Sweets make you sleepy. Foods that make you sleepy

Food is ours main source energy. But at the same time, many of us are not at all inclined to increased activity, but on the contrary, they dream of taking a nap for at least a few minutes. What is the reason for this, should this condition be alarming, and what should you do if you want to sleep after eating?

The main reasons for drowsiness after eating

In most cases, not severe drowsiness after a meal - the condition is quite normal and should not be alarming. Experts have identified several factors contributing to this phenomenon. Although, looking ahead, we must say that in some cases the desire to sleep after eating may be a sign of certain malfunctions in the body.

Effect of the nervous system

The main culprit drowsy state after a meal, experts often call nervous system. To be more precise, the specifics of the interaction of its two parts: sympathetic and parasympathetic. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for activating muscles and reacting in the body. When the parasympathetic system comes into play, on the contrary, the muscles relax, the heartbeat slows down, and the person calms down. After eating, the parasympathetic nervous system is reflexively activated. Thus, the body, as it were, protects itself from possible stress, making sure that nothing distracts its attention from digesting food. Hence the feelings of relaxation and tranquility, and with them the desire to take a nap. However, this is only one of the possible causes of afternoon drowsiness.

Redistribution of blood in the body

It's all because of the blood, or rather, its distribution throughout the body. And it should be said that today this is the most common and most popular explanation for why you want to sleep after eating. It is well known that all organs of our body are supplied with blood to one degree or another. Together with it, oxygen and useful substances necessary for proper operation all systems. But when one of the organs (or system) works in an enhanced mode, then blood also flows to it more intensely. In the case of the digestive system, the blood supply to the organs gastrointestinal tract intensifies during the digestion of food. Not in last resort this occurs due to the flow of blood from the brain to the digestive organs. The brain does not suffer from such castling, but becomes less active for a while. This causes a feeling of relaxation and a desire to relax.

Effect of hormones

The process of digesting food is accompanied not only by the release of energy, but also by more active production certain hormones. In particular, digestion is accompanied by the release of glucagon, amylin and insulin, which directly affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But at the same time, there are hormones, the increase of which can lead to drowsiness. These include, for example, serotonin and melatonin. By the way, the synthesis of the latter is not a direct reaction of the body to eating food, however, some foods can help increase the level of this hormone.


One more possible reason why does a person want to sleep after lunch? It is well known that high carbohydrate foods are necessary for quick recovery strength In particular, carbohydrates are an important part sports nutrition bodybuilders. Also, everyone knows that people whose work requires a lot of money need carbohydrate foods. physical energy. However, you should not think that what more carbohydrates you eat, the more energetic you will be.

All carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex. The first ones (aka fast sugars), once in the body, do not require additional breakdown, so they are immediately absorbed and quickly provide energy. Complex (slow) carbohydrates take much longer to absorb. The rate of their breakdown and absorption is determined by the glycemic index. The lower it is, the longer body will receive uniform portions of energy. In the case of fast carbohydrates, energy (blood sugar levels) first increases sharply, but then decreases just as quickly. When this happens, the activity of neurons in the brain decreases, the body feels a loss of energy and drowsiness appears. Experts have calculated that after eating food with a high glycemic index, you feel sleepy approximately 30 minutes after the meal.


Drowsiness may be the result of overeating. Nutritionists advise not only those who want to lose weight to eat more often, but in small portions. overweight, but also for those who don’t have time for a siesta. The desire to take a nap after lunch is a reaction of the body that does not have time to digest extra calories. To avoid drowsiness, it is useful to eat every 3 hours and at the same time focus on fiber-rich vegetables (they allow you to quickly get enough without the risk of going overboard on calories).


When the body lacks fluid, it signals this different symptoms. Drowsiness is one of them. If a person consumes too little, his blood becomes thicker, resulting in blood pressure decreases, the pulse becomes weaker, lethargy, fatigue and the desire to lie down to rest occur.

Rest and physical activity

Absence good rest at night can also be one of the reasons for drowsiness after lunch. If the body is exhausted and feels tired, then the influence of factors leading to drowsiness is further enhanced.

Another important factor that determines how the body reacts to a particular food is a person’s physical activity. People leading sedentary lifestyle life, more often complain of drowsiness after eating food than their more active peers.


