What products are in high demand now? Where to find business supplies

Last year, the world went crazy with spinners: spinning toys filled online stores in different countries. We’ll find out in today’s review which products and categories will be the most popular in 2018 and how you can attract buyers.

Criteria for the product being sold

Low price. Yes, there are premium products that find their target audience, but they will never become mainstream. If you want to reach the largest target audience, sell cheap goods.

Versatility. Everyone needs smartphones, clothes and household appliances: accordingly, the target audience for such products is also wide. They are needed by schoolchildren, pensioners, and people of the ordinary middle class.

Ease of ordering, payment and delivery. We hope you are doing great with this!

What do people buy in online stores?

Large and small household appliances

Why overpay if TVs, irons and washing machines are cheaper in online stores? More and more buyers think so and go shopping online. The only disadvantage of selling equipment online: inability to touch and see live, check the equipment and parts. However, this can be done after receiving the order, and if something goes wrong, issue a return.

Smartphones, laptops, tablets

Both Chinese and original electronic gadgets and their components are one of the leaders in the online commerce market. Online stores offer both cheap no-name models and products from well-known companies. In addition to smartphones, tablets, laptops, memory drives, fitness trackers and other gadgets are being bought with a bang.

Accessories sometimes cost no less than a smartphone: a keychain for the phone, a case for the keychain, a socket for the case - this a whole additional industry. And also protective films and glasses, headphones, portable speakers, players - thousands of them.

Most pet products are produced in China and sold in Russia at a premium. Nevertheless, people have always bought and will continue to buy animal food, dishes - bowls and sippy cups, toys, rugs, collars and harnesses, flea medicine and other popular goods. You can’t put a very large markup on such goods - they’ll still take it apart. More expensive goods charge less, however, they still have their customers. These are clothes for pets, houses and other furniture, unusual designer toys and collars. The markup on such goods should be higher.

Not only teenage girls love notebooks, pencils and pens, stickers, and colored stickers. Adults often go crazy with all kinds of stationery, which is abundant in online stores. The leader in this market, of course, is Aliexpress: There is truly a stationery paradise there, and the goods cost mere pennies. Keep up with the prolific Chinese: sell office supplies cheaper than in stores, and you will be happy. And yes, the range should be very wide: lovers of notebooks and diaries are usually very picky and can spend hours choosing just the right thing.

Craft goods

The fashionable word “craft” has penetrated into e-commerce: here and there they offer craft bags, notebooks, products... In fact, this word means handmade, so not every product that bears this name is actually such. Conversely, any handmade item - be it an embroidered painting or fresh beer - is essentially craft. We advise you to pay tribute to fashion: people are turning to naturalness, and now more than ever the opportunity to make money from it is real.

Try going to a branded sports store, and then to the category "Sports and Recreation" any famous online store. The difference, we think, will be obvious: it’s cheaper to buy online. Pay special attention to the seasonal assortment: in the summer - tents, folding chairs and tables, barbecues and grills, backpacks, pots, etc. As winter approaches, actively sell skis, skates, and thermal underwear. Nordic walking poles are still popular.

LED lamps

Many Russians are gradually switching to energy-saving lamps. Therefore, pay attention to such categories of products as LED chandeliers, table lamps, LED strips, which you can use to decorate furniture yourself. In winter, this list is replenished with New Year's garlands.

Lamps and chandeliers are inexpensive, it’s better to buy them in China - it’s cheaper. Pay attention to the quality of the goods - diodes and light bulbs must not be defective.

Household goods, children's goods

Nowadays only lazy people don’t sell household goods. These are kitchen utensils, furniture for rooms, curtains and bed linen, clever devices that make the life of housewives easier. We will also include tool sets for men and products for children of different ages. To interest the buyer, you need to stand out from the crowd stores with an unusual assortment or offer really low prices.

Clothes, shoes, cosmetics

Without this category the list would be incomplete. We don’t think it’s worth explaining how big this market is. People will dress and decorate themselves even in times of crisis. Therefore, feel free to sell, your buyer will definitely be found.

We will pay special attention to replicas of famous brands. You can find fake ones on the Internet. Converse, Adidas, Timberland, Lacoste, and even in replicas UGG Australia Probably every third girl went. Enterprising Chinese have learned to sew very similar things at a low price, and online store owners resell them at their own markup. And everyone is happy!

Electronic tickets

Noticed that have we almost stopped buying real paper tickets? Whether we’re traveling by train or flying by plane, we book tickets on the website and look for where it’s cheaper; whether we’re going to a movie or a concert, we also book in advance and show it on the smartphone screen. E-tickets are selling well but in order for people to trust your online store, you need to work hard to create a positive image and reputation

Bestsellers 2018

What specific products will be selling like hotcakes in the coming year? We studied the latest e-commerce trends and compiled our list of hits.

Xiaomi phones have won the love of Russians. These are really cool: light, comfortable, with a good camera. This means that we can say with almost one hundred percent guarantee that A decline in sales of these phones is not expected in 2018. Along with the phones, they sell accessories and components: tempered glass, resistant to scratches and damage, various cases, silicone bumpers, car holders.

Price: moderate.

TA: very different.

3D printers are a fashionable gadget that can be used to print not only documents, photos and drawings, but also any object, be it your favorite tea mug, your own hand or a phone. 3D printing appeared not so long ago and is already being widely used in science, construction, and industry. Now everyone can appreciate its advantages: A 3D printer generates three-dimensional objects with real parameters.

Price: quite high, but tends to decrease.

TA: is getting wider. Popular among young people.

A super popular thing that suits absolutely everyone - even children have smartphones. And they are always discharged very inopportunely - thanks to the Internet and mobile applications that eat up energy. And if the phone is not new, the battery can run out at any inopportune moment. Energy storage devices are devices with a capacity of up to 10,000 mAh, with which you can quickly charge your gadget up to one hundred percent.

Price: average.

TA: very different.

