Motivation for work activity among modern Russian youth. The dynamics of a motive in specific situations is determined by supra-situational activity, leading to the formulation of super-tasks by the individual and the emergence of new motives for activity.

Commercial structures often recruit sellers without experience - students or young professionals. The youth team needs not only to be taught the basics of the profession and communication with clients, but also to instill in them basic labor discipline. It is necessary to know the interests and needs of young people, to understand what factors are a priority for them, that is, to speak the same language with them. How to awaken the energy of youth and direct it in the right direction?

In this article you will read:

    What are the difficulties in motivating young professionals?

    How to work with a youth team

    How and what to train young managers

Motivation of young professionals is very different from the motivation of experienced employees, and the manager will have to keep these differences in mind.

Best article of the month

If you do everything yourself, employees will not learn how to work. Subordinates will not immediately cope with the tasks that you delegate, but without delegation you are doomed to time trouble.

We have published in this article a delegation algorithm that will help you free yourself from routine and stop working around the clock. You will learn who can and cannot be entrusted with work, how to correctly assign a task so that it is completed, and how to supervise staff.

The vast majority of our salespeople are young managers aged 18 to 25 years. As a rule, this is their first work experience; they do not yet understand how to compare employers, how to build their own career and how to communicate with clients and colleagues. Our task is to properly build financial and socio-psychological relationships with such employees, organize competent motivation of young specialists, give them the opportunity to adapt to a new environment and realize their potential, that is, teach them to work well and earn good money.

Modern youth are characterized by some inertia in the struggle for social status and a successful career. Representatives of today's Internet generation value much more highly the freedom to do their own thing at any time convenient for themselves, be it a hobby or communicating with friends. Working hard to get a prestigious position is much less attractive for them than, for example, for young people of the 80s and 90s. The development of information technology also played a significant role in this. Therefore, the motivation of young workers needs to be built in a special way.

The limitless possibilities of the Internet and communication on social networks give modern young people enough information and emotions so that they can feel like full-fledged members of society even without a prestigious and highly paid job. Simply put, the motivation of young employees should be in answering the questions “Why do you need to strive for something, make efforts and work if the whole world is already on your tablet?” Moreover, this trend is typical for all countries of the world, as evidenced by numerous studies of youth groups, which we carefully monitor. And this trend must be taken into account when developing a motivation system for young professionals.

  • Motivation of sales managers: advice from professionals

1. Determine the requirements for young managers

In such a large company as Svyaznoy, recruitment, interviews and screening of applicants go on continuously. On average, we employ about 10,000 employees per year, the majority of whom are young managers.

We always need new specialists and, of course, sales staff. And already at the personnel selection stage, we try to weed out those who, in our opinion, will not be able to work successfully as a salesperson and achieve good financial performance.

We give preference, firstly, to applicants who love to communicate and work with people. It is quite easy to recognize such guys at the interview stage. Secondly, applicants for a sales position must, of course, have a good understanding of technology and be familiar with the main brands and technical innovations. For most modern young people, this, as a rule, does not cause difficulties. Thirdly, applicants must be able to understand documentation, in particular loan agreements, since we sell not only equipment, but also financial products (loans), which are also provided by different banks and on different terms.

Considering that we sell them in simple retail outlets, where sometimes two salespeople work (one is responsible for selling gadgets, the other is responsible for selling financial services), the working conditions cannot be called simple. If, for example, in a bank next to a new employee there is always a support group - colleagues who are ready to advise him on any issue, then in our stores employees often also have to replace each other during rush hour, when there is an influx of customers. And in this situation, they must be able to correctly distribute their strength and attention and not make mistakes, that is, they have a great responsibility.

There is one more nuance. Despite the fact that we give preference to fairly well-educated applicants who have communication skills, we understand that a person with great ambitions (for example, having a diploma from a prestigious university), even if he comes to work with us as a salesperson, most likely will not stay long. Therefore, we need to clearly understand the limits of the candidate’s potential - whether he will become bored with us in a month.

  • Motivating sales staff: an algorithm that increases sales by up to 40%

2. Train young managers

The training scheme at Svyaznoy is multi-stage. Even before starting work, the applicant must undergo two weeks of training and pass an exam on knowledge of the product and assortment. This training is very intensive, implying not only seminars and lectures at the training center, but also independent distance learning at home. If, at the end of the training, the applicant successfully passes the exam, a student agreement is drawn up with him - and the internship stage begins.

The internship usually lasts from two to three weeks. During this time, the student works in the store under the supervision of a mentor leader. For internships, we have specially allocated a part of our retail outlets where manager-trainers work. Svyaznoy has about 160 such stores (this is about 6% of all points). The trainers' task is to teach trainees practical skills in organizing work and communicating with customers. After completing the internship, the student must also pass an exam. And although there are no strict deadlines, the trainee knows: the sooner he passes the sales practice exam, the sooner a full-fledged employment contract will be concluded with him and he will be accepted into the company’s staff.

3. Start a team game

The Svyaznoy company has a complex payroll calculation system. The salary is a small part of earnings - only 6,000 rubles. average for the country. Most of the salary is a bonus, which is calculated based on the results of fulfilling the sales plan. Moreover, the bonus is a team bonus, that is, the revenue for the day is divided among all employees who worked at the point that day.

Sales plans are developed at the head office, that is, they come down from above. They are often adjusted and changed, and it can be quite difficult for beginners to correctly distribute their energy and time to achieve the desired indicators. The task of managers is to talk in detail and clearly about priorities, to focus the efforts of sellers on the right products, and to correctly set the task for the day, week or month. As a result, the point that wins is the one that promptly responds to changes in plans, adjusts its sales policy and adjusts its assortment and inventory. All results are monitored at the central office.

It often seems to newcomers that the plans set by the head office are practically impossible to implement. But after working for some time, they realize that it is quite possible to fulfill the plan. At the same time, each seller must be able to navigate these plans, calculate them and predict his salary. During internships, we teach this, too, because if a salesperson does not have such skills, he may distribute his efforts incorrectly and ultimately not receive the desired salary. And it is beneficial for the company that each seller earns a lot, because the company’s income directly depends on this.

  • 2 principles of employee motivation that will reduce work defects to zero

4. Motivate with the power of your brand and online presence.

However, practice shows that material motivation in the case of young employees does not play the main role. And we attach great importance to such factors as a comfortable atmosphere for young people in the company and active communications within the team.

