It stings under the eye, which could be the case. Endocrine eye disorders

Such an unpleasant symptom as burning eyes can occur from time to time in anyone, even a completely healthy person from the point of view of ophthalmology. The eyes turn red, begin to water and itch. Before you start treating the burning sensation, you should figure out why your eyes are burning. In most cases, it is enough to eliminate the irritating factor, and the discomfort goes away on its own. But if the burning sensation in the eyes bothers you more and more often and is not relieved by the usual eye drops, you should not postpone a visit to the ophthalmologist. He will find out what the reason is and tell you what to do next.

What can trigger the symptom

Causes of burning eyes that are not associated with any ophthalmological diseases may be as follows:

  • Climate. After swimming in salty sea water, working in a field or open area under the scorching sun, or in a strong wind, the eyes often burn, itch and turn red. In hot weather, the cornea dries out, which can also cause discomfort.
  • Ecology. Residents of large cities, workers at chemical plants, or people living near hazardous enterprises often have burning eyes, headaches, and dry noses. All this is exposure to smog or toxic chemical fumes.
  • Cosmetics . If not only the eye itself is red and itchy, but also the skin around the eyes, perhaps it’s all because of a new soap that doesn’t suit you, makeup remover milk, or decorative cosmetics. It’s not difficult to track reactions to cosmetic products: you just need to completely exclude everything for a few days, and then test them one by one.
  • Allergy. Manifestations of allergies are similar to a reaction to an unfavorable environmental situation: mucous membranes dry out and become irritated, tears flow profusely, sneezing and coughing occur, and headaches may bother you. Symptoms appear upon contact with an irritant allergen - pets, pollen, mold, etc.
  • Entry of foreign bodies. Dust, sand, hairs, and other small particles that come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye injure it and cause severe irritation and burning.

In all of these cases, burning eyes can be easily cured on your own, without the help of a qualified doctor. As a rule, it goes away on its own after the main irritant is eliminated. If this does not happen, most likely, we are talking about some kind of ophthalmological pathology.

Note: often builders' eyes hurt and itch after welding, working with paints and varnishes, or mineral wool. You should definitely use a protective mask and goggles at work, and it wouldn’t hurt to purchase moisturizing and protective eye drops for regular use. If the symptom does not go away, it makes sense to change profession - constant inflammation of the conjunctiva can lead to the development of very serious pathologies, including loss of vision and disability.

What diseases can it occur with?

So, if the issue is not poor-quality cosmetics or polluted air, if you notice that the burning sensation occurs more and more often, becomes permanent, and other symptoms are added, perhaps we are talking about the following pathologies:

  • Dry eye syndrome is often found in office workers who spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer monitor.
  • Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • Keratitis is inflammation of the cornea.
  • Blepharitis is an inflammation that affects the eyelids.
  • Sjögren's syndrome.

Itching in the eyes can be a symptom of the initial stage of such an unpleasant disease as blepharitis, more popularly known as stye

Sometimes itching and burning in the eyes is caused by the use of inappropriate medications. Before visiting an ophthalmologist, you should definitely remember what medications you have taken recently and inform him about this during the consultation.

When to see a doctor

Often people do not attach much importance to burning eyes until this symptom is joined by others that are more alarming. These include:

  • visual impairment;
  • severe lacrimation;
  • photophobia;
  • redness and severe swelling of the lower and upper eyelids;
  • crusts on the eyelashes, accumulation of pus in the corners of the eyes after sleep;
  • headaches.

Any of these symptoms of burning eyes are reason to immediately consult a doctor, get examined and receive the necessary treatment.

Treatment methods

An effective method of treating burning eyes can be selected only by knowing the cause of this symptom. Traditionally, eye drops are prescribed to relieve itching, burning in the eyes, redness, and a feeling of dryness and grit in the eyes.

In most cases, it is possible to relieve an unpleasant symptom with the help of properly selected moisturizing and protective eye drops

Further therapy is prescribed depending on the diagnosis.

  • If the burning sensation in the eyes is caused by infection and inflammation, then the doctor will select topical antibacterial drugs. These can be drops, ointments, gels. Sometimes, for generalized infections, they are combined with systemic antibiotics.
  • For allergies accompanied by burning and redness of the eyes, lacrimation, antihistamines are selected. It is imperative to identify and eliminate the allergen irritant, otherwise no remedy will be effective.
  • In case of injuries to the organs of vision, complex treatment is prescribed. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, the doctor will select drops or ointment with a moisturizing, softening, and protective effect. To prevent or eliminate infection of microdamages, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents will be prescribed. Usually the complex is supplemented with immunomodulating drugs and vitamins.