4. Liquid phone cases

A fashion accessory that any teenager would sell their school for. This is a regular case, the back of which is a pattern and filled with gel or liquid. When you tilt or rotate the phone, the gel begins to move, forming a design. It looks very impressive In addition, such a case will protect your phone from damage and scratches.

Price: low.

TA: very different.

5. Smart watch

Smartwatches can have a variety of functions: measure pulse, serve as a navigator, monitor sleep phases, play music, receive calls and send SMS. Some models have a parental control function. This gadget is suitable for those who play sports, follow a healthy lifestyle, go on a trip, or just want to stay in touch, even without a phone at hand.

Price: moderate

TA: mostly young people.

6. Gel nail polishes

Let’s dilute the hit parade of gadgets with such a seemingly frivolous product. If you take a closer look at the beauty industry, you will notice that A huge number of manicurists have appeared, whose services are in great demand. Therefore, gel polishes, as well as all kinds of glitter, rubs, and stickers are in unprecedented demand in online stores. As well as all kinds of accessories and consumables: ultraviolet lamps, files and scissors, cuticle softening oil and so on.

Price: relatively low.

TA: women who do their own manicures, beauty experts.

7. Drones

Let's get back to technology again. Drones are aircraft that take video from above, are now in great demand. They are used at city and family events and celebrations, used in photography and video recording, and even track crimes. Many people have started using drones for commercial purposes: They shoot videos to order. There are more and more drone owners, and there is every chance that this trend will only intensify in 2018.

Price: quite high.

TA: varied.

8. Karaoke microphone for smartphone

Yes, not just a simple one, but one that connects to a smartphone! The wireless microphone connects to a smartphone via Bluetooth, which means you can take it with you anywhere: to nature, to a cafe, to visit friends. The gadget is small in size, and the built-in battery allows it to work for several hours continuously.

Another plus: the microphone connects to the speaker, so the gadget can be used as a player and play music from a smartphone - again via Bluetooth. Some models have a sound effects function.

The sales pendulum sometimes swings in the completely opposite direction. From ultra-modern trends - to naturalness and naturalness, from fashionable digital gadgets to objects made from simple materials. This is how watches with wooden cases and sunglasses with wooden frames appeared on the market. Such things are now at the peak of fashion: They are inexpensive, look cool and make the owner stand out from the crowd.

Price: low or medium.

TA: people who follow fashion, young people.

10. Fire lamps

Lamps with living flame effect- a new product that is gaining momentum. It looks very unusual and beautiful, many will like it, but finding such a miracle in online stores is not so easy. Be one of the first - sell Flame lamps home products in your store.

Price: not tall.

TA: family people, new settlers.

11. Portable LED projectors

Another gadget that is receiving more and more user requests in search engines. LED projector is an alternative to a computer monitor or TV screen, it displays the image as if on a huge 300-inch diagonal screen. Since the projector is LED, it will help you save money.

You can create a separate landing page for such a product.- we already wrote, Or simply sell it as a home theater in the digital equipment section.

Price: quite expensive.

TA: families, entrepreneurs, scientists

If you doubt whether the selected product will be popular, run it through the service It shows how many people per month searched for a specific product. This data will also be useful when promoting an online store: look how many more requests there are with the words “led projector” than “led projector”. This means that the first phrase must be inserted into the product description.

It not only shows the number of requests, but also their dynamics and even popularity in different countries.

Try, experiment, find new unusual products and sell them to your customers. Who knows, maybe the products from our selection will be a spinner's success! We'll see at the end of the year!

Personally, I still remember the time when the owner of his own store was considered a kind of “capitalist”, a person standing a step higher than the rest. Currently, the opinion on this matter, in my opinion, has changed a little. Now the owner is more of a person who has taken on a huge responsibility and a heavy burden. Although there is still one very promising niche of trade, which is rapidly developing and promises to become fundamental in trade relations in the future. This is a business area on the World Wide Web - online stores, the owners of which, by the way, can be anyone, regardless of gender, age, or any other factors.

I have already written before about how to open, for example, an online store in Odnoklassniki, how to choose a form of running an online business, and even how to trade on the Internet without having your own online store, so I will not repeat myself. Those who are interested can follow the links and read the publications. Today I want to touch on another topic: what exactly to sell on the Internet. What products are in greatest demand, and how to determine this using the largest search engines.

What to consider before choosing a trade area

I think that any aspiring Internet entrepreneur understands that the success of the entire enterprise, and therefore the amount of income received, directly depends on what choice you make at the beginning, what products you will offer to your customers. Many successful owners of online stores advise working with a product that they are familiar with, so as not to have problems with consultations and other nuances of this business.

I agree with this, and on my own behalf I will add that you need to not only determine what product to sell in an online store, but what product is profitable to sell in an online store. Because if you are well versed in watches, and, say, in the Kurgan region their sales are not very good, and the sale of clothing via the Internet is in great demand, then your store will initially encounter difficulties already at the promotion stage. By the way, you can read how to promote an online store.

Of course, many may argue that the online store covers the entire country with its activities, but believe me, from my own experience I will say that the largest part of buyers are from your region. Therefore, first of all, focus on your “native lands” until you “grow up” to the level of “Ozone” or any other online hypermarket. And don’t try to “cover” a large number of goods at once - you are guaranteed to fail. It is better to concentrate on one, maximum two sentences to begin with.

Determining a trading niche using search engines

Since the main tool for consumers to search for goods on the Internet are search engines, it is their services that should be used when determining the most promising niche. I will consider the two largest search engines: Yandex and Google.


Yandex has an excellent service - http://wordstat.yandex.ru/. With its help, you can determine how many times customers in a particular region and the country as a whole searched for a particular product. For example, when entering the request “buy a sofa,” the service shows that in Russia this phrase in one form or another was entered 166,915 times during the month, and of these 73,688 times in Moscow and the region. There is one nuance here: if you enter this phrase in quotes, the service will show how many times it was typed in exactly this form - “buy a sofa” (here the number is already less - 4833 in Moscow and the region), and if you put it after the first opening quotes there is also an exclamation mark before the word itself, then the service will determine the exact number for you (4710). Thus, by “searching” the product in Yandex. Wordstat can determine the most popular product, or check the popularity of the product that you are going to trade.


