The fingers of the right hand are going numb, treatment. Numbness of the fingers on the right hand in cardiology

There is a legend that supposedly you shouldn’t pay attention to numbness in your fingers, which often occurs during sleep. It may well have a truthful basis only if paresthesia (the scientific name for numbness) occurs every few years and goes away without a trace. However, if you begin to notice that numbness in your fingers is becoming regular and the feeling of loss of sensitivity in your fingertips is constantly present, or you are unable to cope with muscle weakness, perhaps this is the most important reason to see a doctor. Due to the high cost of medications and consultations, many patients greatly delay going to the doctor, thereby hopelessly aggravating the pathological process in the body. You shouldn’t stand on par with such people, because you probably care about your health.

Reasons: why there is numbness in the fingers on the right and left hand

Many people experience numbness in their hands while sleeping. It is often expressed by tingling, numbness and even the inability to raise the arm or turn it along with the body to the other side. The hand can hang like a lifeless whip, which undoubtedly frightens a person who has not yet woken up. Agree, this situation confuses many, but is it worth panicking because of the symptoms? What should you pay attention to?

1. When our hands go numb at night, we often realize that our limbs have simply “rested.” Due to unconscious movements during sleep, a person can turn over from side to side many times, sometimes not noticing that he is not lying down quite comfortably. And the hand can be under the body. This causes a slight circulatory disorder due to squeezing of blood vessels and the hand goes numb for a short time. Usually, if nothing else bothers you and the paresthesia disappears within just a few minutes, there is no need to call an ambulance.

2. A more threatening cause of numbness in the fingers is osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia in the cervical region. With this diagnosis, paresthesias are constant companions of patients’ night sleep, which causes considerable discomfort. Since osteochondrosis is the scourge of our century, it affects more than 75% of the population, it is extremely important to treat such a disease. Otherwise, lack of therapy can lead to disability, constant pain in the spine and impaired blood supply to the spinal cord and brain.

3. Numbness of the hands also indicates a serious illness - Raynaud's syndrome. In rare cases, the disease is acquired, but usually it is a genetic disorder. It can occur in workers of industrial factories, where microdamage to the fingers has become the norm. Raynaud's disease also appears in people with frequent hypothermia and emotional stress.

4. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease of office workers. It appears in almost everyone who sits day and night at the computer or performs the same type of movements: writes a lot, knits, stitches on a sewing machine or paints the walls. Each profession can trigger the occurrence of carpal tunnel syndrome. It is manifested by pain in the wrist joint, numbness of the fingers, most often the thumb and index, as well as unpleasant sensations when bending the hand. If such an ailment is not treated, it can lead to muscle dystrophy, compression of blood vessels and serious circulatory problems. This can be treated surgically, as it turns into gangrene.

5. For people suffering from diabetes, numbness in the fingers is not uncommon. Due to increased sugar, blood vessels invariably suffer, which leads to blood circulation disorders.

6. Fingertips may go numb due to nail fungus - onychomycosis. Due to the inflammatory process that develops in the area of ​​the nail root, you may feel numbness at the ends of your fingers.

7. Pregnant women often feel paresthesia. This happens because the body is under constant increasing stress. Hormonal changes within it are also an important factor.

You may notice that only certain fingers on your hands are numb, for example, the little finger and ring finger on the left hand, or the index and thumb on the right. Here's what this may indicate:

About the development of myocardial infarction. The left hand often signals problems in the cardiovascular system. Pain radiating to the left hand with numbness in the fingers is a threatening symptom of a heart attack. If these sensations are accompanied by tingling and pain attacks behind the sternum and under the shoulder blade, as well as a feeling of shortness of breath and dizziness, immediately call an ambulance.

About cerebral stroke. Whether your right or left hand goes numb – it doesn’t matter at all. A sudden sharp headache, loss of coordination of movements and severe muscle weakness in the arms or legs may indicate a cerebral hemorrhage.

Alcohol abuse causes a disease called polyneuropathy. It is characterized by pain in the hands, weakness, massive swelling and loss of sensitivity in the fingers.

Any neurological diseases or pathological formations in the body that manifest as paresthesia should alert patients and prompt them to immediately visit a doctor.

