Is it possible to get pregnant using contraception on the day of ovulation? The most favorable days of the cycle for conceiving a child

Is it possible to get pregnant on the day of ovulation? This issue concerns not only partners planning to conceive. Couples who use interrupted sexual intercourse as contraception worry about the possibility of pregnancy. Conception is possible during the period when the egg is released from the ovary. Moreover, among all the days of the menstrual cycle, these days are considered the most favorable for conception. Scientists have calculated: if sexual intercourse takes place on the day of ovulation, then a healthy young woman will become pregnant from a healthy man with a “guarantee” of 33%.

Ovulation is the process of opening of the dominant follicle and the release of an egg from it, which is regulated by the work of the endocrine apparatus. It should take 1 to 3 weeks before the membranes open and the gametes are released. The time allotted for the development of follicles under the influence of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) is counted from the first day of the menstrual cycle.

When the sac containing the egg reaches a size of 18-22 mm, it will open. The mature egg leaves the follicle and heads towards the fallopian tube. Through this channel it will slowly descend into the uterine cavity. Sufficient activity of sperm entering the woman’s genital tract allows her to become pregnant.

The meeting of reproductive gametes and their subsequent fusion occurs in the fallopian tube. A full-fledged fertilized egg is released into the uterus, ready for implantation. The attachment of the embryo will take place 3-7 days after ovulation. At the same time, at the site of the burst follicle, an endocrine gland is formed - the corpus luteum. Thanks to it, the condition of the endometrium is regulated and the activity of the myometrium is suppressed.

If a woman is expected to ovulate soon, she can become pregnant. Under favorable conditions, male sperm can remain active for up to 7 days. If sexual intercourse took place at the time of release of the egg or shortly before it, the probability of conception is high.

How to determine ovulation and how long it lasts

There are several methods for determining ovulation:

  • measurement of BT (basal temperature - that is);
  • use of tests;
  • assessment of the condition of vaginal mucus and the position of the cervix;
  • folliculometry.

On the days of ovulation, you have a high chance of getting pregnant. The release of the female gamete lasts only a few minutes, which is impossible to predict. Over the next 12-36 hours, she is ready to meet the sperm (in rare cases, up to 48 hours). If fusion does not occur, the egg is destroyed.

Chances of fertilization on “day X”

The chance of getting pregnant during ovulation is quite high. Thanks to numerous studies, scientists were able to determine the percentage for a certain time period. The probability of becoming pregnant during ovulation (immediately on the day the female gamete is released from the ovary) is 33%. Simply put, the chances of success are determined by the ratio 1:3.

When we talk about the fertile period, we mean not only the moment the egg leaves the dominant follicle. Dangerous days include several days before this moment and 1-2 days after it. Studies show that sexual intercourse that takes place 24 hours before the release of the egg is successful in 31% of cases. If the interval between ovulation and intercourse is 48 hours, then the probability of conception decreases to 27%. Sexual intercourse three days before the follicle ruptures only in 16% of cases leads to successful conception. The possibility of conceiving a child 4-5 days before the change of phases of the menstrual cycle is 4%.

Of no small importance for determining the likelihood of pregnancy is the state of a man’s reproductive health. Sperm can remain active for 7 days. If the mobility and quantitative composition of cells decreases, then the possibility of fertilization decreases. It is not always possible to get pregnant on the day of ovulation. Healthy partners who do not have any problems with the functioning of the reproductive sphere require from 1 to 12 months to achieve success. In recent years, the number of couples having difficulty conceiving for one reason or another has been growing. To become pregnant, they have to undergo preliminary treatment, and women sometimes need stimulation of this very ovulation.

In medical terminology, there is such a thing as “”. Its causes are hormonal imbalances, stress, climate change, diet and other factors. Multiple ovulation is characterized by a double (less often triple) release of an egg from the ovary. In this case, different sex glands may be involved. The woman, believing that the release of the egg from the ovary has already taken place and the dangerous days are over, leads her usual way of life. However, a few days after the release of the first egg, a second ovulation occurs, leading to pregnancy. Subsequently, the patient will tell the doctor that she was able to get pregnant a week after ovulation (when theoretically this is impossible).