The strength of the brand and the fame of our company are very important. Of course, if we were not well known in the market, people would not come to us in such numbers. “Svyaznoy” is a company that everyone knows, which you see at almost every metro station, which is stable and will not disappear tomorrow, which can happen to some small and unknown company.

When it comes to a team of young employees, management must first of all interest people, make their work not boring and comfortable, and initiate active communication in the company of like-minded people. Effective tools in this case are an active presence on communication platforms and various mass corporate events.

Svyaznoy tries to exist and work in a format that is understandable to young people. On the one hand, our assortment contributes to this: phones, tablets, laptops, various gadgets - all this is of interest to young people. Plus, we are present on all social networks, on all portals that have something to do with us. We have created a special, extremely lively website for those who want to work with us, “Svyaznoy Rabota” (more than 1 million unique visitors in six months). On it we post success stories of our employees and reports from points of sale - this is how we show the cheerful and energetic life inside Svyaznoy.

5. Hold creative competitions for youth groups

We attach great importance to creating a competitive atmosphere among sellers. Moreover, we choose competition formats such that not just a few, but dozens or even hundreds of employees become winners. This is very important because sellers must understand that it is quite possible to win by achieving certain financial indicators. And the prize is not a car (one for the whole company, which in the minds of employees turns into something distant and unattainable), but a collective trip to another city, often by the sea, where active business games are held and where the guys communicate and relax. Such events and trips are regularly held as part of annual motivational projects.

Last year, our company conducted a motivational program for employees of the Golden Races retail chain. We managed to combine work (individual) and non-work (in this case, sports and team) achievements of employees.

Sellers whose quality of service was rated most highly by customers and the company's training center, as well as employees who showed the best work results, were included in the qualifying rounds. Four trips to iconic places in Russia (Suzdal, St. Petersburg, Kazan and Zvenigorod) were organized for the competition participants, with fun sports competitions based on the world-famous game “Great Races”. Up to 200 store employees, as well as top managers of the company, participated in each stage. And for the winners of each of the four races, a final was organized in Paris in June.

This year we launched a new motivational project - “Treasures of Svyaznoy”. To participate in it, you also need to show excellent work results over several months. The best of the best have already traveled to Crimea and Lake Ladoga (Leningrad region). Like the previous project, “Treasures of Svyaznoy” is permeated by one thematic line - it is about a journey to treasure island. The winners of the intermediate stages of the new project and one hundred of the company's best employees will go in February 2012 to look for treasures on a tropical island.

We disseminate information about such projects through all channels and, first of all, notify employees through the internal portal and corporate newspaper. Those employees who have at least once attended such events fully feel the life of the company and its energy. All participants return in wild delight, sharing their impressions with colleagues, who, in turn, see that such a trip is a very real opportunity to have an interesting and fun time with friends and colleagues. In addition, being among the winners is also a matter of professional pride. This is a very strong motivation for young employees.

The result is obvious - not only quantitative, but also qualitative positive changes in the work of employees of the retail division. In retail outlets whose sellers took part in the project, awareness of the importance of teamwork and focus on a common result increases, and mutual understanding improves.

6. Introduce personnel rotation rules

Our company traditionally has a rule of personnel rotation, which can also be attributed to the non-material motivation of young specialists. Some people perceive such a move as a disadvantage, because they have to constantly adapt to a new place and working conditions. But the majority of retail workers value the opportunity to engage in different projects and take full advantage of new opportunities for development and self-realization. In our company, rotation is possible for both ordinary employees and managers. For sellers, this is an additional chance to demonstrate themselves, because, quite possibly, the previous place of work was in a bad place or the relationship in the team did not work out.

For operational young managers, this is an opportunity to achieve certain economic indicators and move further up the career ladder. Rotation of retail employees can also occur by region and city. For example, one of our employees from Moscow, who until recently held the position of trainer at a federal training center, now runs a training center for the whole of Siberia. And vice versa, often operational managers begin to head a training center, master the technologies of recruiting and training personnel and working with them. Active and mobile young people fit best into the corporate culture of our company. At the same time, we have a rule to carry out rotation only after a person has adapted to the company. During the first months of work, rotation is not allowed.

7. Showcase career opportunities

Quite rapid career growth is possible at Svyaznoy. And if an employee has the desire, in 3–6 months of work he may well grow to become a retail outlet manager, and then to an operational manager (a manager of several stores located in the same geographic area). Moreover, the company needs its employees to grow, since Svyaznoy constantly requires new managers.

Understanding that it is possible to improve your status in a company in a short time and start receiving a high salary is also a good motivation for young employees.

To move up the career ladder, a manager must demonstrate the ability to achieve plans and organize people's work. Key skills are also independence in solving emerging issues and initiative. An employee must know how to interact with departments of the central office, IT, accounting, etc. For promotion, retail employees undergo training at the level of the head of a retail outlet, operational manager, and managing manager. We invest a lot in management training.

This is how the system of motivation for young specialists of retail outlets in the Svyaznoy company is built. And it is quite effective, since with such a personnel policy we are able to achieve a significant increase in labor productivity. We consider the key indicator of our work to be turnover per employee, which demonstrates continuous annual growth. If in 2005–2006 it was 6.8 million rubles, then this year it is more than 11 million rubles. This is a very good indicator.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Dissertation - 480 RUR, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

Gorodny Vitaly Viktorovich. Labor motivation of modern Russian youth: 22.00.03 Gorodniy, Vitaly Viktorovich Labor motivation of modern Russian youth (sociological analysis): Dis. ...cand. sociol. Sciences: 22.00.03 Saratov, 2006 151 p. RSL OD, 61:06-22/556


Section I. Theoretical and methodological basis of youth work motivation 12

Section II. Work motivation of youth in the system of value-motivational structure 61

Conclusion 134

Appendix 150

Introduction to the work

The end of the 20th century for Russia is a new path of development. The construction of a new “democratic” society began and at the same time the transition to a market economy began. Literally in “one day” we renounced the legacy of a planned economy and “socialist” society and proclaimed new ideals, values, and goals of life. But this path turned out to be quite difficult; By declaring a transition to the new, society could not completely abandon the legacy of the old, and this would have been impossible, since everything in the development of society is interconnected, the new must be based on a strong foundation of old, established norms and values. It was the desire to completely renounce old norms and values ​​and immediately move to new, “models of Western society” that led to a number of problems.