There is a similar service at Google - https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordTool. The principle of operation is approximately the same. But! Don't be surprised if you see that the numbers produced by both services differ from each other. It’s just that more people use Yandex in our country.

What is most in demand now?

It's time to talk about what products are currently in greatest demand in Russia, regardless of geographic location. Most of these types of products are almost win-win options that can provide some income. But this does not mean at all that since they are in demand, you need to deal with them. Don’t forget that there are already thousands of online stores on the Internet, and it will be quite difficult to withstand competition. Therefore, look for your unique offer, create conditions that will distinguish your product from hundreds of other similar offers.

First place: books

Apparently, it is true what they say that Russians are the most reading nation in the world. Books are the hottest commodity today. Almost all the largest online stores in the country and abroad started with selling books. The main advantages of online book trading are:

  • Easy and cheap delivery. Few buyers are willing to pay large sums for delivery of the ordered goods. And the size of the books makes their delivery accessible to any category of consumer.
  • No warranty. Many online store owners can say that this is one of the most painful issues. In the book trade, such obligations are practically absent, with the exception, of course, of outright damage to the presentation.
  • Lack of staff. If you definitely need a consultant to trade, say, electronics, then you can sell books yourself, without even understanding the intricacies of literary issues.

Second place: household appliances and electronics

Trade in various electronics, kitchen and home appliances, audio, video equipment, phones, tablets, and other similar goods takes up a huge part of all online sales. However, when choosing this area to create an online store, you need to take into account that getting to the first lines of search results will be oh so difficult! There are so many stores offering such an assortment that this market has been oversaturated for several years.

In order to receive your first order, you need more than one month of persistent, painstaking work on creating a website and promoting it. In addition, you will need several consultants who understand the intricacies of all product-related issues. But, nevertheless, in terms of demand, this is the second product on the Internet market. This category of goods also includes computers and related software.

Third place: perfume and cosmetic products

This area is good because, despite the demand for this type of product, there is still room in it for a novice Internet entrepreneur to “squeeze through.” Of course, this direction is more of a female activity, but for some reason, fifty percent of the owners of online cosmetics stores are men.

According to enterprising people, the Internet is not only an information environment, but also a huge trading platform that allows you to find buyers for any product. Thousands and millions of businessmen are trying to productively use this virtual resource and offer visitors to their sites a wide variety of products, which naturally leads to active competition between them.

Therefore, entrepreneurs today are in search of current ideas for 2018 - what to sell in an online store: it is obvious that the choice of product completely determines the further strategy of action and the potential profitability of the business. Beginners usually rely on absolute hits and trendy new items, forgetting about the transience of fashion. Meanwhile, other products are also characterized by stable demand, which makes it possible to earn money from their sales not only during periods of rush, but also for many subsequent years.

Product evaluation criteria

Finding what to sell in an online store in 2018 is quite difficult not only for a novice entrepreneur, but also for virtual trade sharks. The process of choosing a product involves analyzing many seemingly insignificant factors that could potentially turn into a problem for an unprepared businessman. The attention of the creator of the trading platform requires:

  1. Demand. The profitability of a particular niche is primarily determined by the presence of a clearly defined target audience. You can offer the highest quality products and still go broke if they are not in demand by customers;
  2. Market volume. In some niches, the number of stores is measured in just a few - however, this does not mean that there is no competition in them. Perhaps there is simply nothing for more operators to do here. Therefore, you should make sure that the size of the audience is sufficient for normal earnings;
  3. Presence of competition. You need to understand that virtual trading giants are already operating in some categories, and a newcomer is unlikely to be able to compete with them. On the other hand, new niches are created every day: a businessman who has managed to occupy one of them has the right to count on his share of the profit;
  4. Entrepreneur qualification. As a business, reselling goods requires knowledge in the chosen field. As a last resort, the seller must quickly study the features of the product in order to professionally advise clients;
  5. Investment sizes. In some categories, significant capital investment is required to create an acceptable range of inventory. When choosing a niche, a businessman should adequately assess his financial capabilities;
  6. Profitability. In online advertising there is the concept of the cost of attracting a client. The profit from each order should at least cover these costs. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the costs of maintaining a warehouse and shipping goods;
  7. Average check amount. The overhead costs for fulfilling each order are usually independent of the cost of the product. Therefore, it is more profitable for an entrepreneur to sell one expensive product than a dozen cheap ones for the same amount;
  8. Product dimensions and weight. Goods that are small in size and weight are cheaper and easier to store and ship - there is no need to rent a large warehouse, hire loaders and vehicles for transportation;
  9. Availability of suppliers. Reliable suppliers of the most popular products of 2018 should work in the chosen niche. It is advisable to have several of them - this way you can choose the most favorable terms of cooperation;
  10. Duration of the transaction cycle. The maximum interval between completing an order and receiving payment for it is no more than two weeks. Otherwise, you can sell off all warehouse stocks and be left without working capital;
  11. Frequency of purchases. Earning money from repeat sales to regular customers is easier and more profitable than constantly attracting new customers. An entrepreneur should choose a product that is ordered at least once every 6–12 months;
  12. No obsolescence. You should be wary of new products on the 2018 market, which are often subject to rapid obsolescence. For example, women's clothing or smartphones are rapidly going out of fashion, while dishes or home textiles remain relevant for many years;
  13. Seasonality. Of course, the sale of designer felt boots, New Year's souvenirs or Easter decorations looks extremely attractive in terms of profitability, but such a business is relevant for no more than a couple of months a year.