Frequency of PA during attempts to conceive

The chances of getting pregnant with daily attempts are significantly reduced. The best option for healthy partners is sexual intercourse every other day. it is assumed that after 3-6 months of active sexual activity the desired conception occurs. If you still haven't gotten pregnant after several months, you should start tracking ovulation. Without a healthy egg, pregnancy is impossible. Therefore, first you need to make sure that this process occurs monthly.

Taking breaks from sexual intercourse will help increase your chances of success. In order for the seminal fluid to become more concentrated, it is necessary to have intimacy no more than once every three days. Statistics show that couples who had sex two days before ovulation and then again on day X were able to get pregnant much faster than those who had sex every day during the period of increased fertility.

Why did fertilization not occur?

Percentage values ​​that determine the probability of getting pregnant on the day of ovulation are suitable for completely healthy partners. If conception does not take place, this may indicate abnormalities in the functioning of the body, but one should not panic ahead of time. Only a specialist can determine exactly whether a couple has problems. There are numerous reasons why pregnancy does not occur.

  1. Hormonal imbalance. A woman may believe that on the day of ovulation there was an unprotected PA, but the moment the egg was released from the ovary in a given month may not have occurred at all.
  2. Bad spermogram. Reduced motility and sperm count significantly reduce the possibility of fertilization.
  3. Infections and inflammations. In women with diseases of the pelvic organs, adhesions form that interfere with the advancement of the egg and sperm. Male pathologies are accompanied by suppression of the activity of germ cells.
  4. Antibody formation. The likelihood of becoming pregnant during ovulation is extremely low if a woman’s body produces antisperm or antiovarian antibodies.
  5. Psychological barrier. Often women worry whether they are infertile and try to get pregnant the first time. However, this does not always work out. Experiences and stress form a psychological “wall” for conception.
  6. Age. The older the partners, the less likely they are to get pregnant the first time. Often, women over 35 years old, after 1-2 years of unsuccessful attempts, have to undergo IVF or use other ART methods (for example, insemination).

If pregnancy does not occur during sexual activity during the period of ovulation for a year, this is a good reason to contact a gynecologist. Women over 35 years old are recommended to go to the gynecologist after six months of unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child on the days of ovulation.

Some women take every possible action to conceive, while others try to avoid pregnancy by any means. But every representative of the fair sex, regardless of their aspirations, is interested in the question: is it possible to get pregnant not on the days of ovulation?

Dangerous time or favorable moment

Often, girls use the calendar method to determine the day of ovulation to successfully conceive a child. But what is typical is that many representatives of the fairer sex use this method as a “contraceptive” means. In any case, women must understand this method if they want to achieve their goals.

The menstrual cycle, depending on the physiological characteristics of the female body, can last from 22 to 35 days. Moreover, for most girls the break between menstruation is 28 days.

So, slight spotting symbolizes the beginning of the menstrual cycle. From this moment the report of the first phase begins, which lasts 3-5 days.

Most often during this period, women experience the following symptoms:

  • Weakness;
  • Headaches (possibly even migraines);
  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Irritability.

The first phase is replaced by the second - follicular, the duration of which is 10-12 days. Here the behavior of women changes radically. Irritability is replaced by a good mood, and health improves. Girls are worried about only one unpleasant moment - abdominal pain. This symptom indicates that the “X” moment is approaching, the “time of pregnancy” is approaching.

Along with painful sensations, women also experience:

  • Increased desire;
  • Vaginal discharge resembling chicken protein in composition;
  • Bloating (many women complain of increased gas formation);
  • Increased breast sensitivity;
  • Change in taste preferences.

The period of egg maturation and the fertile day (the most favorable moment for conception) occur precisely in the follicular phase.

The last stage of the menstrual cycle is the luteal stage. The duration of this phase is 10-14 days. During this period, women experience high spirits, vigor and increased performance. The end of the menstrual cycle is marked by the arrival of bleeding.

It is worth noting that the duration of the above menstrual phases is typical for a 28-day cycle. When women have a break between menstruation of 35 days, the most favorable days for conception are 20-22 days from the moment the spotting appears. With a 22-day cycle, ovulation occurs on the 8th day from the start of menstruation.