Market reforms led to a sharp decline in production and a high level of unemployment, especially among young people, which resulted not only in the impoverishment of a significant part of the population, but also in the disorientation of the social and labor sphere. In addition, the norms and values ​​of Western society began to be introduced, without appropriate preparation, which led to the fact that many of them were accepted in a distorted form, which primarily influenced the value and motivational structure of modern Russian youth. Thus, a powerful blow was dealt to the quality of labor resources, which was primarily reflected in a decrease in labor productivity, which became one of the components of the economic crisis.

The search for ways to solve the problems that have arisen is directly related to the problem of motivating the work of young people, since it is a well-functioning motivational mechanism that can solve the problem of low labor productivity in the future. On the other hand, the value-motivational structure of modern Russian society directly depends on the effectiveness of this mechanism, since a well-functioning motivational mechanism implies, first of all, that it is based on the actually existing situation in the value-motivational sphere of society and not only tries to use this situation , but also initiates work to correct it and develop it in the right direction, relying primarily on young people, as the most receptive and dynamic part of society.

Youth is a part of society that easily perceives everything new, quickly rebuilds and changes, and the thoughtless imposition of Western norms and values, coupled with the economic and socio-cultural crisis, has led to the fact that among young people there has been a devaluation of the value of labor as such, the need in work it faded into the background, and lower-level needs came first; young people focused mainly on satisfying their physiological needs.

It has already become one of the economic problems that many have begun to perceive material reward as the main motive for work, and the requirements that are presented to it are somewhat exaggerated and do not always correspond to economic realities. It should be noted that the problem is not that Russians put material reward in first place as a motive for work, but that this motive has become so dominant over all other motives that they have lost their former meaning (influence), that with one on the other hand, affected the possibility of their effective use for labor motivation of employees (in order to increase labor productivity), and on the other hand, the work itself began to be evaluated by employees (potential employees) one-sidedly.

Such a one-sided assessment of work, only from the side of the proposed material reward, and as noted above, the requirements for this reward are quite high, which often leads Russians to dissatisfaction with the work in which they work, as a result of which their interest in the results of work decreases, or ends dismissal and joining the army of unemployed people looking for work with higher wages,

From this follows two interrelated directions for solving the problems that have arisen: one of them involves the development and implementation at enterprises and organizations of such a system of work motivation for young people, which would not only make it possible to positively use the existing value-motivational structure of society, but would also allow them to generate level, local value and motivational structure, thus increasing the quality of labor resources at the level of these enterprises and organizations; the second direction involves the implementation of a consistent and deliberate state youth policy, aimed primarily at combating factors that have a negative impact on the quality of labor resources.

It is the analysis of the goal-motivational structure of youth and the factors influencing it, in conjunction with the problem of work motivation, that served as the basis for this study, since without this it is impossible to correctly evaluate and effectively apply in practice any of the work motivation systems that underlie successful long-term development of not only an individual organization or enterprise, but also the country as a whole.

Particular attention should be paid to youth when solving assigned problems. It is this category of the population that is most susceptible to all changes occurring in our societies, both positive and negative, and has the greatest adaptive potential, and is also less protected, which allows us to hope that the results of the study will reflect not only the existing situation, but also will allow us to most fully identify the trends that interest us.

The degree of development of the problem. For a fairly long period of time, scientific analysis of the problem of motivation for human activity was mainly associated with research carried out by psychological science, the basis for which was laid by the works of S. Freud, I.P. Pavlov, W. McDougall and K. Levin, and which ultimately led to the development various theories of motivation, both in psychology and sociology. The most significant contribution to the development of motivational theories was made by such foreign scientists as: A. Maslow, D. McClelland, V. Vroom, F. Herzberg, A. Morit, E. Lawleor, L. Porter, etc. Among domestic researchers, it is worth highlighting the works first of all: A.N. Leontyev, A.A. Bodalev, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, O.S. Anisimova, V.M. Sokolyansky, B.M. Genkin, V.P. Zhuravleva, V.N. .Kasparyan, Yu.G.Odegov, S.N.Samygina, N.O.Sukhanova, N.S.Kuzmin, Yu.V.Sinyagina and others.

It should be noted separately the great contribution to the study of the problem of motivation of such domestic scientists as E.N. Sokolova, V.G. Aseev, L.I. Bozhovich and S.L. Rubinstein. Their work is still of great interest for the study of work motivation not only for sociologists, but also for economists.

At the beginning of the 20th century, with the beginning of reforms, a large number of works appeared aimed at analyzing changes in the socio-economic behavior of Russians. The works of such scientists as T. Zaslavskaya, V. Radaev, R. Ryvkina, L. Babaev, N. Zarubina, V. Avtonomov, N. I. Arister, O. Shkaratan, V. Ilyin, P. D. Polovinkin deserve special attention , A. Shulus, Z. Golenkova, E. Igitkhanyan and others.

In addition, in connection with the topic of our research, special attention should be paid to works devoted to changes in the value structure of Russians in connection with the beginning of the transition to a market economy and the beginning of the construction of a democratic society.

This topic was studied by: V. Radaev, A. L. Temnitsky, E. Yasin, V. Magun, N. I. Lapin, O. V. Bondarenko, L. A. Belyaeva, M. Gorshkov, A. G. Zdravomyslov, N.F. Naumova, N.V. Shakhmatova, V.A. Zubkov and others.

The particular importance of value motivation in the process of transformation of Russian society and the economy as a whole was noted in the studies of the following authors: I.P. Popova, N.N. Sedova, L. Gordon, A.S. Gottlieb, L.A. Belyaeva, B. Gladarev, O.N. Zaporozhets, G.R. Khasaev, Z.T. Golenkova, E.D. Igitkhanyan, A.L. Temnitsky, G.P. Bessokirnaya, L.V. Kamushkina, O.G. Isupova, V.V. Trushkov and others. But not a single study of the above-mentioned scientists can claim a holistic representation of the topic we have chosen and does not give a holistic picture of the value-motivational structure of the younger generation,

Highlighted by us as one of the most important indicators of work motivation, such a factor as labor productivity previously attracted the attention of such foreign scientists as A. Maslow, F. Herzberg, D. McClelland, L. Porter and E. Lower, J. .S.Sinka and others, among domestic scientists: L.S.Shakhovskaya, A.I.Kochetkova, R.V.RYBKINA, A.A.Ruchka, in addition, one cannot fail to note the contribution of Saratov scientists: N.V. Shakhmatova, V.A. Zubkov and others.

Thus, from the analysis of currently existing publications covering our chosen topic, we can conclude that the issue of the value-motivational structure of modern Russian youth has not been sufficiently developed.

Goals and objectives of the study.