Diagnostics: how to determine the causes of hand numbness and what to do about it

Primary self-diagnosis consists only of analyzing one’s own feelings. Before coming to the doctor, it is worth recording any symptoms, you can even write them down. For example, note the duration and nature of numbness in your hands. When exactly does this happen: at night, in the morning, during the day or in the evening. How long does paresthesia last and which fingers are involved in the process. All this will help the doctor make the correct diagnosis and subsequently prescribe treatment.

The first place to start is to visit your regular therapist. He will assess the situation and may send you to specialists. Numbness of the fingers is also treated:







Each of the doctors will prescribe a treatment that will relieve you of the feeling of numbness at night or during the day.

In addition to self-diagnosis and an in-person examination with a doctor, you can also undergo:

X-ray of the spinal column;

MRI or CT scan of the spinal cord or brain, as well as blood vessels and the cervical spine;

Electrocardiogram and ultrasound of the heart;

Take a general and detailed blood test;

ENMG, that is, electroneuromyography. This study is aimed at determining muscle mobility and excitability, assessing the condition of peripheral nerve fibers and their sensitivity. It allows you to accurately determine the nature of the disease, whether it is a neurological disorder or a primary muscular disease.

Treatment of numbness in fingers - what procedures a specialist can prescribe

Immediately after diagnosis, a qualified doctor will prescribe a course of procedures for you. Often this list includes:

1. Vitamin therapy.

A lack of vitamins can greatly affect the state of the muscular and nervous systems, resulting in many problems, including numbness in the fingers, hands, and feet. Vitamins B, E and A will help replenish the balance. They can be taken in tablets or by injection if the situation is advanced. In milder cases, diet will help normalize the level of vitamins in the body. For example, a lack of vitamin B12 can be eliminated by eating eggs, fish and meat, as well as liver, cheese, seafood and sour cream.

You can replenish the level of vitamins A and E by eating butter, seaweed, cheese, cottage cheese, garlic, broccoli, as well as nuts, dried fruits, spinach and oatmeal.

2. Physical therapy and massage.

Physical education under the supervision of a specialist gives good results for numbness in the fingers and hands. Some exercises can be done at home, especially since they are not complicated. For example, if your fingers are often numb, you can perform a flexion-extension exercise in different positions: with your arms raised up, at an angle, and while lowering down.

A massage performed by a professional helps to normalize blood circulation. In addition to kneading the fingers, palms and hands, it will be useful to undergo a course of massages of the cervical-collar area, for the prevention of osteochondrosis, flexor-extensor muscles of the forearm, elbow joint, or a general strengthening tonic massage. There are also certain types of massages to solve problems of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

3. Treatment with medications and ointments.

In this case, only a doctor can select therapy. You should not self-medicate, because you must understand that numbness in your fingers can be dangerous and be a symptom of a serious pathology that can lead to disability and even death (stroke or heart attack).

Therapy in tablets is aimed at relieving the inflammatory process in tissues, removing excess fluid if swelling occurs, reducing pain and relieving the feeling of numbness.

4. Physiotherapy.

Exposure to physiotherapeutic devices solves many problems. Magnetic therapy will help relieve joint pain, improve blood circulation and remove swelling. Heat therapy (paraffin or ozokerite compresses) is prescribed for diseases of the spine and osteochondrosis; it helps to warm up the sore spot, relieve spasms and speed up blood circulation. And electrophoresis makes it possible to deliver medications to the deep layers of the skin, directly to focal inflammation, providing a quick treatment effect.

Folk remedies: how to treat numbness in fingers using a home first aid kit

At home, some remedies can also help relieve numbness in your hands. For example, simple contrast baths or douses will perfectly restore blood microcirculation, and with regular use they will also relieve paresthesia. For this procedure you need to take two containers with hot and cold water. Lower your hands into them one by one, holding them for literally 30-40 seconds. Repeat this exercise about 10 times.

A massage with essential oils will be an excellent help not only in treating numbness, but also in preserving the youth and beauty of your hands. Only for this you will need someone close to you, because an independent massage may be inconvenient. To cope with frequent numbness in your fingers, you need to take:

  • Olive oil,
  • Eucalyptus,
  • Rosemary,
  • Basilica,
  • Grapefruit.

You can also use pumpkin or potato wraps to combat paresthesia. You need to boil the pumpkin or potatoes, mash them and apply them to the sore spots, first wrapping them in film and then in a towel or foil.