Necessary conditions for conception

To answer the question: is it possible to get pregnant outside of ovulation days, you need to understand the picture of conception itself. Thus, pregnancy is possible only if a number of certain conditions are met:

  • The hormonal background must “correspond” to the moment;
  • The uterus must be prepared to receive a fertilized egg (if there are problems with the endometrium, pregnancy will not occur);
  • “Presence” of healthy and motile sperm;
  • An appropriate level of acidity in the vagina, promoting the motor activity of male cells.

In addition, women should understand that the closer the ovulatory phase, the greater the chance of pregnancy. However, medical practice knows cases when conception occurred in the luteal stage before menstruation or the follicular phase when it would seem almost impossible to get pregnant.

A similar picture can be observed only in 2 cases:

  1. In a woman, the vaginal microflora creates extremely favorable conditions for sperm, as a result of which their life expectancy increases significantly;
  2. For certain reasons (stress, fatigue, climate change), the process of egg maturation is delayed, and ovulation occurs much later than expected.

However, such a picture is observed quite rarely. This is confirmed by the reviews shared by women on the Internet.

Pregnancy before the birth of oocytes

Reviews from doctors about the possibility of conception outside the ovulatory phase differ. Some believe that pregnancy cannot occur before the egg is released. Others express the opinion that the absence of oocytes during sexual intercourse cannot guarantee that pregnancy will not occur. In any case, the male factor has the greatest influence on the fact of conception. Namely:

  • Period of sperm maturation. The duration of “maturation” of male cells depends on the temperament of their “owner”. Until the sperm get into the female “embraces,” they behave quietly, move and breathe little. The favorable environment of the vagina awakens them to work and stimulates active behavior. However, when representatives of the stronger sex lead a discreet lifestyle and rarely “contact” with women, male cells age and lose the ability to fertilize.
  • Duration of existence of spermatozoa. The lifespan of male cells is primarily affected by the state of the female vaginal flora. The presence of infections and increased acidity will definitely shorten their period of existence. Naturally, men's health problems will also shorten their lives. When any problems are present, the sperm die within 1-2 days. If male cells find themselves in ideal living conditions, then they have the opportunity to fertilize within 8-10 days.
  • The manner of movement of sperm. When men have no health problems, their cells can move a distance of 3 millimeters per second. But the female body “slows down” the progress of sperm, creates obstacles for them on the way to the egg, forcing them to move against the flow. As a result, the tadpoles lose a lot of strength and energy. In the uterus, the cells move much faster; they manage to cover up to 1.5 centimeters in 2-3 minutes. But in any case, the journey to the set goal takes the sperm several hours.

Accordingly, if a number of conditions are met, conception can occur not at the moment of sexual intercourse, but after several days, and possibly tens of days. It all depends on the health of the partner.

Conception during anoovulation

Doctors have the same opinion about the ability of women to conceive a child in the absence of mature eggs - pregnancy is impossible during anovulation. Unfortunately, many girls are unaware of their diagnosis for quite a long time and make futile attempts to become pregnant. And someone, for the purpose of protection, stuffs their body with hormonal medications, without even thinking about the meaninglessness of their actions.

In any case, women should know about their diagnosis so as not to miss the moment and get the necessary treatment, since anovulation affects not only the process of conception, but also:

  • Hormonal background of the body;
  • Emotional state;
  • External data (many women experience a sharp weight gain due to this disease);
  • The work of the female sphere (with anovulation, problems with the menstrual cycle are observed).

In addition, the fairer sex has an increased risk of developing serious gynecological diseases.

Ovulation is the process when an egg is released from the ovaries and travels through the fallopian tubes in anticipation of a sperm. This is the ideal period for fertilization of the egg. All girls, without exception, should know the date of their ovulation: both those who want to have a child and those who want to abstain from an unwanted pregnancy.

In very rare cases it occurs twice in one menstrual cycle. However, in the vast majority of cases, such a process is single and lasts from 12 to 24 hours. This means that on average a woman has only one day to become pregnant.