Based on the relevance of the problem, its scientific and practical significance, and insufficient study in the sociological literature, the author sees the goal of his dissertation research in the analysis of the value and motivational structure of modern Russian youth.

In accordance with this goal, the following research tasks are defined:

Identification and analysis of factors influencing the value and motivational structure of youth

Analysis of youth initiatives and motives;

Identification of the evolution of normative and value orientations of young people in the post-Soviet period of Russia’s development;

Disclosure of the state of normative and value orientations of young people at the present stage of development of Russia;

Justification of the need to develop a special policy both at the level of enterprises and organizations, and at the state level, aimed at adjusting and developing the existing value and motivational structure.

The object of the study is modern Russian youth.

The subject of the study is the modern value-motivational structure of youth.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study.

The theoretical basis of the study was the ideas and conceptual developments contained in monographs and publications of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of labor and employment, unemployment, the functioning of the labor market, on problems of labor motivation and the normative and value structure of society.

The methodological basis for the analysis of the problem of work motivation was the theories and concepts set forth in the works of such scientists as A. Maslow, F. Herzberg, D. McClelland, V. Vroom, L. Porter and E. Lawler, J. Stacey Adams and V.F. .Skinner.

A systematic approach, structural-functional analysis, and a comparative method were used as cognitive tools for studying the value-motivational structure of modern Russian youth in connection with the problem of work motivation.

The empirical basis of the dissertation was made up of materials from the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, sociological research centers of the country, as well as data obtained by the author personally as a result of sociological research he conducted at enterprises and organizations in the city of Saratov in 2003-2006, aimed at studying the value orientations of young people. In addition, the empirical basis of the dissertation research included the results of studies conducted in 2002-2006. sociological research aimed at identifying and analyzing the factors that determine the work motivation of young people. The regulatory framework of the Russian Federation related to control problems in the field of labor relations is widely used as a source.

The scientific novelty of this dissertation research is as follows:

The regulatory framework of the Russian Federation is analyzed as a source of adjustment and development of youth work motivation;

The state of the value-motivational structure of youth in the transition period is revealed;

The factors that have the greatest influence on the structure of work motivation in modern conditions are analyzed and systematized;

The data obtained make it possible to determine the main directions of work to adjust and develop the value and motivational structure of youth in modern Russia;

Provisions submitted for defense.

1. The value and motivational structure of youth is the main factor determining the current and future socio-economic development of Russia.

2. Today, due to the beginning of the transition to a market economy and the implantation of the norms and values ​​of Western society on unprepared soil, without any control from the state, Russia has faced the standard of value and degradation, since everything new was introduced not only without taking into account existing norms and values, but often denying them as such. All this led to a value-motivation crisis, which was primarily expressed in a decrease in work motivation, which was directly related to a sharp decline in labor productivity and was one of the main causes of unemployment.

3. Recently, work, as a life value, has lost its former significance, and the material component has begun to appear as the main motive for work, and for young people, material reward has become the dominant motive for work, and the requirements for material reward are greatly inflated, as a result what young people prefer to either remain unemployed or work, but without any interest in the results of work, which leads to further degradation of the value-motivational structure.

4. The work motivation of young people depends on a number of factors, but their use in order to increase labor productivity largely depends on the degree of satisfaction with existing wages, and provided that the main motive for work for young people is wages, the requirements for which are somewhat exaggerated, effective the use of the entire set of motivators is possible only if wages are maintained at a high level relative to wages for similar positions on the labor market, combined with constant updating of the workforce.

5. It is necessary to develop and apply a special policy aimed at adjusting and developing the motivational and value structure of youth in order to improve the quality of labor resources, and work should be carried out at two levels, locally at each enterprise or organization, as well as at the level of the state as a whole.

The scientific and practical significance of the dissertation work is due to its scientific novelty and lies in the fact that the value and motivational structure of young people and its relationship with the problems of work motivation at the current stage of development of Russia are analyzed. The theoretical provisions of the work can be further used in the study of problems of work motivation, employment, unemployment, the normative and value structure of Russian society, as well as in the development of state youth policy in the field of improving the quality of labor resources.

The practical significance of the dissertation research lies in the fact that the results obtained make it possible to most effectively use various motivational systems at enterprises, which will increase not only labor productivity, but also adjust the value and motivational system of employees of these enterprises in the right direction.

Structure of the dissertation. The work consists of an introduction, two sections, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.

Theoretical and methodological basis of youth work motivation

Work is a basic human value, need and characteristic. Labor is what distinguishes a person from an animal. And the attitude towards work, the perception of it largely determines the life of society as a whole. Labor has a dual meaning for a person. On the one hand, it acts as a means of satisfying human needs. On the other hand, work itself is a basic human need. Without work, a person simply would not become a person; with its help, an individual masters the world around him, demonstrates his abilities, and develops. In this sense, a distinction is usually made between work-activity itself, which brings satisfaction, and work-activity aimed at achieving some other goals. Today, in the public consciousness, work is no longer perceived as a need; it is increasingly associated with “work”. Russian society is anomic, old norms and values ​​(of Soviet society) have already lost their former meaning, and new ones have not yet been formed. Young people find themselves in the most vulnerable position. As a result of the changes that have occurred in our country, there has been a reorientation of young people from a preference for intangible values ​​to material ones. Salary has established itself in first place in the motives of work, pushing aside such values ​​as the content of work, self-determination in work, and the opportunity to realize one’s knowledge and abilities through work. Today, it is not the work itself, but earnings and concern for social security that are the main components of work motivation. The self-valued attitude towards work, from the point of view of its content, is replaced in the minds of young people by an assessment of the meaning of work as a means of achieving other goals, primarily the goals of a consumer society.

In conditions of anomie, our society adopts the norms and values ​​of Western society without adapting them to Russian reality. This also applies to attitudes towards work. Nowadays it is considered prestigious to have a high income, to make a career, to become successful, to achieve the so-called American dream. But by what means - no one talks about this. The goals are declared, but the means are not defined. Against this background, young people develop a distorted idea of ​​success and the means to achieve it. It is assumed that success and material well-being are the most important thing in life, and you want to achieve it quickly, without much effort. The cult of the American dream, the desire to achieve success at any cost, is gradually replacing among young people the value of work, creativity, and self-realization1. Moreover, labor itself - work, ceasing to be perceived as a vital necessity, as a means to achieve the same material well-being, loses any value for young people and this can be seen as one of the reasons for the decline in labor productivity. All of the above problems have already been repeatedly raised in numerous scientific works, but time does not stand still, everything is constantly changing, and changes occur especially quickly in the youth environment. But before we begin our research, it is necessary to decide what such a category as youth is.