IN in rare cases Fatigue and weakness after a meal may indicate health problems. Drowsiness after eating is not uncommon in people with diabetes, food allergies, anemia, or illness. thyroid gland. For example, in people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, feeling tired after eating may be a symptom of hyper- or hypoglycemia. At food allergies, the desire to take a nap after eating is usually accompanied by other symptoms, for example, gastrointestinal upset, headache,.

In addition, drowsiness after meals occurs in people with circulatory problems, for example, due to atherosclerosis that occurs in the vessels that supply blood to the intestines. If this is so, then, in addition to the desire to sleep, the person experiences abdominal pain and other digestive disorders.

Sometimes drowsiness after eating can occur as a result of combining certain foods with medications. Such a reaction, for example, can be caused by the drug lovastatin (to reduce the amount of lipids in the blood) in combination with grapefruit juice.

Foods that cause drowsiness

All products entering the digestive system are digested according to the same principle, but they all affect the body differently. Some of them may cause drowsiness. For example, those that contain .

Tryptophan is necessary for the body to synthesize serotonin and melanin - hormones on which the quality of sleep depends. Thus, consumption of tryptophan products may affect hormonal background and cause drowsiness after a meal. By the way, dairy products contain not only tryptophan, but also quite a lot, which only enhances the absorption of the amino acid. This is why after eating dairy dishes or different types cheese may cause drowsiness.

If you don’t want to fall asleep right at work, you shouldn’t stock up on it as a snack. These fruits also contain tryptophan, which, when combined with carbohydrates, is absorbed quite quickly. Don't forget that bananas are rich in minerals that cause muscle relaxation and drowsiness. It also makes you sleepy after large portions of other nuts. There is relatively little tryptophan in these foods, but instead there is melatonin, known as a sleep hormone. By the way, after a large portion of fatty fish, such as or, the level of melatonin in the body also increases, which can subsequently cause a feeling of fatigue.

In addition, drowsiness may appear after a large portion of sweets. Firstly, as already said, sugary foods cause a spike, and then sharp decline blood sugar levels, which in turn makes us sleepy. Secondly, excessive consumption of cherries increases the concentration of melatonin in the body. It’s clear that a few juicy berries won’t make a difference, but after a couple of glasses of juice it’s quite possible to immerse yourself in sweet dream. Chamomile tea is also best drunk in the evening, rather than after a hearty lunch, as this plant contains the amino acid glycine, which has a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Fans of white rice (especially if you add almonds and bananas to the porridge) may complain of drowsiness after eating.

Recently, scientists made another discovery: food can cause drowsiness. rich in proteins And . At least, the fruit flies on which scientists conducted the experiment, about half an hour after eating salty protein food, reduced their activity and fell asleep. During the experiment, it turned out that food rich in salt and protein “switches off” a group of neurons (leukokinin receptors), which causes a desire to fall asleep.

However, we are all different and listed products may affect different people differently.

How to prevent sleepiness after eating

If drowsiness occurs every time after eating, you should tell your therapist about it. You may need to undergo an examination to determine the cause of the illness. However, when the possibility of illness is excluded, and sleepiness after eating occurs only occasionally, you can try to prevent untimely cravings for sleep. To do this, you may need to slightly reconsider your dietary preferences and make adjustments to your lifestyle.

So, to prevent afternoon sleepiness you need to:

  • maintain a water regime (drink about 2 liters of water per day);
  • stick to ;
  • avoid desserts after lunch;
  • reduce the portions of food consumed at one time;
  • get enough rest;
  • give preference to slow carbohydrates and avoid large amounts of sweets;
  • reduce or eliminate alcohol from your diet.

The most best medicine to restore energy after lunch - this short nap. If circumstances allow, a 15-minute nap is enough to improve your well-being. Moreover, in lately Scientists have found a lot of evidence that siesta is actually beneficial for humans.

But if you don’t have the opportunity to sleep even for a few minutes, then saturating your brain with oxygen will help you quickly get rid of drowsiness. To do this, you should do 20-30 quick and deep breaths. Better do these breathing exercises on fresh air. This trick will allow you to quickly restore strength, restore energy and efficiency.