If you have to spend a lot of time at the computer, you will definitely need to review your work schedule and adjust it to get rid of eye discomfort

To ensure that drug treatment is as effective as possible and that the problem does not return over time, a certain regimen must be followed. The rules are simple and will not seriously change the patient’s lifestyle:

  • If you have to spend a lot of time every day at the computer, driving a car, or working with a computer, you need to accustom yourself to take short breaks from work every hour to an hour and a half. It’s enough just to close your eyes for a few minutes, move your gaze to another object or outside the window, close them and relax;
  • choose the right optical devices for vision correction. Incorrectly chosen glasses or contact lenses can cause not only burning and discomfort, but also headaches, chronic fatigue and even eye inflammation;
  • remember the rules of personal hygiene. When washing, you need to make sure that soap and other products do not get into your eyes and do not irritate the mucous membranes. It is better to remove decorative cosmetics with milk or special oil. Contact lenses should be cleaned regularly and stored properly, and if they become dirty or broken, they should be replaced immediately. Don't rub your eyes with dirty hands. If a speck gets in, remove it with a clean napkin or wash your eyes.

The burning sensation in the eyes seems like a small thing at first glance, but you shouldn’t ignore it or tolerate it. Those who have had to deal with chronicity and exacerbation of such a symptom will never neglect the recommended advice. The quality of life, even with such a minor symptom, is significantly reduced if it bothers you constantly.

Folk remedies against burning eyes

If a pharmacy is inaccessible, and the sensations become unbearable, affordable and proven folk remedies will always come to the rescue. Here's what you can try to relieve the unpleasant symptom.

Chamomile compresses

To make such a compress, you can use chamomile tea bags, previously steamed in warm water. If you don’t have these on hand, brew a spoonful of dry chamomile in a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Two cotton sponges are soaked in the resulting infusion and applied to the eyes for a quarter of an hour. If the burning sensation is severe, you can do this procedure every two hours.

Regular chamomile helps quickly relieve redness, itching, swelling and burning

Infusion of dried blueberries and barberries

This remedy helps to quickly relieve inflammation of the visual organs and strengthen them. To prepare, place a large spoonful of berries in a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiling water. The medicine is infused in a closed thermos for at least 6 hours. You should drink it throughout the day like tea, the course of treatment lasts at least two weeks.

Tea lotions and rinses

This is a traditional folk remedy, effective, proven, safe and affordable, which is used to eliminate inflammation in allergies, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, and microtrauma of the eye. You can wash and drip the affected eyes with strained tea leaves without sugar. You can also put tea bags on your eyelids. Regular black tea is used without flavorings or additives.

Every patient should understand that folk remedies are used only as emergency aid if for some reason the doctor is unavailable. In no case should they be considered as the only method of treatment. Medicinal herbs will not be able to cope with a bacterial infection or serious metabolic disorder on their own. Therefore, at the first opportunity, you should contact a qualified specialist, undergo a full examination and find out why your eyes are bothering you.

What you should absolutely not do

You should not try to get rid of a strong burning sensation on your own using folk remedies. Without knowing exactly the cause of an annoying symptom, you can harm yourself even more. Even if you really need to go to work, you should never wear contact lenses if your eyes are irritated - then the burning, uncomfortable sensations will become completely unbearable. You should also not use decorative cosmetics.

Even an ailment as innocent as it may seem, such as itching, dryness and burning of the mucous membranes of the eyes, can actually be a symptom of the onset of a dangerous infectious disease. It’s easier and safer to immediately consult an ophthalmologist and take action than to spend weeks dealing with complications and consequences.

“The eyes are the mirror of the soul.” And I really want it to be pleasant to look at. But human vision is capricious; if it is lost, it is practically impossible to restore it to its previous form. If unpleasant symptoms and discomfort appear, including burning in the eyes, you should immediately seek advice from an ophthalmologist, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable.

Causes of burning eyes

Burning in the eyes is a rather unpleasant symptom; it not only interferes with life, introducing discomfort into it, but also visually makes the eyes tired and red, which does not give a person (especially a woman) beauty. If such a problem arises, it must be dealt with, and in order to effectively carry out treatment, accordingly, you need to know the causes of burning in the eyes.

  • Eye injury: blow, fall, contact with a small sharp object on the cornea of ​​the eye.
  • Infectious eye disease. The etiology of such diseases may be different. Its causative agents can be fungal, viral infections, or pathogenic flora. Such symptoms can be caused by diseases such as influenza, conjunctivitis, ARVI and others.
  • Overstrain and eye fatigue can also provoke a burning sensation in the eyes.
  • Increased intraocular pressure associated with some neuralgic or ophthalmological disease.
  • Increased lacrimation and burning in the eyes may be symptoms of an allergic reaction to some irritant.
  • Burns of various etiologies. They can be of a thermal nature (exposure to objects that have a high temperature: steam, hot water...), as well as chemical effects (when some chemical substance gets into the eyes: household chemicals, chemical reagents...)
  • The cause of burning eyes can also be the endocrine system - problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Tobacco smoke.
  • Ophthalmological diseases can also lead to such symptoms. For example, such as glaucoma, conjunctivitis, cataracts and others.
  • Working air conditioner.
  • A burning and gritty feeling in the eyes may appear due to a decrease in the production of fluid by the lacrimal glands, that is, the patient receives the “dry eye effect.”
  • Burning eyes can also be caused by the wrong choice of contact lenses or violation of hygiene rules when wearing them.