Considering the category of youth in scientific practice, it can be noted that controversy is still ongoing between scientists regarding the definition of youth, the criteria for identifying them as an independent social group, and age boundaries. It should be noted that youth, as a certain part of society, is studied not only by sociology, but also by many other sciences: psychology, demography, physiology, etc. Currently, a new science is being formed with the goal of studying youth - juventology1. Consequently, definitions of youth are formed under the influence of various scientific approaches. Many definitions of youth combine traditions from, for example, sociology, demographic science or psychology.

A scientific, sociological approach to youth as a specific group of society implies, therefore, taking into account a whole complex of circumstances and features of the lifestyle of young people.

Thus, within the framework of the structural-functional approach, prominent representatives of which are such sociologists as S. Aisenstadt, E. Durkheim, R. Merton, T. Parsois, etc., youth is considered as a system of positions filled by individuals. This means for them the acquisition of some social status and the fulfillment of a certain social role in achieving the stability of society. However, this definition of youth can be called quite limited, since it does not follow from it what age boundaries cover youth, how the social mobility of young people occurs, and the professional aspect of social actions of youth, which interests us in this work, primarily, is not taken into account.

Characteristic of the above-mentioned classics of sociology is the interpretation of youth from the standpoint of studying the process of socialization of the individual. At the same time, young people act as an object of socialization. Thus, according to E. Durkheim, society dominates the individual and creates him. The core of Durkheim's concept of socialization is his philosophical and sociological theory of morality. Morality is considered as a system of objective rules of human behavior. According to Durkheim, social norms influence individual behavior not directly, but through certain mechanisms of their internalization. External determination is carried out through the value orientations of individuals. However, these provisions do not take into account the specific subjective characteristics of young people as a special social group, and any manifestations of discontent or any specific behavior are considered as forms of deviation from the norm, which Durkheim called anomie. Anomie is a state of society in which there is no clear moral regulation of individual behavior1.

Another approach to the study of youth is based on the theoretical and methodological principles of understanding sociology, formed in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. In contrast to the structural-functionalist approach, which chose the path of knowledge from society to the individual, understanding sociology focused on a different path of research, namely from the individual to society. The German sociologist Max Weber can be considered a prominent representative of understanding sociology. His views contradict the point of view of Durkheim, who attached primary importance to the study of social structures. Weber, analyzing human behavior with its inherent connections and regularity, when the subjectively meaningful actions of an individual correlate with the behavior of other people, came to an interpretation of the understanding of behavior as socially oriented actions. He called socially oriented or social actions those that are meaningfully oriented toward expectations, goal-oriented in accordance with expectations, and, finally, contain a subjectively goal-oriented semantic orientation of individuals.

Work motivation of youth in the system of value-motivational structure

At the end of the 20th century, Russia embarked on a new path of development. The construction of a new “democratic” society began and at the same time the transition to a market economy began. Literally in “one day” we renounced the legacy of a planned economy and communist society and proclaimed new ideals, values, and goals of life. But everything turned out to be not so simple. While declaring a transition to the new, we could not completely abandon the legacy of the old, and it would have been impossible, since everything in the development of society is interconnected, the new must be based on a strong foundation of old, established norms and values. It was the desire to completely renounce old norms and values ​​and immediately move to new, “models of Western society” that led to a number of problems.

At first glance, most of the problems that Russian society has encountered were inherited by us along with the market economy and along with the norms and values ​​of the “capitalist” society, because We should not forget that any coin has two sides, and therefore we have taken not only the pros, but also the cons, in addition, we forget that no matter how much we abandon the old norms and values, they continue to influence us and leave their mark on the “new realities of life.” This also applies to attitudes towards work, from which the problem of low labor productivity arises.

As noted earlier, the issue of attitude to work (work motivation) is most appropriate to consider using the example of the younger generation, as the most susceptible to the “new realities of life,” and we must not forget that young people are our future.

The general attitude of young people towards work (labor) in comparison with other spheres of life is the first question that should be considered to clarify the place of work in the changing system of life values.

In the course of working on the above question, a sociological survey was conducted. The survey was conducted on the basis of one of the largest organizations operating in the city of Saratov, namely Tander CJSC, which owns the Magnit chain of stores. Employees of eight stores of the Magnit retail chain were selected for the study.

Shops “Elisey”, “Medunitsa”, “Degtyarny”, “Chapaevsky”, “Polygrafist”, “Florida”, “Trofimovsky” and “Ponamorevo”. The total number of respondents was 115 people. The age of the respondents ranged from 18 to 27 years.

To determine the place of labor in the structure of life values, two methodological techniques were used. The first of them is people’s assessment on a ten-point scale of the importance of work and other life values ​​(family, health, friends, study, freedom, social justice, creativity, material well-being, entertainment,).

As a result of a survey conducted using this methodology, the following results were obtained: labor as a significant value in most cases occupied 5-8 places, 1-4 places were occupied by family, friends, material well-being, 7th places were health, study, freedom, social justice , creativity, 5-9 places - entertainment.

The second methodological technique is analysis of answers to an open question; “What do you expect from work? " Analysis of the responses received will allow us to look at the place of labor in the structure of life values ​​through the prism of labor motives. All answers can be grouped into the following blocks: 1. Work as a means of achieving material well-being, 2. Work as a means of making a successful career. 3. Work as a means of satisfying lower-level needs (physiological needs). 4. Work as a means of self-expression and professional development. The majority of respondents (53%) perceive work as an inevitable necessity to satisfy their basic needs for food, payment for housing, etc. Moreover, it should be noted that the above-mentioned needs and their satisfaction are rated extremely low by young people, and this is reflected in the value (place) of work in the hierarchy of life values.

33% of respondents see work as a means of achieving material well-being, which is 20% less than in group 3. In addition, 10% of respondents see a robot as a means of achieving career growth, i.e. are going to achieve power, respect from others and everything connected with it

And regardless of the material component, work as the “goal of life”, or more precisely, as an area with which professional development, self-realization, etc. are associated. seen by only 4% of respondents.

The study revealed a rather interesting attitude towards work. Labor, as an intrinsic value, is practically not perceived. After all, the attitude towards work, its perception, largely determines the life of society as a whole. Labor has a dual meaning for a person. On the one hand, it acts as a means of satisfying human needs. On the other hand, labor itself is a basic human need. Without work, a person simply would not become a person; with its help, an individual masters the world around him, demonstrates his abilities, and develops. In this sense, a distinction is usually made between work-activity itself, which brings satisfaction, and work-activity aimed at achieving some other goals. And as can be seen from the survey, today in the youth consciousness, work is no longer perceived as a need, it is increasingly associated with “work” and this is in many ways a picture of our entire society.