Calculating ovulation is not difficult if a girl knows the length of her menstrual cycle. There are a lot of online calculators for calculating the important day, but You can calculate it yourself using a simple formula: subtract 14 days from the date of your next period and get the day of your ovulation.

Most often, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, means that ovulation occurs in the very middle. If your period comes on the 5th, then expect ovulation by the 19th, and after 14 days the next menstruation will occur. If the cycle is slightly longer or shorter, then add the duration of the cycle to the date of the first day of the last menstruation and subtract 14 days. That is, if the cycle is 30 days, and the last menstruation began on the 10th, the next one should be expected by the 20th. From 20 we subtract 14 and get 6 - ovulation will occur on the 6th day of the month.

IMPORTANT! This calculation is very convenient, but not always accurate. Especially in cases where a woman has an unstable menstrual cycle.

To determine that very day, you can purchase it at a pharmacy. It responds to luteinizing hormone in the urine. On the eve of ovulation, the amount of the hormone reaches its maximum.

The best days to conceive a child

Unfortunately, ovulation is very unstable and changeable. Due to the influence of various exogenous and endogenous factors it can shift even if a woman has a constant and established cycle.

The best days for fertilizing an egg are 5-6 days before the expected date of ovulation and 1-2 days after it.

The most effective for fertilization is the time just before the start of ovulation. The mucous membrane is most sensitive during this period and the seed easily enters the fallopian tubes and then to the uterus.

Chances of having sex during ovulation

Of course, much higher than on other days of the cycle. To calculate“Day X” you need to do the calculations or buy a test at the pharmacy, but none of the methods will give a 100% guarantee of successful conception.

PECULIARITY! It happens that all the symptoms of ovulation were present and all the tests were performed, but conception never occurred.

On average in healthy young people It is possible to conceive a child only after several months of trying. For some it takes years. Only about 25% of women manage to get pregnant in one menstrual cycle.

Unprotected sexual intercourse

Unprotected sexual intercourse can lead to pregnancy not only on fertile days. The thing is that sperm in a woman’s body can live and maintain their function for up to seven days.

If you had sex a long time ago, but ovulation did not occur then, sperm can wait for the right moment and fertilize the egg.

Chances of getting pregnant after unprotected sexual intercourse, they also increase in women with a short or irregular menstrual cycle (less than 28 days).

Some girls can be released from the ovary twice a month. This phenomenon is not normal. However, double ovulation increases the likelihood of conception by exactly two times.

There is also a possibility that the “safe” days for sex were calculated incorrectly. Then a woman, having unprotected sexual intercourse, will create favorable conditions for fertilization of the egg.

Interrupted, what happens if you don't finish?

The interrupted act is the same does not guarantee that conception will not occur. Sperm can enter the female body not only after ejaculation. The discharge or so-called “lubricant” also contains sperm.

If a man has them, they are mobile and tenacious, the probability of impregnating a woman is very high. The sperm can live in a woman’s body for several days and wait until ovulation.

INTERESTING! According to statistics, 30% of such sexual contacts end in pregnancy.

How often to exercise?

As stated above, the likelihood that ovulation will occur on the 14th day of the cycle is not very high. An important date may shift by several days. Based on this, the conclusion suggests itself that having sex more than once to try to conceive a child.

In order to increase the likelihood of fertilization, it is recommended have sex regularly from about the 10th to the 18th. However, you should not be sexually active; frequent ejaculations can reduce the quality of sperm.

How to increase your chances?

Gynecologists say that need at least six months in advance. During this period of time, both partners need to undergo examinations and comprehensively check their health.

Once the couple is sure that there are no serious pathologies or infections, they can begin conceiving.

There are several simple ways to help increase your chances of conceiving:

  • Try abstaining from sex for a couple of days before your expected ovulation date. In this way, sperm concentration can be increased.
  • Couples who want to have a child should avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. It is better to stick to proper nutrition and include as many vegetables and fruits in your diet as possible. Also consume vitamins E, C, D. Eat more meat, this product is rich in zinc. A lack of this element in the body can lead to problems with conception. Don't forget seafood and eggs.
  • Eliminate stress from your life, at least for the time of conception. Laugh more and get saturated with positive emotions.
  • Do not use various lubricants, they interfere with the movement of sperm on the way to the egg. By refusing lubricants, you can increase the likelihood of fertilization.
  • Try to diversify sex positions. The most suitable position for conception is considered to be when a woman’s knees are pressed to her chest. However, for girls with a curved uterus, the position when the man is behind is more suitable.