Symptoms of burning eyes

What are the symptoms of burning eyes? This is a somewhat incorrect question. The burning sensation in itself is a symptom of many diseases. It is expressed by the appearance of discomfort: itching, peeling and redness in the eye area. Swelling and increased release of fluid from the lacrimal canal and photophobia may appear. In some cases, redness even appears on the iris of the eye.

Burning around the eyes

Such soil could be:

  • Pathology of the function of the endocrine glands.
  • Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pathology of the sebaceous glands.
  • Various liver diseases.
  • Pathological changes occurring in the nervous system.
  • And others.

Also, the cause of burning around the eyes can be an allergic reaction (vascular dystonia), for example, to a cream applied to the face.

In order to correctly diagnose the cause that causes the burning sensation, the patient must immediately contact a local physician, who, if necessary, will refer him to a more specialized doctor: a dermatologist, ophthalmologist, allergist, and so on.

Pain and burning in the eyes

Itching and burning sensations are a symptom of many diseases, and only by consulting a doctor can a correct diagnosis be made and the causes of its occurrence established. Some diseases include pain and burning in the eyes in their symptoms. Painful manifestations can be both internal and external. In intensity they can be sharp and pulsating, or they can be dull and aching. The pain can last constantly or its manifestation varies in frequency. Painful symptoms are often accompanied by redness of the eye. You can't hesitate. An urgent consultation and examination by a doctor is required, who will provide first aid.

When pain and burning in the eyes is constant, especially if it intensifies with pressure or during movement, these symptoms may indicate an inflammatory etiology of the process: uveitis (inflammation of the uvea), iridocyclitis (inflammation of the ciliary body of the eyeball and iris), conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye) and others. In this case, medical assistance should be provided as quickly as possible.

Cutting and burning in the eyes

Redness, discomfort, pain and burning in the eyes - this is not always associated with a speck of dust getting into the eye or sitting for a long time in front of the computer. These and some other manifestations may be symptoms of inflammatory processes that occur in the eye area. With inflammation of the mucous membrane, conjunctivitis progresses. The same symptoms manifest themselves in diseases such as blepharitis and fungal infections of the mucous membrane.

Cutting and burning in the eyes are often accompanied by redness, increased secretion of tears from the lacrimal canal, and painful sensations when exposed to light. Pain in the eyes can also appear in a smoky, dusty room, or in a room with a low percentage of humidity (that is, when the air in the room is quite dry). These symptoms are also quite often present in people wearing soft contact lenses.

Burning and redness of the eyes

Blepharitis is one of the most common causes of eye redness. The causative agent of the inflammatory process is often an infection that affects the follicles located in the moist area of ​​the eyelid. But not only this symptom is an indicator of this disease. Burning and redness of the eyes, irritating itching, the formation of a dry crust that covers the eyelid - all this signals to its owner that an infection has entered the body and urgent measures must be taken. At the same time, you should not self-medicate; incorrect selection of medications and their dosage can cause even greater harm to the patient’s health.

Conjunctivitis can also show the same symptoms. There are many causative agents of this disease: these include pathogenic bacteria, various viruses that irritate allergic particles. If the cause of conjunctivitis is a virus, then such a patient is dangerous to others, since “this infection” can be infected by airborne droplets.

One of the most dangerous diseases accompanied by a burning sensation in the eyes is uveitis - an inflammatory process that occurs in the blood vessels that cover the entire lining of the eye.

And the disease itself and its manifestations are not as scary as the complications after it. The root cause of the disease can be autoimmune pathology, poisoning with toxic fumes, and severe infections. One of the main and severe consequences of this disease is complete blindness.

Another cause of burning eyes can be corneal ulcers - a fairly rare occurrence. Ulcers appear due to damage to the iris of the eye by a certain category of pathogenic bacteria.

The eye can also become “red” in case of exacerbation of glaucoma, in which intraocular pressure rises sharply. In this case, acute pain and blurred vision are felt.

Another cause of burning and redness of the eye may be injury to the cornea. Scratches can appear on the surface due to dust microparticles or due to improper use of contact lenses.

A decrease in blood clotting or taking significant doses of medications can also cause redness of the eye and a burning sensation.

Therefore, in order to get rid of burning eyes, you must first establish the cause that triggered the disease, and only after that you need to start treatment. It is not the symptom itself that needs to be treated, but its cause. But you must remember that under no circumstances should you touch your eyes with your hands, scratch or rub them - redness and itching will only increase. It is necessary, without delay, to consult a doctor for examination.