Product selection methods

How can an entrepreneur determine what is in demand in the market for services and goods in 2018? There are several available tools for measuring the level of demand for certain products, allowing you to indirectly assess the prospects of creating an online store in the chosen niche:
  • Market research and statistics. Thanks to the analytical work of various agencies, you can find out what sells best on the Internet: 2018 statistics published on their websites make it possible to identify categories popular among consumers. However, the entrepreneur must choose specific types of goods independently;
  • Google Trends. The service helps to assess the dynamics and number of requests for the name of a product or service in Google search and on YouTube over the past year. Accordingly, by increasing the number of user requests on a particular topic, you can find out what is profitable to sell in 2018;
  • Yandex Wordstat. A similar tool that uses the capabilities of the Yandex search engine. Statistics for measuring the frequency of queries, based on keywords, contains results for the last two years, and geographic targeting allows you to refine the data for a specific city or region;
  • Advertisement sites. Bulletin boards like Avito or Yandex.Market are used by a huge audience of buyers. Using these tools, you can also determine the demand for goods in 2018: you should create several competent offers for the sale of various products, and then measure the intensity of requests for each of them.

What can you sell online?

Theoretically, on virtual trading platforms you can sell anything - from souvenir magnets to industrial enterprises. However, an entrepreneur who wants to build a profitable business should know what is most often purchased on the Internet: statistics from 2018 make it possible to rank the most popular product categories and identify niches with high markups among them.

Small household appliances

Small household appliances top the top sold goods on the Internet in 2018. Buyers prefer virtual stores due to the price, which is 20–40% lower than in regular retail outlets, and a huge assortment consisting of hundreds and thousands of items.

The greatest demand is:

  • Household appliances - vacuum cleaners, irons, steamers;
  • Personal care equipment - electric shavers, epilators, hair dryers, curling irons;
  • Kitchen appliances - mixers, blenders, coffee makers, meat grinders.

However, the level of competition in this segment should make a businessman think: large network companies have already divided the domestic market among themselves, and therefore the search for a free niche can turn into a difficult task for a beginner.

What should you do in such a situation:

  1. Set a price lower than competitors;
  2. Look for affordable analogues of products from well-known brands;
  3. Provide the buyer with the opportunity of delivery, installation, and service.

Clothes and shoes

In second place in the ranking of the best-selling products on the Internet in 2018 are clothing and shoes. This looks somewhat unusual, since any client tries to study and try on the product before purchasing. Therefore, the demand is mainly for items of popular brands with a quality known in advance to the customer and an understandable sizing chart.

Most often, women's and children's clothing are purchased online; many buyers are also interested in various accessories - bags, belts, gloves. However, when working with such goods, it is necessary to carefully monitor fashion trends and update the assortment in a timely manner - otherwise the businessman risks filling the warehouse with illiquid goods.

Digital technology and accessories

People who prefer to buy phones and tablets on the Internet consider the main arguments in favor of this decision to be a wide range, the ability to choose a model with the desired technical characteristics and a price, which is again 20–40% lower than in conventional electronics supermarkets.

Of course, the top sellers remain models from well-known brands - Samsung, Apple, HTC, LG or Sony. However, recently, thanks to the reasonable pricing strategy and quality control policy of manufacturers from China, the popularity of brands such as Xiaomi or Meizu has been growing, which allows many novice entrepreneurs to build.

Unfortunately, due to active competition, it is not advisable to set a markup on digital equipment higher than 6–10%. However, this does not apply to accessories: cases, headsets, headphones, chargers, protective glasses and holders are successfully sold with a markup of 150–200%.

Perfumes and cosmetics

The main target audience in this market niche remains women. When choosing decorative and everyday cosmetics, they are guided by reviews of friends about the product, brand awareness and personal experience in using certain products. The most popular products in Russia in 2018 are:

  • Hair dyes and strengthening balms;
  • Everyday cosmetics - mascara, nail polishes, lipstick;
  • Depilatory compositions;
  • Face masks and creams;
  • Gift sets of cosmetics;
  • Manicure tools.

The situation with perfumes looks similar. Since it is impossible to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a fragrance remotely, buyers prefer mainly popular brands and products that they use or have used previously. The following practice is also known: clients visit the nearest salon and choose perfume there, which they then buy much cheaper in an online store. Therefore, the assortment of a virtual retail outlet should consist of products that are widely represented on the domestic market.

Computer technology

There are not many well-known manufacturers in the segment of computer equipment and components, and therefore users are not afraid to order their products on the Internet. In addition, new models are constantly appearing on the market, reaching regular stores only after some time. The list of current products for sale in 2018 includes:

  • Processors;
  • RAM, motherboards and video cards;
  • Hard drives and SSD drives, flash drives;
  • Power supplies and housings;
  • Printers, scanners, MFPs;
  • Monitors;
  • Mining equipment;
  • Laptops and netbooks;
  • Keyboards, mice and other accessories.

At the moment, the niche is oversaturated with stores actively competing with each other. A beginner who wants to find his buyer will either have to offer a completely exclusive product (for example, Chinese mining equipment or industrial microcontrollers), or invest huge amounts of money in website promotion, while not forgetting to maintain the widest range.

Household goods

The abundance of products in this category allows the entrepreneur to implement a wide variety of strategies. Some stores successfully sell products of a certain brand, others specialize in one type of product (for example, bed linen), and still others offer visitors everything you can imagine - from cutting boards to fireplaces for the country house. Among the best-selling products of 2018:

  • Dishes and kitchen utensils. Chinese goods in this category are in demand due to their low prices, and European goods due to their high quality;
  • Home textiles. The top seller in this category is bed linen. They also buy towels, tablecloths, blankets and even curtains well.

Products for children

Obviously, parents who are busy caring for a child have no time to go shopping in search of the necessary goods. Therefore, many of them, who are among the most active Internet users by age, prefer to order everything they need on virtual platforms. However, such buyers choose products for children extremely carefully, focusing on:

  • High quality and safety of goods;
  • Availability of hygiene certificates;
  • Possibility of returning some items from the order.

Many entrepreneurs start their activities by selling toys. However, in the list of popular products for sale on the Internet in 2018 there are other products worthy of attention:

  1. Diapers, rompers and other knitwear for newborns;
  2. Diapers, sanitary napkins, powders;
  3. Baby food, milk formulas;
  4. Pacifiers, feeding bottles;
  5. Strollers, cribs, children's bedding;
  6. Walkers, children's bicycles;
  7. Coloring pages, educational and educational games.