The results obtained appear in a very interesting light if they are compared with the results of another sociological survey carried out as part of the World Values ​​Survey, conducted in several dozen countries in 1990-911. Respondents from 34 countries were asked to rate the degree of importance for them in various areas of life - work, family, friends, leisure, etc. Only the working population took part in the survey, as in our case. It turned out that, judging by average estimates, in almost all countries work comes second in importance after family1. It is noteworthy that in the early 90s, the Russian population also considered family the most important for themselves, and considered work as the second most important sphere of life, but more important than friends and leisure. The uniqueness of Russia was that the gap between the subjective importance of family and work was very noticeable here and was one of the largest in the world. This happened mainly due to the relatively low assessments of the importance of work by the Russian population, that is, on the one hand, already then there were negative trends in relation to one of the fundamental values ​​of life, and on the other hand, it can be argued that the attitude towards work was almost the same , as in countries with market (capitalist) economies. But for a more complete picture, it will be interesting to look at another sociological study that was conducted in the mid-90s. The mechanism and structure of the study is in many ways comparable to our study, which we conducted in 2003 and the results of which were presented above.

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motivation work youth

1. Schools and theories of labor motivation

2. Features of youth motivation during early adulthood

3. Factors of labor motivation in modern enterprises


1. Schools and theories of labor motivation

There are many schools and theories of work motivation. They were represented by prominent scientists of the 18th-20th era: Claude Helvetius, Adam Smith, Frederick Taylor, Abraham Maslow, Clayton Alderfer, David McClelland, Frederick Herzberg, Henri Fayol, Max Weber and others.

The term “motivation” is usually used to denote the motivations that cause the activity of the body and determine its direction.

Motive (from Latin movere - to set in motion, to push):

1. these are motivations for activity related to meeting the needs of the subject;

2. this is an object-oriented activity of a certain strength;

3. this is the object (material or ideal) that motivates and determines the choice of direction of activity, for the sake of which it is carried out;

4. this is a conscious reason underlying the choice of actions and actions of an individual.

To date, many approaches, schools and theories of work motivation have been developed.

Four defining aspects of labor motivation are identified and, on their basis, four main approaches are formed: administrative, economic, social and psychological.

In practical, real work activity, as a rule, all aspects of motivation are present in various combinations and proportions. Based on these aspects, there are four main approaches to motivation: administrative, economic, social and psychological.

The administrative approach has two main types: administrative-command and administrative-organizational.

The administrative-command approach has a long history and has been known since ancient times as the “carrot and stick” method. This can be seen in many legends and fairy tales, where heroes were offered treasures or threatened with death.

French mining engineer and outstanding practical manager Henri Fayol is the founder of the administrative school in management. His work “General and Industrial Management,” written in 1916, formulated fourteen principles of management, on which, in the author’s opinion, the successful operation of an organization and the labor activity of its employees depend.

The theory of labor motivation using economic incentives is based on the philosophy of Claude Helvétius. This French philosopher introduced the concept of self-interest, that is, the desire of each person for his own benefit, limited only by the same desire of other people. Helvetius believed that this is precisely the basis of moral ideas and social qualities.

In connection with the increase in the share of intellectual work, the growth of people’s well-being, the development of sciences about society and man and the democratization of states, the motivational problem is beginning to be studied not only from the point of view of economics, but also from sociology and psychology.

In the psychological approach to work motivation, the main thesis is that an employee is, first of all, an individual. In this approach, two large groups of theories can be distinguished:

Theories of the content of motivation, within the framework of which factors that have a motivating effect are identified, the structure of needs, their content and how they are related to a person’s motivation for activity are described (the most famous theories of the content of motivation are A. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the theory of factors of job satisfaction / dissatisfaction F. Herzberg);

theories of the motivation process, in which attention is not paid to specific motivators of human activity; it is argued that there are no motivators common to all, they are all individual in nature, and a person is prompted to action by certain processes. Theories of the content of motivation analyze the factors that influence motivation, namely the needs of people. The most famous theories of this group are: the theory of the hierarchy of needs (A. Maslow), the ERG theory (K. Alderfer), the theory of acquired needs (D. McClelland), the theory of two factors (F. Herzberg).

In his theory, Maslow divided human needs into five main levels according to a hierarchical principle, which means that when a person meets his needs, he moves like a ladder, moving from a lower level to a higher one.

Physiological needs include the need for food, water, air, shelter, etc. that is, what is necessary for survival. Security needs are the desire of people to be in a stable and safe state. People experiencing these needs tend to avoid conflicts and unrest; they love order, clear rules, and clear structures.

Needs for love and acceptance. A person strives to participate in joint activities, he wants friendship, love, support from the environment, he wants to be a member of a team and participate in social events, etc.

Recognition and self-affirmation needs reflect people's desires to be competent, strong, capable, self-confident, and the desire to be recognized as such and respected by others for this. These people often strive for leadership.

The needs of self-expression are identified in a person’s desire for the fullest use of his talents, knowledge, skills and abilities. People with such a need are open to the perception of themselves and their environment, creative and independent.

Process theories of motivation are based on the selection of an alternative action, its implementation and verification of results.

The main process theories of motivation are:

1. expectancy theory;

2. goal setting theory;

3. theory of equality;

4. complex process theory;

5. theory of participative management.

Numerous approaches to labor motivation provide a basis for selecting the necessary mechanisms for improving work at an enterprise; however, they are often of a general nature and are not focused on the features of youth motivation.

2. PeculiaritiesmotivationyouthVperiodearlyadulthood

According to the State Youth Policy Strategy, the youth of Russia are citizens of the Russian Federation aged 14 to 30 years.

The category of youth we are interested in refers mainly to the age period from 20 to 30 years and includes students receiving their first and/or second higher education, graduate students, graduates and young professionals working in enterprises.

The preference for a secure job with a stable income, the formation of savings and their investment - all of this can be considered as actions partly motivated by the search for security. According to research used by A.A. Rean, it is high profitability from work that is the main condition for choosing a profession at the present time. This is due to the fact that practical considerations are usually the dominant motive in choosing a profession among young people. Considering the fact that during a period of economic recession and mass unemployment there is often no opportunity to devote oneself to one’s favorite business, one has to choose a profession that will allow one to find a job, i.e. is in demand and will provide livelihood. It is reasonable to assume that for the same reason, young people in times of crisis strive to get a job that can satisfy their needs.