Burning eyes and watery eyes

Burning eyes and watery eyes are usually a sign of an allergic reaction developing. The lacrimal glands begin to produce fluid at an accelerated rate, as if they want to wash away the irritant that led to such consequences. Therefore, if signs of allergy appear, it is necessary to take an antihistamine in time (in the form of one or two tablets) and use drops that contain corticosteroid hormones.

Dryness and burning in the eyes

If a person spends a long period of time at the computer or in his work it is necessary to be concentrated and attentive all the time, the eyes are constantly under tension, as a result - getting dry eye syndrome. When working with office equipment, the eyes “forget” to blink frequently, wetting the mucous membrane with moisture, it begins to dry out, which provokes dryness and burning in the eyes.

In this case, you should use drops (the so-called “Artificial tear”), which will moisturize the surface of the eyeball. In the evening, before going to bed, it is advisable to carry out procedures that relax the eye muscles, for example, applying compresses from chamomile infusion.

Burning under the eyes

The most vulnerable place on a person's face is the skin above and under the eyes. In these areas it is four times thinner than in others. Thanks to this, they are the first to undergo aging, and they are the most vulnerable place for infection and other irritants. Quite often, especially in the spring-autumn period, a burning sensation under the eyes appears as a reaction to allergenic microparticles, although dermatological diseases can also show the same picture.

Therefore, you should not self-medicate: diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment. This should be done by a specialist. In this case, you need to make an appointment with an allergist and dermatologist; only they will correctly differentiate the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

Burning skin around the eyes

The most delicate and sensitive skin on the human face is found around the eyes. She is the first to respond to any external or internal stimuli and disturbances. Burning skin around the eyes can become a symptom of either an allergic reaction to one of the medications or to a super modern elite cream; the cause of these manifestations, after a series of clinical tests, can only be determined by an allergist or dermatologist. Therefore, you should not get upset or start treatment on your own. It is better to do this as directed and under the supervision of a specialist.

Severe burning in the eyes

Severe burning in the eyes can become a symptom of a pathology caused by a burn to the cornea of ​​the eye. If the rules for using chemicals have been violated (work related to chemical production or unsuccessful handling of household chemicals, etc.), then there is a high probability of receiving a chemical burn to the eye, both through vapors and when liquid fractions directly enter the eye area.

A burn can be of thermal origin, that is, formed under the influence of high temperatures. In this case, the victim experiences pain and severe burning in the eyes. In this case, urgent medical attention is necessary, as a complication can be complete blindness of the person.

Diagnosis of burning in the eyes

In case of injury, burn or manifestations of the symptoms described above, it is necessary to urgently seek advice and examination from an ophthalmologist, who will conduct a complete diagnosis of the patient and only after that will make his verdict - make a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Diagnosis of burning eyes includes:

  • Visual examination of the patient by the doctor.
  • Determining the patient’s symptoms and medical history.
  • Determination of sensitivity to light.
  • The reaction of the pupils to a light stimulus.
  • Do you experience pain when moving your eyes?
  • Is there a decrease in vision?
  • If a bacteriological or infectious cause of infection is suspected, the doctor prescribes the necessary clinical tests.

Treatment for burning eyes

Many people may think that burning eyes are a minor discomfort that can be eliminated by taking a pill on their own or putting drops in the eyes. But you should immediately warn that self-medication is not the best solution to this problem. Improper use of drops can further aggravate the health situation. Therefore, if you experience a burning sensation in your eyes, contact your GP immediately or make an appointment with an ophthalmologist directly. Only a specialist, having established the correct diagnosis, can prescribe adequate treatment.

If the cause of unpleasant sensations is an infection, pathogenic flora or virus, then, accordingly, drugs are prescribed that can resist and fight this.

  • Tetracycline eye ointment

The doctor prescribes this drug for burns of the cornea of ​​the eye, minor household injuries, conjunctivitis and other eye diseases caused by pathogenic microbes.

The ointment is very carefully squeezed out of the tube, and a small amount (5-6 mm) is injected under the eyelid. This procedure must be carried out three to five times during the day. The duration of the treatment cycle depends on the pathology clinic.

The ointment must be applied very carefully so as not to injure the mucous membrane with the tip. After application, the tip of the tube must be wiped, preventing dirt and infection from getting inside the tube.

This ointment has virtually no contraindications or side effects, except for individual intolerance to the component composition of the drug.

  • Levomycetin (broad-spectrum antibiotic)

This medicine is administered orally half an hour before meals; if the patient’s symptoms include nausea with gag reflexes, then it is better to take it an hour after meals. The dose is selected purely individually, depending on the clinical picture and the severity of its manifestation.

The starting dosage for an adult patient starts at 250 – 500 mg. The number of appointments is three to four per day. The average daily intake is 2g; in case of severe symptoms, this value can be increased to 3g per day.