Mild drowsiness after eating in most cases is the body’s natural reaction to biochemical processes, occurring in the body against the background of food digestion. However, if the symptoms of malaise are severe, repeat after every meal and do not go away for a long time, it is better to seek help from a doctor.

When the body lacks any vitamin, mineral or other required substance, he signals this. We just don’t understand it as we should. If we really want something sweet, salty, spicy, or sour, we simply eat the first foods we come across that fit the required characteristics. This is strictly forbidden. Such urges of the body indicate that it needs to be enriched with some element that is unlikely to be in harmful products. Most often people want sweets. The reasons for this phenomenon have long been studied by scientists.

If you suddenly feel like eating something sweet, especially at large quantities, you need to solve one of these problems:

  • Lack of chromium in the body.
  • Insufficient amount of phosphorus.
  • Lack of tryptophan.

It is worth noting that chocolate is a special product. If you have an irresistible desire to eat a whole chocolate bar or eat in unlimited quantities chocolates Most likely, there is not enough magnesium in the body. It could also be a lack of carbon. In any case, this is not a reason to rush to sweet foods and eat them. You can find a safer and useful solution for your body.

A small table will help you navigate what is missing in your body.


I want bread and bakery products

Carbon shortage

I want chocolate

Magnesium deficiency

I want bananas

Potassium deficiency

I want any sweets

Lack of magnesium, glucose, tryptophan, phosphorus or chromium

I want smoked products

Lack of cholesterol

I want any cheese

Lack of calcium and phosphorus

I want very fatty foods

Lack of calcium

As you can see, not only sweet dishes can become an imaginary panacea. Any of the above products can be replaced with more healthy food, which will satisfy your hunger and satisfy you.

Psychological problems and addiction to sweet foods

Sometimes you crave sweets for no reason. It is not clear what is missing in the body, since a person eats well. Then the reason can be looked for in psychology.

Professional psychologists are confident that a pathological craving for sweet foods occurs when a person lacks love, affection, attention, is unhappy, complex and lacks self-confidence. Such people experience a certain event in their life, after which they find solace in sweets and cakes. They are vulnerable and often need approval and support from others.

In more advanced cases, such cravings indicate pathological anxiety, personality disorders and persistent depression. Then sweets are a so-called antidepressant, a sedative.

How to get rid of psychological problems

We have decided how to understand what is missing in the body. However, if the matter is psychological problems, regular replenishment useful substances won't help. Try these measures:

  • Think about what could make you happy instead of sweets. You may want to update your wardrobe, visit a beauty salon, buy a book or magazine. Small joys can replace sweet dishes.
  • Try replacing sweets with something else. Fruits, nuts, dried fruits, dark chocolate or a small amount of honey are perfect for such purposes.
  • If you decide to switch to sweeteners, abandon this idea. They are very harmful to the body, and they will not solve the problem of craving for sweets.
  • Analyze your life. Perhaps there is something in it that does not suit you and depresses you. It's time to eliminate this factor. It's easier to get rid of stress than to eat it.

Sometimes the above methods do not help, you still constantly want sweets. It is not clear what is missing in the body, and the problem is becoming increasingly widespread. In this case, it is best to visit a psychologist who will listen to you carefully and give recommendations that are right for you.

Other causes of sweet cravings

From a physiological point of view, a person absorbs sweet foods in unlimited quantities for the following reasons:

Eliminating one of these causes will normalize the condition of your body. If the problem arose due to a lack of something, you constantly want sweets, which is missing in your body, you figured it out, then you need to start replenishing the natural balance.

All about tryptophan

Tryptophan is an amino acid, the deficiency of which leads to various problems. This substance:

  • Keeps your mood high.
  • Promotes a harmonious state.
  • Increases
  • Stimulates the desire to learn new information.
  • Helps a person remain emotionally stable even in situations with increased tension.
  • Helps you quit smoking and drinking alcohol faster.
  • Reduces the level of aggression, eliminates irritability.
  • Struggles with emotional tension and anxiety.
  • Helps normalize the sleep cycle.
  • Improves sleep quality.
  • Contributes active recreation in a short time.