Another recipe: to relieve numbness, mix olive oil with black pepper, simmer on the stove for about half an hour and spread this mixture 2-3 times a day on the area of ​​the hands and fingers.

Preventive measures for numbness in fingers

Remember: in order not to reap the fruits of your carelessness, you need to take care of your health.

Don't freeze. This is very important, since hypothermia negatively affects the entire body and the condition of the joints in particular.

Let's give your hands a rest. Especially if you work at a computer or make a lot of monotonous movements throughout the day. Do a little gymnastics after every hour of work.

Take comfortable positions while sleeping. Do not forget that the normal state of the spine is its linearity. If your pillow is too high and the spine in the cervical region is bent, it cannot fully rest. Due to constant compression of small vessels, paresthesia may occur.

Take care of your body, otherwise it may respond to acquired diseases with very unpleasant sensations.

Recently, doctors have noted that the number of patients complaining of numbness in their fingers has increased significantly. The upper limbs are closely connected with other organs of the biological system and are sensitive to the processes occurring in them. When your fingers go numb, what to do will be determined by the reason that led to the incomprehensible sensations. Each specific case will determine how to treat numbness.

Why do my fingers go numb?

Numbness, painful tingling, burning are components of one link - sensitivity disorders. Sometimes discomfort occurs if the hand is left motionless for a long time (for example, during sleep). In this situation, the unpleasant feeling does not have serious consequences and is quickly eliminated after light warm-up and rubbing. If the numbness does not go away, this means that you should definitely consult a doctor.

What else makes your palms and fingers go numb after sleep is a high pillow. An uncomfortable position of the neck leads to disruption of the blood supply and nutrition of the spinal nerves that exit the cervical spine.

The pathological variant of the condition is dangerous when paresthesia (the medical name for such deviations) manifests itself as a response to irritation or compression of nerve fibers. The symptom is detected when a nerve impulse travels along the damaged fiber, or is read by the affected central organ.

Disparate signals are sent to the brain, which layer, dampen and potentiate one another. Nerve endings do not understand how to react to inappropriate impulses. The result is loss of sensation in the fingers of the upper limbs.

The main causes of tingling in the fingers

There are a huge number of reasons that can cause numbness in the fingers. Let's start with an overview of the most common ones.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

A synonym is carpal tunnel syndrome, a narrow opening through which muscle tendons and the median nerve pass. The latter innervates a significant part of the hand - thumb, index, middle, partially ring finger. Same, frequently repeated movements of the hand lead to compression of the nerve fibers at the mouth of the carpal tunnel.

The disease has received the status of “occupational” among painters, musicians, and people who work at a computer for a long time. In the initial stages, a slight aching pain appears in the wrist area. Gradually, burning sensation, numbness in the fingers of the right hand, and trembling are added to the symptoms. Sometimes a person cannot perform basic actions related to fine motor skills.


  • wearing special devices - bandages, splints with rigid elements;
  • compresses with dimexide on the wrist;
  • B vitamins;
  • self-massage;
  • exercises to strengthen the hand;
  • refurbishment of the workplace.

In severe cases: therapeutic blockades, surgery.

Ulnar nerve neuropathy

More commonly known as cubital tunnel syndrome. The following injuries play a leading role in the onset of the disease:

  • bruises;
  • dislocations of the forearm, wrist joints;
  • fractures of the shoulder, ulna or its process;
  • sprain.

Any traumatic injury disrupts blood supply, innervation and metabolic processes. A tight bandage or plaster aggravates the situation by squeezing healthy tissue. All this leads to numbness and tingling in the fingers during immobilization and early rehabilitation. The appearance of paresthesia after a long period of time is a signal of improper fusion of fragments or serious damage to nerve fibers.

Inflammation and structural changes in the ulnar canal, leading to compression of the nerve, are recorded during the development of:

  • osteomas;
  • post-traumatic arthrosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • synovitis;
  • osteodystrophy.

The pathology does not ignore people who have the habit of leaning on their elbow and working with tools that need to be applied pressure (screwdrivers, hammers).

Symptoms of nerve compression in the cubital canal:

  • the hand weakens;
  • the little finger, ring finger and the edge of the palm adjacent to them go numb;
  • pain in the elbow joint, forearm or base of the hand.

Symptomatic manifestations are especially pronounced after sleep.