Large household appliances

The sale of large household appliances seems to be one of the most difficult niches for beginners to reach, surpassing in complexity the sale of computers and smartphones. Indeed, a businessman has to invest a lot of money in filling the store with goods and creating an acceptable assortment.

In addition, clients who want to make an expensive purchase still prefer to check the equipment before paying, make sure it is functional and free of defects, and get advice on the rules and features of its operation.

Finally, the dimensions of the products significantly complicate their storage and transportation. The low price of an online store combined with costly long-distance delivery may actually turn out to be more expensive than the high cost of goods in a regular hardware supermarket plus a budget transportation service.

Therefore, large household appliances remain among the top products for sale mainly thanks to large retail chains that have the necessary resources for their purchase, storage and transportation.

Products for sports and active recreation

The sporting goods market is actively developing, mainly due to the fashion for a healthy lifestyle. Many city residents suffering from a lack of physical activity buy bicycles, start jogging, yoga or various types of fitness: each of them can become a client of an online store that sells sportswear, shoes and equipment.

Working in this segment requires certain preparation: an entrepreneur must not only have a good understanding of the specifics and characteristics of the products he offers, but also be able to choose something that will correspond to modern trends and be in demand. The assortment of a specialized online store may include such popular products for sale in 2018 as:

  • Sports equipment and exercise equipment;
  • Sports nutrition;
  • Tracksuits, training clothes;
  • Gadgets for supporters of an active lifestyle;
  • Bicycles and spare parts for them;
  • Travel equipment.

Products for car enthusiasts

This category can be divided into two niches - the sale of spare parts and the sale of automobile accessories. The first of them requires in-depth knowledge of the nomenclature and interchangeability of parts, since the number of car models today amounts to thousands. Therefore, businessmen practice a narrower specialization, dealing exclusively with specific brands of cars or manufacturers from certain regions - for example, from Korea or Germany.

The second niche is more attractive for beginners: accessories are usually standard or universal without reference to a specific car model, and the markup on them reaches 100%.

What to sell in 2018 in an online store:

  • Car tires;
  • Navigators;
  • DVRs;
  • Radio and speaker systems;
  • Child seats;
  • Alloy wheels;
  • Alarm systems;
  • Motor and transmission oils;
  • Batteries;
  • Seat covers and floor mats.

Handmade goods

An entrepreneur planning to sell handmade goods can offer for sale both souvenirs of his own making and products of other craftsmen. Both options are interesting for a beginner due to the lack of competition in this niche and minimal investment in organizing trade. The top 10 most popular products for sale online in 2018 include:

  • Paintings;
  • Knitted products;
  • Handmade toys;
  • Leather bags, wallets, belts, purses;
  • Figurines, vases, decorative items;
  • Flower pots;
  • Wooden cutlery;
  • Jewelry and decorations;
  • Designer clothes with painting or embroidery;
  • Wedding accessories.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to limit the range to handmade goods: raw materials, materials and tools for their production are also in high demand among craftsmen - yarn, threads, ribbons, beads, kits for the production of soap and candles, sheets of leather, paints, sets of cutters and much more other.


A large number of supermarkets and small grocery stores today hinder the development of this segment of virtual trade. To avoid competition, entrepreneurs have to choose their target audience more carefully. So, the following are definitely interested in ordering food products online:

  • Vegetarians, supporters of a healthy lifestyle, consumers of organic and environmentally friendly products;
  • Working people who do not have time to go shopping;
  • Customers buying pizza, sushi and national dishes with delivery.

However, there is a niche in which online stores have an undoubted advantage over conventional retail outlets - the sale of elite varieties of coffee and tea. The main advantages of these products are their high price, a clearly defined target audience, huge potential for repeat sales and the almost complete absence of analogues on the shelves of grocery supermarkets.

Pet products

To imagine the size of the pet products market, it is enough to remember that every third Russian family contains one or more pets. At the same time, in ordinary pet stores it is quite difficult to find specific food or a suitable cage for a pet - usually only the most popular products are presented here. What you can successfully sell online:

  • Food for birds, fish, cats and dogs;
  • Hygienic fillers;
  • Flea and tick products;
  • Cosmetics for animals;
  • Toys;
  • Collars, muzzles, leashes;
  • Cages, carriers, houses;
  • Clothes for animals.

With the exception of food and veterinary drugs, most pet products are produced in China, which allows budding entrepreneurs to buy them for literally pennies and resell them at a high markup. When looking for products in the mid-price segment, you can also turn to domestic manufacturers, who often offer good quality products.


Users appreciated the convenience of ordering a variety of tickets on the Internet: for example, those who want to attend a concert of their favorite musician just need to go to the operator’s website and make a few clicks to book in advance required quantity seats in the right row. In addition, online advertising allows customers to find out about an upcoming event much earlier than regular posters.

Popular products to sell online 2018 are:

  • Railway and air tickets;
  • Tickets for shows and concerts;
  • Tickets for sporting events;
  • Tickets for cinema shows and theatre.

Competition in this niche is low, mainly due to the complexity of organizing ticket sales. Indeed, transport companies and show business operators prefer to work with a narrow circle of partners, one of which can only be the owner of a popular and frequently visited website.

Products from China

Due to minimal requirements for start-up capital and high profitability, China attracts many entrepreneurs. However, despite the high competition, such activities remain an excellent option for starting your own business on the Internet. and other Chinese trading platforms are:

  • Shoes, clothing;
  • Bags, belts and other accessories;
  • Automotive Products;
  • Souvenirs;
  • Digital technology.

The main disadvantages of this niche are the strong variation in product quality among manufacturers and unsatisfactory delivery speed. Therefore, the owner of an online store should take the time to search for reliable suppliers and purchase a trial batch of products before placing a wholesale order.