For children aged three to eight years, a single dose is prescribed significantly lower - 150-200 mg in three to four doses. For children over eight years old - 200-300 mg with the same three to four injections of the drug.

The average duration of use is from a week to ten days, and only in case of medical necessity, in the absence of side effects, the use of this drug can be extended to two weeks.

The medical product in question is contraindicated in patients who suffer from increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, acute respiratory disease, skin diseases (such as psoriasis), if there is a history of eczema, pregnancy or breastfeeding. You should also not give this medicine to children under three years of age.

If the cause of burning in the eyes is the “dry eye effect,” then the doctor prescribes “Artificial tear” drops to the patient.

These drops are dripped directly into the conjunctival sac. The procedure is repeated four to eight times throughout the day, introducing one to two drops. Duration – at least two to three weeks. In this case, the patient should drink a lot (at least two liters) of fluid throughout the day.

If burning in the eyes appears as a result of prolonged stress experienced by the eyes, then it is necessary to get into the habit of doing a break for the eyes during the working day, relaxing gymnastics. Just sit with your eyes closed, relaxing as much as possible for 10 - 15 minutes and the visual system is ready for full work again.

There are many traditional medicine recipes that perfectly relieve tension and inflammatory processes occurring in the eye area.

For example, lotions made with chamomile decoction. It can be applied to the eyes both in the morning and in the evening. You must first remove all makeup from your face.

Pour two tablespoons of chamomile into a glass of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then set aside and leave for another 45 minutes. Cool. The decoction is ready. Now you need to dip cotton swabs into the warm broth and apply them to closed eyelids, hold for one to two minutes. Repeat the procedure three to four times.

  • Potato lotions

This procedure, which is carried out before bed, allows you to relieve a slight burning sensation in the eyes and remove dark circles that have formed on the lower eyelid. You need to boil one potato in its skin until fully cooked and cool slightly. Cut into two halves and apply warm to closed eyelids for 20-30 minutes. A similar procedure can be done with raw potatoes. You need to hold this compress on your eyes for 15 minutes.

  • Tea compresses

A couple of tea bags should be doused with boiled water and placed in the freezer for a short time, after cooling. Place these sachets on your closed eyes for ten minutes. This will make it possible to relieve symptoms of fatigue from tension or sleepless nights.

  • Nut lotion

Such manipulations will remove the redness of the whites of the eye. Take finely grated nutmeg and soak it in warm milk for some time. After squeezing lightly, apply the resulting mixture to the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids. It is necessary to try to ensure that this composition does not get into the area of ​​the eye sockets.

Herbal compresses:

  • Lotions made from mint leaves perfectly relieve inflammatory processes.
  • An infusion of linden and chamomile will help relieve pain, burning eyes and fatigue. Take one tablespoon of plants and pour the resulting composition with a glass of boiled water. Infuse a little, cool, bringing the temperature of the broth to room temperature. Strain. Soak a couple of cotton swabs in the broth and apply to your eyes for ten minutes.
  • Pour two tablespoons of mint into two glasses of boiling water. Keep on fire for five minutes. Cool to room temperature, strain. Soak two cotton swabs in the resulting liquid and apply to the eyes for two minutes. Moisten again and apply again. Do this three to four times.
  • If you feel pain and burning in the eyes, in this case, a decoction of onion peels is perfect, which you need to drink half a glass four times throughout the day in between meals and before bed. To get a decoction, you need to pour half a liter of water into a handful of husks, hold in a water bath for ten minutes and then leave for another two hours. You need to take it for at least two months, and in the best case, from seven to nine months (the whole summer).
  • Fruit compresses will also leave a wonderful mark on your face. Any fruit grated on a fine grater (strawberry, kiwi, apple and many others) must be placed in a gauze envelope and applied to the eyelids. A bright, fresh, glowing look is guaranteed.
  • The inflammatory process with purulent discharge and burning in the eyes will be helped by using a pharmacy tincture of calendula (you can also make it at home). It must be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10. Apply compresses made from cotton swabs soaked in this solution to the eyes.
  • With a purulent inflammatory process, a medium-sized aloe leaf infused in one glass of boiled water at room temperature will also help. A compress moistened with this composition is applied to the eyes. Itching, burning and inflammation go away very quickly.

Drops for burning eyes

Drops for burning eyes are also used quite widely in ophthalmology. Pharmacy counters boast a wide selection. Let's look at some of them.


The drug is administered conjunctivally, that is, directly into the conjunctival eye sac, for both adults and children.

  • for “dry eye syndrome”, the eye receives one or two drops twice a day for 25–30 days (until the symptoms disappear).
  • in case of viral pathology, one or two drops are instilled into the eyes six to eight times a day. As the disease recedes, the number of approaches is reduced to two to three times a day. And so on until complete recovery.
  • for preventive purposes, the drug is taken in the same amount, but for ten days.

