discharge may appear during pregnancy. They are also triggered by the presence of an infection, but in this case it has a chronic form. Pregnancy significantly weakens the defenses and chronic diseases begin to express themselves with various symptoms.

The secretion released from the vagina after the birth of the baby is called lochia. Such secretions contain postpartum mucus and blood and therefore take on a pinkish color. should not exceed eight weeks, but most often they last up to six weeks. Over time, they become colorless and without much odor.

After an involuntary or planned pregnancy loss, the same discharge appears as after childbirth. They also contain endometrial tissue, but the ichor is separated in greater quantities. The duration of secretion is also important. It should not exceed ten days. If bloody mucus with other impurities is released for more than this period, then most likely there is a focus of inflammation in the reproductive system or organs that requires immediate treatment.

Menopause period

If ichor occurs in the month when, then it can be considered a cause for alarm. Under normal health conditions, such discharge should not occur. Nevertheless, many women experience such symptoms during menopause.

This period is most conducive to the occurrence of disorders in the reproductive system. For this reason, it is extremely important to monitor the condition of the uterus and vagina, since many serious diseases do not manifest symptoms in the early stages.

For example, endometrial polyps, uterine fibroids, malignant tumors. During menopause, only clear discharge and in small quantities is considered normal. This period is more characterized by a feeling of dryness, burning, and mucus is produced in very small quantities.

For this reason, excessive secretion of yellow, pinkish or whitish secretion is considered a cause for concern and consultation with a doctor. You definitely need to undergo an examination, especially if.

Consequences of hormone therapy

Basically, treatment with hormonal drugs has a beneficial effect on the condition of the endometrium and the reproductive system as a whole. But if the therapy lasts for a fairly long period, significant changes occur in the genital organs, as a result of which microcracks and minute bleeding occur.

This also provokes the release of ichor, the appearance of which should be reported to the doctor so that he can adjust the treatment regimen or dosage of medications taken.

In small quantities, hormones have a positive effect on a woman’s reproductive system. After restoration of the mucous membrane, without blood clots. If the organs are completely healthy, then the secretion contains practically no white matter. All that remains is to maintain the condition of the mucous membrane, to control that the color of the discharge and its intensity remain unchanged.

Traditional medicine has options to help stabilize the condition. For this purpose, there are products that contain plants containing phytohormones. But it is worth paying attention to the possible side effects of such treatment. In addition, the effect of traditional medicines remains only as long as they are taken.

Upon completion of the course of treatment, which cannot last more than two months, ichor may appear again before menstruation. This situation cannot be avoided without a medical examination, since the discharge can be caused by serious sexually transmitted diseases, infectious or inflammatory.

If blood discharge is not determined by the monthly cycle, then pathology is almost certainly present and should be identified in order to prescribe competent treatment.

Even if it is reliably known for what reason the ichor occurred, if the condition worsens, you should also go to the hospital. It is possible at the same time to have a history of a whole complex of painful conditions - fibroids, adnexitis and some kind of venereal disease.


The causes of bloody discharge can be different. Therefore, if ichor appears after menstruation, then in any case it is necessary to conduct a full medical examination and find out what causes such discharge. Self-medication in such a situation is categorically unacceptable, as it can cause harm and aggravate the disease, causing the disease to become chronic.

If you identify the disease at an early stage of its development, then the chances of avoiding surgery and avoiding complications are very high. Before seeing a doctor, it makes sense to check the possibility of conception (carry out two or three tests) in order to exclude options such as ectopic pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage, when a delay can be fraught with the death of the fetus or woman.




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