On the other hand, these same disadvantages can be considered as advantages: it is thanks to them that a private buyer is afraid to order something in China on his own and prefers to use the services of an entrepreneur who has solved all the problems with the selection and transportation of goods for him.

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Trends in virtual trading

While studying, a novice entrepreneur should pay attention to current trends in the virtual trading market:

  • The most compelling argument for customers is price. According to surveys by the Yandex.Market service, 64% of online store visitors primarily pay attention to it;
  • The mobile commerce segment is growing. Customers appreciated the convenience of purchasing goods directly from a smartphone, and therefore trading platforms began to actively acquire mobile applications;
  • The number of purchases from the regions is increasing. Of course, megacities like Moscow and St. Petersburg retain leadership in sales volumes, but recently there has been a significant influx of buyers from the provinces.

Accordingly, a businessman will have to not only find out what is in demand among the population in 2018, but also learn how to sell his goods correctly:

  1. In the absence of experience and impressive capital, it is not recommended to start a business in competitive niches such as the sale of digital and computer equipment, household appliances, clothing and footwear of famous brands;
  2. The segments of household goods, food products, car accessories, pet products and handmade souvenirs remain relatively free;
  3. When selling an expensive product, you need to make sure that it is exclusive, rare or specialized;
  4. The site should at least be displayed correctly on mobile device screens, although having its own application seems more desirable;
  5. An entrepreneur who organizes prompt delivery to regions and small towns receives additional benefits.


Features of the virtual environment have a significant impact on the conduct of trading activities online. On the one hand, there are no geographical barriers for an online store, the assortment is limited only by the capabilities of the owner, and the absence of the need for personnel and production space reduces overhead costs. On the other hand, you have to work from scratch to attract customers and promote the site, while an ordinary stall to get a stable flow of customers can be placed in any place with high traffic.

However, the main reasons for failure are still the arrogance and overconfidence of the entrepreneur, his lack of desire to take into account any other opinion other than his own, as well as a lack of knowledge in his chosen niche. Therefore, the creator of an online store must clearly understand what exactly, to whom and how he is going to sell.
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The Russian Federation is one of the most favorable markets for the sale of a wide variety of products. Many novice businessmen who are just deciding on the choice of direction are interested in the best-selling goods in Russia. After all, popularity is not always the only thing that plays a role. The success and profitability of the project is influenced by competition and other factors. In the age of high technology, you can purchase anything without leaving your computer screen. The following describes the top best-selling products in Russia, which are not only popular with consumers, but are also an excellent opportunity to make a good profit.

Responsible choice

It was thanks to demand and fashion trends that the best-selling products in Russia appeared (2016). Statistics show that, as a rule, novice entrepreneurs prefer to work only with a certain category of products, most often this is no more than a couple of categories. On the one hand, this is correct, since the sphere of influence and the necessary knowledge should concern a small area. With a huge assortment, it is quite difficult to track the popularity of a particular product. Every organization should have a top best-selling product, and the rest should only give a person choice and show variety. That is, if one direction was initially chosen, then gradually the business can be supplemented with related elements.

If electronic space is chosen as the field for implementation, you can experiment. Nowadays, almost anything can be implemented on the Internet. However, no matter what method of business and distribution channel is chosen, it is still necessary not to make a mistake with the object. Properly chosen direction and area will reduce risks and ensure fifty percent success. The top 10 best-selling products in Russia will certainly come in handy in this case.

It is also important to understand how this or that will be purchased during a period of economic instability. Indeed, during the crisis, the ranking of the best-selling goods in Russia changed somewhat. For example, it now has more luxury products. This is due to the fact that wealthy segments of the population, worried about their condition and managing money wisely, preferred to save or invest their finances in things. These include precious metals, antiques and art. In this way, the rich protect their wealth from inflationary processes.

The top best-selling goods in Russia have been left by objects designed for the middle price segment. The people who prefer them are in sufficient distress that they begin to switch to something that is of lower quality. Such products also have a reduced cost. For this reason, you need to be quite careful about goods in this category, because in the event of a crisis they will immediately lose their demand.

We can conclude that since social inequality in our country excludes the middle class, and the bulk of the population either skims the cream or is below the poverty line, then we need to focus on such a market. Each direction has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, luxury goods simply cannot be afforded financially, and introduction into this market is quite difficult. Selling cheap products will, of course, quickly capture its audience and gain popularity. But at the same time, the disadvantage of running such a business is high and fierce competition. In this case, more well-known organizations and Chinese Internet platforms will pull the blanket. And although the best-selling product in Russia (2016) is any gadget, it is almost impossible to snatch your market share in this area.

Clothing, shoes and accessories

The top best-selling products in Russia 2016 are headed by this group. This is not surprising, since the protection of the skin and the desire to express oneself are almost in first place on the list of human needs. It doesn’t matter how the clothes are sold, in a store or online, there will always be a buyer for them. You can create an assortment for different price categories. Thanks to this maneuvering, you can always adapt to circumstances and find your target audience.

When selling products in this category via the Internet, you may encounter a number of difficulties, but they are offset by a number of advantages. Twelve percent of customers become buyers of clothing, shoes and accessories through the World Wide Web. This business is a very good idea for women. The main thing when selling through an electronic resource is the decent design and content of the site. Photos should reflect the item as accurately as possible. This will help prevent unsatisfied reviews and issues with returns. For a client, buying things online is always a pig in a poke. It is never possible to predict what a product will be like in real life. For consumers, the Internet is a very convenient platform for searching. For example, in order to purchase your favorite item, you don’t have to go to a bunch of stores. You just need to enter the required phrase into the search engine. But this works mainly only for well-known brands.

In any case, clothing and footwear are the best-selling goods in Russia. Statistics show that twelve percent of customers purchase these products online. Other sources say that the most popular purchase among the fair sex is a dress. All this confirms the success of business in this industry.

Event tickets

The 10 best-selling products in Russia continue to be tickets. After all, if earlier resellers were engaged in such business, now everything is more legal and simple. A person, as in the previous case, does not need to go anywhere in order to purchase the coveted ticket. You just need to make a couple of clicks with your computer mouse. In times of development of Internet technologies, even such a service as ticket sales is not a problem.