It is not recommended to use these medicinal drops for patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, during pregnancy and lactation (only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision). There were no side effects of these drops.


Inject one or two drops into the conjunctival sacs. The number of appointments is determined based on the severity of the disease and the severity of the inflammatory process.

  • for blepharitis of any etymology, severe bacterial conjunctivitis, uveitis, the number of doses is from four to eight per day. The duration of treatment is determined by the severity of the disease, from five to 14 days.
  • in case of infection, drop one drop at a time, but as often as possible - from eight to twelve times a day. The maximum positive effect can be achieved in two to four weeks.
  • In case of eye injury, one drop is applied four to eight times a day for one to two weeks.
  • for preventive measures necessary to prevent inflammatory processes after surgery, one drop is dripped in four to six doses into the conjunctival sac. The course of treatment usually lasts from five days to one month.


This drug improves microcirculation of the blood vessels of the eye, which speeds up the process of resorption of hemorrhages of various etymologies.

This drug is prescribed one to two drops subconjunctivally (under the mucous membrane of the eye) two to three times a day. Depending on the severity of symptoms, drops can be taken for three to 30 days. If a medical need arises, the course of treatment can be increased further.

Contraindications to the use of this medicine include hypersensitivity to the drug and pregnancy. Drops for burning eyes should be taken carefully, without interfering with other medications. Before the procedure, it is necessary to remove contact lenses if the patient uses them. They can only be put on no sooner than 20 minutes after instillation.

Thiotriazolin (Thiotriazolinum)

An ophthalmologist prescribes these drops to patients suffering from burning eyes resulting from a burn or injury, as well as viral conjunctivitis and dry eye syndrome.

This drug is dripped into the conjunctival sac for the period prescribed by the attending physician in each case individually. As a rule, two drops are applied, making three to four approaches throughout the day.

For dry eye effects, the medicine is administered two drops every two hours while working at the computer.

No side effects of this drug have been identified, and the only contraindications include the patient’s hypersensitivity to the components of the eye drops.

Sulfacyl sodium

Sulfacyl sodium during the treatment course for an adult uses a 30% solution. For children, only a 20% concentration solution can be used. The usual dosage is one to two drops three to six times during the day. Gradually, the number of appointments is reduced as the symptoms weaken.

This drug is contraindicated in patients suffering from hypersensitivity to any of its components.

Preventing burning eyes

What can be advised to a person in order to protect himself as much as possible from the occurrence of diseases that lead to burning eyes? These rules are quite simple and accessible to everyone.

Prevention of burning eyes includes several points:

  • Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  • Preventative, once every six months, examination by an ophthalmologist.
  • It is mandatory to remove all makeup from your face at night.
  • It is necessary to adhere to a rest schedule for the eyes - every one and a half to two hours, relax the eye muscles (10 - 15 minutes), for example, look out the window. There should also be a full eight-hour sleep.
  • Many of the respondents are slightly dismissive of such a symptom as a burning sensation in the eyes, considering it insignificant and mild (drop the eye and everything will go away). And this is fundamentally wrong, since this symptom can be an indicator of quite serious diseases. You should not self-medicate. Incorrect selection of a drug can do a disservice, further worsening the patient’s condition. Therefore, at the very first symptoms, in the form of a burning sensation in the eyes, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, only in this case you will get out of this situation with the least losses.

Burning eyes are a sensation of burning and dryness in the eyes. Very often, a burning sensation is a symptom of serious problems in the eyes.

Symptoms of burning eyes

Burning eyes may be accompanied by other eye symptoms, including:

  • discharge from the eyes
  • feeling of dry eyes
  • itching and burning in the eyes
  • redness and pain in the eyes
  • pain, lacrimation and photophobia
  • blurred vision

Causes of burning eyes

There are the following reasons for the appearance of this symptom:

1. Environmental reasons. Most often, the symptom of burning in the eyes is caused by aggressive environmental influences:

  • strong wind
  • dust or smoke
  • intense sun exposure
  • chemical irritants (soap, makeup removers, cosmetics, etc.)

Causes related to allergies

  • pollen
  • mold
  • fungus, fungal spores
  • animal dander

2. Ocular causes

  • dry eye syndrome
  • inflammation of the eye mucosa (conjunctivitis)
  • inflammation of the skin of the eyelids (blepharitis)
  • inflammation of the cornea (keratitis)
  • chronic meibomitis
  • Sjögren's syndrome
  • wearing contact lenses

3. Other reasons

  • old age
  • taking certain medications

When should you see a doctor urgently?

  • If the burning sensation in the eyes is accompanied by pain or increased sensitivity to light and watery eyes
  • if you have any discharge from your eyes
  • if, along with a burning sensation, there is deterioration or blurred vision

Even if you do not have any of the listed symptoms, but have a burning sensation in your eyes, you should consult a specialist.