The lack of tryptophan greatly affects a person’s emotional state. Without it, the body stops producing serotonin, which is responsible for the feeling of happiness. Scientists have proven that people who are depressed have extremely low level tryptophan in the body.

Craving for sweets is a mandatory symptom of a lack of this substance, but not the only one. Along with it, the following problems may arise:

  • Weight loss.
  • Skin dermatitis.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Impulsiveness, irritability, nervousness, increased level anxiety.
  • Insomnia.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Deterioration of brain activity.
  • Poor concentration.
  • Tendency to depression.
  • Sudden weight gain.
  • Constant uncontrolled overeating.

But don't overdo it with tryptophan. Its excess in the body also negatively affects health. It causes weakness, increased body temperature and fever.

Thanks to the quality and balanced diet your body will receive enough tryptophan. This will not only improve your well-being, relieve problems with the nervous system and emotional state, but will also help avoid various complications and diseases. Don't forget that tryptophan is not the only substance a person needs. Nutrition must be complete, that is, it must contain everything essential microelements and macronutrients.

How to Increase Tryptophan Levels

Tryptophan can be purchased at any pharmacy. The drug should be taken according to the instructions, but it is much easier and safer to eat foods with high content of this substance. They are available to almost every person. So, tryptophan is contained in the following products:

  • Turkey and chicken meat.
  • Chicken liver.
  • Lamb meat.
  • Beef liver.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Red and black caviar.
  • Squid.
  • Perch.
  • Mackerel.
  • Various cheeses.
  • Dairy products.
  • Nuts.
  • Beans.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Dried apricots.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Pasta.

But simply eating foods high in tryptophan is not enough. In this case, it simply will not be absorbed by the body. The following accompanying substances are required:

  • Fast carbohydrates.
  • Vitamin B.
  • Ferrum.
  • Magnesium.

The best product that will help the body absorb tryptophan in full is regular chicken liver. It is rich in all of the above substances and can be prepared in different ways.

Please note that a product such as corn is low in this substance. Scientists note that people who often eat dishes containing it have an increased level of aggressiveness.

What you need to know about phosphorus

Not only a craving for sweets can indicate that there is a lack of phosphorus in the body. Along with this symptom, the following factors should be present:

  • Decreased appetite.
  • Constant feeling of weakness.
  • Hands and feet become less sensitive.
  • Pain in the joint area.
  • "Needles" in the body.
  • General malaise.
  • Feeling anxious.
  • An unreasonable feeling of fear.

Also, phosphorus deficiency can occur if a person suffers from leukemia, hyperthyroidism, or is poisoned by phenol or benzene.

If you suddenly started exercising or went on a strict diet with low content protein and at the same time your need for sweet foods has sharply increased, then rest assured that you are dealing with a deficiency of this macronutrient.

Another factor that signals a lack of phosphorus is an increased content of magnesium or iron in the diet. These substances prevent the body from absorbing certain elements. These include phosphorus.

If a pathological craving for sweets is associated precisely with a lack of this element, then be prepared for the fact that if this problem is not eliminated, a number of difficulties will appear. This is due to the fact that phosphorus:

  • Has a strong effect on mental abilities.
  • Participates in the process of formation and strengthening of bones and teeth.
  • Participates in the formation and development of muscle tissue.
  • In combination with other elements it promotes energy production.
  • Participates in protein synthesis.
  • Takes direct part in metabolism.

To enrich your body with phosphorus, consume the following foods:

  • Processed cheese.
  • Fish: flounder, sardine, tuna, mackerel, sturgeon, horse mackerel, smelt, pollock, capelin.
  • Shrimp, squid, crabs.
  • Legumes.
  • Cottage cheese.

If you use legumes to increase the phosphorus content in the body, then first soak them in water. This is due to the fact that sometimes the macronutrient is not absorbed or is not absorbed enough. Pre-treatment can solve this problem.

Fortunately, it is very rare today that people suffer from phosphorus deficiency, since it is found in many foods. Due to certain circumstances, a lack of this element in the body may occur, and then an unreasonable craving for sweets will arise. This problem can be quickly and easily resolved by following the recommendations above. You can also purchase capsules containing phosphorus at the pharmacy.