Conservative treatment:

  • drugs from the NSAID group;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • anticoagulants;
  • metabolites;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • massage;
  • electromyostimulation;
  • physiotherapy.

Surgical intervention: decompression, nerve transposition, neurolysis.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

In our case we will talk about the cervical spine. With age, cartilage discs wear out and break down. Hernias, protrusions, cervical osteochondrosis develop, and osteophytes form. Going beyond the intervertebral space, the elements compress the spinal nerve or branches extending from it that innervate the limb.

With minor pinching, the little fingers on the hands go numb. The progressive course of the disease deprives the middle finger, ring finger, index finger and thumb of sensitivity. More often the fingers on the right hand go numb. If the nerve is pinched at the level of the C8 vertebra, muscle weakness appears and the functional ability of the limb deteriorates.


  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • wearing a Shants collar;
  • traction;
  • massage.

For severe compression of the spinal cord: surgical removal of the hernia, decompression of the spinal canal.

Autoimmune diseases

Diseases in which the immune system mistakenly associates its own healthy cells with potentially dangerous ones.

Multiple sclerosis

One of the reasons is if the fingers on both hands go numb. Due to focal damage to the myelin sheath, nerves cannot conduct impulses, which significantly affects the functioning of the nervous system.

In addition to numbness, the condition is occasionally accompanied by:

  • tingling in fingers and toes;
  • tremor;
  • increased weakness;
  • problems with coordination and speech.

The pathology is not related to senile sclerosis. Young people, mostly women, are at risk. According to statistics, more and more registered cases are among children and adolescents.


  • methylprednisolone;
  • potassium preparations;
  • immunomodulators;
  • tricyclic antidepressants;
  • plasmapheresis.

In multiple sclerosis, immunomodulatory therapy is carried out over a long period of time.

Diabetes mellitus type I

Insulin-dependent type of diabetes. The body’s own hormone cannot be produced, since the cells responsible for its production are destroyed by the immune system.
In 75 out of 100 patients with this disease, diabetic polyneuropathy develops, which is characterized by:

  • pain and tingling in fingers;
  • decreased tendon reflexes;
  • deformation of the hands;
  • dryness and itching of the skin;
  • irresistible thirst;
  • frequent urination.

Type 1 diabetes is a disease of young people that develops rapidly and is sometimes asymptomatic.

Treatment: insulin therapy, diet, monitoring your well-being and blood sugar levels.

Cardiovascular pathologies

When a stroke approaches, a person’s left hand and fingers become numb. On the same side, paresthesia covers the leg and face. Difficulties arise with the formulation and pronunciation of words. When trying to smile, asymmetry of the nasolabial folds is noticeable.

If during the first day, or even a few minutes, the patient’s condition stabilizes, then a transient ischemic attack has occurred. The phenomenon is known as a microstroke. Transient disruption of cerebral blood supply is caused by blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques. A person may not realize that he has experienced an ischemic attack if it occurs during sleep. In the case when your fingers hurt and tingle in the morning, or your left palm is numb, it is better to play it safe and visit a doctor.

Loss of sensation in the left hand is the first satellite of myocardial infarction. Sometimes a cardiac accident does not cause any painful abnormalities other than numbness. When severe, severe pain occurs in the heart area and behind the sternum. The attack is similar to angina pectoris, but is not relieved by nitroglycerin.

Treatment of cardiovascular pathologies is carried out in a hospital setting according to an individually drawn up plan.

Other reasons

Raynaud's disease

The cause of numbness lies in the disruption of arterial blood supply in the vessels of the hand. The disease develops against the background of diffuse changes in connective tissue. Under the influence of cold, emotional experiences, and smoking, the fingertips first go numb. Then the skin instantly turns white and becomes cold. Instead of numbness, a burning sensation and severe bursting pain appear. At the final stage of the attack, the fingertips turn red and a feeling of heat appears.

The main principle in the treatment of Raynaud's disease is the exclusion of provoking factors (stress, hypothermia, smoking).
Help stop an attack:

  • warming hands in warm water;
  • rubbing with woolen cloth;
  • hot drink;
  • antispasmodics.

The underlying disease that led to the development of Raynaud's syndrome must be identified and treated.