It is very difficult to penetrate this market. The reason for this is the high degree of competition. The problem also lies in finding potential partners. They should be the event organizers themselves. But a serious attitude and determination will help you overcome difficulties, because the efforts will pay off over time. It’s no wonder that the best-selling products in Russia include Internet tickets.

Cosmetics and perfumes

Continuing the topic of sales in the Internet space, we can also say about the popularity of cosmetics and perfumes. The boom in them especially grows on the eve of the holidays. Many people prefer purchasing this product, therefore, only because of its low cost. This is basically a conservative psychotype of buyers who, having chosen one brand, remain faithful to it for many years. And of course, don’t forget about the huge savings in time and effort. The success of a business in this area very much depends on the quality of the product and the method of its promotion. In this market, companies of well-known and trusted brands mainly have their stable target audience. Cosmetics and perfumes are what immediately comes to mind when choosing a gift. In the electronic space, about ten percent of users order these products.


People will always get sick, so the best-selling non-food products in Russia are medicines. This is evidenced only by the huge number of pharmacies that are located literally at every step. When purchasing this product from the pharmaceutical industry, a person relies on trust. And even despite all the harm that tablets, herbs and dietary supplements can cause to the health and functioning of the body, they are in demand and occupy their niche.

If a person is engaged in a business related to pharmaceuticals, then he must be confident in the reliability of suppliers, as well as the quality of the drugs sold.


The best-selling product in Russia (2017) is lighting devices powered by diodes. This year, it was these products that became a breakthrough. This is largely due to the fact that it is more economical. Such devices consume several times less electricity, while its consumption is such that its service life is much longer than that of conventional lamps. And again, the unstable economic situation played a role, as people try to preserve their funds, trying to save even on small things. The business of selling LEDs is very profitable. However, the attractiveness of this area is also its disadvantage, because competition grows instantly.

Printed publications

Although electronic technologies are now being introduced into all spheres of human activity, e-books have not been able to replace printed publications. A person’s desire for knowledge and self-education is an integral part of his life. This business is very successful due to its payback. After all, the markup on books can be almost fifty percent. Even under this condition, people will buy printed publications. They are among the best-selling products in the electronic space. The popularity of books is confirmed by the fact that people read everywhere, even on public transport. But searching for the necessary literature is a very labor-intensive task, so the Internet is very useful in this sense.

Household appliances

The ranking of the best-selling products in Russia could not do without this category. She takes her leadership position completely justified. After all, a person cannot imagine his modern life without many goods. Some people prefer simplicity and cheapness and choose online stores. But more often than not, people are afraid of making a mistake and choose well-known resources, so it is quite difficult to break into this market in the electronic space.

Most Russian residents still prefer to purchase equipment in person. After all, in this case, a person can evaluate the quality of the purchased product at least visually, that is, decide on the model and make sure there are no defects. But this does not make the attractiveness of products in this area any less. The most popular are small household appliances, such as irons, blenders, juicers, and meat grinders. Beauty products occupy their niche in this sector. These include razors, hair dryers, epilators, and electric shavers. Its segment has its own equipment for cars - radios and navigators. Competition in this business is very strong, so it is difficult to break through with your household appliance project.


The best-selling products in Russia are largely related to home improvement and the human environment. Therefore, furniture is popular among the population. Even if people do not buy it during the renovation process, they periodically update their home with such elements. If we talk about the Internet space, then the popularity of these products is somewhat lower. Rarely does anyone have enough imagination to imagine and visualize objects in their heads. Sometimes it is quite difficult to estimate the dimensions of various objects, especially so that they fit perfectly into the room space. Moreover, a person often relies on his tactile sensations, and since in the course of his life he will constantly have to encounter and touch pieces of furniture, touching should evoke pleasant feelings.

The situation is different when people choose a model in person, but order it via the Internet. But the success of such a project depends on the promotion of the online store. Indeed, sometimes analogues of models from well-known companies are made by underground organizations. However, the fake may not be of very high quality. In any case, both those who want to save money and those who prefer trusted brands make up a huge segment of the furniture market.


This product is different because it is popular with people at different stages of the life cycle. They are relevant for both children and older people (although during this period their acquisition is decreasing). In the Internet space, only five percent of Internet users prefer to buy these products. This segment is due to only one reason - a wide assortment selection. The Internet is the place to buy something unusual.

A separate niche is occupied by handmade toys, which most often become not children's fun, but the subject of expensive collections. The advantage of this sector is that these products can be designed for different segments of society and social groups. Therefore, a toy business will pay for itself. After all, it may imply the sale of goods, both cheap and rarer and more elite.

Power tools

This list, which characterizes the best-selling products in Russia, is completed by power tools. They are again continuing the home goods line. The range of consumers for these products is somewhat narrowed, because the main segment of consumers is the male part of the population. However, among them there are those who prefer to save money, and those who want to have a high-quality tool in their arsenal. But since it is not possible for everyone to purchase original equipment from well-known brands, many online stores successfully take advantage of this by selling low-price products. This does not mean that they are of poor quality. Even a Chinese fake can last quite a long time. Among the Russian audience, the popularity of this product is due to the mentality and craving of men for the work process. This explains the popularity of power tools in the country.

Chinese fakes

Although the top most purchased goods in Russia have been completed, I would like to talk about one more group. But these are not goods made using high-tech Chinese brands, but counterfeits produced by underground companies. Their popularity is due to their ridiculous price. An equally important point is that the Chinese successfully noticed the psychotype of their client. They successfully manipulate the essence of people through replicas of famous brands. A person, seeing a familiar name, immediately pays attention to it.

But although everyone knows the low quality of these products, this is not always the case. There are things that are done very successfully. This is due to the fact that some organizations locate their enterprises in China due to cheap labor. Local craftsmen adopt technologies and distribute them to others. Of course, their target audience is very wide, since only a small percentage of Russian residents live luxuriously. The majority of the population wants to purchase more and more profitably, while adhering to a harmonious price-quality ratio.