How to treat burning eyes

Treatment for burning eyes mainly depends on the cause that led to this symptom.

In case of exposure to negative environmental factors, it is necessary to first avoid such situations. Cold compresses with chamomile decoction will help quickly relieve the symptoms of burning around the eyes, in case of environmental causes.

In case of allergies, the doctor prescribes antiallergic medications that minimize the occurrence of burning sensation in the eyes.

Burning eyes with dry eye syndrome go away with the use of moisturizing drops. It is often necessary to use artificial tears that do not contain preservatives.

What should you absolutely not do?

If you experience a burning sensation in your eyes, you should not:

  • rubbing your eyes may worsen the burning sensation
  • instill eye drops without a doctor's prescription
  • wear contact lenses

What happens if the symptom is not treated?

A burning sensation in the eyes caused by environmental reasons can go away on its own without consequences for your vision and health.

In other cases, treatment of the underlying disease that leads to the development of this symptom is necessary.


Here are some tips to help you avoid burning eyes:

  • Visit your eye doctor regularly to ensure early diagnosis of conditions that may be causing the burning sensation.
  • If you wear contact lenses, tell your eye doctor about burning symptoms.
  • Use eye protection (dark glasses, masks, goggles) when exposed to adverse environmental factors.
  • If you suffer from a condition that causes a burning sensation (such as dry eye syndrome), use moisturizing drops to reduce symptoms.
  • Never ignore new symptoms or sensations that appear in your eyes.

A burning sensation around the eyes is a very alarming symptom that clearly indicates health problems.

What can cause a burning sensation around the eyes?

Around the human eyeball there are many tissues that are very susceptible to infections and irritations. These include eyelids, tear ducts, and thin, sensitive skin... The causes of unpleasant, painful sensations in this area can be different.

Burning and redness of the eyelids and/or skin under and above the eyes can occur as a result of an allergic reaction to decorative or care cosmetics: eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, any cream, etc.

Therefore, if you observe similar symptoms in yourself, then the first thing you need to do is wash off your makeup and not apply any cosmetics until the exact cause is determined and the problem is completely eliminated.

Demodex (its other name is the iron mite) can “sleep” for quite a long time, without showing itself in any way, but then it “wakes up” due to any changes in the functioning of the body (for example, malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, or liver disease, or the consequences of taking antibiotics, etc.). When activated, demodex causes both burning and itching.

A burning sensation in the skin around the eye can also be caused by a mechanical effect - for example, a thermal or chemical burn. With an ordinary burn (caused by hot water, steam or touching a hot object), in general, everything is clear - you should apply ice and immediately consult a doctor (especially if the eye itself is also damaged). Do not lubricate the burned area with fatty compounds, fermented milk products, do not apply any lotions, etc., before examination by a doctor.

But chemical burns caused by exposure to any toxic substances, especially acids, are almost impossible to treat at home - you need to immediately take the person to the hospital. Such accidents occur when working with various chemicals in factories or laboratories, when caustic household chemicals come into contact with the skin of the face near the eyes, etc.

Itching around the eyes and burning in the eyes – together, these are signs of some diseases of the eyeball. In particular, this is how acute conjunctivitis and blepharitis occur. In addition, the cause may be the flu or an acute respiratory infection - but then it is necessary to treat not the eyes or skin separately, but the disease itself in all its manifestations.

What treatment may be needed?

Since redness and burning around the eyes are only symptoms and not a diagnosis, you should consult a dermatologist to find out the diagnosis and begin treating the patient. Sometimes tests are taken for this (for example, for demodicosis).

How is burning around the eyes treated if it is associated with infectious diseases? Treatment usually involves instilling antiviral or antimicrobial drops that fight the pathogen. But in these cases, it is not the dermatologist who should make his appointments, but the ophthalmologist.

Itching around the eyes and burning associated with an allergic reaction to cosmetics usually goes away on its own if you wash off the offending product and do not reapply it.

But if it is a food allergy or one of the symptoms of hay fever, then you should take some anti-allergenic medication. However, it very rarely happens that due to a food allergy or reaction to plant pollen, only the eyes and the area around them suffer - usually there is also a runny nose, lacrimation, itching and redness of the wings of the nose, etc.

What can't you do?

The site does not recommend turning to untested folk remedies if you want to relieve the feeling of “burning” or itchy skin around the eyes. Do not lubricate the skin with fatty creams, oils, decoctions or infusions of any herbs, etc. (especially when it comes to treating a burn). Also, you should not steam your facial skin during the treatment period (no matter which of the reasons described above is caused by the problem).

In addition, exclude the use of any cosmetics, even decorative ones - no matter how much you want to mask the redness of the eyelids or other external manifestations of the problem. It is especially undesirable to use scrubs and soaps with exfoliating ingredients.