What prevents pregnancy from occurring?

According to doctors Literally anything can interfere with pregnancy. The reasons can be either serious - diseases of the reproductive system, or not so serious - a change of job, changeable weather conditions, etc.

Let's consider several main factors that can negatively affect conception:

  • Age ±40 years.
  • Early abortions.
  • Stress and overexertion.
  • Overweight.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Consumption of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • The presence of infections (not only on the female side, but also on the male side).
  • Diseases of the genital organs. In women: thrush, polycystic disease, cervical erosion, endometriosis, fallopian tube disease, fibroma, etc. In men: chronic prostatitis, diseases of the testicles and urethra, aspermia, azoospermia, hypospermia, asthezoonospermia, etc.
  • Previous illnesses that weakened the immune system: tuberculosis, diabetes, thyroid disease. Mumps is very dangerous for men; it can lead to infertility.
  • Long-term use of various medications, such as contraceptives, antidepressants, painkillers, antibiotics, etc.

Common Myths

From the large stream of information about conception that you have heard before, there are probably a couple of misconceptions.

Let's look at the TOP 9 most popular myths.

  • There is a very high chance of conceiving right away.
  • It is easy to get pregnant after using contraceptives.
  • Ovulation occurs every month (sometimes ovulation may not occur at all and you will have to wait until the next month).
  • While a woman is breastfeeding, the couple will not be able to conceive a child.
  • If a woman does not experience an orgasm, then fertilization has not occurred.
  • If you cannot conceive a child for several months, then one of the partners is infertile.
  • Interrupted sexual intercourse cannot cause conception.
  • If a man frequently bathes in hot water, he will become infertile (hot water can affect already mature sperm, but does not lead to infertility).
  • To get pregnant quickly, you need to have sex several times a day (as mentioned above, frequent ejaculations reduce the quality of sperm).

Fertilization without ovulation

When the process of egg formation is disrupted, a woman has... In medicine this is called anovulation. It is impossible to get pregnant with such a deviation, because the egg is simply not ready for fertilization and does not allow sperm to approach it.

Anovulation is a sign of hormonal imbalance, which not only prevents pregnancy, but also can have an overall negative effect on the body. In some cases, when diagnosing the problem does not produce any results, women are given a special hormone. It promotes the maturation and release of the egg. Afterwards, the couple is recommended to perform several sexual acts within two days.

Issues related to pregnancy will always be relevant for both young girls and women. Only by thoroughly knowing your menstrual cycle will you be able to understand whether it is possible to get pregnant before ovulation.

Every healthy woman knows about this phenomenon, but not everyone can explain what it is. Before menopause every month with a frequency of 21-34 days menstruation occurs.

These cycles can be constant or floating, which has absolutely no effect on women's health.

On the first day of bleeding in the ovary gradually developing and matures. Approximately 14 days after the start of the cycle (from the first day of menstruation), it ruptures and a cell ready for fertilization emerges from it, which goes into the fallopian tube.

IMPORTANT! Ovulation is the process of an egg leaving the follicle and entering the fallopian tube.

In the event that unprotected sexual intercourse occurs during this period, and the sperm will fertilize egg, pregnancy will occur.

During ovulation, the upper mucous layer of the uterus becomes looser and significantly increases its thickness. This is due to the fact that, regardless of fertilization, the uterus is preparing to receive the embryo. Lack of sexual intercourse leads to a decrease in sex hormones in a woman and involuntary rejection of the endometrium occurs.

INFORMATION! Detachment of the uterine mucosa occurs every month and is accompanied by heavy bleeding. This is called menstruation.

It should not be confused with menstruation, because the process in question lasts no more than two days, precisely in the middle of the cycle. During this period of time, the egg is alive and ready for fertilization.