Gestation period

Expectant mothers often experience numbness in their fingers during pregnancy, especially after 30 weeks. You cannot completely ignore such a symptom, but you should not panic in advance. Basically, sensitivity disorders are caused by physiological changes that occur in a woman’s body during gestation.

Due to weight gain, the load on the axial part of the spine increases, where the main organ of the peripheral nervous system, the spinal cord, passes.

In the later stages of pregnancy, motor activity decreases, which leads to stagnation - blood microcirculation is disrupted.

Against the background of changes in hormonal status, metabolic processes malfunction. The biological system cannot maintain the water-salt balance at the proper level. Excess fluid accumulates in the body and swelling appears. They put pressure on nerve fibers and blood vessels.

In the early stages, toxicosis, and later increased nutrition of the fetus with reserves of the maternal body lead to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Lack of potassium, magnesium, and B vitamins affects the functioning of the nervous system. A lack of iron, manganese, copper, vitamins C, E, and folic acid threatens the development of anemia, which also causes numbness in the hands.

Loss of sensitivity in the fingers is caused by a number of pharmacological drugs. Before using any medicinal substance, you should carefully study the attached leaflet.

When the little finger on your hand cramps or the tip of any finger becomes numb, the reason may lie in intoxication of the body. Food, alcohol, and toxic poisoning causes considerable harm to the nervous system.

Strong coffee lovers should not forget that caffeine removes calcium from the body. Notification of a deficiency of a vital microelement will come in the form of numbness and spasmodic convulsions.

Unpleasant numbness and tingling of the fingers usually occurs from a lack of blood supply to the hand, for example, if a person has been in a position for a long time in which the blood vessels are temporarily compressed. From a medical point of view, this is completely normal. Moreover, moving the hand “accelerates the blood” and everything returns to normal. But when numbness of the fingers becomes systematic and is often accompanied by pain and impaired mobility in the joints of the fingers, then this is an abnormal condition.

This may indicate the presence of inflammation, diabetes, intervertebral disc pathology, or the onset of multiple sclerosis. Also, numbness in the fingers of the right hand is an indicator of peripheral neuropathy.

Causes of numbness in the fingers of the right hand

Numbness in the fingers of the right hand occurs for many reasons. Among them:

  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic and cervical spine;
  • cervical spondylosis;
  • intervertebral disc herniation;
  • neck injuries;
  • polyneuropathy in chronic alcoholism;
  • endocrine polyneuropathy in diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism;
  • peripheral vascular disease (narrowing of blood vessels due to the accumulation of cholesterol on their walls limits blood flow to the extremities);
  • Raynaud's disease (or Raynaud's syndrome);
  • pernicious anemia (deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body).

It should be borne in mind that with polyneuropathy, numbness of the fingers of the right hand is combined with symmetrical numbness of the hands and fingers of the left hand and with numbness and impaired mobility of the legs.

Numbness of the fingers is a problem that is unfortunately familiar to many. Usually it begins to cause alarm only when the discomfort becomes almost constant and may be accompanied by pain. Most often, we first notice numbness when waking up in the morning or at night, and at first we do not attach any importance to it, because the cause may be an uncomfortable posture.

If numbness in your fingers becomes regular, then you should hurry to see a doctor, because any treatment is more successful in the early stages of the disease, and this symptom is a cause for alarm.

Why do my fingers go numb?

With various problems, we may feel numbness in different parts of the hand. Numbness of the little finger is quite common, but discomfort in the thumb area is less common.

The causes of numbness in the hands or fingers can be different.

Most often this condition is associated with osteochondrosis, but this is not the only cause.

Causes of numbness

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • Polyneuropathy;
  • Injuries;
  • Violation of vascular patency;
  • Overstrain of muscle fibers;
  • Severe stress.

The most harmless reason that causes numbness in the hands is muscle strain.. If your head lies uncomfortably on the pillow while sleeping, or if your posture is incorrect when working at a desk or computer, then severe tension in the neck muscles occurs. Muscle spasm compresses nearby nerve fibers.

Unpleasant sensations can occur in different fingers of the upper extremities, from the little finger to the big, depending on which nerve and in which area is pinched.

Pinched nerves also occur with constant tension in the hands, when a person works with his hands for a long time. Today this is most often associated with working at a computer, because actively using the keyboard is an unnatural activity for our hands. Monotonous work impairs blood circulation, swelling develops, and tendons or joints may become inflamed.