Speaking about the needs of young people, we can once again mention the theory of A. Maslow. In it, human needs are divided into physiological needs, needs for safety, love and acceptance, needs for recognition and self-affirmation, and self-expression. These needs are not alien to any person, but during early adulthood some of them are more relevant, some less so. For example, the need for recognition, acceptance, self-expression, as well as career growth, active recreation, team activities, creative variety of work, interpersonal communication and respect from elders may be more important for young people than high wages.

In this regard, it is worth mentioning the “paternalistic” concept of work motivation by V. Vroom and E. Disi. This theory considers reward as the main incentive lever that motivates employees to work hard. At the same time, the rewards that are used as incentives do not depend on the productivity of activities, but are received by the staff due to their affiliation with the given enterprise. This also includes comfort in the workplace, convenient working hours, management competence, and good relations with colleagues.

In general, we can say that by the age of 30, the expectations of the majority of working and non-working young people become much more realistic, and external factors of work motivation in the form of earnings and material incentives come to the fore. Many people change jobs, remaining true to their profession, in an effort to receive a higher salary, take a more responsible position or work in more comfortable conditions.

To attract young people to enterprises, it is necessary to take three steps: to interest a young person, keep him at the enterprise and motivate him to do a good job. The first two stages, in our opinion, can be provided by external factors of motivation, that is, satisfying “hygienic” needs, the third stage is provided by internal factors of motivation.

3. FactorsmotivationlaboronmodernenterprisesX

As a rule, all theories of motivation find their application in practical work activity in various combinations and proportions.

The table presents the generalized experience of various Russian and foreign enterprises in developing personnel motivation systems. The main factors motivating young professionals to work are also presented here.

Conventionally, the system is divided into three components: material, conditionally material and non-material labor incentives. Each part is divided accordingly into subparagraphs that describe forms of stimulation.

Form stimulation

Material stimulation labor

Salary pay

Payment labor employee


One-time payments from profits organizations

Participation V joint stock capital

Purchase shares organizations And receiving dividends; purchase shares By preferential prices, gratuitous receiving shares

Participation V profits

Selection parts profits on formation incentive fund (distributed on categories personnel, capable really influence on profit, more often total - on managerial frames).

Additional payments

Subsidization business expenses, coating personal expenses, indirectly related With work (costs on mobile connection, transport expenses, expenses on nutrition)

Conditionally intangible stimulation labor

Savings funds

Opening savings funds For workers enterprises With payment percent Not below established V Sberbank RF, preferential modes savings funds

Preferential lending

Selection preferential loans on construction housing, acquisition goods long-term use And So further

Discounts on products

Providing discounts on goods, produced organization or received By barter

Scholarship programs

Coating (full or partial) educational expenses

Education V organizations

Organization training V organizations, V volume number - on worker place

Medical service And insurance; other species insurance

Organization medical service or conclusion contracts With medical institutions; medical And other species insurance How themselves workers, So And members their families

Programs housing construction

Construction housing For workers or shared participation V him

Programs, related With education And training children

Selection funds on organization preschool And school education children And grandchildren employees, privileged scholarships For students higher And average special educational establishments

Intangible motivation

Stimulation free time

Providing for active And creative work additional weekend And increase vacations, right choice time vacations; reduction duration worker day at high productivity labor

Labor or organizational stimulation

Promotion satisfaction carried out work; deposit creative elements, opportunity participation personnel V management

Public confession

Presentation diploma, icons, pennants, honorary titles, awards, accommodation photos on blackboard honor

When ranking the conditions under which respondents would agree to a lower salary, in the block of “material conditions” the leading positions are taken by conditions related to ensuring the life of a young person (payment for transport, mobile phone, provision of free lunches); in the block of “conditionally intangible factors”, conditions are highlighted that ensure the health and development of a young person (health insurance, training, housing); In the block of “intangible conditions,” the leading factors are the creative variety of work and the ability to regulate one’s free time.

It can be noted that the conditions listed above mostly constitute external factors of labor motivation. These are the factors that are mainly needed to interest and retain a young person in the enterprise.

In order to motivate him to improve his work, to use his knowledge, skills, abilities to the fullest, to interest him in the success of the business, you need to focus on what was said in the theory of expectation by Lewin and Vroom, as written by Taylor, Maslow, Herzberg, McClelland, what Vroom and Deacy collectively called internal motivation factors, when a person identifies with the activity in which he is engaged.

It seems possible to outline a scheme within which internal factors of labor motivation for young specialists could be implemented:

Young specialist<->Organization

Young specialist<->Direct Manager

Young specialist<->Team

In our opinion, it is advisable to include the following provisions: a) in the Young Specialist interaction scheme<->Organization:

1. regular discussion with employees of the company’s development plans (situation, growth rates, directions of movement, etc.);

2. setting clear goals and highlighting stages of development;

3. providing the opportunity for wide participation of young specialists in rationalization activities, in making proposals for improving their own work and the work of the organization as a whole;

4. participation of young professionals in the distribution of benefits received as a result of the development of the organization;

5. explaining to the young specialist the significance of his work not only within the organization, but also on a more global scale.

b) in the Young Specialist interaction scheme<->Direct Manager:

1. setting clear work goals;

2. providing variability of work;

3. acceptance of the young person as a competent specialist;

4. provision of work depending on the personal and professional characteristics of the young specialist;

5. mutual training of a young specialist and immediate supervisor;

6. paying attention to the needs of a young specialist.

c) in the Young Specialist interaction scheme<->Team:

1. formation of corporate spirit.

Motivating personnel based on individual needs is a very delicate and complex job that requires the manager to have a large amount of relevant knowledge and skills.

To properly motivate employees, the manager must have a clear understanding of the various categories of needs and their relationships. In addition, it is necessary to carefully study specific people in order to identify their personal needs, as well as personal priorities. In this case, it is necessary to take into account individual and national differences in the structure of needs, the specifics of mentality, culture, and the characteristics of a particular country and social group.

Motivation through needs is a creative process, probabilistic and individual in nature, changing over time and largely depending on the specific situation.

Competent application of theoretical knowledge in this area in practice will allow the manager, through effective motivation, to quickly and rationally achieve the goals facing the organization and, other things being equal, provide it with a competitive advantage.