Main features

The most reliable way to determine the onset of ovulation is maybe an ultrasound machine, but not everyone can afford to go to the doctor several times a month. That is why you need to try to study your body yourself and learn to notice the main signs.

These include:

  • A large amount of viscous discharge from the vagina is not constant, but only for a few days. Approximately halfway through the cycle.
  • Excessive bloating.
  • Aching or in its lower area, which is the result of the egg being released from the follicle.
  • In rare cases, small, spotting discharge may indicate the approach of ovulation, but you should not worry about it.
  • The mammary glands may swell.
  • When you touch your breasts, sometimes unpleasant sensations arise.
  • Very often, on the days of ovulation, a woman awakens to an increased interest in sex and attraction to the opposite sex.
  • These days, hormonal changes occur in the body, which leads to unusual preferences in food and drinks.

All of the above symptoms can be safely classified as subjective because while waiting for ovulation, a woman will feel like she has stomach or chest pain almost every day.

Signs determined by scientific methods will come to the rescue here:

  • Definition, which is measured in the anus immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed and making a minimum number of movements. The most accurate readings can be obtained when the body is at rest. An increase in the thermometer scale by at least a few divisions indicates that ovulation is approaching.
  • Hormonal changes can be monitored by giving urine in the hospital or done at home using ovulation tests.
  • An examination by a gynecologist can show the condition at the beginning of changes in the body. It becomes soft and opens slightly to improve the process of sperm reaching the egg.

PECULIARITY! On the first day of release of the egg from the follicle, the content of luteinizing hormone increases significantly. An ovulation test must be carried out at least 5 days in a row using morning urine.

In the case when the test results do not give any results for several months, and there are also no external or internal changes, then we can talk about late ovulation or even ovulation. Then you should definitely contact a gynecologist.

How does it affect conceiving a child?

The ovulation process directly affects pregnancy because it is during these 24 or 48 hours that the egg manages to pass from the ovary to the uterus and meet the sperm.

Couples with children should try to have sexual intercourse on these days.

In women immediately after childbirth or upon reaching 40 or more years of age, it often happens that there may be no ovulation at all in the menstrual cycle, and pregnancy will not occur either.

On what days of the cycle is fertilization possible?

A sperm is not able to fertilize an egg during the entire menstrual cycle.

There are the most favorable days for this:

  • It is best to get pregnant two days before ovulation or on the first and second days after it. During this period, it is recommended to have sex every day to achieve the desired result.
  • In addition, fertilization can occur immediately after the end of menstruation (on the 5-6th day) or on the 4-5th day after ovulation.

ATTENTION! It is not recommended to have sex every day at this time, because the quantity of sperm and its quality may not be enough for days more suitable for conception.

Is it possible to get pregnant before ovulation?

According to experts, pregnancy could come any day menstrual cycle.

There is an opinion that this cannot be achieved 2 days before menstruation, immediately during them and immediately after them. In fact, this is not true, because you can expect any surprises from nature.

Reasons for pregnancy not on ovulation days:

  • Two ovulations can occur in one cycle, one of which can be, for example, almost immediately before menstruation.
  • Irregular sexual relations often lead to hormonal fluctuations in the female body, which leads to conception on the most unpredictable days.
  • Sperm live in the female genital tract for several days, so due to severe stress or positive emotions, the body is able to behave unpredictably and become ready for fertilization.

In a couple of days

There's no better time before conception, because male reproductive cells have not yet had time to lose their viability and will wait until the moment of ovulation.

PECULIARITY! Pregnancy will most likely occur if, at least a week before this time, the partners do not enter into close relationships and even refuse oral sex. Men are prohibited from masturbating.

In 5 days

Quite possible have a baby 5 days before ovulation, because active sperm can not lose their activity in some cases from 3 to 7 days.

In 4 days

Probability of pregnancy is increasing every day, if there are fewer and fewer days left before the egg matures. These days you can be sexually active every day so as not to miss the cherished day.

In 6 days

Sexual activity should be performed every other day. This will enable the male body to recover and not waste a large amount of energy and productive reproductive cells.