As a result, the nerves become pinched. The most commonly affected nerve is the median nerve, which passes through the carpal tunnel. At first, numbness in the hands is felt only in the morning, and later pain occurs.

If you do not pay attention to the symptoms, the condition will worsen, and your hands will hurt day and night. This disease is called carpal tunnel syndrome; it can manifest itself on only one side; numbness in the right hand is more common, because it usually bears more load.

Inflammatory processes in the joints lead to approximately the same consequences. More often this is arthrosis. It affects one joint first, but can spread to others.

If, for example, you notice numbness in your left hand and do not take action for a long time, then after a while the symmetrical joint on the right may become inflamed.

The causes of numbness will also be a pinched nerve.

Numbness in the hands may be due to Raynaud's disease. In this case, microcirculation is disrupted and discomfort spreads to both hands. Already at the initial stage of the disease, the fingers freeze, turn pale and hurt in the cold. The nerves responsible for the functioning of the fingers and hands are affected by polyneuropathy. In turn, the causes of this disease can also be different.

Causes of polyneuropathy

  • Diabetes;
  • Hypovitaminosis;
  • Anemia;
  • Infectious diseases.

Similar processes, accompanied by compression of nerves, occur in some endocrine diseases, during nervous overload, for example, when in a state of chronic stress or after severe emotional shock.

Injuries can damage nerve tissue and lead to irreversible consequences, in which case numbness in the hands will remain forever.

An alarming symptom may be one-sided sensations.

This may be due to narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels due to various diseases. An atherosclerotic plaque or blood clot in the blood vessels means a threat of ischemic stroke.

The fact is that numbness in the fingers of one hand occurs when the vertebral artery is compressed or blocked on one side. The vertebral arteries supply blood to the brain, and narrowing of their lumen, and even more so, blocking can be catastrophic for the brain.

Thus, even slight numbness in the fingers of the left hand (as well as the right) can be a symptom warning of an impending stroke, and therefore requires attention.

Osteochondrosis as a cause of hand numbness

The most common cause of numbness in the limbs is osteochondrosis. This disease is so widespread that it is rare that an adult does not experience its symptoms. With significant damage to the spine by the pathological process, numbness of the arms and legs is possible, but this degree of the disease is not very common.

Numbness of the fingers causes osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Degenerative-dystrophic changes in this disease lead to damage to the intervertebral discs and the vertebrae themselves.

For this reason, compression of the nerve endings occurs and the functions of the vertebral arteries are disrupted, in particular, they become less blood-permeable. These pathological processes cause numbness of the upper extremities.

Damage to the intervertebral discs leads to the formation of protrusions and hernias, which put pressure on the nerve roots and on the vessels passing nearby. Degeneration of the vertebral bodies can be manifested by the formation of osteophytes (bone growths), which also compress the nerves.

Thus, numbness in the fingers can be a sign of cervical osteochondrosis, and you can even determine which vertebrae are affected, because compression at certain levels is reflected by numbness in the corresponding areas of our body.

For example, numbness in the little and ring fingers indicates damage to the 8th cervical vertebra. If the numbness extends to the ring and middle fingers, then the 7th vertebra is affected. With such sensations at the level of the thumb, index and middle fingers, the cause is usually a problem in the 6th vertebra.

Diagnosis of the problem

It is very important to make a correct diagnosis. The most alarming signal is numbness in the fingers of the left hand. First you need to exclude pre-infarction and pre-stroke conditions.

Numbness in the fingers of the right hand can also be a signal of an impending stroke. Severe cases can be prevented if this pathology is diagnosed in time. Next, you need to find out the condition of the spine for osteochondrosis. Its treatment depends on the stage, so the examination must be thorough, you need to do all the procedures that the doctor prescribes.

Further diagnosis of numbness in the upper extremities is associated with the identification of inflammatory processes, compression or damage to the nerve endings responsible for the functioning of the hand and fingers.

Diagnostic procedures

  • X-ray of the cervical spine in different projections;
  • Dopplerography and angiography of blood vessels;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine;
  • Computed tomography of the brain;
  • Electroencephalography.


If you wake up in the morning or at night and feel numbness in your fingers, then do not ignore this manifestation. Perhaps something needs to be done, because this could be a signal from the body about trouble.