Chromium in food

Unlike previous substances, it is extremely difficult to increase chromium levels in the body through food. This is due to the fact that only foods grown in soil rich in this element contain it. It's hard to find one like this today.

To compensate for the intake of the substance from food, you can purchase chromium preparations at the pharmacy. But don’t forget about proper nutrition. The substance is found in the following foods:

  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Cereal products.
  • Various spices.
  • Legumes.
  • Homemade meat.
  • Fish products.
  • Seafood.
  • Liver.
  • Various types of cheese.

Doctors recommend preparing dishes from these products with minimal processing, since thermal exposure can destroy chromium compounds. This will lead to the body simply not receiving this substance. Therefore, along with proper nutrition and it is recommended to take chromium preparations purchased from official pharmacies having a license.

This element plays important role in the body, namely:

  • Removes harmful cholesterol from the body.
  • Helps maintain normal weight.
  • Regulates the condition of the thyroid gland.
  • Promotes recovery different functions body.
  • Strengthens bones.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Strengthens the effect of insulin.
  • Prevents diabetes.
  • Reduces sensation unreasonable fear and anxiety.
  • Prevents rapid fatigue.
  • Removes radioactive components and heavy metal salts from the body.

You cannot judge a chromium deficiency only by increased cravings for sweets. One or more factors must be present along with this symptom. These include:

  • Stunted growth.
  • Problems with the nervous system.
  • Increased glucose levels in the body.
  • Excess body weight.
  • Unusual perception of alcoholic beverages by the body.

Be careful as excess chromium can also have negative health effects. This results:

  • To the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  • Problems in psychological state.
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Increased risk of developing cancer.

Therefore, plan your diet wisely, and take all pharmaceuticals strictly according to the instructions.

Chromium deficiency can occur for the following reasons:

  • Frequent consumption of glucose.
  • Abuse of chocolate and carbonated drinks.
  • Strict diets involving the exclusion of protein foods from the diet.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Excess calcium in the body.
  • Increased physical activity.

As you can see, the presence of chromium in the body is sufficient quantity- this is very important aspect for the full functioning of all organ systems. If you don't receive it long time, then health problems cannot be avoided. If you are not sure that your diet sufficiently saturates the body with chromium, then you need to choose pharmaceutical drug, which would compensate possible disadvantage. It is better to do this by consulting your doctor.

What to do if you want to bake

Baked goods and sweet foods are different foods in their structure. And the pathological craving for their use requires different explanations. It often happens that you feel like baking. What is missing in the body in this case can be determined by several symptoms. If you want sweet baked goods, then the problem is the lack of one of the above elements. But it happens that a person simply wants something floury. Then the problem is in one of the factors:

If you listen to the state of your body in time, analyze it and draw conclusions, then it will not be difficult for you to solve any problem.

When we eat, our body receives nutrients, proteins fats carbohydrates, vitamins and essential minerals. In theory, after eating we should feel cheerful, full of strength and energy. Then why does this weakness occur after eating? Why do we feel drowsy and dizzy, and sometimes even experience bouts of nausea?

Problem feeling unwell after eating is a fairly common phenomenon. Well, let's try to find out what could be the cause of this condition.

What happens in the body immediately after eating?

Reception and processing of food - difficult task for the body. During the process of eating, blood flows more actively to the digestive organs to help quickly cope with the incoming food. And if the food, moreover, was not digestible enough and formed a hard lump (chyme), after the food arrives, a strong pressure, which not only activates the release of catecholamines into the blood, but also causes other unpleasant symptoms(nausea, weakness,).

Perhaps you have also noticed that immediately after eating you feel terribly sleepy? This happens because your digestive system spends a lot of energy on processing food, so you feel weak and tired immediately after the body has completed the digestive process.

There is another reason why you feel sleepy after eating. When nutrients are absorbed in the intestines, glucose levels spike in the blood. Brain cells use sugar as an energy source, so if a person is hungry, the brain actively produces orexin - a special substance that prevents a person from falling asleep and directs him to search for food. When food has entered the body, it has been digested and absorbed, the brain receives a signal about this and immediately stops the production of orexin, and we begin to fall asleep.

What could cause weakness after eating?