1. Vilyunans V.K. Psychological mechanisms of human motivation - M.: 1990. P. 34-76.

2. Ozernikova T.G. Motivational significance of professional development.

3. Tolmachev O.M. Features of labor motivation of young specialists in modern conditions of Russia

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Each new generation is somewhat different from the previous one. This is especially true for the values ​​that young people are oriented towards, and accordingly, approaches to their motivation should be different.

"Now our youth loves luxury. They have bad manners, they despise authority and do not respect elders" ...

How similar this statement is to the familiar lamentations of grandmothers at the entrance! But the above quote, which is attributed to Socrates , at least two and a half thousand years.

However, each new generation is formed and lives in different conditions. The values ​​that become significant are perceived subconsciously, but every person lives and acts under their influence.
Awareness of this fact became the basis generation theories , developed by American scientistsNeil Howe AndWilliam Strauss .

If we transfer this theory to domestic realities, it turns out that the values ​​of the previous generation X (born 1963-1983) include readiness for change and individualism. And generation Y, brought up in the era of brands and mobile phones, craves immediate rewards and does not want to sacrifice their interests for the sake of “higher ideas.”

"Today's 20-25 year olds are people who believe in themselves, their abilities and capabilities. They are demanding of themselves and others, they are aimed at achieving quick results. These are ambitious guys who, at the same time, clearly see and want to have a balance between work and personal life: a good career or their own business, plus diverse personal interests and family. And they are not afraid to change jobs or professions for the sake of their values, while generation X (those who are now 30-45 years old) have devoted a lot of effort to self-realization, albeit in a limited way. damage to personal time, but for the sake of family values,” says Maria Loktionova , director of the consulting company H-aRt.
So what really motivates young people now, and how might their priorities change in the near future?
According to
Stanislav Solovyov . It should be noted that usually no one is guided by only one motive, but primarily by several more important (leading) and secondary ones.
Profession and career (work for self-realization)

According to a survey conducted by VD, in which about 100 young people took part, the majority of them are focused on professional self-realization and career. 80% of our respondents noted this motive as the leading one. Indeed, underestimation of this factor can have a negative impact even at the stage of employee selection.

“We recently had an opening for an assistant accountant. We wanted to hire a young, not very ambitious girl who would be satisfied with this position for several years. But applicants who were suitable for our level and age expected career growth after at least six months of work. As a result, we reconsidered their requirements and hired a woman “over forty” for this position,” she said Svetlana Dolobina , HR Director of JSC Yuna (production and sale of footwear, staff - about 150 people).

Therefore our expert Maria Loktionova believes that “when attracting young people to work, it is necessary to place emphasis on the opportunity for career growth, training and self-improvement, making it clear that career growth depends, first of all, on what results the employee demonstrates, and not on what his experience."

If we draw up a psychological portrait of a person whose motivation is connected with professional self-realization and career ambitions, it turns out that the desire to achieve recognition of his professional worth and ambition will be very important for him. The main condition for successful work of an employee with this type of motivation, according to Stanislav Solovyov , there will be “demand, opportunity for professional and career growth, fair assessment and decent payment for qualified labor. At the same time, such an employee needs a qualified and clear statement of tasks, competent control and provision of everything necessary for work.”

This is what can become the key to his loyalty. After all, he is ready to share the troubles and joys with his native company until he is offered a job with better working conditions, greater opportunities for professional growth and satisfaction of ambitions.
Everything and more (work for money)

For the most part, young people, when determining their priorities, put earnings in second place. But not for long.
"The average university graduate's readiness to deny himself pleasure in order to learn professional skills disappears in about six months. Individual, especially self-confident individuals with inadequate self-esteem (which makes them very mediocre workers where you need to think through your actions in two steps forward) immediately declare their high material claims, while those who are less confident can “wait” for a year or a year and a half,” Ms. said. Dolobina .

In any case, the realization that work is not an end, but a means, and that it must generate income that could ensure the fulfillment of numerous desires and whims, comes quite quickly.
But what is characteristic of generation Y is precisely the combination of these motives - professional fulfillment and material aspirations. Indeed, unlike the generation that began its journey in the chaotic 1990s, when the level of qualifications practically did not correlate with the level of income, young people see this relationship very clearly.

However, if the motivator is solely money, such an employee will be distinguished by pragmatism and the ability to firmly defend his interests. Only a real opportunity for significant earnings, piecework nature and unlimited wages can be a condition for his fruitful work.
The loyalty of such an employee is also measured by the amount of his fee. That's why Stanislav Soloviev advises managing it with the help of material interest, not forgetting about control to avoid abuse.
Demiurge caste (work as creativity)

“Most young people say they want to do creative work, but I can’t say that among younger people the percentage of truly creative employees is higher than among 30-40 year olds,” saysIlya Surkovsky , head of Trim LLC (printing services, staff - 28 people).

However, this particular motive is one of the top three among young people. In many cases, this is due to their idealized ideas about such activities.
Over time, when it turns out that even the most creative work requires remarkable internal discipline and skills developed to the point of automaticity, this motive is transformed into others.

However, among generation Y, the romantic perception of the profession is often combined in the most unpredictable way with pragmatism and rationalism.

“These are employees who have their own opinions and will not forgive unprofessionalism. “Old-school” managers cannot retain such creative people. For them, the charisma and professionalism of the boss is especially important. The manager of such employees must be prepared for the fact that these are people “outside the standard” : from attitude to work to appearance. And it is necessary to have sufficient skills to, without devaluing a young employee, involve him in the rules of the company.
They want constant confirmation of their results, are interested in having their willingness to say whatever they think used, and do not accept authoritarianism. Yes, now is such a time: either a 35-60 year old leader understands and accepts this, or one of the young people 20-25 years old begins to lead him,” I am sure Maria Loktionova .
What about talking? (work for communication)

“I can’t sit at home”, “I just need to be in a team” - this or almost this is what those who cannot imagine their life without communication in the workplace say and think.
However, young people, many of whom are still studying and actively maintain relationships with friends, do not so clearly and consciously feel this need. However, at the same time, they are very sensitive to the situation in the team and the leadership style, since more than their mature colleagues they need a loyal attitude towards mistakes and recognition of successes.

“Usually people with such motivation do not strive for career heights and significant earnings. They make excellent administrators of beauty salons and fitness centers, dispatchers, and sales consultants,” says Yuri Topchun , HR consultant at Best Service recruiting agency (staff - 7 people).

Traditionally, this motive is singled out as the leading one by girls who are not burdened with material problems and family worries.

However, it is important to consider that this need is quite unstable and is easily replaced by other, more relevant ones.
Napoleons and Napoleons (work for power)



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