First of all, of course, we think that the reasons are simple: an uncomfortable pillow, a sleeping position. Most often in this case we feel numbness in the little finger; if you stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time, the unpleasant sensations can spread to the entire hand, but, as a rule, this only happens on one side.

To exclude this option and not bother the doctor in vain, try changing the bed; it may be worth purchasing an orthopedic pillow so that at night when you change position you will not find yourself in an uncomfortable position again.

If this is the problem, then there will literally be a positive result immediately, and nothing else needs to be done.

If simple measures do not help, you need to consult a doctor to get adequate treatment.

Pinched nerve endings in the hand are treated by a neurologist using medications, vitamins and physiotherapy. If the cause is excessive physical exertion or incorrect body position during work, then these causes need to be eliminated and a short course of treatment restored to restore balance in the body and the functioning of nerve endings.

Specific treatment is prescribed for inflammatory diseases or osteochondrosis.

Possible treatments for numb fingers

  • Medication. Relieves inflammatory swelling, reduces pain, improves the functioning of blood vessels and nerves. Vitamins and chondroprotectors help restore tissue functions.
  • Local treatment involves manual therapy and massage.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures stimulate blood circulation and tissue regeneration. The most commonly used are laser, ultrasound, and magnetic therapy.
  • In many cases, therapeutic exercises can completely relieve numbness in the hands or significantly alleviate the condition.

Prevention of hand numbness

It is always much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels and nerves can cause numbness in the upper extremities. To preserve blood vessels, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, that is, do not abuse alcohol, stop smoking, limit salty, spicy foods.

The diet must include meat, fish, seafood, a lot of vegetables and fruits, and herbs.

If you work with your hands, then be sure to take breaks after 45-60 minutes for small exercises so that normal blood flow in the extremities has time to be restored. If you suspect more serious problems, contact a specialist immediately.

Many people face the problem of numbness in their fingertips. A feeling of slight numbness often occurs in the morning or before bedtime; people do not immediately pay attention to it. However, when the tingling sensation becomes constant and even painful, it becomes a cause for concern.

Everyone knows that when you consult a doctor at an early stage of the disease, the chances of a favorable treatment outcome increase. Therefore, in case of frequently recurring cases of numbness in the hands, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

What is numbness in fingers?

Numbness can be a consequence of various diseases. Numbness of the little finger is most common, while numbness of the thumb is much less common. Why do my fingers go numb?

The primary cause may be osteochondrosis. However, there are still a number of reasons for this pathology.

Possible causes of numbness

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Joint inflammation;
  • Polyneuropathy;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • Injuries;
  • Narrowing of the lumens of blood vessels;
  • Excessive muscle tension;
  • Stressful conditions.

It is very important to pay attention to quality rest. The pillow for sleeping must be selected in such a way that the neck muscles are relaxed during sleep. It is also necessary to ensure correct body position when working at the computer. If you do not pay attention to the uncomfortable position of the body during sleep or wakefulness, overstrain of the neck muscles may occur. This will lead to compression of nearby nerve fibers that lead to the arm muscles.

Compression of nerves in different areas causes tingling sensations and even pain in the hands.

Also, compression of the nerves can be a consequence of prolonged tension in the hands when performing the same type of work, due to which blood circulation in the fingers slows down. In this case, pinched nerves may occur, as well as swelling, even inflammation of the tendons and joints.

The median nerve passes through the wrist, which is the first nerve to suffer. At first, in the morning hours, you may feel numbness in your fingers, which is later replaced by soreness.

Such conditions should not be ignored, otherwise the situation may develop into a chronic disease with constant pain in the hands. This condition is called carpal tunnel syndrome. This syndrome does not necessarily affect both hands; as a rule, the fingers on the right hand go numb, because it experiences greater loads compared to the left.

Often inflammation of the joints and arthrosis lead to numbness in the hands. The disease may first develop in one joint, but other joints may also be affected.

If a person periodically feels numbness or pain in the left hand, but does not consult a doctor to identify the causes and treat this condition, there is a possibility that the inflammatory process will affect the second joint, and the consequences can be sad.

Impaired blood microcirculation, a feeling of numbness and tingling can be a symptom of Raynaud's disease. Characteristic signs of this disease are pale hands and pain in cold, windy weather. Also, damage to the nerves of the hands occurs with polyneuropathy. The reasons for the development of this disease may also be different.