You should not rub the skin, eyelids and corners of the eyes - although, of course, with a strong burning sensation, this is exactly what you involuntarily want to do.

But it is possible and even, in some cases, necessary to rinse your eyes and gently wash the area around them with clean water. This temporarily suppresses itching and other irritating sensations.

When a person is happy, having fun, experiencing happy moments and other positive emotions, others say that his eyes light up. But things are not always so optimistic. If we talk about, then the phrase “eyes are burning” means a burning sensation, which is often accompanied by stinging, pain, discomfort, and in this case we can talk about symptoms of ophthalmological diseases.

As a rule, this problem is a consequence of impaired tear production. Normally, it is secreted constantly by the lacrimal glands to moisturize. Thanks to tears, the organs of vision are disinfected, the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into them and the drying out of the cornea are prevented.

The most common cause of this problem is prolonged interaction between a person and a computer, or watching TV. The eyes get tired, due to excessive stress, the functioning of the lacrimal glands is disrupted, due to which they do not receive optimal hydration.

Prolonged stay in a dry room can also provoke this problem. This also applies to being in low light conditions.

But these are not all the answers to the question of why the eyes burn.

If your eyes burn, the symptom may indicate the development of an inflammatory process in them

The following factors can also provoke this condition:

Burning eyes and associated symptoms

When the eyes burn, this phenomenon is often combined with other problems:

  • Burning and... These symptoms may indicate a number of eye diseases, usually of an inflammatory nature - uveitis, conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, etc. These symptoms may also be accompanied by redness of the eyes. Painful sensations can be of a different nature - periodic or constant, throbbing or aching, sharp or dull. Pain can be localized in the outer or inner layers of the eyeball;
  • Burning and cutting in the organs of vision. Discomfort, redness, combined with these phenomena, may indicate that there is another foreign body. But sometimes these symptoms indicate developing inflammatory processes, including conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and eye damage due to a fungal infection. Cutting and burning in the eyes are often accompanied by increased lacrimation, which is often caused by being in a dry or poorly lit room. Incorrect or prolonged wearing can also provoke these manifestations;
  • Redness and burning in the eyes. Most often, these signs indicate blepharitis. In this case, they are accompanied by itching of the skin around the organs of vision and the formation of dry crusts on it. Burning and redness of the eyes is also characterized by conjunctivitis - viral, etc. Corneal ulcer is a rather rare but dangerous disease, which these symptoms may also indicate;
  • Burning sensation in the organs of vision and lacrimation. As a rule, such signs characterize allergies;
  • Burning and dry eyes. Most often, the combination of these symptoms indicates irritation of the visual organs in response to prolonged exposure to a computer or TV monitor.

A severe burning sensation in the eyes may indicate an eye burn, in particular a chemical burn. This can be obtained by interacting with chemicals - household chemicals, substances used in industry, etc.

Eyes burn with fever

In this case, they shine in the literal sense of the word, since the tear fluid evaporates very quickly due to the high temperature. This leads to increased production of tears by the lacrimal glands, causing the eyes to shine and a burning sensation.

Eyes are burning: what to do?

Do not rub your eyesight if your eyes are burning, there is discomfort or other unpleasant symptoms.

First of all, first aid is needed, which consists of the following activities:

  • If there is makeup on the eyes, it should be washed off by thoroughly rinsing the eyes with clean water;
  • If you wear contact lenses, remove them and give your eyes a rest. This also applies to optical devices that improve vision, and;
  • Stop working at the computer or watching TV at least for a while;
  • Make a compress on your eyes from;
  • Drink more water so that the tear mass is produced in the amount necessary for normal eye hydration;
  • Ventilate the room, make sure it has normal humidity.

For burning and dry eyes, you can use “” to moisturize the organs of vision.

Keep in mind that there are measures that cannot be taken if this symptom occurs:

  • Rub your eyes, as such actions will only increase the discomfort;
  • Use for its own purposes. To alleviate the condition, you can only use drugs that are an artificial tear substitute.

Preventing burning eyes

Following these recommendations will help minimize the risk of encountering this problem:

  • Do not ignore scheduled visits to the ophthalmologist - this will allow you to identify eye problems at an early stage and eliminate them;
  • Select contact lenses only in consultation with your doctor, care for them properly and wear them;
  • Use good quality cosmetics;
  • Avoid eye contact with chemicals;
  • Do not use other people's cosmetics, no matter how close the person is to you - each of us has our own microflora;
  • When working at a computer, be sure to take breaks, giving your visual organs rest, and do;
  • Follow the rules;
  • Make sure that the room where you stay for a long time has optimal humidity and light levels;
  • Start using antihistamines promptly if you suffer from allergies.

If your eyes burn frequently, you should consult an ophthalmologist. The doctor will choose a way to eliminate this problem depending on what its cause turns out to be, which will be determined after an ophthalmological examination.



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