Weakness after eating is a rather multifactorial condition. We will list only the most probable pathologies and conditions in which there may be a deterioration in well-being after eating.


Decreased blood sugar levels after meals. In this case, the body does not use carbohydrates to replenish blood sugar, but sends them to fat reserves. Hypoglycemia can also develop several hours after eating if you did not eat enough carbohydrate-containing foods or if you drank alcohol, were physically active, and if you have diabetes, due to taking an excessive dose of antidiabetic drugs.


Increased levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood serum. Hyperglycemia occurs mainly when diabetes mellitus or other diseases of the endocrine system. It is characterized by the fact that weakness appears in the body after eating sweet or starchy foods.

If post-meal fatigue is caused by hyperglycemia, then you should reduce your carbohydrate intake until you determine the amount you need. First of all, you need to exclude fast carbohydrates, that is, foods with a high (GI) glycemic index, including white bread, sweet foods, sweet fruits and alcohol.

Dumping syndrome

A complication caused by a recent surgical intervention on the stomach. Dumping syndrome is characterized by accelerated evacuation, “dumping” of food from the stomach into the intestines, which is accompanied by a violation carbohydrate metabolism and functioning of the digestive system. Dumping syndrome develops in 10-30% of patients who have undergone, in the immediate or distant postoperative period. Symptoms of the condition: sharp deterioration feeling immediately or one and a half to two hours after eating, weakness, cardiac arrhythmia, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

Endocrine system disorders

Thyroid hormones are responsible for regulating metabolic processes, including energy. When there is an imbalance in the secretion of hormones, energy is not used properly and there is usually a feeling of fatigue after eating.

Doctors say that a condition such as weakness after eating can be a symptom serious violations in the functioning of the body. Gastritis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, anorexia nervosa - that’s far from full list pathologies in which you may feel varying degrees of discomfort after eating. Therefore, if you observe regular weakness after eating, you should immediately contact a specialist, first of all, a gastroenterologist, and then an endocrinologist.

It should be said that nausea and weakness after eating can also occur as a result of banal overeating, when you eat even after you already feel full stomach, or when you eat too quickly without chewing your food. In this case, you should change your approach to eating: review your diet and eating schedule, perhaps apply a diet or switch to fractional meals.

We all know that food is a source of energy. Why then do many people experience such phenomena as weakness after eating, drowsiness and decreased performance? I just want to, after having a hearty lunch, lie down and take a nap for at least 20–25 minutes. The desire becomes so irresistible that there is no strength to fight it. What to do in such a situation?

First of all, you should find out why you feel sick after eating, and then take measures to eliminate the annoying illness.

Drowsiness after eating is quite common

Causes of afternoon weakness

Let's try to figure out why after eating food you feel weak and want to lie down. There are many reasons for this condition. Some of them are not associated with a serious illness and are explained by an incorrectly selected diet or a malfunction in the diet. Others testify to serious problems with health and require close attention.

Below we will talk about this topic in more detail, find out in what cases weakness appears after eating, and learn about its causes.

Heavy and junk food

We all understand very well how beneficial a healthy and nutritious diet is. But for some reason we continue to eat food that is harmful to our health. Fatty meat, fried potatoes, sausages, ketchup and mayonnaise - all this causes weakness and a feeling of drowsiness after lunch.

The reason for afternoon naps is often heavy and rich food.

This is explained quite simply. For the digestion and absorption of heavy and fatty foods it takes a lot of effort. The body, having done the hard work of breaking down foods into nutrients, loses huge amount energy, the lack of which is manifested by drowsiness after a hearty and plentiful lunch.

Feeling unwell after eating can be caused by excess tyramine. The amino acid increases the levels of epinephrine and dopamine, but decreases the concentration of serotonin. This ultimately leads to a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain, oxygen starvation And severe weakness. Dizziness and loss of consciousness may occur.

People with a history of vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is advisable to limit the consumption of foods containing tyramine:

  1. Cheese and dairy dishes.
  2. Dark chocolate and overripe fruit.
  3. Citrus.
  4. Meat and sausages.
  5. Alcohol.
  6. Fried, fatty and smoked foods.

Biochemical processes

Modern scientists claim that main reason drowsiness after eating is an increase in blood glucose concentration. This substance reduces the production of orexin, which is responsible for physical activity. Let's look at how this happens.