And spend money, surround yourself with beautiful and comfortable personal items, simplify your life, using various new electronics (smartphones, computers, navigation systems), look stylish and be in good physical shape.

And if you are thinking of starting your first (or maybe not your first) business in the field of trade, but don’t know exactly what to sell, what product is in highest demand, then this article is written just for you!

So, below are examples of the most popular products on the world market, on the Internet and in particular on the Russian market.

Based on the data we have collected, based on purchasing statistics on the largest trading platforms, such as TaoBao, Allegro, eBay, Amazon and others, you will find out which product is in unconditional demand and where you can easily succeed.

The first place in terms of sales volumes on the Russian market is occupied by Chinese copies of clothing and footwear from famous world brands. As they say, “Everything that is not made is done in China.”

Potential buyers are guys and girls aged 20 to 35 years old, following the latest fashion trends, taking care of themselves, wanting to look good and modern, without overpaying large sums of money for expensive originals that most simply cannot afford. This market segment is so vast that everyone will be able to find their own niche in it.

According to analysts for the first half of 2016, the best-selling product in Russia is Nike AIR MAX sneakers, of course, not their original design.

In addition to sneakers, Chinese-made products such as:

  • Women's loboutin shoes with red soles and high heels;
  • Extremely popular and comfortable Converse sneakers (both men's and women's), this position has remained at the top of sales for many seasons;
  • Copies of women's bags from brands such as Chanel, Birkin from Hermes, LouisVuitton, MichaelKors;
  • Polo T-shirts (mostly for men) with logos of companies such as Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Lacoste;
  • Christian Dior women's sneakers are a comfortable, light and stylish model of women's shoes, which very quickly fell in love with most of the fair half of the Russian population. Beauty, originality and convenience elevated this model to the rank of one of the best-selling at the end of 2015 - beginning of 2016.

By the way, the quality of branded goods of Chinese origin can be very different; of course, it all depends on the materials and fittings used.

The more accurate the copy of the model and the higher the quality of the leather and fabric used in production, the more expensive the purchase price for the requested product will be.

Low-quality fakes may even differ in name inscriptions, not to mention the complete discrepancy between the model and the original.

The next most popular product on the Russian market at the moment is the sale of children's clothing of various brands.

They don’t skimp on children, and the widest selection of children’s products on the market helps to increase attention and demand for this segment of the product.

This item should also include other products for children that are in demand, for example, strollers, feeding tables, baby dishes, and hygiene products.

In third place in popularity are small-sized household appliances. All kinds of irons, hair curling irons, comb straighteners (the most popular manufacturer is Babyliss); electrical appliances: kettles, coffee machines, steam irons, vacuum cleaners. As a rule, the prices for these goods are low, which makes it possible to reach a huge niche of potential buyers.

Best selling product in the world

The top most in-demand global products are opened by the sale of raw materials:

  • Oil;
  • Cotton;
  • Precious and semi-precious metals (gold, silver, copper).

It is clear that the customers of raw materials are large companies; large transactions worth tens of millions of dollars are concluded between manufacturers and clients.

It is not difficult to imagine the importance and huge demand for final products from oil, for example, or the breadth of use of products made from cotton fiber (this includes the production of fabric for the textile industry, and the production of paper, as well as oils, cosmetics, and medicines).

The most traded commodity in the world (after petroleum derivatives, gasoline) is coffee.

According to the Global Exchange, coffee, which was discovered by Ethiopian shepherds around 800 AD, has been occupying a leading position in the world ranking of the most popular goods for several years now.

Coffee is the favorite and most popular drink of the entire European population of the planet, as well as North America. This drink is officially produced by about 30 million farmers in more than 50 countries around the world.

The love and loyalty of coffee lovers to the drink only tends to increase its sales, and as Cassandra Clare said in her book “City of Ashes”: “This world is not so bad as long as there is coffee in it!”

The next point worth noting is the sale of food products, and recently more and more buyers are choosing products in the “eco” standard.

The world leaders in the food sector are:

  • Sugar;
  • Wheat;
  • Olive oil;
  • Corn;
  • Beet;
  • Meat products.

Everything is clear here. No matter how the global crisis rages, you always want to eat, so the issue of nutrition will be relevant every day and for absolutely every person.

Best selling product on the internet

The popularity of online trading is rapidly gaining momentum; it should be noted that for American and Western European buyers, shopping on the Internet is already more familiar than a standard one in a regular store.

On the Internet you can find and order absolutely any product with home delivery, pay in a way convenient for you, exchange or return if necessary.

Potential clients are absolutely everyone who uses the Internet; the choice of goods provided on Internet sites is so diverse that everyone can easily find something that interests them directly.

A large segment of online commerce is represented by electronics. This includes the sale of phones, smartphones, laptops, notebooks and individual components - processors, chargers, batteries, accumulators.

All the benefits presented by technical progress, without which our daily life, as well as work, is no longer possible.

The sale of cosmetics and care products on the Internet occupies a fairly strong position:

The main clientele of this product segment are women who, in their quest for perfection, are ready to spend a considerable amount of money on skincare cosmetics and new make up products.

A separate item should be noted for products aimed at “healing”, losing weight or cleansing the body, as well as sports nutrition:

  • Goji berries (help improve metabolic processes in the body, promoting weight loss);
  • Green coffee (the operating principle and main indicators are similar to Goji berries);
  • Detox products;
  • Coconut oil;
  • Slimming gels, wraps and masks;
  • Ginseng root.

In addition to clothes, bags and shoes, jewelry, watches, belts and sunglasses are sold in large quantities on the Internet. This product is inexpensive (of course, if these are not catwalk models from world brands), so the demand for it is great.

A separate point worth noting is the sale of LED lighting, which is also popular in online trading.

It is extremely difficult to name the best-selling product on the Internet, since online trade extends throughout the world, and each region, state and nationality has its own preferences, needs and demands. However, online trading is the future, that’s for sure.



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