During your period

Conception during the period under review is quite possible. Only the first two days are completely safe, because a very unfavorable environment for sperm occurs in the female body due to a large amount of heavy bleeding.

Having sex during menstruation may suddenly delay the process of menstruation and sperm production will survive safely until the egg is released from the follicle, which will ultimately result in two lines on the test.

Doctors' opinion

Experts say that pregnancy can occur both before and after ovulation. It all depends on possible sudden changes in the female body, as well as the ability of male germ cells to fertilize.

If sexual intercourse occurred before the day the release of the egg from the follicle, but the couple suddenly changed their mind about having a child, it is necessary to immediately resort to the help of special contraceptives that block the process of the release of female germ cells from the ovary.


Towards the process of generation A new life must always be approached thoughtfully and with great determination.

If, after calculating the menstrual cycle and ovulation days, you still cannot become parents, do not despair. You can always turn to specialists for help that will help you have a baby and find true happiness.

Women who are actively trying to get pregnant, as well as those who are terribly afraid of this event, know about the connection between conception and the process of ovulation. They know that unprotected sexual intercourse that occurs 1-3 days before the release of the egg from the follicle leads to pregnancy. But will the sperm have time to reach the oocyte if sex happened after the ovulatory phase?

Below we will examine in detail whether it is possible to get pregnant after ovulation, and what is the maximum period of such probability. Let's talk about the double and late ovulatory phases and how to determine them.

A little physiology

As you know, pregnancy occurs only when male and female cells merge. And if sperm can be “received” every day (although the process of their full maturation in the testicles lasts 64-74 days), then the egg is available only at a certain time - during the period.

During this time, called the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle, the oocyte must:

  • exit from the follicle that fed it into the abdominal cavity;
  • to be caught in the villi of the fallopian tubes;
  • through them enter the uterine cavity.

The egg lives for 6-7 days, during which it moves from the ovary to the cervix, but the viability of the cell, regulated by female hormones, remains for 24-36 (in rare cases 48) hours.

It turns out that during the first two days (in other words, immediately after ovulation) the risk of getting pregnant is maximum. Given this information, when should sexual intercourse take place?

The speed of sperm movement is 2-4 mm/minute. Full ejaculation increases their speed, so they can reach the uterus in 1-2 minutes, and then they will slow down. But fertilization should occur not in the uterus itself, but at the place where the fallopian tube passes into it. To get there, normal, full-fledged sperm need several hours.

What affects fertilization

In practice, the speed at which male and female cells “meet” is not a constant value; it is influenced by many factors. This determines whether it is likely to become pregnant after ovulation ends.

We examined that the egg released from the follicle remains viable for 36 hours. That is, if a woman feels that she has ovulated, then in order to conceive, intercourse must occur within this period of time. It is optimal if coitus occurs in the first 12 hours - the highest possibility of pregnancy. But even if sex happens within a day, the chance of conception is still high.

Is it possible to get pregnant the day after ovulation?

The answer is yes: the oocyte is still alive and can be fertilized. If coitus occurs between ovulation itself and 33-34 hours after it (minus 3-4 hours required for sperm to reach the oocyte), then the likelihood of pregnancy still remains high.

In fact, for forecasting you need to take into account:

  • The woman's body temperature, pH and amount of vaginal secretion. An increase in temperature in the vagina (with inflammation or with general diseases accompanied by fever), a highly acidic pH and a small amount of vaginal secretion lead to a decrease in the life expectancy of sperm.
  • Sperm count: If there are less than 60 million sperm in the ejaculate, this reduces the chance of fertilization. The fact is that even though sperm is ejected under increased pressure, vaginal secretion moves towards it, so only every 5 male gamete moves in the right direction.
  • Quality of sperm: the higher their motor activity (they move thanks to the movements of the “tails”), the greater the likelihood of fertilization.
  • A woman's progesterone level. This hormone not only prepares the body for pregnancy, but also, according to the latest scientific data, accelerates the flow of sperm. Progesterone activates calcium channels in male gametes, which speeds up the movements of their tails.
  • Did the woman have an orgasm? It increases the number of sperm entering the uterine cavity: male gametes go against the flow of fluid in the vagina, and during orgasm the uterus makes a kind of “suction” movement.
  • What conditions were the testicles in? Tight underwear, an increase in the temperature of the whole body, going to a bathhouse or sauna, taking hot baths have a detrimental effect on the already produced seminal fluid, and also stop the formation of new cells in the testicles.
  • The period is not long enough for sperm to mature. This happens with diseases of the testicles and their appendages, as well as with too frequent sexual intercourse.