Simple carbohydrates, which are found in sugar and confectionery, cause loss of energy after lunch

The gastrointestinal tract is directly related to endocrine system body. During hunger, the brain begins to actively synthesize the hormone orexin. The substance stimulates a person to stay awake and search for food.

After lunch, which usually consists of simple carbohydrates, most of the glucose received from the gastrointestinal tract does not have time to be absorbed by the cells and is concentrated in the blood. As a result, the brain reduces the production of orexin, and symptoms such as loss of energy and decreased performance appear.

Advice. To reduce the likelihood of developing afternoon sleepiness, you should limit your intake of simple sugars and replace them with proteins.

Concomitant pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

Often, weakness after eating can be caused by gastrointestinal diseases. If afternoon drowsiness is accompanied by discomfort in epigastric region, nausea, flatulence and bowel dysfunction, there is a high probability of developing the following pathologies:

  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastritis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • enteritis.

To identify the causes of poor health after eating and staging accurate diagnosis you should contact a specialist.

Very often, afternoon fatigue occurs after resection or gastroenterostomy. A complication of the operation is dumping syndrome (accelerated evacuation of stomach contents into small intestine). IN medical practice There are known cases of the development of malaise in persons who have not undergone surgical treatment.

Pathology develops in 30% of patients in the postoperative period. The disease appears against the background of a disturbance in the digestion process and does not depend on the amount of food eaten.

Dumping syndrome is one of the common reasons feeling worse after eating

There are three degrees of development of the disease:

  1. Easy. Attacks of general weakness appear during meals or within the first 10–12 minutes after eating. They last no more than half an hour and go away on their own.
  2. Average. At this stage, the patient becomes ill immediately after eating. Sweating increases, drowsiness develops, dizziness, tinnitus and tremors of the limbs may appear. The symptoms become so severe that the patient is forced to lie down.
  3. Heavy. Seizures can develop after eating any food. They last for at least three hours and are accompanied by an increase in heart rate, shortness of breath, migraine, and numbness of the extremities. Weakness often progresses to fainting.

Dumping syndrome most often occurs after consuming dairy products or foods high in carbohydrates.

Advice. To reduce the severity of symptoms of the disease, nutritionists recommend switching to fractional meals in small portions. Liquid and solid food should be consumed separately with an interval of 30 minutes. Remove foods from your diet increased content fats, carbohydrates and sugars. After finishing lunch, you should lie down for 20–30 minutes.

Other causes of loss of energy after eating

Medical practice shows that the cause of afternoon weakness may be various disorders body regulatory systems. Therefore, if you regularly feel sleepy after eating and feel weak, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible. Such symptoms may herald the onset of an endocrine disease.

Diabetes mellitus

This disease develops against the background of disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism and increased concentrations of glucose in the blood and urine.

Diabetes mellitus is usually accompanied by drowsiness and decreased performance

With this disease, afternoon weakness is accompanied by:

  • extreme thirst and frequent urination;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • poor skin regeneration;
  • drowsiness after a meal.

If these symptoms appear, you should urgently visit a doctor and measure your blood sugar. Why this is so important can be found in the video at the end of the article.

Diabetes mellitus is not fatal disease. A strict diet and following your doctor’s recommendations will help you overcome fatigue and drowsiness after eating, improve your performance and quality of life.

Strict diet

Excessive dietary restriction caused by attempts to lose weight often ends in huge breakdowns, during which a person is able to eat huge amounts of food. In this case, signs similar to dumping syndrome are observed.

However, in this case, weakness after eating food is provoked long-term deficiency nutrition, and drowsiness is a banal overeating, which the digestive system, unaccustomed to work, simply cannot cope with.

Food is a source of energy. But what to do if after a hearty lunch you feel sleepy, and your only desire is to lie down on the sofa and take a nap for at least half an hour? We figured out why you want to sleep after eating, and figured out how to avoid this and be alert all day long even after meals.

Dima Solovyov

therapist, medical expert Challenger

Drowsiness that occurs after eating may be the result of the nervous system. We are talking about its vegetative part: the very one that, unnoticed by us, regulates the functioning of the whole organism. It consists of two components, the functions of which are largely opposite: the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the nervous system. Sympathetic activates muscles, improves reaction - in all its glory its work can be seen in runners standing at the start, or in a person who was suddenly frightened by something and is experiencing stress. The parasympathetic nervous system, on the contrary, relaxes the muscles, slows the heartbeat, and as a result the person calms down.

So, after eating, the action of the parasympathetic nervous system reflexively predominates in a person. This makes sense: under its influence, the blood supply to the muscles decreases somewhat, but blood rushes to digestive tract: after all, the food eaten must be somehow absorbed, and for this, the organs involved must receive more blood. In other words, our body cannot simultaneously be stressed and digest food normally, so it has to choose one thing. So immediately after eating, the body experiences a strong influence of the parasympathetic nervous system - this allows it to digest food. And in order to protect you from possible stress (after all, when it occurs, you will have to activate the sympathetic nervous system, which does not contribute to digestion at all), your brain gives you a feeling of relaxation and peace, along with the desire to take a little nap. This is especially noticeable after a heavy meal.

However, this is just one theory - perhaps drowsiness after eating can occur for other reasons. There is new research revealing the role of blood glucose levels and the associated production of the neurohormone orexin in this process. Chronic lack of sleep, which many residents of large cities face, also plays a certain role. Under these conditions, the body tries to snatch maximum sleep, and the time when a person has eaten and is relaxed is excellent for this.

And here are the very reasons, by eliminating which you will regain your energy and lightness.

1. You provoke a sharp jump in sugar


This is perhaps the most common cause of sleepiness after eating. We why blood sugar is one of the most important indicators health and how to control it.

Glucose in the human body is the result of the breakdown of carbohydrates. Along with fats and proteins, carbohydrates are nutrients, necessary for the body V large quantities. And it is carbohydrates that are responsible for the energy level in the body. But if you think that the more carbohydrates you eat, the more energetic you will be, then you are mistaken.

By chemical composition carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex. The speed of their absorption and, as a consequence, the effect on the human body depends on their structure.

Simple carbohydrates or simple sugars are those that, once ingested, do not require additional splitting and are quickly absorbed. Many people know them as fast carbohydrates: they quickly give up the sugar they contain and provoke sharp jump energy. Complex or slow carbohydrates act differently. Due to their structure, their breakdown occurs more slowly, and glucose enters the blood evenly.

Foods with a high glycemic index will give you energy for the first half hour after eating, but later your blood sugar levels will plummet. And because of this, you always feel sleepy.

An indicator of the rate of breakdown of a product to the simplest glucose - glycemic index(GI). The smaller it is, the slower sugar enters the blood, and the body longer time will be provided with energy. High GI foods will give you energy for the first half hour after eating, but later your blood sugar levels will drop sharply. And this can cause you to feel tired and drowsy. But if you make a choice in favor slow carbohydrates, then you will avoid changes in glucose levels, and your body will maintain energy balance.

There are a lot of fast carbohydrates - in fact, these are all foods that have been heavily processed. For example white flour and that's it flour products(yes, say goodbye to buns, puff pastries and cookies), white rice and sweet drinks. Despite the abundance of fiber, fruits and dried fruits are also fast carbohydrates, although less harmful.

Pay attention to less processed foods: they contain a huge amount of fiber. This is why the body needs more time to process them. This means that glucose from them will enter the blood more slowly, and this will avoid a spike in sugar and energy imbalance. Therefore, give preference to those foods that are rich in fiber - these are all products from whole grain flour, buckwheat, brown rice, bulgur, rolled oats, lentils (there is also protein), etc.

Here are some ideas for a hearty meal that will leave you feeling refreshed and happy:

2. You eat more than you need

“Eat more often and in small portions” is not only advice to everyone losing weight. Large portion sizes create a feeling of heaviness, and this makes you want to “lie down and digest.” The body simply gets tired of dealing with hundreds of extra calories.

Overeating is usually a consequence of prolonged hunger, and regular meals help you avoid this. In addition, maintaining intervals between meals allows you to maintain sugar levels at the same level. Therefore, portion control is important not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those who want to feel lighter throughout the day.



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