Causes of polyneuropathy:

  • Diabetes;
  • Hypovitaminosis;
  • Anemia;
  • Infectious diseases.

Pinched nerves can also occur with certain diseases of the endocrine system, as well as in situations where a person experiences prolonged stress or emotional overload.

Chronic numbness of the hands can be a consequence of severe bruises or injuries, especially fractures.

Unpleasant sensations do not necessarily affect the entire hand. Soreness may be present on only one side or affect, for example, only the index finger or only the little finger. This condition may be a consequence of narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels. And numbness of the fingers due to a blood clot in a vessel or the presence of atherosclerotic plaques can threaten a person with an ischemic stroke.

Poor blood supply to the vertebral artery can also cause numbness in the fingers. In addition, the blood supply to the brain comes through the vertebral arteries, so their narrowing or blockage can lead to fatal consequences.

Therefore, if the patient has a feeling that the fingers on the left or right hand are numb, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since the cause of this may be such a serious condition as a stroke.

Numbness of the hands due to osteochondrosis

The most common cause of numbness in the hands is osteochondrosis, to which older people are most susceptible.

Beginning osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can cause numbness in the hands. In osteochondrosis, due to degenerative changes, the vertebrae and intervertebral discs are damaged.

At the same time, the nerve endings are compressed, the vertebral arteries are narrowed, their patency is impaired, which leads to numbness of the hands.

As a result of damage to the intervertebral discs, protrusions and hernias appear, nearby nerve endings and vessels are compressed. Osteophytes (bone growths) may appear on damaged vertebrae, and nerve compression may also occur.

Thus, if your elbow hurts and the fingers of your left hand go numb, this may be a signal of incipient cervical osteochondrosis. The feeling of numbness in various parts of the body is the result of compression of certain nerve areas of the spine.

For example, if the 8th cervical vertebra is damaged, numbness will occur in the little finger and ring finger. If the 7th vertebra is damaged, numbness will be felt in the ring and middle fingers. If there are problems with the 6th vertebra, the thumb, index and middle fingers go numb.

Diagnosis of the disease

In solving the problem of numbness, the main task is to establish the correct diagnosis. For example, if the fingers on the left hand go numb, this may also indicate a pre-infarction or pre-stroke condition, which must be ruled out first.

However, if the finger on the right hand goes numb, this may also indicate a threatening stroke. Only timely diagnosis of this condition will help to avoid a serious condition of cerebrovascular accident. Next, a competent specialist in the clinic must perform a thorough examination to determine the condition of the spine, the presence or absence of osteochondrosis.

The next stage of examination will be to identify inflammation, pinching or damage to the nerves that are responsible for the mobility of the hand and fingers.

Carrying out diagnostic procedures

  • X-ray examination of the cervical spine in different projections;
  • Dopplerography and angiography of blood vessels;
  • MRI of the spine;
  • CT scan of the brain;
  • Electroencephalography.

Treatment for numb fingers

If two fingers or three fingers on your hand go numb at night or in the morning, you should not ignore it. You should immediately seek help from a specialist.

If your arms become numb after an uncomfortable position of your body during sleep, you should choose an orthopedic pillow that will allow your spine to take the correct position while resting.

If pinched nerve endings are detected, the neurologist will prescribe the necessary medications, vitamins and physiotherapeutic treatment. You will also need to undergo treatment to restore the functioning of nerve endings if numbness is caused by excessive physical exertion or due to improper positioning of the body when working at a desk. The causes contributing to the development of the disease must be eliminated.

Inflammation of the joints and osteochondrosis require special treatment.

Types of therapy for numbness

  • Medication. Medicines will help relieve inflammatory swelling, relieve pain, and normalize the functioning of blood vessels and nerves. Vitamins and chondroprotectors will restore tissue functions.
  • Manual therapy and massage are prescribed locally.
  • Physiotherapy stimulates blood circulation and tissue repair. This is mainly laser exposure, ultrasound, magnetic therapy.
  • Therapeutic exercises most often help solve the problem of hand numbness or improve the condition.

Preventing finger numbness

Damage to blood vessels and nerves can cause numbness. A healthy lifestyle, quitting smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, salty and spicy foods will help keep your blood vessels healthy. It is also necessary to include meat, fish, seafood, vegetables and fruits, and herbs in the diet.



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