Thus, if a woman’s egg lives for 48 hours, and all the above conditions are met, then conception is not possible 2 days after ovulation.

Unusual types of ovulation

Usually, when asked whether it is possible to get pregnant on the 4th day after ovulation or later, gynecologists answer in the negative, but pregnancy still occurs. How is this possible?

Firstly, the ovulatory phase may be incorrectly determined. Many women focus purely on their sensations: changes in discharge, swelling of the breasts,... But such symptoms are not exact, but only approximate, and can be felt even before the egg is released.

Secondly, the release of the egg may not be accompanied by any symptoms, and the woman believes that it occurs exactly in the middle of the cycle. In fact, ovulation in a stable cycle is calculated based on the expected day of the next menstruation: 14 days are subtracted from it. This is due to the fact that the luteal phase of the cycle is a stable value for most women and lasts 2 weeks.

Thirdly, it can occur periodically, due to temporary changes in external conditions, or constantly (due to illness). It occurs several (usually 10-11) days before menstrual bleeding. In this case, the woman believes that conception occurred in the safe days after ovulation, but in fact there was a late release of the oocyte.

Fourthly, ovulation can be double. This means that in a given cycle, two follicles gave rise to two eggs, and the second oocyte may be released several hours later or up to 10 days (it could not be released much later, because hormones would prevent it). It turns out that conception on the 5th day after ovulation is no longer possible, but it still happened, because it was the 2nd day after the release of the second egg.

The double ovulatory phase, unlike the late one, is a rather rare phenomenon. Basically, it develops during the IVF protocol, but can occur due to severe stress, rare or irregular sex life.

The situation when 2 eggs mature at once, and with a difference of 7-10 days, allows you to get pregnant a week after the release of the first oocyte, but not the second. If double ovulation is excluded, it means that the ovulatory phase has not been accurately determined.

How to avoid mistakes in calculating the ovulatory phase

  1. Maintaining a schedule. By measuring the temperature in the rectum every day and noting it in the program or on a piece of paper, a woman will not only see when ovulation occurred. She will find out if the oocyte was released later than 14 days before menstruation or if it did it earlier. Based on the results of the graph, the gynecologist will be able to see double ovulation and assess the production of hormones, in particular progesterone, which will affect the ability to conceive.
  2. , which determines the level of LH hormone in the urine. With its help, you can determine not only ovulation, but also shifts in the ovulatory cycle. Even if two oocytes are released, the test will not have any peculiarities: if two female cells come out at the same time, it will most likely be more clear. If they came out after a while, then the woman will not continue to perform tests after the first positive result.
  3. . This ultrasound method will show the maturation of the follicle or follicles and will accurately determine any type of ovulation.

What to do if unprotected coitus occurs after ovulation

If pregnancy is undesirable, and sex without contraception occurred 2-3 days after the release of the oocyte, you should play it safe and take one of the drugs containing a large amount of progesterone (for example, Postinor). If sex was later than on the third day after ovulation, and she herself was checked accurately, using folliculometry, no additional actions need to be taken.

If a woman has determined the ovulatory phase “by eye” and pregnancy is undesirable, it is better to play it safe by taking “” medications. It should be taken into account that drugs can cause a delay in menstruation, as well as tension in the mammary glands.

When to take a pregnancy test?

When uniting, the sperm and oocyte must form a single whole, and then, starting to divide, move towards the endometrium. When the embryo is introduced into the endometrium (implantation), then it makes sense to conduct a pregnancy test. This is 9-10 days after the release of the oocyte. And if you had sex 1-2 days after it, still count 9-10 days from the ovulatory phase before performing the test.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs